> LUCKY CHAINS > by discordjediknight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a warm spring morning. Not a dark cloud to be seen in the sky. It was very early in the morning as the sun started rising. A soft, warm breeze filled the air, and I watched as it blew past her pink mane. A familiar blue Pegasus with a rainbow main placed a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. As Pinky Pie held in her arms a small pony of the same color as her. It would seem with the morning sun it is a happy day, yet not one pony didn't have a tear in their eye. Not even the guards who were escorting me in black chains. One was a gray Pegasus with blue hair. The other was his sister. A gray unicorn with blue hair, dressed head to toe in police uniforms. As I moved, you could hear the chains jingle around like a wind chime. Fluttershy could no longer hold back the tears, and they quickly ran down as she buried her face in her hoofs. So I know your question right, who am I? And what on earth did I do to get myself in this mess? Why in all of reality, was I arrested, and in chains, and what does Fluttershy have to do with any of this? Well since I obviously got nothing better to do, ill tell you my story. I'll tell you all about me and my… LUCKY CHAINS “Ok Garbunkle if you don't get a five or higher you can't use your snake spell and the dragon master Shmarity will defeat us, You are our last chance,” Discord called out to his friend. “I know, I know Captain Wuzz.” Garbunkle called back furiously. “Uh, guys. Their coming”. Big Mack stated in a panic. “Quick Spike, roll the dice!!!” Discord called out, breaking his role as Captain Wuzz. A blue Pegasus wearing a suit of gladiator armor called out, “Give it your best shot.” in a cocky tone. With a little giggle. An overly dramatic and fancy voice replied with, “Oh, now Rainbow, give them a chance.” ” Whatever Rarity.” The rainbow Pegasus knight grinned. “Its Shmarity stops running the game.” They were in the world of ogres and oubliettes, dressed appropriately as well. Several pinky pie zombie clones approached the three boys, coming from all directions. Discord pulled on his bow and arrow. “Spike, roll the dice now.” discord growled. Spike stood there staring at the dice in his left claw. His right, caring for his magical staff. “Spike”. Big Mack said, terrified as he stood back to back with discord. Spike clenched his fist around the dice. “Alright, with everything I got!” ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” He threw the dice on the ground. It bounced off the dirt and flipped into the air as it landed spinning. “Come on.” Spike pleaded. “Come on.” Big Mack whispered while gritting his teeth, shaking in his ogre boots... Discord looked back at the spinning die behind him. He growled at it, as if that would make it land on the number they needed. The dice stopped spinning and came to a halt. 4. Spike dropped his staff and fell to his knees as he cried “Why!!!!!!!” “Yeah, we win.” The pinky pie clones all said in unison. “Ugh”. Discord groaned as he fell on his back. Rarity hoof bumped Rainbowdash. “Remind me again why we let a bunch of girls to our guy's night,” Discord asked as he snapped his fingers, bringing them back to the living room. They sat all around Fluttershy's table playing the game. Spike shrugged. “Because you keep losing to the world champion winner, rarity.” Another grunt came from discord at that response, which only made the others in the room laugh. Rarity flipped her main behind her ear. “How many times is that? Five I believe.” Ever since Rarity won the world championship, Discord has been trying everything to beat her at the game, and his team always loses. Pinky Pie giggled as always. “You just can't beat the power of confetti cannons.” Discord slapped himself with his lion paw as Fluttershy walked in with a tray of tea cups and cookies for everyone. She walked over and looked down at the defeated droconoquis who lay on her couch. Discord removed his paw from his face when he noticed. “Can I get you a cup of tea, lord chaos?” She said teasingly with a smile. Discord sat up and with a snap of his fingers, the tea poured itself for every pony. Fluttershy stood and watched as the cups spread to her friends. “Ok, Ok, well, next time you're going down.” Discord said as he sat up and grabbed the cup of floating tea with his claw.” All 4 girls laughed at the boys. “You should really play Fluttershy. It's a lot of fun.” Rarity told her. “Oh, buck ball is what I'm good at, buck ball is what ill stick with.” She replied with a little smile. Pinky Pie put a hoof around her friend. “Well, this time next week of all things we'll be throwing you a birthday party!” with the weight of Pinky’s arm around her, Fluttershy almost tripped. “Heh, she gave a small fake giggle. “Yeah.” “Well, the game ended kinda quickly. What do you want to do now.” Spike asked everyone. "Oh, oh, what about Twister?" Pinky Pie called out. "Can't Discords here," Dash replied. "Oh right," Pinky said, remembering that Discord was the world champ at the game on account of his magic and form. Discord smirked at that. "At least I can still beat you all at one thing." He said and took a cup of tea. "Oh, what about truth or dare?" Rarity suggested. "Hmm uh, I don't know, that game can kinda get out of hand whenever this group plays it," Spike replied. "What's truth or dare?" Discord asked. Rarity jumped up. "It's a game where you either have to tell the truth about something or are dared to do something. And you have to do it." Discord rolled his eyes and half of his long neck. "Boring game." He said in response. "Yeah, come to think of it we never played it with discord around," Rainbow said. "Let's play it." " Oh, I don't know," Fluttershy said nervously." Oh, come on flutters, this could be fun. I'm curious about what Discord will do." Rainbow chuckled. Discord glared down at her, but with a friendly smile. "Let me guess you have an evil plan for me, don't ya?" "Maybe." Dash pointed a hoof at him, "Dare you to play the game." "Fine, fine." He complained and drank his tea. Nervousness ran down Spike's back. He knew all too well about Discord. "Ok, but no one does any dangerous dares. That's rule number one is that understand discord." Discord shrugged as his answer. But Spike just nodded to it, knowing what Discord was like with these things. "Ohhhh me first." Pinky squealed as she put a hoof on the side of her chin. She gasped! "Oh, I know. Big Mac." Big Mac turned to the excited pony. "I dare you to try and go one hour without saying yep or nope." Discord chuckled at that." big mac smirked. In a deep country accent, he replied, "Then I dare you not to eat any more of those cookies." Just as the pink pony was about to take another cookie. With crumbs all over her face, she replied. "Ahhh, fine," putting the cookie back. They all laughed at that except Discord, who generally just smiled. "Ok then, since it was given back to me." Hmm, Pinky said as she taped a hoof on her chin, aging. As an idea came to her mind, her eyes widen as she quickly turned to rarity. Rarity, tell the truth. Rarity raised an eyebrow as she waited for the question. "So you like fancy food?" Pinky asked with an evil look in the eye. Rarity dipped her head in shame. She sighed with a, "no". They all turned to her, a bit surprised at the answer. "I can't stand the rotten taste and the portions are too small. Besides, I cant live without my best strawberry ice cream." They laughed at that, all except Discord who only shook his head. "Ok, Rainbow," Rarity called out with a sly grin. Rainbow looked over at her. "Whatever the dare is, ill do it," she said confidently. "Oh, I got a dare. I dare you to tell the truth." "Oh no. What is it?" Rainbow shrugged, knowing this wasn't going to be pleasant. "Have you ever liked anyone?" Rainbow shook her head. "Oh, your evil." Hahaha, "You under truth or dare you got to say it." Pinky Pie insisted as she grabbed a hold of Dash, who shrugged. "I used to like Bulk," she said looking away, her face a deep red. They all broke out in laughter. "Umm, he's your friend, of course, you like him," Discord said, puzzled at why everyone was laughing. " Not like. Discord." Rarity said. Like, like. As in... rarity rolled her eyes. Loved. Discord looked at Big Mac, who was the only one of the group there who had a girlfriend/wife and then understood the notion. He laughed at the realization. "Oh, dear". "Oh yeah, then why don't you speak? I give you the same dare." she shouted full of embarrassment Discord chuckled. "You're not serious, right? Of course not. Not in that way anyway," he said as he waved his free paw. "Discord, you can't lie in this game." spike muttered at the draconequus with narrowed eyes. " I'm not. ’Tis true, iv gone out a few times. Mostly attracted to those like myself. Chaotic. But they get old quick. It's like dating myself. I've tried that two and let me tell ya, not making that mistake again." He shrugged. Just then, a zipper unzipped itself midair and another Discord popped his head through a portal. "Yeah, well, you weren't the best to hang around with either." The other Discord spat as he straightens his glasses. Discord took his claw and with a roll of his eyes, he zipped up the portal and snapped his fingers to make it disappear. "Like I was saying…" he continued. "I certainly haven't fallen for any of them. A slight attraction isn't anything serious. I never had a girlfriend past a few days." "Well as long as we don't ever meet any of the others. Remember cosmos." Rarity uttered. The only one who stayed very silent during all of this was Fluttershy. She only giggled and smiled at her friends. Spike shook his head with a roll of his eyes. "Oh yeah, says the dragon who never had a girlfriend. Discord threw back at him as he drinks his tea. "Umm, right here, darling." "Oh yeah, I forgot you two started dating." Discord shrugged. "Look, I'm the lord of chaos. Literally, the embodiment of all things chaotic. Perhaps I just don't understand. Blah love." He rolled his eyes and took a dramatic pose like he was about to vomit. "Ok, discord, it's your turn. Who do you want to tell the truth to or dare to?' Heh ok, I dare Spike to stand on his head. Payback for your little side comment." " Ok, but then I dare you to tell Fluttershy how you feel." Fluttershy's eyes widen at that. With a small flinch "Umm ok, Fluttershy you're my best friend, and I have to thank you. Without you not only would I not have any friends, I'd be imprisoned in stone. So thank you." he said it so nonchalantly and easily that Spike looked very unhappy with that answer while trying to balance on his head with the help of Pinky. "Oh, uh, you're welcome Discord," Fluttershy said with a smile and sipped her tea. "Ok, my turn aging, Fluttershy." Fluttershy turned her head to him, a bit surprised to be addressed "Tell the truth. What do you want for your birthday?" They all turned to Fluttershy. "I've been meaning to ask you that anyway." "Oh, I don't know." She shrugged as she turned away with a tilt of the head. "Heh. Well to be honest, all I want is for the animal fundraiser next week to go well. To think I'm actually gonna be singing one of my songs I wrote for it." "Oh, a song. Sing it, sing it." Pinky Pie squealed cheerfully as she jumped up and down. "Oh uhh." Fluttershy cheeks grew red in embarrassment. "Come on, come on, I want to hear some". Spike told her. " Yeah, you got the best singing voice in town, darling". Rarity called out. "Oh, I'm not that good," Fluttershy said with a nervous smile. "You're right, you're not that good," Discord said as he nodded. They all turned to him and Rarity was about to slap him when he spoke his next sentence. "You're the best. You got the best singing voice I ever heard in all my years. Heh, other than myself, of course." " You sing?" Spike asked "I can, I just don't." Discord finished his tea and ate the cup. "Go on Fluttershy. You were singing that new song of yours the other day to me. You sounded great." He then took a few more bites of his cup as he finished it. "Oh ok". She sighed and walked over to her desk. She grabbed a small notebook and flipped it open to a page She Sat up and took a deep breath and let it out before she started singing... "So no one told you that life was gona be this way. your jobs a joke you're broke my love life doesn't exist any way." She giggled. "Its like were always stuck in the last year." Discord couldn't help but close his eyes and smile, moving his head slightly to her voice. No one but Spike noticed, who gave a slight chuckle at the sight of him. "When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month ,or even your year. but ill be there for you. When the rain starts to pour ill be there for you like i've been there there before. Cause i know you'd be there for me toooooo.  They all clapped except Discord who only nodded at her as he opened his red eyes. "Ok, well until the fundraiser next week, I'm not singing anymore." She said as she set her notebook back on her desk. A radio sound went off. Dispatch call in free cop. Calling free cop over. Discord reached over and pulled from his belt a walky-talky. He pressed the button down as He cleared his throat. In a mellow tone, he said back. "Free cop here, what's the situation." Fluttershy smiled as she watched Discord. She was so proud of him. Ever since the coronation of princess Twilight Sparkle, the little country town pony vill was fading into a small city due to the rising of all creatures coming in and out of Equestria for friendship school. It looked more like a small city than a town now. And when a police force was established, discord became its first officer. Discord paused and waited for his response from the walkie-talkie. "A code 12. Running down Longs Street. All personnel in the area, on pursuit." From the background on the walky-talky, you could hear someone call out, he's too fast. Turning down pond road now. " "Hmm, pond road, that's not far from here." He said to himself. Discord rolled his eyes. "It's my day off, can you find a closer officer?" "Code 12 heading up the edge of the forest." Discord's eyes widen. Wait, that's… blast of magic could be heard just outside the house. "GET DOWN!" he yelled at everyone. The sound of his voice was deep, loud and demanding. The very shift in his tone took everyone by surprise, but they did as they were told and got underneath tables and chairs. Just in time two as a blast of magic broke through the window and ricocheted around the room only for Discord to catch it and put it out in a fist made by his lion paw. With a snap of his eagle claw, he changed into a cop uniform. A badge displayed on his shoulder. The other he placed his walky-talky. "This is free cop in pursuit. It's a code 4 now. Repeat, it's a code FOUR!" He quickly jumped across the living room and out the door as he headed after the runaway. "What's a code four?" spike asked as he looked over to Big Mac, who only shrugged. The others all slowly walked outside to see what was going on. They cautiously followed into the forest as they heard the blast of unicorn magic coming from that direction. They stopped as they noticed four officers hiding behind trees. Two unicorns, a Pegasus, and an earth pony. The two unicorns blasted magic from their horns back at the criminal who was a unicorn judging by the magic being blasted back. One shot burned the Pegasus. In a heavy country accent, the orange earth pony called out." Watch out, those aren't stun blasts like ours." Discord jumped out of the bushes. The others are not far behind, trying to keep a safe distance. "Free cop, good to see ya." Said an earth pony with a very familiar voice. "Hay, AJ having fun without me." Discord said as he ducts from a blast of magic. "Oh yeah totally." She said sarcastically as she powered up her stun wrist cannon. It was a small canon that had to be filled with unicorn magic to work, but it could give earth ponies the edge they needed when they were police officers. "Uh, chief Applejack. "A unicorn panic. "It's not the best time for a reunion, is it?" She asked. She ducts and then fired more blasts from her horn towards the criminal. "Ok, you got a point," Applejack said with a sarcastic smirk. "Fall back!" she yelled. The other three turned to the chief with confusion. "Do as the chief says." Discord told them. He side-eyed AJ, she gave a slight nod, to which he returned. "Discord, you go in." " What alone you can't be…" the Pegasus complained only to be stopped by AJ. Fall back that's an order, leave this to free cop. AJ insisted and crawled her way over, bumping into Spike. "Spike, what are you doing here?" She then noticed the others. "Uhh came to help. He shrugged. AJ rolled her eyes. "Keep your heads down." "Oh, where discord," Fluttershy asked with fear in her voice. AJ chuckled. "Don't worry about free cop. After all. He's the immortal lord of chaos." She gave an excited smile with a slight shake of her head. As soon as the other officers were in safety, discord jumped up with his wings spread out. His claws at the ready. "Ahh, free cop!" The unicorn yelled. It was a brown unicorn with a pumpkin orange main. And a pumpkin for his mark. He blasted bolts at Discord who rushed him and using his athletic and twisty body he swerved past the bolts like it was nothing. With a spin, he came landing right in front of the unicorn, who slid back a hill to avoid capture. "Why doesn't Discord just use his magic?" Ask rarity. A j shook her head. "Unicorn Magic is dangerous enough, to try chaos magic. Discord knows it's too dangerous to just use willy-nilly." " Ahh, but willy-nilly magic is more fun," Pinky complained. The unicorn shot a blast of magic straight at Discord, who literally split himself into two avoiding the blast. He jumped up and spun midair coming back together, slapping the unicorn with his snake-like tail. The impact was hard enough for the unicorn to be thrown back into a tree. Discord, almost as if he was dancing, kicked himself off the ground over to him and pulled a pair of handcuffs out of midair. Before the unicorn readied another blast of magic to shoot at Discord. But as he tried to shoot, his magic fizzled away as the sound of the handcuffs snatched shut around his wrist. Discord sighed. "Anti-magic shackles. What will they think of next." He shrugged and grabbed the criminal with a slight shake, the magic stone that the crook stole fell out of his pocket. "Ahh, there we are," Discord said as he reached over and picked it up. "Don't worry, ill be sure to get this back to its rightful owner." He said with a sly grin. With the criminal down, the gain, all popped out of the bushes. Cheating Discord on for the win. He turned to them slightly nodding. The unicorn turned to the little crowd in the forest. "How! How can you cheer for him? For that… That monster!" Discord turned back to the unicorn. His face couldn't be more neutral than ever. Discord had a good poker face, that's for sure. "Monster maybe. At least I don't go around stealing." "You! You're the reason I have to steal to put food on the table. Why any of us has two steal! Why the crime rate in the world has gone up!" Discord tilted his head a bit. "If you never gathered Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis in the first place, I wouldn't have to steal to get some food around here. So many creatures. Oh, look we're all one big happy world, they say." He said sarcastically with a sarcastic smile. "No one ever looks any closer, do they? Unicorns, Pegasus! It was bad enough trying to get three creatures to coexist now look. And it's all because you had to join forces with the three most powerful villains in history." He pointed at Discord, who only kept his poker face. "You should be locked up with them. I mean why do you get to run free when they don't why we don't!? Huh. Everyone in all of the world knows of your dark deeds. Your evil! " Discord couldn't help but let that last statement break his poker face. A bit of anger flashed through his eyes as he grits his teeth. But only for a moment. Discord shrugged. "Haha." he gave a convincing language, but Fluttershy could tell when he didn't mean it. "Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Fact is, I'm reformed. I made my choice to be better. And ya know what you can two" he then grabbed the unicorn and pushed over to the gray Pegasus and gray unicorn with blue hair. They took him away. He only yelled back. "Reformed. You're not reformed! You're just pardoned for what. I mean, they don't get a 2ed chance. None of us gets a 2ed chance. We don't get to be reformed, we get an uncomfy cell. How the heck is that fair while a monster like him walks free?!" He shouted. "Yeah yeah, whatever." The gray Pegasus said, pushing him forward. "Call over a wagon, we got the culprit." The gray unicorn girl said over the radio. > chapter 2 normal ? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hay. Hay you. Yeah, you, reading this right now. Yeah, hi. Remember me. I'm the one in chains, right? Yeah, yeah, I know. I have the ability to break the fourth wall, alright? Have you ever seen the Emperor's new groove? Hopefully, you have, cause it's a similar situation. I plan to tell this story in both the third person and first, heh. So you're probably wondering where I come into play in all of this, right? Well, be patient, dear reader. I gotta let the story talk for itself a little bit. Tho, ill tell you this just to keep you interested. I'm the one that kills Discord. Yeah, spoilers, I know buuut. How do I do it, you may ask. You'll just have to wait to find out. Tho I can tell you this, I won't come into the story till chapter 5. Still, something to look forward to. Until then, I hope you enjoy chapter… You know, I never even gave chapter one a title or said it was chapter one. Oh, well. Enjoy CHAPTER 2 NORMAL ? Welp that's another one down way to go free cop. AJ said with a swing of her hoof. It took a second for Discord to realize AJ was talking about him. "Hmm oh yeah." He gave a smile. "Just another night, ya know." He chuckled, to which AJ returned as well as the rest of the group. All except Fluttershy, who noticed there was a look of sadness in the draconqusises eyes. But it vanished as soon as it came, as Discord waved out his arms. "Ok, ok, shows over I think it's time we all head home don't you." Rarity nodded in excitement. "Oh yes, most definitely. Come on spiky, you can walk me home." She pulled spike with her hoof. "Hay Spike, next guy's night is at your place in Canterlot," Discord called after him. Spike shrugged. "You know, we might as well just call it games night now that we invite the girls all the time two it." "Better get home to sugar bell, then." Big Mac gave his sister, AJ, a hug and headed home to his wife. Pinky jumped up with Dash as they headed out, leaving Fluttershy and Discord to be the last two standing. "Ummm," she said nervously. Discord smiled and turned in the opposite direction from where the others were heading. "Yes, your house is in the opposite direction than theirs. Hmm, Even tho it's not too far. With the events of tonight, I can't let you walk home alone now, can I." He said as he ran his claw down his beard. "Come on" he shrugged and held out his lion paw to her. She took it and walked with him towards her home. It wasn't long before the crazy antics of pinky pie were distant sounds. Fluttershy looked at Discord. She thought about how much discord had changed over the last year or so since twilight coronation. For one thing, discord hardly ever floated midair anymore. He used to hate gravity. And only obeyed its rules when with his friends, but now he almost never defied it. For another, he kept his shoulders back along with his back straight, as if he was a soldier in the army or something. At first, she thought he was just doing it to copy and make fun of rainbow dash. Since she was a wonder bolt. And when she was around he would, exaggerated his poster to do just that. But even when she wasn't, he rarely ever seemed to act laid back and foolish any more like he used to. That isn't to say he wouldn't laugh and joke around, and play a prank or two. But even at their weekly tea parties, he rarely ever wasn't in this new poster. Just walking with her now, he still kept up the military attitude in the way he moved. It wasn't just the way he walked. Discord made subtle changes to his appearance. His eyebrows, for example. They used to be just a set of fluffy white hairs scattered in all directions. Now they were trimmed. Same with the white patch of hair on his tail. It once was just a scattered mess now it was buzz cut and kept short. Which was odd considering he was the lord of chaos. The main that ran from his head and down his neck was also kept tightly cut. His goatee was shorter and not one hair out of place. A small patch of black hair ran down the middle of it. She remembered when she first saw him with the new look. She was preparing for their tee party when he walked in. Yes walked in. something he did quite often now, almost never showing up out-of-the-blue like he uses to. He told her on his last mission the hair on his tail almost caught fire, so AJ demanded he kept his look a bit cleaner. As an officer, he had to apply He had the same look he did now accept without his goatee. It was strange seeing her friend without the iconic look. 'You should grow it back." " Huh?" he asked. "Your goatee. I can't get used to seeing you without it. She shook her head. "Oh," he shrugged and snapped his fingers. Suddenly the goatee grew back, but he kept it short. "Is that better?" He asked. She nodded and returned to making the tea. She smiled at that memory, but it quickly turned into a frown remembering the events she just went through as she turned away. "What is it?" He asked. She looked up and saw his head upside, staring at her bend over from his body that still displayed the stiff army tone. "You keep staring at me, what is it." She looked down but kept walking alongside him. "It's just that I never heard you yell like that before." She said, looking down at the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry, it must have been scary for you." He said as he looked away from her. She took her hoof back from his paw. "Umm discord, how many times do you get called into situations like that?" she asked. Discord tilted his head a bit, then brought it back up. Now he stood at his full height. " More than you want to hear." "You do know why I'm called free cop, right? Why I don't have a number distinction instead? " With a nod, she answered him. "It's because you don't belong to a specific town." " Since I can be anywhere with a snap of my fingers, I can pretty much help anypony. My walky-talky is even enchanted, so I can be called from as far as the kirin woods. However..." discord jumped in front of her with a little hop and continued the conversation, walking backward. "I am not entitled to respond to anything less than a code 12. Which is a creature that poses magic, typically a unicorn but not always stole something and is on the move. If it's a changeling, it's a code 8. They can be tricky to take down." "He tilted his head to her. If the threat starts spreading dangerous magic, then the situation worsens and the code number lowers. The lower the number, the more dangerous the threat. That unicorn was throwing an incinerator blast. One hit, and it could at the very least burn you. If he was more powerful, he could have incinerated you and have been a level 2 threat. It's situations like that, I am the best to be called in for. As the free cop, I can go anywhere as long as it is in the jurisdiction of the friendship alliance world." Fluttershy nodded, knowing this too well. He noticed how concerned she looked when he explained this to her. He stopped just ahead of her. "I'm the lord of chaos. Such dangers are nothing thanks to my magical abilities. You do not have to worry." He said, giving her a friendly smile. She looked up at him. But her concern did not waver. She remembered the time when Discord saved her from King Sombra. Sombra blaster a ray of magic and discord jumped in front of it, blasted over their head and slid across the floor. "Dizzy!". She yelled, not thinking about the nickname. It turned out he was faking in order to give them some boosted inspiration to do what was needed. But she never wanted to see him like that, aging. It was then she noticed just how much he meant to her. "Discord I am proud of you for being a cop, she began. But why such dangerous threats? I don't like the thought of you being in danger." "I know, I know. My friend." he set his paw on her head. At the word friend, an unexplainable feeling of sadness hit her. " But you don't have to worry, I'm the lord of chaos nothing can hurt me. Now, don't think about it." He then ran his claw from her head down to her back and gave her a slight push to get her walking again. She did so and tried to shake the thoughts out of her mind, but it was obvious by her frown that she couldn't. The two walked quietly to Fluttershy's home. As they entered the door, there was still glass scattered across the place from the broken window. She looked at it and flinched. Discord noticed it and only smiled. As he walked further into the room. He snapped his fingers and the glass instantly floated back into the window and reformed itself, leaving not even a crack. "There you go, easy cleanup".he nervously laughed. She put on a smile although her eyes said anything but happiness and nodded. Discord's own grin wavered as he slowly blinked at her. "Well, then, good night." he walked past her and was about to exit the door when her little voice stopped him. "Ahh umm." Discord posed his lion paw on the door handle as he turned to her. "Can you uh." She stuttered. Barely getting the words out. "Ca... can you. Sta... stay. To Ummm." She didn't finish, but Discord understood. The events earlier must have really scared her. He thought as He took his paw off the door handle and returned to her side. "Sure, I don't mind. " He saw a small smile grow on Fluttershy's face. He spent the night there a few times before. Sometime before, When she was captured by the changelings, he stayed a week with her till she stopped having nightmares about being ponynaped. Although most of the time he spent the night there by accident. Sometimes their Tuesday teas would last till late in the evening, through the night. And he would pass out on her couch. He smiled and patted her on the head. Startling her out of her own thoughts. "Hay, where do you want me, On the couch or the bed?" He asked. Her eyes slightly widen. "Haha, he laughed. I'm only kidding." He snapped his fingers and in a flash of white magic, a pillow and a blue blanket materialized out of thin air, landing on the couch. He took a step towards the couch only to be stopped by her little voice aging. "Um, actually if you… don't mind." His eyes widen at the realization of what she was asking. She didn't say it out right, but... He turned his neck towards her, she was slightly embarrassed. " It's just that. I. I would be more comfortable if…" it wasn't the first time they fell asleep together. Usually, they'd fall asleep on the couch or sometimes on their pick nicks when she was tired after a long day of work. Being a school teacher and an animal caretaker wasn't easy, since she had her own animal sanctuary. But never had she asked for him to sleep next to her. Let alone, in her room. He gulped. "Uhh, unless your not comfortable then," she said nervously as she took a step back. Discord could feel his face growing redder with embarrassment. "Umm no if…." She looked up at him. "If that will help you get some sleep, then. Uh sure." he coughed away trying to clear his throat as well as the embarrassment on his face. He went up the stairs, stretching with every step. He enters her room with her following him and crawled into the bed, laying with his back turned to her. He took up as little as much room as possible. Literally. He laid on the last two inches and was flat as a cardboard box that was only two inches wide. She noticed this as she lay down and pulled up the covers. "Umm, there's more room than that." He nervously laughed. "Haha, yeah," he laughed nervously. "I guess there is." He then folded out to normal, but he still took up as less of the bed as he physically could. Fluttershy couldn't help but notice how unrelated he seemed to be. She gave a slight chuckle at the look of him. "Now I know your weakness. " Ah huh, he replied. Laying next to a pretty girl, that's definitely my weakness." Her eyes widen a bit. "Did... did you just call me pretty? His eyes widen as she said that. He put a claw over his mouth. "Uhh, no," he said with no confidence in his voice. He was so nervous, he just spat that out and didn't even realize it. She