• Member Since 4th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 20th, 2016

Lady the Rainicorn

Im a Reader not a Writer!........If you have any pony related please notify me.

Comments ( 17 )

A story we can all relate to. Keep it coming!

Finn iz dragon!

The unicorn in question
The lavender unicorn

She. Just "she" will do nicely.

Twilight said<,> a bit panicky, panicking.

Remember that prose has flow.

She never did liked being late for things<.> However today she had overslept <,> and that threw her whole entire schedule for the dayoff track.

The baby dragon moaned<,> not wanting to get up. <New Line> "Ugh, late for what, exactly...?" Spike mumbled before he laid his head back on his pillow<.> He was trying to get into the comfort of his sweet dream of eating countless gemstones<,> again.

The lavender unicorn She dropped her panicky attitude and looked at the sleeping baby dragon with a smugly on her face. <New Line> "Oh, Spike, did you forget already?" Twilight said, going down the stairs to the bottom level of the library.<New Line> “I guess I’ll just go to Rarity’s boutique party by myself then.”

New speaker/idea(s) get a new paragraph. You aren't publishing this on paper. At least I hope not yet...

The reason for new lines in the latter is because of the action tag and appended declaration.

Spike’s eyes immediately snapped open at the mention of his crush. <New Line> "N-uh! Rarity!" Spike shouted, getting out of bed. SpikeHe ran full speed to catch up to Twilight<,> who had by now begun exiting her the library. <New Line>“I’m coming!” He said<,> ignoring his temptation to sleep again.

“Heh heh. Gets him every time.” Twilight chuckled. <New Line>Of course she often lied to him and used Rarity as a way to get Spike up whenever he didn't feel like it.<New Line> Although this time was the truth as Rarity was holding her annual boutique party and naturally everypony was invited to it.

This goes on for the rest of the paper!:raritydespair:

Please edit this before the trolls come!

2310288 Woah are you grammar Heavy? Me not so good with grammar.

That eez old picture comrade, now is best teeny horse.

I am disappoint in writer these days. Need to read, before write.

2315948 Stop. I bruise easy.


don't worry, i like my women purple. >;)

2321814 This was a while ago. The bruises turned green. Plus I'm a dude.

oh.............well then. :twilightoops: :twilightsheepish:

2330445 All is forgiven:twilightsmile:. Did this conversation have any significance at all?


.........nah not really.....

2331744 Good. I didn't want to learn anything vaguely wholesome. I'm on vacation.

as am i, carry on dear friend.:moustache::moustache:

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