• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 11,745 Views, 990 Comments

Friendship is SHOWTIME!! - MangaKamen

A Kamen Rider Crossover Magic – a mysterious force in this world, and each creature possess magic within itself. A gift to many, but to a few, it is nothing but a curse. And when Twilight sees a new form of magic, she'll learn that life is

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Spell 22 - Canterlot Royal Business Part 4

Magic, it is a sacred power.

Magic, it is an adventure into the unknown.

Magic, and it is the proof of courage!


Spell 22

Canterlot Royal Business
Part 4


Medusa was quite possibly one of the most deadly and cool headed of the Phantoms. Yet, she was a powerful force that none of the Phantoms would dare to disobey lest they face the fate of being a perch for pigeons.

But even she had to step back with what she was about to do.

With the crystal knight statue only a few yards between her and Valkyrie, Medusa lifted up Union Jack with her snake hair to make him look her in the face, “Zombie, change forms now.”

“Why should I?” the gaunt pony huffed with his front legs crossed in front of his chest.

“Because it’ll be the only way you’ll survive,” Medusa replied as she ran a finger along Union Jack’s lower jaw.

The gaunt stallion’s body shivered before the phantasmal snakes quickly lifted him towards the statue. As they drew him closer to the statue, Union Jack’s eyes widened as he realized that the statue was glowing a deep purple. “EH!?!”

In a blue flame, Union Jack’s body immediately transformed into the blue skinned Phantom – Zombie – but he was still bound by the phantasmal snakes. “N-NO! There’s so many laws I haven’t broken! So many mares I haven’t smooched! So many songs of Sapphire Shores’ CDs that I haven’t destroyed! I don’t wanna do this! I don’t wanna! I don’t wanna!”

He didn’t have a choice in the matter.

The phantasmal snakes crashed Zombie into the ground at the statue’s feet, with the aura around the statue intensifying. Zombie lifted his ghoulish head up and raised his arms up as the aura began to engulf his own body. “GARGH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo… Hey! Wait a tick!”

Zombie licked his chops as he jumped to his feet and began to walk around the statue, the aura seeped into his blue skin. “This is actually feeling pretty choice! Ooh! It’s like there’s a party in my bones and all of Canterlot is invited!

“Mares and me only though! Blehehehehehehehe!”

“He’s… Actually enjoying it?” Valkyrie questioned with his head tilted to the side. The feather-armored Phantom turned his attention towards Medusa. “Is Zombie right in the head, Lady Medusa? What is going on?”

Medusa only shrugged her shoulders.

With a quick jump, Zombie leapt to the shoulders of the statue, his yellow toed feet curling around the wolf-shaped shoulder armor. “Whoo! Why didn’t you tell me it was like this Lady Medusa? If ya told me earlier, I would’ve come here by myself!”

With a snap of his fingers, Zombie threw his head back to draw more of the aura into him, this time through his boney mouth. A loud audible gulp sound echoed through the crystal cavern followed by several others. It was so loud that none of the three Phantoms noticed that a small crack appeared on the head of the tall statue.

“Is… Is he drinking it?” Valkyrie question as he leaned forward to get a better look at the odd Phantom. “Is such a thing possible?”

“Magic in this world is just weird,” Medusa sighed, her arms crossed over her abdomen. “In my travels to fulfill orders, I’ve seen a lot of weird things – Dark force creatures roaming the land to corrupt beings, an amulet that can grant anypony magic on par with that of an Alicorn, a pink haired stallion that was actually able to use fire magic and devour various sorts of flames, a genie cat being trapped in a lamp, and much, much more.

“It doesn’t surprise me at all that something like this is happening. Although, I’ll admit that I was expecting the idiot to get blown up the moment he touched the damn thing.”

With a final slurp, Zombie wiped his boney mouth with his arm. A cackle slipped from his mouth as he spun on his heel and looked directly at the statue. “Done already? Aw come on, don’t kill the tap! It was just as tasty as that Zap Apple cider I stole once!”

Zombie looked over the statue for a few seconds before his beady, yellow eyes locked onto the large red jewel in the middle of the statue’s’ shield. His eyes immediately turned heart shape and almost popped out of his skull. “WHOO BABY! I’M IN L-U-V! LOVE! HEY – Lady Medusa! Since I got all that magic that you wanted sucked up, I’ll just be taking this shiny rock as payment, m’kay?”

Medusa lifted her head up quickly and threw her hand forward, “NO! YOU IDIOT, DON’T TOUCH THAT!”

But Medusa’s orders fell to deaf ears and Zombie placed his yellow fingers on the red jewel. The moment his fingertips graced the jewel, the red jewel began to glow a bright red. Zombie staggered back as a new aura wrapped around the statue’s form – A reddish-purple aura that made more cracks appear on the statue’s body. The cavern began to shake as the cracks crawled down the statue’s form and into the crystals that were around its body.

A loud wolf howl echoed through the air.

Medusa scoffed to the side as she drew away from the dark purple energy that webbed throughout the cavern. “I see… So this is what ‘he’ had planned.”

Valkyrie blinked a few times as he watched Medusa spin on her heels and begin to walk away from the scene. “L-Lady Medusa? Where are you going?”

“I’ve fulfilled my mission,” Medusa answered, not even being bothered to stop to talk to her subordinate. “We’re leaving - Try to keep up, Valkyrie.”

The feather-armored Phantom bobbed his head up and down a few times before he began to follow the purple Phantom.

“OI! You can’t just leave me here!” Zombie yelled out, unaware that behind him, bits and pieces of the statue fell to the ground. “Wait for…”


Before Zombie could finish his sentence, a powerful yank to his hair pulled him back. With a loud yelp Zombie tried to break free from the sudden tug. “WHAT THE TARTARUS?! DID MY HAIR GET…”

That was when Zombie turned his head to see that what had grasped onto his hair was the right hand of the statue – Only now it was no longer made of crystal, but black leather with silver and purple armor.

More and more bits of crystal fell from the statue’s form, the knight’s armor gleaming in what little light there was in the cavern. The statue’s helmet was still half-covered with crystals, but the black visor in the helmet had a purple gleam from it.

“Oh, bugger,” Zombie gulped loudly.


While Haru was interrogated by Shining Armor, the streets of Canterlot were almost empty due to the onslaught of rain that was falling from the sky…

“Yeesh Lyra! Did we really have to leave in the rain?!”

“I’m sorry Bon Bon, but the sooner we get out of here, the better!”

The two mares trotted through the watered down streets, their hooves getting wet while the rest of their bodies were covered by the saddle umbrellas they had on their backs. Lyra growled under her breath as she continued to trudge through the rain with BonBon a little bit behind her, “They still don’t believe me! Even you saw those humanoids!”

“Yeah, but it’s still hard to believe that a bunch of human-like creatures just happened to appear one day,” Bon Bon replied with a sigh. “You can’t fault your family for not believing that – Even I can barely believe that happened, and I was there!”

Lyra stopped in her tracks and sighed. “I know, but still… I thought they would at least believe you.”

“Lyra, unless they see if for themselves,” Bon Bon stated as she trotted alongside her friend. “They aren’t going to believe it. But you can’t expect, oh, I don’t know – A human to appear in the street in front of us with a flash of light. That’s not how the world works.”

The mint green unicorn was about to speak up when a bright purple light erupted before the two mares, making them jump back as a large purple runic circle erupted onto the concrete. The circle spun around as a shrouded figure oozed from the circle, and stood up promptly.

The figure stood up to make the runic circle shatter like glass, and the rain fell onto the being’s purple and silver armor. The armored being was tall, with wolf-head shaped shoulder pads atop his broad shoulders and he stood on two legs. He resembled that of a royal knight with his strong form, impressive armor, and regal air that floated about him.

But what caught Lyra’s attention was the fact that the armored being had gauntlets and hands! HANDS! Both of which were lifted up to catch the falling rain.

“Bon Bon!” Lyra squealed with her front hooves lifted up to her face.

The earth pony sighed loudly as she slapped her forehead, ‘How the Tartarus did this happen?’

