• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 1,005 Views, 6 Comments

New Ponies on the Block - Aquarius

What happens when three simple friends from our world in our day and age find themselves in a cartoo

  • ...

Chapter 1

====== When we last left off our trio in the Prologue they have just discovered that they have been turned into ponies leaving them to scream in surprise as Devin has become a large white pony with his camo cowboy hat and black leather trench coat, Bruce into the second largest but the widest blue pony with a brown jacket, and Kyle into a slim, small maroon pony with wings, with this sudden change can they cope with what has happened?=======

Deep into the once quiet everfree forest screams are heard echoing in a misty purple smoke and then into a cave as three strange looking ponies are screaming nonstop at each other and themselves as they are standing on two hooves, there screams slowly dying as they get a better hold of themselves, Devin going deathly quiet as he examines himself and the situation while Bruce grows silent also only shaking as he too looks over himself, Kyle, on the other hand, was muttering to himself loudly and panicking even.


"Crapcrapcrapcrap, what the heck is going on!" Kyle yelled out hastily in a panic as he looks at his hooves which would have been his hands "what in the name of the bloody virgin mary is happening to us!" he nearly screamed as he sat on the cold hard rocky floor.

Devin who seemed to be the calmest of the trio only looked over himself and the others before replying "that's a question I think all three of us want answers to Kyle" he then took a look at his own right hoof examining it at all sides "tho I'm certain that none of us will come up with one that sounds legit" Devin turned his head to look towards his two friends thinking to himself that something is at this moment, ringing in his head about the entire thing, something familiar to him as he focused his attention more towards Bruce, who's only shaking "Bruce you alright there buddy? You seem shaken up"

Bruce turned towards Devin, still shaking as he brings his left hoof up and rubs the back of his neck "well umm ..... its not like this isnt shocking or anything but um..... i just dont think screaming about it is gonna fix... this" Bruce then motioned to the three of them still shaking "plus its *shuddering*..... pretty cold"

Before Devin could respond to Bruce, Kyle was starting to freak out now as his muttering voice was turning more into despair then panic "were dead that has to be it th.... the... tree must've falling on us, and this is the afterlife.... tha...that has to be it" Kyle was too busy panicking to notice Devin stumbling towards him, trying not to stumble on his two hooves as Devin then laid one hoof on Kyle's shoulder and then suddenly started smacking Kyle with the other hoof.

"*smack* Calm *smack* The *smack* Heck *smack* Down" Devin Yelld at Kyle as he slowly stopped slaping him allowing Kyle to get a hold of himself before Devin brought his hoof to his chin when he then started slaping Kyle again.

"Why *smack* are *smack* you *smack* still *smack* hitting me *smack*" Kyle pleaded to Devin as his face moves left and right from the smacking.

"Because *smack* you *smack* kept *smack* me *smack* from *smack* drinking my *smack* hot *smack* cocoa *smack*" Devin simply replied back with his resolved sounding voice agian as he kept slaping Kyle.

Bruce stood behind, simply watching them knowing that its best to stay clear of Devin when he was angry about hot cocoa and just laid on his stomach as Kyle started fighting back which lead to both Devin and Kyle fighting each other clumsily as they stumble around the cave and on the floor.

After a good thirty minutes of them just falling and stumbling then actual fighting they both decided to give up and laid on their backs, Devin Remaining silent and Kyle's breathing heavy.

"I totally woulda won" Kyle exclaimed.

"just shut up" Devin replied.

Bruce simply looked at the two and then lowered his head "You know I'm probably the only one who...." Bruce felt a lump in his throat as he got both of their attentions "noticed that none of us are wearing pants"

Just as soon as Bruce said that both Kyle and Devin immediately sat up and looked down as both of them simultaneously Coverd themselves with their front hooves "so that means the entire time we were standing up...." Devin said keeping his eyes locked on the ground.

"we were not wearing pants or *gulp* any form of covering" Kyle said to finnish what Devin said Kyles eyes also lockt firmly on the ground.

Bruce looked at them both wondering what he could do to ease the tension "um.... you know were all pants less here and its not really that weird when you think of it " Devin then got up on two hooves and walked towards the cave entrance "where are you going Devin?"

"to throw up and dramatically stare outside" Devin simply said as he walked out the cave" *ugh* I can't believe this is happening" Kyle said as he looks at himself "just what kind of freaks have we become?"

"I think were horses..." Bruce Said to Kyle Looking at his hooves "I mean look at us. We have hooves and everything else a horse has"

"yeah well last time I checked horses don't have wings" Kyle pointed out as he turns his head to look at a pair of wings on his back.

we aren't Horses" Devin said out of the blue as he walks up to his friends speaking in a calm, collect voice "were ponies" he then squinted his eyes in a dramatic fashion "my little ponies to be exact"

Both Bruce and Kyle both stared at Devin silently before looking back at each other and then back at Devin.

"this isn't the time to act dramatically stupid Devin" Kyle said to Devin with an annoyed voice "this is serious stuff here and the last thing we need is for you to go into your insane playful moods" Kyle then facet his wings again with a puzzled look on his face.

"Kyle has a point Devin... what I mean is um.... we know you're the smart one and all its just that" Bruce rubs the back of his neck with his left hoof "its always hard to believe anything you say cause you sorta um.... go over the top with your thoughts...."

