• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 21,714 Views, 1,447 Comments

A New Home - APoeticHeart

A young human child abused by his father wishes to live in a new home, and wishes for someone to love him.

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Chapter Twenty: Saying Goodbye (Edited)

Morning arrived as Celestia's sun rose majestically against the cloudless blue sky. It shined warmly through the window of Fluttershy's bedroom upon the sleeping form of Toby. He began to stir calmly underneath the soft warm bedsheets of Fluttershy's bed. He let out a soft yawn as he reached up with his hands to rub at his eyes, and reached over to the side table to get his glasses to put on.

He carefully climbed out of bed, and stretched before going over to the chest in front of the bed to get out his clothes for the day. He changed from his pajamas into the all royal blue outfit with a light red jacket. He folded up his pajamas in a nice neat stack, and placed them into the chest. Before he decided to go downstairs to the den he walked to the window, and peered out at the land outside looking up at Celestia's sun.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and whispered to himself. "Please let me do good tonight. Please let me play the piano good, and make my Mommy proud." He placed his hands over his heart, and bowed his head taking in another deep breath.

"Toby sweetie, is everything okay?" The tender voice of Fluttershy could be heard from behind him as Toby turned around to see her ascending to the top of the stairs.

He sighed deeply, and walked over to her to give her a warm hug around her neck laying his head against her soft chest fur. "I-I am okay Momma. I was just hoping that I do good tonight at the talent show. I really want to make my Mommy proud of me." He sighed softly against Fluttershy's chest.

Fluttershy smiled warmly down at her little colt, and reached up with a foreleg embracing him lovingly. She leaned her head down, and nuzzled the top of his head gently. "Oh, my precious little one, I know you are going to make your mommy very proud. Don't you worry about not doing good tonight, because I promise you will." She stroked along his back with her foreleg.

He turned his head to look up into her beautiful blue eyes. "Th-thank you Momma. I hope I make you, and my aunties proud of me tonight too." Giving her a soft smile as he carefully released his hug from around her neck.

She smiled warmly down at him, and leaned her head down to nuzzle at his nose. "Oh, don't worry sweetie, you will. Momma will always be proud of you, okay?" She gave him a bright, and reassuring smile.

"O-okay Momma. I love you." He blushed at the nuzzle on his nose, and smiled warmly as he looked into her eyes.

"Momma loves you too very much my precious little one." She gave him a tender kiss on the forehead. "What would you like for breakfast this morning Toby?"

"C-can you fix me your oatmeal Momma?" He asked with his usual soft, and polite tone looking up at her with a warm smile.

She returned the smile, and nodded. "Of course sweetheart." She carefully turned around, and allowed Toby to hold onto her tail if he wanted to, which he did. She started to carefully trot down the stairs as he carefully stepped down, while holding onto her tail very gently.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs all of the animals inside chittered and waved at the little colt. "H-hi everyone." He said happily as carefully let go of Flutterhy's tail and went to join them on the carpet.

Fluttershy smiled at her little colt, and all of her animal friends. "I will be back in just a minute sweetie." She carefully trotted into the kitchen to prepare Toby his oatmeal.

After a couple of minutes, she hovered into the den with the bowl of oatmeal in one foreleg, and a glass of fresh cold milk in the other foreleg. She hovered over to him, and carefully lowered onto her haunches placing the bowl of oatmeal, and milk in front of him. "Here you go sweetie." She laid down beside him tucking her foreleg underneath her.

He smiled up at her. "Th-thank you Momma." He used the spoon provided to scoop some, and take a bite. He smiled warmly at the sweet, and warm taste of the oatmeal. He swallowed his first bite, and took a drink of the milk.

Fluttershy smiled softly while he continued enjoying his breakfast, and looked around at all of her animal friends who were enjoying their breakfasts as well. She looked back down at him eating, and softly asked "Sweetheart, after you eat, how would you like to go visit your aunties before we go to the talent show tonight?"

Making sure he finished the bite of oatmeal he had in his mouth before speaking, Toby smiled up softly, and nodded. "I-I would like that Momma." He took another drink of his milk.

She smiled warmly at him as she looked around at all of her animal friends.

After a few minutes, Toby finished all of his oatmeal, and drank all of his milk. "I-I'll go put my dishes in the sink Momma." He smiled up at her as he carefully stood up with plate and glass in hand, and walked into the kitchen putting the dishes in the sink to be washed.

Fluttershy stood up on all four legs, and waited on him to return from the kitchen. She looked over at Angel. "Angel baby, Momma and Toby is going to be out for the day, so you are in charge, okay my precious?" Angel chittered happily, and saluted his caretaker with a paw. She reached a forehoof, up and rubbed between his ears.

Toby returned from the kitchen, and smiled at the two. Angel looked over at the child, and hopped over to him. "H-hi Angel. Wish me luck tonight at the talent show." He smiled at the bunny, and patted him between the ears. Angel nodded, and reached out his paw to shake at Toby's hand, and saluted him. He started to thump the floor gently with his footpaw as the rest of the animals followed suit.

Fluttershy smiled warmly as she looked at Angel, and around at the other critters. "Oh, look sweetie, I think they are giving you a round of applause already." She squealed, and blushed as she trotted up to the small child leaning down on her forelegs for him to climb up on her back.

He climbed up on her, and smiled at the animals. "Th-thank you all. I hope I can make you all proud too." He waved at them as Fluttershy smiled at them, and waved bye to them as she trotted out the door onto the pathway leading to Ponyville.

The arrived at the Golden Oaks Library to visit Twilight first. Fluttershy carefully trotted up onto the front step, and knocked on the door with a forehoof. "Hold on, I'm coming...aaah!" The heard a scream, and what sounded like somepony falling down the steps.

"Oh...my." Fluttershy gasped as she opened the door and trotted in to see Spike down at the foot of the staircase. He was laid out on his belly with his tail straight out, and chin on the floor. She had a look of worry as well did Toby as she trotted over to him, and helped him up stand up. "Oh, my goodness. Spike are you okay?"

Spike dusted himself off, and shook the cobwebs out of his head. "Oh, sure I am fine. Tough scales, remember? Able to withstand anything." He pointed at himself with his two claw thumbs, and made a sly smile. He looked up at the colt on her back. "Hiya Tobes."

Toby looked worriedly at the baby dragon, but smiled softly. "H-hi Spike. Are you sure you are okay?"

Spike nodded, and crossed his arms with a smirk. "Of course buddy. It takes a lot more to keep this dragon down." He smiled proudly. "I was just practing my announcing for tonight, because I am going to host the talent show with Ms. Cheerilee tonight." He looked at the two guests. "Anyways though, what brought you two by?" Asking curiously.

"Well..um..is Twilight here?" Fluttershy asked softly.

Spike shook his head. "Nope. I fixed her breakfast this morning, and after she got done eating she said something about meeting the girls, and those three fillies who keep dragging me along on their annoying crusading adventures at Rarity's." Sighing deeply shaking his head at the thought of the three.