The armored knight trained his eyes at the palm of his hand, where the rain water had begun to pull up in his palm. “One thousand years, one thousand years since I last saw the rain fall.”

The knight lifted his head up, which allowed the rain to bounce off the black visor to his helmet. “Truly, a beautiful sight – Although, I have no idea where I am.”


“Hmm?” The knight lowered his gaze to see Lyra standing mere inches from him, a large smile plastered on her face. He lifted his free hand up and waved at the mare. “Hello there.”

Lyra’s mouth curved even more (to the point where her face was starting to get sore) to reveal the pearly whites she had. “H-Hi!”

The knight rapped a finger against the armored chin of his helmet, the clank of his armor made Lyra wobble at the sight of his finger. “Fortune is smiling upon me today, Miss Mare, may I trouble you for a few seconds?”

“N-NOTATALL!” Lyra squeaked.

‘Hmm, she must be nervous about my appearance,’ The knight thought as he knelt down in an attempt to look Lyra in the eyes and to lower his intimidation to the mare. “Thank you, tell me, where am I?”

“C-Canterlot,” Lyra answered with a nod of her head. “You’re in Canterlot sir! The capital of Equestria.”

“The capital?” The armored being stated before he looked towards the castle in the distance. “Does that mean that Princess Celestia is here?”

“Of course she is!” Lyra replied.

The knight immediately stood up much to Lyra’s surprise and jolts of purple energy coursed around his left hand. “Gu Zazare…”

The sparks transformed into large shield with a sword sticking out from the top of it. The knight turned his gaze towards Lyra once more before he knelt down, “Madame, I thank you for your assistance.”

It was then that the knight placed his hand atop of Lyra’s head, which made the unicorn freeze up on the spot with a bright smile on her face. “As thanks, I shall tell you that you have five minutes to leave this city safely. What you do with this information is up to you and your friend.”

Once more, the knight stood up and slowly began to walk towards the castle in the distance. He stopped to give a polite nod towards Bon Bon before he continued on his way.

The early pony trotted to her friend, Lyra still frozen with stupor. “Lyra? Lyra? Are you okay?”

Bon Bon gently tapped her friend’s side, and immediately, the mint green unicorn toppled over and into a puddle of water. Bon Bon sighed loudly, “Oh, not again.”

The purple armored knight continued his trek through the streets, his gaze scanned each and every little detail as he reached into his shield. “A thousand years allows for many changes to occur – How drastic a change is surprising. The buildings and even the beings that reside in his world are a curious marvel.”

With his hand pulled back from the shield, the knight shuffled the numerous stones in his black gloved hand, “Even the magic is different. Infusing magic into these very stones, marvelous.”

The knight tossed the stones into the air, with a dark purple aura surged around them. When the stones clacked against soaked concrete, they exploded into purple clouds of smoke. From that smoke, several Ghouls stalked onto the streets with their rusty red spears and their stone-like bodies. The only difference to other Ghouls was that the gold veins on their bodies were replaced with amethyst jewels.

The dark knight looked over the five dozen Ghouls that turned their attention towards him, “Hmm, intriguing – It was good thing I pocketed these stones from that odd, blue character, for now I have my own forces to aid me. Soldiers, follow me!”

The Ghouls nodded towards the Knight as they watched him continue his trek towards the castle grounds, when he passed the small army, they began to follow him.


“Have there been any casualties?” Shining Armor asked as he used his magic to place the golden armor onto his form.

“No sir!” One of the fully armored members of the Royal Guard replied. “Aside from scaring a few ponies, there have been no reported injuries or any damages to property. So far, the army just appeared ten minutes ago and is marching through the streets, and according to reports, most of the members of this army are similar to the monsters that appeared last night.”

With a furrowed brow, Shining Armor placed his helmet atop of his head, his horn sticking through the hole made in it. ‘Great, just what we needed – With what Haruto told me about that letter, this isn’t what I needed.’

Shining shook his head slightly before he began to march out of the armory, the soldier following him immediately, “You said most of the members of the army as similar to what we dealt with last night, what else is with the invading army?”

“Well, according to the reports, sir,” the soldier continued, unhindered by the captain’s speed. “Aside from the golem-like creatures, there’s only one other being amongst them – A purple armored knight.”

“A knight?” Shining muttered under his breath as he and the soldier took a turn through the hallway. “We’ll deal with it when the time comes, for now, make sure the royal chambers are well protected and the defenses are reinforced.”

“Yes captain!” The soldier announced with a salute before he galloped away from Shining Armor.

‘Where did this army come from anyway?’ Shining he quickened his pace. His thoughts were going as fast as his hooves clopped against the tiled floor. ‘Monsters, armies, knights, and now a magical dragon – Can this city get even weirder?’


“Captain Armor!”

Shining stopped in his tracks when he realized that Kai galloped towards him with Spike on his back. However, when he realized who was near him, Shining continued his trek with the two right behind him, “You two shouldn’t be here. Didn’t a soldier escort you two to safety?”

“We must’ve missed him,” Kai coughed, but that was a flat out lie – He and Spike ditched the soldier escort. “What’s going on here?”

“There’s an invasion,” Shining answered bluntly, his gaze still focused on the path before him. “We have the castle on high alert and we’re not taking any chances – This army appeared out of nowhere and we need to stop it immediately! You two need to go find a safe place to be at!”

“But Shiny!” Spike called out. “What about Haru? Kai here tells me that you arrested him! He can help you and…”

“At the moment, he’s detained,” Shining responded without hesitation. “Until this fiasco is over with, he’ll be contained until I can question him further.”

“But… But…” Spike started.

“But what about me?!” Kai snapped as he trotted faster to get alongside Shining Armor. “I’m practically the only one left here! I can help! I can fight! My brothers and sisters aren’t here to help you now, but, I’m here! Why can’t I…”

Shining stopped and slammed his hoof into the floor, which forced Kai and Spike wince at the sudden motion. “Spike! Kai! I don’t have time to deal with this! Both of you are to go to a secured location and wait there! If you don’t then I’ll have no choice to detain you to make sure you’re safe! Your choice!”

Both Kai and Spike gulped audibly at the serious look that Shining had on his face. While the two were frozen in place, Shining Armor trotted past them before he galloped past them.

A few minutes later, Shining Armor was out on the castle’s walls with a number of his soldiers around him, the rain from above still fell onto them and pooled around their hooves. From his perch he saw the opposing army that marched towards the gates, with the purple, silver and gold armored knight in front with his shield held out. Shining lifted his hoof up, “Prepare yourselves, Stallions! Wait for my command!”

The army of Ghouls stopped as the dark knight took a few more steps, the rain still falling down from the sky above. The knight lifted his head up and looked towards the unicorns and pegasai that were on the wall to the castle, “Who is the commanding officer here?”

There wasn’t any hesitation from the blue mane stallion, “I am Captain Shining Armor, state your name and your purpose here.”

With his hand lifted up, the purple knight clenched his right hand tightly, “Born in darkness, clad in darkness – The Dark Magic Knight…


The knight, Wolzard threw his hand to the side, and the Ghouls behind him stood tall. “My purpose? It has nothing to do with the likes of you – I have no interest in spilling the blood of innocent soldiers. As a captain, you should know that your soldiers are the most vital resource you have.

“This can be resolved with the least amount of bloodshed as possible – Allow me admittance into the castle and to meet with Celestia.”

“And what is your business with the Princess?” Shining Armor asked with his eyes narrowed down at the purple armored knight.

“My business with the Princess does not concern you,” Wolzard replied with a calm tone. “This will be your last chance Captain Shining Armor, if you do not permit me entry into the castle…”

Wolzard drew the sword from his shield and pointed it towards Shining Armor, “Then I shall have no choice but to enter by force! As I said, I have no interest in harming your soldiers, but I have no qualms about doing so.

“So, I ask you, Captain Shining Armor – What is your answer? Will you allow me to enter, or will you put all your soldiers at risk?”

Shining Armor closed his eyes and took a deep breath – Only the sound of the rainfall filled his ears as he stood there in deep thought. It only took five seconds for him to open his eyes and narrow them down at Wolzard, “You invade our streets with an army and raise your sword to us – We will not be intimidated!


