• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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38. Dates & Bro-talks

On our way back to the library Fixinit explained in great detail what he did to send the Manticore away, how he used the make-shift-whistle to demolish the beasts’ eardrums. He talked and I listened, I knew he couldn’t hear so I just listened. When we got back to the library he had regained his hearing. We talked about what our next move would be: should we still go to Fluttershy’s house or should we wait till tomorrow. Then there was a knocking at the door.

“Hello?” I opened it and there stood the pony from before, now that my mind wasn’t pumped full of adrenalin I could get a better look at who now stood before me.

He was a Pegasus with a grey coat, black mane with a blue streak through it, his eyes were dark green and they looked sad.

“Hi, I just wanted to come and thank you guys for saving me back there.” He had a slight southern accent, kinda like applejack, but not as extreme, and he looked ashamed for not being able to protect himself.

“Oh, it was no problem. Did you need anything else?” he seemed to look more ashamed and almost embarrassed.

“A-actually I wanted to check out a book.”

“Ok, come on in.” I stepped aside to let him pass, he walked in and saw Fixinit; almost immediately all signs of embarrassment and shame were gone, replaced by mistrust and slight anger.

“hello.” He had a surprisingly stern voice.

“Hi.” Fixinit was cheerily greeting this pony, oblivious to the malice in his voice “I'm Fixinit, what’s your name?”

“I'm Silver Rain, what’s he doing here?” he asked me.

“Fixinit just needs a place to stay for a while.”

“Uhuh, and when will he be leaving?” he gave Fixinit a squinted glare.

“I'm not sure, we haven’t discussed it.” he didn’t like Fixinit for some reason.

“I see.” He then walked around the couch Fixinit was sitting on, never letting his gaze leave the brown stallion, to a bookshelf in the back, he then started to touch every book, one by one on the spine, in his reach; I found this odd, but passed it off as him just looking for the book he needed.

“Twi, what’s up with your friend?”

“I don’t know him; I’ve never seen him around, ever. I’ll have to talk to pinky soon. Um, Mr. Rain, what book are you looking for?”

His tone was back to a calm one “yes, how to get a mare was the title, I think. A friend told me that it helped a lot for him.” I walked over to the section he was at.

“Here it is.” I pulled a book out, the title reading what he said, and gave it to him “are there any others you need?”

“Yeah, I-I would…” he got a look on his face, like he was attempting to do something he had never done before “ch-check you out.” He finished with a weird grin.

“Um…” he suddenly got angry at himself.

“Celestia dammit!! I knew that wouldn’t work. And now you probably think I'm some kind of weirdo. I'm so sorry; I just thought you were very pretty and heroic back there. I like you a lot and I just really wanted to be with you. I'm going to go now. I'm sorry.” He started to walk away in shame and embarrassment.

“Wait, I never said no!”

“So you will.” He looked back in mild hope and disbelief.

“Sure, you seem like an ok guy to me, and you haven’t given me a reason to not like you. I don’t see why this wouldn’t work out.”

“Thank you.”

“But I wouldn’t want to go too fast. The last person I had a relationship with we took it too fast and he left me. So let’s get to know each other first.”

“Ok, tomorrow at olives garden for lunch at noon. I’ll be waiting.” He walked out with his book and closed the door, as soon as it was closed Fixinit shot out of his chair.

“What just happened?”

“I got a date with a Pegasus.”

“Well, yeah, but still, what just happened?” he was in my face now.

“I told you, I got a date, now back off.” I now realize how angry I must have been.

“You can't just go on a date with every stallion you save.”

“And you can't tell me what to do.”

“Yeah, but think, you don’t know this guy, not in the slightest, the last you saw him he was quivering like a foal.”

“Anything else, because so far he sounds like any other stallion stuck in that situation.”

“No, I was the one who actually did everything! You just teleported! I actually lead it out of the town and pushed it back into the forest!”

“Yes, but still, you can't stop me.”

He was enraged. “Fine! Go fuck a duck for all I care! But if he ends up being the worst guy you ever knew, don’t come crying to me!”

“I won’t need to.” I then walked up to my studies while he huffed and puffed in the lobby.


I heard the entire thing from the kitchen, the new stallion coming in, twilights talk to them both, and Fixinits rage. I didn’t like the last part but I really didn’t see any other issues. Why was Fixinit so angry that twilight had just gotten a new coltfriend, anypony else would be happy for her, considering what she had been through. I decided to confront him about it.

“Hey, Fixinit. Everything ok?”

“No spike, everything is not ok.” He was calm and sitting on the couch with his head in his hooves.

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you like that twi got a new coltfriend?”

“Because I was hoping to fill that role.”

“You like twilight?”


“Why haven’t you talked to her about it?”

“… I'm not good with mares.”

“Well, you should talk to her about it. If she knows why you blew up like that she could help you. She is really good at helping ponies like that.”

“No, I don’t want to get in her way; I just want her to be happy.” He acted defeated.

“She could be happy with you.”

“No, she didn’t show any interest in me. She doesn’t want me like that.”

“Dude, when she got here all she cared about was studying; she didn’t care about friendship at all, now look at her, she knows everypony, if you talk to her about it she will open up, I promise.”

“You really think so?”

“I know so.” I gave him a reassuring smile.

“Thanks spike. I owe you one.”

“I take payment in jewels or bits.” I bowed sarcastically.

He smiled “I’ll go to raritys tomorrow.”

“You’re going to raritys? Can I come?” my mind was filled with images of the beautiful mare.

“Sure, don’t see why not.”


Author's Note:

so Fixinit's going to Raritys' and twilight's going on a date with a stallion that she litteraly met yesterday... this can only end well.

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