• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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80. Introductions

We were walking to the library with the filly trotting in front of us, but she seemed to know the way fairly well, who knows how long she was on the street before she wandered into our little house.

“Are we just going to leave her there?” Bonny asked suddenly with fear in her eyes.

“What?” I asked.

“You heard me, are we going to leave her at the library? Please tell me that we are not just leaving this filly on the library steps for someone else to take care of her.” Bon Bon pleaded.

“Of course not!” I scoffed.

“Thank Celestia.” She let out a breath she must have been holding.

“Yeah, I plan on staying with her.” I told her.

“But you have work.” She said in a confused tone.

“I write lyre music, and I don’t need anything but a quiet room, a quill and paper, and some ink.” I stated flatly. “Come on Bonny remember that I set around most days or help you make candy at your store.”

“I guess you’re right.” She chuckled a little.

We walked the rest of the way in silence. Lyra can make me so happy and I hope you can make this filly happy too.

When we arrived at the library, and opened the door then stepped inside only to view something unusual.

There were sleeping ponies everywhere, on the couches, on the tables, on the floor, and they were just sleeping.

Okay, I know Twilight, the librarian, can bore you to sleep, but this is a little much, I thought as I looked over the scene in front of me.

“Seems that the library is a very quiet place, check, I got my supplies, double check, and now you can see everything is going to be alright, so it's okay for you to head to your shop.” I told Bonny as I gently guided her out the door.

“Goodbye, Lyra.” She whispered while giving a wave to the filly as I pushed her out the door.

When I turned around Golden Dawn was already at a bookshelf picking book after book out giving them a quick glance before putting them back. She must be looking for her favorite book. I thought as I walked up to her with the paper I had been using to communicate with her.

‘Okay, I’m going to be staying here with you, if you need any help or get into trouble come and see me.’ I wrote on it, she read it and nodded.

I finally found an empty spot on the floor near the back of the library and made myself comfortable to start writing.


I knew what I was looking for, but I just couldn’t find it... It's got to be here! Where are you? Is that? No… wait this is it!

I pulled a book out and there behind it was the box I was looking for. I knew better than to touch it but I was relieved to know it was still here.

Now to find something to read.

I went around to the fiction section and found a book that looked remotely interesting; its title was "Green Eggs and Hay."

It looked like a fairly old and worn book; no wonder I had never seen it before. They probably had to throw it out before I got here.

I sat down and began reading. Do you like green eggs and hay?


Everypony was just about done with their meals when AJ told me to check on our napping ponies in the other room. They were still sleeping, of course, then I noticed something moving in the back of the room, and decided to followed it, telling myself it was just a trick of the eye. When I walked into the back area, where I had seen the wisp of motion go, I saw something I didn’t expect... A young filly.

“Hello.” I said quietly trying not to scare her.

No response came from our surprise guest.

“Hi, my name’s Silver Rain, what’s yours?” I tried a different approach, but still nothing.

“Whacha reading there?” I asked as I looked over the filly’s shoulder.

Apparently I was blocking her reading light because she slowly turned and looked up at me, then she froze in fear or surprise I’m not sure.

“D-d-d...” she started stuttering something and seemed to calm herself enough to squeak out “Deaf, I’m deaf.”

“Oh, one second.” I mouthed, I just hope she could read my lips... it's sad that a little filly like that is deaf.

Quietly as I could I ran back to the living room to get a paper and quill, then ran back to her and wrote down ‘can you read?’

“Yeah.” She said while giving a nod of her head.

‘What’s your name?’ I wrote trying to find out more about her.

“I’m Golden Dawn.” She said shyly with a small tint of pink on her cheeks.

‘That’s a pretty name.’ I wrote and watch her blushing increase before writing my next question ‘where’s your parents?’

“Um… I… I’m not…” This sorta killed the conversation as she saddened and started sniffling.

We sat in awkward silence except for the occasional sniffle from her for about fifteen seconds before a light teal mare came around the corner.

She saw me and asked “Is Golden Dawn in trouble?” while looking between me and the sniffling filly at my side.

“No, I just saw her back here and wondered who had snuck in the room. Are you her mother?”

“No, my name is Lyra; I’m taking care of her for now.”

“Oh, do you know where her parents are?” Maybe she is her foal sitter?

“Not really.”

“Not really?” Please tell me she not an orphan.

“She says they’re somewhere in Ponyville, but she doesn’t know anything else.”

“That’s a shame.” She’s too young to be an orphan... even I had the vendor until I could somewhat fend for myself, though maybe Lyra’s in the process of adopting her and giving her the chance to find her parents first. Wow this mare really loves this small filly.

“Yeah.” she seemed just as sad as me about this.

AJ must have wondering what had been taking me so long, because she came into the library and looked around before spotting us in the back and began trotting over to us.

“Hey sugar, who’re your new friends?” AJ asked me when she was by us.

“This is Golden Dawn, she’s a deaf filly.” I informed her while trying my best to make it sound like an introduction.

“Oh. Are you her mother?” she asked the other mare I had met earlier.

“No, I’m Lyra; I’m taking care of her.” She explained again with more confidence than before.

I looked at the filly sitting there quietly as she just stared at AJ and she began to hum a low “Mmm...” to herself.

‘This is AJ.’ I wrote down to let her know my marefriend’s name.

“H-hello, AJ.” She said as she looked at Applejack with a sad or depressed expression... I just can't tell with this little filly, but something was certainly amiss.

‘Is something wrong?’ I asked her hoping she would let somepony of know what was troubling her.

“no.” she quickly squeaked her reply almost out of what seem like fear.

I exchanged a worried glance with the other two mares.

“We should get going, when you find a book you want, just ask for a baby dragon named Spike.” Then AJ and I left Lyra and Golden Dawn to continue their visit.

AJ and I made our way back into the kitchen to find the rest of our friends cleaning up.

“Hey, you two, so how are they… and what took so long?” Spike asked.

“They’re all fine, and we also found a visitor.” I explained knowing the others would want to hear about the deaf filly in the next room.

“Who is it?” All of them asked in some way or another.

“A deaf filly named Golden Dawn.” I knew they would ask to see her, but the way she looked at me and AJ... she might not want to meet all of them, at least not right now.

“It is simply awful that a filly must endure that affliction.” Rarity replied with a slight sadness in her voice.

“That’s not the half of it. She’s also an orphan.”

Rarity gasped and rushed towards the door with tears in her eyes, before I stopped her.

“It's not a good idea to meet her right now; she doesn’t seem to like strange ponies near her.” I explained to her.

“Oh... Sorry.” She whimpered as she wiped her eyes with her hoof.

“Don’t worry about it.” The other mares seemed to be close to shedding tear along with Rarity.

We all exchanged small talk about the filly and what will happen when the others wake up until the other actually began to wake up. When everyone was awake we asked them what was going on and what happen to them while they were asleep.

“Whelp, turns out that Dillon’s life sucked before he came here.” Fixinit said bluntly. “No wonder he wanted to- oof!” Twilight kicked him. “What was that for?”

“We’re not here to talk about that. We’re here to talk about what happened to Dillon and how he became six stallions.” She said.

“Fine, turns out Celestia wasn’t cruel enough to send Dillon home or kill him, but she decided to split him up into us because Dillon loved Twilight.”

Author's Note:

pinky promise you wont tell anypony!

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