• Published 27th Sep 2023
  • 1,289 Views, 80 Comments

Destroy yourself or... Destroy YourSelf - Poparakelis

Two demons fough, a father and a son, a pig watched one that dreamed of becoming a Tiger

Comments ( 4 )
Comment posted by yasser deleted April 13th

In a discussion both sides can be wrong and right at the same time, in different things.

Dean isn't right and will never be 100% right just because he is the protagonist, he doesn't know shit as a matter of fact, doesn't mean he's wrong either, the same for Celestia.

I think I managed to do good in writing Celestia's more arrogant and certain side, she's old, powerful and more experienced than most of the planet, she is confident and certain of her beliefs it isn't exaggerated, much to the contrary, it's very subtle the way she speaks and treats Dean in her discussion with him.

And... Faulty information, Dean's bias and the admittedly insane accidents or maybe not that happened made him come to the very sensitive conclusion that yes, the Celestial trying to incinerate his soul and body does want him dead.

But continuing on...

You remenber when she said:

Either her spell was wrong, or something was holding it back.

Yeah, that's why she won't try to mess with Dean's soul anymore, the two times she did everything went to Tartarus, and now she discovered the Ogre's soul is powerfull enough to make her tremble.

Of couse she could have killed him right then and there but she'd need to draw power from the sun, maybe all of it.

As I showed in this fic, the soul is always more powerfull than the body, something is just in the way of translating that power.

A pity neither Dean and Yujiro seem to know about that... Or do they?

This Chapter was Real Exciting The way Harmony used celestia To try kill Dean was Amazing:pinkiehappy:
And do you have a date for upload?
Edit: i meant upload i just I forgot how to spell it

Date for downloading? I don't know what you mean but I normally post 1 chapter every 2 or 3 weeks, 20k words + is kinda hard to do in a consistent manner you know, I just stop writing when I feel the chapter is complete or far too big.

And I won't affirm or deny what you said, I will however point out that in this life of his there is no certainty in almost everything.

If you are curious however these 3 entities have appeared in this fic as of yet, what they did? I don't know, maybe you do?




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