The hardest thing is never to repent for someone else, it's letting people in.
Bow down before your queen of quirky rainbowness!
A leaner of SFM who writes ocassionally
I WANT YOU! For the Bottles of Awesome Sauce Army. Don't think I'm a lesser intellect just because I'm a girl. I can kick ass better than you. Now, DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY!!!
A totally awesome guy with a love for the Gorillaz, dubstep, MLP and pizza
Everyone Needs A Creeper, A Personal Space And Privacy Grim Reaper. Also Hail Minty p.s. I'll steal yo gurl, yo husbund, yo house, yo cids, yo dawg, and yo side bae
Well, this a fan of MLP who has just started to watch the show. And I like what I see!
I'm just a former writer who's now a full blown TF2 brony. I'm also the starting engineer on a highlander team that's gonna start competing next season. Feel free to add me on Steam. :D
heya i am back on this site after some three-odd years and probably currently in the process of revamping everything on this page
I'm just some 30-year old dude from Canada hoping to become a screenplay writer one day. That's all.
My author name is Bivd The Medic while anything else is either MikoTheBrony, TheMaleMiko, or MikoUexs
favorite characters are as follows in no particular order. Zecora, Luna, Fluttershy, Spike, Berry Punch, Lyra & BonBon, Vinyl Scratch, & Discord, Oh and Big Mac (as long as he's gay).
The window through which we perceive life is what defines our experience of it. We are only aware of a small fraction of what our senses pick up. We can all choose how we see the world.
Just a person that reads, writes, and reviews stuff. Oh, and draws(now practices animation).
I'm from Fillydelphia. I discovered MLP during its third season. I have been enjoying reading a bunch of these fan fics about the characters and world.
I was once an ordinary Lima Bean. One day I got bitten by a radioactive fanfiction writer and my life was changed forever.
I'm just an avarage guy that got introduced into mlp through a youtube video I never knew about it until then and I started watching the series and I got hooked on vinyl scratch and fimfic