• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen June 7th

Foxy Henhouse

We've been making butter since 1945, and we've been accepting all people since the last four months.

Comments ( 5 )

These stories are pretty good

Years of reading smut and this is the first time one has made me say 'this would be so beautiful animated :) '. I never realized not many smut fics focus on creating beautiful visuals like you did here. Sex inside a bubble underwater and with rainbow lights around? Holy smokes that's so creative! I prefer Sunbeam's fic in terms of feelings, but this one takes the prize for the sex scene. It was cute and gentle too, the kind of sex scenes I love the most <3 great bonus with Harness being the one taking the lead. This one felt more friendly than romantic too, it was cute

My only question is about these lines.

“You found out your stallion self fucked all his mare friends and you wanna one-up him, ‘cause you’re super hot and confident but also feel like ponies don’t really like you for that the way they’d like a stallion for being the same way, and that bugs you way more than you used to think it did. So you went with Sunbeam first ‘cause you’ve been friends forever and you knew you could trust him, but you kinda caught feelings for him last night and realized today he’s not the only one you feel that way about. And you were gonna ask if I wanted to be next, and I do, ‘cause I sorta-kinda feel like an extension of Sunbeam and I’d probably be cool with just a hookup, and I am. But you’re rushing into it ‘cause suddenly everything feels really scary and confusing and not fair , and what you actually want right this second is to just forget the whole thing so you can go home and figure this out alone. So yeah, I’m down for that.”

“And mares are supposed to be chaste and pure and, I don’t know, loyal ,” Harness went on. “I’m supposed to want to stay just friends. To just pick one of you, and turn into your marefriend instead of myself. But I’ve never wanted that. And you, Sunbeam, Zepp and Pepp and Hazy, you’re not friends with me just because you want to fuck me. I know that. I’m sure it’s the same for Hitch… for other me across the multiverse or whatever. But then he did fuck all his friends, and they all stayed just friends. I can do that too. Sun’s fine with it. You’re fine with it…”

Harness...has feelings then? But she doesn't want to get into a relationship and just stay friends? May I ask why exactly she doesn't want to date anypony? Is it because she prefers to explore her desires she has been keeping buried first or...why exactly?

Sorry, I know I may come off as dumb asking these things. I guess I struggle to wrap my head around Harness thoughts here because I'm not into casual sex myself ¿? But I really want to understand her thoughts, the inner monologues are really interesting and the parts about how it's harder for a woman(er- mare) to stop the feeling of guilt when we do things out of what society considers proper for us really reasonated with me

I'm also wondering again about how was this whole thing for Hitch. Did he really not feel guilty at all just 'because he's a stallion'? He never held back just because of that? Or that's just what Harness thinks because she never got to see how Hitch ended up in that situation? Why did he just stay friends with the girls and didn't date anypony either?

Yeah, you pulled it off.
You did it.
I could ship it.

I do ship it.

I expect I'll be shipping all of it with all of them by the end of this set of stories.
Nicely done.

Can't wait to read this for the epic plot! *raises knowing eyebrow like Pinkie Pie* :pinkiehappy:

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