"Oh. Um...I guess we should go to Rarity's, okay sweetie?" She looked back at Toby, and he gave her a nod. "Thank you Spike, and I can't wait to see you there tonight. I am sure you will do good as a host." She squeed.

Spike rubbed at his arm with a claw, and blushed pink on his cheeks. "Shucks, thank you Fluttershy. Oh, before I forget. The crusaders told me about you playing the piano tonight Toby. I am sure you will do good tonight, just remember to have fun." He smiled up at the colt, and patted at his hand gently.

Toby smiled softly. "Th-thank you Spike. You will do good too."

"Thanks buddy. I will see you two tonight. I got to get started on cleaning up this library before Twilight gets back or she will give me one of her hour long boring lectures about responsibility, and work ethic." He sighed deeply, and went to retrieve a broom from the corner of the staircase.

"Well..um..bye Spike." Fluttershy spoke softly as she turned to trot out of the library.

"Wait!" Spike yelled causing Fluttershy to flinch, and Toby to shake a little. "Sorry about that. Uh..Fluttershy, if it isn't too much trouble, could you maybe help me re-organize the bookshelves? Now Twilight wants to organize them by alphabetical order, and with only one little baby dragon doing it alone, it will take forever. Please?" Spike looked up at Fluttershy with pleading eyes like a puppy.

"Um...I guess I could." She turned her head back toward her little colt. "Toby sweetie, if you would like to..um..I am sure Spike wouldn't mind you reading a book while I help him with fixing the library up, right Spike?" She turned back to the baby dragon.

"Of course you can read a book Tobes. I recommend a Daring Do book, they are real cool." Fluttershy leaned down on her forelegs for Toby to climb off. He climbed off her back, and carefully walked to the bookshelves to look for a book. He pulled out a book on art, and went over to sit on bottom step of the staircase. Fluttershy went to work on re-organizing the bookshelves as she smiled warmly at him.

"Rarity, are you almost done? This is so boring." Rainbow facehoofed, and sighed as she sat on her haunches looking out the window in Rarity's bedroom watching for Fluttershy, and Toby.

"Yes I am Rainbow. I just got to add just a couple more gems here and...WALLAH!" Rarity beamed happily as she was just putting on the final touches of a new outfit. "There, all done. Ooh, the little darling is just going to love this." She hit the floor with her forehooves happily.

"Aww..Rarity it's beautiful!" Twilight exclaimed. "I can't wait for the little sweetheart to see it. He is going to be amazed." She turned towards Rainbow. "Besides Rainbow, I had Spike come up with a way to keep Fluttershy, and Toby occupied while Rarity finished his suit."

"Well, that's good. I need to stretch." Rainbow stood up on all four legs and stretched her forelegs, letting out a big yawn.

There was a knock on Rarity's bedroom door. "Rarity, we are ready to show you our costumes." Sweetie Belle said behind the door.

"Hold on a minute Sweetie Belle." Rarity levitated Toby's suit over to an empty available clothes rack while another was filled with the other costumes for the other fillies, and colts in the talent show. "Alright girls, you may come in." She lit her horn up, and used her magic to open the door.

The three fillies proudly leaned back, and jumped in through the doorway dramatically, and posed with their forehooves in the air. "WE ARE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SHOW STEALERS!"

"Girls, do you always have to be, so loud?" Rarity held her hooves up to her ears. She shook her head, and looked at the three fillies. "Aww..don't you three just look marvelous." She beamed at her creations.

"Thank you sis." Sweetie Belle beamed with glee at Rarity. She wore a pearl white dress with a medium sized silver gem encrusted microphone on the back. "I love this Rarity. It fits me perfectly, and it is going to look great on me when I sing."

"Yes it will Sweetie Belle." She smiled at her, and trotted up to her giving her a hug. "I know you are going to make the Belle family proud tonight." She beamed.

Applejack was sitting on her haunches in front of Rarity's bed when she spotted her sister. "Haha..Applebloom, why in tarnation are you dressed as a clown?" She couldn't help, but laugh.

Applebloom was wearing an all yellow clown outfit with pink, blue, red, and white polka dots, and pink frilly cuffs on the forelegs, hindlegs, and a pink frill on the neck. She also wore a red puffy wig, white make-up on her face with two pink dots on her cheeks, and a red clown nose.

Applebloom stuck her tongue at her older sister. "Applejack, Ah' thought Ah've told ya, Ah'm gunna do tricks. Ah'm going to juggle three apples, walk on my beach ball, and Ah'm going to walk on my beach ball while juggling three apples all at the same time. Maybe Ah' can my cutie mark as a circus performer." She smiled proudly.

"Hahaha..why in tarnation would ya want to be a circus performer Applebloom? Well, no matter what, Ah' will be cheering for ya sis. Just don't ruin any fine apples or ya will have double bucking duty for a week." Applejack looked at her with a soft, yet stern look.

"Hey, hey, hey Applejack what is wrong with wanting to be a fun clowny clown?" Pinkie Pie asked as she started to cartwheel around the room. "Dressing as a clown is loads of fun." She stopped in front of Applebloom. "Oh, I know, how about I shoot you out of my party cannon into a little wittle pool?"

"Uh..no thanks Pinkie Pie. Ah' think Ah'm fine with just my three tricks. Thank ya though." She gave Pinkie a soft smile.

"Well, suit yourself." The whole group of mares, and fillies laughed at Pinkie's antics.

"Yea, yea your costumes are nice, and all girls, but mine is simply awesome." Scootaloo stood up on her hindlegs crossing her forelegs proudly with a smirk on her face. She was wearing an all black body suit with red flames reaching up from the cuffs of her hindlegs along with her forelegs and had an all orange gem encrusted scooter on the back.

"That's right squirt. Now that is 20% cooler." Rainbow said proud of her protege as she hovered over to Scootaloo, and rubbed the top of her head.

"Gee, thanks Rainbow Dash." She said happily.

"I think they all look wonderful girls." Twilight spoke up next, and then looked at Rarity with a bright smile. "You have done a great job, as always Rarity."

"Thank you Twilight darling. I agree with Twilight girls, your costumes all look fabulous if I do say so myself. I hope the other fillies, and colts will like their costumes." She looked over at the other costumes. She levitated a large sized suitcase over onto her bed, and then levitated the costumes over to her bed, and placed them into the suitcase shutting it. "There, they are all ready."

Rainbow Dash was hovering above the group as she looked out the window to see Fluttershy nearing the boutique. "Here they come everypony."

"Alright girls, you all just stay up here, and I shall go let them in." Rarity said as she turned, and trotted out of her room to descend the stairs to her dress studio/den area.

There was a knock at the door, and Raritly lightly galloped to open it, and saw the cream colored pegasus with the little colt on her back. "Hello darlings, please come in." She stepped aside to let them enter.

