• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 1,005 Views, 6 Comments

New Ponies on the Block - Aquarius

What happens when three simple friends from our world in our day and age find themselves in a cartoo

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Chapter 3

==========where we last left the trio, they had just left the everfree forest thanks to Aquarius's unorthodox thinking, but it's also thanks to that thinking that the group is now separated all across ponyville Fishcord at Apple Acres and Scales flying through the skies at high speed leaving Aquarius alone just outside of ponyvile with a very pink new friend=======

It's a sunny but a suddenly cloudy morning in Ponyvile.


Aquarius is standing on a dirt road leading to Ponyvile as he is face to face with a wide smiling pink pony with fluffy pink hair the two simply stand there staring at each other for what seems like minutes Before Aquarius raise's his hoof to speak before the pink pony beats him to it.

"HI! I'm Pinkie Pie welcome to ponyvile what's your name?" The pink pony called Pinkie Pie said excitedly, but before Aquarius could respond she started talking again "You know I saw your landing cause I was just walking down to see zecora when all of a sudden my tail started twitching meaning something was gonna fall from the sky and when I looked up there you were flying threw the sky like WHOOSH! And then I saw you crash like BANG! And then you started rolling and rolling and rolling until...." before Pinkie Pie could continue Aquarius placed his right hoof against her snout.

"please for the sake of my beard stopy with the talky, so I can speaky" Aquarius said as calmly as he could before continuing when he was sure he could get a word in "Now then; my name is Aquarius Strange, and if I may point out, how can I be welcomed to ponyvile if we're not in Ponyvile yet?"

Pinkie Pie gasped in a way that seemed stange to Aquarius as she nearly butted heads with him "your right!" she exclaimed in a high pitch voice "it can't be a proper welcome without a falling from the sky WELCOME PARTY!" with that Pinkie, Pie started hoping up and down none stop around Aquarius.

"Wait, Wha... but I didn't even..." before he could say more Aquarius felt something pushing him a little from behind who was pinkie pie, trying to get him to move when she then hoped in front of him."come on lets go" Pinkie pie said to him with a wide grin as she started hoping ahead of him towards ponyvile."this is not gonna end well, I can tell" Aquarius said to himself before reluctantly following her.


,Howdoistophowdoistophowdoistop!, Scales kept yelling in his mind as he flew through the sky at high speed barely able to see in front of him as he flies's through cloud after cloud, Scales did all he could to keep his eyes open which are at the point of squinting, then there was a figure far ahead of him that was in his way all he could make out was that it was a female pony with rainbow hair.

"hold it right the..." was all she could say before she had to dodge the incoming red blur that fly's right past her making her hair and tail blow in the wind "hey jerk get back here!" the pony said angrily as she then flew after Scales at incredible speed.

Scales couldn't make heads or tails of were he was going or had any idea how to stop himself as he tried to fly left and right making him do zigzag's not knowing what's behind him, "if I ever stop I'm gonna make that hat wearing jerk pay;" Scales thought to himself.

Fishcord was laying down in a barn and seems to be shaken himself awake as he groans slightly looking around his surroundings and then raised his left hoof and looked at it ,so it wasn't a dream, he thought to himself as he tried to get on his hooves but grunted in pain as he looked towards his stomach to see bandages and thought to himself ,how th..... oh wait thats right, remembering the launch out of the evergreen forest Fishcord shook his head, no point in complaining about it now; Fishcord suddenly started to hear voices coming from outside the barn and slowly made his way to get a better listening on the voice's

"boy howdy didja get a good looking at that colt in there, why I reckon he'sas big as you Macintosh" exclaimed a southern female voice Fishcord couldn't help but place to be Applejack's voice from the show, Fishcord was then about to step forward before applejack continued "I wonder were he came from; he don't seem like'no pony from Ponyvile or Manehattan"

"eeyup" simply said a male pony Applejack called Macintosh.

From Applejack's words Fishcord slowly made his way back to were he was laying down and rested thinking in a near panic state ,oh sweet mother of Celestia the one time I need to be as good of a liar as Devin, or Aquarius, or whatever hes called now, Fishcord shakes his head to remind himself to Focus ,ok think man think if you were an emotionless jerk who finds joy in other's pain. How would you lie?, Fishcord kept asking himself this question in his head not seeing a orange pony with yellow hair and wearing a cowboy hat walk up to him.

