Spike left three years ago, and nopony knew where he went. He has finally come back home, back to Ponyville, but it's not the same. Only Rainbow Dash and Rarity remain in the town and a gangster now runs the town, Bloody Rich. Spike takes it as his mission to save the town and chase Bloody out, and maybe patch things up with his friends, but can he? A secret lurks in Spike's heart that Rarity cannot dig out, and if it does come out, could they still look at him?
Bravo Madam/Sir, this was beautiful! Its quite interesting how you managed to make a story with so little back story for the protagonist, besides what was implied and such. Such story also allows you to write big mac's side story to this whole conflict, the pony/dragon war and the aftermath, and much more.
Keep up the good work, i would love to see more from you.
The stories not bad by any means, but what is killing you is your spelling and repetition. Angel not angle, and just look at the part where it mentions Bloody's name.
looks like somepony wants a trip to the factory
oh bloody where are you!!!
amazing story!!!
i am hoping for more from you!!
Few spellings here and there, but hey no one's perfect. Except this story...It was amazing. And very very touching. Must this be the end? I liked it a lot
Thanks for pointing out those spelling errors. Glad you like it.
Thanks, and the next one deals all about Big Mac and Spike in the war.
I liked this story. In fact I dare say I want to see more of this Equestria if at all possible. Good Luck Keep up the good work and hope to see more from you.
Dust Bowl Dance, as in Mumford and Sons? Or is this just me not getting a reference?
Yep, the song is the inspiration to my original story, which is what this story is based from. Also, I used that song to write with for most of the story.
"Bloody is dead, not big surprise" Heavy voice
Rainbow dash went peekaboo
2899276You freakin NEED to make a prequel to this. You've given yourself sooooooo much to work with and I LOVE IT
Edit: nevermind.
3113954 How bout a sequel? Got one already up and near done, plus four or more after that.
maan that is bloody as hell.....i like it and the name Traitorous king??? fits in the drako side but not inside
Nice story but found something funny, if spike was a captain of the army I see really weird he never saw twilight again or didnt know she was in canterlot......
Besides that was an awesome story pace.
He stayed on the front lines and in battle, only spent training in Canterlot. For reasons soon to be seen, Spike was also kept a secret to most except those he fought with. It's in the sequel
never checked for a sequel...silly me...
Amazing awesomenessss

SO AWESOME! You got my follow!
Love the Narrative and the settings... can we have more histories about the war or spike returns?