• Member Since 2nd May, 2019
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2021


Bow down before your queen of quirky rainbowness!


I'm a crippling mess! · 10:02am Oct 21st, 2020

Hey guys!

If you're wondering why I've been so distant lately (though you probably don't care.) It's because I'm nearing my senior year in high school and homework is being a bitch. Anyway, since I don't what to promise you that I'll try to be here more often then disappear for 3 months, I'm just gonna take a long break from this site. I just have to much work, I'm barely sleeping and I'm not really doing anything on here.

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Report Frosty_Rainbow · 292 views ·

Where in the world is Frosty Rainbow · 7:51pm Sep 9th, 2020

Hey guys!

I know, I know it's been ages! But I'm sorry! I've been super busy with school and life and stuff that I barely had anytime for Fimfiction!
But I promise I'll try to be here more often. So hope y'all are doing good, wearing your masks and staying safe!

Until next time


Report Frosty_Rainbow · 261 views ·

I think I'm drunk.. · 9:54pm Jul 2nd, 2020

I just feel really light headed and dizzy is this normal??
If y'all don't know, I just tried wine today. I only had like....3 and a half glasses, but okay.

I'm gonna enjoy this hangover.
Oh, what is my life

Typing is hard!!


Report Frosty_Rainbow · 400 views ·

I'm finally 16!!! · 7:28am Jul 2nd, 2020

It's my birthday!!:pinkiehappy:

I'M OFFICIALLY 16 BITCHES!!!sorry about that..

Yay!!! It's my birthday, I get cake! It's my birthday and I'm 16!!!

The legal year of nothing in my country, but my mom says I get to taste wine tonight. Her reasons: Gotta start em young.
Dunno what that means but okay mother.

But yay! I'm sixteen and I'm celebrating it at home with a big ice cream cake and chicken nuggets. What has happened to my life?

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Report Frosty_Rainbow · 359 views ·

I've made a final decision.. · 5:52am Jun 24th, 2020


So, if you have seen my recent blog, you know that I'm considering leaving the site. And I want to inform you all that I've made a decision...

I will be leaving, but not permanently.

I basically mean, I will keep this account here, but I'll only check in every twice or thrice a month. I figured I couldn't leave the site forever. I'll miss this place too much. So that's what's gonna happen.

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Report Frosty_Rainbow · 312 views ·

I just published a new story! · 10:11am Jun 23rd, 2020

Hey guys!

If you don't know, I said in a previous blog that I may be leaving this site forever, and because of that, I just wanted to write a small fanfiction for you guys. It's also a fanfic for Pride Month.

It'll be out in a few, so look out for that.



Report Frosty_Rainbow · 165 views ·

I'm thinking of leaving.. · 8:07am Jun 23rd, 2020

Hey guys,

So I've been thinking of this for a while, and I think I'm ready to leave. Joining Fimfiction was never gonna be a permanent thing from the start. I really did enjoy meeting all of you guys and writing and ready fanfictions. But now, Fimfiction seems to have just stalled after the show ended. I have seen a lot of other people also considering leaving because they have other things going for them, or Fimfiction has become a bit....boring now.

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Report Frosty_Rainbow · 221 views ·

Story continuation · 9:39am Jun 18th, 2020

Hey guys!

I'm not sure if you remember, but about late last year, I started writing a story called Diary of Candy Pie. I had only written one chapter then I moved on to other projects.

Since I haven't been feeling the creative vibes to writing something new lately, I thought I would continue writing on some old stories, like Celestia's Tangled Adventure and Diary of Candy Pie.

I also thought it would be could to get an editor or co-writer to help me improve the chapters.

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Report Frosty_Rainbow · 140 views ·

This is important.. · 7:35pm Jun 16th, 2020

Hey guys,

So I'm pretty sure a lot of you guys know who Lele Pons is, right? If you don't then go search her up, I don't have time to explain. I'm gonna make this quick okay? So Lele Pons is one of the most bullied people on the internet, and if you've ever experienced bulling, you know it's no laughing matter.

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Report Frosty_Rainbow · 177 views ·

I made a mistake.. · 6:00am Jun 16th, 2020

Hey Guys!

So yesterday, I decided to DM one of my favorite celebrities on Instagram.

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Report Frosty_Rainbow · 195 views ·