All of the unicorns on the wall charged their horns, however, Wolzard brought his sword to the front of his shield. The shield opened up to reveal the large, eye-like, red jewel in the middle of it, and Wolzard threw his shield forward. “Touza Wol Zazard!”

A loud howl echoed through the air as several phantasmal wolves erupted from the shield and flew towards the wall. Shining’s eyes widened as his horn glowed brightly to create a large barrier over the wall. The phantasmal wolves crashed into the barrier, which erupted into a powerful explosion that forced almost all of the unicorns and pegasai back from the force.

Shining Armor was barely able to keep his footing from the overbearing surge of energy. ‘Such… Such power! I was barely able to throw my barrier up in time! Just who is this Wolzard?!’

Several loud growls sounded out, which made Shining Armor lift his head up to see a number of the Ghouls leap up high into the air to get over the wall. The stallion charged up his magic once more, the aura around his horn crystallized into a sharp blade, and Shining shot into the air towards one of the oncoming Ghouls.

With a flick of his head, Shining slashed his aura bladed horn through the side of the unfortunate Ghoul. Sparks flew from the Ghoul’s wound before it crashed into the side of the wall. The other two Ghouls landed atop of the wall, but were immediately met with immediate a number of offensive spells that forced them back.

Shining Armor landed on the ground before Wolzard, and the two began to leer at each other as the Ghouls fell around the two. Wolzard lifted his sword towards Shining, “I applaud your efforts to protect your soldiers, Captain, but it won’t be enough.”

“Soldiers! Don’t give them an inch!” Shining shouted into the air as many Pegasai dove through the air to attack some of the ghoul while the Unicorns atop the wall unleashed several volleys of magic towards the small army.

Yet, the magic that was focused on Wolzard merely bounced off of his armor. “Fools – You have no idea what you’re up against.”

“I was about to say the same to you!” Shining roared as he leapt through the air to bring his aura covered horn down on Wolzard.

The dark knight immediately brought his shield up into the air to catch the attack. Then, Wolzard countered with a wide swipe of his sword. Shining saw the attack and used his front hooves to push away from the shield to dodge the attack.

The moment that Shining’s hooves scraped the concrete, he immediately galloped towards Wolard with his aura covered horn aimed right at the dark knight. Wolzard lifted his sword up and the two blades collided with each other with sparks flung from where they connected. The two warriors stood there, their gazes at each other as many Ghouls and Royal Guards fought around them.

Wolzard chuckled for a moment before he and Shining jumped away from each other, “Loyalty and strength, commendable traits for a captain. But enough talk.”

Wolzard brought his blade down to the ground before he charged forward, the steel and concrete sparked up with every step he took towards the stallion before him. Shining jumped back just as the Dark Knight delivered an upward slash. “HAVE AT THEE!”

As the two brave warriors and their armies clashed, atop the roof of a nearby building, Medusa watched the onslaught of attacks flung at each side. She was seated on the edge of the building, her legs hung freely from the edge while she hummed to herself. “I wonder, did ‘he’ really plan all this? I was just to awaken the Knight of Darkness and take the Eye of N Ma for ‘him’.

“Was it really to have this happen and allow this chaos to roam?”

A single caw drew Medusa’s attention to the side where a single raven flew towards her. Medusa lifted her right hand up and allowed the raven to hand on her pointer finger, where she was able to see that tied around the raven’s leg. “Hmm, I wonder what this is?”

Medusa pulled the message from the raven’s leg and unfurled it. As she read it silently, her lips slowly curled up into smirk.

Back on the street level, both Shining and Wolzard skidded to a halt, back to where they were – Neither one taken a single hit from the other. Shining kept his head lowered to keep his horn trained on the dark knight. Wolzard loosened his grip on his sword, and immediately grasped its handle to hold it underhanded. “You are an honorable opponent, Captain, however, I cannot allow you to stand in my way.”

“Too bad,” Shining replied with his eyes narrowed. “Neither you nor your forces will get past these walls, not as long as I’m here!”

“Quite so, traditional tactics won’t work against you,” Wolzard admitted as he wrapped his other hand around the handle of his sword. “Which is why I have this!”

Wolzard then stabbed his sword into the ground, which prompted Shining into a more defensive stance. However, that was then that Shining notice that the ground before him was glowing in a same fashion as when Wolzard had appeared in the middle of Canterlot. Shining’s eyes widened as several runes materialized in between the circle and a loud roar blasted from the runic circle.

“During that squabble of ours just now,” Wolzard stated as he drew his sword back from the runic circle. “You must’ve noticed that I struck the ground more than you… It’s a little makeshift, but it’ll suffice for a simple summoning spell! Now, arise Troll of Tartarus!”

Two coal black hands broke out from the runic circle and slammed into the ground nearby. The powerful limbs craned out the rest of the extremely tall creature’s form – a mountainous humanoid with a rocky, muscular body that was draped with a tattered cloth over its ripped body. The troll emerged from the runic circle with a loud roar as its bare feet stomped into the concrete.

The large Troll opened its eyes, and the hulking monster stomped off into the city, its massive feet cracked the streets with each step.

Shining shook his head at the sight before him, “What are you doing?! Didn’t you say you didn’t want to spill any innocent blood? That monster will…”

“That is not my concern,” Wolzard replied as he aimed his sword towards the white stallion before him. “I no longer have any allegiance to this world, let alone this city. Rather, the concern is yours, Captain – It is your responsibility to see to the safety of this city’s citizens. Either you divide your forces to stop the troll, or have your forces remain here to prevent me from entering the castle?

“The choice is yours.”

Shining gritted his teeth and turned his head up, “Pegasai guards! Half of you after that Troll! Don’t let him do as he pleases!”

Some of the pegasai guards in the air saluted before they flew off after the Troll, Wolzard stepped towards Shining with his sword drawn from the ground. “A noble decision, but will it be enough?”

“I just need to defeat you,” Shining replied as his horn glowed brighter. In a flash of light, a second magical aura appeared around the stallion’s tail. “Once that’s done, I’ll join them and take down that troll.”

“Solid thought process,” Wolzard admitted before he charged towards Shining Armor. “But can you accomplish such a feat?”

Wolzard quickly brought his sword down onto Shining’s body, but the aura covered tail caught the attack easily and Shining countered with a quick stab at Wolzard. The dark knight whipped his shield before the attack, and blocked the assault.

The white stallion smirked. “I think it’s possible.”


“Connect – PLEASE!”

Haru hummed to himself as he reached into the red, runic circle that floated in front of him. Half an hour had passed since Shining Armor galloped out of the room, and had left Haru with only his thoughts and a plate of powdered sugar.

Luckily, Shining Armor had neglected to take a few of the magical dragon’s rings, so the dragon was easily able to use his magic. ‘This should work.’

A smile appeared on Haru’s face as he pulled his black claws out from the circle, a small box of powdered donuts now within his grasp. ‘Good thing I packed this before I left Ponyville.’

The runic circle faded as Haru swiped a donut from the box, his chops licked by his long tongue. However, just as he was about to take a bite from the powdered confectionary, the door to the interrogation room opened slowly. ‘Plop!’

Haru tossed the doughnut back into the box and took the box under the table as the door fully opened.

The magical dragon expected to see one of the royal guard, or even Shining Armor himself, however, that wasn’t the case. His sky blue eyes widened at the sight of the tall white mare before him – Even a dragon like him knew who he stood before him.

That tall graceful form.

The colorful mane and tail that moved even though she just stood there.

That horn.

Those wings.

And of course, the sun cutie mark that adorned her flank.

“So, you must be Haruto Souma, correct?” Princess Celestia asked with a smile on her face.

“Uh, well,” Haru coughed. He had no idea how to deal with royalty… No, that was an understatement. This was the alicorn who lived for over a thousand years, who spent each and every day of those thousand years raising the sun – A practical goddess among mortals and one who had the power to move worlds.

What was the red dragon supposed to do?

All Haru did was lift the box of doughnuts up to the Princess, “Donut?”