giggled slightly. He growled a bit at his own stupidity. "Just go to sleep, will you." he spat out as he dug his head further in the pillow and tried not to look at her. She smiled at that. And threw her arms around his neck, resting her head on his neck as well. This only made Discord stiffen a bit more. With a tired voice and slight yawn, she uttered the words, "Thank you." As her breathing slowed, and she drifted off to sleep. He could feel the warmth of her breath on his neck as she breathed in and out. Strangely, he could feel himself relaxing to it with every slow breath she took. He yawned, not releasing how tired he actually was, from the night's events. With a smile, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep alongside her. Discord sat across from a desk. His head rested on his lion paw, waving his eagle claw in the air as he listened to apple jack go over his report. A clock on the wall behind him ticking away. By a calendar. It was Monday morning, 9:00, judging by the calendar and the time, "And finally you escorted Mrs. Fluttershy home before heading home yourself." Discord's eyes dashed to the window as he nodded. Not wanting to state what he actually did that night. "She must have been frightened huh," AJ said, setting the paper down. Discord only nodded in agreement, eyes still at the window. Seeing his reflection among the walking crowd of the streets just outside. "Alright, well, the guy we captured Saturday night, I got his file right here." She held out a folder, which he took and looked into it as she continued. "Donny dandy. Age 28 was a magic professor from the crystal empire. Moved to Ponyville wanting to learn more about the world after being gone for a thousand years due to King Sombra." "So he's a crystal pony professor, that would explain how he knows some deadly spells." discord replied as he flipped through the pages. "Any reason why he stole that gemstone? "Just a petty theft at the end of the day." Discord didn't look convinced as he stared at the mug photo. "His plan was to sell it on the market and get some food for his family." At the sound of that discord raised his head to her. "Yeah, it's funny. These days seem brighter than ever, don't they?" Just as she said that, a sound of laughing children could be heard passing the window. Most likely on their field trip to the new museum just down the street from the police station. AJ continued after they passed. "The only problem is the brighter the light, the darker the shadow. There has been a steady climb in the crime rate in Equestria. Makes sense tho, since Equestria has never seen this much growth. Our population is now almost doubled since Twilight took the throne over a year ago." Applejack leaned back in her chair. "Donny here has been arrested several times for basic theft but was always released with warnings. However, now with him being placed under a code 4, the chances of him going to prison have skyrocketed more than the sales of my apples." Discord set the file down. "Just kept making the same mistake over and over, aging, huh?" Discord replied back to her. He saw AJ give a nod in response in the corner of his eye. "Until he went too far, that is." " And what of his family?" AJ spun her chair to look away from Discord. "He's got 2 sons and a wife and a mother. I'm ah, sure it is fine." Discord nodded as the sound of the ticking clock became the only sound that filled the room. After a long moment of nothing, discord finally stood up and was about to head out when AJ turned her chair around and stopped him. "Hay discord can you do me, a favor before ya go? I have to go help my brother pick apples, can ya run this personnel file over to city hall?" Discord turned back, walked over and grabbed it from her hoof without uttering a word. The clock ticking with every step. As he walked through town, he felt them. Their eyes. All staring at him. He rolled his head slightly but put on a fake smile and continued his path. Waving hi to anyone who was brave enough to reach his gaze. They all hated him. As he walked through the streets, several moms and dads would pull their children closer trying to protect them from him. He pretended not to notice when a griffin mother took her young son and tried to hide him from discord. He only shook his head. What on earth could be going through their minds, he thought. I mean sure. Before, he got strange looks due to his appearance. Something he didn't really care for but could deal with. Some might of even been frightened of him or hated him. But now they treated him worse than ever before. Even tho he wore a badge of a good guy, he couldn't shake the reputation he had as a villain. They all knew he once betrayed Twilight and joined Terick. They all knew that even tho he played a role in saving them against Chrysali's take-over he was responsible for gathering up the most dangerous villains in Equestria history to attack the kingdom. As far as anyone was concerned. They wished he was in stone with him. Or at least in prison. Maybe even Tartarus. The world's most deadly prison to exist. As he walked closer to the town hall, only more eyes watched him. Some with fear some with fright, some with pure hatred and anger in their eyes. When he did wave to anyone or say hi, the awkwardness couldn't be more obvious. He entered the town hall and walked up to the front desk. "Oh hi, ya discord!" Shouted Pinky. The other few ponies in the room stopped and turned at the sound of his name. Discord noticed aging how they looked at him, but like always chose to ignore it. "Hay, pinky," he said in a cheerful voice. "AJ asked me to return these profiles to the town hall." He set them on the desk. "Sure thing." She said and grabbed them. She was hired by the town hall because of her uncanny, unique ability to be extremely organized. She was strangely more organized than Twilight's own library in canterlot. "Ok, anything else I can do for ya?" " Na see ya, he waved bye to her and headed out." " Oh, don't forget." She called after him. "We'll need you to set up the stage for the fundraiser on Friday." Discord nodded. "Ill be there." He laughed. He then stopped as a thought came to his mind. "Umm, hay pinky". Pinky turned back to him with a goofy grin as always. "Donny dandy. Can you get me his address?" Pinky shrugged." Sure, what for?" she asked as she dived into the cabinets. "Uhh, police business. Just need to question his family. "He shrugged. "Oh, here it is", she said and handed him the paper. He looked at it. "Thanks, pinky." He snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash. Discord appeared in front of an apartment building. Two kids were playing in the halls. He heard crying from one of the apartments. "I can't believe this" a mare voice said. "How I mean how." He's gonna. Oh, I know. Maybe it's not that bad, he still has a case to be set free right." "There is no way he'll win that trial. I mean the evidence is... It's too much." She said and threw something across the room. Discord couldn't help but feel for them. He then snapped his fingers. A bag of bits landed in his claws. He then quickly wrote a note and set it on the floor with the bag of bits. He then knocked on the door. "Oh, who could that be?" The mare complained. He knocked aging. "I'm coming I'm coming." She said. She opened the door and the only thing that was there was a bag of bits and a note. She was a red pony with orange hair. " What is it." An old mare voice asked from inside the room. "Hmm, I don't know she said and looked at the note. All it said was sorry for the trouble. She looked in the bag, and it was full of bits. What she didn't know was standing right beside her was an invisible discord who watched her take the bag and look around for any sign of any pony who might have left it. But with no one in sight she finally just accepted the gift and went back in with it. The bag of bits was his paycheck from being a cop. He didn't need the money being a cop and usually sent it to charities anonymously. This time he decided the whole thing needed to go to helping Donny's family. With another snap of his fingers discord was gone Discord materialized aging in front of a jailhouse. He turned his head from side to side trying to decide if he should even do what he was about to do. The words the pony spoke to him from the other night still ranged in his head. "You're a monster. You should be locked up like them. Everyone knows your dark deeds. It's because of you, we have to steal to put bread on the table." That last bit caught Discord off guard the most. What did he have to do with it? Why did he blame him for it? He wanted to ask him directly. Go right to the source, but would that really help anything? He turned towards the door still unsure of his decision here. But just when he thought he was going to take a step inside a wagon rolled up. "Come on Artie we're gonna be late." A gray unicorn said with blue hair. "Huh. oh, hay free cop". "Arana good to see you, let me guess escorting are newly captured to the courthouse," Discord replied. "Yep, what are you doing here." Discord shrugged, "I was gonna have a word with him but. I'm not gonna hold you up. Good day." He snapped his talons and was instantly transported back to the police station. He entered the room and decided to take a closer look at Donny's file. He read through it. He wasn't a detective but decided he wanted to play one this time. He stroked his beard as he thought about what to do next. His eyes ran down the file's contents. From it, he gathered what little story he could about Donny. Donny was a magic professor from the crystal empire. He originally moved to see the world after being away for a thousand years. He met a girl in main Hatten and after a year they got married, yatta, yatta. He groaned as he flipped through the pages of the file. "Where the heck am I involved in any of this? Is he just blaming me because I'm something to blame? I'm not responsible for his stupid actions." He thought to himself. Then he paused as he got to the 2ed last page. His last full job was over a year ago. He was working at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. The very same school that was destroyed when the kingdom was attacked. Truth be told, almost all of canterlot was destroyed that day. And even tho he fixed it with a snap of his fingers. It was his fault it was destroyed in the first place. Discord sighed as he read the last of the file. Male brown coat crystal pony. Crime, robbery, resisting arrest. Free cop dispatched with a Code 4. Spell-used, incinerator. He looked down at the words' possibility of reformation. Two boxes beside it. No was marked with a check mark. Discord stared at the marked no for a long time before he closed the folder and set it back where he found it. A call came over his radio. He picked up the walky-talky as it speak. "Code 11 dispatch free cop." "Code 11 huh." Discord rolled his eyes as he answered. "Free cop here, what's the situation?" "Assailant on the run. Earth pony female in possession of a powerful spell book." Discord shook his head at that with a little chuckle. "Location he asked. " "Dragon lands." Discord raised an eyebrow at that. What on earth could an earth pony be doing in the dragon lands with a spell book she couldn't even use? "Copy that." He said on the other line and snapped his finger on his lion paw. When he materialized he was among a land of volcanoes. He looked in every direction but saw no sign of what he was there for. He carefully looked and took a few steps as he heard several footsteps approach him. He turned himself into a bolder, to not be spotted. When they came around the corner it was only the dragon officers. He revealed himself from his hiding spot. "Oh, free cop good she came this way, we saw her but…" " There is no pony here just a few dragons and me. Hmm," he replied as he thought to himself. "You lost her. Scatter the search party high and low for her" he demanded. "You." he pointed at the littlest dragon officer who oddly resemble an orange version of Spike. "With me. Tell me what is the book she stole." He turned around and headed in the opposite direction as the little dragon followed him. "That's just it, she didn't steal the book she already had it in her possession. She just ended up outsmarting some dragons from their pay." Discord stopped and turned around. "Wait she just stole some change and happened to have a spell book. Ugh, he groaned. "Do you know what a code 11 is?! Yes, she should be behind bars, but she is definitely, not a code 11!" "Oh, but she is sir." "Explain!" Discord yelled at him once more. The little dragon flinched at his voice. "Uh yeah. Code 11 is a basic robbery from a magic user that has the potential of being violent. Code 11 is when they only steal or swindle purses and such. But sir she stole half a bank. All gems and crystals." Discord was more confused now than before. How does an earth pony steal half a dragon's bank of gems and crystals? She's an earth pony. She could barely carry any more than her own weight and run, And for that matter, why steal from dragons of all creatures? "The thing is sir." The little dragon boy continued. "That spell book she used must have had special properties. Which is why we called you in. We have no idea what that book is capable of." Ugh, fine discord complained. Discord held out his lion paw. It glowed from his magic. "What are you doing" " Give me a moment," he said and focused his energy. He closed his eyes as he searched using his magic. He snapped his fingers and a pony in a gray cloak with a hood appeared out of thin air. "Huh, what? How the…" She stuttered. "Chaos magic," Discord told her and snapped aging. A pair of handcuffs materials on her wrist. Discord walked over and grabbed the bag she had around her waist. He emptied its contents. There were several bottles. Some are filed with gems. Others with weird labels. A vampire's tooth. Hair of a zebra. He then looked through the spell book. "Ah, that explains it. He told the little dragon. This isn't a spell book this is a potions book. And all your crystals she stole. They're right here." he held up a bottle full of tiny gems. "They've all been shrunk. This book has some pretty cool potions listed in it. Judging by the stitching of the cover it's from the ancient days of canterlot. But there's nothing in this book that would be harmful to anyone. She's just a smart thief." "Give that back" she spat. Discord turned his head to her with an amused expression. "And how did you get this" "I bought it now hand it over," she said and tried to take it from him, but he pulled it out of her reach. She then grabbed a random bottle and smashed it on the ground. A poof of smoke filled the air. Discord blew it away with a large powerful blow of air. Suddenly she jumped out and grabbed the book from his hand. Discord tried to stop her, but she threw some liquid from another bottle she had in her cloak. As it hit his magic it dissolved along with the cuffs he had placed on her. Discord grin only grew into a smirk. "Anti-magic potions. Heh, I haven't seen that since the good old days." What now sir? The dragon called out. "We got the gems I can easily turn them back to normal. She on the other hand is gonna be tricky. Grab the gems, leave her to me." Discord barked his orders. "Yes, sir," the dragon said in a high-pitched voice a bit intimidated by discord. She ran as fast as her hoofs could carry her through the landscape of the dragons. This was definitely not a normal situation for Discord. While he pursued her. He couldn't help but wonder who the heck she was. A normal earth pony of all things with her type of abilities. What made it even weirder is that she seemed to almost have a sense of things. She jumped over lava pools and seemed to almost shiver just before the lava burst into the air cutting Discord off from his path. It was like she had pinky since. Even odder than that was when she pulled out a lava-proof boat seemingly out of nowhere. The only other creature to ever pull that off beside him was pinky pie. Discord count help but feel like he was chasing down Pinky. That gave him an idea. If it was pinky he was chasing. He stopped and smirked almost evilly. "Haven't pulled this trick off in a while." He said out loud to himself. With a snap of his fingers, the clouds of smoke turned pink and chocolate rain spilled out. Along with his discord balloons filled with chocolate milk. A good old prank. It's like water balloons but filled with chocolate milk. Even better the pink clouds are all made of cotton candy and sitting this low with the heat of the lava they'll become a sticky mess. Catching her in a very sticky situation. Discord chuckled to himself at his idea. And just as he floated to her caught in a web of cotton candy soaked in chocolate milk. She once aging pored anti-magic potion on it freeing herself. She did however take a few bites of the cotton candy and drank some chocolate rain from the sky. She whipped her mouth. "Thanks for the meal she called back in an oddly familiar high-pitched voice." "Grrrr" Discord growled in frustration. He flapped out his wings and quickly slithered through the air to catch up to her. He then shot several rays of magic. Altho They were only stunned blast. She ran into a town of dragons. Discord, still in hot pursuit fires stun blast. She dodged the blast pretty easily. One of them bounced off the wall and was about to hit a baby square in the face. Discord noticed it in time and snapped his fingers making him reaper to protect the child. He was stunned but not by the blast of his own magic hitting him. But the fact that she dived in to protect the child as well and was zapped. She fell to the ground stunned by the blast. Discord looked over his shoulder. He did end up protecting the child but even if he didn't poof himself in front of it the blast would have never of hurt it. Since she of her own free will decided to protect it instead. The mother of the baby dragon scooped up it and flew away horrified by both the scene and him. Discord's only response was to shrug. He then looked at his own claw. It was his magic. His that almost stunned that baby. He then looked at the cloaked figure on the ground who could barely move thanks to the stun spell. Did he really lose a bit of control while he was in pursuit of her? Was he really that angry that he shot magic in the middle of a crowd? He looked around at all the horrified faces of the dragons. Some were cowing in fear due to the situation, and some he could tell were of him. He shook his head of these thoughts and decided to finish what he started. He nealed down and was about to grab the pony But as he did, she revealed her hoof from her cloak. She was a pink pony after all. Discord thought to himself when he saw her hoof. Still being able to barely move. She had tied to her several magic potions in bottles. She pulled one off and popped it open letting it spill onto the ground. It glowed a familiar white glow and Discord stopped pursuing immediately knowing what it was gonna do. He quickly pushed away some of the dragons who were standing too close to the liquid from the bottle. In a flash of light, she disappeared. It was a transportation spell or at least a potion with similar results. And without knowing where it was going to take him or any of the civilians he had no choice but to back off. Discord clenched his fist. She got away. He muttered. After returning the gems to the bank and making them normal aging Discord snapped himself back to ponyvill. All the while he thought of what just transpired. Tho it was true the Earth pony got away and still had a lot of gems. He couldn't help but notice she had absolutely no intent on hurting anyone. She could have run off and not stopped to protect that baby. But she did so anyway knowing she was about to be caught. Tho she was lucky to have one trick up her sleeve that got her away from him. One thing he knew was that he was looking forward to reporting this to the world friendship alliance council. He would get an ear full from princess twilight herself most likely. Especially since he had no intentions of letting this one be called a code five or below. > Chapter 3 WHAT I WANT > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day went as well as Discord expected. He stood in the throne room of princess twilight who was pacing back and forth in front of him. Spike sat in his chair next to the throne just up a few steps. The five other heroes of harmony and ambassadors of the other lands sat on the steps behind Twilight. As well as several other ambassadors of other lands. A kirin male, a hippogriff male, and a buffalo girl also stood by their side. "And you said it was an earth pony that got away from you?" Twilight asked after several paces. "She had very unique potions but yes she was an earth pony. I saw no wings or a horn of any kind." "That's not much of a subscription," AJ said. "Yeah, I only know she was pink. She kept under the gray cloak. If she was a Pegasus surely she would have at least tried to fly away but didn't." twilight continued her pacing. "And yet her code of threat level is still placed as 11." Discord slowly blinked before he responded. "She serves no major threat. Not one of those potions she had looked dangerous. I looked through that entire book she had with my own magic. There was nothing in there that could hurt any pony. She's just a crafty thief. As such my job's done." He flung his arms in the air. "Still, tho to be able to escape discord." Rarity said in with a worried tone to her voice. "Yeah, I know. Even I would have trouble catching her." Rainbow replied. "Well while she's not a danger, she's still a major criminal and needs to be caught and brought to justice. I am treating this as a level 3 threat. We don't know what her plans are, and she must be stopped" This statement made Discord take a step forward toward the alicorn. "Now hold on your highness," he spoke with a tone of mockery. "She poses no major threat. Twilight turned to him. "I must keep all I can safe, Discord." she turned her gaze to the ambassadors in the room. "If someone can escape you then they pose a great nuisance to the alliance." "You can't she…" Discord tried but stopped when Twilight turned her attention to him. "And why are you in such concerned about this?" Discord stopped realizing he's been caught. He opened his mouth to say something but found no words. Applejack smiled and stood up from the step she sat on, Pinky along with her. She had a scroll in her hoofs. The two of them approached twilight. Applejack said something in Twilights ear. Twilight and Pinky giggled in response. Twilight grew a smile and a slight chuckle escaped her throat. Discord shook his head knowing what this was about. Fluttershy tilted hers in curiosity. Twilight took the paper from Pinky. "Care to explain this Discord?" Knowing what it was he shrugged. "Not really." "What is it?" Dash asked excitedly. "Oh, just a long list of several reformation requests made by an anonymous police officer for several highly dangerous criminals, all of which have been denied. Let's see. Their's about 4 of them for Tirek, cozy glow. Three for Crysalis. 4 for Daser a changeling who stood against the king and almost killed are good friend Thorax. And the list goes on and on and on. " Twilight let the scroll fold out. It rolled across the floor. "Most recent one was for a Donny Dandy to be put in the reformation program all of which have one thing in common. All are threats above code five which can't be placed under reformation." Twilight handed the paper back to Pinky who rolled it back up. Pinky Spoak mid-giggle. "There was also a request for Donny Dandy's home address in order to question his family." "A request that wasn't made" Applejack responded with a smile. Discord's eyes flew up in annoyance. "However." Applejack continued. "It seems that she did require money from an anonymous source with a note that said sorry for the trouble." discord remained silent as ever. "When the handwriting was of course analyzed a faint trace of magic was in the air, they all lead back to the same source who wrote the formation request." Discord crossed his arms. "Are you done?" Fluttershy grew a large smile upon hearing about the good deeds her friend was trying to do. "Nope." twilight said with a serious tone. "You do realize that all reformed creatures are placed with a tracking spell." Discord nodded. "Yes, they're all under a watchful eye to make sure they don't mess up aging. Specifically me." He moaned. "You know I can snap my fingers and turn that off right." Twilight rolled her eyes. "You know lying about your whereabouts, gaining access to private information with no permission granted to you. Things like this, done by someone in your position Discord, could round you up in prison. I mean lying on your last report as well for darn sake." "Laying? How did I lie?" "You said that after escorting Fluttershy home you're left to your own but magic reports say you stayed with her that night." Discord tilted his head in defeat. "She was scared and asked if I'd stay over. Happy," he growled. "I have a heart." He complained threw greet teeth. "Careful it doesn't wind you up in jail" Twilight replied with a chuckle. "I'll keep that in mind, what's your point princess? He said the word princess with as much emphasis as possible to show how over the conversation he was. It only made the girls who knew him laugh. Spike even cracked a smirk at him. "Do they not deserve a second chance?" Twilight blinked and open her eyes wider at him. "That's sweet Discord but there…" "they're just like me" he demanded. "Why was I different? Why am I forgiven but not them? Twilight turned back and walked slowly over her friends towards her throne. "You were under special circumstances. When we let you go we had the elements of harmony now they're gone. All we can rely on now is trust. Trust that must be earned. None of which they show any signs of being trustworthy unlike you." "But that's just it. You still have a major power at your disposal. It's standing right here!" Discord pointed his thumb at himself. She sat down on her throne looking as regale as can be. Her hair begging to sparkle and wave. "And what of starlight? You trusted her with no access to the stones. What makes her different ?!" Discord demanded. They all turned to her highness curious of what she would say next. Twilight slowly blinked before she spoke aging." in a motherly tone she began. Altho her tone did not match her expression. She kept it stern and regal. "The fact is, I lent a hoof to her and she took it. That's what makes her different. We've tried to lend our hoofs to those in friendship, but some hearts can not be changed." Twilight said with a mellow soft but powerful tone to her voice. "We tried to lend a hoof to Crystalis. She refused, same with Cozy Glow. And do you really think Tirek, after betraying you twice is worth of such a gift? "I betrayed you once as well." Discord replied. "Like I said. Special circumstances. You are more than just another, we have to watch carefully. You have become a friend to us Discord. You have our trust. They do not." twilight gave a slight shook of her head with the last statement. "If I have your trust then let them in the reformed program. Trust me that I can stop them if things get out of hand. "He said holding his lion paw in a fist. The princes put her hooves together as she leaned back in her throne a little further. "I shall think it over. For now, keep an eye out for our mystery girl. Treat her as a code 3. You are dismissed." Discord stepped back and bowed with his claw over his chest. As he came back up he snapped his fingers and vanished. As soon as they were sure he was gone, the room erupted in laughter. "He's such a softy." Spike called out, they all agreed with nodes and laughter. Later that same day Fluttershy set up a picnic with some tea in the canterlot guardians. It was Tuesday and if it wasn't for the events of yesterday she would be having tea at home with Discord. But she didn't mind just since the guardians of canterlot were kept as nice as ever. With a white flash of magic discord appeared with a plate of cucumber sandwiches and cookies. She smiled at him which he returned. But she could tell something was bothering him. He sat down as she poured him a cup of tea. "Sorry, you got called up so suddenly because of me." "Oh, no discord it's fine. I can't believe an Earth pony has such abilities. No wonder Twilight held an emergency meeting with the hero six and ambassadors. I just don't know what to tell my students tomorrow. I mean I don't want them to think we're in danger. But being called away so quickly surely will scare a few of them. " Discord chuckled"Eh just tell them it was a surprise party for Twilight or something." He told her. "Discord I'm not gonna lie. She replied with a slight chuckle." " Ok fine if you want to scare them tell them the truth. You know a little lie here, and it isn't that bad." She raised an eye at him with a slight glare. "Ok, ok, I get it. Jeez." He ate a cookie with a grin. "So that was nice of you to give that family your paycheck." She added. "I don't need the money. I can literally poof anything into existence if I want to." "You don't have to hide discord." She continued. "You're a hero." Discord rolled his eyes aging. "Hay strength doesn't make a hero. A true hero stands up for what they believe in. Haha or at least that's what I believe." Discord tilted his head. Towards her. Tho he smiled His expression showed he didn't want to talk about it. "I think if we could get all the bad guys to be reformed. Especially the big three...." "Can we change the subject already?" He groans. Discord smiled big and bright and fake. It was not fooling her. "Discord tells me what's wrong," He dropped the fake smile and turned his gaze away from her. "It's nothing. After all, I am a monster. He said irritated." "DISCORD!!" she yelled He sighed. "It's just." He showed his teeth. "Do you know why I hate gravity? "Hmm. oh uh." She tried to but couldn't give an answer. "I asked do you know why I hate gravity?" he lowered his face towards hers. She shook her head in response. "It's because I never understood it. Why? Why would anyone want to be tethered to the ground? Why would anyone want to be tethered to something? To someone. To be pulled down like… like." He shook his head. "Like chains. He pulled his head back." And now." He stopped, he dug his eagle claw into the dirt, and pulled it up. "Now that I've been shown friendship… "He held the dirt in his claw as his eyes began to glow. "Now that I understand it, I hate it even more." He clenched the dirt in his fist as some of it fell out. He tossed the dirt. And stood up raising to his full height, towering over her. "I am the lord of chaos. I am the embodiment of chaos and disharmony itself." … he was starting to shout. "I am a god. I have all the power to change all of reality and bend to my will with a snap of my fingers." He snapped his talons as a gesture. "I used to do just that. Only that. Change it to what I want to be. To be a perfect chaotic reality. And not just the space around me. I can change everyone's mind to whatever I want. I can have them bow to my every will if I want but the one thing I can't do is..." He sighed aging. "I can't change anyone's heart. Even if I make them do what I want I can never change how they truly feel. That power can only be achieved through the magic of friendship. “Now that I understand it only makes things worse. They view me as a monster. And I understand why. And why wouldn't they? I'm the master of chaos. Isn't chaos generally a bad thing? I mean I, I'm not the lord of evil or anything but. He stepped away from her. Isn't chaos inherently evil? He turned his back to her. Fluttershy sat with her head tilted in confusion. Celistiah only freed me thinking my powers could be useful. But have they really? Have I not caused more trouble than I'm worth for the kingdom? For the country. Even when I have good intentions I mess things up. All I wanted was to try and give Twilight and you guys some encouragement. Since everyone was nervous about ruling the kingdom. And we all know how that went. “ He ran his eagle claw over his head. "Wasn't this whole friendship thing just a way to control me!?" He snapped at her and spun around. Discord! She yelled. “That's what I thought when I joined Tireck the first time” “I walk around like gravity affects me he told her taking a few steps. I pretend like it does. Because I want it to but…" Suddenly he floated midair. His feet hovered a foot off the ground. "It doesn't. You all gave me 2ed chances, hell even thirds. But it is not because if you are not my friend's, then I could just snap my fingers and do what I want." Discord! She shouted and stood