“Telepathic link”
"Transformation Index”
Prologue: Cash Grab
OP - Campfire Song from SpongeBob SquarePants
NAH! Just kidding! This is the OP for this story
Real OP - The Voice by Celtic Woman
It was a nice and sunny day out, a huge fundraiser event at CHS was taking place. The goal for the fundraiser was to save money for a trip to Camp Everfree.
Youbsee, every year the older students raise money to go camping for two whole weeks. And this year, the students are going all out with the fundraiser.
Outside at the parking are, Dustin was with Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer, Salazar, and Aria. Dustin had finished scrubbing one car with a smile as the driver paid him.
"Pleasure doing business with ya." Dustin said as the driver nods before driving off. "Alright, another job well done."
"So, ho many do we have now?" Flash asked as Dustin counted the money.
"Let's see... twenty, fourty, sixty bucks!" Dustin said with a smirk.
"Let's see how thebothers are doing." Aria said as she pulled out a walkie-talkie. "Yo Pinkie! How are you and the others doing?
"Doing good!" Pinkie said as she, Applejack, and Adagio were at a bakesale selling baked goods Pinkie and Applejack baked.
"Thanknyou again, sugar." Appeljack said as she accepted then money from another customer. "Alright, so far we've got sixty bucks on our end.
Pinkie nods vefofe turning back to the walkie talkie. "So far we've raked up sixty smackeroons."
"We've got sixty!" Aria spoke through the walkie-talkie. "Oh, better make that sixty five."
"Alright, so far so good." Adagio said, sharing a high-five with Pinkie. "Let's keep up the good work girls."
"Speaking of which..." Pinkie uttered before dialing a different channel on her walkie-talkie. "Rarity, how's the garage sale going?"
In the garage of CHS' autoshop, many people were purchasing many items or just browsing. Rarity smiled happily that things were going as planned.
"Quite swimmingly darling." Rarity spoke as Fluttershy was standing beside her counting the money. "So far we've received over a hundred dollars."
"Awesome!" Aria spoke with a smirk. "We keep thisnup, we'll probably have more than enough for the trip.
"Hopefully." Salazar said, wiping some sweat away from his brow.
“Yeah, I can’t wait for the trip; two weeks of spending the great outdoors!” Sunset spoke with excitement.
"Yeah." Dustin with a smirk. "Two whole weeks with no figjing bad guys or problems with magic is just what we all needed."
"Amen to that, bro." Flash nodded in agreement. “Sounds like you guys needed a vacation.” Flash pointed out.
“Oh you have no idea." Sunset sighed. “We have been dealing with magic problems lately.”
"And notnto mention we've had some DLFs popping up lately." Dustin groaned.
"DLFs" asked Flashbwith a confused look.
"Digital Lifeforms." Dustin replied. "Come to think of it, those instances have been occurring since the aftermath of the Friendship Games."
"Yeah, I noticed that too." Salazar nodded, puzzled a bit as he began to ponder. "You think something happened during the games?"
"Maybe." Sunset pondered. "But if so, what? Idon't think Twilight had something to do with it".
"Who can say?" Aria shrugged. "But so far, looks like there hadn't been any activity today."
Suddenly, from a few blocks down, the sound of people sreaming was heard.
"I think I spoke too soon." Aria said as Sunset casts a deadpan look.
"Let's make this a quick one." Dustin said before hiding behind a truck and looked to the Digitrix.
At a local restaurant called "Big Betty's Buffet.", people were either hiding or running out in a panic as a tall gaunt purple humanoid prowler the interior of the building.
So far it had not its sights on the people, but rather the vast assortment of foods the place had to offer. I meam, the place is a buffet afterall. The creature just ate whatever food it saw with no hesitation, and it made sure nothing was left.
"Hey, skinny!" A voice called out, I terupting the creature's feast as it turned to see Hard Core had entered.
"Looks like somebody ain't familiar with the concept of tabld manners!" Hard Core aid, popping her knuckles while many onlookers looked to her.
"Who! Who is she?" One of the male patrons asked with a blush.
"No clue." Another guy next to him shrugged. "But I'll tell you one thing. She sure is hot!"