For a few moments, Celestia remained silent as she eyed the box of donuts for a few moments before she smiled. “Maybe later, Haruto Souma, thank you though. I actually have a little favor I’d like of you and one more. You two can come in now.”

Haru looked past the alicorn in front of him to see a familiar pair of faces. “Wait a second…”


The large troll roared loudly as it swatted at the multiple pegasai that flew around its large form, the rain bounced from its hardened body. Two of the pegasai royal guards landed on the ground in an attempt to catch their breath. “This… This isn’t going to end well…”

“Just keep it up,” The other pegasus panted before he lifted his wings up. “We just need to hold out until reinforcements arrive.”

The first pegasus guard groaned loudly before he reeled himself up to take flight…

Only to jump back when another pegasus was flung to the ground at their hooves, bits of armor clanked against the concrete. Both pegasai looked up to see that the troll loomed over them with its hands aimed towards the small group of winged stallions.


A gold and black blur flew through the air and slammed into the Troll’s face, right between the eyes with a loud clank. The burly troll staggered back as the gold and black blur spun in between the small group of pegasus guards. “Gagh! That guy’s got a thick skull! My own is ringing like the bells of Tartarus!”

Both of the conscious pegasai looked to each other for a second before they turned back to the small creature that was floating between them. “A… A bat saved us?”

The gold and black bat spun around in the air, his large red, glassy eyes narrowed down at the two bats. “How rude! I’m not just some common fruit bat! I am known as Kivat the Third! And you guards should consider yourself lucky that…”


The red eyed bat sighed before he flew up high into the air towards one of the rooftops, where a shadowed figure stood tall with his right hoof thrown up high into the air. With the rain and darkened skies, it was hard for the pegasai to see who was atop the roof. Kivat flew into the figure’s raised hoof with a slight laugh, “Heh! Ikuze!”

The large Troll snarled as it turned its attention towards the figure on the roof, its yellow eyes narrowed down at it. Then, the burly monster lifted its hands towards the figure.



A large amount of silver and black glass flowed over the figure’s body until it shattered, the shards of it crashed into the Troll’s hands. The large creature cried out in pain as it stepped back.

The newly armored figure leapt off of the roof and slammed his right foreleg into the Troll’s neck. Thanks to the armored figure’s momentum, he forced the troll back, and crashed the monster into the ground. All the pegasai watched in awe as the armored figure leapt back to the wet concrete.

The armored figure stood tall – his black jumpsuit with a silver, bat winged vest that covered his torso, a blood red chest plate, and a silver greave wrapped with chains over his right leg. But the stallion before the group had a helmet that had curved, yellow visors with a silver muzzle guard.

The armored stallion watched as the Troll pushed itself off of the ground, and snarl at the new masked stallion.

“OI! You stallions oughta get out of here!” Kivat’s voice sounded out from… somewhere. “It’s dangerous!”

“That’s our line!” The pegasus guards yelled back before the masked stallion leapt towards the Troll. And yet, as the masked stallion began his assault, the pegasai helped the injured pegasai away from the scene.

The Troll was back on its feet when the armored stallion slammed both of his hind legs into Troll’s chest, which forced the larger creature back once more. However, the large monster managed to keep to its feet and swiped at the masked stallion with its huge hand, but the silver adorned stallion leapt over the attack and landed on the big hand. The Troll’s eyes widened as the masked stallion galloped up its arm.

With a quick spin, the masked stallion turned around and bucked both of his hind legs right into Troll’s eyes. The pained roar that cried out from the Troll echoed through the air as it lifted its hands up to its face.

As the Troll did so, the masked stallion leapt up into the air, the clouds behind him darkened. From the stallion’s waist, a familiar gold and black bat flew around him before he snapped the chains off of the stallion’s left leg and a blood red aura erupted over his leg. Then, the red aura propelled the masked stallion towards the troll.

Just as the Troll recovered from the attack from its eyes, the stallion’s left hoof collided with the Troll’s chest with enough force that for a few seconds, a pair of blood red wings erupted from the Troll’s back before they disappeared and propelled the troll through the streets with its feet dragged against the concrete.

“Yosh! Excellent!” Kivat cheered as he flew around the masked stallion that landed on the ground.

The masked stallion lifted his head up, and then gasped, “GET OUT OF THERE!”

Kivat turned to where the stallion was looking at and his red eyes widened when he saw what the masked stallion saw – a few yards away from the propelled Troll was a single figure in the distance who walked on two hind legs while his paws were full, one held an umbrella and the other lifted up a small silver bowl. Although he couldn’t see it, the figure seemed to be a grey Diamond Dog wearing some rather casual clothes.

At the rate that the Troll headed towards the Diamond Dog, he would be crushed by the troll’s fallen form.

The masked stallion galloped as quickly as his four legs could take him in order to get to the Diamond Dog before the Troll fell on him.

The dog didn’t seem to notice that the troll closed in on him, in fact, he seemed to be more preoccupied with the bowl in his paw than the impending doom that was only a foot away from him.

The water splashed at the masked stallion’s hooves, but no matter how fast he was, the troll’s descent onto the innocent civilian was inevitable.

The troll crashed into the street, rainwater and concrete flew up into the air which forced the masked stallion to skid to a stop at the sight. “No!”

The masked stallion and Kivat lowered their heads from the scene, and the golden bat flew closer to the masked stallion. “These things happen Wataru, we can only…”

Kivat stopped himself when he realized that the Diamond Dog walked past both him and the masked stallion, “Good day.”

“W-What the?!” the masked stallion questioned at the sight of the diamond dog next to him. “How did you…”

“Hmm?” The diamond dog mused, stopped in his tracks to look down at the stallion before him. “Relax, that thing couldn’t have crushed me. I decide my own path in life.”

“Are you nuts?!” Kivat growled as he flew up to the Diamond Dog. “What does that have to do with anything!? That’s reckless!”

“No, what’s reckless is moving haphazardly,” The dog replied before a large roar echoed behind the trio. Both the masked stallion and Kivat looked back to see that the Troll slowly pushed itself back to its feet. Still the Diamond Dog continued as if he heard nothing. “If I had moved suddenly like that, then my tofu would’ve been ruined.”

The large troll lumbered towards the three, the masked stallion was about to leap once more, but the Diamond Dog’s tail quickly wrapped around Kivat’s body. “Huh?”

It was then that the Diamond Dog’s tail whipped the gold and black bat through the air before it collided with the Troll’s forehead, which sent the Troll back to the ground with a loud crash. The masked stallion stood there dumbstruck as Kivat spun back to the Diamond Dog’s tail. “And another thing – Grandmother once said this…”

With a moment to place his bowl of tofu on the sidewalk with his umbrella over it, the Diamond Dog lifted his right paw into the air with the pointer claw up in the air. “Walking the path of Heaven, the one who’ll rule everything. I will not allow anything to harm this world.”


Wolzard lifted his sword to his shield, the shield opened to reveal the red jewel within it, “Touza Wol Zazard!”

Shining Armor’s eyes widened as several phantasmal wolves shot from the shield. Howling loudly, the wolves flew towards Shining who began to focus the magic from his horn to form into a large barrier around his body. The phantasmal wolves pounced all over the barrier, their magically imbued claws slashed at the barrier.

Shining gritted his teeth as he continued his barrier. Out of the corner of his eye however, Shining caught sight of the rest of the battle. A good portion of the Royal Guards were on the ground, knocked unconscious (or that’s what Shining hoped for, due to the lack of blood anywhere, he hoped that was the worst that happened to them) and the Ghouls fought against the remainder of the guards.


With his cobalt eyes widened, Shining saw that Wolzard charged towards him with his sword and slashed down on Shining’s barrier while the phantasmal wolves continued their assault. “You care for your soldiers, admirable trait Captain!”

Wolzard delivered a powerful slash down on the barrier.


The wolves crashed into the barrier.

“A real captain has to focus at the battle at hoof!”

With the next blow, a large crack appeared in the barrier.

“A true captain must learn when it is best to fight…”

Wolzard threw one more slash, and the barrier shattered like glass, the shards flew past Shining Armor and the force made Shining recoil.

“And when to surrender to save his troops!”

