• Member Since 24th May, 2015
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Prince Dustin Hogan

Adoptdby Celestia and Luna, friends are mane 6, fluffle puff, ben 10, markiplier, and chrysalis. related adoptively to cadence (cousin), Twilight and shining armor (in laws) Last of my family


When Canterlot High goes on a field trip to Camp Everfree, they discover a mysterious magical force that causes strange things to happen around the camp. Add that with a digital entity lurking within the forests of the campsite and keeping a sharp watch on our heroes, Dustin and company are guaranteed have quite the adventure.

There will be drama, laughs, suspense, and romance along the way. So pack your camping gear and get ready to join our group of heroes on a camping trip to never forget.

View the Digitrix here

View Dustin's transformation roster here.

View the Digitalismans here.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 53 )

Cool that the sequel is up.

Since the girls will be getting their power/geodes here, would Spike be getting any "chosen ones" stuff and powers too?

Comment posted by Prince Dustin Hogan deleted Jul 2nd, 2023

What do you mean "chosen ones" stuff?

WOAH! Now this is a surprise, Dustin

Didn’t expect this to come out so soon. So far it’s a amazing start

Will this story have original digimon in it?

Referring to how one gets stuff because they are one of the "chosen ones".
For example, how the Rainbooms got the Geodes and thus powers in-show(while Spike got nothing sadly)

Hmm... I actually do have something like that in store.

On Spike?

(I found out I somehow didn't type his name on my first comment. Whoops)

Well, I'll see if I can come up with a way to have the canine companion involved.

Amazing chapter! Didn’t expect one so soon just after this was published.

The gang is now at Camp everfree, but looks like something got it’s sights on Dustin.

Yes, but who or what could it be? Only one way to find out. 😉

Yep! And, I’m looking forward to finding out as mote chapters come out :pinkiesmile:

Like as part of the chosen ones?


I hope we see what happens next

Things have gotten interesting. The more faster these chapters come get me more and more excited for what’s gonna happen next.

Hopefully, whatever this Pendragon has in store it will be something our heroes can handle

Pendragon is probably gonna cause much trouble as Gaia Everfree

"Hey, I didn't like that douchebag as much as Glori did." Dustin said with a roll ofnhis eyes.

"Glori?" Timber asked qithba smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Already giving my sister nicknames, eh?"

"Yeah I..." Dustin said, his face then going red as his eyes widened. "I mean no! I meant to say Gloriosa! Yeah-eheh, That's what I meant to say."

To Late, you slipped up there Dustin :rainbowlaugh:

"Hasn't been 24 hours, and my sister has an admirer." Timber said in a teasing manner. "About time my sis got a boy toy."

"What?! M-Me?! In..." Dustin stammered like an idiot, face going red. "Ok yes. I have a bit of a crush."

"A bit of a crush my ass!" Salazar said, approaching him. "Earlier you were staring into space, gawking like a deer caught in headlights!" Salazar laughed a bit. "You're practically head over heels for her."

"Dude!" Dustin exclaimed with a light glare, and Timber smirks.

HA! The betrayal :rainbowlaugh:

"Ok then. Will do, eheh..." Dustin replied as Gloriosa walked, berating himself in the process. ' Wow! You've fought bad guys and monsters before, but you cant ask a woman out on a fucking date?! IDIOT!!! '

Not gonna lie, it’s kinda funny seeing moments like this.

Main hero can fight bad guys and monsters on a almost daily basis, but asking/taking to the girl he likes gets them weak on the knees :rainbowlaugh:

Cool that chapters are showing up fast

Oh man, things are really getting heated up and tense

Oh boi, things just got more intense

"I've sensed something from them! Something not normal!" Timber then got into Timber's personal bubble. "And don't think I haven't noticed your infatuation with the one in spectacles!"

Does he sense Spike too?

And like that, the girls have gain there magical abilities.

Plus, a mysterious stone been found aswell

"I never get you sometimes." Aria said with a face-palm.

This is Pinkie Pie we’re talking about

Man.. things really could’ve gone better. And I’m afraid this is only the beginning of what’s to come

So he doesn't get noticed because he isn't one of the "chosen ones"..

Oh boi, a big fight is about to come

Oh no, things are about to get serious for are heroes

And with that Pixel walked off to meet with Applejack and Fluttershy, while Salazar looks to her with a soft smile. He then looks to Allister, Luna, and Luna, the three faculty members casting knowing smiles to him.

"What?" Salazar said with a quicker eyebrow.

"I think you know, Romeo." Allister replied with a chuckle, nudging Salazar in a playful manner.

"Seems somebody's smitten with a certain android girl." Celeatia chimed in to join in on the teasing.

"What... me?!" Salazar replied with a nervous laugh. "Oh no, no! She's just a friend! That's all!"

"Oh?" Luna asked, a playful grin on her face. "Then why pray tell is your face red?"

"Oh that?" Salazar asked. "It's just that... this tux is getting stuffy! Yeah! Ehehehe... Oh, I hear Flash calling me so gotta jet!" Salazar darted off, and Allister, Luna, and Celestia chuckle.

Hehe, now his on the receiving end.

"Ohohoh Hell yeah!" Snapdragon chuckled as he examined his new form. "This is freaking awesome!"

Oh definitely

" AND YOU WAITED UNTIL NOW TO TELL ME THIS?! " Gaea declared in rage.

Well to be fair…you never asked anything like that in the first place

They crystals then floated down to the respective Equestrian magic user one by one, spinning around as they hovered over their hands. Flashes of light emerged from them before they began to morph the clothes upon the girls, gifting them eight their own unique style of uniform.

Haha yeah! They got their power ups!

"Uh...." Filthy Rich stuttered, sweating bullets and swallowing a lump in his throat. "On second thought.... keep the land!" Filthy Rich stated with a nervous laugh. "I'll take my business elsewhere! P-Pleasure doing business with you!" Amd with that, Filthy Rich got into the limousine and drove as fast as he could out of the place.

Yeah, he had it coming

Well, that's one way to end a fight, eh? Anyways, this story is nearly complete

Can’t wait to see what the ending will be like.

And, what the next story has in store

That was a pretty epic fight.

But really disappointing that things just went the same way for Spike like in the movie though..
Where the Mane 7 got those "chosen one" powers and transformations with the Geodes(plus Digitailsman), but Spike doesn't get that and is just excluded from their bond..

Well.. I think I might have something in mind for Spike featured in the finale.

In a dark area, where we bunch of glowing eyes of various colors looking at a sphere. Within the sphere was a projectjon of none other than our young heroes.

Looks like they have a couple of eyes spying on them

Looking forward to the epilogue!

Yes indeed. But from who? I guess will find put in the next story.

So Spike's power is crystalizing fire?
That sounds cool

Wonder if it will be linked with the Geodes/Digitailsmans and new forms?

"Let's celebrate!" Pinkie declared, tossing a bunch of streamers, confetti, and marshmelloes. But when the marshmallows landed on the dock, the marshmallows exploded, leaving everyone shocked.

Dang it Pinkie…

Looking forward to the next story!

Wonder which special is next?

Actually, I'm going something a bit more original in the next one.

I could tell you, but where would the fun be in that? 😉

Wondering what will happen with Spike's powers

How soon we might see the new fic?

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