• Published 2nd Jul 2023
  • 645 Views, 53 Comments

Digital Dustin - Campout or Freakout - Prince Dustin Hogan

  • ...

Rough night




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

Rough night

OP - The Voice by Celtic Woman

Many of the campers were building some lanterns of their own, and Rarity sees Pinkie putting Marshmallows on her.

"Um, Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?" Rarity asked with confusion.

"Putting marshmallows in my lantern." Pinoiebreplied. "Then when we light them, mine will be beautiful and delicious!"

Meanwhile, Twilight was sitting by herself, making her own lantern with Spike beside her. "Hey, Twilight, why aren't you with everyone else?" Spike asked in concern for his owner.

"Sunset said something at camp is causing the other girls to get new magic." Twilight reolied. "I think it's Midnight Sparkle. She's still part of me. I can feel it. And I think her magic is infecting my friends."

"What are we gonna do?" Spike asked in concern.

"I don't know what I can do." Twilight replied.

Dustin was the only one not participating in the lanterns crafting, examining the Digitrix's screen that still displayed the red flame symbol. As hebdoes so, many thought were racing in his head

'Just what exactly was that thing?' Dustin thought to himself. 'Did it really come from Cyberspace? And if so, how did it end up here?' Dustin sighed as he hekd hisnhead on his right hand. 'First the girls got new powers and now this?'

"Hey kiddo." Allister said, making Dustin to see that he and Celestia were standing before him. "Still pondering on that rock you've found earlier, huh?"

"Yeah." Dustin nodded, looking back to the screen of the Digitrix. "Itnjust doesn't make any sense. How could a rock that supposedly come from Cyberspace end up here?"

"I'm sure you and the others will figure it out eventually." Celestia said as she sat next to Dustin on the log and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, everyone!" Gloriosa spoke. "It's time to watch your lanterns fly!"

With their lanterns fully constructed, everyone, minus Dustin, walled to the docks to test their flying lanterns.

"Hey, cool lantern! Mine's my face!" Timber said as he presented his lantern, which had his face painted on it. Twilight only laughed nervously in response before walking off, and Timber looks in worry. "Uh, you okay? You don't seem like yourself tonight."

"Ready?" Gloriosa asked, everumyobody readying their lanterns. "And... go!" And with that, everybody released their lanterns.

Pinkiebwas about to let her lantern fly, only for it to fall with a thud "Aw! Oh, well! Now I get to eat it!" Pinkie stated before she ate the marshmallows off of her lantern. "Yep, beautiful and delicious."

"I never get you sometimes." Aria said with a face-palm.

Duatin was standing out by the lake, basking in the moonlight, enjoying the calming sounds of the night life I'm the area.

"Hey Dustin." Gloriosa called as she walks to him.

"Glori. Hey." Dustin said with a nod. "Awfully late, isn't it?"

"Yeas... uh, listen." Gloriosa stated before looking aroubd before looking back to Dustin. "Can we talk?"

"Oh, uh... sure." Dustin stated with a shrug before Gloriosa lead him to the main cabin.


In her tent, Sunset was a sleep before she stirred awake when she heard footsteps. And when she woke up, she saw that Twilight was gone.

Speaking of Twilight, she was walking through the woods.

"Twilight?" Twilight jumped before turning to face Sunset. "What are you doing out here?"

"We're..." Twilight spoke, looking away, "we're meeting a cab to take us home."

"She thought you'd talk her out of it." Spike chimed in.

"Because I would." Sunset said in response.

"And not just you, Sunny." Salazar spoke as he appraoched the two girls. "Twilight, you can't leave."

"Come on Twilight, I'm sure we'll...." Sunset placed a hand on Twilight's arm, making her eyes glow white and gasping while Twilight and Salazar looked on in surprise.


"You don't think it was the spirit, do you?!" Pinkie asked.

"No, it was me." Twilight uttered to herself. "I think it's Midnight Sparkle. She's still part of me. I can feel it. And I think her magic is infecting my friends.

End Flashback

Sunset then released Twilight's arm and looks to the girl. "Twilight, there's no Midnight Sparkle. There's only you."

"Wait! Midnight?" Salazar asked in surprise, looking to Twikight. "That's why you've been acting so weird."

"How did you know what I was thinking?" Twilight asked Sunset in disbelief.

"When I touched your hand, I could see things." Sunset stayed, now understanding what Twilight is going through. "I could understand why you were leaving. My new magic...! This is my new magic! This is incredible!"

"No, it's not! I'm infecting you now!" Twilight interjected.

