• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 1,005 Views, 6 Comments

New Ponies on the Block - Aquarius

What happens when three simple friends from our world in our day and age find themselves in a cartoo

  • ...

Chapter 2

========After six long hours of forcing themselves to learn how to walk and fly in their new pony bodies it is time for the trio to escape the forest and hopefully find some answers========

The night turns to day as the sun starts the rise and the smoky violet mist in the everfree forest starts to disappear, and the birds start chirping to welcome the morning as within the everfree forest, the trio stand outside of the cave.

surrounded by trees, Devin was wearing his trench coat and hat again hiding his wings and horn as he brought his right hoof to his face.

"ok let me explain this one more time" Devin proclaimed with a annoyed tone "this time I'll use simple talk so even you can understand Kyle" in response Kyle simply rolled his eyes before Devin continued "if it hasn't been cleared up yet I'll just repeat myself when I say that our looks and these flank marks apparently all have to do with our zodiac sign; my mark, for instance, is a amphora pouring out water, a excellent symbol to represent the Aquarius my wings may be connected to the fact that the Aquarius is an air symbol or possibly cause its ruling plant is Uranus, which was the name for the titan that was the god of the sky"

Devin took a pause to breathe before continuing "my horn may be connected to the Aquarius symbol for the water represents the water of knowledge or maybe cause the Aquarius is usually known to seek a path of the mind or spirituality and sense these horns apparently allow the use of magic my theory is further set in stone in my mind" Devin took another breath of air "for the love of my beard, please tell me you now understand Kyle, repeating all this four times is really stressing my vocal cords"

Kyle simply nodded his head before speaking "I think I get it, im a Libra so it would explain the scales for my mark and the wings cause its an air symbol and Bruce doesn't have wings or a horn cause he's a Pisces which is a water Symbol and doesn't revolve around the brain, and it also explains why his mark is two fish tied together by the tail am I right?" Kyle then looked at Devin Questionably as Devin nearly drops a single tear from his eye.

Devin Sighed with relief as he raised his right front hoof to the air "praise Celestia, he finally gets it!" Devin freezes almost like a statue as he brings his hoof down to reflect on what he said.

"praise who what?" Kyle said with a dumbfounded sound in his voice.

"another one of those um.... vocabulary change things?" Bruce spoke out softly As Kyle and Devin looked at him forgetting he was even there.

"it would seem so Bruce" Devin said while nodding his head in agreement "apparently this Celestia person is this world's version of the man upstairs"

"how are we um... sure that this is another worked" Bruce pointed out at Devin.

Devin looked around them and at himself "cause last time I cheaked we were traped in a forest fire when we were normal and there is apparently no sign of a forest fire any ware in these woods, not to mention that we, as I stated earlier resemble very much like ponies from that new my little pony show that aired last year"

"um... Devin not that I'm ungrateful that you know all this but... how exactly do you know so much about a cartoon for little girls?" Kyle asked Devin with a weird look on his face.

Devin brought one hoof to his chin as if trying to recall something "let's see I first learned of the show's existence from browsing through that website deviantart, I never watched the show myself and just found it interesting to watch and study on how our generation takes this new apparent fad so most of my knowledge on my little pony is basset off of pictures and fanfics i found" Devin taped his chin with his hoof repeatedly Apparently in deep thought a he starts speaking his thoughts out loud "now that i think of it i recall this one literature about a pink and a blue rainbow pony that helped advance my studies on the psychologistic mind tho I didn't like the ending too much; everyone knows a stew woulda tasted allot better, perhaps I should find this pink pony and educate her how to properly... "

Devin just keep rambling on to himself as Kyle turned towards Bruce leading him away from Devin "ok now that he's rambling, we got a good ten minutes to talk before he needs to breathe again" Kyle stated as Bruce nodded his head in agreement "ok so correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you once say you was a fan of the show?

"well I wouldn't say I'm an um... fan, I only watched the um.... entire first season" Bruce said with an embarrassed blush on his face.

"well that just means your our best chance of leading us threw this mess" Kyle exclaimed

"W-What b-but I don't know how to le-le-lea..." Bruce stuttered before being cut off from Kyle.

"Hey Devin stop talking to yourself and get over here I just made Bruce the leader you cool with that?!" Kyle yelled out towards Devin, who pulled his attention away from himself and towards Kyle and Bruce.

"well of course I'm ok with it after all Bruce knows about the show far more than I do sense he's a fan and all" Devin simply stated as he joined Bruce and Kyle.

"wait you already knew that Bruce watch's the show?" Kyle asked Devin in a surprised tone.

