New Ponies on the Block

by Aquarius

First published

What happens when three simple friends from our world in our day and age find themselves in a cartoo

What happens when three simple friends from our world in our day and age find themselves in a cartoon show for little girls were humans are pony's and magic is real,
How will they cope?
Were are they gonna look for answer's?
Will they be able to not make a gaint mess of things?

Comments and thumbs up are always fun to receive (unless you hate it and in that case feel free to point and laugh at your computer screen for the next 3 hours)

and there will be a blog post for every new chapter so if your interested or really bored check it out.

fun fact: the prologue was my first attempt at writing a fanfic for lol's thought id just keep writing till i got bored posted it as a chapter then make another one when i got a idea for what happens next....... and so far its looking good to me so who cares what the flank you think..... ok scratch that i care so personal opinions are a god send


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====== A story about three simple friends from our world finding themselves in an unforeseen circumstance were there friendship might be put to the test as they face many, many new things possibly for the rest of their lives? =========

It seemed like a normal night in the Everfree forest as the wind was blowing the leaves and most of the creatures known to live there are fast asleep, A quiet night as always when suddenly there’s a medium sized purple explosion coming from one of the hills within the forest the explosion lasting almost as long as the blink of an eye leaving just a misty violet smoke to hang around the air of the evergreen forest.

Deep in the middle of the misty smoke in a forest of large tall tress with dark brown bark was three figures standing on two feet, all three of them coughing and gasping for breath; one of the figures was tall and wearing what looked liked a western cowboy hat; the figure was looking around almost like in a panic state as it twisted and turned till the figure leaned into a tree.

"*ahack, ahack* you guys alight?" called out a resolved sounding male voice coming from the figure with the hat which was apparently also the tallest of the three. "Bruce can you see anything?"

"*ahack* I would be able to if not for this *ahack* smoke" called out a large, wide looking figure known as Bruce with a more softer male voice "I’m more worried about what just happened and why we aren’t....."

"Who cares?! Let’s just get the heck outa this forest fire!" yelled out a firmer and agitated male voice that cuts off Bruce.

"*oh* i don't know i thought it would be nice to have a picnic here and talk about flowers" The figure with the hat said sarcastically.

"Let’s just go while we still have what's left of our balance.? said what sounded like it might have been Kyle behind Bruce. Whoever it was; they started pushing Bruce as both figures started moving in a straight line.

"Good idea for once!" said what sounded like Devin, pushing himself off of the tree he was leaning on and then rushing towards the other two figures nearly tripping a few times "though things would be a lot easier if this smoke didn’t make it so hard to see"

The trio made their way through the smoke as quickly as they can, finding it harder and harder to walk, for some reason, as they nearly make their way out of the smoke using nearby trees and sometimes each other to keep themselves standing on two legs.

"Umm.... hey guys, am I the only one finding it hard to feel my fingers?" Bruce told the other two while all three of them kept as close as they can to keep each other from falling or losing one another.

"Less time thinking, more time not burning" yelled out Kyle as he looked around past Devin "I can’t make heads or tails of where we're going, but I think I can make out a cave entrance just a few feet away"

"fine with me, better to be in a stone shelter then out in the fire, hurry up before another tree falls" exclaimed Devin as he too could see the cave and then rushed there as quick as he could "follow me"

"Right behind you Devin" Bruce proclaimed as he and Kyle both followed Devin to the cave.

"Sure what could go wrong" Kyle said sarcastically as all three neared the cave, stepping on twigs and branches as they make their way closer.

Just before Devin could reply he trips over a rock making Kyle and Bruce trip with him making them all fall into the cave which was dark enough to completely black out their eyesight.

"Gah this is Even worse than the weird colored smoke now I can’t even see anything" complained Kyle, who was on his stomach much like the other two.

"um... if it isn’t too much trouble could one of you, please get there um... leg off of my face" Bruce said out of awkwardness.

"My bad" Devin said apologetically to Bruce and after taking his leg off of Bruce started to then rummage around him "if I could just find my flashlight in my trench coat" Devin said with slight irritation as he found it difficult to even get his hand in his trench coat's pocket much less hold his flashlight which, now that he could think more clearly thought that it was strange he was having trouble walking and holding onto stuff in the first place, when he finally found his flashlight it had fallen out of his trench coat's pocket and onto the floor rolling around until the lights came on.

As soon as the flashlight came on it showed everyone’s faces which were on the floor still on their stomachs only it was a giant shock to them as instead of humans as they should be, they find instead small horse's one that was big and blue with a lime green Mohawk styled mane and was wearing a brown jacket, one that was maroon colored with a black mane just long enough for it to look like he had short hair and shockingly had wings, and the last one was the tallest of the three who was white with a light blue colored mane cut short like a Buzz cut and Beard, wearing a cameo colored cowboy hat with a black trench coat. All three of them looked at each other for a long time simultaneously blinking for what seems like minutes when all three of them screamed at the top of their lungs at the same time, their screams echoing throughout the cave and threw the forest.

Just, another peaceful night in the Everfree forest...

Chapter 1

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====== When we last left off our trio in the Prologue they have just discovered that they have been turned into ponies leaving them to scream in surprise as Devin has become a large white pony with his camo cowboy hat and black leather trench coat, Bruce into the second largest but the widest blue pony with a brown jacket, and Kyle into a slim, small maroon pony with wings, with this sudden change can they cope with what has happened?=======

Deep into the once quiet everfree forest screams are heard echoing in a misty purple smoke and then into a cave as three strange looking ponies are screaming nonstop at each other and themselves as they are standing on two hooves, there screams slowly dying as they get a better hold of themselves, Devin going deathly quiet as he examines himself and the situation while Bruce grows silent also only shaking as he too looks over himself, Kyle, on the other hand, was muttering to himself loudly and panicking even.


"Crapcrapcrapcrap, what the heck is going on!" Kyle yelled out hastily in a panic as he looks at his hooves which would have been his hands "what in the name of the bloody virgin mary is happening to us!" he nearly screamed as he sat on the cold hard rocky floor.

Devin who seemed to be the calmest of the trio only looked over himself and the others before replying "that's a question I think all three of us want answers to Kyle" he then took a look at his own right hoof examining it at all sides "tho I'm certain that none of us will come up with one that sounds legit" Devin turned his head to look towards his two friends thinking to himself that something is at this moment, ringing in his head about the entire thing, something familiar to him as he focused his attention more towards Bruce, who's only shaking "Bruce you alright there buddy? You seem shaken up"

Bruce turned towards Devin, still shaking as he brings his left hoof up and rubs the back of his neck "well umm ..... its not like this isnt shocking or anything but um..... i just dont think screaming about it is gonna fix... this" Bruce then motioned to the three of them still shaking "plus its *shuddering*..... pretty cold"

Before Devin could respond to Bruce, Kyle was starting to freak out now as his muttering voice was turning more into despair then panic "were dead that has to be it th.... the... tree must've falling on us, and this is the afterlife.... tha...that has to be it" Kyle was too busy panicking to notice Devin stumbling towards him, trying not to stumble on his two hooves as Devin then laid one hoof on Kyle's shoulder and then suddenly started smacking Kyle with the other hoof.

"*smack* Calm *smack* The *smack* Heck *smack* Down" Devin Yelld at Kyle as he slowly stopped slaping him allowing Kyle to get a hold of himself before Devin brought his hoof to his chin when he then started slaping Kyle again.

"Why *smack* are *smack* you *smack* still *smack* hitting me *smack*" Kyle pleaded to Devin as his face moves left and right from the smacking.

"Because *smack* you *smack* kept *smack* me *smack* from *smack* drinking my *smack* hot *smack* cocoa *smack*" Devin simply replied back with his resolved sounding voice agian as he kept slaping Kyle.

Bruce stood behind, simply watching them knowing that its best to stay clear of Devin when he was angry about hot cocoa and just laid on his stomach as Kyle started fighting back which lead to both Devin and Kyle fighting each other clumsily as they stumble around the cave and on the floor.

After a good thirty minutes of them just falling and stumbling then actual fighting they both decided to give up and laid on their backs, Devin Remaining silent and Kyle's breathing heavy.

"I totally woulda won" Kyle exclaimed.

"just shut up" Devin replied.

Bruce simply looked at the two and then lowered his head "You know I'm probably the only one who...." Bruce felt a lump in his throat as he got both of their attentions "noticed that none of us are wearing pants"

Just as soon as Bruce said that both Kyle and Devin immediately sat up and looked down as both of them simultaneously Coverd themselves with their front hooves "so that means the entire time we were standing up...." Devin said keeping his eyes locked on the ground.

"we were not wearing pants or *gulp* any form of covering" Kyle said to finnish what Devin said Kyles eyes also lockt firmly on the ground.

Bruce looked at them both wondering what he could do to ease the tension "um.... you know were all pants less here and its not really that weird when you think of it " Devin then got up on two hooves and walked towards the cave entrance "where are you going Devin?"

"to throw up and dramatically stare outside" Devin simply said as he walked out the cave" *ugh* I can't believe this is happening" Kyle said as he looks at himself "just what kind of freaks have we become?"

"I think were horses..." Bruce Said to Kyle Looking at his hooves "I mean look at us. We have hooves and everything else a horse has"

"yeah well last time I checked horses don't have wings" Kyle pointed out as he turns his head to look at a pair of wings on his back.

we aren't Horses" Devin said out of the blue as he walks up to his friends speaking in a calm, collect voice "were ponies" he then squinted his eyes in a dramatic fashion "my little ponies to be exact"

Both Bruce and Kyle both stared at Devin silently before looking back at each other and then back at Devin.

"this isn't the time to act dramatically stupid Devin" Kyle said to Devin with an annoyed voice "this is serious stuff here and the last thing we need is for you to go into your insane playful moods" Kyle then facet his wings again with a puzzled look on his face.

"Kyle has a point Devin... what I mean is um.... we know you're the smart one and all its just that" Bruce rubs the back of his neck with his left hoof "its always hard to believe anything you say cause you sorta um.... go over the top with your thoughts...."

"nononono not this time!" Devin said hastily to cut off Bruce "I knew something was gnawing at the back of my head when I got a good look at us, but I didn't realize it until I started blowing chunks outa my mouth" Suddanly Devin started taking off his trench coat, which seemed to look very difficult.

"ugh dude please don't strip in front of us" Kyle covered his eyes with one hoof.

Devin successfully got his trench coat off as he tossed it to the ground with his mouth and stood on all four hooves revealing large white feathered wings on his back "I thought my trench coat felt a little weird till it hit me when I felt something pluck somewhere on my back, and it turned out to be a feather and that's not all when I lowered my head to puke and my hat fell off and well look" Devin then took his hat off with his right hoof revealing a white horn placed on his forehead "but what really tipped it off was when I carefully looked around I saw that the world around me looked way more animated then it usually did" Devin looked at his two friends who simply looked at him with disbelief.

"Devin.... I think you finally hit your head on one to many wall studs" Kyle simply said as he and Bruce both remain on the ground "what your saying is that you threw up and realized that we aren't just ponies, but ponies from a little girl's cartoon?"

"in a nutshell. a nutshell?... Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying" Devin Simply as he then attempts to walk around the cave on all four hooves having trouble "hmmm... this is gonna take some getting use to"

Bruce just looked back at both Devin and Kyle and then sighed "um.... i think i know a way to find out" Bruce said, which got both Kyle's and Devin's attention again leaving Bruce to feel stage fright "well um...... if we really are my little ponies then um........ wouldn't that mean we have some kind of mark on our um.... flank?"

"oh hey hold on their Bruce I'm not looking at anyponys fl..." Kyle stopped what he was about to say before stating, "did I just say anypony?"

