Scootaloo Has a secret. She cant let anypony find out. But when the school's biggest bully finds out her secret and plans to tell everypony what will happen to the little pegasus? If only she hadnt been late to school...
Hi there! i am a begining writer and i only have a couple of stories but i hope to get better :)
Scootaloo Has a secret. She cant let anypony find out. But when the school's biggest bully finds out her secret and plans to tell everypony what will happen to the little pegasus? If only she hadnt been late to school...
I'd really recommend you get a pre-reader or whatever they're called. This story has a lot, and I mean a LOT of potential.
I agree fully.
Kind of wall-o-text, and when a person is speaking they are their own paragraph.
Besides that, I see potential in this.
1682853 What kind of violence are we talking about? One's with guns and sharp objects, or just fisticuffs?

1683261 Whatever the foals have access to >:3
1683548 I like your thinking, mister!
1683548>>1683566 Like? I love BOTH of your thinking! But I was thinking more of maces and large, sharp, poisonous swords.
1683599 Also equally exciting. But I was thinking of spits and bonfires. Fried Filly anyone?
1683609 Now that you mention it, my OC is a cannibal... (only to ponies that deserve it/self defense though :p)
1683621 Dead or alive? Also, does your OC use spices? Maybe some flavor to seal in the juices. My OC can start the fire.
1683656 Self defense = alive (unless they were killed before he could bite :p)
Dead = Cooked (spices if available)
1683682 That's all I need to have my OC start the grill.
your cover is a picture of the library i go to sometimes
holy shit
small world
This story has lots of potential, keep writing!
1682896 i am looking for a pre-reader.. the one i had wasent doing a very good job..
1683728 cool!
Thank ya :)
1683072 i will work on the issues...
I am more than willing to help with pre-reading if you need it. Just PM me if you do.
Lot of potential here. Favourite's for that; if the grammar improves you can keep it.
It will improve..
1683621 Um... My OC is Pinkamena's daughter.
1690717 My OC was raised by wolves, has fangs, and has rainbow eyes... and a magic (enchanted) katana :p
1691143 I made another OC. She carries a hunting knife at all times, she has laser eyes, and she lives with wereponies that actually turn into wolves. She's black and her name is Vengeance.
The story itself has some good potential.
Just your presentation needs work.
1709507 im working on the next chapter :)
1725015 I appreciate it :) i'm learning and i have been working mainly on fixing my grammar.
i will overlook it and make changes and try to fix things as best i can. 
You know, I can't imagine why anyone would think that making fun of an orphan is going to make them popular. But then, I can totally imagine Diamond Tiara being stupid enough to try. :)
1790211 I am working with the next chapter and i wont give anything away but things get pretty funny for Diamond.
1810249 eta for the next chapter