"Hey! I ain't into danlgy bits, so dont ypu fellers better not get any ideas!" Hard Core siad before looking back to the creature. "And you, I sure hope ya've got some room left, because I'm about ta give ya one big knuckle sandwich!"
The creature snarled before charging at Hard Core, but the digital gal countered by pushing thebcreatufes right into the ground.
"And how about I wash that down for ya with a little punch!" Hard Core quipped by punching the creature, killing the creature instantly as it fell limp before fading into dark pruple colored glowing flakes that blew away in a breeze.
The spectators were in awe upon seeing this as Hard Core dusted herself.
"Well, looks like mah work here is done!" Hard Core said before walking out while he spectators watched in surprise.
It was now late evening, the whole fundraiser had closed as many students were packing things up.
Meanwhile, in Principal Celestia's office, our young heroes had met up as Luna and Celestia where at the desk.
"Well, everybody, looks like we've save quite enough to for ylthe trip." Celestia said with a smirknto the young heroes. "Splendid work."
“Weve even donated the money we've made from our jobs at the mall.” Rainbow said with a confident smile.
“And not to mention another threat from Cyberspace has been vanquished." Luna said as she pulled out her phone to show a recorded video from the events earlput.
"Another Cybergeist attack?!" Rainbow declared in shock, looking to Dustin. "You didn't invite me?!"
"Hey, there was only one of those skinny bastards prowling around." Dustin replied nonchalantly with a shrug. "Thankfully Gorgers are easy to deal with."
"Gorgers?" Twilight asked in curiousity.
"They're a type of Cybergiests that have quite voracious appetites." Pixel replied. "And let me tell you, they eat like pigs!"
"Cybergeists?" Twilight aske before looking to Adagio. "You mean like that Decibus guy you told me about?"
"Pretty much." Adagio nodded. "At least he was more sophisticated that that thing."
“Those things, so we'll as many DLFs have been popping about quite alot." Applejack pondered. "In fact, this all happened after the Friendship Games."
Twilight looked down with guilt, feeling that she may be the contributor to it. The others took notice of this.
"Hey now." Dustin said to Twilight in a reassuring. "You had no involvement in that. So toss those worries away."
"You don't suppose that fiend Lucius had a hand in it" Rarity asked, scratching her chin with a perplexed expression.
"I don't know." Pixel Prada replied. "Who can say?"
"So... anyway, when do we head out for the trip?" Dustina asked Celestia.
“Not until the end of the week." Celestia replied. "You kids have plenty of time to pack up your things and prepare."
"I wander if Allister will come along." Fluttershy spoke.
“Well, lucky you, I will indeed be accompanying you." A familiar voice said as Allister made his way in. "And as the adult supervisor like Lulu and Tia. After all, three is a charm.”
“Indeed so, Al." Celestia smirked. "Plus, it's a good way to kick back and unwind after dealing with magic and Cyberslace related things."
"But what if there is Cybergesit or DLF running around?" Salazar asked.
"Relax." Allister spokewith a smile. "Ive cashed in a few favors from some fellow Enforcers of mine. They'll be on patrol while we're out."
"A law enforcement organization that makes tasked to protect both the real world and Cyberspace from various threats and attacks." Allister replied with a nod. "Kinda like the police or FBI."
“Alright, with the funds collected, you kids better be off to get packing and be ready for camp.” Luna said with a smile.
With all of that said, ths gang walked out and made their way out.
Cool that the sequel is up.
Since the girls will be getting their power/geodes here, would Spike be getting any "chosen ones" stuff and powers too?
What do you mean "chosen ones" stuff?
WOAH! Now this is a surprise, Dustin
Didn’t expect this to come out so soon. So far it’s a amazing start
Will this story have original digimon in it?
Referring to how one gets stuff because they are one of the "chosen ones".
For example, how the Rainbooms got the Geodes and thus powers in-show(while Spike got nothing sadly)
Hmm... I actually do have something like that in store.
On Spike?
(I found out I somehow didn't type his name on my first comment. Whoops)
Well, I'll see if I can come up with a way to have the canine companion involved.