• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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30. Vinyls past

Presto woke up “hey Presto, where did EQ go?”

“I think he said something about going to get something.”

“What could he be out to get?”

“I dunno. But it was kinda important; he couldn’t wait for you to wake up.”

“Well I guess we’ll just have to wait… what did you do yesterday?”

“Vinyl and I mixed some tracks, then I paid her for letting me use her equipment. What did you do last night?”

“We went to the park and played some songs. What did you mean by ‘paid her’?”

His cheeks got a touch of red in them “well, she wanted to… um, have some fun… I don’t normally do that to a girl until I get to know her more… but she really wanted it… I guess what I'm trying to say is: ask her.”

“I will.” That’s when Vinyl came down the stairs.

“Did somepony call my name?”

“No, but you can tell me what you did last night with Presto.”

Her cheeks turned the same shade of red as Presto’s were, but she smirked “we mixed some tracks then he paid me, why?”

“How did he pay you?”

“He ate me out.” She said bluntly, as if it were an insignificant detail, like it didn’t matter.

“VINYL, we don’t make ponies pay us like that!!”

“But he didn’t have any money, and it felt great.”


“Fine, I'm sorry I told you to do that last night, Presto.”

“Oh, no, no need for apologies; I liked it as much as you did.”

“So would you want to do it again?”

“Maybe, but I would like to get to know you more before then, ok?”

“ok.” She was disappointed, I could tell, but she was happy that they would have the chance again later, this much was obvious.

Just then EQ came through the door and into the living room “hey EQ, what was so important that you had to leave so early?” he gave an angry glance at Presto, and then realized that he hadn’t told the girls what he was getting.

“Just some sheet music. Why?”

“Just wondering. So what are we going to do today?”

“Well I was wondering if you guys had daily jobs, maybe we could help with those.”

“We do, but vinyl’s doesn’t start until later. I should be getting ready for mine in a few minutes now.”

“Can I tag along?” EQ wanted to come, too.

“Sure, but bring your bass. We might be able to make use of you.” He grabbed his bass and we left for work.


Five minutes later we were in the same park as last night, but we were in the main courtyard not the less used areas.

“Hello, Octavia, who’s your friend?” that was Concerto.

“This is EQ, he plays the bass.” I gestured to EQ.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you. I'm Concerto, I play violin, and this is Beauty Brass, she plays the tuba.”

“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” he seemed genuinly happy to meet my friends.

“You’re kinda cute.” Beauty brass walked around him, eyeing his plot.

“Brass, we aren’t here to flirt, were here to play, now let’s play.” We set up our music and started to play one of Neethoven symphonies.


I was showing Presto how I made my wubs and he showed me a few new beats, we went back and forth with this until it got boring. Usually I would go into town and just walk around until I had to go to the club but I wasn’t feeling it today. I wanted something else. I knew I couldn’t have that until he knew more about me so I decided to start asking questions about him.

“Where are you from?”

“Originally, Trottingham, I moved from there to Canterlot and from there here.”

“That’s cool; did you ever meet the princesses?”

“Yeah, on a few occasions.”

“What was it like?”

“They were regal, kind, and acted fairly.”

“Ok, did you do any big shows in Canterlot or Trottingham?”

“No, only clubs, I was never recognized for my talent or potential.”

“That’s too bad, you’re actually pretty good.”

“So I’ve been told. Now how about you, where did you come from?”

“You don’t need to know where I came from, just that I'm here now.”

“I want to know.”

“*sigh* I came from the slums of Manehattan, I was as poor as they came, and for the longest time I stole and scavenged for my next meal. I never knew my real parents, they dropped me at a random house and left, never to return. I was raised in terrible conditions, the family I was left with had one other filly and they gave her everything. I literally had to make them meals. They didn’t care about me; they said that I was just another burden. So I left.

"I was that kid on the streets until I turned 7, then I found my first turntable in a trash bin. It was my savior. I used it every chance I got, I got a job at a local club, I DJed there all day, and in return they gave me one of the booths to sleep in. I grew up like that for several years, slowly learning how to be a better DJ.

"They provided everything for me, food, water, my equipment, everything. I left one day because I had collected enough money from the street to buy a train ticket to Canterlot. When I got there I signed up for music school, that’s where I met Octavia.

"We were immediate friends, she was getting picked on and I kicked the bullies’ flanks down the street. She was so grateful she told me to stop by her house after school for dinner. When I got there she and her parents had a four course meal set out. That was by far the biggest meal I had ever had.

"As you could guess, the parents started asking questions about me, what I did, where I lived, where my parents were. I didn’t want to lie to the ponies feeding me so I told the truth; that I was here because I didn’t have anywhere else to go. They took me in and raised me as their own.

"Me and Octavia have been sisters ever since. Some ponies think were more than that but their wrong, we’re just really close friends. That’s my past. I hope that it didn’t bring the mood down too much.”

“That’s… really amazing, Vinyl. I couldn’t imagine going through that. My parents were fairly rich and bought me everything I wanted, they didn’t do anything with me, they were too busy with work all the time, but I had gotten all of my stuff without any fight. I really have a ton of respect for you now.”

“Thanks, is that enough for sex?”

“No, I still don’t know about you, just your past.”

“Dammit. So what do you want to know?”

“Interests, favorite activities, ethics, antics, etc.”

“Well I like to DJ, the fairs aren’t half bad, just music in general is enjoyable, and I guess you’ll learn the rest along the way.” I smirked.

“I guess that’s enough, for now, but when does work start?”

“We got an hour.” My smirk grew to a smile.

“We better hurry then.” My smile turned Cheshire.


A while later we were done and panting; we washed up and left for work. We arrived only a few minutes before my prerecorded track was about to end, usually I would get there with enough time to check all of the cords and clean the board, but today I only had enough time to go through basic sound checks.

“2 minutes Vinyl.”

“Thanks.” I got in my place and dragged Presto next to me, I was ready “ok, I'm gonna play some of my own music, I’ll take a short pause and announce you, then you’ll start mixing some songs, don’t worry, I’ve downloaded some of the songs you said you knew. It’ll be easy.”

“Ok.” He seemed a little worried, maybe he hadn’t been on a stage for a while.

I started playing my opener song, I played this every time that I got on stage, ponies seemed to really like it and it always got them ready for what was coming. This also alerted them that I was now accepting requests.

“Hey everypony, how are we today?” the crowd yelled back “great, let’s get this party started!” and I spun a track.

After about an hour of beats I turned the music down “ok everypony, you all know who I am, but I'm here to introduce a good friend of mine, he has agreed to stop by and twist some tunes.” I leaned over to him and whispered in his ear “what’s your stage name?”

“Xploshun.” I almost fell over, that was Dillon’s stage name, but I couldn’t keep the crowd in suspense for much longer.

“Get ready to hear the work of DJ Xploshun.” I said with a little less enthusiasm, but the large group of ponies hadn’t picked up on it.

I hoofed the mic to Presto and he put it up to his mouth “how is everypony tonight?” the crowd roared to hear a new artist “good, I have another question for you all, are you ready for a little Xploshun?” then he played a track that started with a huge BOOM! As if bomb went off, then went straight into some really fast wubs.

I stood dazed behind him for several songs, then he pulled me up next to him and we started mixing songs together. I was still stunned and not at my best because of it. But it was enough to entertain the crowd.

Author's Note:

... I’m not even going to put a response to this one...

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