up standing firmly. He sighed shaking his head. Chaos is a force of nature. Isn't my nature than bad? He closed his eyes and fell backward onto his back but still hovered a foot over the ground. "Discord, its in no one nature is to be bad. Fluttershy said mid-giggle." "EXACTLY!!!" He chuckled at her. "What you did for me, I want to do for others. I want people to see me as a hero instead of…" he trailed off. And I know how those who suffer my fate feel. Including the big three. Fluttershy laughed. "Gee thanks, friend. He said. Opening one eye at her. "Oh, discord. It's normal not to understand everything. " "Oh yeah, then you tell me, What the heck friendship and love and that mushy stuff is. I apparently still have much to learn" He said as he landed on the ground with a thud making her jump. She smiled and stood over his head. He looked up at her with one eye. "Let me ask you. Do you like being around your friends? Do you cherish your time with your friends?" He nodded. "Do you want to protect them?" He nodded aging. "Well, then congratulations you're chained. " He chuckled at that. "And you know the magic of friendship. We've taught you the elements of harmony long ago. In a way, you were our first student. As for love well." Fluttershy looked away. "One day you'll find somepony. Or in your case someone. In particular, you want to protect and cherish more than anything. And if you are lucky they will return the feeling. That is love... or at least what I think." He smiled at that and dropped his gaze. She sat down and continued the conversation."I've seen that happen to many creatures. Animals and ponies. You'll find it one day discord." He smiled." Have you then." At his question, she could feel her face grow red. Uhh no. no not me personally no." she said nervously. He looked back up at her and grind. "Oh, now you gonna have to tell me." It was obvious from that response she had somepony. "Uhh no don't know what you're talking about," she said nervously. "Oh come on we're friends, I won't tell." He laughed. No, no. besides, I doubt he'd like me back anyway." she waved a hoof at him. He sat up and turned around to her. "Don't sell yourself short. After all you're kind-hearted and a good person. Who…" He stopped when he noticed she was staring with Her head slightly tilted with a smile on her face. "Never mind" He shrugged and rolled his head to one side. "Come on let's finish the tea." She told him and got back up and sat next to him. "Thanks, professor." He teased. With a smile she spoak." Tho I do have a question for you." He waited for her question as he took the cup of tea. "What was it like to date the lord of chaos?" She giggled. He rolled his eyes slightly. "God that guy. I'm telling ya, all he did was talk about himself. I asked him how his day was, and he only replied with what I already knew since I was there. Then he get mad when I brought it up and asked him to talk about something else." She giggled at the absolute absurdity of Discord's story. Just then the princess walked out and joined them. "Oh hi, Twi, care for a cup," Fluttershy asked offering her one. She smiled at the Pegasus. "No but I have some good news for Discord." Discord looked at her with curiosity Discord sat ,sitting in a locked room at a table. laid out on the table were several files which he only smirked at and shook his head. Just then the door behind him opened up. 2 royal guards entered the room escorting three prisoners of Tartarus. As they walked in silence their chains shook and made noise. The two soldiers had the three sit across from Discord. "Oh come on, not him again." An old centaur complained. " Ugh, what now. Come to gloat" A tall skinny black pony-like creature with web-like hair complained. "Oh come on guys we're all friends here." A little pink alicorn said. "No, we're not cozy!" The other two yelled at her, but she only manically laughed in response. Discord laughed alongside her. "No, no you should listen to cozy glow. She has the right idea here." The three looked at Discord. "What is it this time discord?" chrysalis muttered annoyed. Discord snapped his fingers and their chains disappeared. The guard quickly reacted setting their spears to his neck. "How do you think I'm gonna reform them in chains? Relax none of them have their magical abilities. I already took that away." The two guards side-eyed one another and step back pulling their spears up. "Wait what!!!" The three yelled. "Yep welcome to day one of your reformations. I'm in charge." Oh, this can't be happening. Shouted chrysalis. Tirek just slapped his own face while cozy glow tried to use her magic. She sighed frustrated when it wouldn't work. "Oh, this is gonna be a long process" Discord muttered. He thought back. After he requested to reform the three villains twilight called up the friendship alliance, and while most were skeptical they agreed under the terms discord took their magic away. And now he was in charge of reforming the three worse villains known to Equestria. .... And pause right there hay You know I could go over every little detail of how agonizingly slow the conversations were with these guys, or I can sum it up with three paragraphs. 1 Wednesday. Discord went and met with them. Tried to get on their good side with lunch and some fresh air. And Tiriek tried to punch him. Chrysalis ignored him. And the only one who would say anything was cozy glow who utterly just wanted to use friendship as power. 2 Thursday discord hung out with them one by one alone. Tirek, even as an old grump tried to work out. Discord played cards with Chrysalis who only grit her teeth and glared at him the whole game, and cozy glow. She wouldn't shut up enough for Discord to get a word in that day. 3 Friday. 3rd time's the charm right, Nope wrong. What went wrong with that day? Discord thought as a team-building exercise, they'd play buck ball. , and let's just say buck ball was not the best idea. Tirek kicked the ball too hard, Cozy couldn't catch it leaving Discord's face cartoon flat against the grown as Chrysalis walked over him like a rug. Now we get to the fun part. Saturday. You can thank me later trust me the rest of that week was boring anyway. "And then the ball hit me so hard I was flat as a rug witch Chrysalis made sure to take every step she could over me. I still have her hoof prints stuck to my face." He said angrily. Discord turned and the left side of his cheek showed an imprint of the changeling's hoof. He put his thumb in his mouth and blew up the rest of his face like a balloon until the hoof print was gone. Fluttershy took a few steps and handed some blueberries to a flamingo. Her rabbit jumped after her with a little basket of food himself. Angel stopped by a little squirrel and gave it an acorn to it from his basket. "Fluttershy what am I doing wrong?" Discord asked as he tossed some meat to a wolf and a snake to feed them. Which they happily took as he continued. "Literally I spent half a day with you, and I was already willing to at least try and be a good guy. But it's been three days and not one of them is any closer to being changed." Fluttershy gave a hardy laugh at him. "Oh, discord you know you didn't change in a day. We only became friends is all. It took years for you to build up with the others. Give them time and be patient. Now go give this pale of water to the giraffe for me." She held up a pail of water. Discord took it and with a flap of his wings flew up to the giraffe he held it out to the animal, as it took a drink from the pail. Discord helped when he could around the animal sanctuary. Usually only to feed them in the morning before Fluttershy had to go work as a teacher. "I don't get it. What made me change so easily? You gotta teach me professor shy. He said with a toothy grin. "It was obvious he was teasing her. she giggled sweetly. ok, ok. Let me show you some hints that I think will help you. Fluttershy grabbed him by the claw and pulled him over to a small tree just by the waterfall. He looked at her puzzled. "Look carefully: she instructed. He looked through the leaves and found a small blue bird inside a nest. "Go on try and touch it." She insisted. He tried to touch it with his claw but immediately pulled it back when the bird snapped at him. "Hay you little…" he grumbled. He only turned his head in more puzzlement when he heard his friend laughing. "And what's so funny? He tried to bite me. " "That's just it Discord." She said as she tried to control her laughing. "Take a closer look at its wing." Discord turned back to the bird and saw it was in bandages. "This little guy tried to fly two soon and broke its wing. He's an eager beaver. One day he'll probably be one of the best flyers. But right now he's hurt and scared. And you just invaded his space. The way I approached you. I gave you space to be yourself. In the same way, I'm not gonna try to touch this bird." She said and held out her hoof. The bird then came to her. "When I show the bird I mean no harm, it comes to me willingly. The same as you did. you ended up trusting me." She then brought the bird out of its nest and held it in her hoof. "I promised I wouldn't use my element of harmony against you. That was the moment you started trusting me the most. Once I did that all had to do was find out what bothered you. And the answer. You do know what the answer was, don't you discord." Discord tilted his head waiting for her to continue. "You may not have wanted to emit at the time. But you said it yourself the other day. You didn't understand friendship. But I think you always wanted two but no one gave you a chance. And when push came to shove and I had to test our friendship you realized you didn't want to be without it. You were hurting discord much like this bird." She gently patted the bird's head. The bird gave a few happy chips in response. It took time to get to the root of the problem, but after that trust was built, and you've gained more friends since then." She held out the bird towards Discord. "Those three are no different. You got to give them a chance. A little trust. And find the root of their problem. But if you just keep on trying to force them to change they're only going to bite back. Since that's all they know how to do." Discord set a claw out near the bird. It flinched at first, but he didn't try to touch it. "You want to change their hearts. But in the end, it's their choice. But like any pony, they were not born evil…" the bird at first eyed the claw and discord. "They only made bad choices. Give them an opportunity to make the right choice. Only then." The bird finally tipped toed on two discords claws. Still slightly nervous. "... Will they begin to reform themselves?" Discord smiled at the bird and set it back into its nest. Thanks, Fluttershy I think I know what to do now. " He took a few seeds from her basket and set it in the nest. Fluttershy watched him with a smile, but it wavered as a thought occurred to her. He noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?" "Discord ever since you became a cop you've seemed so stressed out." Discord gave a convincing fake luggage. Anyone except Fluttershy would buy it. "you're worrying too much about me. I told you I'm fine." She kept her head straight but looked away from him with a small frown. She looked over and saw her music notebook sticking out of her basket. She was going to practice with the animals for the fundraiser that was being held tomorrow night. Her eyes widened as an idea grew in her mind. She turned back to him. "Hey, I know what I want for my birthday now." She smirked. He turned to her. "Too late I already got you a gift. " He replied back to her. "What is it?" he asked. "Well, sometimes songwriting can help express yourself. It's a great outlet." Discord rolled his head. But not his eyes. "Oh, come on we literally sing songs all the time" "That's in the show, not a book. And besides, I only sang once in the entire series." "Doesn't matter." She said and flew off to her bag that was laying by a tree. She grabbed it. It had a feather sticking out of it. "For my birthday I want you to write a song. Any song. Just let your soul do the talking. Say anything you want to say to the world. Something you want to get off your cheese. And for that matter maybe you should get the other three to do it as well. Even if they just play an instrument or something. Does Not have to be a song just has to be music." He shrugged with his normal smile and bored expression. "Fine ill try it." "You pinky promise" " Ok, ok. Cross my heart and hope to fly..." Discord snapped his fingers and a cupcake with pink frosting materialized. "Stick a cupcake in my eye." He finished as he stuck the desert in his left eye, "Happy" he said with a wide grin. Putting the cupcake side of his face closer to her. She laughed at the smeared cupcake on his face. Her little laughing was interrupted by the sound of Discord's walky-talky. Calling free cop over. Discord pulled it off his belt that just now materialized out of nowhere. "Free cop here over." He told the walky-talky. "The three inmates are now ready for your arrival." > chapter 4 JUST MY LUCK > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord materialized in front of the three villains sitting in a cell. They all rolled their eyes and moaned in annoyance. "What stupid thing are you gonna have us do this time?" Chrysalis asked. Discord cleared his throat with a few coughs. "My apologies, I've seen I've gone through this all wrong." He walked right through the bars as if they weren't there. "Tell me. Why do it?" Huh, cozy asked in confusion. "Let me rephrase that. Why be bad guys?" "BECAUSE IT'S WHAT WE DO!" Chrysalis yelled. She sighed quickly afterward. "It's in our nature. You know. I mean, you used to be one of us." "And you still are Discord," Tirek said. Your little goodie-two-shoes act is high and dandy. But you know as well as I do that it's all just a prison. You're not free. " Discord nodded to that and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the jail cell was replaced with a therapy doctor's office. The three sat on a rather comfy therapy couch across from Discord in glasses and a notebook with A feather. "Ok, Tirek let's say you're right. What about you? Why do you want power? What is your goal? To be free?" Exactly. He got up and yelled. "Free. Free to do what you want." "The power to do whatever you want. And I almost had it if it weren't for that stupid alicorn princess you suck up to." Discord smirked and wrote a few things down. Or at least looked like he did. He was actually drawing the three of them on the couch with stupid faces. "And let me guess." Discord continued. "This want for freedom. It wouldn't happen to do anything with your father now, would it?" Tireak growled." you dare bring that creature up with me?" "Daddy issues got it." Discord continued. I got no issues with him! Tirek yelled. No, i guess you don't. After all, he just kept you his hire to the throne locked away and safe forever." "Shut your mouth! Tireak said, growing angrier and angrier at every word. Chrysalis just moaned, ugh. "Sit down, you old moron." "What was that?!" He yelled and turned to Chrysalis, inches from her face. "God, can someone get this guy a breath mint." She complained, rolling her eyes. Discord snapped one into Tirek mouth at her request. "Gah!" He yelled as it appeared. He quickly stuck his tongue out but liked the taste of the mint, so he kept it. Mmmm, he said, content. "And what about you? You were queen. And as queen, you gave birth to all of them. You're a mother. As a mother, did you not appreciate your subjects? Relied on their strengths for your own benefit." Chrysalis rolled her eyes at his words. As he continued she only made herself comfortable on the couch, believing she had no chance of getting out of listing to discords rambling. "Were they not loyal to you? Did they not love and worship you?" She fake snored. Zzzz… boring. Your little therapy game might work on Tirek, but it shall not gonna work on me. I don't need any pony else. I'm the queen of the changelings. "Oh, that's rich," Tirek complained. "Oh yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" She replied. "If you didn't need anyone, you wouldn't have been acting like a piece of driftwood was your friend." She gasped. "How dare you. A piece of wood is more loyal than any of you, I can tell you that." Cozy Glow jumped up off the couch and into Chrysalis's face. Oh, yeah, then do tell, how were you gonna get the bell? If it wasn't for us working together, you wouldn't have gotten that close to power. Face it, bug brain. You need us. She said with a sly grin. Chrysalis growled with fire in her eyes. "Ok, you know what. You try feeding an entire kingdom of people. People who barely show any emotion except pure fear. I had to prove myself worthy of their following. And once I did, I only gained their fear. Not devotion. And when I finally conquered equestrian. One tiny little slip of a changeling and a stupid unicorn, and I lost my entire kingdom. Everyone turned their back agents me. Do you have any idea what that feels like?!" She was yelling at the top of her lungs, in cozy glows face. Discord just sat there with a smile on his face as he continued to doodle. He heard a small Uh sir from an officer just outside the cell. "Just let it be." I was loyal to them. Generous to them. Is it fair for them just to abandon me? Especially when all I ever wanted was some loyalty. Some love!!! Is that too hard to ask of any of my subjects, huh!!! "Well maybe if you let some in your heart you wouldn't be in this mess." Cozy argued back. This made Discord's ears perk up. "And what of you Cozy glow? You're an interesting one here. Discord said catching Cozy Glow's attention. She looked at him with a poutine face. "You were a pegasus originally. You grew up a pony. Most ponies I've met already inherently know the value of friendship." Discord narrowed his eyes as he fixed his reading glasses. "Why go to such lengths as to almost destroy all magic and take control of the world." "What are you a shrink!" She yelled. "I'm cute and lovable!!! The world should bow down to me!!!" "Don't start that aging," Tirek said with his mouth full from the mint. Setting his hand over his face, he lay back on the couch. "What was that?" She said her face steaming. "Ugh, annoying more like." Chrysalis complained. The guard looked at Discord. Discord noticed and waved his claw in a circle to tell the guard, let them be, as He continued to doodle. "Seriously. Well, I'm sorry we can't all be born unhappy little princesses like you. Or an ungrateful prince like you. I was an orphan! No parents no family, I grew up on the street. You don't see me complaining." This made Discord raise an eyebrow. "Well, what exactly made you want to take over the world?" He asked. She turned to him. "You're kidding right? Look at me. I'm cute and adorable. Everyone I ever met liked me. Hell, even loved me. Why not use that to my advantage and win over everyone? Hell, why not become queen? And no one even thought a cute little filly like me could possibly pull such a plan off. Especially since I was a Pegasus. Those stuck-up ponies never saw me coming." "And why take all the magic in the world and banish it forever?" Chrysalis asked. "Cause then the only power anyone would have is friendship. And if they were all friends with me, I'd be the ruler of them all. Mwahahahahahahahah she evilly laughed." Tireak looked at her In confusion and just shook his head. "Ok, her motivation makes no sense." Chrysalis said, giving the same look Tireak had. "Really, I think she makes perfect sense." Discord replied. "Wait what?" Cozy Glow asked as she stopped maniacally laughing. Discord turned his drawing to them. "Oh, look at that. My guess as to what you'd three look like at the end of this was spot on." They were staring at a sketch of themselves with the exact same dumb look as depicted in the drawing. He snapped his fingers, returning the cell back to normal as he stood up. "Now that we all learned a bit about each other, let me tell you a little about me. Why I changed to the good side. I can snap my fingers and change all of reality like it was nothing. But the one thing I can't change is how people view me. They view me as a monster. But after I show them I am not, they treat me as a friend. The only way to change someone truly is to show them you are not a monster like I have. Loyalty laughter kindness, generosity and honesty. These are what make the magic of friendship. Cozy, you hoped to take over by doing basic mind controlling. It might work for a while. But if you don't put some effort and thought into their feelings, you'll never keep them as friends. Chrysalis, you ruled through fear, but you never thought of just saying thank you. I've seen what happens to a changeling when they let true friendship in, they change for the better. You have a heart, you can do it. And Tirek. Even if you gained all the power in the world, what then. You'll be lonely at the top. Just like I was." he set his lion paw on his chest. "And if the god of all things chaos can change, then surely you can. And now." He took a step forward toward them. "Just like I was given a 2ed chance. I'm giving you one." He held out his eagle claw. Gah. Chrysalis slapped his claw away. "Good speech where you hear it, a bumper sticker. You can't be serious, they all still HATE YOU! One day ill have my revenge on all of you! She shouted! " And that's not entirely bad," Discord replied. The guard turned to Discord, confused. "I get my revenge every single day on those ponies that call me a monster. Do you know how I do it?" He asked. She glared at him but stood quietly. "By standing in front of them with my head held high and proving them wrong. You can to." He chuckled. She dropped her head and thought about this. She never thought of it that way. "You could even gain the trust of the changelings and become queen aging. If you befriended them." The three stood in silence. "Now, here's a little reward for today." Discord snapped his fingers, and they could feel a faint small amount of energy inside of them. Cozy Glow even grew a horn back. The guard immediately reacted by drawing his own magic. "No need," Discord told him. "There's not enough magic to even do anything but make bad jokes. Chrysalis can only change her head into something. Cozy Glow can only do candy spells. She can't fly. And Tirek just has some muscle back to him. " "Why?" Cozy asked. Discord turned to her, it's simple, "I'm trusting you. Granted, I don't trust you that much. You have to earn our powers back by gaining my trust. Might take a few days. Maybe a few years. But in time, I'm sure we'll all be the best of friends." He then exited the cell, walking right through the bars as if they weren't even there. "Oh, and there is a concert going on tomorrow night. It's a fun-raiser for my friend's animal sanctuary. I'm inviting you all to come and have a night of fresh air. Of course, the choice is yours to do so. Till then, see ya." Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared with a white flash of light, leaving them all stunned. Discord appeared back in his pocket dimension. He grabbed the notebook Fluttershy gave him and stared at it in wonder. "What on earth am I gonna write?" He asked himself. And stared at it. The words from Fluttershy echoed in his head. “For my birthday, I want you to write a song. Any song. Just let your soul do the talking. Say anything you want to say to the world. Something you want to get off your cheese.” Discord chuckled at the memory and grabbed a feather, prepared to write something down. He then put the quill to the side of his head as he began to stare out the window. Hmm, what do I want to say to the world? He asked himself. The next day, discord sat there... Hold on pause. Yes, hi, lucky chains aging. I know you must be enjoying the story since you're still reading. But don't you think some of this is boring? Like we're on the next night, of the concert. Do you want me to just type out how they put the concert together, or do you want to skip that stuff and get to the good part? THE PART WHERE I COME IN!!! Hmm, no. I can't convince you to only read the last section of this chapter. Sigh, fine, go on. The next day, discord sat there snapping his fingers one after another. With a spark of magic, a large stage materialized itself at the crystal castle Twilight once lived in. With another snap, a banner and several colorful streamers hung themselves across the stage. Pinky jumped across the newly formed stage, rolling her party canon. Ok, let's get this started. She shouted and somehow several benches and tables all shot out of the canon, landing in front of the stage perfectly. "Haha between you and me this place is all ready to go." She shouted and hoof-bumped Discord, who fist-bumped her back, leaning back in his comfy recliner. Yeah, all that hard work really takes it out of you" He made himself more comfortable in the chair. "Oh ha, ha," AJ replied sarcastically to the creature. Discord's left eye flew open just to see AJ rolling up with her food stand cart alongside her brother, sister and sister-in-law. Snapping your fingers and making anything, in reality, must be so tiring. She grins "Believe me, it's a lot harder than it looks to control such power." He said as he closed his eyes and set his arms behind his head. He took in a deep breath and let it out. "Ahh, what a good da…" "DISCORD!!!" Someone yelled. Discord immediately set up the recliner. Oh, need something, princess. He asked, noticing the enraged alicorn Twilight stood glaring him down. Her royal adviser Spike stood next to her, pretending he wasn't there. Spike wanted nothing to do with Discords' mess this time. Applejack rolled her eyes at the sight of twilight. With a sigh, she turned to Discord... "What now. What did Ya do this time." "Now, now calm down," Discord said, failing to hold back his laughter. Twilight remembering her calming trick took a step back, closed her eyes, and as she waved her hoof out she breathed in and out. Afterward, she opened them and while she was calmer, her glare did not waver from the snickering draconquis. "Okay." She said in a calm, mellow tone. Please, explain to me… Discord coughed his snickering away, "Why the three most dangerous criminals in all of Equestria?" Her words became louder and louder as she continued, till she was just a moment away from yelling. "Are coming here for the CONCERT" ?!!! At this, both pinky pie and AJ turned to each other, sweat had already begun to form on their faces. With that news, everyone else stopped and stared at Discord, quite confused. Uhh, yeah. "So I'm giving them a little freedom in the hopes to build up a friendship with them. What better way than to invite them to a party? Then I thought why not invite them to this one since it will be one of the biggest parties of the year. They can even be put to work helping apple jack sell the food and Rainbow to collect ticket sales for the fun-raiser." "Ok, and why do they have some of their powers back?" Twilight asked, gritting her teeth. AJ and Pinky simultaneously shook their heads in Discord's direction. "Aging, give them some freedom. Build trust." "Trust is something you earn discord." "Yeah, and you trust me, don't you? Don't worry, ill keep an eye on them all night. There won't even be a cupcake out of place. I promise. " Twilight glared at him furiously. She took in one more deep breath and let it out to cool down, lowering her head slightly. She raised her head back up with a stern look at Discord. She held up her hoof. "Not one cupcake out of place. Got it." Discord nodded with more confidence than he thought he had. Twilight then turned her back to the draconquis. "Well, see ya all at the party". She gave an awkward smile to AJ and pinky pie before flying away. Spike along with her. As the sun finally settled, a rather large turnout of creatures lined up for the fun-raiser. There were two lines. One for the talent show on stage if participating, and one for the audience to get some food and enjoy the music. Then out of nowhere, a random portal opened up thanks to discords magic. Several copies and 2 royal guards stepped out of the portal, followed by the three most untrustworthy criminals alive. Cozy glow Tireak and Chrysalis all stood in black magic-proof chains. As they exited the portal, discord greeted them with a red carpet. "Oh here comes the good guys, here comes the good guys." He sang to their dismay. "Ok, ok." We're here. Chrysalis spoke in an annoyed tone. Just get me some vanilla ice cream and ill be heading back to my cell. Tireak commented. "Oh no you don't we all agreed…" Cozy began but was cut off by Tireak. "We agreed on nothing. The old center complained. "Guys, guys, come on," Discord told them as he unlocked their chains. Everyone jumped back in fear and surprise at this. Discord waved his hands in the air. "Don't worry, I have them under control." The crowd mumbled among itself. And who has you under control? Someone called out. Discord put his hands on his none existent hips. "Aj if you must know." AJ stepped up with her head held high. "Oh, the element of honesty." The crowd mumbled AJ waved her hoofs and called up some officers to disperse the worried crowd of creatures to go and enjoy the fun-raiser. "Oh, look apple strudel. I haven't eaten anything good in forever." Cozy Glow shouted as she started to fly off. "Well then let's all get something to eat," Discord replied back to them as he followed Cozy Glow. Chrysalis scowled, but then her stomach growled. She was extremely annoyed by the sudden outburst. But sighed and followed Discord to the food carts. Tireak rolled his eyes. “I just want some ice cream.” He mumbled. Discord heard him and with a snap of his fingers, he had an ice cream cone from the cart already in his hand before he handed it over. Tireak grunted and took it with a huff. Discord smiled confidently as Tireak walked past him. However, his confidence only looked like cockiness to AJ. AJ met discords gaze. She put a hoof to her eyes and then back to him. The message was clear. She was watching him and the three of them. Discord only nodded to that. But he couldn't help but feel a little angry at it. I mean, is it too much to ask for a little faith in one's plan? He said to himself in his head. But the truth was he had very little confidence in his plan. This whole thing was more of a bluff. Discord turned to the three in front of him. "I want the whipped cream with sprinkles." Cozy glow said sweaty. "Uh, ok, little one." Granny Smith said as she prepared it. I SAID SPRINKLES! DOES THAT LOOK LIKE IT HAS ENOUGH SPRINKLES!!! Granny Smith quickly then spilled the sprinkle jar all over the desert. "Ahh, thanks, old lady." Cozy Glow replied back to her extremely cute expression and voice. Tireak just rolled his eyes as he continued eating his ice cream. Chrysalis still waited in line along with Apple Jacks' constant vigilance. “Yep. This is all a bluff,” Discord whispered to himself. “Hmm, what's that?” a sweet but quiet voice asked him. He jumped at it as he looked down at her. “Oh, Fluttershy, I didn't see you there.” She giggled a little and gave a happy smile. Her hair was all dulled upheld together by blue flowers. She wore a simple green gown. And was excited to see her friend. “So they're actually here, huh? How did you convince them to come?” “Did what you told me. And I guess it worked. Sort of.” the last part he snorted. She giggled at that.” Well, I'm glad to see things are at the very least working out.” Discord couldn't help but smile at her amusement. He then reached into his none existent pocket. “Uh, hay, I know it's early but…” He pulled out her notebook. “Oh, thank you discord. I might need a refresher on my song” she said as she took her notebook back. Discord nodded as he reached back into his none existent pocket. He could feel a little box in his eagle claws. “Uh yeah, and I also…” an announcement came from the speakers. All talent show participants behind the stage, please. Calling all talent show participants. “Oh that's me better get back there” “Yeah yeah, you better um” Discord let the little box fall out of his talons setting back in his pocket. “You better get back there. Better not let the nerves getcha. You can do this.” he encouraged her. She smiled only longer at him with a nod as she set off, leaving Discord there alone. Heh well, ill give her, her birthday present later he thought. He turned around and walked over to the table the three criminals were sitting at. “Still got a thing for that pony now don't cha.” tireak said as he took the last bite out of his ice cream cone. "If you're referring to Fluttershy, she's my best friend thank you very much," Discord replied as he took his seat next to Chrysalis. She scowled