"apparently this change has also reached our vocabulary" Devin stated bringing his right hoof to his beard "come to think of it, to think of it, I don't think any of us has cussed this entire time, which in itself is odd giving my views on cussing and Kyle's low self controlled" Devin rubbed then tried to poke the horn on his head before looking at his friends "so yeah its important that we find out if there is a mark on our flanks so you two get to it while I go outside and dramatically stare some more"

Before Devin could fully turn around Both Bruce and Kyle were up on all four hooves Kyle already moving and stumbling to block Devin's path.

"hold it right there Mr.Sneaky" Kyle then pointed his left hoof at Devin "weather all three of us do this or none at all"

"it is the um.... fairest way" Bruce pointed out.

"*gah*... fine have it your way then" Devin gave out a heavy sigh as he looks around the cave "ok there is enough room for us to form a triangle will all look at the same time so that way will know if one of us has a mark or not... deal?" Devin watched as the other two nod their heads "alright then, lets form up"


Not far off outside of the everfree forest there is a bunny looking curiously at the forest and the misty purple smoke that still fills the forest the rabbit was just about to hop closer to the forest before a yellow pony with pink hair walked up behind the rabbit.

"Angel what are you doing here," said the yellow pony with a very soft female voice, the pony then lowered her head closer to the rabbit "you know it's dangerous to be out at night this close to the everfree forest"

The rabbit then pointed at the purple smoke to which the yellow pony then looked at the smoke curiously before taking a small step back before she started to hear a noise coming out of the smoke.


*Squeak!* the yellow pony scared of the sound she just heard quickly grabed the bunny with her mouth before running away.

___________________ MEANWHILE_________

*Bleeeeeeech* Devin was outside the cave vomiting witch sounded like it was echoing threw the forest while he press's his left hoof agianst his head "ugh.. someone please beat the image's outa my eyes" Devin pleaded before vomiting agian and after making shure he was done puking he wipet his mouth with his right hoof and walkt back into the cave joining his freands who were siting down.

"hey Devin sorry abo..." Kyle couldn't finish his sentence when Devin punched Kyle's right shoulder with his left hoof before siting down.

"Never speak of it" Devin threatened Kyle as he then turned his attention to the center of the trio "ok then, now that we got that.... disturbing.... event out of the way lets report our findings " Devin coughs slightly to clear his thought "my findings are that I was indeed right as I found Kyle's mark to be a set of scales" Devin stated as he then looks over towards Kyle.

"I found that Bruce's mark is two fish tied together by the tail" Kyle replied as he and Devin both turn their Attention towards Bruce.

"I um.... found that Devin's mark was um.... an amphora poring out water" Bruce Said as Kyle just gave Bruce a puzzled look.

"what the heck is a amphora?" Kyle asked with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"an amphora is a vase which was used by the Greeks and Romans to hold Liquid and Dry products alike'' Devin Stated "anyway now that I was right, and that we are indeed my little ponies we need to think of what our next move is" Devin got up on all four hooves and clumsy walked up to the cave entrance watching the purple smoke that still hung around the air "we can't really leave this cave till the smoke clears so we should instead spend the rest of the night learning how to properly walk around on four hooves"

"and how to use these wings you and me have" Kyle stated, "we still have what six hours until sunrise?"

"then we have six hours to forget how the human body works and learn how to control a pony's body from heart to muscle tissue'' Bruce replied "that um... doesn't sound very um.... easy"

"then we'd better start learning let's get to it ponies!" Devin said

Chapter 2

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========After six long hours of forcing themselves to learn how to walk and fly in their new pony bodies it is time for the trio to escape the forest and hopefully find some answers========

The night turns to day as the sun starts the rise and the smoky violet mist in the everfree forest starts to disappear, and the birds start chirping to welcome the morning as within the everfree forest, the trio stand outside of the cave.

surrounded by trees, Devin was wearing his trench coat and hat again hiding his wings and horn as he brought his right hoof to his face.

"ok let me explain this one more time" Devin proclaimed with a annoyed tone "this time I'll use simple talk so even you can understand Kyle" in response Kyle simply rolled his eyes before Devin continued "if it hasn't been cleared up yet I'll just repeat myself when I say that our looks and these flank marks apparently all have to do with our zodiac sign; my mark, for instance, is a amphora pouring out water, a excellent symbol to represent the Aquarius my wings may be connected to the fact that the Aquarius is an air symbol or possibly cause its ruling plant is Uranus, which was the name for the titan that was the god of the sky"

Devin took a pause to breathe before continuing "my horn may be connected to the Aquarius symbol for the water represents the water of knowledge or maybe cause the Aquarius is usually known to seek a path of the mind or spirituality and sense these horns apparently allow the use of magic my theory is further set in stone in my mind" Devin took another breath of air "for the love of my beard, please tell me you now understand Kyle, repeating all this four times is really stressing my vocal cords"

Kyle simply nodded his head before speaking "I think I get it, im a Libra so it would explain the scales for my mark and the wings cause its an air symbol and Bruce doesn't have wings or a horn cause he's a Pisces which is a water Symbol and doesn't revolve around the brain, and it also explains why his mark is two fish tied together by the tail am I right?" Kyle then looked at Devin Questionably as Devin nearly drops a single tear from his eye.

Devin Sighed with relief as he raised his right front hoof to the air "praise Celestia, he finally gets it!" Devin freezes almost like a statue as he brings his hoof down to reflect on what he said.

"praise who what?" Kyle said with a dumbfounded sound in his voice.

"another one of those um.... vocabulary change things?" Bruce spoke out softly As Kyle and Devin looked at him forgetting he was even there.

"it would seem so Bruce" Devin said while nodding his head in agreement "apparently this Celestia person is this world's version of the man upstairs"

"how are we um... sure that this is another worked" Bruce pointed out at Devin.

Devin looked around them and at himself "cause last time I cheaked we were traped in a forest fire when we were normal and there is apparently no sign of a forest fire any ware in these woods, not to mention that we, as I stated earlier resemble very much like ponies from that new my little pony show that aired last year"

"um... Devin not that I'm ungrateful that you know all this but... how exactly do you know so much about a cartoon for little girls?" Kyle asked Devin with a weird look on his face.

Devin brought one hoof to his chin as if trying to recall something "let's see I first learned of the show's existence from browsing through that website deviantart, I never watched the show myself and just found it interesting to watch and study on how our generation takes this new apparent fad so most of my knowledge on my little pony is basset off of pictures and fanfics i found" Devin taped his chin with his hoof repeatedly Apparently in deep thought a he starts speaking his thoughts out loud "now that i think of it i recall this one literature about a pink and a blue rainbow pony that helped advance my studies on the psychologistic mind tho I didn't like the ending too much; everyone knows a stew woulda tasted allot better, perhaps I should find this pink pony and educate her how to properly... "

Devin just keep rambling on to himself as Kyle turned towards Bruce leading him away from Devin "ok now that he's rambling, we got a good ten minutes to talk before he needs to breathe again" Kyle stated as Bruce nodded his head in agreement "ok so correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you once say you was a fan of the show?

"well I wouldn't say I'm an um... fan, I only watched the um.... entire first season" Bruce said with an embarrassed blush on his face.

"well that just means your our best chance of leading us threw this mess" Kyle exclaimed

"W-What b-but I don't know how to le-le-lea..." Bruce stuttered before being cut off from Kyle.

"Hey Devin stop talking to yourself and get over here I just made Bruce the leader you cool with that?!" Kyle yelled out towards Devin, who pulled his attention away from himself and towards Kyle and Bruce.

"well of course I'm ok with it after all Bruce knows about the show far more than I do sense he's a fan and all" Devin simply stated as he joined Bruce and Kyle.

"wait you already knew that Bruce watch's the show?" Kyle asked Devin in a surprised tone.

"of course I already knew; it was easy to figure out considering Bruce's low self esteem issues" Devin answered before he starts to pace back and forth "now that we have a leader, we need to handle another problem before we move out" Devin paused to make sure he has both Kyle and Bruce's attention "and that's our names, we can't go about saying we come from another plane of existence who knows what could happen"

"you um... have a point there Devin" Bruce said, "our names don't exactly um... fit the type of names a my little pony would have"

"that's exactly what I mean Bruce we need my little pony names or be that much closer to being found out" Devin proclaimed as he stoped pacing and pointed at Kyle "Kyle your new name is Scales Honestly cause of the set of scales on your flank, Bruce your new name is... um.... your brand new name is" Devin paused for a moment having trouble thinking of a name until he stomped his hoof on the ground "I got it your new name Bruce is Fishcord"

Kyle and Bruce both looked at eatch other as Kyle then looked back at Devin "are you serious? no seriously Devin those have got to be the stupidest names on all time"

"and my name Will be Aquarius Strange" Stated Devin as he apparently wasn't even paying attention to Kyle.

"i stand corrected" Mutterd Kyle as he brought his left hoof to his face "*sigh* beggers cant be choosers i guess"

"ok Scales, Fishcord, now that we have our pony names and me and Scales mostly have flying down... mostly... and all three of us have nearly mastered walking on all four hooves, I think its about time we get out of this forest" Devin then turned his attention towards Bruce "Fishcord any idea of were we are in this cartoon world?"

Bruce looked back and forth before pointing a hoof at himself "you mean me right?" Devin Nodded his head "oh ok well um... I think we are in the everfree forest which is um... not far from ponyvile and cloudsdale were the six main characters of the show live" Bruce said in a tone that was almost hard for Devin and Kyle to understand.

"ok then we'd better hurry and find a way out of here I'm starting to get hungry" Kyle said as he looked all around him "so which ways north?"


In ponyvile's library, A purple, pony sized female unicorn with hair that was colored different shades of purple was rushing around the room looking threw stock piles of books on shelves along with a small purple dragon with green hair.

"i dont get it Twilight, why are we looking threw all these books about creatures related to smoke?" said the small purple dragon who was climbing up a ladder to reach a book near the top shelf.

"Spike i told you already we need to figure out what kind of Creature were dealing with here fluttershy's description on the noise it made in the smoke is all we have to work with" stated the Purple unicorn known as Twilight.

"well yeah but its fluttershy were talking about, that pony's scared of just about anything so the noise could of been her a branch snapping, right?" Asked the small dragon known as Spike.

"that may be possible Spike but I want to make sure first incase this becomes an issue in ponyvile" replied Twilight as her horn glowed making a book float in the air in front of her.

"can we at least get some breakfast first before we continue?" pleaded Spike as he bent down to pick up a book.

"you go ahead I'm just gonna look over a few more books" answered Twilight as she makes three more books float and open in front of her.

With that spike quickly left the room leaving Twilight by herself as she looks over the books, she has floating in front of her.

"No, no, no to small, no, *arg* theres nothing in these books that can explain this!" Twilight said with a frustrated tone "if I can't find answers to this soon, then who knows what kind of dangers are heading this way"


"Are you sure this is safe De.. I mean Aquarius?" Scales said with a worryed tone.

"oh please Scales if I wasn't sure about it, I wouldn't have spent the past hour trying to use this magic horn of mine to pull it off" Aquarius proclaimed with a reassuring tone in his voice "after all its no surprise that a mind like mine would be able to learn how to use magic with ease"

"its not the magic that you JUST learned that's worrying me, it's the fact that you're going to launch me in the air from a tree your bending with set magic" Scales stated as he points below him to a glowing tree bent to the ground.

"you want to get out of here the quick way or the slow way?" Aquarius Asked Kyle with a sarcastic tone "Besides Fishcord can't do it cause he doesn't have wings, and i can't go first cause I'm the one using the magic, so that just leaves you" Aquarius points to Scales almost dramatically.

"I'm starting to have second thoughts here how do we know if its um... safe?" Fishcord said nervously.

"don't worry Fishcord this is just a test run to make sure its safe for me and you" Aquarius reassured Fishcord "oh and Scales if this fails will make sure to give you a very nice grave"

"wait whaaaaaaaaa" was all Scales could say before being launched in the air by the tree at incredible speeds.

