Rainbow Dash is suffering from complications during child birth that could possibly kill her. Twilight tries find some way to help Rainbow Dash, Soarin' tries to comfort her, and Scootaloo thinks about what those who are close to her mean to her
Three years ago, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack all died in a fall after a tornado that Rainbow and Lightning Dust caused at The Wonderbolt's Academy. To this day, Rainbow makes sure it will never happen to anypony again
Guardians come in many colours and personalities, protecting others or misusing their power. As Rainbow Dash finds Scootaloo alone after dark, it is her time to find her own place in the complicated network of protégés and protectors.
By popular demand, the follow-up to 'Dear Applebloom!' Inspired by Rarity and Applejack's letters, Rainbow Dash writes one of her own to a certain orange pegasus
William is now Scootaloo's father, but some ponies disagree with an alien adopting a pony...and a certain mare will go as far as she can to make sure the two get seperated.
Scootaloo's sister loved her very much, Scootaloo knew that. She loved her so much, then she was gone in the blink of an eye. What will the little pegasus do?
Ugh. Another. I have a chapter to write, but meh. I'll bite.
First off, wall of text. Use formatting and paragraphs to make the text readable.
Secondly, when someone else speaks, start a new line.
"Hi there," said Scootaloo. "A beautiful day, huh?"
"Most certainly!" answered Sweetie Belle.
Thirdly, grammar. Whilst your basics are good, I see some small mistakes. Consider using a spell checker to fix these.
Fourthly, consider making up another way to express the passing of time. Try your best to avoid the "X Years later/earlier". It just doesn't sound or look so good.
Fifthly, as easonhooves already asked, is this a one shot? There would be potential, you know. Just fixes here and there, formatting and general tidying up and this could be something.
And sixthly, as XiF pointed out, fix your description.
Hello there! I'm Quantum (Sierra) with the TWE. I have to head off in a minute, but I'll quickly have a looksky at some of your stuff. As always, if you don't like the information I've put in this, feel free to ignore it. I'm not forcing you to implement these changes, though it will be better for all involved if it is improved. I'd like to see this story do well, so I'd like it if you paid attention! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Spitfire_rape.png
Anyhoo, I'll be using my common system for reviewing this, described below:
Red indicates a typo or lexical error. Blue shows something I would add into the story. Green highlights a grammatical and/or syntactical flaw. Purple draws your attention to something I've noticed. Orange is used for general note-making.
back when scootaloo was a baby, she had a sister..her sister was her best friend.. now that shes gone.. what will scootaloo do?
Ok, I'll list the major problems, and then go into more depth:
-Capitalisation -Ellipses -Run-on sentence
Capitalisation: I'm sure you're aware you need to capitalise names. For example: Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom. All names need capitals. Make sure you check through your work and ensure that you don't have silly mistakes like this. Making these errors in your description can make people doubt the quality of the entire story.
Ellipses: The proper length of an ellipsis is '...'. So, three periods. You really don't need as many as you have in the title, which brings me neatly onto the third point.
Run-on sentence: You use ellipses as a device to extend the sentence, rather than breaking it up into separate ones. This is bad. I'll show you what I would do for a description below:
When Scootaloo was just a foal, she had a caring sister. Her sister was once her best friend, but is now long gone. How will the orange pegasus deal with the loss of somepony that has supported her through so much of her life?
Unfortunately I've got to head off now, but good luck with the story, and hopefully some of what I've written here will be of use to you. Mail me if you have any questions or need advice!
for the people giving advice in a rude way...i am just starting! i understand there are mistakes.. for christ's sake! BE FREAKING NICE! and for the few acually being polite with their adviceThank you.. i will fix errors but not this weekend as i have a party and a sick kitty cat to tend to.
Capitalize names, omg.

is this a one shot?
Ugh. Another. I have a chapter to write, but meh. I'll bite.
First off, wall of text. Use formatting and paragraphs to make the text readable.
Secondly, when someone else speaks, start a new line.
Thirdly, grammar. Whilst your basics are good, I see some small mistakes. Consider using a spell checker to fix these.
Fourthly, consider making up another way to express the passing of time. Try your best to avoid the "X Years later/earlier". It just doesn't sound or look so good.
Fifthly, as easonhooves already asked, is this a one shot? There would be potential, you know. Just fixes here and there, formatting and general tidying up and this could be something.
And sixthly, as XiF pointed out, fix your description.
Hello there! I'm Quantum (Sierra) with the TWE. I have to head off in a minute, but I'll quickly have a looksky at some of your stuff. As always, if you don't like the information I've put in this, feel free to ignore it. I'm not forcing you to implement these changes, though it will be better for all involved if it is improved. I'd like to see this story do well, so I'd like it if you paid attention!
Anyhoo, I'll be using my common system for reviewing this, described below:
Red indicates a typo or lexical error.
Blue shows something I would add into the story.
Green highlights a grammatical and/or syntactical flaw.
Purple draws your attention to something I've noticed.
Orange is used for general note-making.
Ok, I'll list the major problems, and then go into more depth:
-Run-on sentence
Capitalisation: I'm sure you're aware you need to capitalise names. For example: Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom. All names need capitals. Make sure you check through your work and ensure that you don't have silly mistakes like this. Making these errors in your description can make people doubt the quality of the entire story.
Ellipses: The proper length of an ellipsis is '...'. So, three periods. You really don't need as many as you have in the title, which brings me neatly onto the third point.
Run-on sentence: You use ellipses as a device to extend the sentence, rather than breaking it up into separate ones. This is bad. I'll show you what I would do for a description below:
Any better now?
Unfortunately I've got to head off now, but good luck with the story, and hopefully some of what I've written here will be of use to you. Mail me if you have any questions or need advice!
~Sierra, TWE's Raging Englishman dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Spitfire_rape.png
for the people giving advice in a rude way...
i am just starting! i understand there are mistakes.. for christ's sake! BE FREAKING NICE!
Thank you.. i will fix errors but not this weekend as i have a party and a sick kitty cat to tend to.
and for the few acually being polite with their advice
~Sierra, TWE's Raging Englishman ,
thank you for being so polite.. i know there are mistakes and i plan of fixing them.. i appreciate the kind way you pointed the errors out to me
NotTheOP ,
i will be fixing errors after this weekend.. thank you for being poilte...
easonhooves ,
i never thought of continuing it. i may do more on it..
XiF ,
Good story, the only people who dislike this have:no life, no older or younger sister or brother, and hates everyone


Thank you very much.. i cried when i worte this and i really made me feel bad when i got bad comments....