• Published 31st Oct 2022
  • 255 Views, 6 Comments

LUCKY CHAINS - discordjediknight

when discord the draconequus cop vanishes, a year latter a mystrious pony by the name of lucky chains with a interisting past comes to town. could he be the one who killed discord?

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Chapter 15 are we done yet

So this is it. After the crazy events, I put up to. I was more than certain I killed Discord. Luckily, it seems he might be immortal after all. After the trial, some processing had to be done for the new villains. Not only that, but some laws had to be changed. For one thing, tracking down old villains is like, a good idea, bad consequences. For another, the idea that no one can be reformed and given a second chance is utterly stupid. So everyone can now go through the process of being reformed. Yeah, many will make mistakes. And those who do can try aging. I mean, just look at me a Discord for examples.

So here I am. In the back of a police wagon. Heading to my freedom party. As my mom Pinky likes to call it. With a blank flank and a good smile. Let's see how things are going on their end.

"Quickly, quickly, she's gonna be here any minute!" Yelled Pinky jumping up and down and putting up decorations.

"Yeah, Pinky I know," Discord said mid-yawn. He was still bandaged up a bit but looked like himself. He snapped his fingers and most of the celebration decorations were already up, including the ones rainbow dash was holding in her hoofs.

"Sweet Celestial I missed having you around." She told him.

"Hay, chaos magic, not as easy as you think." He told her back with a smile.

"Oh, I'm just so excited". Fluterhshy beamed a smile. She hasn't been happier in a long time.

"Hay, what do you think her cutie mark is gonna be anyway?" Pinky asked.

"Don't know but look at her." Discord snapped his fingers and turned into a duplicate of her. "She's obviously gonna have something to do with potions. Right." He snapped his fingers, making a potion bottle on his flank.

Rainbow heard a cart pull up outside. "Ah, guys, she's here. "

"WHAT!" Pinky shouted excitedly, she then grabbed Discord in his cherry form and Fluttershy's hoof, pulling them outside and into the light. Rainbow Dash followed as she shook her head with a smile.

So here we are in the begging. It was a warm spring morning. Not a dark cloud to be seen in the sky. It was very early in the morning as the sun started rising. As the doors were opened, I walked out. A soft, warm breeze filled the air, and I watched as it blew past her pink mane. She was the first thing I saw when I got out. A familiar blue Pegasus with a rainbow main placed a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. As Pinky Pie held in her arms a small pony of the same color as her, and me.

It would seem with the morning sun it is a happy day, yet not one pony didn't have a tear in their eye. Not even the guards who were escorting me in black chains. As I moved, you could hear them jingle around like a wind chime. Fluttershy could no longer hold back the tears, and they quickly ran down as she buried her face in her hoofs.

As she cried tears of joy. The little pink duplicate of me jumped down and ran over. In a flash, it transformed into a bandaged but cheerful draconiquis. The hero cop. Hero to all those he reformed. Including me.

So where were the others at? Twilight and Thorax were welcoming Chrysalis back to the changeling empire. She no longer wanted to rule but plan to serve as royal adviser, and help those of her people who may have felt the same way as she did, few as they may be, be reformed. She learned the value of others. And just how much she needed it. She learned to no longer be greedy, but generous. And help others. Including the change links.

The Kirin queen, why hesitant? Was very happy to have her son back as he hugged her. Now they had a second chance. The queen learned she couldn't control everything. And Blaze. He learned he needed to be honest with her. If he was honest from the start, none of his problems would have ever of happened.

Tireak learned the value of friendship the most, I think. And how being loyal wasn't as bad as he once thought. Now given a second chance at freedom, he wanted nothing more but to go to his father and make amends. So he traveled back to his homeland.

Cozy glow… your guess as to what happened to her is as good as mine. She up and left. Where shed go, I have no idea. But she always knew her lesson and didn't really change. She knew friendship was power. And it was a powerful magic. Only now I think she knows how to truly use it. And I would hope she befriends as many as she can.

As for me. I got my laughter back. I know, isn't that strange, me being a Pinky Pie clone? But now I realize I'm not just a clone. And I know the real value of a memory. A good memory. One that makes you laugh makes you cry and all the good feels, And the value of a smile. I do like making people happy, after all.