The Phantasmal wolves dove into Shining Armor and forced him to the ground, their aura-like fangs clamped down on his body to keep him pinned to the concrete. The white stallion growled before the tip of Wolzard’s sword was drawn right in front of his face. “This is the time to surrender.”

Shining Armor looked down the blade and up to Wolzard’s helmet, and it was then that he was able to see into the dark visor of the helmet, and for a split second, Shining swore he could see the Dark Knight’s eyes through it.

“Captain!” Wolzard growled as he brought the sword closer to Shining Armor’s neck. “This will be your last chance! Admit your defeat to my forces, and your soldiers will walk away with their lives!”

With a deep breath, Shining closed his eyes. There was only one thing for him to say, only one thing to do.

“The Royal Canterlot guard will not surrender!” Shining Armor growled back.

A small snicker slipped from Wolzard, “I wouldn’t expect any less.”

Wolzard drew his sword back and then…


Several red streams of light flew through the air, several knocked into the Ghouls’ bodies and forced them away from the royal guards. Wolzard took notice of this and leapt back as a few of the streams struck the aura wolves, and they flickered away.

Wolzard’s feet splashed onto the wet concrete as he looked up to find the source of the attack, only to quickly lift up his shield to block a pair hooves that immediately slammed into his shield. The dark magic knight pushed his shield back and forced the attacker back through the air. “Hmm?”

Shining Armor got back to his hooves just in time to see that the one who assaulted Wolzard land right next to him. The white stallion’s eyes widened when he realized who was now next to him, “Kai?!”

Indeed, it was the red pegasus who smirked at his commanding officer. “Say my name, and I appear!”

“But you appeared before he said your name,” a familiar voice sounded out from behind the two stallions. “Isn’t that being a bit over the top?”

Shining Armor craned his head back to see Haru right behind the two stallions, his odd firearm rested against one of his shoulders. The red dragon sauntered up next to the two stallions and kept his gun trained on the recovered Wolzard. “You gotta be able to keep cool under pressure, and be able to be stylish. After all, I managed to knock away all of the Ghouls from the guards.”

“Yeah, but kicking is a lot more awesome than shooting!” Kai countered with his brow narrowed down at the red dragon.

“This is true,” Haru admitted as he waved his free claws about, revealing that he had a familiar, red jeweled ring on it. “But you lost points when you made that very bad one-liner.”

Kai jumped up with his fore hooves at his head. “NO WAY!! NO FAIR!”

‘Idiots,’ Shining thought to himself as he got back to his hooves, albeit he wobbled a bit, but he still managed to stand up straight. “What the Tartarus are you two doing here? Didn’t I…”

“I got orders from the higher up,” Kai answered, his glare still set on Haru. “I was ordered to help you out Shining Armor, and unless your orders are to be in this battle with you, I have the right to ignore you.”

“And I got a royal pardon,” Haru added, not even caring that he was getting a death glare from the pegasus. “Also, I’m currently a temporary member of the Royal Guard apparently.”

“Wait, what?” Shining Armor questioned before he slapped a hoof to his face. ‘Looks like the Princess is at it… again.’

“You two,” Wolzard growled as all of the Ghouls clambered behind the Dark Knight Wizard. Both Haru and Kai turned towards the imposing force before them. “Who the Tartarus are you?”

“Just a pair of passing through mages,” Haru replied before he threw his gun high into the air to hold up his left claws up. “Shining Armor, you may want to get your men out of here.”

“Aw, but it’d be fun for them to stick around for the show,” Kai answered as he threw his cloak into the air, an odd small staff between his right wing’s feathers.

Both Haru and Kai stepped forward before Haru threw his left claw in front of his belt and Kai lifted the small staff into the air.


“MAHOU HENSHIN! Magi Magi – Magiiro!”



Two red runic circles appeared to the sides of Haru and Kai, with flames erupting from the circles. The rainfall from above turned to steam as it made contact with their bodies and slowly the runic circles began to cover both the dragon and pegasus.

“Hii hii hii HiiHiiHii!”

Haru’s form was now covered with the usual red jeweled Wizard coat while a red jumpsuit appeared over Kai’s body with a long flowing red cape, a golden belt and a helmet that had a bird-shaped black visor over his face.

Kai stood on his hind legs and threw his fore legs into the air with a dramatic pose, “Magician of the Red! MagiRed!”

Wizard tilted his head slightly at MagiRed and sighed before he lifted his right hand up to catch his firearm. “It’s Showtime!”

“R-Red Magicians?!” Wolzard gagged before he shook his head and pointed his sword towards the two magical beings. “Humph! Doesn’t matter! Nopony will stand in my way! Soldiers! Get them!”

All of the Ghouls growled loudly before they charged towards the castle gates once more. Both Wizard and Magired turned to each other before they nodded and charged forward as well. Magired galloped forward and brought his head back to his belt to grab onto the staff at his side. Somehow the staff attached to the front of his mask and transformed into a long blade. “Going forth earnestly! Magistick Sword!”

Three of the first Ghouls brought their spears down on the sword wielding pegasus, only to get a number of red rounds into their chests. Wizard spun his firearm around before he snapped it into its sword form.

While the three ghouls were stunned from the shots, Magired slashed the three Ghouls with the sword at his muzzle which crashed them back into a few other Ghouls. That allowed Wizard to jump over Magired and bring his sword down on one of the Ghouls.

A number of other Ghouls immediately began to stab at the red jeweled mage, only to miss as Wizard ducked down. The rusty red spears collided with each other before Wizard slammed his foot into the metal and knocked them up into the air. That allowed Wizard to spin around and bring his blade across the chests of the Ghouls. Both red Magicians leapt back as the Ghouls recovered slightly.

“Not bad,” Wizard stated as he tossed the sword into his left hand and lifted his right hand up. “But a little lackluster.”

One of the Ghouls leapt up into the air, prepared to skewer one of the two mages.

“Lackluster?! Well, watch this!” Magired stated as he pointed the red jewel at the end of his Magistick at the Ghoul. “Giruma Magiiro!”

Several red sparkles flew from the staff and immediately covered the surprised Ghoul. The foot-soldier yelped as its arms, legs and even its pear were drawn into its body until it was a perfect sphere that bounced a few times off of the ground. Magired laughed as he jumped to his hind legs. “Now I’ll show you my sure-kill shot!”

Wizard tilted his head slightly before Magired slammed his right hind leg into the spherical Ghoul and kicked it right into a number of other Ghouls who had just recovered. The Ghoul/Ball flew back to Magired who bounced it off of his chest before he delivered another powerful kick to the ball.

With a loud whistle sound, the ball-like Ghoul crashed into another group of Ghouls and sent the ball high into the air. Magired chuckled as he prepared himself to leap into the air when all of a sudden…



Magired lifted his head up to see that Wizard was already in the air, several flames wrapped around the masked dragon’s body, particularly around the dragon’s right leg. The Ghoulish ball flew right towards Wizard who spun through the air before he delivered a powerful overhead kick to the ball. For a mere second, it appeared that the two were frozen in midair, before the Ghoulish Ball was engulfed in many red flames and was propelled back to the large force of Ghouls.

The group of Ghouls staggered back before the fiery Ghoul Ball crashed right in the center of the group and erupted into a powerful surge of flames that engulfed a good portion of the group. Several pieces of rock and purple jewels flew through the air from where the explosion occurred as Wizard landed on the ground with a spin.

“Oi! No fair! That was my technique!” Magired roared loudly as he waved his front hooves about in the air.

“You didn’t call dibs,” Wizard replied with a shrug.

“Ooza Wol Zazardo!”

Both Wizard and Magired turned just in time to see several phantasmal wolves shot towards them. But before the wolves could connect with their targets, a familiar barrier appeared between them and the wolves, forcing the mystical assault to bounce off of the magical wall.

“You both need to learn to pay attention,” Shining Armor growled as he trotted alongside the two mystic mages. “Wolzard is still there, did you think he’d just stand still while his forces were decimated?”

“Well, it was a hopeful feeling,” Wizard replied as he turned towards the dark armored knight that was several yards away.

