• Member Since 14th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen February 10th


favorite characters are as follows in no particular order. Zecora, Luna, Fluttershy, Spike, Berry Punch, Lyra & BonBon, Vinyl Scratch, & Discord, Oh and Big Mac (as long as he's gay).


Computer Meltdown · 6:51am Nov 14th, 2016

So, I've had my laptop longer than I can remember. It's pretty damned old as far as computers go. It's nearing the end of it's life, and I'm really trying to keep it working. But honestly, it seems like it's got more problems each day.

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Hey! Listen! · 12:03am Jul 30th, 2016

So, if you guys weren't aware, my computer got royally jacked up. I had a series of panic attacks and spend like, four days with little sleep fixing the damned thing, but it's okay now. Hopefully the old girl will hold on for awhile.

So, until further notice schedule is back on track. But unfortunately I'm still not doing Q & A blogs for the time being. Gotta try and find more hours in the day as is.

Anyway, that's all. Enjoy the new chapter, and have a great weekend!

Report DraconequusMaximus · 468 views ·

Problems... · 6:44am Jul 24th, 2016

My computer is dead/dying. I cant do anything but try and fix it, and until further notice my progress on Spike's Shadow is haulted.

As well as my commission blog, meaning basically my entire life is grinding to a standstill. I'm really sorry, but I just cant do anything or say when I will be back. Im typing this on my phone. Its not ideal, but its all I can do right now.

Im sorry.

Report DraconequusMaximus · 360 views ·

Q & A 22 · 9:08am Jul 22nd, 2016

Hey everybody. Things have been a little rough for me lately, and given the fact nobody really participates in these, this will most likely be the last Q & A blog. For the few of you that do participate, I'd like to say how thankful I am.

But things change, so unfortunately the weeks without updates will probably be totally without word from me. At least until I get my shit together.

Chapters will still release every other week as normal.

So anyway, let's roll.

Report DraconequusMaximus · 494 views ·

Do you ever? · 8:41am Jul 13th, 2016

Have you ever just felt like a failure? Like you've exhausted all options? I do. I do constantly.

Nothing feels good anymore. Small victories just don't help me through the day anymore. It's just all one big bitter taste.

I've tried fighting my mental illness for as long as I can remember, and it's winning without much of a fight these days.

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Report DraconequusMaximus · 406 views ·

Q & A 21 · 4:55pm Jul 8th, 2016

Hey everyone. I'm a little busy right now, so I'm making the intro nice and short this time around.

Also, for those of you that didn't know I'm doing commission work now! My blog is here: http://discountmonstermart.tumblr.com/

I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out.

Anyway, let the asks begin!

Report DraconequusMaximus · 282 views ·

Artwork Commissions! · 6:49pm Jul 1st, 2016

Hey guys!

I've decided to start doing artwork for money. I don't claim to be great, but people seem to like my dragons and stuff. So I could maybe draw you an OC, or something like that?

I dunno. I'm very new at this.

My blog is here though, if anybody is interested. Please read the info post when you get there!

I'll include some samples below.

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Q & A Blog 20 · 8:06am Jun 24th, 2016

Hey there people, it's that time again! Ask me about my stories, clarification, whatever. Just try not to ask anything too spoilery. If you have multiple questions please number them.

Without further ado, let's get on with it!

Report DraconequusMaximus · 267 views ·

Q & A Blog 19! · 5:52am Jun 10th, 2016

Hey there everybody. We had a big update last week, so I'm sure there are a few questions. Let's get right to it, shall we?

Report DraconequusMaximus · 260 views ·

Q & A Blog 18 · 7:59am May 27th, 2016

Yo! So this week has kinda sucked for me. I've just felt kinda down, and then my stupid cellphone started to act up. Now I can't charge it anymore and it's cheaper to get a new one than fix it. Problem is I have no idea when it's going to get here in the mail while it's predecessor slowly dies.

This has nothing to do with anything, I'm just venting.

Sorry about that.

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Report DraconequusMaximus · 196 views ·