• Member Since 26th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen May 11th, 2015

Jeff the Killer



Jane came for a visit.....sort of, so ask us anything since she's here.. · 2:01am Feb 9th, 2015

Jeff!!! untied me!!!!

How about......no? beside your gonna sit there and be pretty for all the questions we'll get

When I get out of this, am gonna kill you!!!!

You can try

Report Jeff the Killer · 607 views ·

Comments ( 525 )
  • Viewing 521 - 525 of 525

1651300 :rainbowlaugh: very interesting way of showing love hehe but i like it

1651286 that's how I see them and they got custom with the way I talk, it's my way of caring

1651283 that's a bit harsh don't you think :duck:

  • Viewing 521 - 525 of 525
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