"nononono not this time!" Devin said hastily to cut off Bruce "I knew something was gnawing at the back of my head when I got a good look at us, but I didn't realize it until I started blowing chunks outa my mouth" Suddanly Devin started taking off his trench coat, which seemed to look very difficult.

"ugh dude please don't strip in front of us" Kyle covered his eyes with one hoof.

Devin successfully got his trench coat off as he tossed it to the ground with his mouth and stood on all four hooves revealing large white feathered wings on his back "I thought my trench coat felt a little weird till it hit me when I felt something pluck somewhere on my back, and it turned out to be a feather and that's not all when I lowered my head to puke and my hat fell off and well look" Devin then took his hat off with his right hoof revealing a white horn placed on his forehead "but what really tipped it off was when I carefully looked around I saw that the world around me looked way more animated then it usually did" Devin looked at his two friends who simply looked at him with disbelief.

"Devin.... I think you finally hit your head on one to many wall studs" Kyle simply said as he and Bruce both remain on the ground "what your saying is that you threw up and realized that we aren't just ponies, but ponies from a little girl's cartoon?"

"in a nutshell. a nutshell?... Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying" Devin Simply as he then attempts to walk around the cave on all four hooves having trouble "hmmm... this is gonna take some getting use to"

Bruce just looked back at both Devin and Kyle and then sighed "um.... i think i know a way to find out" Bruce said, which got both Kyle's and Devin's attention again leaving Bruce to feel stage fright "well um...... if we really are my little ponies then um........ wouldn't that mean we have some kind of mark on our um.... flank?"

"oh hey hold on their Bruce I'm not looking at anyponys fl..." Kyle stopped what he was about to say before stating, "did I just say anypony?"

"apparently this change has also reached our vocabulary" Devin stated bringing his right hoof to his beard "come to think of it, to think of it, I don't think any of us has cussed this entire time, which in itself is odd giving my views on cussing and Kyle's low self controlled" Devin rubbed then tried to poke the horn on his head before looking at his friends "so yeah its important that we find out if there is a mark on our flanks so you two get to it while I go outside and dramatically stare some more"

Before Devin could fully turn around Both Bruce and Kyle were up on all four hooves Kyle already moving and stumbling to block Devin's path.

"hold it right there Mr.Sneaky" Kyle then pointed his left hoof at Devin "weather all three of us do this or none at all"

"it is the um.... fairest way" Bruce pointed out.

"*gah*... fine have it your way then" Devin gave out a heavy sigh as he looks around the cave "ok there is enough room for us to form a triangle will all look at the same time so that way will know if one of us has a mark or not... deal?" Devin watched as the other two nod their heads "alright then, lets form up"


Not far off outside of the everfree forest there is a bunny looking curiously at the forest and the misty purple smoke that still fills the forest the rabbit was just about to hop closer to the forest before a yellow pony with pink hair walked up behind the rabbit.

"Angel what are you doing here," said the yellow pony with a very soft female voice, the pony then lowered her head closer to the rabbit "you know it's dangerous to be out at night this close to the everfree forest"

The rabbit then pointed at the purple smoke to which the yellow pony then looked at the smoke curiously before taking a small step back before she started to hear a noise coming out of the smoke.


*Squeak!* the yellow pony scared of the sound she just heard quickly grabed the bunny with her mouth before running away.

___________________ MEANWHILE_________

*Bleeeeeeech* Devin was outside the cave vomiting witch sounded like it was echoing threw the forest while he press's his left hoof agianst his head "ugh.. someone please beat the image's outa my eyes" Devin pleaded before vomiting agian and after making shure he was done puking he wipet his mouth with his right hoof and walkt back into the cave joining his freands who were siting down.

"hey Devin sorry abo..." Kyle couldn't finish his sentence when Devin punched Kyle's right shoulder with his left hoof before siting down.

"Never speak of it" Devin threatened Kyle as he then turned his attention to the center of the trio "ok then, now that we got that.... disturbing.... event out of the way lets report our findings " Devin coughs slightly to clear his thought "my findings are that I was indeed right as I found Kyle's mark to be a set of scales" Devin stated as he then looks over towards Kyle.

"I found that Bruce's mark is two fish tied together by the tail" Kyle replied as he and Devin both turn their Attention towards Bruce.

"I um.... found that Devin's mark was um.... an amphora poring out water" Bruce Said as Kyle just gave Bruce a puzzled look.

"what the heck is a amphora?" Kyle asked with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"an amphora is a vase which was used by the Greeks and Romans to hold Liquid and Dry products alike'' Devin Stated "anyway now that I was right, and that we are indeed my little ponies we need to think of what our next move is" Devin got up on all four hooves and clumsy walked up to the cave entrance watching the purple smoke that still hung around the air "we can't really leave this cave till the smoke clears so we should instead spend the rest of the night learning how to properly walk around on four hooves"

"and how to use these wings you and me have" Kyle stated, "we still have what six hours until sunrise?"

"then we have six hours to forget how the human body works and learn how to control a pony's body from heart to muscle tissue'' Bruce replied "that um... doesn't sound very um.... easy"

"then we'd better start learning let's get to it ponies!" Devin said