• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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40. Sleep & Dreams

After we ate I asked when we could meet next.

“Maybe during the next fair, you said you liked those, right?”

“Yes I did say that. Ok, we’ll meet at the next fair. Where can I find you until then?”

He thought for a moment, then looked down sadly “I don’t have a place to stay right now, I’ll just have to look for the nearest hotel.” He started to walk away.

“You could stay with me.” I was being sincere, I wouldn’t mind at all.

“Are you sure?” he turned his head.

“Of course, what kind of marefriend would I be if I didn’t help you when you’re in a jam?” I gave him a sweet smile.

“Even with that other guy?”

“You mean Fixinit? He would like the company of another stallion.”

“Ok, thank you Twilight.” He walked back up to me and gave me a short hug; it seems we’re at the hugging stage.

“It’s my pleasure.” Then we left for the library.


When we got home Fixinit was snooping through some stuff, specifically Dillon’s safe. Somehow he had opened it and was now looking through the stuff in it.

“Fixinit, how did you open that? It has a code on it!”

“I'm a mechanically inclined pony; I can crack a simple 6-digit-pass-code.” He said without looking up from his current schematic.

“Well what’s in there?”

“Just a ton of schematics for different devices. Some of someponies old memories, strangely, they weren’t a pony though. Twilight, is this Dillon?” he held up a picture Dillon from what seemed to be a few years ago.

“Yes, that’s Dillon. Your room is upstairs, third door on the left.” I said to Silver.

“Thank you.” then Silver left and Spike walked in.

“Fixinit got it on his first try, like he knew the combination.” The dragon gave the stallion a suspicious look.

“My hooves are sensitive, I felt the internal parts move.” He explained what he felt and what happened then went right back to looking through the papers scattered all over the lobby floor “by the way, I didn’t know you had a guest room, why didn’t you have me sleep in it?”

“Because I don’t have a guest room.” Then I walked upstairs.


Spike and Fixinit exchanged a worried glance, then they started to follow her up the stairs. They peeked into her room to see Twilight and Silver both sitting on the bed. They strained their ears to listen.

“Are you sure I can sleep with you, Twilight?” Silver asked in an unsure tone.

“Yes, we’re going to be marefriend and coltfriend aren’t we? So we might start acting like it. Plus nothing will happen unless we both want it to.”

“Thank you twilight, for a place to stay, but I don’t really feel comfortable sleeping with you.”

“Did you feel comfortable when we were at olives?”

“Well, no.”

“And this entire thing is about forcing you out of your comfort zone.”

“Well when you put it that way this makes sense.”

“Then c’mon, it’s getting late and I'm tired.”

“If you say so.” They lay down and the two outside the room shut the door.

They put their backs to the door and just sat there for a moment.

“She’s already sleeping with him.” Fixinit said stunned.

“Dude, I think it’s a bit late for you to proclaim your undying love.”

“Ya think?” he gave Spike a sarcastic look.

“Yep, well time to hit the sack, night.” And with that the baby dragon walked into the room silently and lay down in his basket.

“Well, I guess that’s my cue.” Fixinit got up and walked to the couch, curled into a ball and started thinking.

Thinking about how he couldn’t get Twilight. How he couldn’t win her heart with his intellect, how he had been surpassed by a lesser being, one not as smart. Then he realized how he was thinking, this pony was not some less significant being that got lucky, this was the stallion that Twilight loved, and he would support her any way he could. Then he fell into a troubled sleep.


That night I dreamt of the different male characters in my life. Dillon stood before me, then walked back into darkness like so many times prior. I called for him just the same and when I put my head down Fixinit came to lift it again. He helped me walk for a little then after I looked up to see his face I looked the other way to see Silver Rain, he was helping me too. After a few minutes of walking they began to back off and I started to walk on my own, then Silver started walking closer to me than Fixinit, not helping me but walking with me. Fixinit was watching us walk together, following a bit further than a few feet, but still following. Then I woke up.


When I fell asleep next to Twilight I knew I would dream about her. I was in the corner cowering from the Manticore, when Twilight teleported in the Manticore swatted her to the side. I was enraged; this monster had brought harm to a female. I felt the adrenalin in my veins, I felt my chest bulge, I looked down and saw the biggest muscles I had ever seen. The Manticore swatted at my head, I did nothing to stop it. He made direct contact, leaving a nasty scratch on my cheek. I looked back to it and smirked. It seemed to fear me now. I took one threatening step towards it and it flinched. It then seemed to notice how it was acting because it looked at its forepaws and back to me. Then it psyched itself up and roared. I punched its face, right in the snout, once, and it flattened. The monster fell to the ground with a bleeding nose and a broken jaw. Twilight woke up and gave me a hug and a kiss on the unscratched cheek. I just smiled at her, then swept her off her hooves in one passionate kiss, holding her head with a hoof. I think she liked it because she squealed in excitement. I noticed that that was the first sound I had heard in the entire dream, I then realized that everything seemed like an old silent film, which explains the silence.

Author's Note:

well, twilight, it seems your a bit of a slut.
Twilight: wha- and hows that?!
me: you slept with Dillon, twise, and now youre encouraging this guy to sleep with you, after the first date.
Twilight: nothing happened!!
me: still. -thwap- owch, *nasalized* so called for and worth it.

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