"Um..hello Rarity. Spike told us that the others was here too. We aren't intruding, are we?" She asked softly.

"Of course not my dear." She leaned her head close to Fluttershy, and whispered into her ear. "In fact we were waiting on you two to arrive. I have a big surprise for our little Toby." Fluttershy nodded as Rarity raised her head from Fluttershy's ear. She looked at the small child, and gave him a warm smile. "Hello Toby darling, how are you today?" She reached up with a foreleg, and rubbed at his back gently.

He smiled warmly. "I-I am doing good Auntie Rarity, thank you." He sighed softly at the rubbing of his back.

"You know you don't need to thank me precious, but you are certainly welcome." She leaned her head over to him, and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Shall we go upstairs to my room." The two nodded as Fluttershy trotted behind Rarity as they ascended the stairs.

As they reached the top Rarity turned to Toby with a soft smile. "Darling, if a lady may be, so kind to ask, could you maybe close your eyes for a little bit?" Asking with a soft, and elegant voice.

He nodded. "Y-yes Auntie Rarity." He closed his eyes as Rarity trotted forward motioning Fluttershy to follow. Fluttershy followed behind as they walked into Rarity's bedroom where the others were waiting.

Rarity turned toward the little colt, and sat on her haunches lifting up her forelegs to carefully lift him off Fluttershy's back. She smiled warmly at him as she lifted him up, and placed him on the floor. She lit her horn up, and levitated the suit over in front of him holding it still with her magic. She gently placed her forehooves on each of his shoulders, and leaned her head down next to his. "Okay precious, you can open your eyes now." She gave a beaming smile.

He opened his eyes and his mouth gaped open into a smile as he saw the suit. It was a black suit with matching black pants, a white buttoned up dress shirt, a black bowtie which had white spherical gems on the corners of both sides and a white gem in the middle, and to complete the suit there was a pair of black dress shoes.

He looked at the suit in wonder, and smiled brightly. "A-Auntie Rarity, I love it!" He turned, and wrapped his little arms around her neck laying his head against her chest fur.

She smiled warmly with tears of happiness stinging her eyes as she lifted a foreleg, and gently hugged him back bringing him against her. She lowered her head, and kissed the top of it tenderly while still holding the suit with her magic. "Aww. precious, I am so happy that you love it. Tonight you are going to be gentlecolt of the talent show."

She gently rubbed up, and down his back with her forehoof. He tilted his head back. "A-Auntie Rarity, can I go put it on?" Smiling up at her happily.

She nodded. "Of course darling. We will all be waiting in here when you get done, okay?" She gave him a warm smile, and gently patted at his back. He smiled up at her softly, and carefully walked out of her bedroom toward the bathroom to put on his suit.

While he was in the bathroom getting ready, the mares, and fillies were talking among themselves.

"Ya know what girls, Ah' think it is a darn sweet thing of the little feller playing the piano for his mom tonight." Applejack smiled softly as the others nodded in agreement.

"Yea, I am not the one to like sappy things, but that will bring a smile to my face. That little guy is awesome." Rainbow Dash said with a soft smirk.

Fluttershy spoke up next. "Um..girls?" Yet none of them heard her as they continued to talk above her soft voice.

"The little darling really loves his mother, and I believe she will be proud of him tonight. I know we all will." Rarity smiled happily.

"Um...girls?" Fluttershy tried to speak up again, but yet not able to be heard.

"That is right sis. We are going to be cheering for him when he gets up on stage." Sweetie Belle exclaimed as the other two fillies nodded happily.

"GIRLS!" Fluttershy yelled causing the others to jump. She hid behind her mane. "Oops..um..sorry."

"That is okay Fluttershy." Twilight shook her head, and smiled at the pegasus. "What is the matter?"

"Well, um..I don't know I should say this without Toby's permission, but he isn't only playing the piano just for his mommy tonight." They all looked at her with a confused look on their faces.

"Whatever do you mean darling? Is he going to do something else special?" Rarity asked curiously arching an eyebrow.

"Um..no. Please don't tell him I told you all, I don't want him to be upset with me. He wants to play the piano for his mommy, because he never was able to say goodbye to her." She rubbed her forehooves together nevously while the others gasped, and had sad smiles on their faces.

There was a soft knock on the bedroom door. "A-Auntie Rarity, I'm ready." The little colt said softly from behind the door.

"Oh, please come in darling." She opened the door with her magic as the small child carefully walked in.

He swallowed deeply as he looked up at all of the ponies. "I-I love it Auntie Rarity. It feels comfortable, and I really like the bowtie. It is very pretty with the gems on it." He smiled up at her softly.

"My, aren't you just a handsome little gentlecolt Toby." Rarity gleamed at her creation, and gave a kiss on the top of his head.

"Ya sugarcube, Ah' would bet ya will catch the eye of many of the fillies tonight." Applejack smiled, and tipped her hat toward Toby as he blushed at the comment.

"You look very nice sweetie." Fluttershy smiled down at her little colt, and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead. The others smiled warmly at him.

He smiled softly up at her. "Th-thank you Momma." As he looked at the three fillies. "Y-you look great too Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle."

"Thank you Toby." The three of them said in unison.

Sweetie Belle trotted up to him, and nuzzled him soflty on the cheek. "You look very cute in your suit Toby." She gave him a bright smile. He blushed as Scootaloo, and Applebloom trotted up next and all three gave him a group hug.

The mares d'awwed at the four.

Twilight took in a deep breath. "Well, everypony are you ready to go to the schoolhouse? I am sure they might need to practice their acts before it starts tonight." They all nodded. Fluttershy leant down to let Toby climb up onto her back as they are exited Rarity's bedroom, and descended the stairs.

Making sure she has everything with her, especially the costumes Rarity was the last one to exit the boutique placing the open sign to closed. She made sure to lock the door, and turned to join the group.

Soon they arrived at the schoolhouse where the parents of the colts, and fillies, and the other ponies of Ponyville were conversing inside the schoolhouse. They stopped at the door, and Fluttershy leaned down to let Toby climb off her.

"Ah'right yall, we are going inside while yall go rehearse." The four young ones nodded at Applejack.

Fluttershy gently sat on her haunches, and carefully reached her forelegs up gently smoothing the arms of Toby's suit. "We will be sitting in the front row sweetie." She gave him a tender kiss on the top of his head, and looked down into his eyes. "Now, don't you worry about anything. You will do good sweetheart. Momma loves you." She rubbed at his shoulders softly.

"I-I love you too Momma. I love you too Auntie Applejack, Auntie Twilight, Auntie Pinkie, Auntie Rainbow, and Auntie Rarity." He smiled at all the other mares.

"We love you too Toby." They said in unison giving him warm smiles.

He waved at them as he went over to join the three fillies to walk to the outside stage.

Rarity looked at the girls. "I will be joining you soon girls, I got to go deliver these costumes to Cheerilee, and the kids." They all nodded, and trotted inside the schoolhouse while she followed behind the four young ones.

