• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 1,005 Views, 6 Comments

New Ponies on the Block - Aquarius

What happens when three simple friends from our world in our day and age find themselves in a cartoo

  • ...

Strange Day

==========when we last saw the trio Aquarius Broke his left Wing and Scales was preparing for his race against Rainbow Dash, Who will win? who will lose? and what will Aquarius do with a broken wing?========

Its a beautiful day in Ponyville with the birds chirping and the Pegasus moving the clouds in the sky while the Earth Ponies and Unicorns go about there daily business.


Scales and Fishcored were trotting threw the park side by side down a dirt road as other ponies play and talk with each other without a care, the two pass by a group of ponies having a picnic and two young colts playing frisbee before Scales looked around him with a puzzled look on his face.

"ok i give up" Scales said as he stomped his right hoof "its been two hours and we cant find so much as a clue as to were this Cloudsdale place could be" Scales stopped and so did Fishcored as a frisbee flew past them followed by a young laughing colt trying to catch it.

Fishcored looked towards Scales as if wanting to say something "all you have to do is look-" Scales let out a sudden loud sigh, stopping Fishcored from finishing what he was going to say.

"just how am i gonna beat the tar out of that rainbow guy if i cant even find were the race is" Scales then trotted ahead when the young colt was about to toss the frisbee with his mouth "whats worse is that your one of those freaky brony fans of the show this place is off of and you haven't said jack about were to go"

Fishcored took two steps forward only to have a frisbee nearly hit him in the snout, Fishcored flinched for a moment before following Scales again "i keep trying to um..... say that um.... you only need to um.... look- u-" before Fishcored could finish Scales suddenly brought his left hoof to fishcored mouth.

"Hold that thought buddy" Scales said with his left hoof still against Fishcored mouth "How much you wanna bet that, that's cloudcity?" Scales said while removing his hoof from Fishcord's mouth and then pointing it towards the sky at a city made of clouds with rainbow's and streams of water bursting and pouring out that.

Fishcord looked at Cloudsdale With Scales before turning to his maroon colored friend "You know um... It's called cloudsdale not um... cloudcity"

Scales Only rolled his eyes "Yeah, sure, whatever, correcting me still doesn't excuse you for not telling me where to go sooner" Scales then trotted off towards a large fountain in the middle of the park.

"iv tried to, but whenever i get the chance to um... speak you always cut me off" Fishcord pleaded to Scales who brought his right hoof to his snout.

"Fishcord, how many times do we have this conversation?" Scales asked with slight annoyance in his voice "you were the star quarterback for 4 years straight back at high school, not to mention a seven five giant who could bench press a tree, and yet your the biggest doormat iv ever seen in my life" Scales nearly slammed his right hoof to the floor while his Blue friend rubbed his left hoof against his right while lowering his head, "you need to stop letting people walk allover you" Scales continued, "why'd you think we made you the leader if the first place?" Scales asked while nearly butting heads with Fishcord.

Fishcord did what he could to back up so his forehead wouldn't touch Scales's "well um.... i don't really know i um... oh i guess cause im a um... brony?" Fishcord said with hesitation before lowering his head again.

Scales shakes his head slightly "true but also me and Aquarius both believe that this is the best chance that will ever get to have you take in charge for once, but you always let Aquarius take the wheel at every opportunity" Scales Sighed and then turned around facing Cloudsdale "look i don't have time for this right now i gotta race that rainbow jerk and show him who's boss"

Fishcord raised his left hoof slightly "but Rainbow Dash is a-"

"now's not the time for banter Fishcord" Scales said as he raised his right hoof to cut off Fishcord "i gotta get going, why don't you *oh*, i don't know, make sure Aquarius doesn't do anything stupid, you know how that nutcase gets when he's alone and bored" with that said Scales Trotted away from Fishcord before spreading his wings and taking flight towards the sky, leaving Fishcord by himself with his head held down.


Back at the trio's campsite the place was littered with empty cider barrels and mugs while inside the large tent was Aquarius Strange who is asleep while surrounded by trash, using his trench coat as a blanket and his hat as a pillow.

"*ugh* no grandpa i don't wanna work on the farm" Aquarius tossed and turned with a look of irritation on his face "no grandpa, Kyle was the one who broke your tractor" Aquarius became silent when the sound of buzzing came to his ears, his eyes twitch and then he immediately sat up and started swinging his front hooves around with his eyes closed "*gah" die bee! ye vile scum of the earth" Aquarius kept swinging his hoofs till he got tired and laid down again before opening his eyes.

"did i pass out from lack of sleep?" He asked himself as he got up on all fours and shook his head when he then spread both his wings wide and started to stretch his back "*oh* man at least the wing feels better, guess it wasn't broken after all" He then flapped his wings a few times before folding them up to his sides and pacing around the tent, looking around the trash scattered on the floor "where's that mirror i conned off that one guy at that one place?" Aquarius rummaged and swatted away trash all around the tent "and why dose my scalp feel warm and my chin so cold?" he asked himself as he stepped on a mug and tripped on it "*woooohhhh!*"

Falling chin first to the floor with a loud thud, trash flew in air followed by a mirror with a handle that landed on Aquarius's head and then bounced on the floor in front of him, with his left eye twitching in pain, Aquarius slowly got on all four hooves "ouch" he then shook his head slightly "an ends to a means i guess" he said with irritation while by his front hooves the mirror glows light blue and slowly rise's off the ground and floats up to Aquarius "now lets see if there's any damage to my face" Aquarius only glared at the mirror for a brief second before he stared into mirror in shocking horror.