"Well howdy there fella glad you're finally up" Called out the Orange pony who fishcord could see was none other then Applejack who continued to speak "Hopin you don't mind if I sent my lil'sis Applebloom to'a get your jacket fixt; it was'a mighty torn up like them bruises of yours"

Fishcord hadn't realized that he wasn't wearing his jacket which made it more embarrassing for him when he realized that he's technically talking to a female, something he has had trouble with back when he was human, Fishcord rubbed the back of his neck with his left hoof trying to muster up words to say "oh.. well... um... thank you" Fishcord was able to say in a Quiet tone of voice, which seemed to catch Applejack by surprise slightly "and... um.. if it's not too much to ask id very much like to know were I am"


"For the love of my beard what in Celestia's name is wrong with this creature's eyes!" Aquarius nearly shouted as he examines a small green baby alligator with large purple oval eyes just outside of a building dressed like a gingerbread house which he seemed to ignore.

"and now for my most favoritey favorite place of the tour" said a very excited Pinkie Pie who was hoping in front of Aquarius and spread her hooves wide in midair "Welcome to Sugarcube Cor..."

"Oh my glorious beard! This poor thing doesn't even have TEETH!" Aquarius exclaimed after opening the alligator's mouth with the tip of his right hoof.

"Welcome to..."

"How is this thing even alive! Is its food pre-chewed or perhaps its feed through a feeding tube, *oh* I MUST make a further study on thi..." Aquarius was interrupted by Pinkie Pie, who was poking him on the shoulder who then went to point one hoof to her narrowing eyes then to his before slowly walk backwards

"welcome to Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie Pie proclaimed with her arms spread wide again with confetti in the air.

,Dang just looking at this place makes me feel Diabetic, Aquarius thought to himself as he looks at the building which looks like its made of gingerbread and other forms of sweet's "so this is the um... bakery I assume?" Aquarius asked Pinkie Pie.

"*gasp* How did you know?!" Pinkie Pie asked Aquarius with a surprised look on her face.

"Lucky guess" Aquarius replied with a sarcastic tone "so... does this town have a library or something?"

"ooo, ooo i know were the library is my bestist besty friend Twilight lives there!" Pinkie Pie stated with glee as she starts bouncing up and down again "this way!" she calls out to Aquarius as she bounce's away.

"Wo hang on wait for me!" Aquarius calls back as he follows her in a gallop unknowing of the baby alligator that's hanging onto Aquarius's light blue tail by its toothless mouth.

As Pinkie Pie and Aquarius make their way through ponyvile Aquarius couldn't help but notice the large numbers of female pony's in town thinking to himself , Interesting there seems to be allot more females then males in this town controlled breeding perhaps?, Aquarius then went on to notice the looks and stare's, he got from other's mostly mares, which seemed alien to Aquarius ,ok this is spooky... maybe there isn't as many males as I thought, Aquarius couldn't help but stop for a second to pull his hat further down to cover his eyes from view while at the same time not have his horn put a hole in his hat ,or it could just be that with the hat on, I probably look bald, Aquarius shook his head when he realized Pinkie Pie was far ahead of him and nearly had to go to a short sprint to catch up.

They reach a large and very wide tree full of large windows and door "this is ponyvile's library were all the ponies in ponyvile go to find books and all that other boring stuff" Pinkie Pie explained.

"looks like a giant tree house to me" Aquarius stated, "hey Pinkie pie what kind of pony is twi..." Aquarius looked beside him to see Pinkie Pie was gone without a trace leaving Aquarius with a weirded out look on his face "creepy.... I'd better not end up as a cupcake by the end of this" Aquarius took a deep breath and made his way threw the door and looked around as he was overtaken by the stockpiles of books he saw inside "how could they fit all these book's in a tree?" he asked himself in a near whisper as he looked through the books one by one ,hmmm nothing on magic here there all probably put in a special bookshelf, he thought to himself as he stopped were he stood hearing noises coming from another room.

