• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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2. The following days

The next few days went like they had been for the past five years: wake up at 5:00 AM, go to work, work, come home, and go to sleep at midnight, repeat. This was the way it went until one day at work I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye, I first blew it off as just lack of sleep, then I saw it again; I then thought I was going mad. I was going to have to go to the doctor after work today.

“Sir? Sir!” the lady in front of me had been ordering when I dazed off.

“Huh? Oh sorry, just thinking. What was it you were saying?”

She looked at me like I was the most retarded person on earth, then she repeated her order. I got it down and sent it to the back for them to make it.

The rest of that work day I was wondering what that thing I saw was. I didn’t get a good look at it but from what I saw it was a white horse.

I got back to my apartment that day deep in thought. ‘What was that? Why did I see it? Does this mean I'm crazy or just tired?’ and in my deep thought I didn’t notice the note on my desk. I walked straight to the window and looked out to the peaceful scenery. The force in the air I had made knocked said note behind my desk, not to be found until it was too late. The window I was at was one of the few reasons that I chose this apartment, that and it was in my price-range.

I was still thinking of that white thing I saw earlier when I remembered what I was going to do in a few days here and decided to go to bed.

That night I had a weirder than normal dream. When I ‘woke up’ in the dream, I was looking down at a little girl. She had blond hair and yellow eyes. And in those eyes was an expression that implied that I was some sort of monster, I thought ‘you have no clue how right you are’ then I noticed that I had a cold object in my right hand, and my hand was next to my head.

Without pulling the object down I looked over and saw it was my gun. As I looked back down at the little girl, she jumped at my sudden movements, not taking her eyes off of my face. I just stared at her, not moving to wait and see what she does. Nothing happened for a long while.

The scene flipped from first-person to third-person and the sound seemed to cut out because I no longer heard her whimpering. Without the power to do anything but watch, for the next few seconds, that’s all I did. Then I pulled the trigger. The girl shrieked at the noise and watched in horror as my brains and blood fell all over the black floor. As my life juices spilled out over the ground, she slowly approached me and shook me as if I were just sleeping, like she didn’t know what the gun did. This got her hands all bloody and as she sat there shaking my lifeless body, she started to cry.

This wounded me, not physically, but emotionally. I didn’t even know this girl, I had killed myself in front of her, and she was sad I was gone. Why? I didn’t know this girl; I meant nothing to her as she meant nothing to me, but she was still sad I was no longer there. Why? At that point I wanted to kneel down and hug her, whispering ‘I'm here, there’s no need to cry, I'm here.’ But then she did something I never expected another human being to do, ever. She grabbed the gun off of the ground and put it to her own head and pulled the trigger before I had time to comprehend it.

I was left in a daze. ‘She had left this world because I had’ and with that I was left in a black void with two dead, bloody bodies until I woke up that morning wishing I had never slept that night.

I got dressed and headed to work, it was a Friday and I wanted to get there and have a little while to think over what had happened last night before my shift.

I got my wish; I had gotten to work about 45 minutes early. As I was waiting for my shift to start, I thought about what the dream might have meant. ‘When did I ever see that little girl? Do I even know her? Who is she?’ I was shocked out of my state of mind by Bryan whose shift just ended.

“Hey bro, your shift.” He said.

“Huh? Oh, ya, sorry just wondering about something.” I said in a tone that indicated deep thought.

Bryan looked over to the counter, not a sole in sight. “Well, looks like we have time. What up?”

I looked at him to see he had a sincere face on. “Ok, Mr. Therapist, I had a dream last night of a little girl, about six or seven, with blond hair and golden eyes, do you know anyone like that?” I started this statement with a sarcastic tone, but as I went along it got more serious. Bryan laughed at the ‘Mr. Therapist’ statement but picked up on the tone shift.

He looked intently at my face to see the sad look, and then responded “I don’t know anyone with golden eyes, unless…” he trailed off thinking about his favorite show and checked his wallet, in it he saw a pic of Ditzy Doo, also known as Derpy Hooves, with her daughter Dinky Doo. All the pieces matched, age, hair, eye color. “By any chance are you a brony?”

I gave him a weird look “A what?”

His head drooped slightly “Never mind. Hey I gotta get going, see ya later.” My head fell again.

I glanced up to see him leaving out the front door. “Bye man.”

After that I just went on with my work day like normal. I didn’t space out too much and people didn’t get too angry but I had had a gruesome nightmare last night, more so than usual, and I was thinking ‘what could I do?’

Author's Note:

what can he do?

Dillon: nothing, just kill myself.

not yet bro, you promised yourself, your 21st birthday.

Dillon: damn logic!!

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