Fishcord was walking threw Whitetail woods heading towards the campsite with his head held low ;Scales is right, i need to be more assertive; he thought to himself as he stopped and held his head high ;and that's just what im going to do, im going to march right up to Aquarius, look his straight in the eye and tell him just how things are going to work around here;

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled out a echo of Aquarius Strange's voice.

"that doesn't sound good" Fishcord said as he went to a mad dash threw the wood's, sidestepping trees and jumping over a small stream of water ;have we been found out? or is there some sort of monster loose?; Fishcord thought as he dashed past tree after tree, bush after bush while Aquarius's yelling grows louder ;i hope its not something stupid; he thought as he dodged a incoming tree, suddenly his ears twitched when he then leaped in the air towards another tree were in midair he placed his front hooves on the tree and then his hind legs, he then immediately jumped from the tree and to a branch were he used his right front leg to swing from the branch and to the air while below him was a trench foll of water.

Upon landing at the other side of the trench on his two back hooves Fishcord rolled forward onto his belly "*ugh* if anyone's watching i hope they didn't see the landing"

"I SWEAR TO THEE ODIN, I SHALL HAVE VENGEANCE ON THESE GODLESS CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED!" Aquarius yelled out in a booming voice that echo'd threw the woods.

"*oh* man sounds like he's on a mad rant, this cant be good" Fishcord quickly got back up on all fours and charged off in the direction of Aquarius's voice.


Aquarius, wearing his trench coat and, was pacing back and forth outside the tent angrily "mock me will they? *oh* i.ll show them just what they unleashed upon them" Aquarius said frantically as he continued to pace back and forth, his trotting slowly turning into stomping when he then stopped and raised his right hoof to the air "you hear that Raptor Jesus, ya jerk!" Aquarius yelled towards the sky before turning around and trotting to three unopened barrels of cider, holding his head low as Fishcord came running in out of the woods.

"Aquarius! whats wrong" Fishcord nearly shouted as he skidded across the floor while stopping behind Aquarius "have we been found out? are we in danger?" he asked hastily, waiting for Aquarius to reply, when he didn't Fishcord took a small step towards him "Aquarius, ar.... are you ok?" Fishcord again waited for Aquarius to reply who only lifted his head slightly.

"ok? *maniacal laughter* *oh* im more then ok, my wing is more then better *maniacal laughter* but a crime has been done to my very being" Aquarius looked sideways towards Fishcord to reveal one of his brown eyes to have a look of intensity on it "a crime that demands Vengeance"

Fishcord titled his head slightly with a confused look on his face "um.... what happened to you, exactly?"

"what happened!" Aquarius yelled out while lifting his head "i.ll tell you what happened!" his horn glowed brightly as his hat appeared magically on his head "they did this to me!" Aquarius quickly turned around to reveal that his beard was gone, the color of his hat turned from camouflage to dark green and instead of his hair being a low buzz cut is now a long flowing mane.

Fishcord just stared at Aquarius still with a confused look on his face "tha... that's all they did?"

"that's all the- That's all they did!" Aquarius nearly shouted at Fishcord in confusion "how could you not be as outraged as i am about this?" he then took a step closer to Fishcord "they've completely disfigured my face"

Fishcord, stared at Aquarius with disbelief, "they possibly healed your wing, and you want vengeance on them for changing your looks?" Fishcord said while sitting down, no longer able to stand from all the running he did.

"yes" Aquarius said plainly as he looked towards the sky and raised his right hoof again "and i swear to thee laichen von idiotischen Narren that by the son's of Odin and philosophic thinking to have Veangace on thee"

"is it really that important to get revenge cause of something so um... trivial? Fishcord asked with his left hoof half raised ;you can do this fishcord, just order Aquarius to not go on this vendetta; he thought to himself while Aquarius started passing back and forth again.

"you clearly don't see what the importance here is Fishcord" Aquarius stated in a calm manor as he continued to move back and forth "without my beard i lose my self confidence in being sly and cunning, how are we to survive if i cant lie our way out of things?"

"you look better without it" Fishcord replied

"and they had the nerve, to replace my epic awesome buzz cut with girly long hair" Aquarius said as he walked over to a empty barrel, pushing it down on it side so he could lay his belly on it.

"didn't you always say you wanted to grow long hair instead of curly?

"and then to top it off, th.... they" Aquarius brought his left hoof up to wipe a pretend tear from his face "they ruined my hat"

"they turned it green"

"i.ll never be able to find another like it" Aquarius said as he rocked back and forth on the barrel like a rocking chair.

"you got it at the state fair for a dollar, last week" Fishcord said plainly as he laid on the ground to rest.

"Now's not the time for your ill repute logic fishcord" Aquarius stated as he nearly leaped off of the barrel and trotted past Fishcord "let us be off to the fancy brothel looking place"

"why do i have to go with you?" Fishcord asked as he forced himself to get up and follow Aquarius.

"cause shut up that's why, my vengeance is ahoof"


High up in cloudsdale Scales was flying threw the city, mesmerized and astonished by the city made of clouds ;man, this place is amazing, Aquarius would have a field day trying to figure how this place works; he thought to himself as he flew past other Pegasus ponies who were talking to each other, he then spotted and flew over a Pegasus who was walking on the clouds ;i wonder if i can do that?; Scales carefully lowered himself from the air and to the clouds meant to be the city's ground, he tapped the cloudy floor with the tip of his right hoof a few times before pressing down on the cloud with his entire hoof ;seems safe enough; he thought as he reluctantly placed all four hooves on the cloud he looked down at his hooves the straight forward before taking a few steps and grinning ;ok, i don't care what people say, walking on clouds is pretty badflank; Scales then sprinted on the clouds, heading to were he was to meet Rainbow Dash.

While unbeknownst to him, from around the corner of a cloudy building, a Black hoof with holes in it, was changing into a maroon colored hoof with no holes.

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