"Ah' can't wait to perform my tricks. It is going to be, so fun." Applebloom smiled brightly.

"I know. I am going to sing my heart out tonight." Sweetie Belle spoke next hopping happily.

"I am going to blow the ponies' minds with my awesome stunts." Scootaloo smirked confidently.

"I-I know you all will be good. I just hope I won't be too nervous when I play the piano." Toby spoke softly with a small smile.

Applebloom smiled at the little colt, and reached up a forehoof to rub at his back. "Don't worry Toby, ya will do good. We believe in ya, and we all will be rooting for ya." The other two nodded, and Toby smiled softly.

They arrived at the stage which was built out of the strongest of wood, and surrounded in the back, and sides with a big red curtain. Three stage lights were set up on the left, and right sides on a long metal beam with one stage light in the center. The other colts, and fillies were already underway practicing their routines.

Toby looked at the stage in wonder as he saw a black grand piano sitting on the stage in the center. He swallowed deeply as he approached the stage, and walked over to the steps to the side of it, and ascended them. Scootaloo, and Applebloom trotted a little ways away from the stage to practice their performances while Sweetie Belle followed behind Toby.

"Toby, don't be nervous.Everypony is going to like your piano playing." She smiled, and gently placed a forehoof on his back and rubbed it reassuringly.

"I-I know Sweetie Belle. I just haven't ever been in front of a crowd before, or played the piano in front of anyone." He said as he looked up at her a bit, and walked over to the piano. He sat down on the bench provided.

"It will be okay cutie. I will be in the back practicing my singing if you need me, okay?" She said politely as she trotted backstage.

Toby gave her a light smile as she watch her trot off. He lifted his hands, and stroked a few keys to get the feel of playing the piano. He thought to himself. "I hope you will be proud of me Mommy."

"Well, well, well, look at what the runt is doing for the talent show." The arrogant tone of Diamond Tiara's voice could be heard as Toby turned to see her trotting up to him with Silver Spoon behind her. She sat down on her haunches, and placed a forehoof on the edge of the piano. "So brat, you are planning to play the piano tonight, huh?"

He nodded, and looked nervously into Diamond Tiara's eyes. "Y-yes. I am going to play it for my Mommy." He swallowed deeply.

"Aww..isn't that sweet... not. You just listen here you little runt. If you think about upstaging me tonight, you will regret it. Do you understand?" She leaned her head close to him with her brows furrowed in anger, while smirking.Toby shook nervously.

"Diamond that is enough. Just go practice your ballet, and leave him alone." Silver Spoon spoke up as Diamond Tiara let out a huff flicking her mane, and trotted off to the far side of the stage.

Silver Spoon looked at Toby, and raised a foreleg gently placing a forehoof on his shoulder. "Are you okay little guy? Don't let Diamond Tiara scare you, I won't let her do anything to you." She looked into Toby's eyes with a soft reassuring smile.

He gave a little smile. "Th-Thank you Silver Spoon. It's okay, I won't do anything to cause Diamond Tiara to do bad tonight. I just want to make my Mommy proud of me tonight when I play the piano."

Silver Spoon reached her forehoof down, and gently patted his hand. "Well, that is sweet of you Toby. I am sure Miss Fluttershy will love it. The Cutie Mark Crusaders told me that she adopted you, and you are her colt now." She gave him a warm smile.

He looked into her eyes with a frown. "W-well, no I am not playing it for Momma. Please don't be mad Silver Spoon, but I love Momma Fluttershy, but I am playing the piano for my other Mommy. My real Mommy." He lowered his head sadly feeling bad that he wasn't doing it for Fluttershy.

Silver Spoon frowned. "Oh, sweetie pie, I am, so so sorry." She reached up with both forelegs, and gave him a soft hug. She felt him shaking. "Shh..please Toby, don't be sad." She gently rubbed up, and down his back before carefully pulling him back to look into his eyes. She frowned when she saw him frowning, and gently rubbed at his cheek with a forehoof.

He looked at her, his frown turning into a light smile at how caring she was being toward him. "I-it is okay Silver Spoon. I lost my Mommy last year, and I never said goodbye. I thought I could say goodbye to her tonight through playing the piano. So I hope I do good tonight to make her proud of me, and also make Momma Fluttershy, and my aunties proud of me too."

Silver Spoon smiled sadly as tears started to sting her eyes. "Oh, I am, so sorry Toby for you losing your mother. I didn't know, can you ever forgive me?" She gently held his little hand between her forehooves, and rubbed it to try, and make him feel comfortable.

He nodded. "S-Silver Spoon, you didn't do anything wrong. Yes, I forgive you, but please don't be sad." He noticed the tears in her eyes. He reached into the pocket of his black pants, and pulled out a tissue. "H-here Silver Spoon. Please don't cry."

Her heart melted at the kindness the small child shown as she very gently accepted the tissue, and reached up with fore hoof to wipe at the tears in the corners of her eyes. "Toby, you are such a sweet litlte colt. I just know that you will do your mommy, Miss Fluttershy, and your aunties very proud tonight. I will be cheering for you sweetie pie." As she gently leaned her head toward him, and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. She smiled at him, and waved at him with a forehoof as she trotted backstage.

He blushed at the kiss on his cheek as he smiled softly as she trotted backstage. He turned back to stroke at the keys gently with his fingers as he sighed deeply.

Eight o' clock soon arrived, and the adult ponies started to take their sets along the ground before the stage. Fluttershy, and the other mares took their places in front, so they could be close to the stage.

Backstage the fillies, and colts were getting ready to go on stage when called upon. Ms. Cheerilee trotted backstage, and looked all of them with a bright smile. "Alright kids, tonight I just want you all to do your best, and have fun."

Spike came walking backstage on his short chubby legs. "I'm all ready Cheerilee. I am ready to show everypony the smooth hosting skills of Spike the Magificent." He threw his short arms, and claws in the air with a big smile.

Cheerilee smiled awkwardly, and nodded. "Okay Spike." She turned her focus to the kids again. "Alright, when I call your act, just come out and do your performance." Together her, and Spike walked out onto the stage.

She trotted up to the microphone stand. "Good evening mares, and gentlecolts. Welcome to the Annual Ponyville Elementary School Talent Show. I am your host for the evening Ms. Cheerilee." She lowered the microphone down for Spike to speak into.

"And I am your co-host for the evening Spike the Magnificent." The audience clopped their hooves against the ground softly. Twilight facehoofed at her number one assistant. "Whew, tough crowd." The baby dragon said as he crossed his arms.

Cheerilee patted at the top of his scales. "That is okay Spike." She sighed softly as she looked out at the crowd. "Shall we get started? The first act tonight is the magical duo of Snips and Snails." The crowd clopped their hooves louder to welcome out the two unicorn colts, who came out dressed in matching black ties with white collars, and black top hats.

