• Published 14th Jan 2013
  • 1,215 Views, 12 Comments

A Somber Tale - FanOfMostEverything

My name is Sombra. I am more than a mass of shadows. This is my story.

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A Youth Cut Short

My name is Sombra Pyrolusite. You probably did not know I had a last name, am I correct?

I thought as much. If I am remembered at all, it is as a senseless tyrant, a bully who practiced cruelty for cruelty's sake. Obviously, the truth is vastly more complex than this. Nopony ever thinks of himself as the villain, ever actually acts in the name of evil. Even Discord was an agent of chaos, which is a far cry from pure malevolence. A being so dedicated would be a storybook villain, with all the depth of a shadow. And believe me, I know a lot about shadows.

To understand me, to know what fate actually befell the Crystal Empire, it is best to begin at the beginning. Not of the Empire, of course. I won't for ask that much of your time.

Are you sure? Well, I'll give the abridged version. It begins midway through the tale of Hearth's Warming. As the three tribes set out for greener pastures, Chancellor Puddinghead, in her... unique wisdom, ordered the very young, the very old, and their immediate families to stay behind. They would not survive the harsh journey, and there was always a slim chance that the weather would break in time.

With the unicorns and pegasi gone, the families that remained had nothing but love and camaraderie for one another. Thus, the windigos found themselves without food, and tracked the pilgrims. Soon the frozen grip on the land loosened, but only where the families lived. The windigos' magic had been there for too long, the ice and snow piled too deep. Without the light of love, the land was locked in winter.

The earth ponies adapted, as they always have. Even their magic, their innate tie to the land, altered itself. The ponies crystallized like snowflakes, no two alike, each beautiful in his or her own unique way. Their mastery of crystals of both earth and water followed suit. One mare's connection to crystalline perfection grew so great, so intrinsic, she ascended to alicornhood. She took a mortal consort and foaled the first heirs of the Crystal Dynasty, from which your Cadence is descended.

Now, to my birth.

Are you surprised? I did not emerge fully formed from the darkness, fell magics streaming from my eyes the very second I was created. I had parents, family, a home. Admittedly, I had few friends, but that was more a result of circumstance than attitude. A mare as clever as you should be able to surmise why.

Precisely. I was the first unicorn born in the Crystal Empire in centuries. The population was, aside from the royal family, entirely earth ponies. I was the only pony in living memory to have a horn and yet have no wings. Foals my own age treated me more as a curiosity than a peer.

No, no, no. That early alienation did not precipitate any alleged turn to darkness, nor did a cruel home life. My parents gave me as much love as any child could ask for. They even beseeched the emperor's children to teach me magic, knowing that they could not. In his magnanimity, Prince Brilliance acceded.

You of all ponies can imagine my excitement at the time. The prince, the heir of the empire, teaching magic to me, a colt who had not even earned his cutie mark! I cannot look back on that first lesson without shaking my head at the countless ways I embarrassed myself, alternately humbling myself before him and bouncing about with unbridled glee.

Thankfully, I quickly overcame such impulses, largely thanks to the prince's kindness and patience. He acted less like a ruler to his subject or a tutor to his student than as a surrogate older brother to a young traveler of the same path. For a time, my life was a blessed one, and I wanted for nothing.

Alas, this was not to last. The roll downhill began one day when Brilliance was teaching me the basics of divination magic. It was difficult for me. The sensations delivered by the half-formed spells distracted me too much to complete them. In my pride and frustration, I refused my tutor's advice, simply throwing myself at the challenge time and time again.

Soon, the time had come for the midday meal, and I was no closer to success than when we began. Brilliance wanted to adjourn, to give me time to relax and consider the problem from a new angle. I would have none of it. I begged for one last attempt, and he was kind enough to give it to me.

I had, over the course of the morning's attempts, grown accustomed to the spells' feedback. I knew I needed to exploit this acclimation while I could, and so I did. Knowing what to expect, I kept going from spellform to spellform, able to ignore the swimming colors and nameless sensations that played along my horn and mind.

In my eagerness, as I neared the final step of the spell, I made a slight error. The final step was a mote of light, but instead I channeled darkness.

Yes, the standard magic detection cantrip.

Ah, normally, you would be right. For any other colt, the spell would have dissipated harmlessly. But not for me.

You never have seen my cutie mark, have you? A moment. I should be able to make myself more solid...

Do you even have to ask? There are only so many things a torch burning with a black flame can mean.

In part. The symbols on our flanks reflect our very souls, and reducing them to a single meaning is not only difficult, but often woefully flawed. Consider your own, Twilight. A spark surrounded by five others? A talent for magic and magic alone could manifest in virtually any shape imaginable, so why something so abstract and symbolic?

