• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,263 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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Just as Twilight and Fixinit reach the last building on their way out of town towards Fluttershy's cottage they heard a loud roar followed by a scream.

“What was that?" twilight said in confusion.

“Somepony help me...It's going to kill me...please help!" Fixinit looking at Twilight after hearing another roar.

"We need to find where that is scream came from and help them." Twilight scanning the area notices a pony pass by the end of a nearby alleyway followed by a large familiar beast.

"Was that...It couldn't be..." Twilight bolts down the alleyway where she had seen the two passed by. “Fixinit we have to hurry! That shouldn't be here in town."

"What are you talking about Twilight?"

"It looked like a Manticore, but that can't be...They never leave the Everfree Forest."

As they reach the end of the alley, the two hear another roar from there right. The Manticore was closing in on a pony using a few trash cans for cover, trying its best to hide from the beast. Twilight's eyes widen in fear at the sight and Fixinit lets out a tired sigh.

“This is bad! We need to help that pony and find a way to get that Manticore away from town. I have to think of something." Twilight started to panic.

“This problem again..." Looking around he quickly spots some objects and starts forming an idea.

‘broken apple crate, discarded parchment, glass bottle, and metal trash can....hmm...perfect!’

“Twilight, can you use your teleport spell and get that pony somewhere safe while I lead this guy away from town?"

“Alright." Twilight's horn began the glow then with a flash of light she appeared next to the hiding pony and placed a hoof on it and with another flash was gone.

The Manticore began searching for the pony that was there just moments before turning and spotting Fixinit with all of items he had seen floating around him.

“This is a real problem now..." he said as he turned and began running away from town.

He began working on his device while running as fast as he could toward the forest in the distance. Using his magic he removed the bottom of the metal trash can and began forming it into a cone shape. Leaving a small opening at the narrow end of the cone. Next ripped apart the apple crate keeping only two pieces of wood and the long strand of wire used to hold the crate together. Using these he fashioned a holder for the glass bottle and attached it onto the small end of the cone. Placing the bottle in the holder, he began adjusting the height and angle of the bottle and its holder.

Looking up to make sure his path was still clear and on target with the forest. Finding everything ahead of him ok and on the right path to reach the woods he gave a quick glance behind him noticing the Manticore had closed half the gap between them, then he hastily went back to his invention.

“Just a little more and I’ll have a surprise for you.” he murmured more to himself than the monster.

Focusing on the make shift device, He rolled the parchment into a tiny narrow tube to make straw and place it into position just above the lip of the glass bottle and fastened it with the wire hanging from the holder.

“Okay, a quick test." Blowing through the parchment tube causes the device to emit a low sound like a flute note in a deeper tone.

“A few adjustments and we'll be ready." He moved the angle of the bottle just as he reaches the edge of the forest; turning around the Manticore rushing toward him.

“Now or never I guess." He takes in a deep breath and blows through the parchment tube and the device emits an ear piercing whistle.


I teleported us to the first place that came to my mind, the town square. It wasn’t uncommon for a unicorn to teleport around, but when she was tugging along another pony that was shaking in their hooves like a foal, it raised a few eyebrows. Of course I made sure that this pony was alright before running off towards where Fixinit had been, to my surprise the pony yelled after me.

“I wanna help, too.”

“Why? No offense but you weren’t much help back there.”

“You pulled me out before I could do anything! If I’d known that I had the backup of you and that other guy I would have stood my ground!”

“Fine, just don’t get in our way, please; I don’t want to hurt you on accident.” I then began running again.

“Thank you.” he said following me closely.


The sound causes the charging beast to wince and shake its head furiously from the pain the noise was causing it. The beast, losing its focus on Fixinit, charged pass him slamming into a tree behind him.

The last of his breath gone, he quickly turns to find the beast slightly dazed but still aware of his presence. Taking another deep breath and letting another blast of sound from the apparent whistle, the sound again causing the beast to let loose a roar and shaking its head wildly from side to side to try to relieve itself of the pain coming from its ears. Unable to stand the continual agony from the sound, it rushes back into the forest, crashing through the bushes and dense undergrowth of the forest to escape the punishing screech.

“That worked perfectly, I guess playing with a glass bottle when I was younger pays off, but the ringing in my ears tells me that I shouldn’t try that again... at least anytime soon.”

Slowly making his way back to town, Twilight and the pony from before come running up to him. He notices Twilight's mouth moving but the ringing in his ears drowns out her voice.

“I can't hear you right now, let’s go back to the library, hopefully I can regain my hearing by the time we get there." Giving his head a few shakes before Twilight simply nods her head in agreement and starts making their way back to town.

Author's Note:

so twilight, who is this new pony?
Twilight: not sure, I've never seen 'em before...
me: so a new pony arives in ponyville and gets attacked by a manticore...
Twilight: I know, weird right? and why cant Fixinit hear?
me: I'm sure he'll explane it on his way back to the library.

I give all credit for this chapter to Jcn840.

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