Wolzard kept his gaze set on the trio, not caring that the remainder of his Ghoul forces clambered behind him or that the Royal Guard were being dragged away by the less injured members. ‘It looks like things don’t change – The Red Mage and it looks like a black version of Shiroi. But this doesn’t change a thing.’

Shining Armor sighed before he lifted his head up, “Kai! Haruto!”

“Y-Yes sir?!” Magired yelped as he stood up straight.

“Yeah?” Wizard questioned.

“Listen, I don’t want to do this, but we’re left no other options,” Shining replied as he kept the barrier up. “Most of the forces here are injured save for us, and most of the pegasai guards are dealing with something else we’ll have to face off against as soon as possible. For now however, listen, Kai, you’re with me. We’re both injured to some degree, but together we should be able to take out these… These…”

“Ghouls,” Wizard stated.

“Right, these Ghouls,” Shining Armored continued before he turned to Wizard. “So, that leaves you Haruto, think you can hold off Wolzard for a while?”

“I can hold my own,” Wizard replied as he lifted his right hand to the hand-symbol on his sword.

“COPY – Please!”

A smaller runic circle appeared at Wizard’s right hand and immediately formed into a second WizardSwordGun in his grasp. “Just don’t take too long – I can already tell this guy’s on another level.”

‘Hopefully not the same level as Medusa.’

Shining and Magired nodded before the barrier fell and the three dashed towards Wolzard and the Ghouls.


“Clock up.”


The Troll slammed its fist into the ground, but lifted it up when it realized that there was nothing between its fist and the concrete. A red and black blur slammed into the Troll’s face, reeling the large creature backwards. The same blur sped around the street before it crashed into the Troll’s stomach, the impact visibly parted the air and rain before the large troll staggered about.


That battle cry made the Troll lift its head up to see that the Masked Stallion with Kivat fell from sky and delivered a powerful kick right to the massive Troll’s jaw. The Troll stumbled to the ground when the silver and black adorned stallion landed on the ground.

And materializing right next to said stallion was a tall bipedal figure covered with a black jump suit with a red chest plate, shoulder pads and a large helmet that had the horn of a beetle adorned on the front of the large blue visor for its eyes. And at his waist was a silver belt that had a red Kabuto beetle as a buckler. The figure turned his attention towards the armored stallion next to him and nodded.

Kivat flew around the armored stallion with a large smirk aimed at the beetle themed vigilante, “What a surprise, I didn’t think Canterlot had another one of us roaming around. And here I was thinking Kiva was a Canterlot exclusive.”

“And it will stay that way,” The beetle themed masked vigilante stated as the Troll roared loudly. “I’m just passing through on my journey to master cuisine of this world. But this world is mine to protect, after all, those who walk the path of heaven…”

Kiva and Kivat turned to see that the Troll stomped towards the three, then both of the bat themed beings flew high into the air while the beetle vigilante brought his paw to his belt buckle.
“1. 2. 3.”

“Must protect those who walk their own paths. Rider Kick.”

A burst of electrical energy surged from the Beetle Themed Vigilante’s belt that traveled up his body to the horn on his helmet, and then surged to his right leg. “RIDER KICK.”

The Troll continued its charge at the red armored dog, unaware that Kiva with Kivat flew high into the air with Kiva’s armored right leg glowing bright red once more. “WAKE UP!”

Just as the Troll was about to wrap its hands around the red armored dog, said vigilante leapt up and spun around with a powerful surge of electricity over his right leg. The foot collided with the Troll’s chest and sent the energy right through the Troll’s body.

It was at that moment that Kiva slammed his right leg into the Troll’s chest, with blood red energy erupting from where the foot connected with the Troll’s body.

Attacked from the front and from the back, the Troll gagged as several cracks appeared on its body, with blood red energy and blue electricity escaping from the webbed cracks. Both of the vigilantes leapt away before the Troll exploded with the energy, its bits and pieces bounced off of the wet concrete.

“Walking the path of heaven,” The armored diamond dog announced as he lifted his right paw into the air with his pointer claw lifted up. “Justice is myself. I am justice. I am Kabuto.”

“What kind of a name is Kabuto?” Kivat questioned as he floated around Kabuto.

Kabuto didn’t say a word as he walked towards the umbrella and bowl of tofu, his armor slowly fading away. When the armor disappeared, the diamond dog pulled the umbrella over his form and got his tofu. It was then that he just began to walk away, not even bothered that Kiva and Kivat stared at him.

“Uh… Okay,” Kiva muttered as he looked away shyly.

“This world’s made up of a lot of weird characters,” Kivat sighed loudly with a roll of his bright red eyes.

“Y-You’re not one to talk,” Kiva muttered as he slowly trotted away with Kivat flying behind him.



Sparks flew as steel connected with each other, and then it stopped when two blades clashed. Wizard glared at Wolzard as the two continued to push their swords towards each other, the Dark Magic Knight growled, “Why do you stand in my way? This has nothing to do with you!”

Wizard quickly brought down his other sword, only for it to be caught by Wolzard’s shield. “Whether or not is has anything to do with me is irrelevant! I exist to protect everypony’s hope!”

Wolzard scoffed as his shield opened up, “Ooza Wol Zazardo!”

However, before the dark magical attack could activate, Wizard leapt back and spun around. From the shield, several phantasmal wolves erupted from the jewel embedded in the shield, all of them pounced towards the red jeweled dragon. With both of his swords in his hands, Wizard spun around and used the swords to deflect the wolves to the side, however, the Phantasmal Wolves kept on their assault.

“Hope,” Wolzard stated as he slowly walked towards Wizard, who in turn just kept on deflecting the wolves away from him as best he could. “It is a false promise. If you protect one pony’s hope, you run the risk of destroying another’s. To say that you do so is nothing more than foolishness.”

Wizard tossed the sword in his left hand up into the air after he smashed one of the wolves to the side with his tail. The masked dragon lifted his left hand up to the blade in his right, “Come’on Slashing! Shake the hand! FLAME – PLEASE!


As the remaining Phantasmal Wolves dove towards Wizard who spun around and unleashed a powerful fiery slash that crashed into each of them and burned them into nothing but embers.

Wizard quickly lifted his sword up to block a downward slash from Wolzard, “URK!”

“You talk of hope, but hope is nothing compared to the darkness!” Wolzard roared as he lifted his sword up before he slashed down on Wizard, only to have the attack blocked once more. But that didn’t stop Wolzard from continuing his assault. “Hope can be suffocated by the smallest of beings!”

Wizard quickly brought his sword up again and again, but out of the corner of his eye he saw something fall towards the ground. Wolzard slammed his sword into Wizard’s once more, “It is a useless concept! Hope is unnecessary!”

As the Dark Magic Knight brought his sword down once more onto Wizard, only to miss as the dragon dove to the right. Wolzard turned to see Wizard latch onto the copy of his sword and skid onto the wet pavement before he dashed right back towards Wolzard. Wizard brought his right sword down onto Wolzard’s shield, which forced the Dark Magic Knight to skid back. “Hope isn’t useless! Hope is what can save lives!”

Wolzard growled as he swung wide with his sword, but Wizard leapt over the assault. “Even the smallest spark in the darkness can light up an inferno! And hope is just the spark to light the darkness!”

A powerful slash ran across Wolzard’s back, dark purple sparks surged from his armor as Wizard’s sword flew over the silver and purple armor. The Dark Magic Knight staggered forward when Wizard landed on the ground, but both turned to each other and charged at each other. Wizard lifted both of his blades up and caught Wolzard’s sword. “I don’t know what caused you to throw away your hope, but I won’t let you destroy any one else’s hope!”

“It is not hope that I despise,” Wolzard growled before he quickly slammed his foot into Wizard’s stomach, sending the masked dragon back. “Nor do I care to destroy it, rather I only seek one thing.”

Wizard stood up straight and readied himself for Wolzard’s next move. “And what’s that?”

“The truth,” Wolzard answered before he charged forward.

“The truth?” Wizard questioned as he ran forward as well.

Both magical warriors met in the midst and their blades met, red and purple flames flew past them each time their blades connected.