at them all as she ate several muffins. "Oh, she's the one that made you lame then." Cozy Glow remarked as she licked whipped cream off her own nose. “Hay watch it” Any remarks towards my friends and you will go back to Tartarus. Now just relax and enjoy the fresh air” Suddenly an odd order filled the air. Uh-huh, fresh air. Tireak complained as the smell hit his nostrils. “Oh, come on, it can't be…” Discord was interrupted by the same smell. But he recognized it. It was the smell of magic potions. Discord stood up and he looked around. "Eww, what that uh…" a pony in the crowd said as he smelled it. He then collapsed onto the ground, followed by others. It was a sleeping potion. Discord only recognized it since his encounter with the cloaked pony. Huh, strange. Tireak spoak mid-yawn. He then soon collapsed to the ground along with Cozy Glow and Chrysalis. The magic potion had no effect on Discord. He quickly snapped up his fingers and created a gas mask for AJ. After putting it on, he shook her awake. “ Huh uh, what,” she said, just waking up from what seemed to be a deep slumber. “AJ it's that potions pony. She's gone and made a sleep potion that's affecting everyone.” discord explained as he looked around the area. AJ shook her head as she straightened her cowboy hat. Well ill be. She yawned. With a snap of discord fingers, more gas-masked poofed into existence. Here go wake the others up. Ill. “Discord,” AJ growled. “What?” “Where the Villains” “ oh, don't worry, they're asleep. They're just over. He turned to point them out, but his eyes widen at the realization that they were. “Gone. No, they... They were right there.” AJ slipped herself in the face, only for it to be caught on her gas mask." And now we have them on the loose." AJ growled. "Oh come on, they don't have their full powers… "Discord stopped as something else came to his mind. “Uh” AJ glared at him. "Yeah, the cloaked pony she does have in her possession an anti-magic potion that could...." He gulped. "Undo my magic and give the big bad full power" "DISCORD!" AJ yelled. Discord nervously took a step back. "Hehe well, don't worry. They're my responsibility. I'll get them alright. I swear on my badge." He said as he looked over their tracks. AJ rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Just don't wake up, Twilight”. Discord pleaded. She's probably gassed like everyone else, he-he, hopefully. He chuckled nervously. AJ sighed. "I'll wake up some of the others and go after the cloaked pony." But I… discord protest. She already gave you the slip once. Well, deal with her. You have bigger fish to fry. Three bigger fish. And if they're not caught, well I sure as hell don't wanna be you when Twi wakes up." Discord's expression dropped in defeat at that. He took off after the three villains, as AJ set off in the other direction to wake the others. As Discord got back to where the three where he looked for any signs of where they might have led. Strangely, there wasn't any sign of them fleeting. But he had more ways than that to track them down. He closed his eyes and raised his talons. They began to glow along with his eyes as he magically track them down in pony vill. His eyes shot open his eyes in surprise. "Huh? Not what I was expecting." He spoke out loud as he tore open a portal to everfree forest. As he ran through it the portal, it closed itself. He eyed through the darkness. The cloaked pony stood behind a tree. All she could see was the glow of the cop's eyes. Something about those glowing yellow eyes and red pupils made her shiver in fear. How is that monster a cop? She thought to herself. All she knew was she had to escape. She had to get away. She then took out a bottle of an anti-magic potion. She eyed the liquid in it. She took it by both hoofs. "Better than being cote right." She told herself. She shook off the thought and put the bottle away. Discord took several steps around, being very quiet. If it wasn't for the glow of his eyes, she would have never of seen him coming. She felt like she was being hunted. Hunted by a wild beast. She crouched down back onto all fours and carefully backed away from the tree. She kept her eyes firmly in Discord's direction. The forest stood very quiet. The only thing that Discord could hear was his own breathing. He looked around, squinting his eyes trying to peer past the darkness. CAW CAW CAW!!! Crows called out. Discord jumped at the sound and turned to them with a blast of his magic. Two crowds barely dodged it and flew past him. Stupid birds, he muttered as he returned to his search. The cloaked pony froze when the birds called off, but now she felt she was alright to take a few more steps back. She did so, still keeping her eyes in the direction of her hunter. Snap! She quickly turned her head behind her to see what the noise was. She found her back hoof standing on a twig. Discord's ears perked up to the sound and flung in its direction. He jumped up, floating above a tree branch just above her. “There you are.” discord smiled friendly to her. She looked up at him for a second. Discord could see the terror in her eyes as she froze in fear. The friendly smile to her looked like an evil grin of a hunter. Discord's smile fell away as he saw her expression. He knew that look all too well. If it wasn't one of anger or annoyance, it was fear. That's all he ever saw from ponies, And not just ponies. Every creature. Whether they were changelings, griffins or dragons. They all knew of his dark deeds. They all knew who was to blame for the near destruction of Equestria and probably the world. Even his so-called friends more often than he liked held one of those expressions toward him. The thought of it made his heart sink in sadness. Only to boil into anger. He growled at her. “You're under arrest” he barked. She quickly gained her composer at the sound of his voice. She jumped back and took off as fast as she could. Discord growled at her defiance. He wasn't in the mood to play games like he did earlier. He held out his lion paw, claws barred. She started to rise off the ground. She ran in place for some time, but it was no use, he had her. As Discord turned his claw around, she too turned midair to face him. He lowered his paw, but she still stood stuck in his magic. A yellow glow turned purple surrounding her. Discord pulled out a pair of magic-proof cuffs from midair. He took a step towards her, his eyes filled with rage. She once aging felt a tinge of fear as he looked into his eyes. What she did not know was that the rage he felt was not directed at her. But at his own stupidity. Either way, it doesn't matter, he said as he got closer to her. As discord approached her she pulled on her cloak and a bottle of something fell and broke creating a blast of magic around her, freeing her of his grip. "Boy, that anti-magics annoying." He muttered. He started blasting magic at her. As she dodged and weaved among the trees, he felt his frustration grow. Ahhhhh, he yelled and blasted a bolt of magic that shattered a tree. He jumped into flight. And blasted another tree out of his way. She ran and found herself surrounded by others. Applejack rainbow dash and Fluttershy all stood sounding her. She looked frightened and tried to run one way, only for Rainbow to step in her way. Discord then flew in behind her. He aimed another bolt of magic at her. She dodged, and the bolt went straight for Fluttershy. A flash of lightning struck as a blood-curdling scream cried out. DISCORD!!! > chapter 5 My Entrance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD!!! Fluttershy yelled, waking up in her bed. “Fluttershy, Fluttershy, you ok” She heard a voice calling to her as someone ran up the stairs to her bedroom. The door was already open, and Fluttershy stared at the hallway as she gasped for air. It was none other than her brother Zephyr who immediately ran into her room, To check on her. Alongside him was a rabbit. "Hay sis, you ok?" He asked with a concerned smile. She grinned at the sight of him and nodded. “Yeah.” she gave a smile as she caught her last breath to calm down. A small scorch mark was on her side just under her wing. She set a hoof over the tiny scar, “Just a nightmare. I...” The rabbit jumped up and sat on her lap. She slowly rubbed the rabbit's little head and scratched its ear. “I'll be fine” her brother nodded, still concerned for his sister. “Welp sis, I got breakfast down stairs, and guess what. I got a new job interview in an hour. He threw his arms in the air in victory. “Oh yeah! Go Zephyr.” Fluttershy could only give a small smile and nod, but it faded as she turned away from him, still petting the rabbit. Zephyr only scratched the back of his neck. He nervously stood up. "Yeah ok, sis. I'll just uh…." She didn't turn back to him. He nodded at that and uttered the word “yeah.” aging before he walked away. As she heard his footsteps vanish down the stairs, her little rabbit jumped from her lap and into her viewpoint. He curled up in a little ball and squeaked in his little language only Fluttershy could understand. "I miss him too. I use to always hate him. He takes so much of your time away from me. But in the end, he was always fun to fight with." Fluttershy closed her eyes at the rabbit's squeaks. "But it's been almost a year. He wouldn't have wanted you sad on the week of your birthday, flutters.” Fluttershy gave a sorrow-filled sigh. And lifted her head up. She patted the edge of her bed, remembering where he once nervously slept. Your right, she said as she grinned. She got out of bed and headed down stairs, as Angel the bunny followed her. As she ate her toast on the kitchen table, she smiled. She was determined to have a good day. If not for her. For her fallen friend. Fluttershy soon got to work. She was the head of the fundraiser. She took on the role. And this time the money that was going to be gathered will be for none other than the reformation program to help more criminals become reformed. Especially those who were considered dangerous. She walked onto the large stage that was now built for the fundraiser. She picked up a clip board with her hoof and a pin in the other. She went over her checklist for the day. 1 set up for the arrival of the singers. 2 make sure that lights and audio were working. 3 set up curtains for the stage She smiled at it. For some reason, she did not know. She had a good feeling about today. Even if it was the anniversary of Discord's disappearance. She felt this stage. This is what Discord would have wanted. And it made her happy. Pinky jumped into the frame out of nowhere while pushing a giant speaker on a dolly. "Hay flutters. Where do you want the speakers?" Fluttershy pointed to the left of the stage. "Okie Doki." Pinky pushed the speaker, struggling to get the heavy thing to move. Fluttershy couldn't help but get lost in her memories of watching Pinky push the speaker. It was a few months ago. They all stood in the throne room of princess Twilight, as they always did once a moon. “Well, I'm happy to see that the diamond dogs have finally decided to join the friendship alliance." The princess said with a smile. "Yeah, I was surprised about that too," Spike replied, putting his two senses in. Spike was much taller. He now stood the same height as apple jack. That was twice the size he originally was. But the one who grew the most was Twilight due to her alicorn magic. She looked as if she was Celestia herself. "Ok, next order of business," AJ said, looking over the scroll. "Hay, it's Fluttershy's birthday coming up." The room all turned to Fluttershy. "So you gonna put on that fundraiser for the animal sanctuary?" AJ asked. "Oh, oh well, make it the best there is," Rainbow shouted. "What's the theme gonna be this time?" Fluttershy gave a small smile. "Oh, you know, the animal sanctuary has received some very large donations. I don't think ill need to fundraise for it this year. " "Oh uh ok." Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck as she remembered what happen the year before. "So then well just through a little party to…" Fluttershy's eyes grew in excitement. "This year I want to fundraise for the reformation program." At the sound of this, Twilight's expression softens into a motherly smile. "Let me guess, to honor the hero cop." The room fell silent at the mention of the hero cop. A look of sadness fell into Fluttershy's eyes. But her smile did not waver. "Yeah, I think it is, the best thing to do this year. "Uh, you sure about that, darling? Rarity spoke up. I mean, it's been almost a year and perhaps old memories can be…" "I don't want to forget him." Fluttershy interrupted rarity. "I know I need some closer two, but…" she paused for a long moment. "But maybe it would help if I just…" Twilight stood up from her throne. "Yes of course. And to do so well, help in any way we can." "Ok, but what's the theme gonna be?" Rainbow asked impatiently. Fluttershy stopped for a moment. She hadn't thought of that. "Oh, oh, I know. Pinky jumped up from the step she was sitting on. A concert of the top 3 singers in equestrian". Applejack nodded to the idea. "Yeah, it be nice to see Rara aging. Let's do it." Oh, oh and since it's for the reformation program. The number one donator of that program is none other than lucky chains." Spike jumped up with a gasp. "Lucky chains. You think we could get lucky chains? He's like the number one best singer. " "Umm, who's that?" Asked Rarity and Twilight simultaneously. "Right, right here in Equestria he's only in the top five but in other parts of the world, he's the number one." spike explained. "He's really popular with changelings and dragons." Pinky giggled. Yeah, and every song he puts out is another hit on one of the charts. He's really popular with the Kirin Two. I've been trying to book him forever, but he's always on tour, building funds for the reformation program. If we do this, there's no way he won't come." Pinky and Spike high-fived each other, laughing and smiling. “Ok, then it is settled.” the princess sat back down on her throne. "Well, have a concert. For the fundraiser.” Fluttershy shook the memory away. Tho, a question still lingered in her mind. She knew Rara. Rara was the number 1 singer in equestrians and in the top ten worldwide for most popular singers. The 2ed group would be Fluttershy and the pony tunes. After the loss of her dear friend, Fluttershy felt she could no longer hesitate and became one of the top singers in her spare time. Tho, she didn't have many songs. But she didn't know anything about Lucky Chains. Not his music or what he looks like. She began to ponder that. She walked over to pinky who finally got the speaker in place. "Hay pinky, do you know anything about Lucky Chains? Like what he looks like." Pinky shrugged." Unless you go to his concert, no one knows. All I know is that he's a tall guy. They say he's twice the height of a normal pony, and he came pretty much out of nowhere in terms of his music career. No one knows where he comes from." Pinky explained, trying to sound all mysterious. "Uh, thanks, Pinky." She said, unsatisfied with Pinky's answer. Just then, several royal guards entered the area. Behind them, spike walked with a scroll and feather pen in hand. To the right of him was the Alicon princess herself. A Kirin male who followed as an ambassador. And the Kirin queen. “ So glad you could make it two the concert. Your contributions will be a big help." Twilight told the queen. The queen nodded. Many of my people love Lucky Chain's music, so this will be fun for those who were able to come." She said with an emotionless tone. By her expression, it was clear she didn't want to be there. "Still..." she continued. "... This gives me a good chance to visit Pony vill. I never did get the opportunity to visit before now." She stopped just in front of a plaque that stood just under a tree. The plaque said in memory of hero cop. She stared at it as if puzzled by it. "This reformation program." She began aging. "2ed chances. It's something that we the Kirins do truly believe in. She turned back to Twilight. However, there are those who are too dangerous to be given such a chance. " Twilight nodded sadly. "Any results on the search for the top 3." The kirin asked. Twilight again shook her head. "We keep wanted posters fresh, but I think they disappeared along with the hero." Ha. the kirin queen gave a spiteful laugh. "Hero. Forgive me, but it was he who joined forces with them in the first place wasn't it?" Twilight eyes narrowed. Her eyebrows began to arch. "It was he who vanished with them. If you ask me, he probably is lurking in the shadows with those criminals just waiting to strike." Twilight heard enough, she opened her mouth to say something but was surprised that the voice she heard was not her own. “How dare you” Twilight turned her head over to see Fluttershy fuming with rage. "I don't know who you are, and I don't care. Don't ever talk about my friend that way. The kirn queen only moved her eye gaze to her but stood emotionless in every other way. "You must be Fluttershy the element of kindness." Fluttershy glared at the kirin queen. "My apologies for my rude tongue. Allow me to introduce myself. I am queen flair of the kirn lands. We kirin are more down to earth and nature than most." Her expression merged into one of understanding. Twilight eyes grew a bit surprised. It was the only emotion she saw on the queen's face all day. "I made my mistakes in the past two and was glad to be forgiven. But sometimes there are those that can't be." She shook her head. "I have kept my people on the highest of alerts for any sign of them. We kirin are not as ready as you pony folk. But we will protect our homes. If what you say is true, then." She rinsed for a moment as if she was in pain. But as she opened her eyes, the emotionless look returned. "Then good riddance. The world is safer without such danger." She then began to walk away, with her ambassador following. Fluttershy bit her lip in anger. Twilight walked over and wrapped her in her wing. "I know, I know. I'm sorry about that. " Fluttershy's expression changed right there. "Oh no. I mean, I didn't know she was the queen. Oh, god, if I said anything else to her, I could have started a war." Fluttershy moaned in annoyance at herself. "Na, it wasn't that bad," Twilight said bumping her friend. Besides, the friendship alliance prevents such actions. Fluttershy smiled and gave a little laugh, but Twilight could see in her eyes she didn't feel much better. "Hay I know. Why don't you and me, we get the girls and have a night on the town? Like the old days." Twilight said giving Fluttershy a little shake. “I'm in,” Pinky said, jumping in between them out of nowhere. Spike, you coming. She asked Sure. Just wish Rarity was here for it. She'll miss out on all the fun. “ Yeah, but Rarity will be here for the concert. She told me herself. Twilight answered him. "Well, what do you say flutters?" Pinky asked Fluttershy tilted her head in the defeat of her friends. “Ok ill join” Later on that night, the 6 friends all went around having fun, all dressed up in dresses. Except for Spike, who wore a little tuxedo. Twilight also wore a long jacket that hid her wings, so she wouldn't be noticed or recognized as the ruler of Equestria. Tonight she wasn't the princess. Tonight she was with her friends. They ate dinner, caught a movie and went dancing for a little while. Their last plan for the night was karaoke at sugar cube corner. Pinky every Saturday night held a karaoke party for anyone willing to come in and have fun. A sign sat in the window that read. Grab a milkshake or a cupcake, and sing to your heart's content. Fluttershy stared at the sign with a smile. As they listen to rainbow dash try to sing, I am just a pony. And doing it very badly. The others customers there were laughing along with Rainbow, who couldn't hold the note. Even so, everybody was having fun. "Ok, ok, you think you can sing this better, here's the mic. "Dash said, handing the mic over to Spike. Who continued the next line? "I make mistakes from time to time. And now I know the real me…" he was actually worse than Rainbow, and the crowd all laughed. The laughter was contagious, and Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle a little as well. But her smile wavered as she kept thinking about what the kirin queen had said about discord. After discord accidentally knocked her out. He was ordered to not use any magic like that aging. He then went after the pink pony, more determined than ever to catch her. When he got there tho, there was an explosion, most likely caused by the cloaked pony. They never found a body. After the explosion. Discord just disappeared. Was he still alive? And if so, why hasn't he come to see her then. She accepted months ago that he died and wasn't coming back. But could Discord really be alive and plotting something? Could he really turn evil, aging? Would he? Was she actually doubting him? Her best friend … her… "You alright?" Twilight asked her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Huh oh yes. I was just thinking of something, is all. " Twilight gave her a reassuring smile. "Well, then come on. "She said as she took Fluttershy's hoof. "It's your turn to sing karaoke." Fluttershy's eyes widened as she was pulled onto the mini-stage pinky pie constructed in the middle of sugar cube corner. "Ok, what do you want me to sing?" Fluttershy asked the crowd. "Oh, how about one of your new songs?" A griffin from the back said. It was none other than Gilda. Fluttershy smiled. "Ok". She stood there with her hair down, flowing over her shoulders. She took in a deep breath and let it out. She wore a sparkly red dress lined with green at the end of it. As if she put on a strawberry costume. She opened her eyes and nodded to pinky pie. With that nod, pinky pie pressed play on the karaoke machine. The music started and began to rise. As she began to sing. I'm waiting for you A little stage fright stopped her at first, but she shook it out of her head. I'm waiting for you. I stood and watch this time divided in two. I'm standing in place. Regret on my face. My broken heart, ACH for the day that won't change. The memories we had the feeling we had, no they won't stay like that. The crowd all enjoyed the sound of her voice and cheered her to keep going. The people you helped, the pain that you felt. I can't forgive myself for losing everything. I pray that the smile on your face will always stay. All your hopes and dreams you had that day won't change. Ok, guys now it's time for me to show up. There I was walking down the road. Dressed in my black trench coat and hat. The sound of my chains rattled as I moved. They were hidden under my coat. I wore sunglasses and a gold feminine chain with a butterfly locket around my neck, and a black beard with some white hairs unfortunately showing. Following me were none other than the chain links. They were changelings. They stood all in their pony forms. We were just walking through town sightseeing When my ears perked up at the sound of her voice. But not just yet because there's something that we never said Come on girls. Let's grab a milkshake. I said and gestured them over to the location of the sound. “Sure why not” a changeling disguised as a purple earth pony replied. So I entered the room. Some onlookers were a bit taken aback by my apernece. I was the tallest pony in the room as always. Me and my four companions all sat around one table in the back. I couldn't help but tap my foot to the beat of the music. There was a moment, there was a time when emotions we helped kept our hearts connected. The one time I shared, the one time I cared it vanished so fast like it wasn't even there A waiter came by and took our order. Two vanilla one strawberry one chocolate and an Oreo, I told him. I didn't even realize I was now bumping my head to the music and the song. Enjoying yourself. The purple one said. I chuckled at that as I leaned back in my chair and let the sound of her voice Pearce my ears. The thoughts that we had, the feeling we had. The way there were then, no they didn't stay like that. I yell, and I shout I scream and cry out. No matter what I do I can't seem to save you. Tho the song seemed sad, the music had an upbeat track to it, and she sang with a smile on her face. I pray that the smile on your face will always stay. All your hopes and dreams you had that day won't change. But not just yet because there's something that we never said. Sometimes past and the whiter brought are milkshakes. The whiter was none other than Mr cake. I'm standing right here. Your standing right there, I hoped we meet aging, but I never knew where. I hear a small noise. I hear a small voice, I step forward and run towards you calling out to me. Cause who else could beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? She helped the note perfectly. As she finished the song. I pray that the smile on your face will always stay. All your hopes and dreams you had that day won't change. But not just yet because there's something that we never said. As the song ended, the crowd all clapped for Fluttershy. I could feel the grin on my lips as I watched her smile back and wave to them, giving a little nervous laughter here and there. I was in a word proud of her. Proud to see her have the guts to get up on stage for once. “Ok, Fluttershy who's next to sing? You got to choose now.” Pinky Pie cheated, “Oh uh. “ Fluttershy looked around. Suddenly her eyes saw me. The tall shadow in the back. “You,” she said and pointed at me. I waved my hoof. “Na, I'm just here for the drinks,” I called back. Pinky jumped up on the stage as Fluttershy got down. “Everyone here has to take up the challenge if you're at a karaoke party.” Come on. Come on. The crowd and pinky pie chanted. I chuckled at that. "What Do you think? I asked my little party. Want to have some fun?" They nodded. All but the red pony with purple hair. She just frowned and shrugged. That was always her way of saying let's do it. So we all got up and headed to the stage. Ok, ill leave you all wanting more for the next chapter. Chapter 6 Want to be your HERO > chapter 6 want to be your HERO > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you want to sing?" Asked the excited pink mare. The tall gray pony stopped just before he stepped on stage. "Hmm. How about. Villains and heroes." He said with a sly grin. "By lucky chains." Pinky gasped. The stranger nodded. Pinky nodded and taped a few buttons on the karaoke machine. "That's a real tuff song to sing." She teased. "Hope you don't mind laughter when you can't sing it." Pinky winked. The gray pony just chuckled. Suddenly the rousing sound of a medal guitar could be heard. From the speaker. The tall gray pony flung out his arms. And the girls took off his jacket, revealing his chains. A long black chain stretched across his back, circling his entire body. Two large black cuffs sat on his hooves. The crowed eyes widen. Some mouths dropped at the realization of who he was. The gray pony took the mike and shouted in it. CHAOS!!! Three, two one, kill shot I'm here for fun, I'm number one… One snap that's it I always win A green flame envelope the ponies. When the fire was out they still stood in their pony forms but now had butterfly wings. As they started to dance, becoming backup dancers. They spread across the room, inviting others to join in the dance. They all started banging their heads and tapping to the music as the song filled their ears. Power, feel the power, last limit counting three two one, villain- As the word villain struck their ears, everyone including Fluttershy couldn't help but feel an odd sensation. As if the music that struck their ears demanded them to dance. They felt like they were being taken control of. The strange part is no one seam to mind as their bodies moved agents their own will. -Don't want to hear you calling out my name, I'm not here for fortune or fame, villain, instead, I wish no one knew my name. A backup singer and dancer yelled out. No one knows who he is. Fluttershy couldn't help but dance along with everyone else. Somehow, she danced in perfect sink along with everyone else. She turned to Spike, who was just loving every moment of it. She moved her head to Rainbow who spun around, catching herself midair while being taken over by the same music she was. Fluttershy smiled at the happy faces surrounding her. Lucky chains gripped the microphone tighter. My past is haunting me and covering the sky, but I won't turn my back tonight. Hero. Ill stay until I'm worthy of your kindness someday. Unleash my power, hero. Three two one fight back. Press on prepare, fight fair and square. A few griffins and changelings who were walking past heard the music sore from inside the little shop. "What's going on?" Someone asked. "I don't know, but I feel like dancing." Said a Griffin. Soon a small crowd of people gathered just outside of sugar cube corner, rocking out to the music. Let justice last, no questions asked. Give your heart to cut through your own dark and win. Power, feel my power. Adrenaline is flowing through my brain!!! With every moment I feel I'm going to go insane!!! Villain, this, this heart… Lucky Chains tapped his hoof on his chest. started out a stone, I once was weak but now I've grown. Evil, I know that the darks within, is my greatest foe. Push on, the mortal villain I use to be has died. Because you're in my arms tonight. Hero, I stay till I'm worthy of your kindness someday. Unleash my power, hero…. The beat of the music was contagious. It threatens to take over the entire town it seemed as more and more creatures and ponies joined in the celebration, all somehow dancing in sink, tho no one had ever danced these moves before. Fluttershy turned to see Twilight who was always terrible at dancing, moving and grooving to the music as best she could. The sight of her made Fluttershy laugh harder. It almost seemed like a dream. And she felt happy. It was the happiest she felt since the day Discord died. Suddenly it hit her. The feeling tugged at her heart. She looked and saw the many smiling faces but could not see the one she wished she could every day. She heard the laughing and the parting but couldn't hear his. A threat of a tear started to build up in her eyes. When suddenly she felt something touch her shoulder. Strange she thought. It was as if She felt his presence. She turned around to see who was touching her shoulder. She hoped it was discord but gained a new surprise. Lucky chains stood by her. She didn't notice he left the little makeshift stage up front to dance and sing along with the crowd. He looked at her with a friendly toothy smirk. Somehow the smile seemed familiar to her. He took his hoof off her shoulder and turned back to the crowd, raising his hoof in the air to get everyone to dance and have fun as he continued the song. Unbreakable, unyielding draw the future in my mind. No matter what the cost at any day or any time. I'll be your hero day or night soaring through the sky!!!! He spun around, catching Fluttershy by his chains and spinning her with him until he caught her in his hoofs. Her face began to blush, but she couldn't fight back the fun she was having. He let her go and ran his hoof against his guitar, playing his signature note. Villains don't want to hear you calling out my name, I'm not here for fortune or fame. Hero, instead I'm glad no one knows my name. He turned his back to Fluttershy as he sang the last bit of the song. Push on, the mortal villain I use to be has died. Because you're in my arms tonight. He looked at her over his shoulder. She was dancing, waving her hooves in the air as she shook back and forth, happy as can be. Hero ill stay… He looked away from her and walked back to the little makeshift stage he came from. … until I'm worthy of your kindness someday. Unleash my power hero. I want to be your hero!!! He yelled out, ending the song. Spike jumped for joy. “ Yeah!!!” he ran up to lucky chains.