"Twilight, you have to stop looking at this as a bad thing." Sunset replied.

"Easy for you to say. Magic turned you into something beautiful." Twilight explained as she looked back at the events of the Friendship Games. "The last time I tried to use it, it turned me into a monster. I'm just so afraid it's gonna happen again."

"Yes, last time I turned into something amazing," Sunsetn explained, "but I've let magic turn me into a monster, too. So if anyone understands what you're going through, it's me."

"We can help you, Twi." Salazar said with a soft smile. "And the rest of our friends can be there for you, too. But not if you run away."

"Salazar..." Twilight uttered, tears firming in her eyes.

"Remember the day we first met back at Crystal Prep?" Salazar said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.


At Crystal Prep, Dumbell, Hopps, and Score were looming over Twilight while said girl was cowering in fear.

"Well, look who we've got here boys." Dumbell spoke with a cruel chuckle. "It's the little mouse."

Twilight said nothing as she cowered while the three boys grinned to her with wicked intent.

"Hey!" A voice called, making the three boys and Twikight look to see Salazar. "You three stooges want to pick on somebody," salazar pops his knuckles, "then try me on for size!"

"Get lost, pal!" Dumbell shot back defiantly. "This doesn't involve you!"

"If it involves innocent girls, then I make it my business you piece of shit!" Salazar declared, making Twilight look on surprise.

"So you've got a death wish huh?" Dumbell said with a smirk. "Fine by me. Let him have it boys!"

Hoops and Score dashed at Salazar, but whennthey got close enough Salzar grabbed them and slammed their head together and knocking them out. Then he looks to Dumbell, who was shocked while Teikight looked on in surprise.

"Now then." Salazar declared withba pop of his neck. "Unless you don't won't to end up with your two front teeth knocked out and a boot up your ass, I suggest you pick up your crap and beat it!"

Dumbell, shaking a bit, looks to Hoops and Score. "C-Come on boys! Let's go!"

And just like that, the three ran off. Salazar then approaches Salazar while the girl backed up a bit

"Easy there." Salazar said softly. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Salazar said, smiling softly. "You alright."

"What... oh. Y-yes." Twilight said bashfully. "Th-Thank you for standing up for me." Twilight then looks to Salazar. "Aren't you the new student?"

"Yes. I am." Salazar said with a nod. "Salazar Rodriguez is my name. But you cam just call me Salazar or Sal."

Twilight smiled fondly at the kindness Salazar showed. "Salazar. I like that." Twilight blushed a bit. "S-Sorry.... it's thebgirst time I've had somebody stand up for me."

"I've noticed." Salazar said with a nod. "I take it you don't have much friends here?"

"Not really." Twilight replied with a sigh and a sorrowful look. "I hardly have any friends, actually."

Salazar loomed to Twikight with pity. "Well, if Somethings is on your mind, or if you need somwbody to talk to," Salazar said, placing a hand on Twilight's shoulder , "you can talk to me. Ok?"

Twilight blushed madly, a soft smile forming on her face. "S-Sure. I'm Twikight Sparkle, by the way."

End Flashback

Twilight smiled, tears falling down her face as she hugged him. "Thank you Sal." Salazar returned the gesture while Sunset and Spike watched on with warm smiles.

Suddenly, a rustling sound was heard, making the group jump.

"What was that?!" Sunset asked as she sees an axe head, making her and Twikight scream Salazar got in front of two girls in a protective manner and morphed both of his hands into Firefox swords."

"Wait!" Timber said as he emerged. "Twilight?" Timber then took notice of Salazar's swords. "Whoa! What the..?"

"Timber?" Twilight asked with a surprised look. "What are you doing out here?"

Gloriosa and Dustin were in the office room of the cabin.

"So, you wanted to talk?" Dustin asked Gloriosa.

"Yes." Gloriosa said with a nod. "Before we talk though, I want you to promise me something." Gloriosa gave Dustin the straightest to faces. "This conversation stays between us. You are not to tell anyone else." Gloriosa placed a hand on his shoulder. "Got it?"

"Uh... sure." Dustin nods with a confused look.

"Good." Gloriosa responds with a smile. "Now, I'm sure you've noticed the various things that have been occurring lately."

"Yeah." Dustin nods when the Digitrx started beeping.

"Warning! Energy signature detected!" The Digitrix annoubced before showing the image of a yellow dot withba red dot to it.

"Energy signature?" Dustin asked as he looks to Gloriosa. "Gloriosa, there's something near..." Dustin stops himself mid-sentence when he sees the necklace she wore. "Wait! Gloriosa.... those....

