(A distant, stand-alone prequel to The Bridge, but not a crossover).
Alicorns. In the modern era of Equestria it's seen as an ideal. After all, 1,000 years of benevolent rule by Princess Celestia lead to prosperity. Her image, and by growth, the image of those like her, became one of beauty, power, heroism, and achievement. But long before a mysterious pegasus named Cadance and a unicorn magus called Twilight were elevated to such a station, before the fall and exile of Nightmare Moon, the existence of such beings was untrodden ground.
Until, that is, two infants were discovered in the Everfree Forest not long after Equestria itself was founded. What does an alicorn mean to a society that invented such beings as an ideal rather than reality?
Cover art by Faith-Wolff, proofreading by Lance-Omikron, story concept by Temnizziv
Thanks for the Feature! - 4/22/2021