“Hay, I was wondering if I can get an autograph.” Lucky Chains turned around to the dragon. “Nope.” Spike's excited face dropped to shock and sadness. Seeing this, Fluttershy grits her teeth. She couldn't help but let her anger fill her, seeing her friend sad. "Um, excuse me” She walked up to him. "Spike here is probably your biggest fan. Why not? It's just an autograph." Lucky Chains smiled. “Sorry, but I don't sign anything. “He said holding up his hoof. "If I give him an autograph, I have to give everyone, one. And I can't stay here all night. Not even for you, Spike.” Spike's frown changed drastically. He gasped. "You know, know me." He squealed. "Yep and man have you grown?" Lucky chains shove his hoof onto spike's skull. “You used to be such a little squirt back then.” He let go of him. Spike was confused but happy nonetheless. Fluttershy tilted her head in confusion. Lucky Chains chuckled at that. "I used to live here. Of course, I know the hero six." He gave a slight bow towards the purple unicorn. “Princess Twilight. Hiding your wings, I see. Twilight only nodded, a bit, confused by that. “The party pony herself, pinky pie.” Pinky chuckled. “Rainbow, the wonder bolt of loyalty." He said as put his arm around Rainbow who was sitting midair. Rainbow smiled in confusion and was a little surprised at how tall lucky chains was. She floated her height off the ground, yet he still was able to reach her. Lucky Chains looked around. “And of course the best singer in town, the element of kindness herself." He dropped his glasses a little just to show he was giving Fluttershy a wink. Fluttershy smiled at the gesture, but she still was a little mad at Lucky for not giving Spike his autograph. “ Um hold on, I know everybody in Pony vill. And I mean every creature alive. I don't remember you.” pinky pie replied as she pulled up a list of names and birthdays out of nowhere. “Oh, but you do. Tho, I'm glad you don't remember me. For one thing, I wasn't the nicest pony around. For another, we weren't exactly close, either. "What's up with the chains.” twilight asked as she looked at his hoofs. “Part of the gimmick.” he shrugged as the sound of the metal chains shook with his movements. “ Now I don't see Rarity,” he said as he looked around. “Oh, she's busy” Spike spoke up. “She'll be here for the big fundraiser, I'm sure. But she has a lot of work to do in the Dragon lands. " “Making dresses for dragons, huh? Did you and here ever tie the not or what?” Spike's face turned a little red from the embarrassment. Um, how do you know that? I mean, that wasn't public knowledge." "If it wasn't how do I know it"? Lucky Chains smirked. "Um, well no. kinda a distant relationship thing. Never had time for one another, so we remained friends." Spike visibly shrunk a bit with embarrassment. "Ah, sorry to hear that Spike," he chuckled. "Tell me, does she still hold the title of ogres and oubliettes ? I can't believe she won that. I wasn't their last competition. Due to work, you see." One of the changeling dancers walked over two him and helped him put on his jacket. She took the form of a red Pegasus with purple hair. Except her wings were that of a butterflies. Sparkly and purple as well. "Wait, you play o and o Mr lucky," Spike asked. "Please spike. L.C. and yeah, it used to be one of my fav games. Tho, it's been a year or so since I played it. Been too busy with work." The changeling then fixed his hat and set her head against his shoulder. "GET OFF ME! "He yelled. The Sudan shift in his tone took the others by surprise. Realizing this, he quickly calmed down and smiled friendly." Sorry. Let me introduce you to Crystal. She's the lead dancer of the chain links." Lucky Chains laughed. "Chain links get it. Ha. they're all changeling dancers. A bunch of flirts if you ask me. And I hate it when they get touchy. He said, throwing grit teeth toward Crystal." Crystal crossed her arms. Still in her pony form. "Uh hi. Rainbow Dash said trying to lend a hoof. Crystal rolled her eyes and walked away. The other 3 dancers walked over. “Ahh don't mind her, she's always been a pain to deal with. I'm buggy, nice to meet you.” Buggy took Rainbow's hoof and shook it. This is caterpillar. Buggy said as she gestured to the shorter changing on her left. "Hi," she said and waved. She was a dark purple with neon green hair and neon green butterfly wings at the time. "And this is". She gestured to the one on her right. "Embarrassing. I'm a guy. Names drak." He said with a rather deep voice. It was quite different from his appearance. And did not match. He had red butterfly wings and was a blue pony with white and red hair. "Oh, you look great." Lucky Chains chuckled, "The wings really suit you. Hahahahaha." "You're just lucky I need the job, L.C." "Ok, ok." L.C. waved his hoof at them. "Well, see ya all at the fundraiser at the end of the week. Our trailers are parked near the main stage if you need us. You know we really should do this aging were in town all week. We should catch up sometime". Lucky Chains said as he headed out the door. The others followed him out. The crowd of ponies and creatures all stepped aside, letting him walk through as if he was royalty. "And with that my dear reader, you've met me lucky chains. All I can say is it was a great entrance. Even if I do say so myself. And best part is as I left, I caught a glimpse of Fluttershy staring at me as I left the building. Boy, where this is gonna go? You'll just have to wait and see." > Chapter 7 cherry rehearsal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the next day after lucky chains first came to town. Pinky and Fluttershy were working on the stage. Setting up instruments for the bands. DJ pon 3 was working on the sound bar, trying to keep Pinky Pie from pressing buttons. "Well, at least lucky chains seems nice," Pinky said cheerfully. Fluttershy agreed with a "mmmhmm." She keep looking at her list and checking off as she went. "Tho I didn't expect him to be that tall. He doesn't look like that on the posters." Pinky pulled up one of the posters for the fundraiser. Fluttershy took a moment to glance at it. The poster had a gray pony in a black hat with shackles and chains hanging from his wrist. Tho, it was in most shadow. The only thing in a color besides the words (lucky chains singing at the fundraiser live in person) was a red eye. She glanced back to her clip, board and checked off another box after hearing DJ vinyl scratch play a few notes using her disk. She then thought back to last night when she first met lucky chains. Tho he tipped his glasses to show he was winking at her, she did not see the color of his eyes. Were they as red as they were on the poster? And who was the other pony who was sitting with him? The one who didn't get up and dance? Just then, spike climbed the stairs with a box full of microphone equipment. He struggled caring it. "Uh, here Fluttershy." He struggled to say as he began panting. Pinky jumped over to him and picked up the box with ease. "Thanks, spiky." Spike's eyes widen as pinky trailed off with it in one hoof as if it weighed nothing. He stood there dumbfounded for a moment till Rainbow noticed him. "Are you alright down there?" She asked as she finished tying up the curtains that separated the front from the backstage. "I'm fine. " Spike nodded. "Except my pride." He muttered as he looked at his scrawny arms. While he was taller, he wasn't much stronger. Rainbow chuckled at the sight. "Well…" she flew down to the others. "...curtains up, I'm gonna go see if Rarities train has arrived. You coming." She asked with a sly grin, Fluttershy lift her head up to see what Spike would do. "Uh-huh. I got a lot of work here, so." He smiled nervously. Rainbow shrugged. They all got back to work quietly, including Fluttershy, who only gave a wary smile and a tiny laugh. She shook her head to herself as she continued to check things off her list alongside Vinal. A few minutes later, spikes were working on setting up the torches around the stage. Fluttershy looked at her list. Torches test was not checked off. Fluttershy walked over to Spike. "Ok, spike, be careful with the fire magic that's in those barrels," she said nervously as Spike connected it to the canon. "Ahahah you do realize you're talking to a dragon right? I know how to deal with fire magic. Besides these torches, the show will be awesome. Imagine the flames shooting out of the stage mid-song." He said excitingly. Fluttershy only smiled nervously at that. "Ok, then. Torches test." Spike hit a button and the torches lit fire 5 feet off the stage. Fluttershy jumped and hid herself behind Spike at the sight of the fire. Spike turned it off with a chuckle. "Uh, ok, torches work," she said as she calmed down and checked it off her list. "By the way, have you seen lucky chains anywhere? I want to see if he's willing to hang out… you know, since he apparently knows us. Be cool to get to know him." Fluttershy shook her head. "But he's trailers just over there. I'm almost done with my list for the day, why don't we go ask him?" Spike nodded to that and began to walk away. "Uhh, Spike." Spike turned to her. "By the way. Just some advice." Altho Fluttershy smiled, her eyes had a look of sorrow in them. "Take it from someone who lost their chance. Talk to Rarity ok. Life is too short not to be with your friends..." she looked away as she uttered the last words. "...or loved ones." Spike looked away from her as he stared at his feet. "I miss him too ya know. We all do." He said back to her and continued on his path. After another hour of work, Fluttershy and Spike headed down towards the camp sight behind the stage, where all the trailers were for the singers. Raras was first. She had one large trailer right in front. Rara and apple jack were catching up on things. You could see them smiling and laughing in the distance. They walked right past it and headed to the three behind them. As they approached the first trailer, spike and Fluttershy heard whimpers and sniffles. "Is someone crying?" Asked spike. Fluttershy looked around the corner of the trailer. They sat in a grayish trench coat and a hat two match was a pony huddled. "Umm, hello," Spike called out to her as he approached. She lifted her head. In her hoof was a tissue. "Oh umm." She quickly stood up. Wiped her tears away and put on a fake smile. Lifting her head, you could see she was a dull pink pony with straight hair. "Uhh, why are you crying?" Fluttershy asked concerned, "Oh, it's nothing, it's just." The pink pony waved her hoof around. She stood up and was almost as tall as lucky chains. Except it was clear from her boots she was wearing stilts. A fake beard hanging off the edge of the side of her face slipped off. A small jingling sound could be heard from her. "You want to talk about it," spike asked as he took another step towards her. "It's just. Ha. my. Well," she stopped for a moment ad thought. "My dad, sort of. He's not really my dad. He just took me in, you see. He's dreadfully sick." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." "Oh, don't worry. I'm sure he'll be." She trailed off. "Anyway, can I help you? No one is supposed to be near back here." "Oh, I'm Fluttershy and this is Spike. Hay aren't you the pony from last night who…" "Oh yeah, I was there last night. Sorry, I didn't sing. LC. is a much better singer…" "You didn't even come to say hello, tho," Spike replied. Ignoring his comment, she continued. "So you're the one hosting the fundraiser, of course. The pink pony took Fluttershy's hoof and shook it. I'm Cherry. I'm Lucky Chain's manager and top assistant. And you must be Spike. Right..." She said as she took her hoof from Fluttershy and handed it out to the little dragon. Spike nodded as Fluttershy gave a small smile. "We were hoping we could chat with him aging. Maybe even hang out. That is, if he's not busy." "Oh, oh sure, sure. He's in the dancer's trailer, ill take you right to him." They walked over to the largest of the three trailers. "Why so many trailers?" Fluttershy asked. "Oh, that one we just left is his personal trailer. The other two are for the dancer's band and road crew." Cherry knocked on a door. You could hear some music being played inside. The trailer door opened up and a kirin male looked down at the three of them. "Oh, hay Cherry, what's up"? The kirin said. His voice was a lot deeper than you expect. "This is Fluttershy the fundraiser director, she wants to chat with LC" He looked at them Cherry turned around at them. "Guys this is Blaze, he's the backup guitarist of the band." " Come on in, we're just rehearsing a bit. Blaze said with a smile." As Fluttershy and Spike walked into the trailer. The scene they found themselves in looked like something out of a club. A light pink pony played some tunes on her electric key, board. A tall figure cloaked in black played the drums. Blaze picked up his guitar. And picked up where he left off. As for lucky chances. He sat in the back. 2 of the changeling girls with him, watching the 2 others dancers carefully. With his hat black cloak and the atmosphere of the room, he looked like a mob boss. One arm was around one of the girls, the other he had a drink in his hoof. His irises were a deep red. Almost the color of blood. Fluttershy saw them only for a moment, as soon as he noticed them walking into the room he set down his drink and grabbed his sunglasses. "Hay what's up, he called out to them." "Uh, what's going on in here?" Spike asked, looking around. "Oh, nothing, just a little rehearsal. None of us are actually serious, tho we are just hanging. You two get back up there." He told the two girls. They got up and started dancing in sink with the music. All except one. Lucky Chains waved his hoof for Fluttershy and Spike to come join him on the couch in the back now that there were free seats. Cherry joined them. "So, have you met everybody yet? You remember the chain links." The chain links continued to dance. They still stood in their pony forms, despite being changelings. "That's my band. Blaze on the guitar, dozy on the keyboard and Beast on the drums. We call him beast, 'cause he's a beast on the drums." Beast was obviously a centaur. He gave a loud and deep chuckle at L.C.'s comments. In a high-pitched voice that sounded like it could get annoying very quickly, dozy called out. "Ha, I'm like 90 percent of this band. All they do is bang a drum and string a guitar". "Oh yeah, then you try drumming," Beast told her. LC chuckled. "Ok, knock it off, you two. And you met my assistant." LC scratched Cherry's head as she sat down. "Hay, stop messing up my hair." She complained but had no anger in her voice. His smile only grew wider. For some reason, Fluttershy's heart sank when she saw that. That type of playful action was always done by her best friend. The scene reminded her of it too much, and she could feel her smile slip away. "So you said you wanted to catch up sometime," Spike began. LC turned to him, still with a smile. "I thought maybe we could hang out." LC nodded." Of course, you can hang with us. We're not doing much." LC turned his attention back to the dancers. He laughed harder." So Spike, can you tell me what's wrong with this scene?" Spike looked at the dancers. "Umm. All but one is in sink." LC nodded as he tried to hold in his laughter. "Oh yeah, then you try it. The dance moves are too hard." The very feminine pony yelled in a male voice. "Calm down Drak you'll get the number before the end of the week," LC muttered, still trying to hold in his laughter. "I have the number it's the stupid dance," Drak complained. The girls stopped dancing. "Oh, come on, you just got to put your hips into it. It's not that hard." LC told him as he leaned back into the chair, letting his arms go around both Fluttershy and Cherry. Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable with this as a slight unwanted blush struck her muzzle. "If it's so easy, you do it." He pointed his hoof at him. "Ok fine." He said, laughing as he got up... As he stood, you could hear the rattling of chains. Charry stood up and pulled off his jacket in a swift motion, setting it on the chair where he once sat. With the jacket gone, it revealed LC black chains that were locked around his wrist. He walked over to Drak. "Ok, the dance moves are simple, remember I'm the one who co-choreographed them in the first place." With one step he said, "It's simple. It's 1, 2 3 left turns. Spin up onto two hoofs, Unless you're on the right. Then its right turn spins up to two hoofs 456 and push the air. All you got to do is put your hips into it now watch." He instantly caught the beat of the music and jumped into it. As he moved, his hips were perfectly in sink with the music. One of the changelings jumped in, and soon the two danced in sank together. "See, it's not that bad." "Ok, ok." Drak rolled his eyes. LC stood and watched him as he crossed his arms. "That's it, that's it." He joined him. Soon the two were dancing in perfect sink to the beat of the music. "What you think Crystal?" LC asked. Crystal tilted her head to the side, upwards. With a smile, she said, "I think I'm watching two grown colts try two dance like they're girls." Fluttershy and Spike laughed at that, as drak slapped his own face with a regretful moan. "Hay put me in a dress and some make up, I bet you I could pass for a girl better than Drak. And he's the changeling." LC said as he took a few steps over to and grabbed his drink, slurping up the last of it. Drak just shook his head at the comment. "Hay flutters is there a vending machine over at the stage?" Fluttershy head turned to him, a bit surprised to be addressed. "Oh yes, there is." " Good, you mind showing me?" He asked. Fluttershy stood up and nodded nervously. "Want me to come with?" Asked spike. "Naa well be back in a minute. Hay everyone writes down what you want me and Fluttershy will be back in a sec." LC said nonchalantly as he ripped a piece of paper out of a notebook that was sitting on the counter. After the paper and feather were passed around and handed to Fluttershy, the two set off. LC looked around the area as they headed their way. "Uhh so." Fluttershy began. LC stopped. "Wow," he said as he took in a deep breathtaking in the salary of the little city. "What." "Oh, nothing. It's just." He chuckled. "This place. It used to be a little town. A little countryside town, hell, a village even. By the time I left, I knew the place was growing, but this..." He paused as he shook his head. "This is unrecognizable to me. And yet so familiar in so many ways." Fluttershy nodded. She now remembered he did say he used to live around here. "There." He pointed. "There used to be the market streets. And that road. Does it still lead to Apple jacks? Or do you have to take a new route?" Fluttershy held in a laugh. "Oh, what's so funny? Please tell me they didn't get rid of the farm." "Oh no, it's run by big mac now. AJ has too much work to do as head of the police station. " "And does Rainbow still live in Pony vill? Her house used to float not too far north of here." "Heh, it's now floated to the south. She does live on a cloud after all. She has to anchor it better." LC smiled. "And then the sanctuary. Still running well, I hope." Fluttershy gave a nod. "I guess those donations I sent really help then." Flutter's eyes widen at that. "You, you send those donations." "Oh yeah, and not just to your sanctuary. We send them to the apple farm to rarities stores and well every other small-time business we can in Pony vill". Suddenly, a new voice entered the conversation. "Tho most of the cash goes to the school, of course." Fluttershy and LC turned to see none other than Film and Flam behind them. "Flim, flam!" Fluttershy yelled their names with shock and worry. "Ahh, they're with me." LC shrugged. "What's up, boys?" He reached out a hoof to hoof bump the two brothers, but Fluttershy grabbed it. "You don't want to trust these two. Whatever they are up to, it's always no good. They used to trick me and my friends all the time." Flim and Flam chuckled joyfully. "Ahh, that we did that we did." The two said simultaneously. "I'm Flim he's Flam were the worldwide famous brothers." They began to sing. "And we apologize for the trouble we closed in the past." Flimspoak as Flam tipped his hat. "Yes, to make it up, we give all funds we can muster to ponyvill and any other charity we can." Fluttershy eyed them carefully as she tilted her head in confusion. LC chuckled at the sight. "These two are my profit managers. They handle all the money. And yes, some of it they do use for their little park. I play at it from time to time. But…" "But were reformed." The two said in unison. "And not only that." Flam began. "It's all thanks to l.c. here." Flim ended. "Welp got to run, were hand-delivering this." Flim moved to the left to show he had a rather large bag of bits on his waist. "Over to friendship school itself." Fluttershy didn't know what to say. She only stared at the two as they waved by and headed out. Once they were far enough in the distance away, LC and Fluttershy continued to the vending machine. "Umm reformed?" She asked still with a dazed look in her eye as if she couldn't believe what she just saw. "Yeah, thing is, every one of us is reformed." Fluttershy's eyes widened further. "My band members. My dancers, all the show works I have under me. Why even Cherry, my assistant? Were all reformed." He said as he gave a sly grin. "All of you", she whispered in amazement. "Yep, I gave them all jobs. Anyone I come across who I think I can rely on after meeting them in the reformation program, I give one chance." LC walked ahead of her. "Granted, for many of them it's their last chance." LC looked over his shoulder back at her. "Look to your left. See that guy eating a sandwich." Fluttershy looked over and saw a griffin eating a sandwich. "That's dexter. He's in charge of our instruments and vocals. He's also somewhat of a bodyguard, acting as security when things get too exciting. Tho it nearly never happens since no one ever recognizes me, thank god. Dexter was arrested for fighting in the streets of Main Hatten. He used to be one of the toughest to deal with. " Fluttershy nodded. "And you see that mentor over there. That's tore he used to steal little old ladies' purses in canterlot of all places. Now he's my chef. All of them reformed…" "And... and why do you work with them." "I gave them a chance. Just like me. Just like someone gave me a chance. " Fluttershy only nodded, listing to his stories. "And you. Wha… what did you do." She stuttered LC turned around and faced her. "Let's just say I'm glad no one remembers me. I wasn't always the nicest of ponies in ponyvill. And leave it at that." LC smiled with a somewhat nervous chuckle. It reminded her of her dear fallen friend, but she chose not to pry any further on the subject. Once they had what they came for, the two started heading back. "Well, I'm glad you and everyone are happy, at least. Almost everyone." "Huh, what do you mean almost?" "Oh, it's just that your assistant. Her dad or not dad but father figure is sick, apparently. We found her crying. I'm glad she seems cheered up." "Cherry's father figure." He said confused. "Oh, you didn't know." "She hadn't told me." Lucky Chains narrowed his eyes. "Well, I should do something to cheer her up." "Oh, what do you plan to do? Asked Fluttershy. LC grins slightly. "When will the stage be ready for rehearsals?" "Tomorrow. My team was just putting together the last touches." "Perfect. Come on. And not a word to anyone about Cherry's father. She didn't tell me or any of the crew, so it's obvious she doesn't want many to know about it." Fluttershy nodded and followed them back. Ahh and that my dear reader is the begging. I was just hoping to show her the good I've done. She eventually convinces l.c. to autograph a poster for Spike. Oh, and if you're wondering what happened to the villain's discord was chasing. Stay tuned, the story's not over yet. The next day the stage was finally set with all the instruments and everything ready to go. It was finally time for rehearsals. Each band had a few hours of rehearsal watch day until the concert coming up very soon. I asked Fluttershy if my band could be the first. Just wait till you see this. Alright, ill stop breaking the fourth wall. Let's just let this play out a bit, shall we? It was just after noon. Fluttershy just finished her singing rehearsal and sat down to eat lunch in the empty audience seats along with her friends. "I can't wait to watch lucky chains rehearsal," Spike said a bit too eagerly. "Yeah, should be tons of fun". Pinky chipped in, "And the best time to do it..." Applejack mid-sentence took a big bite out of a sandwich. "… during lunch." "Shh, it's staring," said Spike. LC's whole band got into place LC walked out from behind the curtains, Cherry alongside him. She looked over him, making sure he was looking his best. She had a headset on and talked into its little mic. Alright, we're good to go. What song are you singing? Cherry asked LC. "Oh, that's the surprise. I'm not singing." LC chuckled. Everyone looked at LC in confusion. "At least not alone. Not for this song. Hit it." LC called out and the music started up. At the sound of it, Cherry's eyes widen. Oh, you're not serious. "Yes, yes I am. You wrote the song, you're going to help me sing it." "But, but. "It's just rehearsal. Are you going to stand there or are you gonna sing?" He shrugged. She grits her teeth." I hate singing and dancing, you know that." LC chuckled, no you don't. "You just think that because of your mother." Cherry's mouth dropped, and anger filled her eyes. "Stop the music for a sec," LC called out. And the music halted. LC whispered something in her ear. Making cherry freeze in place. Her expression fell. She sighed. And took a step forward. "do this for your father figure" He then chuckled "Take it from the top," LC said as he walked a little away from her keeping his back turned to Cherry. The music kicked in. and Cherry began singing as she stomped her left foot forward. If everyone's not special, then maybe you can be what you want to be. Searching for the answers you... LC sang into a hand mic he had as he quickly spun around, turning to her. You will find them all in time…. The band then started counting. 1%,2%,3%,4%,5%,6%,7%,8%,9%,10%… By the word ten, the two of them started dancing in sink. 11%,12%,13%,14%,15%,16%,17%,18%,19%,20%… 21%,22%,23%,24%,25%… Looking for trouble so let's pump it up… cherry sang as both her and Lucky Chains both did backflips landing perfectly in sink and doing the moonwalk back to back until they reach other, 26%,27%,28%,29%,30%… Searching inside yourself for your true power. LC sang as he bumped into her. 31%,32%,33%,34%,35%… The two spun around and took each other by hoof. Asking for too much… find a family As the song continued, the two really getting into the crazy antics of the music. And not just them. The whole gain couldn't contain their excitement. It was as if the music took control of their bodies. They began to dance against their will. yet didn't seem to fight it as they all cheered and laughed, food dripping out of their mouths. They definitely couldn't finish their lunch. It was as if they were being magically controlled. 36%,37%,38%,39%,40%… A salty splash of youthful days. The band started to shout Chaos, chaos What do you want? chaos Why do you want? Chaus chaus Who do you want? Chaos chaos moves to the chaos. To everyone's surprise, LC used his chin to jump up and pull himself onto the top f the stage. Cherry, not wanting to be outdone jumped from pole to pole until she reached his height. They then sang and danced in unison. If everyone is not special Maybe you can be what you want to be I know that you will suffer through the joy and pain Your life is yours so live watch day. But if you are no different, then that's ok. You'll find your answer in time. 41%,42%,43%,44%,45%,46%,47%,48%,49%,50%… 51%,52%,53%,54%,55%,56%,57%,58%,59%,60%… 61%,62%,63%,64%,65%… Magic friends … and rainbow beams! LC sang, 66%,67%,68%,69%,70%… Social struggling power rush. Replied cherry 71%,72%,73%,74%,75%… Loss of confidence… any way, LC continued. 76%,77%,78%,79%,80%… What is love and friendship anyway!!!! Cherry held the high note for as long as she could as lucky chains nodded with a grin. Chaos chaos Where do you go? chaos? chaos do you go? Chaos chaos How do you go? Love? Love? Just like chaos? Still in perfect sink, the two ran up the poles and did a backflip as they both grabbed brooms that were left on the side of the stage. They began to swing at each other in perfect sink continuing to fight as they sang. LC continued the song with… If everyone is so special Maybe you can’t be what you want to be Even if you try to show your true nature… Your life is yours, so live each day. Do you need to be special to feel ok? Searching for the answer, I will find them all in time. LC grabbed his guitar but didn't play it, he handed it to her as he step back. Cherry did an awesome guitar solo before finishing the song. Cherry cherry Whatever you want! Cherry cherry! Whenever you want! Cherry cherry Wherever you want! Move! Move! Just like Cherry! If I can see I'm not all alone The answers I might one day know I know I will suffer through my own hatred… My life is mine, so I'll live each day. I won't run any more from my mistakes. … i If everyone is special then maybe I can find what I want to be You can be what I want to be I know I will suffer through the pain and hate. My life is mine, so I live watch day. And if I'm no different then that's ok Searching for the answers I will find them all in time. The band ended the song counting up to 99 81%,82%,83%,84%,85%,86%,87%,88%,89%,90%… 91%,92%,93%,94%,95%,96%,97%,98%,99%… L.C.'s laughter could be heard threw out the area. "I hate you," Cherry said with a smile. "Everyone gather in. I got some good news. While most of the show will be played by me, I plan to unveil my successor. Give it up for Cherry." They all clapped. "This was your plan from the beginning, wasn't it?" Cherry grinned. LC just nodded. "I don't plan to end my career any time soon. But I do hope to start yours. And not just yours. LC turned to the others. Blaze you and I will be performing our song together as well. And same with you, Crystal." Crystal's mouth dropped open. "The three of you will be singing with me to get your names out there. But I plan for the three of you to become solo artists. Out of all my band members. You three…" LC pulled out a small vile of some purple liquid. "Have what it takes," she said as he drank the vile. "Rehearsal will now no longer be me alone. The only song I'm singing by myself is the new one." "But, but," Blaze mumbled. "Sir, the crowd came to see you, not you and some nobody. And besides. I…. I can't. Not with." "Leave the past in the past, blaze. If anything, this could be your chance to show not only your people but your mother how much you've changed for the better." Blaze glared at him but said nothing. A sly smile spread across lucky chains' faces. Fluttershy noticed it and couldn't help but feel it was somehow recognizable. But she chose to ignore it. This will be fun. Don't you agree, dear reader... > Chapter 8 special some ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few rehearsal days, LC practiced every few hours with one of the three he called his successors. Whenever someone asked him about his new song and when he plans to rehearse it, he told them don't worry about it, I got it covered. But this story isn't just about LC. Cherry and Fluttershy, oh no. it's about Spike. Spike woke up in the old crystal castle. Somehow it gave him a feeling of nostalgia being there. Now the castle was more of a summer house for Twilight and him. Mostly it was Starlight's home now. Spike scratched at his muzzle as he headed down the hall to get something to eat when two hoofs were thrown around him. "Spikey." Shouted a white mare with purple hair. Spike froze a little, not knowing what to say or do. Rarity. He nervously chuckled. "Oh, my Spikey it's been so long I missed my dragon." She said with a wink. "Do me a favor darling and take this bag over to Fluttershy's dressing room will you? I can't wait to hear her sing." "Uh sure." "Then after that, you and I can catch up for lunch. A date with your mare friend should brighten you right up." "My uh. My mare friend, right?" He muttered to himself in almost a dreamy state. He had a crush on her since they first met. While she was a bit older than him, the two got along great together. "Yes, and after all these past months I finally have some time to see you." She smiled. Spike grinned nervously and gave her a quick hug before he left, taking the dress with him. As he walked, he scolded himself for his actions back there. "Are you kidding me, what was that? Your girlfriend you haven't seen in months shows up finally, and you ditch her. What the heck?" He slapped his forehead. Suddenly he tripped and fell only to be stopped by a hoof holding him up. "Oh sorry, spike. But I'm glad I caught you when I did, you would have fallen right into the river if I did. Oh, is that Fluttershy dress? Good things are going according to plan then." "Uh yeah, Cherry." Spike couldn't help but notice how similar, cherry seemed familiar to him somehow. And not just because he met her. But the way, she was in the perfect spot to stop him from falling and running the dress. It almost seems like she knew he was there. He thought it odd but shrugged it off. Pinky did similar things all the time. Guess she's not the only one, he told himself. Come to think of it, Cherry looked like Pinky whenever she went Pinkameana mode. "Fluttershy just finished