"Hello everypony. Tonight me, and my assistant Snails are going to attempt something, so dangerous, that it is considered more dangerous than going into the Everfree Forest." The crowd ooo'ed, and ahh'd at the speech. "Tonight I am going to saw my assistant in half."

Snails nodded his head with his tongue half hung out, and shot it toward Snips realizing what they were going to do. "Uuh..huh? I thought we were going to pull a rabbit of our hats Snips." He asked with a confused look.

Snips leant his head closer to whisper into Snails' ear. "Be quiet Snails. Don't worry, it is a trick box, I am not really going to saw you in half." Snails nodded yet with reluctance.

Snips turned back to the crowd. "Now if my assistant would be, so nice as to get in the box."

Snails huffed, but complied as he went to the side of the stage behind the curtain, and brought out a box. It had a big round hole both on the squared ends, four holes on the bottom of it, and a slit to place the saw in the middle. It was carried on a set of wheels.

"Now Snails, may you be so kind to climb inside the box." Snails complied, and climbed inside the box. He stuck his head out in one of the end holes, placed his legs through the four bottom holes, and his tail through the other end hole. Snips closed the box around Snails' body. He grabbed the handle of the saw which was smoothed around its edges to fit perfectly in the slit.

"Duu..just be careful Snips." Snails begged his friend.

Snips leant his head to whisper in Snails' ear. "Don't worry buddy, it will be safe, I promise." He turned his attention to the crowd. "Now everypony, allow your eyes to be amazed by the one, and only Great, and Powerful Snips."

Snails gasped. "Duu..Snips, that is suppose to be Trixie's thing to say. She will be very upset with us if she found out one of us were using her line."

"She isn't here anymore, so she doesn't have to know. Now be quiet Snails." He smiled awkwardly at the crowd. He placed the smooth edged saw into the slit, and carefully seperated the two halves of the box apart. "Presto! Witness the first pony ever to be sawed in half." The crowd clopped the ground loudly.

He smiled proudly at the crowd's reaction, and carefully pushed the halves together. He took the saw out of the slit, and opened the box to reveal that Snails was in one whole piece. Snails stepped out of the box.

Ms Cheerilee, and Spike walked back out onto the stage. "Well, that was certainly a suspenseful act Snips, and Snails." She smiled soft at the two. "Mares, and gentlecoats, Snips, and Snails, and their wonderful magic act." The crowd clopped at the ground loudly again as the two unicorn colts bowed their heads happily, and trotted backstage.

Toby was sitting on a bench against the wall as he held his hand in his lap, and looked down at them. He was breathing deeply in, and out. "Please let me do good, please let me make Mommy proud." He thought to himself over, and over again.

He lifted his head to see Silver Spoon getting ready to go out next. "D-do good out there Silver Spoon." He said softly as she trotted up to him. She was wearing a suit like his without the dress shirt, and shoes on all four of her hooves, which looked like tap dancing shoes.

She smiled warmly down at him. "Aww..well, thank you sweetie pie. I appreciate that." She gently leant her head foward, and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "You do good too Toby, when your turn comes up." She smiled, and trotted toward the curtain to wait to go out next.

He smiled softly at her as he turned his attention back to his hands in his lap. "Alright mares, and gentlecolts, next up is the tap dancing filly, Silver Spoon." He could hear Ms. Cheerilee announce Silver Spoon as she walked out on stage, and the crowd began getting louder with each clop of their hooves against the ground.

Toby sat quietly backstage as he watched her begin her tap dancing act. As he was watching Silver Spoon he felt a rough nudge on his shoulder that nearly made him fall of the bench he was sitting on. He turned around to see the glaring eyes of Diamond Tiara with a smirk on her face.

"It looks like my best friend found a coltfriend, well, a bratfriend..hahaha." Laughing cruelly. She lifted a foreleg, and placed her forehoof against Toby's chest. She leant her head close to him furrowing her brows. "I don't see what she sees in such a puny little runt like you, but you better just make sure you don't do better than me."

He swallowed deeply, and nodded. "Y-yes Diamond Tiara. I promise." He shook a little as Diamond Tiara lifted her forehoof of his chest, and placed it back on the ground. He nervously looked into her eyes. "D-do good out there Diamond Tiara." Speaking with his usual politeness giving her a small smile.

"Like I need good luck from you, you little brat." She turned to see Silver Spoon bowing her head, and turned to trot backstage. "Well, it looks like it is time to show my fabulousness for all of Ponyville to see." She flicked her mane arrogantly, and turned to Toby. "See you runt." Then she trotted up to the curtain.

Silver Spoon whispered over to her friend. "Have fun Diamond." She gave her smile as she trotted backstage.

"Thanks Silver." She returned the smile, and trotted onto the stage.

After Diamond Tiara performed her ballet act, the next one up was Applebloom. She saw Toby sitting on the bench looking down at his hands in his lap, and trotted up to him. She reached a foreleg up, and gently rub at his shoulder. "Are ya ah'right Toby?" She lowered her head to tried looking into his eyes.

"Y-yes I am okay Applebloom." He gave her a little smile. "D-do good out there, and have fun."

"Thank ya buddy." She smiled at him, and jumped up on her beach ball, and balanced on it to she could trot on it toward the curtain.

Ms. Cheerilee welcomed her as she came rolling on the stage on top of her beach ball. "Next we have the fun, and entertaining performance of Applebloom." The audience clopped at the ground loudly, and laughed at her clown outfit as she jumped on top of the beach ball bouncing, and doing a somersault in midair landing on the stage on her hindlegs, and raising her forelegs in the air with a bright smile.

"Howdy everypony!" She looked over the crowd. "Tonight, Ah' am going to entertain you with some darn tootin' great juggling, and while walking on my ol' trusty beach ball. So y'all get ready for a great ol' time." As she went to the side of the stage to retrieve three apples.

She returned to the center of the stage carrying the apple in the crook of her foreleg. She sat down on her haunches, and placed them in one forehoof. She started out by throwing one up in the air, then another one, and the last one, until she was tossing them back and forth between each forehoof rotating them around in a spherical motion.

"WOOHOO! GO APPLEBLOOM!" Pinkie Pie yelled whistling, and slopping all four hooves against the ground. The crowd followed along with clopping their hooves loudly.

Applebloom smiled proudly at the crowd's reaction, and threw all three apples in the air and caught them in her mouth while they came falling down. She smiled with the apples filling her mouth. "Thank y'all very much. Next, Ah' am going to balance on mah' beach ball while doing some extra tricks. Be prepared to be amazed." She smiled at the crowd.

Applejack covered her face with her hat. "Ah' sure do hope this don't turn out to be a darn mess for her." She thought to herself.