"of course I already knew; it was easy to figure out considering Bruce's low self esteem issues" Devin answered before he starts to pace back and forth "now that we have a leader, we need to handle another problem before we move out" Devin paused to make sure he has both Kyle and Bruce's attention "and that's our names, we can't go about saying we come from another plane of existence who knows what could happen"

"you um... have a point there Devin" Bruce said, "our names don't exactly um... fit the type of names a my little pony would have"

"that's exactly what I mean Bruce we need my little pony names or be that much closer to being found out" Devin proclaimed as he stoped pacing and pointed at Kyle "Kyle your new name is Scales Honestly cause of the set of scales on your flank, Bruce your new name is... um.... your brand new name is" Devin paused for a moment having trouble thinking of a name until he stomped his hoof on the ground "I got it your new name Bruce is Fishcord"

Kyle and Bruce both looked at eatch other as Kyle then looked back at Devin "are you serious? no seriously Devin those have got to be the stupidest names on all time"

"and my name Will be Aquarius Strange" Stated Devin as he apparently wasn't even paying attention to Kyle.

"i stand corrected" Mutterd Kyle as he brought his left hoof to his face "*sigh* beggers cant be choosers i guess"

"ok Scales, Fishcord, now that we have our pony names and me and Scales mostly have flying down... mostly... and all three of us have nearly mastered walking on all four hooves, I think its about time we get out of this forest" Devin then turned his attention towards Bruce "Fishcord any idea of were we are in this cartoon world?"

Bruce looked back and forth before pointing a hoof at himself "you mean me right?" Devin Nodded his head "oh ok well um... I think we are in the everfree forest which is um... not far from ponyvile and cloudsdale were the six main characters of the show live" Bruce said in a tone that was almost hard for Devin and Kyle to understand.

"ok then we'd better hurry and find a way out of here I'm starting to get hungry" Kyle said as he looked all around him "so which ways north?"


In ponyvile's library, A purple, pony sized female unicorn with hair that was colored different shades of purple was rushing around the room looking threw stock piles of books on shelves along with a small purple dragon with green hair.

"i dont get it Twilight, why are we looking threw all these books about creatures related to smoke?" said the small purple dragon who was climbing up a ladder to reach a book near the top shelf.

"Spike i told you already we need to figure out what kind of Creature were dealing with here fluttershy's description on the noise it made in the smoke is all we have to work with" stated the Purple unicorn known as Twilight.

"well yeah but its fluttershy were talking about, that pony's scared of just about anything so the noise could of been her a branch snapping, right?" Asked the small dragon known as Spike.

"that may be possible Spike but I want to make sure first incase this becomes an issue in ponyvile" replied Twilight as her horn glowed making a book float in the air in front of her.

"can we at least get some breakfast first before we continue?" pleaded Spike as he bent down to pick up a book.

"you go ahead I'm just gonna look over a few more books" answered Twilight as she makes three more books float and open in front of her.

With that spike quickly left the room leaving Twilight by herself as she looks over the books, she has floating in front of her.

"No, no, no to small, no, *arg* theres nothing in these books that can explain this!" Twilight said with a frustrated tone "if I can't find answers to this soon, then who knows what kind of dangers are heading this way"


"Are you sure this is safe De.. I mean Aquarius?" Scales said with a worryed tone.

"oh please Scales if I wasn't sure about it, I wouldn't have spent the past hour trying to use this magic horn of mine to pull it off" Aquarius proclaimed with a reassuring tone in his voice "after all its no surprise that a mind like mine would be able to learn how to use magic with ease"

"its not the magic that you JUST learned that's worrying me, it's the fact that you're going to launch me in the air from a tree your bending with set magic" Scales stated as he points below him to a glowing tree bent to the ground.

"you want to get out of here the quick way or the slow way?" Aquarius Asked Kyle with a sarcastic tone "Besides Fishcord can't do it cause he doesn't have wings, and i can't go first cause I'm the one using the magic, so that just leaves you" Aquarius points to Scales almost dramatically.

"I'm starting to have second thoughts here how do we know if its um... safe?" Fishcord said nervously.

"don't worry Fishcord this is just a test run to make sure its safe for me and you" Aquarius reassured Fishcord "oh and Scales if this fails will make sure to give you a very nice grave"

"wait whaaaaaaaaa" was all Scales could say before being launched in the air by the tree at incredible speeds.

Fishcord and Aquarius both watched Scales launch as Aquarius brings his right hoof above his eyes to see better before turning towards Fiscord "looks safe enough to me, now its our turn"


Up high in the sky on a small cloud was a light blue female pony with rainbow colored hair sleeping on top of the cloud the pony slowly opened hers eyes as the sound of screaming came to her ears and sounded like it was getting louder and louder.

"what the...." was all the pony could say before a screaming red blur flew past her at such speeds that it left her and the cloud spinning uncontrollably.


Up at Apple Acres a large male red pony with orange hair was hitting a tree that was surrounded by basket's with one of his back hooves making apples fall from the tree and into the basket's when he paused hearing a groaning sound as the large pony stopped what he was doing and went to cheek out the noise when he found a large blue male pony with green hair surrounded by small bits of hay and laying were a large hay pile was.

_____________________ ==========Meanwhile=========

just outside of ponyvile Aquarius was laying on the ground silently groaning to himself as he brought on hoof to his hat to make shure it was still on "*ughe* note to self, wear a helmet"

Aquarius slowly stood up on all fours and found himself face to face with a Pink female pony with pink hair smiling widely at him leaving Aquarius to think to himself ,son of a filly,