Fishcord and Aquarius both watched Scales launch as Aquarius brings his right hoof above his eyes to see better before turning towards Fiscord "looks safe enough to me, now its our turn"


Up high in the sky on a small cloud was a light blue female pony with rainbow colored hair sleeping on top of the cloud the pony slowly opened hers eyes as the sound of screaming came to her ears and sounded like it was getting louder and louder.

"what the...." was all the pony could say before a screaming red blur flew past her at such speeds that it left her and the cloud spinning uncontrollably.


Up at Apple Acres a large male red pony with orange hair was hitting a tree that was surrounded by basket's with one of his back hooves making apples fall from the tree and into the basket's when he paused hearing a groaning sound as the large pony stopped what he was doing and went to cheek out the noise when he found a large blue male pony with green hair surrounded by small bits of hay and laying were a large hay pile was.

_____________________ ==========Meanwhile=========

just outside of ponyvile Aquarius was laying on the ground silently groaning to himself as he brought on hoof to his hat to make shure it was still on "*ughe* note to self, wear a helmet"

Aquarius slowly stood up on all fours and found himself face to face with a Pink female pony with pink hair smiling widely at him leaving Aquarius to think to himself ,son of a filly,

Chapter 3

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==========where we last left the trio, they had just left the everfree forest thanks to Aquarius's unorthodox thinking, but it's also thanks to that thinking that the group is now separated all across ponyville Fishcord at Apple Acres and Scales flying through the skies at high speed leaving Aquarius alone just outside of ponyvile with a very pink new friend=======

It's a sunny but a suddenly cloudy morning in Ponyvile.


Aquarius is standing on a dirt road leading to Ponyvile as he is face to face with a wide smiling pink pony with fluffy pink hair the two simply stand there staring at each other for what seems like minutes Before Aquarius raise's his hoof to speak before the pink pony beats him to it.

"HI! I'm Pinkie Pie welcome to ponyvile what's your name?" The pink pony called Pinkie Pie said excitedly, but before Aquarius could respond she started talking again "You know I saw your landing cause I was just walking down to see zecora when all of a sudden my tail started twitching meaning something was gonna fall from the sky and when I looked up there you were flying threw the sky like WHOOSH! And then I saw you crash like BANG! And then you started rolling and rolling and rolling until...." before Pinkie Pie could continue Aquarius placed his right hoof against her snout.

"please for the sake of my beard stopy with the talky, so I can speaky" Aquarius said as calmly as he could before continuing when he was sure he could get a word in "Now then; my name is Aquarius Strange, and if I may point out, how can I be welcomed to ponyvile if we're not in Ponyvile yet?"

Pinkie Pie gasped in a way that seemed stange to Aquarius as she nearly butted heads with him "your right!" she exclaimed in a high pitch voice "it can't be a proper welcome without a falling from the sky WELCOME PARTY!" with that Pinkie, Pie started hoping up and down none stop around Aquarius.

"Wait, Wha... but I didn't even..." before he could say more Aquarius felt something pushing him a little from behind who was pinkie pie, trying to get him to move when she then hoped in front of him."come on lets go" Pinkie pie said to him with a wide grin as she started hoping ahead of him towards ponyvile."this is not gonna end well, I can tell" Aquarius said to himself before reluctantly following her.


,Howdoistophowdoistophowdoistop!, Scales kept yelling in his mind as he flew through the sky at high speed barely able to see in front of him as he flies's through cloud after cloud, Scales did all he could to keep his eyes open which are at the point of squinting, then there was a figure far ahead of him that was in his way all he could make out was that it was a female pony with rainbow hair.

"hold it right the..." was all she could say before she had to dodge the incoming red blur that fly's right past her making her hair and tail blow in the wind "hey jerk get back here!" the pony said angrily as she then flew after Scales at incredible speed.

Scales couldn't make heads or tails of were he was going or had any idea how to stop himself as he tried to fly left and right making him do zigzag's not knowing what's behind him, "if I ever stop I'm gonna make that hat wearing jerk pay;" Scales thought to himself.

Fishcord was laying down in a barn and seems to be shaken himself awake as he groans slightly looking around his surroundings and then raised his left hoof and looked at it ,so it wasn't a dream, he thought to himself as he tried to get on his hooves but grunted in pain as he looked towards his stomach to see bandages and thought to himself ,how th..... oh wait thats right, remembering the launch out of the evergreen forest Fishcord shook his head, no point in complaining about it now; Fishcord suddenly started to hear voices coming from outside the barn and slowly made his way to get a better listening on the voice's

"boy howdy didja get a good looking at that colt in there, why I reckon he'sas big as you Macintosh" exclaimed a southern female voice Fishcord couldn't help but place to be Applejack's voice from the show, Fishcord was then about to step forward before applejack continued "I wonder were he came from; he don't seem like'no pony from Ponyvile or Manehattan"

"eeyup" simply said a male pony Applejack called Macintosh.

From Applejack's words Fishcord slowly made his way back to were he was laying down and rested thinking in a near panic state ,oh sweet mother of Celestia the one time I need to be as good of a liar as Devin, or Aquarius, or whatever hes called now, Fishcord shakes his head to remind himself to Focus ,ok think man think if you were an emotionless jerk who finds joy in other's pain. How would you lie?, Fishcord kept asking himself this question in his head not seeing a orange pony with yellow hair and wearing a cowboy hat walk up to him.

"Well howdy there fella glad you're finally up" Called out the Orange pony who fishcord could see was none other then Applejack who continued to speak "Hopin you don't mind if I sent my lil'sis Applebloom to'a get your jacket fixt; it was'a mighty torn up like them bruises of yours"

Fishcord hadn't realized that he wasn't wearing his jacket which made it more embarrassing for him when he realized that he's technically talking to a female, something he has had trouble with back when he was human, Fishcord rubbed the back of his neck with his left hoof trying to muster up words to say "oh.. well... um... thank you" Fishcord was able to say in a Quiet tone of voice, which seemed to catch Applejack by surprise slightly "and... um.. if it's not too much to ask id very much like to know were I am"


"For the love of my beard what in Celestia's name is wrong with this creature's eyes!" Aquarius nearly shouted as he examines a small green baby alligator with large purple oval eyes just outside of a building dressed like a gingerbread house which he seemed to ignore.

"and now for my most favoritey favorite place of the tour" said a very excited Pinkie Pie who was hoping in front of Aquarius and spread her hooves wide in midair "Welcome to Sugarcube Cor..."

"Oh my glorious beard! This poor thing doesn't even have TEETH!" Aquarius exclaimed after opening the alligator's mouth with the tip of his right hoof.

"Welcome to..."

"How is this thing even alive! Is its food pre-chewed or perhaps its feed through a feeding tube, *oh* I MUST make a further study on thi..." Aquarius was interrupted by Pinkie Pie, who was poking him on the shoulder who then went to point one hoof to her narrowing eyes then to his before slowly walk backwards

"welcome to Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie Pie proclaimed with her arms spread wide again with confetti in the air.

,Dang just looking at this place makes me feel Diabetic, Aquarius thought to himself as he looks at the building which looks like its made of gingerbread and other forms of sweet's "so this is the um... bakery I assume?" Aquarius asked Pinkie Pie.

"*gasp* How did you know?!" Pinkie Pie asked Aquarius with a surprised look on her face.

"Lucky guess" Aquarius replied with a sarcastic tone "so... does this town have a library or something?"

"ooo, ooo i know were the library is my bestist besty friend Twilight lives there!" Pinkie Pie stated with glee as she starts bouncing up and down again "this way!" she calls out to Aquarius as she bounce's away.

"Wo hang on wait for me!" Aquarius calls back as he follows her in a gallop unknowing of the baby alligator that's hanging onto Aquarius's light blue tail by its toothless mouth.

As Pinkie Pie and Aquarius make their way through ponyvile Aquarius couldn't help but notice the large numbers of female pony's in town thinking to himself , Interesting there seems to be allot more females then males in this town controlled breeding perhaps?, Aquarius then went on to notice the looks and stare's, he got from other's mostly mares, which seemed alien to Aquarius ,ok this is spooky... maybe there isn't as many males as I thought, Aquarius couldn't help but stop for a second to pull his hat further down to cover his eyes from view while at the same time not have his horn put a hole in his hat ,or it could just be that with the hat on, I probably look bald, Aquarius shook his head when he realized Pinkie Pie was far ahead of him and nearly had to go to a short sprint to catch up.

They reach a large and very wide tree full of large windows and door "this is ponyvile's library were all the ponies in ponyvile go to find books and all that other boring stuff" Pinkie Pie explained.

"looks like a giant tree house to me" Aquarius stated, "hey Pinkie pie what kind of pony is twi..." Aquarius looked beside him to see Pinkie Pie was gone without a trace leaving Aquarius with a weirded out look on his face "creepy.... I'd better not end up as a cupcake by the end of this" Aquarius took a deep breath and made his way threw the door and looked around as he was overtaken by the stockpiles of books he saw inside "how could they fit all these book's in a tree?" he asked himself in a near whisper as he looked through the books one by one ,hmmm nothing on magic here there all probably put in a special bookshelf, he thought to himself as he stopped were he stood hearing noises coming from another room.

"hello is somepony there?" Aquarius called out as he made his way around the building while at the same time looking at all the books he can on the way to see if there was a book on magic ,ok its no secret my knowledge on this pony world is limited to the perverted mind of my own kind, Aquarius thought as he makes his way towards a sound of someone's voice he can barely make out ,This is gonna be the ultimate test to my lying skill's, so I'd better be ready to lie on the dime, Aquarius thought to himself as he made his way into a room full of books and paper on the floor nearly half of the books open.

In the middle of the mess was a purple pony with different shades of purple colored hair who was looking through page after page, book after book completely unaware of Aquarius "There has to be a answer here somewhere, anywhere" the purple pony mumbled to herself fully pulled into the books floating in front of her.

Aquarius just simply watched her for a while before taping his left hoof on the ground to try to get her attention "you need any help there miss?" Aquarius watched with amusement on his face as the pony jumped in surprise and the books that were floating had falling to the ground were the pony then fell onto her back and immediately scramble to her hooves to face Aquarius.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there" The purple pony said plainly to Aquarius.

"No no tis I who should apologize for I did not know whether I was allowed unannounced entry or not" Aquarius stated with his resolved sounding voice "I was here to get a book on Basic magic, but if it's too much trouble I could always come back another time" Aquarius pointed one hoof towards the exit.

"No it's fine only doing a little... research is all" the pony said with an unreassuringly laugh "just let me clean this mess up a bit" with that the pony started clean up by making the books stack in the air with magic and back into the shelves.

"here let me help with that" Aquarius simply said as he reached down to try and pick up a book but the book suddenly started glowing light blue then floated in the air; Aquarius kept his surprise well hiding and with fast thinking could quickly realize and learn how to move the book and pick up more as he picks up three more books and stacked them together and afterwards move them into one of the bookshelves repeating this until the room was clean ,ok how in the moon did I learn that so fast, Aquarius thought to himself.

"wow that took little to no time at all thanks for the help" The purple pony said to Aquarius with a friendly smile "my name is Twilight Sparkle. How can I help you today?"

"A mighty pleasure ta meet ya Twilight" Aquarius said with a southern accent a bad habit of his, which always change's his accent and the way he talks on a dime without him knowing "my name is Aquarius strange, and as I said earlier I'm here for a book on basic magic's its good to relearn one or two of the simple spell's so you don't get rusty"

"I know exactly what you mean Aquarius, I cannot tell you how many times I forget how to do the simplest of spells'" Twilight replied "I think I know the perfect book to help hold on while I look" Twilight then turned away from Aquarius and started looking through bookshelf after bookshelf.

Aquarius looked around the room thinking of just starting idle conversation for the heck of it "so Twilight just. What was you frantically researching on?" Aquarius asked casually.