“Yes! The truth of what happened a thousand years ago!” Wolzard roared as slammed his blade so powerful into Wizard’s swords that the masked Dragon reeled back slightly. “To learn the truth behind the injustice to the one that I served loyally! To learn why I was sealed away! Why she was sealed away not of her own volition! The truth of everything!”

Wolzard began to deliver a powerful downward slash to Wizard, only to have his sword blocked by a third blade. Both Wolzard and Wizard turned to see Magired now in between the two with the Magistick Sword in front of his mask covered muzzle. Wolzard growled loudly, “You! Mage of the Red!”

“I don’t know what you’re going on about,” Magired replied before he and Wizard leapt back. “But this isn’t the way!”

“There is only one thing that will get through to a mare like Celestia,” Wolzard replied as he threw his arm to the side, the sword still tightly grasped in his hand. “Force! And it’s the same way that you two will be dealt with!”

Wolzard was about to take a step forward when a powerful burst of magic forced him to lift his shield up and force him backwards. Both Wizard and Magired turned to see Shining Armor right behind them, his horn glowed brightly. “And it’s the same thing that’ll stop you. Now it’s your turn to have your own ultimatum.

“Wolzard, your forces have been decimated – Surrender now!”

The Dark Magic Knight looked about, only to see the remains of his Ghoulish Forces. Wolzard growled loudly before he brought his sword to his shield, “Even if I am alone – That won’t change a thing! Those mindless drones did their job! All I need to do is defeat you three and that’ll be it!

“Eye of N Ma! Ooza Wol Zazardo!”

The jewel in Wolzard’s shield glowed a bright crimson before a deafening roar rocked the area. From the Dark Knight’s shield, a large surge of purple energy erupted into the air before it formed into an incredibly large wolf made of the magical aura. At the aura wolf’s forehead was a segment of red energy that gleamed brightly like a jewel.

“Uh… Captain!” Magired gulped as he stepped back at the large aura wolf.

But the masked stallion looked towards Wizard and Shining Armor, seeing that the two stood strong in the face of that wolf – Shining’s horn was glowing brightly while Wizard snapped the two swords into their firearm forms and quickly lifted his left hand over the hand symbol on them. “C’MON SHOOTING – SHAKE THE HAND!”

“Kai! Don’t back down!” Shining Armor yelled out as the aura over his horn glowed even brighter. “This is the final attack!”

“Don’t forget about yesterday!” Wizard added as he took aim with both of his guns aimed up with red energy around them. “You had courage to help that filly, use that courage right now!”

Magired chuckled before he used his right hoof to pull the Magistick away from his helmet and lifted it up into the air. “No need to remind me on that!”

A powerful flame surged at the red jewel at the tip of the staff and Magired lifted it alongside his comrades’ weapons, “You’re right – The moment that real courage appears, the true power of magic will appear! My heart’s on fire! Magi Magica – RED FIRE!!”


Shining Armor’s horn flared up and unleashed a powerful burst of light rose-colored magic.

Wizard pulled the triggers on his firearms, and fired off a large of dark red magical flames into the air.

And then with Magired’s staff raised up high into the air, Shining’s rose aura combined with Wizard’s flames, and the three magical sources combined into a huge bright red flame that flew about the air.

“This magic!” Wolzard growled before he threw his sword towards the three magical beings before him. “Humph! It won’t be enough!”

The large aura wolf roared loudly once more before it shot through the air, meanwhile, Shining Armor and Magired threw their right front hooves forward and Wizard threw his right claw up. “GO!”

The flames over the three warped and shifted until they took the shape of a large serpentine being with large wings and a tall horn on its head. The fiery serpent flew towards the aura wolf, and the two powerful attacks crashed into each other – flames and bits of magical energy flung high into the air as both attacks continued to overwhelm each other.

“YEAH! DO IT!” Magired cheered out as he jumped up into the air.

The aura wolf snapped its jaws down on the fiery serpent, and the fiery attack screeched, almost in pain. But then the long enflamed tail slammed into wolf’s head and knocked it back into the air – Which allowed the fiery serpent to crash right through the aura wolf.

Wolzard growled as he quickly lifted his shield up just in time to defend himself from the powerful flames that crashed into it. At first, it seemed as though he was able to endure the attack, but then his feet slowly skidded back from the sheer force of the attack. “This… This…!”

The flames washed over Wolzard’s shield and crashed into his chest plate. The flames surged over his armor and forced him backwards. And yet, even though his entire body was covered with flames, Wolzard didn’t yell out in pain, he just took the attack and flew backwards.

When the flames died down, Wolzard landed on the ground with remainders of the fire on his cracked armor.

“YEAH! THAT WAS AWESOME!” Magired cheered with his front hooves thrown high into the air. “It’d only get more awesome if we had an awesome theme song playing while we did that!”


“OW!” Magired yelped as he lowered his now bruised head to the ground while Shining Armor lowered his hoof.

“Don’t stress yourself too much,” Shining Armor sighed loudly with a shake of his head.

Wizard chuckled as he rested the two firearms on his shoulder pads.

“This… This isn’t over with!”

All three of the magically imbued warriors turned to see Wolzard slowly get to his knees, being forced to use his sword to prop himself up, “I… I won’t be stopped… B-By an attack like that…”

“Whoa, how is he still conscious?!” Magired questioned as he stepped back.

“Quite tenacious, isn’t he?” Wizard asked with his head tilted slightly.

“Nothing will… Nothing will stop me,” Wolzard coughed as he slowly pushed himself back to his feet before he fell back to his knees. “Even if it’s my last breath… I… I…”

“That’s enough, Barikion.”

Wolzard, Wizard, Shining Armor and Magired turned to the tall castle walls where a tall, regal figure stood atop the stone wall with a golden aura over her body to keep the rain off her white fur and wings. Atop her back was a familiar, small purple dragon who was practically hiding behind her flowing mane.

“Celestia,” Wolzard growled under his breath.

The regal alicorn’s wing unfolded and she slowly flew down to the ground in between Wolzard and the three who defeated him.

“Princess!” Shining Armor called out as he galloped to get to his highness’s side. “Please stop – That being there is…”

However, Shining stopped when Celesita used her magic to remove Spike from her back and placed him on the white stallion’s back. “I know, Captain. Do not worry.”

Celestia kept her gaze trained on Wolzard, and then her face slowly curled into a small smile, “Barikion – Still hardheaded as usual.”

Wolzard scoffed to the side as his armored body shook. “That is not my name – I threw it away when I donned this armor. My name is Wolzard! The Dark Magic Knight!”

“Whatever your name is now, you are still the same stallion that I knew all those years ago,” Celestia replied, the smile still on her face. “You still hold your own code of honor, you still speak with that regal tone, and you run the same sort of tactics – A number of injuries, but no casualties.”

“Life is an important thing,” Wolzard stated as he lowered his head. “If it’s possible to avoid its loss, then it shouldn’t be taken.”

“And there it is,” Celestia said. “Tell me, Barikion – How were you awakened? And why have you decided to take this action against Canterlot?”

“The how does not matter,” Wolzard growled, calling forth whatever the strength he had left in his body to stand up. “But rather the why – I did all this to just to ask you why. A thousand years ago – Why did you have to sin against the one I was to protect?!

“Why didn’t you help her? Why did you have to banish her?!”

Celestia turned away from Wolzard and took a deep breath, “Barikion, times have changed, there’s something that you must learn about what had happened all those…”


Celestia lifted her head up when she realized that several, purple snakes had mysteriously appeared all around the small group.

“S-Snakes?!” Magired gulped at the sight of them.

Spike shared the red covered stallion’s fear with the surrounding snakes, so much so that he gripped tightly onto Shining’s neck.

Wizard growled as he looked around, “Medusa!”

“It’s an honor for you to remember my name.”

From the sky above, Medusa dropped to the ground next to Wolzard with her head lowered and one of her arms folded in front of her. “And it’s an honor to meet with such fascinating ponies – Especially you, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes down at the Phantom, “And you are?”

Medusa lifted her head up and coiled one of the snakes from her head around her finger, “Lady Medusa – A pure pleasure to make your acquaintance, your Highness.”

“Princess! Get away from her!” Shining Armor yelled out.