rehearsal I'm sure she'll be ready for dress rehearsal next, you might want to hurry there". She said as she pulled out a guitar from seemingly out of nowhere. "Um, hay cherry. Not that it's any of my business, but are you ok." "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" "Well, I remember that thing about your dad." "Not my dad. Just, I don't know. Kinda helped me out ya know. Wish I could help him." She pulled out a butterfly necklace. "You just seem a bit down." "You're one to talk. You're not exactly Mr jumping for Joy yourself." Cherry told him. "Yeah. "He twiddled his thumbs. "I kinda have a problem of my own." "Yeah, we all got problems." Cherry said while she eyed the locket. "I mean, it's just that." "You don't have to talk about it if ya don't want to." "Yeah, I know. But still I just…" "Oh, great, here we go." Cherry muttered as she leaned up against a rock. Spike went through the whole story of how the two started dating not long after he moved to Canterlot but due to her workload and his neither of them had any time to see each other. Cherry sat there with a bored expression on her face, but she was listing to his heartfelt problem playing the gutar here and there. Eventually, tho, an hour passed and Fluttershy came running looking for her dress. "Oh, spike, there you are. Have you seen Rarity, she was supposed to bring me my…?" She gasped, seeing the bag in Sspike's hand. "Oh, yeah here." Spike gave her the bag. "Oh, thank you, but why aren't you with rarity? You know it's almost lunchtime." "He's too worried about them being separated for so long." Cherry said in a bored tone. "Oh, spike." Fluttershy smiled wearily. Ugh. He let out a frustrated breath. "What's the point? Dating. Hell marriage. What's the point if I don't ever get to see her?" "Spike." Spike kicked a stone angrily into the water. "I'd give anything just to see my special some pony aging. Even if it was long distances. Life is too short, Spike. And it's rude to drag her on like this. Talk to her at least." "Woah," Cherry said as the weight of Fluttershy's words hit her. Fluttershy only looked away with a smile. "Oh, hay, that's a nice locket. Do you have a special somepony then?" Asked Fluttershy as she noticed the trinket. "Oh no, I. I kinda stole it from a friend of mine. I should give it back, but..." She gripped the chain tightly with her hoof. "It's from your dad, isn't or? Father figure." Spike said. "Bingo." She muttered. Fluttershy smiled warmly as if she was a mother at the pink pony. Suddenly, another voice popped in. "Well, all relationships can be troubling at times, but life is fun with them, isn't it?" Pinky grinned. Cherry looked at Pinky and then seam to instantly get a bit nervous as no one noticed except Fluttershy. "Don't worry about her. She's friendly." "Too friendly. Believe me. Cherry said, rolling her eyes nervously." "Uh look I gotta get back to practicing my song, ill see ya later." "Oh no, no, come on. We're all about to go to lunch." Pinky said, pulling sandwiches out of nowhere. "Yeah, come on, let's eat together. Get to know one another." Fluttershy told her. "Oh, trust me, you kinda don't want to…" "I know you're reformed." Pinky and Spike were surprised by this. Releasing this Fluttershy continued. "Lucky Chains told me. But we have more than a few friends who were once misguided. Whatever you didn't in your past, it doesn't matter. It's what you do now that counts." At her words, Cherry blinked a few times and looked at her as if she was crazy. "Oh, and hay after the show tomorrow it's Fluttershy's birthday party you gotta join us." "Umm..." "Well, I gotta go." Spike replied. "I got a date" Fluttershy and Cherry turned their heads with a smile at him. "Good. For you spike." Cherry muttered. Pinky jumped up and hugged Spike. "Oh, I'm so glad you're going to Rarity. She's missed you so much. Just like how much I miss cheese." "Yeah, pinky, how do you make that work?" Spike asked. "Well we just do." "Cheese?" Cherry said in a questioning tone. "Oh, my colt friend. We just do spike. "She smiled. And so will you. "You'll work things out." "Thanks, spike said and headed off." None of them realized the figure standing in the back, listing to the whole conversation. Cherry sat alongside Fluttershy on her left. Pinky is in front of her and to her surprise the CMC apple Jack and Ra Ra. The other top singer for the fun-raiser. "So how is it working with the top singer in Equestrian?" Ra Ra asked. "I don't know what lucky chains is like." "Oh, he's uh… well, he's actually really kind once you get to know him. When I first met him, I was pretty much scared out of my mind." "How long have ya known him? Or worked for him." "Just under a year." "Well, you must idolize him the way you dress." Pinky smiled. "Huh, the way I dress." "Yeah, you got the same outfit and everything…" "Well, well has been a good friend and..." Cherry spoke a bit nervous. "What is your mark anyway? I'm super curious. Is it something like a music note or dancing related?" Pinkey said, trying to pull off Cherry's cape to get a better look. "Um, I don't have a mark" "What. They all shouted." "My mark. Its uh." "You're a bland flank. At your age," Sweet Bell asked. "Umm, I'm actually uh eleven." "What!!!" "Eah I'm just uh tall for my age." "That's an understatement. You look like you're twice that." Scootaloo pointed out. "Well, don't worry, Cherry." Apple bloom continued. "We the CMC are great at finding out what you're meant to do. All ya need is to find what your talent really is." "I say it's music." Sweety Bell said. "That's helpful girls, really. But you see. Uh. well. I'd rather find it on my own, thanks." "Oh, that's understandable". Ra Ra replied. "Tell ya what, if you ever want to sing a duet with me just let me know I got my mark by singing with apple jack here." AJ smiled. "Yes well. I don't want a mark." "Huh..." "I mean I do but..." She sighed a tired sigh. "My mom. I just don't want to be a carbon copy of my mom. Not that she's a bad person." Cherry said looking at Pinky who was chomping down on cheese sandwiches Well, of course you're not a copy of your mother. Silly." Pinky said with her mouth full." "That's easy for you to say." "No really. Yeah, we might look exactly like our parents, but we live a totally different life from them. Sure they're always there to help if needed, but a mark is all about your special talent." Cherry growled at this. "Enough about stupid marks. You have no idea. What if your talent is literally someone else's? The one thing that makes you special, someone else does just the same if not better." Pinky was at first taken back by the sudden outburst, but she put on a smile anyway. "Even if your mark looks just like another. There is only one you." Pinky declared. Cherry's eyes widen at this. She never thought about it that way. “Hmm," she thought back. “Perhaps I miss judged my ‘mom’ " > chapter 9 im still here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days later, it was finally time for the big concert. It was a massive turnout, with royalty and tons of species out. Fluttershy stood behind the stage and breathed in and out. She didn't notice the tall figure walking up behind her. "Nervous?" Lucky Chains asked, making Fluttershy jump a bit, not expecting her. "Oh, lucky it's you." She breathed. "Yeah, I am a bit nervous. I used to have such..." "Stage fright." He said, finishing her sentence. "You used to be so much more shy. You changed." Fluttershy smiled, a bit weary. "I've grown." She turned his back to him. "I have to. For him." Lucky chains crossed his arms and leaned against a pole. "Well, I think he'd be proud of you then." Flutershys eyes widen. "Discord right? Rumor has it he was the first to be reformed. And he was your friend, right?" She turned back to him and nodded with confidence. She opened her mouth to say something but was called on stage by apple jack. "Fluttershy your next come-on." "Good luck." LC said as AJ took her hoof and pulled Fluttershy to the edge of the curtains. "Good luck". LC said under his breath with a longing look. Fluttershy just before she went on stage brought out her songbook. She was going to turn to the page of her song when she stopped on another and looked at its lyrics. It was the last thing Discord ever left her. And it was half burnt. The only thing that could be read was the words, And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway, you don't know me And I'll never be what you want me to be... A tinge of pain crept over her heart, but she closed the book. She knew what song she wanted to sing. And it was the one she wrote for him. "Now folks, if it isn't one of ponyvills finest. The hero of harmony. The element of kindness her self Fluttershy and her new original song, a chaotic heart."She walked out a bit nervous but confident that she knew what she was doing.She breathed in and out as she walked over to the mike and closed her eyes. She then gripped her songbook a bit tighter as she thought of him… "Please be with me." She whispered to him from beyond. She opened up her eyes, but she saw no one. She saw no one but her friends. Not a pony in the crowd, except maybe an animal or two. In the middle, she pictured a happy draconiquis. The draconisquis waved his lion paw as if to say, get on with it. Being impatient, as she always remembered him. She helped a little giggle at the thought. As she began to sing. Chaos comes, chaos goes, but a friend never leaves you. I once knew you. I once saw you. Only for who you were. Please stay with me, don't go and leave. Please stay with me and stay with me Chaos comes and chaos goes, but I still stand here your friend, please don't go. I know you have a question. I know you wanted answers. If you stay with me, I can answer the can answer the. Come and have a cup of tea, come stay with me. I know you felt free. When you were with me chaos comes and goes, but I will always be right here. And what do you think you'd ever say? I will listen every day. I do know you, and I only want you to see. What you are to me. What you are to me. Chaos comes and goes, but ill always be right here. If you need me. Come stay with me. The crowd all cheered as the song came to an end. Fluttershy took a short and small bow as she said thank you in the mic. She waved at them as she left the stage. As she walked backstage a voice called out to her, making her heart skip a beat for a minute. "Good work." She turned around to her disappointment it wasn't who she thought she heard. Lucky Chains stood in the same spot before she left to sing. Chances were he never even moved during her song. "You did great out there." "Thanks." She said, trying to hide her own sadness. She really was hoping it would be Discord standing there cheering her on. "You and your singers did great tonight." "Yeah. Crystal was a really great. But Cherry had the most fun out there tonight, I think we all can agree." He said as he gestured his head over in her direction. Cherry was jumping up and down along with pinky pie and ra ra. She looked extremely happy and excited. Fluttershy smiled at that. "Wow, I've never seen her like that." "She hasn't been like that in a long time. I only ever seen her that happy once. It's nice to see that one more time." LC said as he watched her. "Yeah, so you have the last of the songs tonight. Everyone is excited to hear your new single." Lucky Chains shrugged. "Yeah, well." He smirked, but it quickly faded away."Thank you, Fluttershy. It was nice seeing you and the others aging." That statement with his tone of voice sounded strange to her. It was almost as if he was about to say goodbye or something. But before she could answer him, lucky chains were already heading to the curtains. Lucky Chains walked out on stage and looked at the crowd of people. Everyone shouted his name. He chuckled at it and spoke into his mic. "How's everyone doing tonight? You all having fun?" The crowd went wild with whistles and cheers. "Yeah, yeah, it's a fun night, right? Yeah. Now I know everyone has been super excited to hear the new song, am I right?" He paused, letting the crowd cheer. He waved his hoof to quiet them down. "Yeah, well, before I go on with this last song I want to explain just a few things." The crowd still smiled but fell quitter to let him speak. "Every song you hear. Is not solely mine. I've co-worked on these songs with everyone I work with. And not just the songs but the dances as well, really… we're all like a family over at LC corporation. And while I don't do it very often, I want you to know that each of us puts our heart and soul into each piece you hear each dance you see. Each Lyerick that is song is drawn from either me or a member of my team. So if you can give it up for them." LC then clapped, and the crowd joined him. "Now that's all true except." The crowd fell silent, aging. Except for this new song. Really, it's not new. It's a revised version of my first song. The first song I ever wrote. Long before I became LC. Long before we stood here. The crowd cheered louder. "I wrote this song which no one heard. I wrote it for a friend. Kinda a joke. You may ask, is it a love song." He took a few steps and with his smile, you could tell he was being sarcastic. "You may ask if I was going to make her my special, some pony. Well no. No, all I wanted was just tell her I'm still here." Silence fell over the crowd. L.c. turned back around and pulled out a chair and sat on it, grabbing not his usual rock guitar but a simple one. "So it may not be your cup of tea. But I hope you'll listen because I mean every word of what I'm about to tell you." Fluttershy grew curious about what this song was gonna be. He started playing the guitar as background music also flowed in from the band. I have a question to the world, Not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's not held in your arms, And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway, you don't know me And I'll never be what you want me to be Fluttershy froze as she heard those words. She knew them well. Discord wrote them in her music jernole a year ago. And what do you think you'd understand I'm a boy, no, I'm a stallion they can't take me and throw me away, And how can I learn what's never shown? Yeah, I stand here on your own They don't know me 'cause I'm not here She never got to read past the first few lines, let alone ever believed she'd be able to hear them sound. She could feel her mouth drop open as a silent gasp of air struck her lungs. And I want a moment to be real, Wanna feel things I don't feel, wanna hold on and feel I belong, And how can the world want me to change? They're the ones that stay the same, They don't know me 'cause I'm not here Fluttershy couldn't hold in the tears as her heart began to ache. And you see the things they never see All you wanted I could be Now you know me, and I'm not afraid And I wanna tell you who I am, Can you help me be a stallion? They can't break me as long as I know who I am She set a hoof to her chess. Rainbowdahs noticed it and patted her on the back, making her jump. You alright flutters. She asked confused. And I want a moment to be real Wanna feel things I don't feel Wanna hold on and feel I belong, And how can the world want me to change? They're the ones that stay the same They can't see me, but I'm still here they can't tell me who to be 'cause I'm not what they see Yeah, the world is still sleeping while I keep on dreaming for me And their words are just whispers and lies that I'll never believe A smile crept over Fluttershys tear-filled face. As she turned to Rainbow and nodded. Rainbow set an arm around her friend. Yeah, its, an interesting song. Kinda heavy if you ask me. Rainbow shrugged and nudged her arm. And I want a moment to be real Wanna feel things I don't feel, Wanna hold on and feel I belong And how can they say I never change? They're the ones that stay the same I'm the one now 'cause I'm still here I'm the one 'cause I'm still here I'm still here, He held the last note as long and as loud as he could. I'm still here!!!, As the song ended he got up, a small tear could be seen in his eye. He wiped it away and waved goodbye to the crowd as they all cheered. T"hank you... Thank you all, have a good night." He waved by. He then went behind the curtains and met the others backstage. "Haha, way to go. Yeah, great song." Said the dancers. He nodded at them. But slightly coughed. "Have you guys seen my assistant anywhere?" "Oh, Cherry, I'm pretty sure she went to party with that pink pony and a couple of her friends. "Oh, good um." He coughed aging. This time harder. "You alright," they asked him. "Yeah, sometimes the high notes get the throat, you know." He coughed aging. "Cherry usually has my cough syrup, but there's more at my trailer you guys go on ahead and enjoy the night alright, ill catch up." He told them, and before they could respond he took off towards his trailer. Fluttershy walked back behind the stage. She congratulates all that were there. "Hay flutters coming to the after-party?" Pinky cheered out towards her. "I'll be there, I just want to thank Lucky first. After all, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have raised so much." "Ok, but I can't promise your cake will be left over, so hurry back." Fluttershy smiled at her friend and walked over to the base player. "Any idea where lucky chains is?" She asked. "Uhh yeah, he's just heading back to get his cough syrup. Must be hard singing all those high notes. You can find him at his trailer, tell him to come join us. We even talked Cherry into it, and she hates parties." Fluttershy chuckled and nodded before she headed out. As she approached the trailer, she felt her heart skip a beat. She couldn't contain her smile as his words from the other day rang in her head. "Yeah, sorry about that. I know the feeling. Truth is, I once had someone I cared deeply about too. Heh. I ended up hurting them, and when I did, I decided to become someone else. Someone they'd be proud of." "I am proud of you." She whispered to herself as a tear ran down her face. She didn't even realize that, she began running to the trailer. Felling extremely happy. She approached grinning with the full intent of tossing opening the door and giving her best friend a hug. She was right at the door. She put her hoof to it's about to swing it open when she noticed an odd liquid sensation on her hoof from the door. She paused in confusion and looked down. Her hoof was still on the bloody door handle. Blood all over her hoof. She gasped loudly, almost shrieking as a loud thump followed by some banging of medal come from inside the trailer followed by the sound of coughing and hacking. Fluttershy tore open the trailer door and jumped inside. The banging meddle was from several pots and pans that fell from the stove. The thump tho. Fluttershy mouth dropped as she ran over to the body on the floor. A small pool of blood flowed from his mouth as l.C. continued to cough. Fluttershy lifted his head onto her lap. He rolled over slightly. As he took another, coughed some more. "Flu.. flutter," "Shush, I'm here. I'll uh. I'll get you help. Ill," she looked away. L.C. set his hoof on her chin and drew her attention back. "It's good to see ya." He smiled. Fluttershy eyes watered slightly. As tilted her head closer to his. Dis… Dis. She tried to speak, but choked on a whimper. "Fluttershy," he softly spoke as he set his hoof on her cheek. Just before coughing, aging. "I'm dying of…" She then ran her hoof threw his hair, catching him off guard. Now inches away from his face. As she began to close her eyes. She was closing the distance between them.LC closed his eyes, preparing for the contact. When they were centimeters from his face, he flung back in laughter. "Hahahahahahah. What is this, a romance novel?" He coughed. And pushed himself off her lap. He couldn't contain his laughter. Fluttershy stopped mid-blush, confused and embarrassed. "Hahah. You deserve an Oscar for the acting, my dear." He said as he coughed. "Huh… but, but. Your. You were dying. I was gonna." "Gonna what give me the kiss of life. Ha. I'm dying of laughter, that's what I'm doing. That's what I was about to say when. Hahahahahaha." He tried to get up but stumbled back down.He then coughed more blood while laughing. "You're coughing up blood!" She screamed in concern. "Uh-huh? So I am. Look, all I need is some medicine from the pot." He said, pointing at a cauldron on the stove. "I fell trying to measure it out. Can you just give me a Viles worth?" Fluttershy shook her head clear of the shock annoyance and flustered expression. She got up and measured out a vile of the purple liquid. She then thought about what Cherry said the first time she met her. "My father… Or at least father figure. He's very sick." L.c. is very sick. And whatever this purple liquid was, it was helping him. She pored it into a vile and handed it to him. He struggled to stand up, leaning against the cabinet of the trailer. He drank it whole. "I thought this was cough syrup." She said. "Heh its, a little more than cough syrup." He then filled a few more viles. "Can you help me put on my jacket? I hate asking you any of this. But I'm afraid my body is in such a roughed-up state it's hard to even dress myself." She nodded as he wiped the blood from his mouth. She held the jacket up, and he pulled it onto his shoulders. He set the vials in his jacket pocket. "So why are you here and not at the party?" "Discord I uh..." He laughed. "Discord?" "It's you. Uh right." She bit her lip and looked down. He smirked. "You can't be sure of that." "But, but the song. Its." "Discords dead. And I'm afraid l.c. isn't far from it." She looked up at him. He began to clean the blood off the floor. "Let's just say I have a magical disease and leave it that. This medicine is a powerful anti-magic potion." Flutershyes eyes widen. "Antimagic. Like..?" "Heh. Move on Fluttershy." His red eyes glared at her. "I told you every single person in my crew is a reformed criminal. Look too close into this, cause any trouble and I won't hesitate to protect my friends. Id rather die." He said it so coldly and darkly, the dark shadows of the trailer made him look extra menacing. Fluttershy eyes widen. Then a small smile set across her face. As another memory crossed her mind. "What you did for me. I want to do for others. I want people to see me as a hero instead of… he trailed off. You're doing it then. L.c. expression didn't change. "You're being the hero that you wanted to be. But I don't understand. Why do this and not work with the law?" "The laws, exactly why." He turned his back to her and stepped away. Setting the bloody napkins in a trash can. "Discord was a monster. And he's remembered as one." "Not to me!" Fluttershy shouted. "Not to spike, not so Twilight or any of my friends." "Doesn't matter. Discord ended up hurting you. His magic is too unpredictable. Plus being the lord of chaos, that's all he ever caused."He looked over his shoulder at her, his red eye in a death stare. "I will be remembered as the guy who helped out hundreds of people. Reformed hundreds of criminals, the so-called law demes unreformable. The one thing I didn't tell you is that everyone here is level 4 and below." He smirked, "including me. Stay out of my way. For your own safety. I don't want you involved." "But, but Discord I can help." "No! Youl ruined everything I worked so hard to build. I'm about one step away from dying. I'm not gonna let my reputation be destroyed before I do. Cherry will continue my work along with all those I have higher. Never aging, will anyone ever be in prison forever. Everyone deserves a second chance. Right."He coughed aging no blood this time, but the force of it was enough for him to stumble over and fall on the couch. "How long." "What ? "How long do you have?" A long pause of silence fell between them. Only to be broken by Fluttershy's aging. "How long do you have to live?" "Who knows. A year. A month. Hell, maybe a few days." Discord leaned back against the couch, making himself more comfortable. "When you're mortal, you don't know when you go. You just live day to day to the best of your abilities. Happy as can be. Tho, I must omit. I'm probably closer to the grim reaper than most, huh?" He chuckled, a very recognizable laugh. "Discord I." She said trying not to cry. "Lucky. Discord, I lost you once. Please I." To her surprise, discord hugged her.He was so quick to get up, Fluttershy didn't even see him move. "You know, I'm not really in the mood for a party. Until Cherry gets back, you mind just hanging out with me? There's some tea in the cabinet." She decided to just hug him back as she uttered the words "Yes." LC smiled but didn't release his hug. The two stood there for a long time. Little did they know someone was watching and listing. Chrystal stood grinding her teeth, her hoof shaking in anger. > chapter 10 missing the mark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cherry was enjoying her time with her new friends. Wait, new friends. Can , she really considers them friends. She only knew them for such a short time. Still, she wondered what they really think if they actually knew the full story. I can tell you this. The stories not over yet. We're about to head to the end of this little tale, and I'm sure you must be wondering well why am I talking as if it hasn't been revealed who LC is? LC is discord, right? Yes, LC is my lucky chain. But I told you I was the one that ended up murdering Discord. I end up killing lucky chains. I never said I was lucky Chains. Did I? I said with a smirk that you can't see, since this is a book without photos. Anyway, on with the story!!! Cherry danced around along with pinky pie and CMC. Twilight was evening dancing, tho not very well as usual. She mostly had to stay with the visiting royalty and country leaders. But for her friend's birthday, she made sure to make an appearance. While the party of personal friends and fellow singers was already on the way, everyone wondered where the birthday girl was. "Hay AJ." Twi asked. "Where's Fluttershy?" AJ shrugged. "Hay Pinkey you've seen Fluttershy." "Yeah, she's." Pinky looked around. "Huh, I thought she was following us to the party. But now that I think about it, I haven't seen her since the end of the concert. She said she was gonna thank lucky chains for something and never returned." She shrugged. Blaze overheard the conversation. "I told her Lucky Chains went back to his trailer to get some coffee syrup. I haven't seen either of them to be honest." "Come to thank of it, anyone seen Crystal?" "Nope." "Well, it's not a birthday party without the birthday girl, let's go get her." Pinky cheered. Cherry chuckled. "I'll go get her. If she's with Lucky. And who knows, maybe crystals there too. You just continue and enjoy the party." "K." some of them said as Cherry headed out. Cherry walked over to the trailer. As she did, she kept an eye out for who she was looking for. But then she saw someone laying outside the trailer in the dirt. She shrugged, expecting it to be one of the workers just tired. But as she approached, a sense of panic came over her as she saw who it was. She ran over and pulled LC onto his back. "Cherry." He spoke as if he was nearly unconscious. Cherry didn't even hesitate to lift LC and help him inside the trailer. He moaned and groaned in pain as she got him up, but as they approached the trailer door. He shook his head. "No." "What?" Cherry asked. He took in a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "Chrystal. She's after her." "Who?" LC was barely concise as he set a hoof on Cherry's locket. "You gotta save her." He opened the locket, revealing an image of Fluttershy and Discord together. As LC passed out, Cherry set him down in a sitting position against the trailer. She then took off back to the party as quickly as she could. Twilight was the first to notice Cherry coming in with a look of panic on her face. "Cherry!" She yelled above the music. "What's wrong?" "Its Fluttershy. LC he's unconnected and Fluttershy has been kidnapped." As soon as they heard that, the sound of the music scratched off as they all yelled "what!" "That's all I know. I don't even know where or why she…" "Wait." Aj said, noticing the locket around Cherry's neck. T"hat image. Where did you get that locket?" Cherry looked down at the opened lock, fully displaying the image of Discord and Fluttershy. "Umm. It's a long story." She said as she closed the locket and held it desperately. Spike raised an eyebrow at this as Rarity squinted her eyes. "I thought Crystal and all of you were reformed." Spike asked. "Reformed?" Twilight repeated. "Yeah, apparently LC and his whole crew is reformed." "No, that's not possible." "Why." "Spike. I have a list of everyone who has been reformed. And a tracking spell on watch of them. I have none for them." Twilight turned to cherry." I have no tracker for you. Or any of the band members. For that matter, LC." Cherry grew a little worried. "Uh yeah…" "I should have some type of paperwork on you at least. Yet I never heard your names once." "I can explain, and I will, but first, we have to save Fluttershy." Cherry panicked. Twilight thought for a moment. Then she raised her head to the band members. Her horn glowed as she narrowed her eyes. Suddenly her eyes grew and her mouth dropped. "Gurds arrest them," she pointed at the band members. Some guards grabbed the drummer center and the pianist. Rainbow and AJ grabbed Blaze, the guitarist. "What is it?" Spike asked. "It's thin. But their's a faint trace of recognizable magic. Very difficult thanks to your disguises. You've all changed a bit. " Twilight said as she grits her teeth. "No, you don't understand, we are just..." The center said. "Save it for the courtroom tireak. Cozy glow." She turned to change links and blasted a capture spell at them. "Daser and her sisters." She then turned to the kirin. "And prince Ramer of the Kirin's you nearly killed your own mother to take over the throne." "No, no that's not true at all." He struggled, but couldn't get out of AJ and rainbows grip. "I was trying to..." "Save it." Twilight barked. She then turned her attention back to Cherry. "All highly level 4 and below threats all in one place. So the question is who are you?" "No, no please, you're missing the…" Suddenly rarity and Spike jumped, tackling Cherry to the ground but due to her dance moves she swung out of it and kicked them in the face with her back legs. Pinky jumped in and tried to secure them but missed catching the cloak instead. Cherry swung around on her front hoof like some kind of breakdancer till she broke free of her their grips, reviling her mark to them. They all, including the captured villains gasped at the sight. While her hair and fur color matched more of pinky when she was pinkamina the mark on her flank couldn't be more clear. Pinky gasped as she saw it. Cherry was no pony. She was a clone. A clone of pinky pie. However, unlike pinky pie today who showed a little more age. She looked as if she was no older than 20. "But how." Pinky called out. "Pinky! Did you go in that pool aging?" "No, I swear." Pinky defended herself. "Then. Then that means." "Twilight." Spike spoke up. "She said she was eleven years old." "And that clone event happened eleven years ago." Twilight replied, putting the pieces together. "Guys remember the mare that was able to escape discord." Rarity shouted. Rainbow nodded as she had the same thought, but it was AJ who said it plain and simple. "We're looking straight at the culprit that killed Discord." "Oh, but this whole thing needed a mastermind." Said spike. "Yeah. Cherry, you and your boss LC killed our friend!" Twilight said with her horn blazing with magic. "You do realize Fluttershy has been captured, right?" Cherry yelled, still in a panic. "I get it, I have some explaining to do but please." "Twi of these are the big three here. Then Crystal has to be Chrysalis." "Yep. And she stole Fluttershy under LC order, no doubt. TELL ME. twilight yelled. WHY YOUR BOSS LC AND CHRISALISS TOOK FLUTTERSHY!!!" "What no, no. we're not behind it. Only chrysalis is." "So you've confirmed Crystal is Chrysalis." "Uh did I." Cherry said in a shaky, nervous voice? "WHERE ARE THEY!!!" "I don't know, we gotta search." "Twi sounds like a trap." AJ replied. "Search everywhere." "And what do we do with them?" Rainbow asked. "Keep them locked up for now and under guard supervision." "I'm sorry your highness, but I can't let you do that." Cherry said, still nervous. "WHAT!" Twilight demanded. "All of us need to search for Fluttershy. And LC needs medical attention." "That won't be necessary, I'm fine. LC voice called out behind them." "Lucky." Cherry shouted. Lucky chains took no hesitation, taking out the guards that helped cozy glow and tireak. "Thanks for that." Tireak said. "No