"you probably just came to town then if you haven't heard but there's a rumor going on of a terrible beast who appeared last night in the everfree forest along with a misty smoke" Twilight said calmly as she looks threw book after book

"iv been researching on what kind of creature would make such a smoke, but I couldn't find anything" Twilight then moves to another bookshelf "I was sure it was on this shelf" Aquarius brought his right hoof to his chin and had a small sneaky grin on his face

"well then Twilight my dear I have your answer for I know what that smoke was in the forest" he proclaimed, which got Twilight to stop looking for the book and turn to face him.

"you do?" Twilight said with a questioning look on her face.

"indeed for you see twilight, I'm a traveler, and I travel all across the land with two of my closest friends to see the sights and discover the undiscoverable well last night our travels took us through the Everfree Forest and its a shame for me to say that we got lost" Aquarius paused a bit to make sure Twilight was listening before he continued "that smoke was my attempt at making a flair with magic in hopes of someone seeing it but as you should well know magic also has its drawbacks thus the smoke was made instead of a flair" he explained, "in fact, fact that mistake of mine inspired me to relearn the basic's thus bringing me here in the first place"

Twilight just looked at Aquarius for awhile before throwing her head back "*ugh* Finally you dont know how much stress this was putting me in but what about that creature that was heard?"

"probably just a tree branch or something I wouldn't give it much thought" Aquarius replied as he leans on the side of the wall thinking to himself ,I still got it, Aquarius was about to speak again before the sound of screaming from outside loud enough for both Aquarius and Twilight to hear

"what in the name of (Celestia/My Beard) was that?" both Twilight and Aquarius said at the same time.

Chapter 4

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=========When we last left the trio Scales was still flying at highspeed's threw the clouds unable to stop himself and Fishcord woke to find himself hurt at a farm and being helped by two friendly ponies while Aquarius was taking almost all around ponyvile with a hyper pink pony and then left at the library were he was able to set up a lie to explain how he and his friends came to ponyville will he be able to keep up with his own lies?=================

With the cloud's above nearly covering the sky, many on the pony's in ponyville talk amongst themselves wondering what is going on with the clouds as a light orange earth pony with a long yellow mane and a cowboy hat walk,s threw the street accompanied by a large and slightly wide blue earth pony with a spiky mane colored lime green.


"So Fishcord ya reckon ya might tell me more bout ya friends?" Applejack Asked Fishcored as they made there way threw ponyvile Applejack herself being oblivious to the ponys that stare at her and Fishcord as they pass.

Fishcord on the other hand was well aware of the attention he was getting and tryed to keep his head as low as he could "oh.. well.. um... Scales is um... always Freindly but gets angry easly and is uh.... always on the move oh... and then theres Aquarius whos a bit um... harder to uh... figure out and not in a nice way" Fishcord said quitly watching the ground as he walked so he couldn't make eye contact with anyone "He's shifty, he's sneaky and he cares more about his hat then anypony else and say's and dose whatever he wants just for fun" Fishcord Explained to Applejack.

"Well he dont sound like a friendly fella" Applejack said simply.

"oh um... no uh... i mean... he means well um... i think uh.... you just um... have to know him as long as i have i um... guess" Fishcord said as they made there way past a group of mares who stared at fishcord's lime green mohawk mane who then muttered amongst themselves making Fishcord turn his head slightly away from them still facing the ground ,oh if only i had Kyle's confidence or perhaps even Devin's boldness, Fishcord thought to himself as he walked alongside Applejack when suddenly a Red Flash of gushing wind past them from behind making Applejack's hat fly off.

"what in tarnation!" Applejack yelled out in suprise before a rainbow and gushing wind past them aswell followd by a glowing light blue, pink flash and then and a large light blue glowing brown object fly right over her making Applejacks hair fly forwards as the object lands on the ground and moves at a incredable speed after the other flashes.

_________ Earlier that morning_________

"So lets recap shall we?" Aquarius said plainly as he stood in front of the libary with a Red flash of screaming wind repeatedly passing him "First we get lost in the Everfree forest in search of a very old castle because you JUST! had to lose the map WHICH WAS VERY HARD TO GET BY THE WAY! to a imaginary chicken IN A BLOODY FISH SUIT!" Aquarius brought one hoof to his face breathing slowly to calm down a little before continuing "then came my brilliant and reasonable idea to get us out of the forest and you even manage to mess that up i mean look at you, you havent even hit the ground yet"

"Ihateyouihateyouihateyouihateyou" the red flash kept saying repeatedly so fast its almost to difficult for Aquarius to understand while the red flash is really Scales who is flying veary close to the ground in circles all around the libary while in the circle scales is making is Aquarius, twilight and a third light Blue pony with rainbow hair.

Twilight was with the light Blue pony by her houses front door away from Aquarius who was by the edge of the circle "Rainbow would you mind explaining to me how your involved in this?" Twilight asked the blue pony named Rainbow Dash.

"wia.. what! i was just napping when that jerk over there woke me up and started messing up all the clouds in the sky" Rainbow Dash said with a energetic tone of voice "i woulda caught him to if he didn't pull off a bunch of stunts all over the place"

"really? so your really just flying randomly everywhere cause your flying so fast that you cant keep your eyes open?" Aquarius said with a resolved tone of voice "As impossable as it is to not sound smarter then you im just gonna flat out try to knowing i.ll fail miserably and ask, why dont you just simply stop?"

"Not *whoosh* that *whoosh* simple *whoosh*" Scales yelled out to Aquarius with his eyes closed trying to think of a safe way to stop himself.

Before Aquarius could speek agian he spot from the cornor of his eye Twilight and Rainbow Dash making there way tords him.

"So what did he say?" Twilight asked Aquarius with a curious look on her face.

"oh nothing much, just that he was showing off for your freind there cause he thinks she's pretty" Aquarius waited to see the looks on both Twilights and Rainbows faces before snickering softly and continuing with a questioning look on his face "or maybe it was that he's showing off cause he thinks he is a better flyer then her, hard to tell what he's saying when he's going so fast like that"

"WHAT!" Rainbow Dash shouted out "that jerk thinks he's a better flyer then me?" Rainbow pointed towards Scales who looks like a blinking flash going in circles "I.ll show that jerk just who the fastest pony in Ponyvile is!" and with that Ranbow flew stirght into the circle Scales is making and starts to chase him making the circle look more like a rainbow cage.

,just what i needed TWO Kyle's only this one i cant hit, Aquarius thought to himself.

"he really dident say anything like that did he?" Twilight asked Aquarius looking at him with her head slightly tilted to the left.

"no but im very much sure that this way is much more entertaining in the long run" Aquarius said simply ignoring the disbelieving look Twilight is giving him.

"I *whoosh* hate *whoosh* you *whoosh* and your *whoosh* stupid hat *whoosh*" Scales yells out at Aquarius.

Aquarius gave out a near emotionless face, his eye twitching slightly as he made his way to the circle that Scales and Rainbow Dash are making that keeps Aquarius and Twilight trapped ,oh its on, Aquarius thought to himself.

"um.. Aquarius? what are you gonna do?" Twilight asked Aquuarius with a more curious look on her face then she had before.

"This situation requires unorthodox thinking" Aquarius said plainly as he raised his right hoof and looked at the rainbow circle then back at his right hoof "ok lets see at the speed he's flying i.ll need to do this at a twenty degree angle at JUST the right time to acheve the response im looking for" Aquarius mutterd to himself before looking intensely at the rainbow circle his eyes squinting and before twilight could say something Aquarius suddenly punched his right hoof into the rainbow circle and as if in a instant everything seemed to pause to Aquarius, from Rainbow Dash suddenly stopping making the rainbow circle dissaper to Aquarius's hoof making contact with Scale's snout and then as fast as it paused to Aquarius everything was in motion again starting with Scale's flying at highspeeds away from the libary and down ponyvile with Rainbow Dash looking around wondering what happend before taking off after him "gotta love Newton's second law of motion" Aquarius remarked with a small smirk on his face before taking off at a gallop yelling out to himself "and ya gotta love unorthodox thinking!"

Twilight just stood there with a shocking disbelieving look on her face as if unable to comprehend just what she saw when suddenly green fire shot out of her window "what the!" she nearly yelled out.

"um.. Twilight? your lunch is on fire" Spike called out to twilight from inside the house.


Aquarius was galloping threw ponyvile thinking to himself ,ok now to find a way to catch up with them think Devin think, Aquarius looked around the place's he passes by in hopes of spoting a place that might help till a few minutes of galloping later he ended up in front of Sugarcube Corner "thats it!" Aquarius shouted as he made his way to the building and to the door but stoped there as he just stared at door thinking to himself ,how the flank do i properly open this thing?, he examend the door which was in three layers a square at the bottom and two long lines put togeather like a man sized window, Aquarius was about to open the door when it suddenly blew open with a rainbow coming out of it followed by a smoke of flower leaving Aquarius to cough and wave his hoof around to clear the flower in the air as he then made his way inside saying to himself sarcastically "oh gee i wonder what happend here" he looked around the place whitch was coverd with flower and knocked over furniture till he heard coughing and turned his attention tords it to see pinkie pie who was coughing and shaking flower off her when Aquarius then made his way to her in a near gallop "Hyperactive pink thing! quickly im in need of your assistance" Aquarius nearly shouted "i know EXACTLY what is needed to stop those two but hte one thing i need is a.... cupcake" Pinkie Pie just looked at him for what seemed like a minute when she then gave a wide smile.


Twilight was galloping tords Sugarcube corner ,ok they were last seen here oh please let it all be over, she thought to herself as she noticed the flower all over the front door and then she heard shouting from inside the building.

"No stop contain it, CONTAIN it!" Aquarius shouted from inside the building as a bowl then flew out of the building making twilight duck to dodge it "Oh my beard its LOOSE!, quickly Pinkie grab the wooden spoons we gotta beat this thing back in the stove!....... in my beards name its got ma hoof its got ma hoof!" Aquarius kept shouting till suddanly a bright light blue glow shined from inside the building making twilight rush in to see the room covered in smoke made of flower.

"*cough* what *cough cough* is going on in here" twilight said with hast as the smoke started to clear revealing Aquarius and pinkie pie by a table.

"progress dear twilight, progress"and with that Aquarius lifted his camo cowboy hat slightly as a light blue glow shined out of it while a single plane looking cupcake with sprinkles is lifted up and gently placet on the table with care as if it was a bomb.

"its just a cupcake" twilight pointed out.

"Not just a cupcake" Aquarius nearly shouted in a dramatic fashion "this cupcake was made with the skills of my brilliant mind and my new friend Pinkie Pie here to create the ULTIMATE defiance to the body's limitations" with that twilight couldent help but join them at the table "with this we will have no trouble catching those two troublesome pegasi, now all we need is someone brave enough or foolish enough t...." and before Aquarius could finish Pinkie Pie launched herself at the cupcake devouring it in one bite leaving Aquarius and Twilight to just look at her as if expecting something to happen when suddanly Pinkie Pie starts vibrating violently nocking over the table as Aquarius and Twilight back away from her.

"oh sweet mother of philosophy what have i just released on this world" Aquarius said as he watched with a look of panic as he was looking around "gotta think fast or the plans ruined" he looked frantically around the room till he spoted a round table top that was broken off "perfect" he shouted as he lifted his hat as a signal of using his magic as the table top starts to glow light blue as he then looks at Pinkie Pie who at this point is vibrating so fast Aquarius could barely tell she's moving at all as she also glows light blue when Aquarius then hopes on the table top "ready when you are Pinkie" and with those simple words pinkie pie and and Aquarius vanish so fast that flower once again fills the air.

"*cough* common *cough* what next?" Twilight asked herself as she saw that when the smoke cleard the place was even more of a mess then it already was Twilight just stared in disbelief agian as she then heard cough behind her and when she turnd around she saw Mr. and Mrs. Cake looking at her and the mess the place is in, twilight then let out a nervous chukle looking at them "um... hi Mr. and Mrs. Cake" as if saying everything that needs to be said with a look Mr. Cake hands Twilight a broom.


