• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 1,876 Views, 43 Comments

The revenge of Gilda! - Tangerine Blast

Gilda is back! But is she here to apoligize like she said? Or did something else bring her back?

  • ...

The Truth

"Gilda! Let Go!" Pinkie wailed as the griffon flew with the pink earth pony's tail in her talon.

"Shut up or I will." Gilda growled.

Pinkie became quite as she looked down at the houses far below her. Gilda had something in her other talon but Pinkie couldn't make out what it was from this angle. She couldn't tell where they were going ether, all the roofs looked the same. The earth pony new that where ever they were going it was to get her in trouble.

Pinkie was suddenly jerked downward and Gilda landed. As soon as her hooves hit solid ground, the pink pony started pulling on her tail hoping to get it free of the griffons death grip. Gilda just yanked back, sending Pinkie tumbling.

"Why are you doing this to me? Dragging me around and making me look like a jerk?" Pinkie asked.

"Duh." Gilda said exasperated. "You made Dash uncool, you ruined her and made her a dweeb like you and you make me look like an idiot. This is pay back."

Pinkie was stunned by that. She didn't know what to say to that so she took in her surroundings, they were outside Rarity's place. Oh No! Pinkie thought Not Rarity. She also noticed that Gilda was holding some fabric in her claws.

The griffon found a mud puddle and started rolling the fabric around it. "What are you doing?" Pinkie asked.

"These are Rarity's fabrics dweeb." Gilda growled. "And there getting ruined."

"You can't do that!" Pinkie gasped. "That's Rarity's work. She's going to kill you."

Gilda chuckled, "Not me, you." Then the griffon splashed mud on Pinkie, dropped her in the puddle and took off.

Before Pinkie Pie could even blink, let alone get up, Rarity came storming out of her shop. She instantly saw the pink earth pony in the puddle of mud sitting on top her fabrics. "PINKIE!!!!" Rarity screamed running towards her friend. "What on earth do you think you're doing?"

"Um..." Pinkie said hesitantly. That griffon sure had good timing.

Apparently that was a rhetorical question because Rarity just yelled some more. "I stood up for you! I didn't want to believe that you did these things! But now," She tore the fabrics out from under Pinkie making her flip around and land on her face in the mud. "Look at what you did! I don't know what's going on in your brain but it certainly isn't good." She then stomped off in a huff.

Pinkie called after her, "Wait Rarity! I didn't mean too! I didn't even do it!" But the unicorn was already out of earshot. Pinkie got up out of the mud and shook herself. It didn't get all the mud off though so she just started heading home, hoping to shower.

Why did Gilda have to be so mean? She thought I didn't make Dashie uncool, heck, she isn't even uncool in the first place. Ask anypony, Dashie's still cool. Gilda had been making Pinkie look bad ever since she arrived. It was stupid, if you're going to get into trouble at least you could DO the thing that got you in trouble. Pinkie hadn't even eaten any of the apples from Applejack's farm. And she knew those were super yummy. As Pinkie thought about this, how to stop Gilda, and how to make the fabric up to Rarity, she plugged up to Sugercube Corner sadly. She stopped suddenly when she heard a shout and looked up.

As she cast her gaze to the sky, Gilda swooped in from no where shouting, "Delivery!" before depositing two bundles into Pinkie's arms. Pinkie looked at the things in her hooves as Gilda soared off and realized it was Pound and Pumpkin Cake, covered in mud.

She started to reach for the door of Sugercube corner before it flew open by a distraught Mrs. and Mr. Cake. "Pinkie!" They cried. Pinkie realized what they were seeing, Pound, Pumpkin, and Pinkie, covered and mud. To top it all off the babies started crying. The Cake's each snatched a kid and demanded. "What on earth are you doing with Pound and Pumpkin?"

"I.......didn't do it?" Pinkie tried sheepishly.

"Really? Then how do you explain that when we went upstairs to check on the twins, they were gone and now we find you outside with them covered in mud? What were you doing with them?"" Mrs. Cake demanded.

Pinkie looked between the faces of, um....what would you call them? Her boss? Her Guardians? Anyway, she couldn't bare to see them angry, and after all that had happened today, she lost it.

"I'm SORRY!" The pink mare cried, tears streaming down her face. She just sat there crying, moaning about how she didn't mean to hurt anypony. The cake's looked back and forth between each other, they didn't no how there confutation would go but they didn't expect something like this.

"It's all right dear," Mrs. Cake soothed. "You go get washed up, alright dear?"

Pinkie nodded, sniffling and went up to the bathroom. She washed all of the mud off and was about to go back downstairs when she heard the Cakes talking and decided to listen when she heard her name.

"We have to do something." Mr. Cake was saying. "She can't get away with everything just because she starts crying."

"I know," Mrs. Cake agreed. "But we can't simply ground her, we aren't her parents."

"Maybe we could have her do a couple extra shifts, I'm sure she'll understand."


Pinkie stopped listening, she didn't want to be punished for something she didn't do. She went up to her room, not only would she be doing extra shifts, she probably wouldn't be able to play with the twins for some time. This really sucked, a lot, Pinkie hating that Mrs. and Mr. Cake probably didn't trust her now the most. Sure she had been goofy sometimes, OK a lot, but they had always trusted her. Now that trust with them, and all her friends, would take a long time to rebuild. Pinkie lay down on her bed and went to sleep, hoping tomorrow would be better.

