• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Important message about Suicide · 5:42pm February 1st

WARNING: Discussions, however brief for the sake of tact, about self-harm and suicidal thoughts are in this post. People especially vulnerable to such should ensure they are in a good headspace before reading. This sort of trigger is no joke.

First thing, I ask any of you who might be able to show any support for someone suffering, or with any expertise at all in this, do all you can. This is of the utmost importance!

The internet has been a wonderful outlet for a lot of people to connect, find friends, find interests, explore self discovery and creation. But their is only so much being on the net can do. That is why I implore anyone feeling such thoughts, such temptations, such self imposed hatred, please for the love of anything you consider sacred, good, and/or holy; get help. Professional optimally. Their ARE services exactly for such things. Their are survivors of such horrible things. And no matter how hyper specific, no matter how isolated, no matter what someone thinks; someone else is bound to have gone through similar.

I say this as both someone who once tried to put a knife through their wrist and as someone who had to wrench the knife away from someone's wrist. You never know what's next. Next in life. Who you'll meet. Things you'll do. Things you'll find out about yourself, like, learn, people you'll meet. It all ends if you do. Nothing gets fixed. You're not getting back at those that drove such misery, you're only vindicating them.

Here is a list of crisis hotlines by nation
They can help direct you to suicide hotlines, resources, mental help experts, and emergency housing

Report Tarbtano · 810 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Oh God I hope all those positive comments will get through to this person from making a terrible mistake.
(I also hope that I didn’t come off too strong with my comment being mostly capital or figuratively loud that was just my reaction after reading their suicide note and in a rush on trying to help)

Hopefully this person gets the help they need. While there are jerks on Fimfiction, there are many more kind and good people who can help and show love and kindness. I read about someone who almost committed suicide but because they posted their note here, someone who read it called for help and they were saved and are doing a lot better.

Hope that happens here.

Fatigue sent me to sleep before I could spread this to these booster posts, but TheMysteryMuffin managed to hold on. At some point she called the suicide hotline and later reappeared on FiMFiction doing marginally better. I'm sure she can still use some support, even now, hours later.

Oh thank bloody fuckin' God that Muffin made it.

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