Applebloom jumped up onto her beach ball on all four legs first then carefully sat up on her haunches raising slowly on her hindlegs.She walked on the beach ball making it roll along the stage, and jumped up cutting a flip in midair, and landing on a single foreleg doing a hoofstand. The crowd clopped the ground louder, and hollered. Applebloom pushed down on the surface of the beach ball, and leaped in midair turning to land back on her hindlegs.

Balancing on the ball she tilted her head back, and spit the apple up in the air positioning her forelegs to catch them. As soon as one hit one forehoof she started juggling them in between both forehooves while walking on the beach ball. The crowd had their mouths opened in awe at how easily Applebloom made it look.

For her finale she tossed the apples high in the air, backflipping off the beachball onto the stage, and opening her mouth to retrieve the apples which she was successful. She spit them out onto her forehooves, and bowed her head. The crowd went crazy, and Applejack let out a big sigh of relief.

Ms. Cheerilee, and Spike came out with an applause of their own. "Well, that was a very very good performance Applebloom." She smiled at the filly as the crowd gave her one more round of applause as she bowed her head, and trotted backstage.

Spike got the mic. "Next, we have the awesome, and cool pegasus filly herself Scootaloo." The crowd cheered, and everypony was smiling brightly at what was coming up next still wowed by Applebloom's performance.

Scootaloo came speeding out onto the stage on her scooter. "Alright everypony. If you think that Applebloom was cool, get ready to be amazed by the awesome stunts of me, the one, and only Spectacular Scootaloo!" She smirked holding a foreleg up in the air.

"Yea, you go Scoots!" Rainbow cheered from her place on the ground. "Now it is about to get twenty percent cooler." The girls just laughed, and shook their heads.

There were two wooden ramps sat up on each side of the stage that were supported by two concrete block on one end to make the ramps become slanted. Scootaloo smirked, and kicked off on her scooter to go to one side. She placed her helmet on, and licked at her lips confidently.

She kicked her scooter off, and sped up the ramp flying on her scooter in midair letting go of the handlebars first to hold her forelegs in the air for a second before grabbing onto them again landing on the other ramp. The crowd clopped a little loud. Scootaloo smiled, and thought to herself. "They haven't seen anything yet."

She kicked her scooter off, and sped faster than the first time up the ramp on the otherside of the stage. As soon as she came off the ramp she performed a backflip with her scooter landing on the other ramp safely. The crowd clopped louder.

She kicked off her scooter again going up the ramp again, this time rotating herself, and her scooter in a sideways spherical motion, and landing on the other ramp succesfully. The reaction got louder. She smiled confidently as she kicked off to the very end of the side of the stage. She took a deep breath. "Here we go Scoots, all or nothing." She thought to herself.

She kicked her scooter off one more time going real fast as she approached the ramp, and she leaned back to make the scooter go straight up into the air where she cut two backflips, and landing safely on the opposite side. She smiled brightly, and held up her forelegs in the air which the crowd went crazy.

"WOW! That was simply awesome. That's my filly." Rainbow said proudly of her protege.

Ms. Cheerilee came trotting out on stage. "Another great, and wonderful performance. Good job Scootaloo." Scootaloo smiled, and bowed her head with a foreleg stuck out to the crowd.

As Scootaloo lifted her head she saw the mouths of Rainbow, and the rest of the crowd agaped. "What is it everypony?" She asked curiously.

"Scoots, look behind you, at your flank." Rainbow pointed out with a hoof.

"What do you mean.." Scootaloo gasped as she saw the glowing of a white light which slowly subsided. "No way! I got my cutie mark!" Smiling ear from ear she looked at the symbol on her flank.

It was a scooter with the same orange color as her fur with three red flames in the back of it. With one on top of the back wheel, one in the middle, and one under the back wheel, and a white helmet with wings on it that were the same color as her mane and tail.

"This is so awesome!" She exclaimed as the crowd cheered, and clopped the ground loudly.

Rainbow Dash smiled proud at the pegasus, and shot up in the air with one foreleg in the air, and the other against the chest. "That's my Scoots!" Scootaloo looked up at her idol with a big grin.

She looked to the crowd again, and bowed her head one more time before getting on her scooter, and kicking off on it backstage.

Toby stood up from the bench, and clapped his hands together as Scootaloo was coming backstage. "Th-that was very cool Scootaloo. You, and Applebloom did very good. I can't wait for Sweetie Belle." He smiled softly up at the pegasus filly.

He then looked at her cutie mark. "C-Congratulations on getting your cutie mark too."

She reached a forehoof up, and patted him on the head. "Thank you buddy." Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom came trotting up to the two.

"That was awesome Scootaloo. Ah' was worried though for ya, if ya fell or something." Applebloom smiled brightly at her friend. "Your cute mark rocks. I guess your special talent is being a stunt performer." She smiled, and gave her friend a big hug.

"Yes, that was some scary stuff Scootaloo. At least you are safe, and you did fabulous. I am very proud of you getting your cutie mark." Sweetie Belle smiled, and cleared her throat.

"Thanks you three. Oh, this is so cool. Have fun out there Sweetie Belle." She gave both of them a hug bringing Toby into it as well.

They broke the hug, and Sweetie Belle spoke up. "Well, I guess it is my time to go on out there." She smiled at the three taking a deep breath, and trotted up to the curtain.

Ms. Cheerilee got up to the mic. "Well, mares, and gentlecolts there are only two acts left, and then we will announce the winners of each category. Next up is the wonderful singing of the sweet little filly Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle came trotting on stage to a thunderous ovation with the crowd really into the talent show.

"Yay Sweetie Belle! That is my sister." Rarity cheered proudly, causing Sweetie Belle to blush slightly.

Sweetie Belle stepped up to the mic taking a deep breath. She looked out to the crowd, and at her sister with her friends. "Hello everypony. Tonight I am going to be singing the song of the group me, and my friends, Applebloom, and Scootaloo created called The Cutie Mark Crusaders. I hope you all like it." She took another deep breath, and started to sing.

As she was singing, Toby smiled softly as her voice was elegant, and smooth. "She sounds like Momma when she sings me to bed, and also Mommy when she sung to me." He thought to himself.

After she got done singing the crowd gave her a thunderous ovation like they have been doing all night for all the talents. She smiled brightly, but then noticed shocked looks on their faces and especially Rarity.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle, look." She pointed her forehoof at her sister's flank. Sweetie Belle slowly turned her head to see the same white glowing light that appeared on Scootaloo's flank.

The light slowly faded as a symbol appeared on Sweetie Belle's flank. It was a microphone with a grey handle with the speaker being light pink, and there were the music notes surrounding the speaker.

Sweetie Belle beamed with excitement. "Yes! I got my cutie mark!" She jumped, and down happily as Rarity had tears in her eyes to see her sister finaly receive her cutie mark. Sweetie Belle bowed her head toward the crowd one more time, and skipped to the back.

"Yay Sweetie Belle!" The two other CMC came up and hugged her tightly. "Ah' knew ya had a special talent in singing, and this proves it." Applebloom said proudly for her friend.