Pinkie's five closest friends came to Sugercube Corner, to talk to Pinkie and figure out what was going on. Or at least to gather some clues. They arrived in the bakery with a cheery voice of "Hello!" Pinkie Pie was standing behind the counter, smiling at them. "Hi, you guys!"

"Hi Pinkie." They all greeting in there own way.

Suddenly Mrs. Cake came in. "Pinkie, why don't you bake some more cupcakes, I'm sure we're running low."

"OK Mrs. Cake." Pinkie said walking towards the kitchen. Before she entered, her friend could just see her hunch over in, well, sadness.

Mrs. Cake waited until they heard the rustling of pans and such before continuing, no one heard any humming, which was very disturbing. "Sorry, Pinkie's been scheduled a lot lately, we found her and the twins covered with mud and had to do something."

"That's just what we came to talk about." Twilight said, "Do you have any idea why Pinkie is being so, so......"

"Rude?" Rarity huffed.

"Inconsiderate?" Applejack suggested.

"Mean?" Fluttershy added.

Mrs. Cake shook her head, "I don't know, she's always been such a trustworthy pony." She sighed. "Maybe the stain of being so cheerful has made her want to be rebellious?"

"Some reason, I just doubt that's the case." Twilight confessed.

A loud noise came from the kitchen, followed by a muffled, "No! I won't let you! AHHHHHHH!"

The six ponies rushed into the kitchen to see it in a mess, there was a note laying on the ground. Twilight picked it up with her magic and read, " 'I'm not going to wast the day at this dump. I think I'll go to the library instead. ~From Pinkie Pie' The Library!" Twilight dashed for the door, followed by four other mares, leaving Mrs. Cake to clean up the mess.

When they got to the library, it was in state that looked like a tornado had gone through, books everywhere, things overturned. It was a mess, and in the middle of it all sat a very dazed looking Pinkie Pie. "PINKIE!" Twilight said, trying to keep calm, "What did you do?"

"Where's Spike? Shouldn't he have saw what happened?" Rainbow asked.

"He's out getting supplies." Twilight said dismissively, glaring at her pink friend.

Pinkie opened her mouth, then closed it. What she wanted to say was that Gilda had taken her and swung her around like a bat, knocking her into things and giving Pinkie a terrible headache. Pinkie didn't say this though, she new her friends wouldn't believe her. So instead she collapsed at Twilight's feet, saying, "I didn't mean to! Please Twilight! Please! Let me make it up to you! Let me help you clean up!" She gave the unicorn the best puppy dog face she could muster. "Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity didn't let me make things right. Please let me help you fix this mess!" Pinkie pleaded hopping so bad that Twilight would let her.

The purple unicorn looked at her pink friend for a second, on one hoof she didn't want Pinkie messing anything else up, on the other the earth pony did look desperate to make things right. "I guess it's ok, just don't mess anything up." Twilight agreed.

"OH THANK YOU TWILIGHT, THANK YOU!" Pinkie exclaimed, going over to the books and started shelving them.

Twilight sighed, "Do you girls want to help too?"

With six ponies helping, the cleaning of the library didn't take as long as it would have. It was still dark when they were done though, but despite this Pinkie felt a lot happier then she had. She had been able to make what Gilda did better, and even though Twilight kept checking the books she shelved, Pinkie thought that she had gained back some trust. She was in high spirits as she went to bed that night, thinking about the day a head and how she could help her friends some more.

Comments ( 10 )

Longest chapter yet! :scootangel: You've all been waiting with baited breath for this, or you haven't. I don't know. I just know that a lot of ponies have faved this and were waiting for this next chapter. I'm pretty sure the next chapter will be my last but things may change. Comment, Like, Dislike, do whatever you want. I hope this has been entertaining! It's almost over! :pinkiehappy:

dude this was starting to get good but you really need to make the chapters longer thn 1k, becuse this is ridiculous, you update like once a week or 2, if you keep making these really short chapters with comparatively snail-paced update times, im gonna have to un-favorite

I like this chapter. But I have one small complaint. Pinkie may be the most random of ponies, and her friends do thimk that she is a little off her rocker, but I cannot see that they would refuse to believe her. Other than that, This is good.

Anypony else up for some fried chicken? :pinkiecrazy:

If someone hurt you, friend or no, then blamed it on someone that from your point of view couldn't have possible done it, would you believe them?

I'm really sorry I'm late. My computers been down for awhile and I didn't want it to take too long.

1550955 That would depend on the friend. I am just thinking of the episode with the Parasprites. Nobody listened to her, but in the end she was the one who knew exactly what to do. Take my opinion for what it is: My opinion. Regardless of my opinion, I am really looking forward to the rest of this story. Keep up the good work!:pinkiesmile:

1552680 Nice Discord emote, how do you do that?


go to the chrome store (not sure how on FF or IE) and download a program named tampermonkey, look up my little pony, and there should be a program that says mlp emotes or something or the other (i did this a long time ago so the details are a tad fuzzy) don't forget to activate it in the programs menu (still in tampermonkey) after you activate it :scootangel:

I'm sorry, but I HATE, I bucking HATE, stories with Gilda as a villain. SO I'm afraid I'm going to have to dislike this story. :twilightangry2:

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