Aquarius was surfing on the table top that glowed with magic that was connected like a invisible rope to Pinkie pie who was running so fast Aquarius could barely see the ponies they pass "how am i doing this i cant even stand on a skate bored" Aquarius nearly screamed as the table top started to wabble in the air cause Pinkie pie was going to fast to let it hit the ground as Aquarius was about to hit a fruit stand when he suddanly stood on two hooves and leaned his body to the right to make the table top dodge the fruit stand and another pony who was shopping there as Pinkie Pie made a suddan right turn down another street as Aquarius then had to use everything he had to make a sharp turn without hitting anyone till he then saw Rainbow Dash and scales far ahead of them Aquarius tryed to say something as a bug flew into his mouth making him accedently sallowing it and while trying to spit the tast out forgot to look forwad as he saw that he was about to hit a pony who was wearing a hat that flown off, pulling everything he had he stomped on the table top as hard as he could as he then brought all four hooves to the table top as he ended up doing a complete front flip over the pony and had the table top nearly slam agianst the ground but still going as Aquarius tryed to look behind him and sigh with relief.

The chase took nearly over ten minute as they were at a park surrounded by tree's when suddenly Pinkie Pie fell down fast asleep as Aquarius surfed the table top over her as he looked back behind him ,oh this is gonna be painfull, he thought as the table decent to the ground till it smashed into a rock sended Aquarius flying into the sky and as Aquarius flew over the two pegasi he thought to himself ,you know if i wasn't wearing this treanch coat and dident already show off my horn... i probably woulda flown to safty by now,

He then crashed into the speeding pegasi creating a cloud of smoke that made seeing anything impossable "*ugh* what just happend" Aquarius said as he found himself safely on the ground and as he stood up he felt something on his back and found that Rainbow Dash was outcold on him "Wha... how did this just happen?" Aquarius asked himself "and weres Scales?" he wonderd as he heard moaning coming from a tree large tree and when Aquarius invitagated found a trace of a pony on the tree and Scales on the ground moaning in pain "this is the greatest thing ever.... of all time" Aquarius remarked

"I hate you with every fiber of my been at the moment" Scales responed now grunting in pain as he got up with Aquarius's help "lets just find a way outa this crazy place already" Scales muttered.

"perhapes later my good friend cause right now we have Fishcord to worry about... now lets go collect my new friend i found" and with that Aquarius trotted off.

"wait... what?" Scales said with a curious look on his face.


"so you was finaly able to stop your friend?" Twilight asked Aquarius inside Sugarcube corner with Scales, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

"eeyup it took some work but with the help of ya friends here i was able to stop Scales Panic attack" Aquarius said with his left front hoof in the air as he then used it to elbow Scales.

"oh um.. yeah im sorry" Scales said apologetically with his head low and then looked towards Rainbow Dash "and um.. sorry for you know... acting like a jerk" Scales tried to give a small smile while thinking ,for the love of Celestia i cant belive Devin's making me look like a idiot.... oh wait yes i can,

"yeah will whatever" Rainbow Dash said while flying in midair "i guess i sorta overreacted a bit myself" she then crossed her hooves "but im keeping my eye on you"

Scales only rolled his eyes in response and then leaned towards Aquarius, "did you really have to tell them i had a panic attack?" He whispered to Aquarius.

"so you want me to tell the truth, about you being too stupid to know how to slow down and land?" Aquarius whispered back at Scales while leaning towards him, "plus, the one thing we need to do most of all, is blend in with this place"

"blah blah sorry's a morry's now lets PARTY!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed out loud followd by a breaf bit a luaghter by twilight and Aquarius when suddanly the doors swung open and Applejack rushed in with a large Blue pony with spiky lime green hair both of them soaking wet while outside the sound of heavy rain is heard followd by thunder and strong wind.

"Fishcord!" both Aquarius and Scales yelled out as they quickly joind there large friend.

"Were have you been you big softi" Aquarius said joyously before looking him over "and what happened to your jacket?"

"Its a um.. long story" Fishcord said softly and quitly as applejack focused on her friends.

"willing y'all please explain to'a me what'in tarnations is going on with that dare thunderstorm out there?" Applejack asked her friend's while in the back Aquarius, Fishcord, and Scales all exchanged nervouse looks.

Chapter 5

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==============When we last left our trio of mistfits the guys have found themselves in the middle of a thunder storm after..... oh flank this im not getting paid enough for this narrating trash *angry footsteps followd by a slam* =================

Sugercube cornar is pack full of ponies as the sound of thunder and strong wind is heard loudly outside while all the ponies inside talk amongst themselves many concerned and worryed while at the at the far side of the main room at a table is Scales and Fishcord.

"*ugh* its been hours when is this flanking storm going to be over with" Scales complained as he layed his head down on the table with a bored expression on his face.

"it's umm..... only been thirty minutes" Fishcord Stated quietly with his head lowerd so he wouldent be able to make eyecontact with anyone.

"yeah well the wait is still killing me" Scales says with a annoyed tone of voice with his front hooves placed on the table "dident Aquarius say he'd be back with information about what's going on?" He asked Fishcored who looking around the table.

"no need to wonder any futher" Aquarius exclaimed as joined the two at the table with a mug glowing light blue floating next to him "for I return with news from the front my good comrades" he stated with a Russian accent as he sets himself between Fishcord and Scales and then took a sip out of his mug "man this is good choco"

"oh joy, cant wait to here what new's Mr' Perfect brings" Scales said sarcasticly as Aquarius's mug floated onto the table.

"now now Scales you know good and well that now is not the time to speek the truth about me" Aquarius said with his right hoof over his chest as if making a dramatic pose Before continueing "Anyway as i was saying while getting some hot co co iv heard that the storm has become to violent for any pegasus above or below the clouds to attempt to stop it and th.." before Aquarius could finnish what he was saying the sound of loud thunder startled everyone followed by the light's of the building going out leaving everything pitch black.

"well this is just perfect" Scales said sarcasticly "its just like the cave all over again"

"no need for your negativity Sc....." Aquarius stoped talking suddanly which was followd by the sound of a facepalm "i just realized we left the flashlight back at the cave" he whispered.

"well thats just PEACHY, so we just stand here in the dark then" Scales said with anger when suddanly the room starts to light deffrent colors as the horns of unicorns around them start to glow brightly.

"Apparently not" Fishcored said quitly while hiding below the table.

Aquarius's hat glowed light blue "no way im taking this hat off" Aquarius then turned around to find Rainbow Dash face to face with him.

"Is it true?" Rainbow Dash said in the demanding tone.

"is what tr.."

"The rumor thats going around, is it true" Rainbow Dash said more assertively cutting off Aquarius.

Aquarius just stood there as if in a staring contest with her before he slowly raised his hoof slightly "if the rumer was true then would I really be the best pony to ask?" he replied

Rainbow Dash just stood there as if unable to reply when she looked tords Scales breifly before turning around and walking away.

"What was um.... that about Strange?" Fishcord asked Aquarius while still hiding under the table.

"no time to explain" Aquarius said as he turnd his attention back tords the table lowering his head while motoning for the other two to do the same as he wispers "we need to discuss how we are going to fix this mess Scales made"

"me?, what makes you think i had anything to do with this?" Scales asked only to receive accusing looks from Fishcord and Aquarius.

"you was the one in the sky the hole time" Aquarius said plainly.

"and you um... was out of control with your flying" Fishcord said quietly.

"wait you think i caused all this with my flying?" Scales said while he rubbed his chin with his left hoof "then wait that means that its Aquarius's fault to begging with" Scales said accusingly.

"now's not the time to be umm..... placing blame here" Fishcord said loud enough for Scales and Aquarius to hear "we need to um.... make things right by...."Fishcord fell silent to shy to continue.

Aquarius looked at Fishcord then to Scales "mohawk colt is right, if were gonna fix your mess then we need to stop this bickering and do something" Aquarius then layed his right hoof on the table. "as a team"

Scales looked at Aquarius before nodding his head and also placing his right hoof on the table "as a team"

Fishcord also placed his right hoof on the table without hisitation "as a team" the three of them noded there heads at eatchother before taking there hooves off of the table "but umm.... how could Scales do this without knowing it?" Fishcord asked Aquarius.

"zi have ar theory but zit might be ar little far fetched" Aquarius said with a germen Accent.


Applejack was with Rainbow Dash at the other side of the room looking at Aquarius, Fishcord and Scales.

"so what ya think of the middle on with the hat" Applejack asked Rainbow Dash "ya did talk to him didn't ya"

"he's seams a little to sneaky" Rainbow Dash replied "and i dont care what he say's i know that jerk is the one that messed up the cloud's"

Applejack looks at Rainbow Dash trying to keep herself from chuckling "so you do belive in the rumor"

"ok dose everyone know there part in the plan" Aquarius said looking at his two friends.

"yes, no wait... please explain again" Scale said with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"oh for the love of Philosophy" Aquarius brought his right hoof to his forehead shaking his head "ok i.ll explain this one and only ONE more time" Aquarius points to his right hoof to Scales "Scales your job is to get rid of the clouds in the sky useing the same method you used to make the storm" Aquarius then pointed at Fishcord "and your job is to make shure that Scales gets to a tree safely" Aquarius then looked at the two of them casually "so you both have the easy job"

"and just what will you be doing" Scales asked Aquarius with a questioning look on his face.

"simple my good friend, i.ll be making shure that no one notices your gone" Aquarius said plainly as both Scales and Fishcord give him a blank look "and dont you worry this should be as easy as making pie"

"easy as making Pie he said, wont be any trouble at all he said" Scales said with anger as he push's a cart with Fishcord threw ponyvile agianst the gushing wind and heavy rain.
"it is not so bad when you think about it" Fishcored said with a smile on his face "at least we have this large cart to use as a shield for the wind"

Scales Looked at Fishcored from the corner of his eye ,Fishcored talking without pause is probably the scaryist thing i.ll ever hear, he thought to himself as he turned his attention back to pushing the cart "i hope Aquarius enjoys his part of the job" he then said sarcastically.


"lets party!" Pinkie Pie shouted while throwing confetti in the air as the entire main room of sugarcube corner was full of dancing ponies and music.

While all the ponies were dancing and having a party a two ponies were talking amongest themselves "so did you hear about that rumor going around?" a aqua blue mare with a pink mane asked the others"

"no but iv been hearing everypony talking about it" replied a pink mare with a aqua blue mane.

the aqua blue mare looked around before leaning close to the pink mare "well it turns out that there is a newcomer from far away who fell for Rainbow Dash at first sight and tryed to outfly her to pronounce his love for her"

"*oh* my i wonder who would start such a rumer" the pink mare asked while from behind the two Aquarius was casually troting past them whistling to himself while his hat glowed along with a glowing mug that is floating next to him.

Aquarius was walking around the place aimlessly while looking around ,looks like my plan to cover Scales and Fishcored with a party from Pinkie Pie was successfull, he thought to himself when he suddanly bumped into someone from the front "sorry i dident see you there" Aquarius looked down to see who it was and found that it was both Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"would ya mind coming with us?" Applejack said while looking at Aquarius questionably.

"yeah we got a few quistons for you" Rainbow Dash said while flying above Applejack and looking down at Aquarius.

Aquarius looked up at Rainbow Dash and then down at Applejack before standing there motionless as he took a sip out of his mug ,why dose Scales get all the fun, he thought to himself while he took another sip out of his mug ,man this is good choco,


"have i ever told you how much i hate Aquarius!" Scales yelled tords Fishcord as they made there way up a steep hill with trees agianst the wind and rain.