"Yea Sweetie Belle, that was cool." Scootaloo patted her friend on the back.

"C-congratulations Sweetie Belle on getting your cutie mark too." Toby said politely as Sweetie Belle gave him a hug, and nuzzled his cheek.

"Thank you all." The four smiled happily, but the two fillies looked at Applebloom.

"Aw..jeez, Applebloom I am, so sorry. You didn't get yours though." Sweetie Belle frowned.

"This stinks. Why couldn't we all get our cutie marks tonight." Scootaloo lowered her head.

"Hey now, don't y'all worry about a thing. Ah' will get my cutie mark another time. Maybe being a circus performer wasn't my special talent." Applebloom giggled giving the two a reassuring smile. "Ah' am very proud of you two, and soon Ah'll get my cutie mark, then we can ourselves THE CUTIE MARK ACHIEVERS!" She smiled brightly while the two gave her a big hug.

Toby took a deep breath knowing this his turn was next. He closed his eyes, and thought. "Please let me do good. Please let me make Mommy proud." As he felt a couple hooves on his shoulders, and one on his back. He opened his eyes to look up at the CMC as they gave him warm smiles.

"Ya can do it Toby." Applebloom said giving him a reassuring, and gentle pat on the back.

"Yea buddy, go out there, and knock them off their flanks." Scootaloo said with a soft smirk, and patted his shoulder.

"You will do your mommy, and all of us proud Toby, don't worry." Sweetie Belle gave him a soft nuzzle on the cheek.

He looked up at them. "Th-thank you all." As he took a deep breath, and walked to the curtain. He felt another hoof on his shoulder, and turned to look up at Silver Spoon. "H-hi Silver Spoon. You did good out there with your tap dancing."

"Aww..well, thank you sweetie pie. I just wanted to wish you a good job tonight, and I know that you will make your mommy proud." She gave him a warm smile, and gently gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He blushed, and smiled up at her. "Th-thank you Silver Spoon, that means a lot."

She gently rubbed at his arm. "You are very welcome little guy." She smiled down at him, and returned backstage.

"Alright everypony. It is time for the last act of the night." Toby watched Ms. Cheerilee stand at the mic getting ready to bring him out. He took a deep breath. "Please welcome our new student at Ponyville Elementary School who will be playing the piano for you all tonight, Toby Mason." Ms. Cheerilee smiled toward the curtain, and motioned for Toby to come out onto the stage.

"Come on Toby, don't get nervous. This is for Mommy." He thought to himself as he carefully walked out onto the stage to a loud clopping of hooves from the crowd. He nervously lifted his arm, and waved at the crowd of ponies. He looked in the front to see Fluttershy, and the other girls who were clopping their hooves, and giving him bright reassuring smiles.

Backstage Diamond Tiara was beside Silver Spoon. "Gah. Well, at least I don't have to worry about him upstaging me, because he is just going to mess up." She let out an arrogant huff.

Silver Spoon looked over at her. "Diamond! Come with me over here." She trotted away from the curtain to the backstage area. "Do you know why you was even put back into the talent show? It is because Toby asked Ms. Cheerilee to put you back in it. He didn't want to be the reason you were taken out of it, and he didn't want you to be mad at him for it." She looked at Diamond disapprovingly.

"WHAT?" Diamond said with a shocked look on her face. "That is redicilous. Ms. Cheerilee let me back into the talent show, because..." She was cut off by a hoof stomp. The two fillies turned to see Applebloom and the other two CMC.

"It is the truth Diamond Tiara. Toby did ask Ms. Cheerilee to put ya back in the talent show. He also asked us not to tell ya, because he didn't want you think he was the only reason ya were put back in." Applebloom looked at her sternly.

"But..but.." She was cut off again, this time with a calm hoof on her shoulder that belonged to Silver Spoon.

"Listen Diamond, I am your friend, but I don't like this mean side of you. Do you want to know why Toby is playing the piano? He lost his mommy, his real mommy last year, and he never had the chance to say goodbye." Silver Spoon frowned, and lowered her head.

Diamond swallowed deeply, and looked at the CMC with a look of concern.

"She is telling the truth Diamond Tiara." Sweetie Belle spoke up. "His mommy died last year in an accident, and his own daddy blamed it on him saying it was his fault that his mommy was gone." Sweetie lowered her head with a frown.

Diamond swallowed deeply again, and turned her head toward the stage at the little colt.

Scootaloo was the last to speak. "Also, Diamond I don't know why he would do it, but Toby forgives you for the mean things you said to him on his first day of school. He told us that his mommy taught him never to be mad at somepony for too long, or he would turn out to be mean himself, and he doesn't want to be mean."

Diamond looked at Scootaloo, and the others with her lower lip quivering, and tears stinging her eyes. She lowered her head, and started shaking. "I.I." She lowered her head down onto her forelegs on the ground and started to sob. "I am a horrible pony!"

Silver looked on concern at her friend, and sat down on her haunches beside her along with the other fillies. "No, Diamond you aren't horrible. It is the words you say, and the stuff you do that is horrible, but that doesn't make you a horrible pony on the inside." She reached out a forehoof, and rubbed at Diamond's back.

Diamond carefully laid down on all four legs, and lifted her head sniffling. "Do you really think, so Silver?"

"Yah, she is right Diamond Tiara. Ah' know that there is good in ya. Ya just got to try, and not say mean stuff, or do mean things to other ponies." Applebloom smiled reassuringly as the other two nodded.

Diamond gave a little smile, and swallowed deeply. "Oh Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, I am so so sorry for how I have treated you three ever since we met. If I have just given the chance to get to know you all, I would have good friends just like Silver Spoon. Can you three ever forgive me?" She looked at the three with pleading eyes.

"Sure Diamond Tiara. We forgive you, and we would like to become friends with you." Sweetie Belle said as she reached out a forehoof. Diamond reached her on forehoof out, and they both shook hooves. Scootaloo and Applebloom followed suit.

"Thank you three. Great job on getting your cutie marks Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Don't worry Applebloom, I know you will get yours soon." She sniffled, and looked out at the stage at the small child. "Now I must make it up to Toby." She said softly as she lightly smiled.

Toby walked up to the mic swallowing deeply. "G-good evening everypony. The song I want to play for you all is called This Broken Soul. I hope you are enjoy." He took a deep breath and walked to the piano bench. The crowd fell silent to let him get ready.

He reached up to put his hands on the piano, but immediately started shaking. He lowered his head with tears stinging his eyes. "Please don't let me cry, please don't let me do bad." He stroked a couple keys, but stopped putting his hands in his lap closing his eyes shut tight. "I can't do it."

The crowd looked on concerned for the little colt, and Fluttershy with the others frowned.

"Oh... my. Maybe I should go up there to see if he is okay." Rarity who was sitting beside Fluttershy gently placed a forehoof on her friend's shoulder.