And Discord was kind enough to show us all of that. Relationships. Friends loved one's parents and more. At times, yeah, they can feel like they're holding you back. But truly they are there to hold you up, and pull ya out of dark places. As long as you have them, you'll never be alone.

And that's what I've learned as Discord walked over to me with a key to undo my handcuffs. The first thing I did with my hoofs free, I set my hooves around the locket I had worn for so long.

I walked over to Fluttershy and handed it back. Knowing it was her true present.

She took it, eyes watery, and opened it, looking at the photo of her and Discord. It's actually yours, you know, I said with a smile.

She looked at me and then at the locket. She then took the chain in both hands. I thought she was gonna put it around herself, but o my amazement, she stuck it around me instead.

"Something to remember us by. You're always gonna be one of us now. Discord from the very begging wasn't going to let you be thrown in stone prison for no reason. He needed someone to reform, and I think he did an excellent job."

Discord blushed a bit. "Just doing what you taught me, professor shy."

I couldn't believe it, and I knew I was gonna cherish that butterfly locket forever. I jumped and hugged her as the others congratulated me.

Soon my flank glowed. They all gasped as the mark showed up. It was a pair of handcuffs, the chain in the form of the word lucky. Discord chuckled and snapped his fingers, appearing on the new artwork as he leaned against it. Looking just like the cover of this here story. Yep, fourth wall break right there.

"Haha, congrats Cherry, you're chained just like me."

I smiled. "You and I know they're not really chains at all. They're just friendships, but yeah, I guess you're right about that discord."

Discord snapped his fingers and once aging appeared by everyone.

"Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but. I think it's time for a party."

They all laughed and whole heartily agreed.

So that's the end of my tail. Yes, I said tail. Not tale. The story started with a question from you. Who am I? And what on earth did I do to get myself in this mess? Why in all of reality, was I arrested, and in chains, and what does Fluttershy have to do with any of this? Well, now you know all about my lucky chains. So I leave with another question, huh? What about you? What about your...


"WAIT… "
What Pinkey?
"You clearly labeled this a romance."
"Yeah so?"
"Well, where is the big kiss at the end?"
"You know Discord and Fluttershy."
"Oh well, you know, that romance tag was more of a warning than an actual story element."

"Well, I'm not happy. And for that matter, you're ending it here, when we don't know who Azzazle was. Or that weird vision we all got of discords Mom, question mark."

"Well, there's room for a sequel, I suppose. Stories are never actually over, ya know. I just wanted to tell mine. Someone else can be the narrator for the next one."

"Oh, can it be me…"
'Mom your already writing Wild West… by the way don't you got to finish that?"

"Oh darn, that's right buy."

"Yep, don't, ask."

Author's Note:

FINALLY. Haha, I did it. I completed this strange story. Alright, first things first. If you read the full story, I want to personally thank you for giving it a shot. I'm new to the brony world, and as a new fan wanted to contribute something to this amazing fandom.
Alright, before you go, I want to explain how I got the idea for this story.
After watching the end of g4, I was happy with it. But my favorite character is Discord, and they didn't give him much redemption as he needed to me. Plus, years later we do see him hanging with Fluttershy but what on earth does he do to get in everyone's good graces and make up for the mistakes he caused? Going back to season 4 with a joke that Discord was a cop, it gave me an idea. What if Discord was now in charge of some kinda reformation program for villains in Equestria? I mean, even tho the end of FIM defeated the big three. There would be more villains. I was also slightly inspired by a few other works, like last adventure by Eveeka.
Still I at first had some ideas I couldn't figure out a full story, so I scraped it. I had another idea. An odd idea for another fan fic about the CMC finding a depressed Pinky Pie clone in the city of manehatten where they would teach her the value of being her and not just a clone. But once aging, the story was going nowhere fast. Then I realized I needed someone with the power to snap his fingers and change the pinky pie clone into herself. But couldn't figure out how to write Discord into the story without shoving him in without context. Not liking that story, I somehow took the ideas and made lucky chains.
One last time. Thank you for reading this story. And thanks to all who just checked it out. This was my first fan fic on FIM done. But it won't be my last.

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