• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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16. ADHD at work

We left the sweet shop and I walked dinky home. When we got there ditzy still wasn’t there. I thanked Celestia ‘did I seriously just thank Celestia?’ I then walked back to the tree house to kill some time. Only at 2:50 did I realize that I had dozed off and slapped myself awake. If I didn’t run I would be late. So I did just that. I sprinted to the clock repair place. Getting there I thought what was a few minutes after 3:00.

I composed myself and stepped inside the shop to have a wrist watch shoved in my face “take this.”

“A gift, for me? You shouldn’t have.” I was surprised that he was giving me a free watch, but why?

“I won’t have you being late again; this watch is on-time. If you’re late again it will come out of your pay.” He was surprisingly serious.

“Hey sorry, it won’t happen again. I promise.”

“I’ll keep you to that promise.” I took the watch and put it on, it fit comfortably. What pony makes a watch for a human, or was this meant for a human. Oh well.

“So where do we start?”

“How about your pay.”

“Sure, how much a week?”

“How much do you want?”

“What will I be doing?”

“Helping with whatever I require.”

“Hmmm… how about 250 bits a week?” that’s about how much I had gotten at the McDonald’s.

“Seems fair.”

“Ok, what’s next?”

“That was it. We just get to work now.”

“Watcha need done boss?”

“Just grab a broken clock and fix it, when your done with that do it again. That’s all I really do all day.”

“Oh.” I picked up a clock, examined it, found a jammed gear, repaired it, and put it back. I found a fixed at least eight other clocks in the next hour. I looked over to the stallion and thought ‘I don’t even know this guy’s name’ “hey, who are you anyway.”

“Huh? Oh, we haven’t been introduced yet, that’s the longest I’ve gone without knowing someponies name and working with them. I'm time turner, most ponies call me turner, I also respond to time lord, clockwork, doctor, father time, and other time related names.”

“Greetings turner, I'm Dillon Rogers.” I hadn’t had a negative reaction in any way from the ponies until now. He burst out laughing.

“Ok, Mr. Rogers!!

“Alright, laugh it up, I can take it. You know, you’re the first pony to laugh at my name so far.”

“Oh really, well I'm the only one that knows who Mr. Rogers is. So that shouldn’t be a surprise. I do apologies though. It was immature for me to laugh at your name.” he said still chuckling

“Oh, don’t worry about it, that’s the least ridicule I've ever gotten from someone who actually knew the show.”

“Speaking of shows, I also know about ours.” he had finished laughing.


“No, ours, my little pony: friendship is magic.”


“You aren’t a brony, are you?”

“You know my friend said the same thing before I left earth. I’ll give you my response ‘a what?’.” I said the exact same way I said it back on earth.

“Never mind, there is a show in your universe that is basically our lives. More specifically a pony named twilight sparkle.”

“Are you telling me I'm living with a TV star?”

“In a sense, yes.”


“Yep, nopony else knows about this though, so don’t go blurting it around, ok?”

“Got it.” and then we both got back to work, the clock fixing got a bit boring after a while though. I was wondering if I could play some music to pass the time better, then I remembered I didn’t have my music with me. ‘*moan* I can't take this, ADHD kicking in, FUCK.’ “I need entertainment. Do you mind if I take a short break?”

“Sure, just come back before 5:00; we still have a large amount of clocks that need to be repaired.” I looked at my watch; it was around 4:30. I had 30 minutes to get to the other side of town and back. Crap.

“No problem.” I then left calmly and as soon as I was sure I was out of sight of turner I started to sprint to vinyl’s house.


I banged the door with my fist. “VINYL, VINYL I NEED YOUR HELP!” I was in desperate need of music and my best bet at anything portable was vinyl.

She opened the door and asked “what ya need-” then she saw the crazed look in my eye. “You ok?”

“Just fine, do you have anything that I could take to work to listen to music?”

“Yeah, just let me go get it.” she left and came back with a little ear bud. “This is a device that can take music you know and play it. Just think the name and it will start to play. You can think random and it will search your mind for a song it thinks fits the mood of the room or the ponies you’re with. Or if it can't tell it’ll just snag a random song.”

I was fairly impressed that they had something that could do something like that. Although this world is magical. She hooved it over and I stuck it in my ear, then I thought ‘supersonic by pearl jam’. To my delight I heard the first notes as clear as if they were playing right next to me. Then I realized something else: It was as loud as if they were playing right next to me, with at least 20 amps each, all turned up as high as they can go. I fished the bud out of my ear as fast as I could. “Is there a way to turn the volume down?”

“Dude, it does what you think, I'm sure you can figure it out.” I put it back in my ear and thought volume down. It lowered a little; I continued this thought until it was bearable.

“And you’re sure I can take this?” as a response she spawned five more in my hand.

“Yep, I got at least twenty of my own, and when they break I just make new ones.”

“Ok, thanks.” Before I left I thought ‘random’ and it must have known I was with a girl or something because it started to play this song:

Then I sprinted back to the shop. When I got there I calmed down before entering. I was a whole five minutes early, so I wasn’t in trouble or whatever.

“How was your time out?”

“Ok, turner. What did I miss?”

“Nothing, but I am having a bit of trouble with this one, I was wondering if you could help me.” I walked over and saw one of the most complex pieces of machinery, that wasn’t computerized, I had ever seen.

“What is that?”

“Just one of the worst cases of overclocking I have ever seen, this is too complex for me to even begin. Where is the friggin face?” I took a closer look and noticed that in the center was a small box, I thought that this was a bit weird how the whole thing wasn’t covered in a box, but I just passed it off as a power source of some kind. Then I saw something I thought I would never see…

Author's Note:

what do you think the device is?
Dillon: I dont know, but its weird.
me: you know it. what did you see next?
Dillon: you know, and if you won't tell everybody I won't.

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