"Fluttershy darling, just relax. I am sure he is okay, he is just nervous." She gave the worried pegasus a soft, and reassuring smile as they turned their attention back to Toby.

While Toby had his head lowered, and eyes shut he could hear a soft familiar voice. "Toby sweetheart, look at me please?"

"M-Mommy?" He swallowed deeply opening his eyes, and lifted his head to look up, and beside him. It was the same apparition of his mother like in his dream. "M-Mommy!" He smiled brightly.

"That is right my baby boy. It's me." She gave him a soft smile. "Now Toby, I want you to listen to me, okay?" He nodded.

"Uh..who do ya think he is talking to yall?" Applejack asked the group of mares as she looked up at him at the piano. They shook their heads, but looked on intently at the small child along with the crowd.

"Sweetheart, the moment you came into my life was the proudest day of my life. When I first held you in my arms, and looked into your eyes, I know that I was blessed with you." Tears started to shed from Toby's eyes as he looked up into his mother's. "Every day spent with you made me proud of my baby boy. Just remember that I will always love you, and when you ever want to think of me just close your eyes, and listen to your heart. I will always be with you my angel deep within your heart."

She leant her head down, and gave him an angelic kiss on the top of his head. "I will be listening to you sweetheart play the piano. I love you my baby boy, I always will."

Toby swallowed deeply allowing the tears to shed freely down his cheeks. "I-I love you too Mommy!" He smiled softly with his lower lip quivering. "G-goodbye." The apparition of his mother slowly disappeared as he turned back toward the piano, and placed his hands on the keys. He started stroking the keys.

(All rights of the song This Broken Soul belong to The Legend of Spyro : Eternal Night and sung by Rebecca Kneubuhl)

After several minutes of playing the song Toby's tears finally dried as he swallowed deeply, and carefully stood up from the piano bench. He turned toward the crowd, and they all had tears in their own eyes along with Fluttershy, and the other girls.

Ms. Cheerilee came out with Spike who both had tears stinging their eyes. "That was very beautiful Toby." The crowd clopped the ground loudly giving Toby the loudest reaction of the night. Toby smiled softly out at the crowd, and bowed his head.

When Toby walked backstage he was gently swallowed in a big group hug by the CMC. "Ya did great Toby." Applebloom said softly rubbing at his back.

"You did awesome buddy." Scootaloo smiled brightly at him, and rubbed at the top of his head.

"You play the piano beautifully Toby." Sweetie Belle gently nuzzled at him on the cheek.

Silver Spoon trotted up and sat on her haunches, and lifted her forelegs up to bring him to her giving him a warm hug. "That was wonderful Toby. You made us all proud, but you should be proud of yourself." She smiled warmly as she rubbed up, and down his back.

"Toby?" Suddenly the voice of Diamond Tiara was heard as she very slowly trotted near the group.

He looked up at her and swallowed deeply. "Y-yes Diamond Tiara?' He asked kindly.

She started to sob as she looked at him. "Oh, Toby, I am, so so sorry for those nasty mean things I said to you on your first day of school, and all of the mean things I have done, and said to you recently. You deserved none of that, and I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" She lowered her head allowing tears to fall from her eyes.

Toby frowned at her, and carefully wrapped his little arms around her neck, and laid his head on her shoulder. "O-of course Diamond Tiara. I already have forgiven you, please don't cry." He carefully reached a hand down along the back of her neck to rub gently at her back.

Diamond swallowed deeply, and gently lifted a foreleg up to hug him back. "Aw..Toby, you indeed are a sweet little colt." She laid her head on his shoulder as the other four fillies smiled warmly at the two, and Snips, and Snails who were standing off the distance smiled as well.

Ms. Cheerilee got back on the mic. "Before I announce the winners, let us have one more round of applause for all of our acts tonight." The crowd cheered, and clopped loudly. "Now, the first medals goes to the best variety act. Will Snips and Snails, Scootaloo, and Applebloom please come out."

The four came out to a big ovation as they bowed their heads, and had bright smiles on their faces.

"Third place goes to Snips and Snails for their magic act." Spike presented the two colts with two bronze medals. "Second place goes to Scootaloo for her scooter act." Spike represented the pegasus filly with a silver medal which she smiled proudly. "And first place goes to Applebloom for her circus act." Applebloom smiled brightly as Spike presented her with a gold medal. They gave one bow of their heads to the crowd who gave them a roaring ovation as the trotted backstage.

"Next up is the medals for best dance act. Could I have Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon come out?" The two fillies and friends came out to the same loud ovation. They bowed their heads and turned to Ms. Cheerilee. "Second place for best dance act goes to Diamond Tiara for her ballet." Spike presented her with the silver medal. "And the winner for best dance act is Silver Spoon for her wonderful tap dancing performance." The crowd clopped loudly as Spike presented her with the gold medal.

The two fillies bowed their heads, and clapped their hooves together as they trotted backstage next.

"The final medal of the night will go to the best musical act. Will Toby Mason, and Sweetie Belle please come out on stage?" Toby took a deep breath behind the curtain as Sweetie Belle joined beside him as they both walked out on stage to the loudest ovation of the final medals.

"Now this was a tough one to decide, because both of you done an exceptional job with your music act." Ms. Cheerilee smiled at the two. "Second place for the best music act goes to...Sweetie Belle for her singing of the Cutie Mark Crusaders song." The crowd gave her a loud ovation, and Spike presented her with the silver medal. Sweetie Belle beamed with glee as she looked over at Toby. "And the best music act of the night goes to Toby Mason for his beautiful, and touching piano performance." Toby smiled softly as Spike walked up and presented him with the gold medal.

The crowd cheered loudly and Fluttershy and the other girls clopped the ground loudly with big smiles on their faces.

"May all the kids come out one more time please?" Ms. Cheerilee asked as they came back out on stage. "Thank you all mares, and gentlecolts for attending the talent show tonight. Give a round of applause one more time for our wonderful acts." The crowd gave a thunderous reaction as the colts, and fillies bowed their heads.

Deep in thought as he looked out into the crowd Toby smiled. "Thank you Mommy for being there for me. I love you, and I always will. I am happy I made you proud. Goodbye, I love you so much." He closed his eyes softly, and took in a deep breath letting out a heartfelt sigh.

Author's Note:

First off, this story is not over, but i wanted to make this chapter very special. Also, I would like to apologize for not updating as soon as I hoped, but I hope you all enjoy it. Also, i know it is longer, but I wanted this to be a very special chapter for Toby and all of his new family. :)

I wanted to include the singing of "This Broken Soul" as well, because I just love it and it is such a beautiful song. Also, I admit I did fill up when I was writing the part with his mom appearing to him before playing. :)

I wanted to give thanks to Rainjackpie and Hawkx1 for giving the idea and also making me realize that I should have given at least two of the CMC their cutie marks, with it being Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Don't worry though, I have a plan for Applebloom to receive her cutie mark with the help of Toby. :)

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