• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 1,527 Views, 10 Comments

Destinies - Sugar Moon

Rainbow dash is happy for her best friend Twilight. She's and Alicorn now and has finally reached her destiny along with all the rest of the elements. But Rainbow can't help but wonder. What is her destiny?

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Chapter one

Today is possibly the most important day of my life.

I'm Rainbow dash. Element of harmony and the only pegasus in history to have achieved a Sonic Rainboom.

I'm gonna let that sink in for a bit.

Yeah I'm kind of a big deal. Or at least I was.

See recently something happened to me, well to all of the elements really. Twilight explained it to me that she accidently did some magic whatsit that switched our cutie marks. Basically we were terrible versions of each other.

Now usually the Dash is the best at anything I put my hoofs to but animal control is just a little out of my sphere of interest. That is and always be Shy's domain. Her destiny if you will.

Thankfully Twilight managed to figure it out and save me from those damn animals before they made me into pony soup (Don't ask me why they suddenly went bloodthirsty, those crazy little creeps.) Rarity from causing floods and fires everywhere, Aj and her fashion failure, Pinkies ponysication of the fourth gorilla of the apocalypse famine and Fluttershy before the furious town ponies taught her the meaning of fun the hard way. I mean it I've seen those ponies so angry before. It was like she had been punching them in the face or something to get them that mad.

Anyway it was pretty bad. Especially the whole town getting ready to turn on itself. Who would of thought that Pinkie was such a necessity to the town that a day with out her constant pranks and annoying laughter that they'd turn into a pack of cannibals out of a Daring Do tale.

Long story short we all realised our true destinies and through the magic of friendship we turned Twilight into an alicorn. She finally realised her destiny.

And thats where I am right now.

Waiting with my friends just outside the Balcony where the princesses and Twi'... no where all the princesses are waving to the crowd. Geez thats gonna take some getting used to. I still haven't figured out what she's princess of yet anyway. I hope she gets to stay in Ponyville cause if not then I'm gonna to have a few words with the Princess. Celestia not Twilight. Boy that gets confusing fast.

I'm happy for Twi. So, so happy for her. And now I have a new buddy to go flying with, somepony who isn't afraid of heights for a change. This can only mean good things for me and the gang. She was already basically a de-facto member of Royalty anyway what with Cadance marrying her brother and all, so its not like we're gonna start acting different around her. She'll be the same old Twi she always was just 20% cooler.

Yeah I'm happy.

Yet something keeps bugging me.

Look I got my Cutie mark doing the Sonic Rainboom. I mentioned it earlier. It is the coolest stunt in the history of Equestria and since I am the only pony in Equestria that can pull it off that makes me the coolest pony. So I should be able to fulfil my dream and become a wonderbolt. It's all I ever wanted. To be up there with my idols and inspire a whole new generation of, well, mes'. To show them how to be awesome and that with skill and perseverance they can be where I am, doing the most job ever.

That's what's bugging me.

You see when Twilight was returning us back to normal, she was doing it by making us remember our destinies.

Rarity remembered something about dresses. I really don't know what her destiny is but it makes her happy to mess around with all that frou-frou girliness and my motto is “if it makes you happy more power to ya”. Just don't expect yours truly to be flying around in a cravat or whatever.

In fact all the girls got their destinies back. Fluttershy animals, Aj apples, yadda yadda yadda. It was all kinda samey when I was watching it. Not that I don't think their destinies are important or anything its just it does get sorta repetitive. Look the important thing happened when we gave Pinkie back her destiny. It's kinda where I had a what-ya-callit. Uh revelation yeah that's it.

You see Pinkie got up there and just by being there made everpony smile. I wasn't really surprised I mean I'm always happy when Pinkie's around even if she can be annoying but when I looked at all those faces it was like what I imagine I'd see when I become a wonderbolt, when I fulfil my dream, my destiny.

That's when it hit me. I was never going to be a wonderbolt.

Watching Pinkie standing there living her dream, the dream of always making ponies happy as she got back her destiny made me figure it out. Everypony else was living their dream and their dream was their destiny.

But me. My destiny was to kick clouds.

Seriously? Why is it that everypony else gets to do their dreams and I'm stuck kicking clouds. I did the sonic Rainboom. Why was my destiny not my dream huh? Did I not deserve it? Is that it?

I just want to fly. To do all those tricks and stunts I've learned over the years and entertain ponies. Yeah maybe I can be a little arrogant but does that mean I don't get my dream.

So yeah.

Thats where I'm at. I'm not going to let them know how much this hurts. I'm going to a brave face on a smile because I am happy for them. Really even if my destiny is to cloud wrangle all day at least I've got them. At least I get to fly whenever I want.

I'm sitting out here with my friends as I look between them all with their big smiles on their faces and how happy they are to have finally gotten their destinies and all I keep thinking is why? Why them and not me?

I know its petty but why?

Author's Note:

Just an idea that came into my head when watching the finale. I actually really liked the episode its just Rd seemed to get shafted a little by the whole destiny thing. I'm sure someones gonna beat me to the punch with this idea and write it a lot better and actually go into it a little more. (seriously I could probably write at least another chapter or two about Rd's destiny thing and her coming to terms with it or not whichever the case may be. Kinda like a pony version of that mitch albion book) But I just wanted to write a little short one shot about it and just let everybody think about how kinda depressing the idea is about a preconceived destiny in this instance at least.

Comments ( 9 )

huh, interesting.

*slow clapping*

I want MOAR

Lots of spelling mistakes there.

Hm. Interesting take on Rainbow Dash's thoughts on the finale. Very interesting, indeed. This is nicely executed piece and very relatable. You do have some capitalization errors here or there, but not to the point that they detract from the piece.

Good job! :twilightsmile:

This is quite obviously rushed, as would be expected from a story which was written on the same day that the episode it was based on aired.

Nah your the first to do this, congrats :rainbowkiss:

i really think this should have been featured
probably would have been, if not for the mistakes

Her destiny is to make a good use from her flying talents. Whether is to save innocent lives, make others happy or chase off clouds and brighten the day.
She's basically a guardian of the skies. Or she will be.

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