"hello is somepony there?" Aquarius called out as he made his way around the building while at the same time looking at all the books he can on the way to see if there was a book on magic ,ok its no secret my knowledge on this pony world is limited to the perverted mind of my own kind, Aquarius thought as he makes his way towards a sound of someone's voice he can barely make out ,This is gonna be the ultimate test to my lying skill's, so I'd better be ready to lie on the dime, Aquarius thought to himself as he made his way into a room full of books and paper on the floor nearly half of the books open.

In the middle of the mess was a purple pony with different shades of purple colored hair who was looking through page after page, book after book completely unaware of Aquarius "There has to be a answer here somewhere, anywhere" the purple pony mumbled to herself fully pulled into the books floating in front of her.

Aquarius just simply watched her for a while before taping his left hoof on the ground to try to get her attention "you need any help there miss?" Aquarius watched with amusement on his face as the pony jumped in surprise and the books that were floating had falling to the ground were the pony then fell onto her back and immediately scramble to her hooves to face Aquarius.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there" The purple pony said plainly to Aquarius.

"No no tis I who should apologize for I did not know whether I was allowed unannounced entry or not" Aquarius stated with his resolved sounding voice "I was here to get a book on Basic magic, but if it's too much trouble I could always come back another time" Aquarius pointed one hoof towards the exit.

"No it's fine only doing a little... research is all" the pony said with an unreassuringly laugh "just let me clean this mess up a bit" with that the pony started clean up by making the books stack in the air with magic and back into the shelves.

"here let me help with that" Aquarius simply said as he reached down to try and pick up a book but the book suddenly started glowing light blue then floated in the air; Aquarius kept his surprise well hiding and with fast thinking could quickly realize and learn how to move the book and pick up more as he picks up three more books and stacked them together and afterwards move them into one of the bookshelves repeating this until the room was clean ,ok how in the moon did I learn that so fast, Aquarius thought to himself.

"wow that took little to no time at all thanks for the help" The purple pony said to Aquarius with a friendly smile "my name is Twilight Sparkle. How can I help you today?"

"A mighty pleasure ta meet ya Twilight" Aquarius said with a southern accent a bad habit of his, which always change's his accent and the way he talks on a dime without him knowing "my name is Aquarius strange, and as I said earlier I'm here for a book on basic magic's its good to relearn one or two of the simple spell's so you don't get rusty"

"I know exactly what you mean Aquarius, I cannot tell you how many times I forget how to do the simplest of spells'" Twilight replied "I think I know the perfect book to help hold on while I look" Twilight then turned away from Aquarius and started looking through bookshelf after bookshelf.

Aquarius looked around the room thinking of just starting idle conversation for the heck of it "so Twilight just. What was you frantically researching on?" Aquarius asked casually.

"you probably just came to town then if you haven't heard but there's a rumor going on of a terrible beast who appeared last night in the everfree forest along with a misty smoke" Twilight said calmly as she looks threw book after book

"iv been researching on what kind of creature would make such a smoke, but I couldn't find anything" Twilight then moves to another bookshelf "I was sure it was on this shelf" Aquarius brought his right hoof to his chin and had a small sneaky grin on his face

"well then Twilight my dear I have your answer for I know what that smoke was in the forest" he proclaimed, which got Twilight to stop looking for the book and turn to face him.

"you do?" Twilight said with a questioning look on her face.

"indeed for you see twilight, I'm a traveler, and I travel all across the land with two of my closest friends to see the sights and discover the undiscoverable well last night our travels took us through the Everfree Forest and its a shame for me to say that we got lost" Aquarius paused a bit to make sure Twilight was listening before he continued "that smoke was my attempt at making a flair with magic in hopes of someone seeing it but as you should well know magic also has its drawbacks thus the smoke was made instead of a flair" he explained, "in fact, fact that mistake of mine inspired me to relearn the basic's thus bringing me here in the first place"

Twilight just looked at Aquarius for awhile before throwing her head back "*ugh* Finally you dont know how much stress this was putting me in but what about that creature that was heard?"

"probably just a tree branch or something I wouldn't give it much thought" Aquarius replied as he leans on the side of the wall thinking to himself ,I still got it, Aquarius was about to speak again before the sound of screaming from outside loud enough for both Aquarius and Twilight to hear

"what in the name of (Celestia/My Beard) was that?" both Twilight and Aquarius said at the same time.