I'll tell you why. Because there is more to that violet burst than magical aptitude. One and five. Six as one. You were born, destined to rediscover, reunite, and reactivate the Elements of Harmony, Twilight Sparkle. You do not simply do magic or bear Magic. You are Magic.

I suppose we are. In any case, my talent lies not just in manipulating the shadows, but understanding them and vanquishing them. The torch is not creating shadows, but revealing them for all to see, forcing them out of hiding in more perfect darkness, and destroying them with pitiless light.

Yes, even though the flames are black. It's symbolic.

Of course, when I first miscast that magic detection spell, I didn't know any of this. All I knew was that the shadows of the room had come to life, slithering about the room like eels, tiny hands clutching scraps of their own essence, faces twisted in hateful mockery.

I did what any colt would do; I panicked. But when I bolted out of the room, there they were in the hallway! Floating through the walls! Orbiting Brilliance's horn like surreal shadowy jewelry!

I fled the palace that day. I knew the layout so well, I did it with my eyes closed. Perhaps a guard shouted at me. Perhaps it was Brilliance, desperate for an explanation to my behavior. I remember not. All I recall is the fear.

At the foot of the castle, I leaned against one of the building's scintillating legs, panting for breath. After a few moments, Brilliance came down the stairway. To my astonishment, the shades that surrounded him gave shocked yelps and made great haste away from me... yet fleeing to my left.

Once I got past my coltish self-centeredness, I realized they were fleeing the Crystal Heart itself. I looked around. Sure enough, while faint charcoal smears could be seen in the distance, none of the monsters dared come close to the sacred relic.

I tried to tell Brilliance about it. I thought he believed me until I told him we needed to alert his father. All playfulness vanished from my tutor, who coolly informed me that the Emperor had far more pressing matters than the delusions of a colt, even a favorite of the Royal Family. Hallucinations could very well be part of growing up as a unicorn, after all.

Yes, but as far as we knew, they could have been. Remember, I was the first and only unicorn born in the Crystal Empire.

Over the following weeks, I was able to curry enough favor with Brilliance and his sister Mellifluence to be invited to dine at the Royal Table one evening. A great spectacle was made of it, and I confess some part of me enjoyed the spotlight.

In any case, that night, after dessert, I presented my case to Emperor Dominance. I told him of the shades, of the Crystal Heart's effect, of its woefully limited range. I explained how I had been observing the shadow creatures for some time, observing how they fed on hope and joy, how those well and truly infested with them had hearts like stone, lives without dreams.

To his credit, he listened to it all. He gave it thought. I was novelty, not nobility. He could've dismissed me with but a word. Instead, he did it with seven:

"And what would you have me do?"

His question stopped me dead. Surely, I had thought, once I brought the matter to His Excellency's attention, he would see to it that the matter was settled. I just had to be the messenger, or so I'd assumed. Instead, I had to confess to him that I did not know.

No, what do they say about assuming?

Heh. No, only me in this case. Thus chastened, I could do nothing more than endure Emperor Dominance's patronizing smile and reassurance that it would all be alright so long as I eased up on my magic practice.

If only...

Author's Note:

After all of the jokes, the disappointment, and the relatively minor degree of fanfiction interest, I felt I should step up to bat for ol' Tall, Dark, and CRYSTALSSSS.
The key question of this story is not "Who is Sombra?" but "Why is Sombra?" I've seen very few proposals in that regard, and I'm fairly sure no one's taken the direction I plan on. We'll see.

Comments ( 11 )

:pinkiegasp:what, a new story by one of my favorite authors? :pinkiehappy:

*sees tags*

:fluttershysad:...I dunno if I'll like this story...

I'll put it on the reading list anyway.

Interesting... I'm liking it so far. Can't wait to see where you're taking this.

Good to see you writing again.

This is looking up to be a really interesting story. Sombra's got so much potential, I don't understand how no one has explored the "why" of his character. And a promise of a unique direction? Definitely excited for this. Can't wait for more

*Walks up with fishing hook trapped in cheek*
"I think this is yours?" I say. "Also, I was reading your story, and couldn't help but enjoy myself. Now, can you take this hook out? Its starting to hurt."
Liked and faved, patiently waiting more.

This is like taking a massage machine, but only it was adapted for eyes. Oh me, I love this so much, mate.

Shit, the detailyou put is very, very impressive. I really enjoy your art of luring readers over to your work, it is quite accditve :rainbowlaugh: Damn, poor Sombra, depise his decend into darkness I have to admit I have respect for him, People don't just become evil it happens over time, even with Gods:facehoof: Seriously impressive:yay: I shall read on.

Moar pls :fluttershysad:

More backstory please. Te narration is intriguing.


It's such a shame that this ends here.

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