"These geodes," Gloriosa said looking to her necklace, "Aren't ordinary crystals." Gloriosa said before looking to Dustin. "Listen, you remember Filthy Rich?" Duatin nods in response. "Well, he's planning on buying the land."

"Oh..." Dustin said with a sad look.

"But I'm not going to give this place up so easily." Gloriosa looks back to her necklace. "These geodes are my ticket to making sure thisnplace lives on." As Gloriosa spoke, Dustin looks to her with a mild look of concern.

"Gloriosa..." Dustin said.

"Butbm if these geodes aren't enough, I have another tool to use." Gloriosa said before looking to the Digitrix. "Your watch, it has the same symbol those strange heroes have." Gloriosa said as she presented Dustin with her phone, showing images of the Digitrix heroes Dustin turns into.

"Gloriosa, I..." Dustin spike, but Gloriosa interrupted.

"You and me, we could make sure Camp Everfree stays around for generations to come." Gloriosa beamed in joy. "We could..." Gloriosa then sees Dustin extend his hand. "Dustin?"

"Glori, I think it's best if you gave me that necklace." Dustin said with a sad look, surprising Gloriosa.

"Wh-What?" Gloriosa asked in surprise.

"Glori, I mean no offense, but you have no idea what power those things have." Duatin said, and Gloriosa was taken aback by what she heard.

"But...but..." Gloriosa spoke, her heart sinking to her stomach. "Dustin, without these... "

"I don't want this place to go as much as you do. Believe me." Dustin nods his head. "But whatever you have in store with those geodes, it's going to backfire pn you."

"I... I don't believe this!" Gloriosa said, her heart slowly breaking as tears formed in her eyes. "You don't know that!"

"I do!" Dustin retorted. "I know, I have two friends who tried to use magic for their own gain, but it came back to bite them in the ass." Dsuton then placed a hand on her shoulder "If that happened, I would have no choice but to fight until you come to yours senses. I really don't want that."

Gloriosa then thought back to what Penrragon told her the previously.


"Asnwer me this! If he denies your request, if he was to fight you when the time of reckoning arrives, what then?"

Gloriosa would have said something, but she couldn't think of anything to say.

"Have you no answer Gloriosa?" Pendragon asked, but Gloriosa then turned aroubd and walked away. "Where are you going?! Gloriosa!" Gloriosa didn't respond as she walked off. "Gloriosa Daisy, don't ignore me! Gloriosa!" Gloriosa still said nothing, nor did she bother to look at him as she made her way out of the woods. "Youth these days!" Pemdragon sighed incredulously.

End Flashback

Gloriosa began to tear up, her lower lip quivering as she began to tremble a it. "He... he was right..." Gloriosa muttered.

"I think we just found our "Gaea Everfree"." Sunset said to Spike and Salazar.

"But why would he work so hard to make us think she was real?" Slike asked with co Fusion.

"You heard what he said about wishing his sister would sell this camp." Sunset replied. "If nobody wants to come here because it's home to some angry ancient nature spirit, it sure would help his cause."

"I dunno, Sunset." Salazar stated with a perplexed look, scratching his head. "Something doesn't add up here."

"Glori, wait!" Dustin called, making Susnet, Salazar, and Spike look to see Gloriosa storming off with an upset look with Dustin following.

"Oh boy." Salazar uttered in worry. "This don't look good."

"Glori, just listen..." Dustin called out, but Gloriosa turned to him with a look ofnrage and heartbreak.

"I've heard enough!" Gloriosa declared, tears rolling down her face "And never call me that again!" Gloriosa the turned around, tears streaming down her face. "Better yet, don't call me ever!"

Gloriosa stormed off, leaving a heartbroken Dustin hanging his head. Salazar and Sunset looked to Dustin in Pittsburgh and walked to him.

"Dude? You ok?" Salazar asked in concern for his friend, who stayed silent.

"What happened?" Sunset asked as shebwas about to comfort him.

"Don't!" Dustin spoke with a disheartened tone. "I need to be alone!" Dustin ran off, and Sunset and Salazar both look to each other in worry.

In the forest, Gloriosa was sitting on a log near a river crying while Pendragon approached her.

"Gloriosa?" Pendragon asked in concer as he knelt besides her. "Gloriosa, what's troubling you so?"

"I tried to convince Dustin to help..." Gloriosa spoke, her voice cracking, "and... he... he... I though I could convince him!"

"Oh, I'm sorry dear." Pendragon said as he draped his wing over her. The Laveau sisters, Fehng, and Kraekan then appeared with pitiful looks to Gloriosa while she sobbed.