"about seven times now" Fishcored said as he made his way up the hill ahead of Scales "you gonna hurry up or do i have to drag you up here"

"*geez* hold on im on my way" Scales called out to Fishcored as they made there way to the top of the mounting the wind blowing in Scales and Fishcords mane as the two make there way to a single tree on the hill "ok so how we gonna ...."

before Scales could finnish his sentence the sound of bark snapping came to his ears as he turnd to face the tree and saw it bent to the ground with Fishcored holding the tip of the tree to the ground with both hooves "Fishcored how th..."

"no time to explain just get on this thing and get ready to fly" Fishcored yelled at Scales cuting him off "just like Aquarius said were gonna use the wind to throw you like a cannon ball agiant the storm from there its all up to you"

Scales hesitantly looked at the tree and then at fishcored before giving a daring smile on his face.


Aquarius was with Rainbow Dash and Applejack far away from the other Ponies who were still partying to keep there minds off the storm.

"So Aquarius Strange if that is your real name" Rainbowd Dash said to Aquarius while slowly flying around him when she suddanly brought her face close to his "were you from?"

Aquarius kept calm as he stayed silent while staring Rainbow Dash down before finaly saying "Hoofingard" Aquarius kept his eyes stright and unblinking.

"and were in tarnations is that?" asked Applejack as she also got close to Aquarius's face.

"its just a small lilttle Village far up north outside of equestria, its not a wonder you never heard of it" Aquarius answered plainly.

"yeah well why are you here in ponyvile" Rainbow Dash asked assertively.

"because me and my friends left Hoofingard to go adventuring and discover new things and we just happened to drop by" Aquarius also answerd plainly ,sometimes i hate being the only one competent enough to do this, he thought to himself


"I hate my life" Scales yelled as he was flying at high speeds threw the sky keeping keeping his eyes closed ,why did i even agree to this, he thout as he flew closer to the storm ,just gotta open your eyes comon you can do it, he told himself in his head as just when he was about to enter the storm he opened his eyes wide and suddanly barrel rolled to the left dodging a thunderbolt that was close to hitting him.

,i can do this, thought Scales as he flew into the storm like a cannon with his eyes narrowd in determination as he spun himself repeatedly till he left the storm cloud threw the other side in a whirlwind cleaving the storm in half when he then turned around in the air and dove stright back towards the storm ,i can do this,

Aquarius was hiding behind a counter kneeling to the ground.

,finaly i got away from those two, he thought to himself as he leaned up to peek over the counter only to make eye contact with a grey pegasus with a yellow mane and yellow eyes that were cross eyed.

"Muffins?" the gray poney asked Aquarius.

Aquarius just stared at her baffeld at what to say "umm.... i think theres a rainbow pony around here whos giving away a free muffin" Aqaurius watched as the grey pegasus gasped and then flew away "well now..... that happend"

"hey everypony the storms gone!" Twilight yelled out to the the others with joy which was then followd with the others soon crying out with joy and then making there way outside leaving Aquarius alone in the room still behind the counter

"well now.... that also happend"

Aquarius was steping outside of sugarcube corner and saw Fishcord and a dizzy Scales with a bucket ahead of him.

"Scales, fishcored you guys did it" Aquarius said with joy as he made his way to his friends and then saw how sick Scales looked "um... are you alright Scales?"

"*ugh*" was all that Scales could moan out when he then quickly garbed the bucket next to him and then threw up in it before fainting to the ground leaving Aquarius and Fishcord to just look at him motionless on the ground.

"um.... im sure hes fine" Fishcord said quietly.

Que Sera

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============== When we last left off Tim my brother decided to quit his job as the narrator thus leaving me to take his job, heh i mean your probably better off reader cause that guy was just bad at his job i mean just look at his past work, it was just hor... oh right the story ok umm were we last left the trio Scales had saved the day and the trio had taking refuge in Whitetail woods===========

Its a new day as Fishcored, Aquarius, and Scales were surrounded by trees in Whitetail woods Sitting next to a fireplace by a large tent holding large mugs full of cider in there hooves.

"You can't be serious yo..... you just cant be serious" Scales disbileavinly said to Aquarius as he sat on his back hooves with a mug in his left hoof "how could you possibly claim that Alcohol was what started World War Two?"

Aquarius also sat on his back hooves in front of the fireplace that was burned down to ash's also holding a mug "because my one track minded friend, the sins of the son also lay with the sins of the father, and if i may point out Hitler's father was a very abusive violent drunk" Aquarius said with a chilling calmness as he looked down at his mug and then took a sip of it "if hitler never goting into german politics to spite his father, or if his father supported hitler's dream of being a artist then it would be very clear that there would be no Nazi Regime as we see it"

"why are you two um..... talking about this anyway?" Fishcored ask Both Scales and Aquarius.

"Apart from feeding my love for conversation?" Aquarius asked with his left hoof half raised "i guess cause i like to point out how smarter i am then Scales"

"im just bored" Scales answerd plainly.

"and i really um.... shouldnt ask were you two got all this um.... should i?" Fishcord watched as both Aquarius and Scales looked at each other briefly before nonchalantly taking a drink out of their mugs "why am i not surprised?" he asked himself before taking a drink out of his own mug.

Aquarius stopped drinking and then looked in his mug before turning it upside down to show that it was empty "well that's it for this batch" he then tossed the mug behind him which landed near a group of unopened barrels.

"*haha* i still cant beleave those two just left all that cider for folk like us to take" Scales said with a smile when he then chuged down his mug and then tossed it to the barrels aswell "tho i coulda gone without all that singing"

"I know, i mean, we only been here for three days now and it seems like theres always somepony singing like there a pro at it" Aquarius stated as he stood on all four's curiously looking around "dose anypony else hear that?" he ask the others who are also now looking around.

"*huh* sounds like a piano and violin" Scales exclaimed scratching his forhead with the tip of his left hoof "but i cant figure out were its coming from"

"oh like your ever usefull" Aquarius remarked.

"i think it um.... sounds like its in our heads" Fishcored said with wonder .

"you know i think your right Fishcored, and i think its getting louder" Aquarius pointed out shacking his head a little "and you know what?" he suddenly hopped ontop of the barrels "i suddanly have a unshackable urge to sing"

"*oh* please dont" Scales begged Aquarius.


{Aquarius} When I was just a little colt, (to late)
I asked my mother "what will I be?
will I be perfect? Will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me:
Que Sera Sera
Whatever we make will be
The future's the blankest flank.
Que Sera Sera

(you really need to stop)
(oh but were just getting started)

{Aquarius} We've now gone and changed your form
We've added some magic, too
but you'll be the prettiest,
and outclass us all
and outlive us all

(That umm... looks like fun)
(yeah i bet i could sing like that)
(oh well in that case why dont you both take the next verse?)

{Scales and Fishcored} when we was young and saw the crown,
we asked dear Luna,
"what lies ahead?"
will we have good hay
day after day?
Here's what her Grace said to us:
"Que Sera Sera
whatever i say will be
the future's the blankest flank.
Que Sera Sera
{Scales} These are what we build
these shining monuments, indeed
{Fishcored} magic does our work for us
I'll think for us from now
And build for me from now"

(wow you both were horrible)
(Pfft like you could do better)
(oh will im glad you asked)

{Aquarius} When I was old the night did come
day after day, the moon, did stay
the great spells did come day after day
ever so flashingly
{all three} Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be
The future's the blankest flank.
Que Sera Sera
{Fishcored} We joined this world
{Scales} And created a storm,
{Aquarius} took the image of a god
{all three} ever so perfictly

(now for the last verse)

{Aquarius} Now i have Subjects of my own they ask Aquarius
"what will we do?"
{Scales} "will we survive?"
{Fishcored} "how will we eat?"
{Aquarius} i tell them tenderly
Que Sera Sera
Whatever WE SAY will be
the future is OURS to forge.
do not question ME.

the Trio was laying on the ground next to each other joyfully laughing.

"*haha* ok, ok even i can admit that was fun" Scales said as he slowly got up "by the way werent you two going to visit the town today?" he then pointed out.

Aquarius and Fishcored both got to there hooves "he's right for once" Aquarius said with a look of shock on his face "we gotta go and fetch your jacket Fishcored"

"I um... i think i know the place were its at" Fishcored said with hesitation.

"then lets get going while the sun is still bright" Aquarius said with a grin as he trotted off followed by Fishcored.

Scales watched them both leave before turning around "now then.... what the flank am i gonna do while there gone"

"so um... Aquarius, do you think will ever return home" Fishcored Asked Aquarius queitly as the walked down the streets of ponyvile.

"to be honest my good friend? im not even sure were to start" Aquarius said with a stright face "there are over a thousand possibility's and every one of them are past the understanding of even the greatest minds" as they walked Aquarius couldnt help but notice the way Fishcored hung his head low "but that doesnt mean we arnt gonna try"

"oh .... ok" was all Fishcored said before seeing the way Aquarius was looking at him "i..... im just a little nervous is all" Fishcored looked around him and Aquarius before continuing "were not exactly fashionable"

"what?" Aquarius nearly shouted with a shocked look on his face "oh please everypony know's that im the perfect symbol for fashion"

"you wear Hawaiian shirts with camouflage pants" Fishcored stated while giving Aquarius a blank look.

Aquarius stared back at fishcored with a stright face before troting ahead "i wonder what Scales is doing now" he asked himself not noticing Fishcored trying to keep up.


"boredboredboredboredbored" Scales kepet reapeating to himself while laying on his back next to the firepit "something intresting needs to happen soon or i.ll go nuts" Scales slowly closed his eyes breathing slowly ,well at least its nice and quiet here, he thought to himself.

"hey jerk!" yelled out a familiar voice that Scales couldnt see cause his eyes were closed.

,so much for that, he thought as he slowly opend his eyes to see that it was Rainbow Dash flying above him "oh.... its just you" he said while he got up on all hooves

"yeah its me, what you thought i wouldnt catch you hiding here?" Rainbow Dash asked Scales in a demanding tone.
"but we wasnt trying t-"

"i want answers" Rainbow Dash demanded as she got close to Scales almost poking him with her right hoof.

,man this guys almost as annoying as Aquarius, Scales thought as he looked Raindbow Dash stright in the eyes "i dont have to answer a flanking thing" Scales replied "now shut up so that i can go back to taking a nap"

"*oh* you wanna go tough guy" Rainbow Dash said with a angry expression on her face as she butted heads with Scales.
"any time any place chump" Scales replied.


Aquarius and Fishcored were standing infront of a large store and as the two stood there looking at it Aquarius couldent help but look at it with one hoof raised above his eyes.

"*whistle* would you like at this place?" Aquarius said with a smirk on his face "look, its even got a merry-go-round for a roof"
"lets just get this over with" Fishcored mumbled to himself as he and Aquarius made there way to the door.

Aquarius examined the door carefully before nocking on it with his right hoof "come in" said a voice from inside, both Aquarius and and Fishcored looked at eatch other before Aquarius opend the door and made his way in with Fishcored behind them.

As they walked in they were amazed by how the inside of the building looked "beautiful would you look at the architecture in here" Aquarius said as they passed a pony shaped mannequin with a dress covered with gems "not to mention the fancy decor of these outfits"

as they walked down the main room they spotted a white unicorn mare with a purple mane and tail infront of a pony mannequin with ribbons floating infront of her aswell "*hmm* nope, no *oh* no thats so last season, ah here we go" she said to herself as three of the ribbons floated away leaving only one that she soon placed on the dress that was on the mannequin.

"um... hello im here for my um... jacket" Fishcored said with his voice so quiet its almost a whisper.

Aquarius watched as Fishcored was having trouble speeking while the white unicorn was more focused on her work to notice Fishcored, Aquarius then raised his right hoof to his snout "*cough* excuse dear madam" Aquarius called out.

"*oh* pardon me for not noticing you erlyer" she called out as she slowly turned around to face them "now how may i help you t-" she stoped as she saw both Aquarius and Fishcored an then let out a loud gasp "by Celestia's name what on earth happend to you two?"

