• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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13. The clock maker

As me and twilight were walking I told her to go home cause I had some things to do.

“Ok, but if your late for dinner, you can wait till breakfast.”

“Ok Twi, see ya later.” And with that I started walking more towards the outskirts of town. I didn’t have anything planned for today, the only other thing I had to do at all so far was go and show Octavia what I can do with a bass, and after that maybe play with them if they accept me. So I was actually just going to walk around the town for a while. I had gone about halfway around the circular town when I heard a scream.

“BUCK!!” I wondered if there was something I could do. So I walked around until I found the source. This wasn’t hard because everypony within earshot had the same idea as me, and the ones close enough to see the shop were staring at it. I pushed my way through the small crowd and found that there was a brown earth-pony stallion on the ground being helped up.

“Can I help?” I looked around to see that most ponies had left when they saw that they were not needed.

“Why yes, can you grab that box up there?” I noticed the English accent but decided that I didn’t have to impress this stallion so I didn’t put my half fake one on.

“sure.” I plucked the box off a shelf about 7 feet tall, it struck me that the stallion on the ground had tried to climb and get it. “Why don’t you have a unicorn or Pegasus assistant to help you with things like this?”

“I’ve never had time to get one, and nopony seems interested.” I also noticed this ponies lack of reaction when he saw a human, all the other ponies had at least seen him while he was walking around, but I have never seen this pony before and he acts like he sees a human every other Tuesday.

“Say, aren’t you at least a little surprised to see something like me in your shop?”

“Oh I see humans every now and again.” Thankfully all the other ponies had left before I had asked my question so this info hadn’t gotten to anypony untrustworthy.

“How, as I see it, I'm the first of my kind to enter this world.”

“You’re correct. You see, there is a being called the doctor that comes here now and again to visit, he tells me all about humans and how they act and what they do. He himself isn’t a human though, he’s a-”

“Time lord.”

“Yes, do you know him?”

“Personally, no, I have seen a few of his shows; he goes around in a big blue police box traveling through time and space.”

“Quite, he sees me because he is my counterpart from your universe, or his universe.”

“Ok, that explains the lack of freaking out, but why are your shelves so high?”

“The last owner of this shop was a unicorn, normally I can get up and down without a problem but every now and again I fall on my flank.”

“hey, I have yet to get a job, maybe I can come here and work, I know a little about tech myself.” The box was full of clock parts “maybe I can help you with high places and your line of work.”

“Sure, come here at 3:00 in the afternoon every day and you can leave at 8:00 at night. We’ll work out the details tomorrow.”

"seems good to me." I said with a shrug

“Then it’s agreed.” we shook hand to hoof.

“Yes. But I must get going, I’ll see you tomorrow.” and then I left. That was just a quick visit and I got a job and a friend who knows about humans out of it.


I continued to walk the edge of town when I realized how late it was. Twi wouldn’t let me eat if I got back too late. With that I ran back to the tree house, it wasn’t a long jog but it still winded me. Man I was out of shape. I got back right as they were sitting down to eat. “I see you made it.”

“Yes *pant* I did.”

“Tired are we?”

“Maybe *pant* a little.” I sat down at my seat to eat slowing my breathing a little. “What’s for dinner?”

“Dandelion sandwiches.” I looked to my plate to confirm that there was two pieces of bread with a small pile of grilled dandelions in-between. I thought I would push it away and wait till morning but then my stomach rumbles and I realized that I was hungry enough to eat dirt, so why not eat dandelions? I took one bite and realized that it actually wasn’t that bad, I could get used to these.

“Mmmmmmmmm.” I took at least five more bites before putting it down and sitting back to chew. When that one was finished, being larger than a pony, I asked for seconds, then thirds, then I was content.

“So, should we get back to the Q&A?” she seemed a little eager.

“Why not?” we went to the couch and sat down.

“Ok, I’ll start. Why were you like that to ditzy?” she looked up from her half glasses and notebook.

“Well, she needed it, I had caused her worry and she really was a little cute. What can I say; I can't see a girl sad.” I shrugged.

“Oh, then, that was very nice of you.” She seemed a little more relieved than satisfied, I didn’t know why.

“My turn. Hmmm… what are you interested in?”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know, activities, clothing, men.” I said ‘men’ with a little more emphasis than the other words, indicating I wanted to know about that most. She obviously caught on to this because she answered my question in order, saving the best for last, if ya know what I mean.

“Well I like the fairs that come through Ponyville every now and again, taking strolls aren’t bad either, I don’t bother too much with clothing, I leave that to rarity, and I like my men tall,” I sat up a little straighter “smart,” I had a doctorate and she knew it “and they have to be romantic.” I gave her a suggestive look. We waited for a second, just staring at each other, then burst out laughing at almost the same time. We both knew that that would never work.

“Oh that was a good laugh, but I was serious, I have found you ponies just a beautiful race, and you are beautiful yourself,” I said that a bit more thoughtfully than I had intended. She blushed with her mouth just barely open.

“If you were a pony that might work, but it just…” she trailed off, we both knew how that would end, and it just wouldn’t work. But when she said ‘if you were a pony’ that put a little hope in my chest.

“Hey, Twi? I know it’s not my turn, but this one’s important.”

“Yeah, sure, what is it.”

“Can we go see the princess soon?”

Twilight was shocked at this; she thought he meant that he wanted to leave. They both knew that the princess had the ability to send him back. Did he really want to leave that bad? “Uh, sure. If that’s what you want.”

I could tell I had hit a nerve of some kind.

“Maybe that’s enough for today. We should catch some shut-eye anyway.”

“Yeah, your right.” She sounded distant and deep in thought.

Author's Note:


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