• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,263 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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32. The Dress Maker

I was working on what was my crescendo in my latest line of dresses when I heard the doorbell ring, somepony was at the door.

“Coming!” I yelled back to the lobby.

When I got there I almost dropped my tools to what I saw: an earth pony stallion with a shredded suit, a terribly ruffled mane, and scratches all around his body.

The first thing he asked was “do you mind if I borrow a new suit, I think this one has a hole in it.” he smirked at his joke and almost collapsed.

I dropped my tools and grabbed him in my magical grip. He could barely walk. I set him on one of my couches and went to fulfill his request of a new suit, it was the least I could do for a pony that was obviously in the condition he was in.

“What happened to you?” I asked as I gave him the new suit.

“I was confronted by a Manticore in the Everfree forest, nasty things they are, especially when they get their claws on you.”

“Oh, dear.” I had had a similar confrontation, but we had Fluttershy to figure out what was wrong and fix the problem.

“Luckily I had my fabric cutter, or I might have ended off much worse.” I could only imagine what he had to do to save his own life.

“I have had a similar issue a long time ago, I had a friend to help me out but even so I had learned some basic healing spells, hold still this might hurt a bit.”

I started casting my spell on him “what are you talking about? This isn’t that ba- AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!” he started screaming in pain, so I stopped.

“Oh, my, did it really hurt that much?” his scream faded to a dull moan, then escalated again into laughter.

“No, but I had you going there didn’t I?” he chuckled.

I smacked him across the face “that wasn’t nice, I thought I was causing you pain!”

“Ok, ok, I'm sorry. Jeez.”

“Just don’t do that again.”

“I’ll do my best.” He smirked a little; I just rolled my eyes and continued the spell.

He grit his teeth a little but nothing came out. When I was done he complemented me on my expertise.

“Are you sure you’re not a doctor?” he flexed his front right leg “this was broken before I got here.” If that was true then I was better than I realized, he saw the look of shock on my face “just joking, but you really did a good job. Thanks.”

I punched him in the side “stop that.”

“Fine, fine, I will. Can I stay here for the night?”

“What, you don’t have another place to be?”

He looked at me with an ‘are you kidding me?’ look “so I came all this way into town to seek help from bleeding to death from a fashionista, when I have somewhere else to be. That's really logical. But no, I don’t. Now can I please stay here while I look for a place to live?”

“Of course. But please, don’t joke with me like that.”

“Ok, I won’t. Now, do you know why I stopped here instead of anywhere else?”

“No.” I asked myself the same question a minute ago.

“Because this place looks like the only place I can find high end clothing. Am I right?”

“You are.” the Carousell Boutique was the only proper clothing shop I knew of in Ponyville.

“I would like to lend my services.” he lifted a hoof to his chest in a regal maner.

“Why would you think that I need services?” I asked while I tried to look at his cutie mark, it was covered by his suit.

“Because it’s me that’s helping.” he gave a cocky smirk.

“Oh, really, and what makes you think I would need even your services?”

“Because I can design a dress just as fast as you could design a suit.” His eyes narrowed.

“That’s a pretty bold statement, can you back it up?”

“Only one way to find out.” He started to walk towards the back.

“Hey, where are you going?” I followed him.

“To the back where the dresses are kept. I want to take a look at your style of design.”

“What about proving your worth?” he spun around at speeds I had no clue a stallion could possess.

“Do you not agree that that can be settled later?”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Good, then that means we can take a look at your dresses and suits. Now where could they be?” he started to wander the house looking for my work space.

He opened the bathroom door and closed it again, then opened my bedroom door, closed it too, and then he opened sweetie bells door. The look on his face went from determined to pleasantly surprised.

“I didn’t know you had a filly?” he turned back to me.

“She’s my sister.” I deadpanned at him.

“Who’s that sis?” Sweetiebell called from her bed.

The stallion walked in the door “hello little filly, what’s your name? I'm Fedorian.”

“I'm Sweetie bell. What are you doing here?”

“I'm looking for work.” I was surprised how well he was with sweetie bell.

“Cool, are you gonna work here?”

“I might, if your sister gives me a job.”

“Cool, sis, why don’t you give him a job?”

“Why would I, sweetie?”

“I don’t know, but maybe he could help you with your designs.”

“Actually, I have another job for this guy. How would you like to watch sweetie for me?”

“That would be the kindest offer I had received in a long time, and I would accept in a heartbeat.”

“Hired.” we all smiled.

“Yay!” sweetie bell jumped off of her bed and onto Fedorian’s back, he didn’t so much as flinch when the filly kept jumping up and down on his spine.

“You’ll start tomorrow.” I told him, watching Sweetie.

“Great, where can I sleep?” he asked, not showing any sign that a filly was anywhere near him.

“There are several couches downstairs, pick one.”

“You can sleep with me!” Fedorian laughed at the little filly bouncing on his back.

I knew she was too small to know why that was wrong, but what was I going to do? Allow a stallion I hadn’t known for more than a few minutes sleep with my little sister? That’s crazy.

“No sweetie, he’ll just have to find a couch.”

“Please, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!” I was taken completely aback, I had expected this from sweetie bell, but it came in Fedorian’s voice.

“What?” I turned back to him.

“I swear I won’t try to pull any funny business!” again Fedorian, in a pleading childlike voice, he was holding my hoof, begging. I then realized this was for sweetie bells amusement more than getting into her room, and she was stifling a chuckle.

“You swear?”

“I swear!”

“Fine, but if anything, anything happens to her, I blame you.” my snout was less than a centimeter from his, then he caught me off guard and kissed my nose.

“Nothing will happen, trust me.” He smirked like he was messing with me.

I hopped back and sweetie bell giggled, a low growl was emanating from my chest; I did nothing to stop it. His smirk continued. I yelled and stomped away.

Author's Note:

dude, I think you went too far.
Fedorian: nah, shes just a sore loser.
me: you sure, I've never seen rarity like this.
Fedorian: trust me, she'll be fine.
me: its not her I'm worried about.
Fedorian: wait... O_o

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