Aquarius and fishcored both looked at eachother breifly before looking back at the unicorn to find that she was infront of them.

the unicorn looked over the two before troting to fishcored and pointing at his hair "lime green does not match with the color of your coat that shade of blue is just to dark not to mention the style is somthing only a barbarian would wear" she explained as she then gasped agian when she saw Aquarius and troted over to him "and i can only imaging what horrible, horrible accident left you like this"

"whats wrong with my look?" Aquarius asked while taking a step back.

"not to worry tho for you both came to the right place" the unicorn said as her horn glowed light blue "now lets see what i could do for you first" suddenly Aquarius hat glowed light blue and floated off of his head while wigs were floating next to his head "*hmmm* no , no, clashes with the coat"

"listen umm.... im sorry i didnt catch your name" Aquarius said while keeping still.

"Rarity darling"

"right, right miss Rarity as much as we would like to stay our time is pressed and we really just came here for my friends jacket who a pony by the name of Applejack said she gave to you to fix?" Aquarius pointed out as his horn glowed and used magic to place his hat back on his head.

"*oh* my well you really should of said something but i do apologise i do tend to get carryed away as it were" Rarity then put the wigs away with magic as she walked away from the two "let me just get your jacket then and you can be on your way"

as she walked away Aquarius eye started to twitch violently "no one messes with my hat" he took a few steps foward but stoped when he felt something tugging on his tail, he then looked behind him to see that Fishcored was holding on his tail with his mouth as if in slow motion turned around and threw Aquarius threw the front doors and out of the building.

as Rarity came back with a brown jacket floating in the air she saw that only fishcored was around "well now were did that other pony go?" she asked as she made her way to Fishcored.

"*oh* well um... he had to um... go somewere really quickly" Fishcored replied with a small smile on his face.

"what a shame, and he seemed like such a intresting stallion" Rarity said, her horn then glowed brightly as the jacket disappered while Fishcored then suddenly glowed with a flashing light revealing that the jacket was now on him when the flash ended.

"thank you um... Rarity what do i um... owe you?" Fishcored asked.

"nothing at all my dear, any friend of Applejacks is a friend of mine" Rarity said with a smile on her face "and do comeback with your friend when you can i do say i make you both look like royalty"

"will do and um.... thanks agian" Fishcored then quickly turned around and nearly galloped out of the building ,i cant belive i just spoken more then two words without the others help, he thought to himself as he soon found Aquarius laying on his stomach infront of the building Fishcored then Quickly made his way to him "*oh* im sorry Aquarius i ju-"

Aquarius raised his right hoof to stop Fishcored from talking "dont know why, dont care, lets just call this something i deserved" Aquarius then placed his right hoof on the ground and then got up "so then you got your jacket back it seems and were done here"

"where are we going now?" Fishcored asked with a curious look on his face.

"the libary of course" Aquarius stated as he troted tords the street "not just to learn more about magic but maby to find a book that could explain all th-" Aquarius suddenly stopped as a red flash passed him at great speed "well now.... that happend" he was about to take another step when he suddenly stopped agian as a rainbow passet him this time at great speeds.

"what was that?" Fishcored asked with shock on his face.

"my guess is Scales and his female counterpart are at it agian" Aquarius said as he looked down the path they were flying threw "if only i could tell which on was Romeo and wich one was Juliet"

"should we um... help Scales" Fishcored asked with a worryed tone of voice.

Aquarius then paused for a moment before giving out a loud cheerful laughter "*haha* thats a good one fishcored" he then troted off agian with Fishcored soon following as Aquarius started to sing.


Que Sera Sera
What ever will be will be
Zee future is OURS to forge
Que Sera Sera

Only a Dream?

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======hello this is Valor8878 here due to budget cuts we had to let Tim the narrator go by way of throwing him out the window. he talked to much. anyway until we can find some volunteer's we wont be able t- (ooo, ooo mememe i.ll do it, i.ll do it) Pinkie Pie? what the flank, get back in the story right now! (but i wanna help! i can do the narrity thing! pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease) Alright, ALRIGHT! just please stop and go ahead so we can get to the intro. (YAY, ok now then in the last chapter there was happy singing and Rainbow Dash was all "Talk" and Scales was all "make me" and then mhmmhmhm) QUICK! go to the intro before she talks again!=========

Its dark out as the trio lay next to a lit fire at there campsite under the night sky.


Aquarius,Scales and Fishcored were by the fire warming themselves up from the cold night as Scales and Fishcored were on one side of the fire pit talking to one another while Aquarius was at the other kneeling on four hooves with a book and a pencil, both were glowing light blue and floating in front of him, looking over what was written on the book Aquarius nodded to himself before the pencil started to write down on the book "until next time" was all Aquarius said before the pencil floated away from the book as it closed.

=====(ooo that's the book for the Trios journal isn't it?) Pinkie Pie shhhhh no spoilers======

"*yawn* philosophy im tired" Aquarius stated as he got up with the book floating next to him "i think its time we hit the hay"

"it is um.. pretty late out" Fishcored said as he got up along with Scales who stretching.

"yeah, and im gonna need all the rest i can get if im imma out fly that rainbow guy" Scales said with a cocky attitude as he made his way into the tent followed by Aquarius and Fishcored.

"but Rainbow Dash ins't a um...." Before Fishcored could continue Aquarius elbowed him in the ribs before leaning over to him.

"im sure it would be much funnier if he discovered such little details like that on his own" Aquarius whispered to Fishcored before entering the tent and waiting for Fishcored to pick a spot and lay down "good night idiots" Aquarius said with a smile before finding a spot and laying down himself.

"good night jackflank" Scales replied with his eyes closed.

Aquarius chuckled to himself before slowly closing his eyes and slowly breathing not having to wait long for sleep to take him.


"what in the name of god is going on!"

"just keep ruining!"

"there they are! open fire" *the sound of gunfire*

"Kyle! no!"


Under a dark night sky it rains and thunders down upon a industrial town, broken down and torn up as the streets are full of trash, bullet shell's and snow, the people were humans dressed in rags and covered with frostbite many on the ground motionless as others cower and hide from a large group of troop's armored head to toe in black and dark blue robotic like armor carrying automatic weapons as they march in formation down a street littered the body's when a rock flew towards them and bashed against one of the troopers helmets making them all turn to face a small group of children with rocks in there hands, the troopers then raised there automatics at the children.


In the dark alley's a large hooded cloaked figure over eight feet tall and carrying a body is walking down the alley while the sound of gunfire echo's threw the town, the figure walked up to a brick wall with large graffiti on it that reads -DEATH TO THE NIGHTMARE REGIME!- the figure reached out with the palm of its hand and laid it on the brick wall when suddenly a door shape piece of the wall is pushed back inside itself and opens like a doorway, the figure ducks its head as it walks in, walking threw a hallways lined with torches before entering a large room slimier to that of a torture room.

"*ah* Bruce, so glad you can join us" a voice called out to him and when Bruce pulled his hood down to reveal long dark green hair a figure walked in view next to a man stripped bare from the torso up who was strapped onto a blooded table by leather and wearing a spiked masked helmet made of iron over his face.

"i had to do a little hunting" Bruce said as he slung the body he was carrying onto the floor the body being that of a male with purple hair "i couldn't get a name out of him but his code name was Elusive and he worked for intelligence"

The new figure pulled down his own hood to reveal a male with combed back blue hair and a clean shaved face,

========(oooo is he the bad guy?) PInkie!======

"well then lets take a look at him" he then moved towards the body and examined it "did you really have to break every bone in his body?"

"i like to be thorough Devin"

"right, right dumb of me to ask" Devin then slowly stood up and clasped his hands together "well then skin him then hang him in the middle of town, lets start sending some message's" Bruce nodded as he reached down and grabbed the body by the leg, dragging it out of the room, "now then were was i?" Devin then turned to the man strapped to the table "*ah* yes how could i forget about the infamous Jack Smith"

The Jack tried to struggle free as Devin grabbed a clipboard and looked at it while he walked around the table jack was one "lets see now the highest ranking commander of the nightmare regime, popular for the public executions you preformed which included your own older sister and grandfather, *oh* and lets not forget the man who shot and killed my good friend Kyle"

Devin then tossed the clipboard away and then picked up a nearby skull "you know i do enjoy this world im suddenly thrust into, there are just *oh* so many murders and killings that i feel like im in my own personal heaven" Devin said with joy as he examined the skull while moving next to a steel pot "do you like soup Mr, Smith? cause id very much would love for you to try my recipe, its a special blend of blood, organs and bones" Devin then tossed the skull into the pot "as you can imaging to get the right ingredients for a beauty like this can be hard to come by, luckily Mr. berry was kind enough to supply me with the ingredients before his..... sudden disappearance"

The jack struggled more trying desperately to get free as Devin fitted himself with thick leather gloves before picking up the steel pot with both hands and then slowly walking to jack "*oh* i almost forget to mention one more vital ingredient, MOLTEN LEAD!" Suddenly Devin raised the pot up and poured everything in it on Ja-

======(*scream* scaryscaryscaryscary) wow i forgot how graphic this scene was, cut to the next step quickly this is not for kiddie's=====


"this world needs a better class of monster"

"one who wants to see it all burn"


"*gah*" Aquarius woke up suddenly his eyes wide open as he lifted his head off the ground and looked around him to see that Scales and Fishcored were still asleep.

,it was only a dream, he thought as slowly got up of all hooves ,i need some air, he then walked out of the tent too see it was still dark out, Aquarius took a deep breath and decided to take a stroll as he shakes his head and then trotted further into the woods ,i was done with sleep anyways, as he made his way past tree after tree he couldn't help but think more and more about the dream ,it just seemed so real it was like i was watching a bad TV show on FOX or CBS mind you but my dreams were never that detailed before,

as he continued down on his path threw the woods he came upon a small hill and saw something very peculiar, by instincts he quickly hid in a large bush and he was amazed to see a pony possibly no taller then he or Fishcored, colored dark blue and to his astonishment saw that the ponies long tail and mane were a glowing shade of dark blue with star's that made it looked like the endless void of space and also hide not only wings but a horn as well much like Aquarius himself.

===== (Hey look its Luna! hi Luna look its me Pinkie Pie!) she can't hear you Pinkie ( that's ok i.ll just step out and say hi then) *oh* ok.... wait what!====

both Aquarius and Luna were unaware of Pinkie Pie suddenly jumping out of a tree followed by a human hand that soon grabbed Pinkie Pie by the tail before she could fall to the ground.

===== *OH* no you don't =======

The hand then quickly dragged Pinkie Pie back into the tree which was followed by the sounds of twigs breaking

"what was that?" Aquarius asked himself in a near wispier looking towards were the sound came from and when he saw that it was nothing he turned back to see that Luna was looking right at him.

They both stared at each other awkwardly for what seemed like minutes before Aquarius looked around in a panic trying to think of what to say ,come on Devin gottathinkgottathinkgottathink,

Aquarius rubbed the back of his neck with his right hoof before looking back at Luna "i was just um... looking for my um..." Aquarius then looked up at his hat "MY HAT! and whelp i guess i found it so i um... i gotta run now" Aquarius then made a bolt for it back into the woods trying to run as fast as he can , that's it when i get back im hitting the gym, Aquarius hat glowed as the buttons on his trench coat undid themselves when his wings suddenly spread wide and he took flight into a tree ,perfect hiding spot,

Aquarius hid for what seemed like hours ,boredboredboredbored, Aquarius laying on a branching trying to think of what to do next when he spotted something small on his right hoof ,what the?, he looked closer to see that it was a black spider, Aquarius's eye bulged wide as he took his left hoof and in a panic tried to get the spider off "getoffgetoffgetoffgetoff!" while trying to get the spider off he accidentally tripped on the branch and fell out of the tree.


it was morning as scales was laughing hysterically "ok, ok so you hid in a tree *laughing* saw a spider freaked out and then *more laughing* broke one of your wings?" scales then feel to the ground laughing still

"SHUT UP!" Aquarius yelled from inside the tent "it coulda happen to any bod-ouch hey watch how you bandage that up fishcored"

"sorry its umm.... hard to do this with no fingers" Fishcored said from inside the tent as well.