“Now, now, now, handsome, there’s no need to be like that,” Medusa cooed as she pulled her hand from her snake hair. “I’m not here to cause trouble for anypony, and as much as I’d love to give some tips on fashion to the royalty in front of me, I’m just here to pick someone up.”

Medusa placed a hand on Wolzard’s shoulder, which made the Dark Magic Knight lift his head up to look at the Phantom. “I was the one who woke him up, and thus – He’s my responsibility. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“What?” Wolzard questioned.

“Unfortunately, I will not allow that to happen,” Celestia stated as her horn glowed a bright gold. “Barikion is a member of the royal guard, and I will not stand for anyone trying to take him.”

For a moment Celestia and Medusa stared each other down for a few seconds, only the sound of rain falling to the concrete broke the tension. And then Medusa cackled as she brought a pair of fingers to her lips. “Hmm… Tempting to fight you Princess Celestia – But it’d be a shame to ruin that majestic coat and mane of yours. So for right now, you’ll just have to deal with this!”

It was then that Medusa pulled her fingers from her face and then snapped her fingers that made all of the snakes that surrounded the group hiss loudly until they flew high into the air. The snakes all turned phantasmal and flew around the area in front of Medusa and Wolzard. Celestia didn’t say a word as she immediately aimed her horn and unleashed a powerful surge of golden energy that crashed into the phantasmal snakes – And knocked them all away with relative ease.

“Holy Ishimori!” Wizard yelped as he stepped back. ‘I knew that the Princess was strong, but… But damn!’

However, when the snakes scattered about the area, Medusa nor Wolzard were anywhere to be seen. Celestia galloped forward to where the two were, and then stomped her front hoof into the concrete out of frustration. However, she sighed and turned back to Shining Armor and the others with a smile on her face.


“Why did you do that?”


After their escape, Medusa had brought Wolzard to the outskirts of Canterlot, the battered knight placed up against a tree to shield him from the rain. “Why did you whisk me away before I drew my answers from Celestia?”

“Did you honestly believe that she’d give you answers?” Medusa retorted as she sauntered up to Wolzard. “I heard what you said to her – A thousand years is a long time to wait for an answer. But in those thousand years, the world has changed. As have ponies – Celestia is nothing more than a placeholder with her hooves tightly griped around the sun.

“She sends others to do her dirty work for her until the last moment – She did it with her student and her friends a while ago, and she did the same just now: Sending the mages and her captain to weaken you until she appeared.

“Do you think she, a princess, answer to a knight such as yourself?”

Wolzard didn’t answer, and instead turned his head away from Medusa. However, that’s when Medusa placed her fingers on his helmet’s chin and forced him to look at her, “But, you can still get your answers – All you need to do is aid a new cause… One that’s tailored to fit your desires – Wolzard.”


A day or so passed since the attack was halted, and although the weather was still terrible, inside the castle – There was nothing but peace and tranquility. Even the damage that was done to the city was repaired, especially one certain shop…

“Another round over here Joe!”

“Coming right up!”

It didn’t take long for Joe’s Donut shop to get repaired – after all, a number of Canterlot Royal guards apparently went to the stallion’s shop after their rounds. And when they learned of the fate of their favorite donut bar, the guards all joined together to fix the place up and were already celebrating at the joint.

And at one of the corner booths, a pair of stallions and a pair of dragons were amongst the partiers.

“Should we really be celebrating?” Haru asked as he waved a donut about. “I mean, Medusa got away with Wolzard and…”

“Don’t be a spoilsport!” Kai shot out before he chugged his mug of coffee. “We kicked flank while looking awesome!”

“Yeah! We were awesome!” Spike chimed in.

“You weren’t even there, Spike,” Shining Armor pointed out with a smirk on his face, which had a few bandages on it.

“That doesn’t negate the fact that I’m awesome,” Spike retorted as he puffed his chest out.

Shining chuckled at his little dragon brother’s answer, and then used his magic to lift up a single powdered donut from the plate on the table. “But in any case, Kai’s right Haruto. We’ve got a number of guards surveying Canterlot twenty-four seven, if there’s any sign of either of them.”

“Well, if you say so,” Haru muttered before he tossed the remains of his donut into his mouth and chewed on it.

“But, Haruto, I still have a few things I need to talk to you about,” Shining replied after he took a few bites from his donut.

“Shiny! Are you gonna arrest Haru again?” Spike asked with his large eyes gleamed over to the white stallion.

Shining Armor chuckled slightly, “No, I’m not going to do that again. I just need to talk to him.”

A few moments later, Haru and Shining Armor were outside the shop, both underneath the veranda to watch the clouded sky above.

“So,” Haru stated before he took a nibble of his donut. “What ya need to talk about?”

“… I still don’t like the fact that you’re close to my sister and brother,” Shining stated, not even looking at the red dragon. “You’re dangerous, you’re nonsensical, and frankly, I can’t stand you.”

“Gee, thanks,” Haru muttered.

“But, you’ve got a good heart,” Shining continued with a smile. “And there’s more to you than meets the eye.”

Haru’s face slowly curled up into a bright smile.

“I’ve been captain of the guards for a few years now,” Shining answered with his eyes closed. “And in that short time, I’ve learned a number of things – On the battlefield, you have to trust anypony who fights along with you – And you’ve fought for Canterlot out of your own volition.

“Besides, if Twily and Spike can trust you – I guess you’re not half bad.”

“I guess I’ll have to accept that,” Haru replied with a shrug of his shoulders. “Thanks Shining Armor.”

“Just Shining will do,” The white stallion corrected as his horn glowed a bright rose. Then in a burst of light, two golden tickets floated through the air in front of Haru’s face. “Also, the Princess wanted me to give these to you – As a little thanks to you helping in defending the castle.”

“Tickets?” Haru questioned as he plucked the tickets from the air. He took a few moments to look over the tickets and his eyes brightened. “Wait, these are for the Grand Galloping Gala?!”

“Two of the last tickets,” Shining chimed in. “The princess wanted me to add that. But yes, she’s appreciative of you helping out. So, you along with another guest are invited.”

“Hmm… Maybe I should ask Twilight,” Haru chuckled with a devious smirk.


“OW!” Haru yelped as he held the back of his head.

Shining Armor lowered his hoof down with a small blood vessel on the side of his head. “Don’t even try it. Besides, Twilight and her friends all have their tickets.”

“I see,” Haru muttered under his breath. With a shake of his head, the red dragon stood up straight and shrugged his shoulders.

“You know, I was against having my sister being sent to Ponyville,” Shining admitted as he turned back to the clouded sky above. “I was worried about her safety, I was worried if she would fit in, I was worried about her and Spike. But, from what I’ve heard from some of her letters, I’m glad she found some real good friends.

“And one donut-obsessed troublemaker.”

“Hey,” Haru snapped with his arms waved up and down. “There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a decent donut.”

Shining chuckled a little bit and then Haru joined in with him.

And then the laughter died down and the red dragon turned towards Shining with his black claws held out. “Shining – From the depths of my heart, I didn’t mean to hurt Twilight, and I promise for the rest of my days I’ll use whatever I can to protect not only Twilight, but every pony who matters to her.

“You have my word as a dragon, and on my very own soul.”

Shining Armor looked at the claws and then closed his eyes. “If I ever hear that you hurt anypony, then I’ll take you down personally.”

It was then that Shining Armor lifted his hoof up and placed in Haru’s claws. “But you also have to make sure that nothing happens to them either, or I’ll hunt you down as well.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Haru replied as he shook Shining’s hoof slightly before he released his grip.

The two magical creatures turned back to the rainy sky, a bolt of lightning crashed through the air. Shining chuckled, “I wonder how Twily is – The weather’s supposed to be like this today in Ponyville.”

“Knowing her – Probably just curled up with a good book,” Haru replied as he sat down on the ground with a smile.

Oh Haru, if only you knew...


*Gabu – Japaense sound effect for ‘Bite’

Author's Note:

MangaKamen: Whew! This was a long one! But it was worth it for something this action packed!

I honestly don't know what I can do to top this off...

-smirks- Who knows?

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