Applebloom's family like her new braces. Applebloom hates them! She cant talk to anypony or eat any of her favorite foods. And she definatly cant let the other crusaders know that she has metal in her mouth! Will she learn to love her new braces?
Hi there! i am a begining writer and i only have a couple of stories but i hope to get better :)
Applebloom's family like her new braces. Applebloom hates them! She cant talk to anypony or eat any of her favorite foods. And she definatly cant let the other crusaders know that she has metal in her mouth! Will she learn to love her new braces?
Not bad but you need to work on the grammar, and maybe spread it out a little bit.
But this doesn't seem too bad, it actually seems like episode material and it's something I can relate to because I had braces on from the end of Middle School until my junior year in High School and then I had to get them back on again until my senior year and at times they were VERY uncomfortable.
I am working on grammer.. i havent been in school for about 7 years... ive never had braces but i do have glasses. wow.. episode material? im flattered.
Awwwh Apple Bloom, I have braces, its nothing to worry about!
Shes so nervous... but she will learn :)
I'm liking it so far, but yes, proper spacing would make it even better. I can give you a hoof with that if you like, just send me a PM :)
1470808 you promise? I don't have them and everyone that I've talked to said they suck...