• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

More Blog Posts478

  • 27 weeks
    An important message for a dark subject, give a read

    Pen Dragon has made an passionate and important petition, one I think is best served by their own words. So please, for the sake of a benign website that has brought such entertainment and joy to many, give this a look.

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  • 32 weeks
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An important message for a dark subject, give a read · 10:04pm March 5th

Pen Dragon has made an passionate and important petition, one I think is best served by their own words. So please, for the sake of a benign website that has brought such entertainment and joy to many, give this a look.

WARNING: This blog contains topics of Suicide and Hate Speech. If you are sensitive to such topics or are uncomfortable. This is the time for you to leave.

For those who remain, I want you all to know that this isn’t a blog post about me and for the sake of respecting the one involved and following the rules, I will not be adding her name to this blog and I will not add the names of the individuals who had targeted her with their bigotry, hate speech, and discrimination.

Just know that from this point onward. There is no turning back and whether you hate me or support my cause is up to you. One way or another this needs to be said and if no one will do it.

I will…

About a month ago, someone had almost committed suicide because of the actions of former friends of hers. You all may know who this person is and you may know who was involved. Because I definitely know who they are. At least the obvious ones.

The reason why she was targeted was because she was transitioning and she wrote a heart felt message about coming out and sharing her story with everyone and these people that used to be her friend. They weren’t as accepting, and told her that she was making a mistake, and threatened to come after her. Using their “religion” and. “sexism”as an excuse to attack her.

Making her question her decision and posting blog posts of their hatred and lies and using their followers to harass her. Using slang to discriminate against her that I won’t use because it’s wrong. It honestly embarrasses me that they would use their religion as an excuse to hate people who just want to be themselves. They nearly drove this innocent brony into making a mistake that she wouldn’t be able to take back.

Thankfully that didn’t happen and she’s getting the help she needs now. What I can’t abide by though is that these asshats are still roaming around when they should be BANNED!!! It disgusts me that people like them actually exist and they STILL believe they’re in the right!? A person almost took their own life because of them. And to those morons who are out there. I hope you are reading this because I want you to know you are a disgrace to this fandom, an embarrassment to your own religion, and are a horrible human being. How dare you weaponize your own religion to target this person who just wanted to be accepted!

This site is called “Friendship is Magic” Meaning there is friendship for ALL! Everyone! If you didn’t want to be friends then anymore that is fine, but to attack people is an absolute disgrace. I hope they feel regret reading this and if not, well… I said what I needed to say.

As for our Moderator’s and Admins, they are complete idiots who don’t really care about this site anymore. It’s their job to enforce the rules when they are broken and the fact these assholes are still on this site skulking around like little termites is an insult to this and to themselves.

This is supposed to be a safe space, a place for everyone to come together and read stories, write blogs, make friends, write stories and so on! If you do read this blog and you want to make things right with the community moderators. GET. THEM. OFF. THIS. SITE!

For those of you out there who are going through a difficult time, or have these thoughts of ending it all. I ask and beg of you to get help, your life is precious, all life is… ending it won’t solve anything.

Everyone who believes that we need to make a change sign this petition.


Sign it and help stop the hate and let’s make this site a fun and safe place for everyone.

Report Tarbtano · 918 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Yeah just read it, wasn’t sure the person Pen Dragon was talking about was the same person you mentioned in a previous blog who attempted the same thing but then again other members of the LGBT community have suffered similar issues from discrimination with almost the same motives or excuses, it’s sad for that community and disgracefully pathetic to the religious.

Thank you old friend

At the end of the day, its their decision to transition. What that person did to their former friend was disgusting. You can disagree, you can be against it, you can even say your piece about it before cutting contact. But disagreeing with it does not give anyone the right to harass someone.

I hope the person Pen Dragon was talking about is able to get the help she needs. While also believing that the person who harassed her should be in jail for emotional harm and harassment.

Though I need to say that I don't believe in, "Hate Speech". Anything and everything we say can and will be twisted to be hurtful. So trying to claim something to be "Hate Speech" can be hurtful to someone using it in the original context. Regardless I wish the person well and hope she gets the help she needs to get past this point in her life.

Signed. Will boost later. Watch for a reply to this post from me.

Using religion as an excuse for hate is just shameful. Using feminism even more so. I love this show and its Fandom. Taught me alot growing up, and now that I got nephews and nieces, I wish to teach its lessons to future generations. No one should have to go through that, especially from her "friends". This show is called Friendship is Magic, and they disgrace it. Signed, and I wish her luck with her future endeavors.

Signed, good sir!

It just pains me so much that people can like the show and yet espouse NONE of the lessons on acceptance, kindness, and love! It's disgraceful to the Fandom and to religious people. I consider myself pretty religious and I feel horrid they would try to weaponize it like that! And seemingly not caring that they nearly KILLED someone!

I truly hope this petition gets the number that is needed to get the admins to crack down on the hate speech on the site more and, if not report the people and have them fined or (better yet) arrested, then make it so that these people will be permabanned from the site and any attempts to get back on via new names and such will be denied. Don't let this site go the way some like Twitter and unfortunately FF.net have.

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