• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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4. She's got a DRAGON!! (I'm screwed)

I got a few weird looks from ponies as I walked by stores and carts, but in no-time we were in a giant hollowed out tree; this tree had as many books as a library. It struck me that it might actually be a library. “Uh… is this a library?”

“What was your first clue? All the books or the sign outside that says ‘library’?” she said in a sarcastic tone.

“Hey Twi. Home already? I thought you said you were gonna be out all day.” Just then a small purple dragon with green spines walked through a door and his jaw dropped to the ground. “Th-th-th-that’s-”

“Not a pony, I know. Dinky, can you go help Spike make some lunch.” She had cut him off with a slightly annoyed tone, and then nudged the little girl towards the dragon; she walked into the kitchen without any argument. When the dragon still stood and stared with his mouth agape the purple mare took a threatening step towards him with and angry face. This snapped the dragon out of his trance and into action; he rushed back through the door. Moments later I heard sounds that signaled something tossing a salad. I took note of two things: 1. Watch out for Twilight, she seems nice but if a fire breathing dragon, in a wood library, is afraid of her then she must know something that would keep him in line. 2. She has a dragon! “so, tell me about yourself Mr…” she asked this from a small chair in the main lobby of the library and patted a small couch next to her. She also had a small notebook and what looked like a quill. This only furthered my suspicion of what time period this world is in.

“Oh, um… Mr. Rogers.” He winced at the name, preparing himself for the impending torture of the name being related in any remote fashion to a children’s TV show. But when none came he looked at the mare to see a look of utter confusion, then it hit Dillon, they didn’t have TV here, let alone a human show for human children. So he continued how Twilight had done, James Bond style. “Dillon Rogers, but you can call me Dillon.”

She gave a questioning look but then discarded it; she proceeded to pat the couch next to her again telling Dillon to sit down. He complied. “So Dillon, tell me about yourself.” She picked up the small notebook and quill in her magic and began to write something.

“Where do I start?” I asked.

“From the beginning might be nice.”


“And that’s why I tried to kill myself, what happened between now and about a week ago, and I think I'm either insane or in a coma.”

“Well, Dillon, I can tell you that you are not in a coma, the crazy part can be debated-”

“Hey!” was she implying I might be crazy?

“Just kidding, but seriously, how did you get here and what’s your world like?”

“Well I don’t have a clue how I got here, one second I'm in my kitchen, the next I'm in an alleyway and as for my world… I think for now we should steer away from that topic, for now.” I added the last part when I saw her face fall a little.

For the next few minutes we sat in silence, both of us probably thinking of what to do next. When suddenly spike burst out of the door and said “lunch… is served.” In a dramatic tone.

“Great, spike, what took you so long?” Twilight had gotten up and walked over to the door spike was at. When opened it with her magic and saw the largest meal that spike had prepared for her and a guest yet.

“Well, I had the brains to think that our fairly larger guest would have an equally larger stomach. So I had to make a much larger meal than normal.” He explained himself like he was talking to a classroom.

“Spike you never stop impressing me, do you?” twilight said this with a ‘shock and awe’ tone.

“It’s in the job description.” They had a chuckle at this while I had no clue what they were talking about. I just figured they had lived with each other long enough that they knew what to say and do to make each other laugh. ‘will I ever get that used to this place?’ I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer to that question.

“So should we get eating, or just stand around cracking jokes?” twilights comment snapped me out of my thoughts and into this Technicolor pony world.

“Uh, ya, sure. I haven’t eaten since last night. Do you guys have turkey sandwiches? I love me a turkey sandwich.” This caught them off guard, they didn’t know that humans were omnivores and I hadn’t told them. They were confused and discussed at the same time. They showed their emotions on their faces and I gave back a questioning “what?”

“Here in Equestria we don’t eat meat.” Said Spike.

“But you’re a dragon. How do you not eat meat?”

“I eat jewels. But I can handle the pony food, too.” Spike responded

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to offend anyone, sorry. We humans are omnivores, I probably should have told you something. Sorry.” I looked to the floorboards in shame.

“Um… don’t worry about it, you didn’t know.” Twilight said in a forgiving tone. This only slightly raised my spirits; I only brought more burdens wherever I go. “let’s eat, shall we?”

We all ate in silence, none of us wanting to address the ‘elephant in the room’ per say. After lunch something unexpected happened…

“Hey Dillon?” asked Twilight.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“Would you want to go shopping with me? When you appeared with dinky I had just gotten out and even with my magic I can't carry everything.” I decided I had nothing better to do.

“Sure, I would love to help you out with your shopping dilemma.” I said “but I think we need to get this one back to her family.” I looked down to Dinky, the others followed my eyes.

“You don’t need to worry about me, I know my way home.” She assured.

“I still think we should walk you home.” I told her.

“I’ll be fine.” She got up and left without another word.

I thought about following her just to make sure that she would make it home safe, but she seemed pretty confident. I trusted her to get home on her own.

Author's Note:

no comment.

Dillon: so this whole thing was just me telling twilight what happened to me?

me: your the one who told her.

Dillon: good point.

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