• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen July 15th


I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/


An important message for a dark subject, give a read · 10:04pm March 5th

Pen Dragon has made an passionate and important petition, one I think is best served by their own words. So please, for the sake of a benign website that has brought such entertainment and joy to many, give this a look.

WARNING: This blog contains topics of Suicide and Hate Speech. If you are sensitive to such topics or are uncomfortable. This is the time for you to leave.

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Report Tarbtano · 797 views ·

Important message about Suicide · 5:42pm February 1st

WARNING: Discussions, however brief for the sake of tact, about self-harm and suicidal thoughts are in this post. People especially vulnerable to such should ensure they are in a good headspace before reading. This sort of trigger is no joke.

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Report Tarbtano · 771 views ·

Chapter 56 Promo! · 4:19am Dec 24th, 2023

In an isolated, abnormally large, hollowed-out tree might not be the typical abode for megalomaniacal n'ere-do-wells. Though, there was a reason both of them had opted for current accommodations over the typical kingdoms and castles, in one form or another. The area was absolutely inundated with dark magic. From the eerie glow that some of the plants gave off, to traces of black aerenth crystals in both the bedrock and sediment; the entire region was saturated.

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Report Tarbtano · 504 views · #Bridge

Discord Issues · 1:07pm Sep 29th, 2023

A lot of people opening this program on their PC woke up to this message on a big white screen reading

Sorry, you have been blocked

You are unable to access discord.com

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Report Tarbtano · 808 views ·

Happy 10 Years · 3:59am Aug 3rd, 2023

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Report Tarbtano · 1,200 views ·

Update · 12:56pm Apr 25th, 2023

As you can see, I am not dead. But this last year really took a huge toll on my schedule. But, excuses are excuses. Truth is, I'd kinda forgotten how much I loved writing. Not just The Bridge, but in general. Wasn't any one reason for it, but I found myself spending more time on other projects or other work endeavors, or sometimes just wasting time after my full-time job shift was done for the day.

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Report Tarbtano · 1,234 views ·

Prehistoria: the Raptor's Tail · 12:27am Jan 24th, 2023

As I work to polish the finale to the Winter War arc to wrap things up and pair well with Faith-Wolff's artistic talent, I got a few questions about my first original novel. This is the first of what I hope to make an anthology series which is supposed to be both entertaining and educational.

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Report Tarbtano · 1,269 views · #dinosaurs #prehistoria

Winter War Finale Promo · 4:58am Dec 26th, 2022

Merry Christmas! Sorry for the lack of updates, been polishing off my first novella I intend to publish soon into the new year. Hope you enjoy this bite to read as I toil to polish the finale to this long arc as best I can. Thanks again to Lance for proofing and feel free to leave feedback if you so wish. After all, more polish the better!


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Tales of the Amalgam'verse: King of the Monsters · 12:10am Sep 14th, 2022

Just a small thing I whipped up on a whim while waiting for proofing of chapter 54. Because the final chapter will be over 40,000 words long, I am going to chop it in half as to make reading easier.

Wish you well and hope you enjoy, Tarb


Final Wars, 2007


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Chapter 54 Promo - Spoilers! · 5:20am Aug 4th, 2022

Proofed by Faith-Wolff and Skylark, art by Faith-Wolff

Camp Everfree

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Report Tarbtano · 1,708 views ·