Scales, while still laughing got back up trying to stop himself from laughing "ok, well im just gonna go ahead and get to this clousdale place were the race is going to happen at, Scales then started trotting off before turning back to the tent "you coming or what Fishcored?"

"just a sec!" Fishcored left the tent and then looked at Aquarius "um.... try to get some rest and um,.... stay off the wing"


Strange Day

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==========when we last saw the trio Aquarius Broke his left Wing and Scales was preparing for his race against Rainbow Dash, Who will win? who will lose? and what will Aquarius do with a broken wing?========

Its a beautiful day in Ponyville with the birds chirping and the Pegasus moving the clouds in the sky while the Earth Ponies and Unicorns go about there daily business.


Scales and Fishcored were trotting threw the park side by side down a dirt road as other ponies play and talk with each other without a care, the two pass by a group of ponies having a picnic and two young colts playing frisbee before Scales looked around him with a puzzled look on his face.

"ok i give up" Scales said as he stomped his right hoof "its been two hours and we cant find so much as a clue as to were this Cloudsdale place could be" Scales stopped and so did Fishcored as a frisbee flew past them followed by a young laughing colt trying to catch it.

Fishcored looked towards Scales as if wanting to say something "all you have to do is look-" Scales let out a sudden loud sigh, stopping Fishcored from finishing what he was going to say.

"just how am i gonna beat the tar out of that rainbow guy if i cant even find were the race is" Scales then trotted ahead when the young colt was about to toss the frisbee with his mouth "whats worse is that your one of those freaky brony fans of the show this place is off of and you haven't said jack about were to go"

Fishcored took two steps forward only to have a frisbee nearly hit him in the snout, Fishcored flinched for a moment before following Scales again "i keep trying to um..... say that um.... you only need to um.... look- u-" before Fishcored could finish Scales suddenly brought his left hoof to fishcored mouth.

"Hold that thought buddy" Scales said with his left hoof still against Fishcored mouth "How much you wanna bet that, that's cloudcity?" Scales said while removing his hoof from Fishcord's mouth and then pointing it towards the sky at a city made of clouds with rainbow's and streams of water bursting and pouring out that.

Fishcord looked at Cloudsdale With Scales before turning to his maroon colored friend "You know um... It's called cloudsdale not um... cloudcity"

Scales Only rolled his eyes "Yeah, sure, whatever, correcting me still doesn't excuse you for not telling me where to go sooner" Scales then trotted off towards a large fountain in the middle of the park.

"iv tried to, but whenever i get the chance to um... speak you always cut me off" Fishcord pleaded to Scales who brought his right hoof to his snout.

"Fishcord, how many times do we have this conversation?" Scales asked with slight annoyance in his voice "you were the star quarterback for 4 years straight back at high school, not to mention a seven five giant who could bench press a tree, and yet your the biggest doormat iv ever seen in my life" Scales nearly slammed his right hoof to the floor while his Blue friend rubbed his left hoof against his right while lowering his head, "you need to stop letting people walk allover you" Scales continued, "why'd you think we made you the leader if the first place?" Scales asked while nearly butting heads with Fishcord.

Fishcord did what he could to back up so his forehead wouldn't touch Scales's "well um.... i don't really know i um... oh i guess cause im a um... brony?" Fishcord said with hesitation before lowering his head again.

Scales shakes his head slightly "true but also me and Aquarius both believe that this is the best chance that will ever get to have you take in charge for once, but you always let Aquarius take the wheel at every opportunity" Scales Sighed and then turned around facing Cloudsdale "look i don't have time for this right now i gotta race that rainbow jerk and show him who's boss"

Fishcord raised his left hoof slightly "but Rainbow Dash is a-"

"now's not the time for banter Fishcord" Scales said as he raised his right hoof to cut off Fishcord "i gotta get going, why don't you *oh*, i don't know, make sure Aquarius doesn't do anything stupid, you know how that nutcase gets when he's alone and bored" with that said Scales Trotted away from Fishcord before spreading his wings and taking flight towards the sky, leaving Fishcord by himself with his head held down.


Back at the trio's campsite the place was littered with empty cider barrels and mugs while inside the large tent was Aquarius Strange who is asleep while surrounded by trash, using his trench coat as a blanket and his hat as a pillow.

"*ugh* no grandpa i don't wanna work on the farm" Aquarius tossed and turned with a look of irritation on his face "no grandpa, Kyle was the one who broke your tractor" Aquarius became silent when the sound of buzzing came to his ears, his eyes twitch and then he immediately sat up and started swinging his front hooves around with his eyes closed "*gah" die bee! ye vile scum of the earth" Aquarius kept swinging his hoofs till he got tired and laid down again before opening his eyes.

"did i pass out from lack of sleep?" He asked himself as he got up on all fours and shook his head when he then spread both his wings wide and started to stretch his back "*oh* man at least the wing feels better, guess it wasn't broken after all" He then flapped his wings a few times before folding them up to his sides and pacing around the tent, looking around the trash scattered on the floor "where's that mirror i conned off that one guy at that one place?" Aquarius rummaged and swatted away trash all around the tent "and why dose my scalp feel warm and my chin so cold?" he asked himself as he stepped on a mug and tripped on it "*woooohhhh!*"

Falling chin first to the floor with a loud thud, trash flew in air followed by a mirror with a handle that landed on Aquarius's head and then bounced on the floor in front of him, with his left eye twitching in pain, Aquarius slowly got on all four hooves "ouch" he then shook his head slightly "an ends to a means i guess" he said with irritation while by his front hooves the mirror glows light blue and slowly rise's off the ground and floats up to Aquarius "now lets see if there's any damage to my face" Aquarius only glared at the mirror for a brief second before he stared into mirror in shocking horror.


Fishcord was walking threw Whitetail woods heading towards the campsite with his head held low ;Scales is right, i need to be more assertive; he thought to himself as he stopped and held his head high ;and that's just what im going to do, im going to march right up to Aquarius, look his straight in the eye and tell him just how things are going to work around here;

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled out a echo of Aquarius Strange's voice.

"that doesn't sound good" Fishcord said as he went to a mad dash threw the wood's, sidestepping trees and jumping over a small stream of water ;have we been found out? or is there some sort of monster loose?; Fishcord thought as he dashed past tree after tree, bush after bush while Aquarius's yelling grows louder ;i hope its not something stupid; he thought as he dodged a incoming tree, suddenly his ears twitched when he then leaped in the air towards another tree were in midair he placed his front hooves on the tree and then his hind legs, he then immediately jumped from the tree and to a branch were he used his right front leg to swing from the branch and to the air while below him was a trench foll of water.

Upon landing at the other side of the trench on his two back hooves Fishcord rolled forward onto his belly "*ugh* if anyone's watching i hope they didn't see the landing"

"I SWEAR TO THEE ODIN, I SHALL HAVE VENGEANCE ON THESE GODLESS CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED!" Aquarius yelled out in a booming voice that echo'd threw the woods.

"*oh* man sounds like he's on a mad rant, this cant be good" Fishcord quickly got back up on all fours and charged off in the direction of Aquarius's voice.


Aquarius, wearing his trench coat and, was pacing back and forth outside the tent angrily "mock me will they? *oh* i.ll show them just what they unleashed upon them" Aquarius said frantically as he continued to pace back and forth, his trotting slowly turning into stomping when he then stopped and raised his right hoof to the air "you hear that Raptor Jesus, ya jerk!" Aquarius yelled towards the sky before turning around and trotting to three unopened barrels of cider, holding his head low as Fishcord came running in out of the woods.

"Aquarius! whats wrong" Fishcord nearly shouted as he skidded across the floor while stopping behind Aquarius "have we been found out? are we in danger?" he asked hastily, waiting for Aquarius to reply, when he didn't Fishcord took a small step towards him "Aquarius, ar.... are you ok?" Fishcord again waited for Aquarius to reply who only lifted his head slightly.

"ok? *maniacal laughter* *oh* im more then ok, my wing is more then better *maniacal laughter* but a crime has been done to my very being" Aquarius looked sideways towards Fishcord to reveal one of his brown eyes to have a look of intensity on it "a crime that demands Vengeance"

Fishcord titled his head slightly with a confused look on his face "um.... what happened to you, exactly?"

"what happened!" Aquarius yelled out while lifting his head "i.ll tell you what happened!" his horn glowed brightly as his hat appeared magically on his head "they did this to me!" Aquarius quickly turned around to reveal that his beard was gone, the color of his hat turned from camouflage to dark green and instead of his hair being a low buzz cut is now a long flowing mane.

Fishcord just stared at Aquarius still with a confused look on his face "tha... that's all they did?"

"that's all the- That's all they did!" Aquarius nearly shouted at Fishcord in confusion "how could you not be as outraged as i am about this?" he then took a step closer to Fishcord "they've completely disfigured my face"

Fishcord, stared at Aquarius with disbelief, "they possibly healed your wing, and you want vengeance on them for changing your looks?" Fishcord said while sitting down, no longer able to stand from all the running he did.

"yes" Aquarius said plainly as he looked towards the sky and raised his right hoof again "and i swear to thee laichen von idiotischen Narren that by the son's of Odin and philosophic thinking to have Veangace on thee"

"is it really that important to get revenge cause of something so um... trivial? Fishcord asked with his left hoof half raised ;you can do this fishcord, just order Aquarius to not go on this vendetta; he thought to himself while Aquarius started passing back and forth again.

"you clearly don't see what the importance here is Fishcord" Aquarius stated in a calm manor as he continued to move back and forth "without my beard i lose my self confidence in being sly and cunning, how are we to survive if i cant lie our way out of things?"

"you look better without it" Fishcord replied

"and they had the nerve, to replace my epic awesome buzz cut with girly long hair" Aquarius said as he walked over to a empty barrel, pushing it down on it side so he could lay his belly on it.

"didn't you always say you wanted to grow long hair instead of curly?

"and then to top it off, th.... they" Aquarius brought his left hoof up to wipe a pretend tear from his face "they ruined my hat"

"they turned it green"

"i.ll never be able to find another like it" Aquarius said as he rocked back and forth on the barrel like a rocking chair.

"you got it at the state fair for a dollar, last week" Fishcord said plainly as he laid on the ground to rest.

"Now's not the time for your ill repute logic fishcord" Aquarius stated as he nearly leaped off of the barrel and trotted past Fishcord "let us be off to the fancy brothel looking place"

"why do i have to go with you?" Fishcord asked as he forced himself to get up and follow Aquarius.

"cause shut up that's why, my vengeance is ahoof"


High up in cloudsdale Scales was flying threw the city, mesmerized and astonished by the city made of clouds ;man, this place is amazing, Aquarius would have a field day trying to figure how this place works; he thought to himself as he flew past other Pegasus ponies who were talking to each other, he then spotted and flew over a Pegasus who was walking on the clouds ;i wonder if i can do that?; Scales carefully lowered himself from the air and to the clouds meant to be the city's ground, he tapped the cloudy floor with the tip of his right hoof a few times before pressing down on the cloud with his entire hoof ;seems safe enough; he thought as he reluctantly placed all four hooves on the cloud he looked down at his hooves the straight forward before taking a few steps and grinning ;ok, i don't care what people say, walking on clouds is pretty badflank; Scales then sprinted on the clouds, heading to were he was to meet Rainbow Dash.

While unbeknownst to him, from around the corner of a cloudy building, a Black hoof with holes in it, was changing into a maroon colored hoof with no holes.