• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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23. Her first date

After about an hour of waiting we went downstairs to eat breakfast. Spike was ready, he had a three course meal set up for us, with candles and everything “wow, spike, this is the best breakfast you’ve made yet.” Twilight was amazed, this amazed me.

“Well, seeing as you two haven’t been on a real date before you- ahem, you know what I mean; I just thought this would be a good for you two.”

“Thank you spike,” and in a whisper only he could hear I said “I owe you one.”

“It was my pleasure.” And with that he walked away. He came back with a little waiters outfit on. He whipped out a little notebook “I am spike and I will be your waiter this morning, what will you be having to drink?” I was surprised how refined his voice was.

“Uh, what is there?” twilight must also be surprised.

“There is water, apple juice, and a fine wine I think you both would absolutely love.” Twilight looked a bit embarrassed, like a secret she had been holding was released.

“We’ll take the wine, thank you.” I made the decision for us.

“Great choice, sir.” And he walked away, only to come back with two wine glasses “just call when you’re ready to order.”

“Will do.” Twilight said, obviously recovered from her shock.

Spike walked away and we were left in an awkward silence. I looked to my wine glass, then to the fine table cloth, then to the candles. I lost myself in the flame for a moment, then twilight spoke up “so, what should we talk about?”

“I have no clue, we already know quite a bit about each other from our talks before now. I don’t quite know what is popular here either.”

“Maybe we should order then.”

“good idea, um, spike?” the small purple dragon walked through the door as if he was standing right behind it, waiting for his name to be called.

“Yes, sir?”

“I believe we are ready to order.” Twilight told him.

“Excellent, what will you be having?”

“I’ll be having some pancakes.”

“And for you, sir?”

“I’ll have the same.”

“Perfect, two orders of pancakes coming up.” And he walked back into the kitchen.

“Why is he like that, why didn’t he just make us breakfast?” I asked twilight.

“I don’t know, I never really brought any stallions home, and I never really met any I liked in the first place.” She looked down in shame.

I pulled her chin up “that isn’t an issue, we all had a first time, and I'm honored that your first time is with me.” She smiled at my reassuring statement.

Right about then spike came back in with pancakes steaming hot “pancakes for the lady and for the man. Have a good breakfast, just call if there are any issues.” He stepped behind the door a final time.

“Well, I guess we should dig in.” I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue this awkward conversation.

“I guess we should.” And with that we both swiftly ate our pancakes.


“That was delicious.” Twilight sat back in her seat.

“Yes it was.” I did the same.

Spike came back, grabbed our plates and glasses and said “all expenses are paid for, have a nice day.” And he went back into the kitchen.

“Well I should get going, I have a ton of things to do today, I hope you don’t mind if we go and do stuff tomorrow, do you?” i gave an apologetic smile.

“Oh, no, I know how busy you are, you can go and do that stuff, just remember to keep your promise for tomorrow, ok?”

“ok.” And then I left, heading for the first place that I wanted to go that day.

The doo household.


I arrived around 10:00 and knocked on the door “who is it?” ditzy was home, at least this time I didn’t have to sneak her back home.

“The pizzacolt!” I yelled back, I had decided to make this my ‘call’ for when I was coming to see dinky.

“We didn’t order pizza!”

“It’s complementary!”

“Ok, then.” She opened the door, oblivious to my voice, and saw my tall figure.

“*gasp* you stay away from my daughter!” and she slammed the door, I stuck my shoe in-between the door and its frame.

“I just want to talk.”

“What, about how you’re going to steal dinky away from me? And after that complement, too!” she tried to shut the door in my foot again.

“I never stole dinky from you! I thought you were home. Now stop slamming my foot in the door!” I forced the door open which threw ditzy into a wall “oh my god, are you ok?” I ran to her side and examined her, making sure I hadn’t hurt her too bad.

“I'm fine, now get out!”

“… Fine, just… I'm sorry… I'm just so sorry.”

“Get OUT!!!” I left and closed the door behind me.

I didn’t mean for that to end with me leaving in shame, I just wanted to see my favorite filly, that’s all.


I continued to walk around Ponyville listening to my music, it changed to a dubstep song and I remembered vinyl scratch and how I needed to show her real dubstep. I started walking a bit faster. I arrived at the house just as the song ended, knocked on the door and waited. The door was opened by the very pony I wanted to see, vinyl scratch. “Hey dude, what’s shaken?!” she yelled at me.

“I just thought I would come back and show you my music.” I knew she wouldn’t hear me, but I didn’t care.

“Ok then, just go and get hooked up. I’ll be there in a minute.” My jaw dropped a little, she could hear me through all of that music.

She went inside and I followed, then I departed to go upstairs to the room vinyl had shown me before. I hooked up my iPod with Wi-Fi, which surprised me; they had Wi-Fi, but nothing to use it. Oh well, must be magic. I downloaded each song to the table, this took about two minutes. Then I loaded the first few songs into the decks. “Vinyl, I'm ready for you!” I yelled down to her.

She came through the doors and I asked “are you ready for a little Xploshun?” then I blasted her with my music, this lasted for about an hour until Octavia walked into the room with her hooves to her ears.

“Could you possibly turn it down a few notches? Half of Ponyville is at our door complaining!” she tried to yell over the music but was almost unsuccessful, her entering the room caused me to turn it down to a bearable level though.

“Sorry, tavi, I was just showing vinyl here my music. That’s all.” and then I turned it all the way off.

“Oh, it’s quite alright. But next time try to refrain from blasting it that loud, ok?”

“Sure thing tavi.”

“Now that we can talk again, Dill, I was wondering if I could use any of the songs you played just now.”

“no.” she suddenly got a surprised look, this turned to a pleading look in seconds.

“Oh, why not? I’ll give you credit for making them, I swear.” she grabbed my foot and started begging.

“Ok, firstly, I didn’t make half of them; secondly, I was pulling your leg, you can use any of the songs I loaded on your system. Thirdly I have never had anyone call me ‘dill’, but I like it. ”

“Thank Celestia. And another thing, what did you say before, why did you ask me if I was ready for an ‘explosion’?”

“oh, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, back on earth I would DJ at a few clubs, my stage name was Xploshun, and that was just a catchy phrase that I came up with.”

“I like it, ca-”

“No you can't use it, it’s mine and mine alone.”

“Fine, but I like it.”

“Thanks. I should get going, I need to be at work at 3 and my boss is really picky about being late. Bye.” And I left for work, even if it was a few hours early.

Author's Note:

so how was the date?
Dillon: it was ok, the food was as good as any, the waiting services were decent, and the girl was beautiful. over all I feel it was a succes.

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