problem." Twilight narrowed her eyes. "You." She said with grit teeth. LC had blood dripping from his lip and looked tired. As if any moment he'd pass out, yet he stood his ground nonetheless. "Here all of you squabble while one of your friends is in danger. priorities, princess." He said the word princess with such sarcasm and anger.Yet something about the way he said it made Twilight freeze. Her eyes grew wide as her mouth fell open. Spike noticed the look on her face and asked "what is it." Twilight gave no response. An amused look crossed LC face. Cherry took the opportunity to free Blaze jumping and doing a back kick to Spike's chest. Blaze then punched Rarity in the arm, freeing his hand out of her grip and jumped over to their allies. Suddenly more guards and several spot-takers filled the area up wondering what was going on. "We can't take all of them." Blaze shouted. "No need to. We just need to hold them off." Tireak said taking a step forward. As did the change links, transforming to look like tireak. "No guys if you…" LC began but was interrupted. "We can handle this. The rest of you go and get your friend back." LC stood for a second as a wave of surprise and worry hit his face. "Of all people, you gave me not just a second but a third chance." Tireak said in a calm voice. He looked over his shoulder to lc. "Thank you." LC smiled slightly. "Your family would be proud." "My family is proud. They're standing right here with me". Tirek grinned. LC's expression softened. He gave a short nod, "thats very generous of you," he then turned to Cherry. "The rest of you follow me!" He barked his orders. "Hay where are…" Rainbow Dash started, but was cut off by the four centers in front of them. "Your fight is with me." Tireak said as he punched rainbow dash in the face. > chapter 11 battles and memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was tossed into a tree. She felt her wing break on impact. Oww, she wined. "Wouldn't of done that if you had held still", Crystal shouted as her horn began to glow. "Why are you…?" "Because!" Crystal shouted at the top of her lungs. "If you know the truth, it's only a matter of time before the rest find out as well. I won't let you turn us back to stone. " "I wouldn't tell anyone. I swear." "Oh, sure. Because you and LC are little lovers' aye. Now hold still. So I can suck you dry." Crystal opened her mouth and a strange pink magic started escaping Fluttershy, she began to feel weak but still had the strength to run from her attacker. "Chrysalis licked her lips as she watched the Pegasus run, still in her pony form. Ahh, nothing better than the taste of love and happiness drained." She grinned evilly. Fluttershy ran deeper into the everfree forest as she ducked, trying to keep low. The last thing she wanted was to run into a timber wolf or something. But with Crystal (Chrysalis) on her trail, what could she do? Her wing was now broken, so she couldn't fly. Not that she liked flying very much anyway. Oh, discord. She thought back. Fluttershy and the disguised discord were hugging each other. Having a nice little moment to themselves. It was so nice to have her friend back. Even for a moment. She wanted to kiss him, but he pulled her in close and set his chin on top of her head instead. The two were about to settle on the couch to have tea when Crystal walked in. Releasing the awkwardness of the situation, he shouted "This isn't what it looks like! We were just…! "I've heard the whole thing. She knows who we are!" Discord quickly pulled Fluttershy aside and stood in between the two of them. "Now hold on, Crystal. She's an old friend. She won't rat us out." "If one knows, we're all doomed," Crystal shouted. "Crystal, please?" Then Discord coughed up a bit more blood. "Lucky!" Crystal shouted in concern. "I'm fine, I'm just sick." "Fine, you look like you're dying." "Well, aren't we all?" He said with a grin showing bloody teeth. "No. No, I finally have it back. I won't let her take it!" "Crystal!" But Crystal didn't listen. No, instead she shot a blast of green fire at Fluttershy who jumped through the small trailer window to dodge it. "Run!" discord told her as he came out of the trailer. "But you," Fluttershy responded. Discord jumped on top of Crystal and tried to hold her down. "Just go!" he said as he coughed some more, thankfully with no blood this time. Fluttershy took off and has been running ever since. Discord couldn't hold her down for too long in his state. Discord also known as LC Cherry Cozy Glow and Blaze were all running heading to the everfree forest. "So what makes you think this is where they're gonna be at?" Blaze asked. "Call it a hunch. I used to live here, remember? The only place you really could do something without getting caught would be the forest. Plus, Fluttershy was running in the direction of her home. She lives too far from the ever free, so it just makes sense." "Good point." Cozy Glow replied. "But any idea why Chrysalis would do this in the first place? I mean, just like us isn't she reformed?" "Yeah, but she's always been a bit off. I could never quite tell with her. Fluttershy figured out who I am and Chrysalis went berserk." "Well, that explains it," Blaze muttered. "Chrysalis is worried that we're all gonna get caught." "Funny enough, if she just listens to me, we wouldn't have." "Yeah, lucky. How are we gonna get out of this, now that they all know our identities?" LC shook his head. "It's my fault, guys. I should have have never come back to this town." He coughed a few times. "You alright." Asked Cozy Glow. "Yeah, at least there's not any more blood. The anti-magic potions working." "You need to sit down, Lucky," Cherry said as she tried to push him to sit down. "No. Not till I get Fluttershy. Don't worry bout me." Suddenly, several kirins popped out of the bushes surrounding them. The group took a fighting stance. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my son. Said the kirin queen. I must admit, you played wonderfully tonight. Here on my way to congratulate all the participants and what I find is the princess in a fistfight with some of the most wanted criminals. Wasn't hard to put together who you were after that." Blaze looked horrified at his mother. "Twilight already warned us about you. But I never thought I'd find you here, of all places." "Mom," Blaze muttered shakily. "Arrest them!" The queen shouted. Blaze jumped out in front of LC. "GO!" "Blaze you can't be..." "If they're here, they already got Tirek and the chain links. You guys have to stop Chrysalis before she does something even she will regret." LC nodded. "I'm staying with ya!" Cozy Glow shouted! Sweat dripped from her face. "I can't keep running with these little legs anyway," she smirked. "Blaze smiled back at her. It was a weak excuse, but he knew she wanted to help him." he thought back for a moment on how he met the gain. His backstory wasn't much to tell. Long ago due to the kirin ketching things on fire all the time when angry with his mother, the queen demanded no one speaks anymore. But there was a little more to the story than just that. One of the prince's favorite things to do as a kid was telling stories. And stories can sometimes get you into trouble. At first, the queen loved hearing his tall tales, but as he got older the tales got taller, and soon lies became his norm. He often gets into fights because of it, causes most of the Kirin kingdom trouble. When the queen decided they should stay quiet forever, the princes didn't like it. He wanted nothing more than to let his voice be heard. Even if it was a lie that came out of his mouth. He soon started a speaking revolution against the queen that ended with him in Kirin prison. Even with apple jack befriending the kirn kingdoms and the queen lifting the no-speech law, her own son was never free due to his treason acts. So he escaped without them knowing and ran into a little pink alicorn who couldn't fly, and it was she who lent him a hoof in friendship. Yes at first it was just so she could have power over him. It wasn't long after that they met lucky chains and started a band. And even cozy glow motives for keeping her friends changed. "None of you are going anywhere." Said a Kirin guard that jumped at them in his fire mode. Cozy Glow kicked it in the face, giving the kirn a bloody nose. "I'm an alicorn remember? I don't have a lot of power, but we can definitely hold them off." "Why are you…?" Blaze began to ask, but Cozy Glow cut him off. "This is what friendship truly is all about. And I learned that from all of you guys. There is no way I'm counting you out." "Get them, don't let them escape", queen Kirin shouted. Several other kirin guard lunged at them. Cherry and Discord jumped and flipped out of their way together. Discord winced in pain as he landed, but Cherry took no second to kick the oncoming threat with her back hoof. "Come on," she shouted as she grabbed a hold of Discord. "What I wouldn't give for your teleportation potion right now." He told her. "Or any of my potions for that matter," she replied as the two took off. "You two go after them." The queen shouted. But Blaze stepped in front of the guards and kicked their heads into the ground. "Not while I'm here!" Blaze shouted. The queen looked at him as he turned to his fire form. The queen did the same, expecting to fight her own son. "Mom, you got to believe me. I was ..." "Why should I, every time I try to, it's a lie from you." "Ok, I admit it I'm a huge liar, but it's only because you keep me locked up like a prisoner. I wanted to get out. To play Guitar." He then turned into a fire kirin and blasted fire magic at his mother, who dodged it. "No, you wanted my throne." Lucky Chains and Cherry rushed through the ever forest. Some of the trees were still marked from the last time they were here. They looked in all directions, keeping their ears open for any sign of life. Be careful what you wish for. A pack of four timber wolves came jumping out of the woods and circled the two. "Timber wolves why is it always timber wolves?" "Better than cockatrices, believe me, if you knew how it felt to be in stone." Lucky Chains growled as he repaired for a fight. Just as the Timberwolves came closer, the two heard a high pitch scream as they saw a green glow up ahead of them. "Fluttershy!" LC cried out. "Go after her." "But you." "No, I got this." Cherry gave a reassuring and confident smile. Lucky Chains didn't share her confidence but knew he needed to get to Fluttershy before it was too late. He then jumped, and a wolf tried to snatch at him. Cherry Pie did a backflip and kicked the wolf's mouth shut, letting LC get away. "Alright, you mangy mutt," she put her hooves up. "Let's dance." Fluttershy dodged another attack from the crazy pony trying to kill her. She screamed as the ground crumbled beneath her, and she fell in a cave. Thinking she had her cornered, Chrysalis snarled in victory. She jumped down the same hole. The cave had a normal entrance and then the one made from the constant blasting of magic. Chrysalis made sure to block both exits. Fluttershy jumped back into the corner. She narrowed her eyes and showed her teeth. "Oh, what's that look for?" Chrysalis chuckled darkly. "For someone with shyness on her name, you're awfully brave. Brave but powerless." "Why are you doing this? Crystal, I thought you were changed." "I. Changed." She barked, "or reformed." She innocently grinned. "Now I know why we came here. That fool couldn't help but see you one last time before he kicked the bucket. You're a liability." Chrystal took several steps towards the Pegasus. Fluttershy ended up right aging the back wall. "Honestly, look how much I changed. I'm honest now. I'm kind to my fellow band members. I'm not much of a laughter, but I enjoy the laughs of others, and above all, I'm loyal to those who show me loyalty. It is because of that dear element of kindness that I can't let you go." Crystal lowered her horn towards her. "For my friends. For my loyal subjects, I'm gonna..." "Don't do it, Chrysalis!" Shouted a voice from the normal entrance of the cave. She turned to see lucky chains standing there. Tired and out of breath. "Discord." Fluttershy gasped. "Lucky Chains." Chrysalis smiled a genuine smile. "Chrysalis..." I"t's crystal. It's crystal, you know that." She shouted at him "Doesn't matter anymore. Due to your actions tonight, the whole band got discovered." Crystal's eyes widen. "What? no, no that's not." "Everyone is now fighting the law enforcement just to give me time to stop you. They want to arrest us, if not turn us into stone". "But, but. I." She breathed heavily. But then turned around. "You." She grumbled. "This is all your fault." Crystal powered up her horn. "Don't do it, Crystal!" Crystal stopped but kept her horn powered. "I made my mistake of letting the enemy live before. I truly thought starlight glimmer had no chance. I won't underestimate any pony ever aging." "You do realize cops are on their way right now, right?" Discord yelled, still out of breath. "Uh, discord." Fluttershy mutters a bit worried. "What are you worried about?" "Chrysalis, she's my friend!" "No, I'm your friend!" Chrysalis shouted as she turned around. "Then act like it. Put down the magic, let's go gather the band members and take off. We still have a chance." "Fine, just as soon as I deal with the loose end." She turned back to Fluttershy. "If you do this, I'll never forgive you. I will personally hand you over to the cops myself, but let her go and we can run. Together!" "Why?" "Why of course I love her, that's why! "Shouted discord. "And if you kill the one pony I care for most, ill make sure you don't see the light of day again. And you'll lose everything just like before." Chrystal turned back at Discord, then at Fluttershy. Her horn still glowing green from her magic. A look of pure shock crosses her face. Her lip quivered as she thought back to what happened with Starlight Glimmer. "Do you know what it feels like to lose everything?" She asked. "I do crystal. I know what it's like to be alone, without friends. Without someone to care about you. Chrysalis." Discord speaks her name softly. She turned to Discord, who helped out his eagle claw, in the same manner as Starlight did back then. She looked at the hand and began to diminish her magic. Just then, Cherry found the whole through the roof after kicking the sticks out of those timber wolves. She had cuts bruises and a few good bite marks all over her body, definitely was bleeding in a few areas but nothing serious. She, not knowing the battle was already over jumped down and kicked Chrysalises face into the ground. Chrysalis magic tho was set off, and a powerful, deadly blast shot off and ricocheted off the walls like it was some kinda pinball. The shot's trajectory first took its sights on Fluttershy, but Discord wouldn't allow his special some pony to be hurt. He jumped in front of it. Cherry Pie seeing this could not let this happen, so she... No. I jumped and pushed Discord to the side. But not far. "ENOUGH!" BAM!!! And for me... I didn't feel the impact. My ears were ringing and my head hurt. All I could see before I blacked out was discord collapsing as blood poured out of his mouth... So as you can see. If it wasn't for me, discord wouldn't of been hurt so bad. Nor would I. You'd think that be the end of this story. But something even more crazy happened after that. As I blinked in and out of consciousness I woke up in a field of white, what actually happened? Well, let's tell it from a different perspective. Shall we? Fluttershy saw the commotion. She tried to get out of the way of the blast, but knew it was coming towards her. To her surprise, it was Discord who jumped in front of her without hesitation. But just then Cherry jumped and pushed him out of the way, but not before the blast came too close for comfort. When the flash of light was extinguished, Discord still looked like a pony had a bleeding arm, but it was Cherry Who took most of the hit? As Discord fell on the ground, she was already on the floor. Discord quickly wrapped his arms around her as Chrysalises tears began to fall. No, she shoppers. No, no, I wasn't going to... I. I'm sorry I... Discord said nothing as he tried to hold Cherry's dead body in his arms. Then it happened. He snapped. The magic is hidden deep with inside him. The only power that Could possibly save her at this point. He focused it until it boiled up. Fluttershy watched in horror as his magic began to explode out of him. His pony form literally cracked and faded away like sand. Cherry opened her eyes just as she saw discord fall over spring blood. The chains that kept Discord's magic at bay melted on from the heat of his rage. And as Cherry blinked aging the world went white... Or gray depending on if you're using dark mode or not. Look, the point is it got crazy. "Discord!" Yelled Fluttershy as a magic blasted across the area. Boom went a blaze of white fire. And we'll, it went uh, kinda like. Boom! Ok, I know what you're thinking, why on earth is there a page missing from this story? Um, well, that page I would have gone into great detail about how the meat atoms of the my little pony world began to separate and how excruciating the pain was for anyone within the everfree forest to be ripped apart atoms by an atom only to be stood up in a field of white, but I figured yeah that page is a little too much even for this story. So I kept it out. Any way, the weirdest part is just yet to come. Twilight and her friends ran into the light, worried about their friend Fluttershy. They soon entered a world of pure white. Or pure gray if night mode on FIM fiction is used. They walked over until they found a small group of individuals. A crying Chrysalis still in her crystal disguise. Fluttershy ran across the land trying to stop what looked to be a growing exploding discord. "Fluttershy" rainbow dash called out. Fluttershy turned to them. "What's happening?" Pinky cried out. "I don't know as soon as Cherry got hit, Discord's magic exploded out. I think he was trying to save her.". "Well, that's good and all, but whatever he did it's expanding if we don't stop discords magic soon it could erase all of our universes." Twilight called out. Blaze and his mother ran up. "What's going on? We all topped fighting when we saw the blast of magic." The queen of the kirin told them. "All of reality is being erased by chaos magic." Rarity shouted. "Oh, that's great. Now what..." Tireak yelled. "Now we all got to stop discords magic." Shouted the princess. "Why should we trust you?" Cozy Glow yelled. "If we don't then all of our world would be erased, do you want that?" "The villains looked at each other and then simotainsly said nope." They all ran to Discord and blasted him with their magic, but to no avail. Chaos magic was far stronger, and their magic just turned into water. To their amazement tho, Discord now In his true chaotic form stood up. A moment of relief was felt hoping Discord could control his powers, but it flees quickly as Discord opened his eyes. His eyerises gone, replaced with a field of purple dark. Swirly glow. An evil grin spread across his face as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the place began sucking in the sky and the ground of the MLP world right into the center of a black hole. Discord laughed manically. But it didn't sound like Discord is all evil laughed. No, it sounded as if he was possessed. A dark and evil laugh echoed in the space all around. "What's Going On, Why isn't Discord responding?" Pinkys asked. "I don't know, usually you know everything." Rainbow told her as gravity itself started to fade away. "Yeah, I know. But even the fourth wall powers of Pinky Pie since can't explain any of this." She shouted out as everyone began floating midair. Just then, I woke up in a field of white. I looked over and saw Discord destroying the very fabric of the pony universe, I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw the words being sucked into a black hole of chaos. Hay we got a filly to overhear. Apple, Jack cried out. "A filly? I'm not a..." I gasped as I looked at my little hooves. I touched my face, and it felt puffy and cute. I then looked at my flank and the mark that made me a clone of Pinky Pie was gone. I was no longer a clone... But a little eleven years old filly. "Ahhhhh" I screamed, but the sound went right into the black hole. "Don't worry I got you," apple jack said and grabbed my hoof. "I'm the Pinky clone cherry." I told her. AJ eyes widen but she nodded in understanding. "Wow, I guess this is discords magic that saved you." "Yeah, but now look. How much saving can it really do?" Discord once again laughed that insane and scary possessed laughed. "That didn't sound like the discord I know." I cried out. "The discord you know. That's it." Twilight shouted. "What is?" Cozy asked. "Guys, remember when Discord first took over equestrian and turned us all into our opposites?" "Yeah, so." Rainbow called out. Rarity gasped as she was putting two and two together. "The way we got out of it. You reminded all of us of our true selves.". "Exactly. Threw out memories of friendship." Twilight told them. "You really think that's gonna work?" Asked Spike. "It's worth a shot." "It's not like anyone has a better idea." Blaze called out. "Preposterous, how can a little memory do anything to help?" Said the kirin queen. "Not one memory. But then all. All of our memories. All of those times, when our friendship with him meant something. All of you, we got to grab Discord and detained him. Then I'll cast the spell. When I do, you have to think. Think of the best memory you have of him. If your friend discord." "Right," they all shouted and got to action. It wasn't easy with no gravity, but they all rushed Discord. He dodged a few times, but eventually, everyone was able to grab him and hold him down. Or up, since there was no down anymore. He struggled a bit, but couldn't get any of them off of him "Alright, everyone is ready." Twilight shouted and then cast the memory spell as she dropped her horn on top of Discord's head. "Think of your greatest memory with Discord." They all thought back over the years. Due to the magic, they could see each other's memories of him. They way they first met. The way he befriended them one at a time. It took some longer than others, but eventually, he gained all different kinds of friends. Rarity's best memory was just after she had made a hundred or so of the same dresses and wanted to make something new. Sure she did, but a month after that people came wanting to buy the same dress aging. She was in her boutique surrounded by yarn and fabric. Fluttershy was helping her along with the CMC. Ahh, I can't take these fast enough, I have almost a thousand orders. She gasped and almost fainted. Calm down rarity. I'm sure we can fix this. Fluttershy told her and caught her before she fell. But we won't if you keep fainting. She gasped and nodded yes your right, your right. But how. Just then, discord walked in looking for Fluttershy hay flutters. You here. Spike said you were helping Rarity. "Oh hi, discord. Yeah, we're making more dresses." How long till you're done? I was hoping to grab lunch before I leave "You're going somewhere," asked sweetly bell. "Yes, with Trixie on her magic tore. I told her I'd help her with her magic act." He stopped, and his eyes grew three times their normal size at the stack of orders "Woah. Uh, need some help?" "Oh, I just have too much work." "Well, luckily I'm here." "Oh, no. O no. If you do it, the dress would come alive or something". She said, shaking her hoof at him. He pretended to be offended. "Oh, dear me, how hurtful. Rest assured Rarity I will not use chaos magic to do it." He walked over and picked up some yarn and began sowing "Wait what. You sow." Discord snapped his fingers and a hundred discords showed up. "Fluttershy showed me a thing or two. I think with my copies, we'd be able to get most of these done by lunch. All without altering the dresses with chaos magic." Rarity was surprised, to say the least. But it was the CMC who cheated and hugged Discord. "You're a lifesaver, Discord. Oh, come on now, let's get to work." A few hours later, just before lunchtime, they were able to get most of the dresses done. The CMC rarity and Fluttershy ate lunch before Discord took off with Trixie. The next memory was apple jacks. To her family's dismay, Granny finally passed away. Everyone in the family was in tears. Big Mac, the worst of them all. Discord was there trying to help his friend. He snapped his fingers and made a million tissues for him. Which shirt I'll wasn't enough for Big mac's tears? Granny, he cried. Discord tried to get his mind off of it with a couple of milkshakes and throwing guys' nights every night for a week. Everyone was helping apple bloom as well. But what about apple jack? Well, the thing is she wasn't a cryer. At least not on the outside. To anyone who looked ather, she looked upset, but she was a tough country girl and didn't cry. She didn't cry when her parents died. She had to stand up and become the leader of the family, especially since her big brother big Mac just didn't have the heart for it. He was a lot more sensitive than she was. But even she had to deal with her own grief at some point. After helping with Big Mac till he fell asleep, discord walked up the little hill where apple jack was kicking apples off the tree. "Hay." He said. Apple Jack looked up and gave him a heads-up but continued her work. She always just continued her work when nothing else came to her. Discord leaned against the tree. And watched her kick it left and right. "Your brother, he's a good fellow but man he's a crier." She nodded but said nothing. "You know I know you don't on the outside but If your brothers have anything to go off of you can't hold that in." Apple Jack looked at Discord and he only nodded. "I won't tell anyone." She then burst into tears, and it was Discord who comfort her as he wraped his arm around her. Pinky memory was pulling a prank on Rainbow Dash. That prank was in fact rainbows fav memory as well. Pinky Pie and Discord made these crazy pies with the weirdest flavors ever. And tricked Rainbow into eating one. It twisted like smelly old gym socks. How Discord turned that into a pie. Well, chaos magic, of course. Twilight fav memory. She was sitting in her library when Discord came in looking for Spike's orger and Obliet book that Spike refused to share with him. "Discord, he said no." "Oh, come on sparkle, I just want to see the page with my new power set." She rolled her eyes. It was clear she was annoyed. But it was more than just Discord. She was now the leader of eqretriah, and she didn't know what to do about this weird political law. Discord, seeing what she was working on shrugged. "You know what you need. A break." "No Discord, I need to get this done by tomorrow". "It will be, but..." Discord snapped his fingers. And they were inside the world of ogres and oubliettes. "In here, we have all the time in the world to play. Just give me one game, and I'll even help you figure out that stupid law." "Do I have a choice?" "No" "Fine, just hand me that sword." She spent three hours playing the game and having a new fresh free mind is just what she needed to get back to work. Tireak remembered his first band practice with Lucky Chains. He taught him how to play drums The changelings were taught how to dance thanks to Discord and Cherry. Chrysalis's memory was her coworker on a new song for lucky chains. Blaze was when he first got out of jail, helped by lucky chains and given a chance to play guitar. Cozy Glow was sword fighting with lucky chains and having a good time. Mine was just after a show Discord as lucky chains saw how saden I was from his sickness. So he got me up and got me dancing with him for fun. I actually had a smile on my face, a genuine one. One that I did not show too often. But it was Fluttershy who had the best memories of all. Their first tea party. The letters they wrote to each other. His constant laughing when around her, complimenting her own. And their last night together. When Discord slept by her side to comfort her after she grew worried about him. All these memories and more were flooded into Discord's head. Reminding discord of who he was. And what he meant to them. Suddenly a memory of discords owning came flooded into ours. A memory of thousands of years ago. From Discord's perspective. A beautiful dark purple pony was wrapped in a white star-designed night cloth. She wore a crown in her hair, and it was hard to make out if she was a unicorn or alicorn or not. She looked down at Discord and smiled. Yes, that's my boy. A sound of crying came from him. "Oh, no, no. Oh, my dear. Don't cry here Mommy will play you some music, that always helps you sleep now, doesn't it?" The baby didn't cry but stared at the figure. She gently played a somber yet beautiful song on her flute. As she played, discord finally snapped back to reality and all of the chaos reverted to normal as he did. > chapter 12 Flash backs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's skip ahead to the night of that concert, shall we? It's where we really left off. Discord ran after the Pinky Pie doppelgänger. Cherry saw him follow and threw a potion at the ground to create a smoke screen, so she could get away. Just then, Chrysalis blasted a powerful bolt of magic and sent several trees flying. Discord seeing the blast coming dived in over cherry pie and protected her as he growled in pain. Cherry's mouth dropped at the sight of it. But only for a moment, as it gave her the chance to escape aging. Discord fell over to the ground. Ugh, this is never gonna work, he grumbled in anger. Then an idea occurred to him. "They're never gonna trust Discord, that's for sure. But." He snapped his fingers and morphed into a gray unicorn. His eyes irises might have been red, but his eyes glowed a bright yellow. "Hmm, all I got to do now is disguise my magic spell. Hmm, how to." He took a few steps, and then the idea hit him. He pulled out the chains he was going to put on the runaways. Instead, he snapped them around his own wrist. Suddenly, his magic was gone. He felt it. Just like when he felt it gone the time it was stolen. Now it just harbored deep within his body and he could not activate it due to the shackles on his wrist. Heh, what an odd feeling this is, he said as he marbled at himself. But he had no time to dwell on it. As he heard the footsteps of the other officers approaching, he began to run into the shadows after him. she watched carefully and curiously as the few ground officers ran past her. She then decided to do something she felt was foolish. But she had to know. She quickly took after the running gray pony. Discord not having any magic couldn't detect her following him. She tackled him to the ground and just in time as aj jumped out of the bushes. She waved her light around the ever-free forest. "You." discord tried to yell. But she stuck her hoof in his mouth to shut him up. Discord releasing, the other cops around stayed silent. A noise up ahead caught their attention. ” This way” one of them yelled as they Sprint towards it Once they were gone discord threw her off of him. “So it's you, the pinky clone.” He whispered as he took a fighting stance. She huffed at that.  "Ok, . So what's all this about, discord said as he grabbed another set of cuffs from his back pocket." "You… she sighed. You saved me not once but twice now. Why" she asked. "That's simple, you have justice to face." He replied. "How did you know I was a clone? How do you know I'm not Pinky?" The gray pony showed a toothy grin. "If you were pinky pie, you'd be breaking the fourth wall." "What fourth wall," she asked. "Never mind that. You under arrest." Discord launched at her, but she kicked him back, he tried to use his magic to split past her but found he was unable. He felt his stomach being kicked into his ribs. He never felt such pain. It was so painful it knocked the wind right out of him as he collapsed to the ground. "What's your game, cop?" She yelled at him. Discord took a moment to catch his breath, aging feeling the shock wave of pain from her kick. "Those three. The three you gave full power back to. They will never trust Discord the cop. He coughed a few times as he stood up. So I plan to bring them back, but not as enemies of the state. They're my responsibility. I must gain their trust somehow. And reform them." The air grew quiet for a moment only interrupted by discord, small wine in pain as he tried to take a step away from the pink pony. A loud laughter escaped her mouth, sounding just like pinky pie if more deranged. "Oh my god. You are... hahhahaha. You really think. Ha ha." She could barely get a word out of her, laughing. Discord's expression showed his annoyance at the pink pony's laughter. The clonekept laughing for a moment and found it difficult to gain composer aging, but after a few more giggles she did so when she noticed Discord's expression. "Oh." She took in a deep breath, trying to gain her composure once again. "Oh, ok, you're serious. You really think you can reform the three greatest villains in all of Equestrian?" "Glad you find that amusing." Discord lunged at her with the handcuffs aging. She didn't kick him this time, she only evaded him and with a slight tap of her hoof he fell off balance with a thud he landed in the dirt. "You're not used to being a pony, are you?" She asked. Discord shook his head not in response to her but from the pain he felt in his stomach aging from landing so hard on the ground. "What. What are you…" he said as he tried to stand up. "I mean one, most ponies walk on FOUR hoofs. Tho we can, it's not often we stand on two hoofs. And for another, I kicked you pretty hard. You're not used to being in pain for more than a mere second. Why not use your magic to heal?" Discord got up, rubbing his head with his hoof. "Uhh. Kinda left the keys to these with a friend of mine. I'll unlock them after I reform the others. He told her..." "Wow, way to think ahead. "The pink pony uttered "Gee, thanks," he said sarcastically. "Now just put these on and wait for the cops to return, will you? He said, trying to hand her a pair. "Really, you think that's gonna work?" "Uhh, I'm kinda out of options." He shrugged. "Look, you're not going to be able to do much like that. So how about I make you a deal?" Discord's expression didn't change, but he gave a slight tilt of the head to gesture to her to continue. "I'll help you and you help me." It was Discord's turn to laugh this time. As he did so, she continued. "You free me of my debt. No jail time period, and then turn me into my own pony, and ill help you try to reform... "She held up her hoofs and gave them a little shake to gesture how ridiculous she thought it sounded. "The big three villains." Discord stopped laughing, but couldn't hide his amusement. And why would you do that? Wait, turn you into your own pony. What are you talking about? "I don't want to be a clone anymore. You have chaos magic, you can turn me into whatever I want." "No." "And why not." "You seriously don't know how powerful chaos magic is, do you? I don't ever want to use it aging." "Why, 'cause you hurt that little Pegasus back there?" He glared at her. When she said that. O"k, okay, look." She said and put the cuffs around her. She then split the chain, so they could at least move. "Now I'm your prisoner. Trust me now. All I want is for all of this mess to be over." "Yeah, well, it's your mess." "Exactly!" She shouted. Along pause came between the two of them. "I'm kinda responsible for it two, aren't I?" The tone of her voice had much sorrow in it. As a frown was clearly visible on her face. She took out a bottle from her bag. It wasn't labeled but Discord instantly knew what it was. Discord tried to take a step towards her but stopped releasing he shouldn't stand on 2 legs anymore. He stood on all 4 and then took a step toward her. He set a hoof on her shoulder. She turned her head back to him. Even as a pony on all fours, he towered over her. "Well, then it's a… " Suddenly his eyes widen as a shock of pain fell threw his body and he collapsed to the side of him coughing up blood. She squealed. I didn't kick you that hard. Suddenly she noticed the glow of magic in his eyes. "Oh, that's it." "What is?" he said trying not to lose consciousness from the pain. "Your magic. This form is not made for chaos energy. No creature is except the lord of chaos himself. And you're not yourself. Here. take this." She said and he looked down at her releasing she was handing him the anti-magic potion that she held in her hoofs. He tried to grab it with his hoof but then collapsed aging he rolled over to his back coughing up more blood and magic. Pinky clone eyes widen at the sight of him. She quickly popped off the lid of the bottle and poured some down his throat. The taste of the potion was that of dirty gym socks. He gaged and wanted to spit it out thinking he might vomit. But she forced him to swallow it. Within the next minute of the liquid hitting his stomach the pain ceased threw his body. He looked at her. She still held the rest of the potion within her hooves and stared at it. He dropped his gaze to the bottle cap. He reached over for it and stuck the cork back over the opening catching the pink pony off guard. She looked over at him. "Well, I saved your life. Now you've saved mine. " She gave a small sad yet hopeful smile. "I've been a pony before but never had this happened." "You never had anti-magic handcuffs hold your magic at bay either." "He rolled his eyes and continued. As I was saying. You have a deal." He took his hoof off the bottle. She put the bottle away in her cloak and helped him to his feet. "Come on we can't stay here Once you heal up well go after the 3 most wanted." She gave a slight chuckle. To this Discord gave a slight nod. She grabbed another transportation magic potion and dripped it on the floor allowing the two of them to disappear. A few days passed letting Discord heal. He sat at a little table a teacup in his hand. he was quickly getting used to his pony form and the chains. he kept them flung around circling his back. One thing he knew was that he couldn't go out in public looking like a criminal on the loose. So he stayed in the hotel room. Dangling from his neck was the golden butterfly shape locket. A newspaper sat on the table in front of him. The front page headline read chrysalis spotted near Haysberg. The town he just so happens to be in. The door opened up and the Pinky clone walked in caring a paper bag of supplies for the road. She set them on the counter as she coles the door. "We got into trouble. Chrysalis is now on the front page." She said holding up another newspaper. Discord only nodded as he held up his. He tossed it over and sat back in his chair looking out the window. A storm was starting to gather outside. "Well, it means she's out here." She replied pulling out a map. "The next town over is this one but more than likely Shell takes the back roads and skips town Gerr There's no way to catch up to her." The clone shouted in frustration. Discord only sipped his tea as he stared out at the grey clouds that became darker and darker in the distance. "You got any ideas?" Pinky Clone sighed as she asked him. "Yeah, we know where she's going. If we run we might be able to catch up. But we got to leave now. " A loud sound of thunder came from above their heads. "But Discord if someone sees those chains." Discord grabbed a cloak from the closet and tossed it over him concealing his chains. "Let's go", he remarked back to her, She only nodded and they headed out on their way. As they did the thunder grew louder and louder yet not a drop of rain fell. A few hours passed by as they entered the woods staying off from the roads travelers would normally use. Once she was sure no one could hear them Pinky was the first to break the silence. "So what's up with that necklace? She asked. Discord shrugged with a grin. "It was gonna be a birthday gift for a friend of mine." He chuckled." But now… " He stopped walking for a moment. A look of sadness filled his red eyes. "It doesn't matter.' he tore off the necklace and tossed it on the ground. before He continued his path. " I'm never going back to pony villa. Those three will be two recognizable there. Once we befriend them ill have to keep them out of trouble. The best place to go would be somewhere not in the friendship alliance. Hmm, probably Griffen Stone. Or the zebra lands. " He shrugged. "So you're not gonna go back and give your friend that gift." "Nope. What about you? Are you gonna stay with me and the three worst villains in history? Or are you gonna take off aging once they're reformed?" She tilted her head a bit." Huh, I hadn't thought of that. Most likely ill just stay with you. I mean." She stopped. " I don't really have anything else. " She picked up the necklace and examined it. The craftsmanship was amazing. Something only the Lord of Chaos could have created. Discord stopped and over his shoulder at her. "If I may. How does A? Pardon the term. Pinky Pie clone ends up with a potions book stealing gems anyway, And what were you gonna do with the top three baddies in all of the world? " The Pinky clone opened the locket viewing the happy for ends inside. In a somber tone just above a whisper, she asked “Have you ever wondered what's the reason you existed? " Discord gave no response. But he knows he did wonder that a few times before. He wondered if he was created to be pure evil. If Chaos was just that. Evil. and if he embodied was he evil? The wind blew as the roaring thunder grew over their heads. When the thunder died down she finally began her story. "It all started that day. I wasn't just any clone. I was the first clone. We found out that the more clones you make of some pony, the less and less they have of their selves until they are stripped of nothing but the bare personality of the pony. I however, kept every memory I ever had. I remember the past. Tho, their names are a little fuzzy. I remember the good times I shared with the princess and her little friends. I remember hanging out with the sisters and working on the rock farm. I even remember the day I got this mark on my flank." She said with a little giggle and a somber smile. "But here's where it all comes to the truth. I didn't do a single thing. None of those memories." She grits her teeth as her tone became angrier and angrier. "None of it was me. I was nothing more than a copy of someone else." A flash of lightning struck the sky. "Clones are nothing but magic. And so under the guidelines of magic, they have their use but should always be undone. Most pony spells are not strong enough to sustain a clone for very long, even with the duplication pond. However, pinky pie is no ordinary earth pony." Discord nodded at that." She's the element of laughter and happiness. She always had that strength within her, long before she was connected to the element. That strength gives her immense power, tho she doesn't realize it." Discord stopped. "All the elements of harmony have emitted power, And when put together they rival even my own. It's no wonder why a pinky pie clone would last as long as you have. " The clone nodded with a frown. She sat down. "Ponies all have a mark to show their skills. It shows the magic within one's own heart. A special skill, one to make the world better, apparently. " She dropped her head almost in her lap.' It was only by accident that I didn't have the spell undone on me. You see after eating too much sugar at a party I fell asleep in a bail of hay on a wagon. And when I woke up, I wasn't in pony villa. So I was never even at the dry paint test to find the original pinky. I only know that because of the fourth wall. 'She shrugged. Discord grinned at that. "I woke up in the mainhatten of all places. And I was pinky pie. The party pony. What else could I do but throw parties? And that's what I did. I went to one party after another. Some I planned myself, some I just went to. But what's the point of a party? For some reason, that was the one question, I didn't have an answer to. She gave a small smile. Even tho I was pinky pie. I don't know what it was. But I started to feel homesick. Of all things, homesick. For a home that wasn't mine. The answer to what parties are for is simple. To make people smile. To have fun with your friends and family. And I soon felt homesick for a family I barely even knew. So I left mainhatten and went back to the farm where pinky pie grew up. I tried to throw a party and have fun with my so-called sisters. But they thought I was pinky pie. Which I guess they weren't wrong. But they didn't think of me. At that party, I realized I am just a clone of someone I didn't even know. But partying was all I did know, so that's what I went back to. I wanted to make friends and maybe have my own family. I wanted to see happy faces and hear their laughter. And even tho I did have many friends from the constant parties I threw, I soon realized that they weren't real friends. Especially when it turns out I didn't have any money and found myself in debt from the constant partying. I found myself on the streets. No job. No friends, family and No party. What made it even worse was when a little filly ran up to me, recognizing my mark. He wanted the element of a laughter autograph. He wanted pinky pies autographs, not mine. I did give it to him in exchange for a few bits, so I could eat that night. But that is when I realized. My mark, the mark that was supposed to make me stand out among other ponies. One that marked my own talents. My mark was not my own. It was not me. I was a clone!!!" With the word clone, another bolt of lightning struck the clouds as thunder passed by. The clone winced as if she was in pain, tears threatening to fall down her cheek. "And if I'm a clone, then what's the point? But there had to be a reason why I still existed, right? So then I thought well, maybe if I could just change my mark. If I could make it my own. And show the world I wasn't a pinky pie clone then…" she paused as a smile crept across her face. Tears began to dwindle down. With a few sniffles, she continued. "Then I could finally be a real pony. Not just some clone. So I heard of Starlight and tried to find her, but that left me no luck. I also tried asking several powerful unicorns to help with again no luck. I was desperate to find any way I could to change my mark. And find one of my own. That's when luck struck me. I was on a subway train and I met a zebra. Zeeky I think her name was. It definitely had a z." "Zecorah," Discord answered. "Hay that's it." Discord rolled his eyes. She wiped her eyes clear from her tears." Well, zechorah was there handing out healing potions to anyone willing to take them. She actually did this quite often. I went up to her and asked about the strange vials and jars she had, and she was more than happy to explain, She told me about how there were many potions that could mess with cutie marks. But that it be a bad idea. She didn't want me getting cutie pox. For the first time in my life, I was interested in something other than parties. And even tho, I only was interested in it in hopes that it could change my mark. I was fascinated by it. it's funny. I never even thought about what mark I would want. What my special talent would be. Would it be something else to do with parties? Did I even want that? Since I didn't really want anything to do with pinky pie again, I don't think I'd be happy with that." Discord stayed very quiet as he listened to her tell. Continuing his way to hopefully find Chrysalis. "Soon the thought of potions was all I could think about. And so I went to the library. And I read all about potions. The entire sector of potions books. I studied every single one of them until I knew them all word for word. But not one said anything about how to change a cutie mark. The pinky pie clone then looked up at the sky. As it began to sprinkle a bit. One night while sleeping under a table at a bar, I then heard about a legendary book one with unique and powerful magical potions from some of the Colts. Surely if there was a magic potion that could do something bout my mark, it would be in there. So I went on a quest of the book. Clone Pinky reaches into her cloak and brought out her magic potions book, inside of it said property of Azzazale. I traveled the world searching for this book for several seasons of the show." Discord chuckled at the 4th wall break. "Finally, I found it. Some old guy was selling it. The same shop where Trixie found the alicorn amulet. Of course, I was happy he had it. But I didn't have any money for it. But I needed it. I wasn't going to let a stupid thing like money stop me from having it. Not when I was so close to accomplishing my goals. So I may have robbed a bank. And using my vast knowledge of potions, I pulled it off quite easily." Discord finally turned to her with a disappointed look in his eye. "I only took what was needed for the book". She spat out nervously, releasing what she just emitted to steal in front of a cop. "Anyway, I got my hands on the book and looked through it. The Book of Azzazale." She stopped and fell to her knees. And you know what I found in that book. Discord's only response was a slow blink. His face motionless "Yep, that's right. She said as the tears filled her eyes once more. Nothing. Not a darn thing. That was it. "She said as her body began to shake trying to hold back the tears. "My last hope. Gone. I would always be just a clone. A clone of a party mare. I hate parties. " She whipped away some of the tears before they could fall out." And if I'm just a clone, what point was there? ' Discord could feel a frown cross his face. But she said, trying to collect herself and failing to do it. "There was one thing in it, I found. An anti-magic spell that will dissolve all forms of magic. She shook her head. I stole all the ingredients. And sat there and brewed the potion. My debt rising out of control. I made the potion and poured it into a cup. And was determined to take it. " Suddenly tears broke out along with the rain. 'But when I had the cup in my hands. Fright came over me. I felt fear. Fear for the first time. Fear of that potion. Fear of being gone. I didn't have the guts to take it." She hugged her book tightly. "I found out I didn't want to disappear. But then why. What was I supposed to do? Didn't really know. But I knew one thing. I wasn't about to go to jail. I am alive. I had this drive in me. This drive to do something with my life. Even if all ill ever be is a pinky pie clone. But the debt I raised is far too high. And with no way to pay it, ill rot in prison for sure. So that's when I got the idea to steal just what I needed out of the dragon lands. They have plenty of gems to spare. And all they do with them is eat them anyway. They wouldn't miss one or two." She tilted her head a bit. "Or a thousand." She muttered. "That's when you showed up and ruined my plans." Discord shrugged at that. "My plans were simple that night. I was going to rob the fundraiser. No, it wouldn't be enough to clear my whole debt, but be enough to keep me going. You all had a good turnout." Discord crossed his arms at that as he stood on two legs once more. "And then when I saw the big three, I got another idea. Take them instead. I could use them as a way to get more cash. My plan was to demand a million bits for the return of the three most wanted criminals back to prison. And if I didn't get the money, I'd set them to lose with full power to do whatever they like in Equestrian. While they tore apart the land, I'd be free to take my money and go. And, hopefully, figure out what to do with the rest of my life once I made my getaway. I was gonna go to griffin stone. Since it still refuses to be part of the friendship alliance. That was my plan. How stupid was I?" She laughed a sad laugh. Discord walked over to her and gave her a reassuring hug with one arm. "And now you're gonna help me reform them. That can be your purpose." The clone smiled at him. "And you know what. I can tell ya, pinky pie definitely isn't capable of any potion-making. And come to think of it. While you do have a striking resemblance to her, you are nothing like the pinky pie I know. No you, your own pony, that's for sure. Hmm, and while your mark might be the same, your heart surely is yours and yours alone. All you need is a name." Discord put the other hoof to his chin. "Hmm, a name, what to name you. ' "I don't know, but we'll think of one now come on, the mud is almost as worse as that time I stepped in cherry pie due to Pinky's dumb prank." He chuckled to himself. "Cherry pie". The clone muttered. Discord turned to her." It's a long story." " No, I mean cherry pie. I kinda like that. I mean, after all, pinky is tenacity, my mother. She did create me. Cherry pie. That will be my name." She smiled at Discord. Discord shrugged. "Ahh come on, there got to be a better name than that. I think of something" he said and pushed her a little to get her moving, aging. "He never did think of anything, and the name just stuck." Twilight crossed her arms. 'Ok and what about the others" she asked. Cherry nodded. "I never said I was done. It would be a long road before we caught up to the three of them and reform them. Eventually due to a small issue at a grocery store, discord was arrested because I stole a few apples. He stuck up for me, and I was gonna get him out any way I could. Only before I could even put my plan into action, he was already out. He made a deal with some guys in the jail cell. Apparently, Flim and Flam heard him singing and really wanted to make him a big star so that they could get lots and lots of money. Discord agreed to it if they could get him out. And that some of the profits went to charity. I didn't like the idea at first, but soon it became a great cover-up as Discord started looking for the big three on the run. Soon we found them and Discord did something even I wasn't expecting. He let them join the band. And not just them, but other criminals. We even broke out a few from Maximum prison just to give them another chance at life and join the band. And soon I found myself happy once aging. Now, I wasn't a party pony pinky pie clone. It was Cherry. And even with this stupid mark on my flank. I was myself, with my own story, my own friends. My own chains that brought me down to earth. So you can believe how hard it was for me to watch the one who started it all to grow sicker and sicker day by day. Then while looking at the locket that Discord gave me. Believing he'd never have a chance to see them aging, I had an idea. What if we went back? Discord laughed at it at first but when a concert request for lucky chains came from ponyvill I was able to convince him to give it a shot. And now look at where we are. Now he's sick. Hell, he's dying even, if not dead already, all because of me. I am the one who killed Discord Fluttershy. I'm sorry." Fluttershy and her friends took in the story as if it was a bag of rocks being thrown at them. "Well, I hate to say it after that, but with a confession, I got no choice." Applejack sighed as she walked over with a pair of handcuffs. "Cherry Pie. you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Discord." Twilight stood dumbfounded for a moment. But nodded. "You'll be put to trial." " Wait!" Said a voice called out. It was the queen of the kirn. "I'm sorry, but she is a clone. Which means whoever made her is responsible. " "What are you saying?" "I'm saying pinky pie must be under arrest. And discord for his hand to play in all of this." "What but…?" "But nothing. The question now is what do we do? Do we turn him back to stone? Someone with his kind of power." "He's nearly dead!" Rainbow yelled. "And perhaps he should be along with this clone. As for Pinky Pie, she should be arrested and sentenced to life in prison due to her involvement and lack of eye on the situation for eleven years." Pinky Pie gasped and then did a Rarity fainting. Rarity looked at her friend and didn't blame her. Unfortunately, she was in too much shock, otherwise shed faint herself. "And all the others at play? "Twilight asked. "We're a democracy. But since this issue is of the world's highest threat alert. I say when the trial is run. The leaders of the world shall vote on their fates. " The group turned to Twilight, who was the leader of all this. "I agree. The vote for discord and the level 4 threats shall be held by a fair trial, and voted by the leaders of the kingdoms." Twilight then looked down as a wave of tiredness and shock fell from her face. > chapter 13 three day trial. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone was rushed to the hospital. As Discord lay in several hospital beds unconscious, the others got their injuries checked out. Nothing worse than a few black eyes and bruises were made, luckily threw out the fighting. Those who were villains were checked out and then transported to the jailhouse. Except for Discord. They chained him to the bed with anti-magic handcuffs, much to the dismay of his friends. It was Fluttershy who stood over Discord the longest. Refusing to leave the room. Most sat in the hallways. Eventually, twilight had to leave due to having to set up the trial. Otherwise, she never leaves the hospital. Spike called Big Mac, and he rushed over along with Son Burst, cheese sandwich, and zephyr breeze. They were shocked to learn the truth about Discord. While zeffer did fall asleep standing up against a wall, no one else got one hint of rest that night. It took another day for the other leaders of the friendship alliance world to get to eqretriah. That entire day, discord didn't give any hint of being alive. Not even his chest moved. The only hint of him being alive at all was the heart monitor. By then, most of the others who voted left to get ready to watch the trial. The only ones who stayed behind were Zephyr Fluttershy and Spike. As the day passed by, Zephyr brought some snakes from the vending machines and offered some food to his sister. Bus, she refuses to eat any of it. Zephyr sighed. Come on sis, eat something. It's been over twenty-four hours since ya had anything. She sat there quietly. Not a tear not a whimper, just silence as she stared at Discord. At the courthouse, everyone sat down in front of a long table full of judges. This wasn't a normal trial. All the leaders sat as judges. However, it was indeed Twilight who sat in the middle and called the court to action. All the villains were in striped outfits. With anti-magic chains. They say at a table across from the judges. Behind them was the entirety of ponyvill. All cramped into the small courthouse. Not one creature was going to miss this. Not one, except Fluttershy. Right behind the villains sat Rainbow dash and Rarity. Apple Jack stood beside the table in her police uniform with several folders packed full of reports. “All rise.” Twilight demanded. They all rose from their seats. “You may now be seated.” After they say down, twilight continued. “We have a long list of things to do today. I and the other judges spent all morning going through the reports.” She said, floating up a stack of papers with her magic and setting them on the desk. “At this point, we all already know most of the story, but we would like to hear from the accused themselves. When I call your name, please rise, state how you plead, and explain in your own words your experience of the past year. And why or why not, you shouldn't be in stone or imprisoned.” “Tireak.” Tireak rose. “How do you plea?” “Guilty.” “Should you be imprisoned?” “A punishment should be in order for my actions, but no.” “Explain.” “A year ago I was unstone but kept in prison. I was supposed to be reformed by Discord. He came to me and tried his best. And in all honesty As much as I hate to admit it he was right. All the power in the world. What if doing with it would be selfish? Especially since I betrayed him and so many others like my brother in the past. For my entire life, I just wanted power. And didn't care who I stepped on to get it. But even with all of that. Discord gave me another chance. I did not know he was lucky chains at first. After me, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow escaped going our separate ways would be a stupid idea. We stuck together and somehow became friends. And then Mr lucky Chains himself approached us with the idea of disguising ourselves. At first, we didn't know if we could trust him. I don't trust anyone and seemingly didn't have any loyalty to him. But it was the best way for us to get food and stay hidden. Hidden in plain sight. I had to learn the drums, but overall, it was a good time. After a few months, I suspect it was Discord. To think even after everything I did to him, he was kind enough to give me a 2ed chance. And for the first time in my life. Loyalty and respect are all I had for the guy. In short, I have been reformed. And you want proof. My proof is that I fought against these ponies so that he could go and save his little girlfriend. I'll take any punishment. I am guilty of hurting others. But I am reformed.” Tireak then sat down. “Thank you Tireak. Next. Cozy glow how do you plea?” “Guilty and proud of it.” She said standing up. “Explain.” “I always knew friendship was power. And I used it to take over eqretriah and then the world.mwahaha. Ummm, sorry. It's a habit. Anyway, a year ago, discord was assigned to reform me. We went to his little friend's concert and were knocked out and kidnapped by a random pony who isn't as random anymore. She grinned wildly. We then escaped her. And while Chrysalis and Tireak wanted to leave, I convinced them to stay and work together with me till we could find a way to take over the world. Only for us to meet lucky chains and befriend him. He was across Discord and…” Her wild grin flattened to an honest expression.” I didn't know he was hurt. All that time and, and he helped us. I can't believe it, but. She shook her head. He got to me. I'm reformed. I don't care if I'm in stone again. Just please don't hurt my friends. They're all I got.” “Thank you cozy.” “Next, we have.” Twilight looked at her papers and then back up. “Mr's buzzers.” The changelings male who was known as Drake stood up. “Ok, so there we were about to be processed. When a tip came to my sister. She said a guy called lucky chains was willing to help us go free if we joined his band, becoming dancers. I laughed at first and figured for one show I'd do it. Here I find myself a year later having fun with some of the most wanted criminals in equestrian. This is some band and I ain't gonna leave it. I plead guilty. But I am reformed.” “Next Lilly buzzer.” “My siblings and I didn't like thorax rule. After the events of well, the big three. We wanted some choice over our ruler. So we staged a rebellion and got arrested for it. What can I say? I plead guilty.” “Next caterpillar buzzer.” “Yeah, I'm the youngest of the group. And I just do what my siblings say. But I made friends. I don't care what they did in the past. What they do now is what counts. And sure, we might have kicked some pony flank. Ut if we didn't then lucky chains, our friend and boss who's been like a father to all of us wouldn't of save his girlfriend. I don't regret a single action.” “Thank you next.” After going through the list and listing to about 30 other people working for lucky chains corporation managed by the film Flam brothers, they finally got to Chrysalis. Chrysalis stood up. Her face was filled with what could only be described as regret. “How do you plea?” Chrysalis said nothing. “How do you plea” “Guilty.” “Explain.” Aging, she didn't speak “Chrysalis.” Twilight asked in a tired voice “You want me to explain, you want me to go through my life story. On how I became crystal. How somehow Had friends. And. She froze as a small whimper escaped her throat. I don't care, it doesn't matter anyway.” She sat down. As day one of the trial continue, by lunchtime they took a break. It was Son Burst who ran over to the hospital and gave the update. Spike Zephyr and Sunburst decided they needed to get cheese and Big Mac and have lunch together in honor of their fallen friend. They tried to coax Fluttershy to come with them, but she refused to leave. This is where a miracle happens, folks. I was so sure that Discord wasn't gonna wake up. I wish I was there. But I'm happy someone was. Discord started moaning and moving in his sleep. He then moved his head a little bit. Fluttershy wasn't even paying attention. She was too sad. While her eyesight was on him…her mind was lost in thought. All the grief she felt from losing her friend the first time came slamming back to her over the last two days. So you can imagine the shock and joy she felt when Discord opened his eyes. From Discord's perspective, it was as if he saw an angel. His eyes glowed slightly due to the restored magic. But it was nothing compared to the crystal blue that shines on him. Fluttershy in that very second, didn't know what to believe. Was her best friend truly awake? Or was it just some cruel trick? Was her mind playing tricks on her? She didn't get any sleep the past few days. And didn't eat anything. Somehow, she didn't care. She wanted nothing more but to be with Discord. She already lost him once. She couldn't stand to lose him aging. She said nothing as her bottom lip began to quiver. Discord slowly roes his eagle claw and crested her face with it. It was the touch that finally broke her. In an instant, she fell over him, eyes balling out. Discord's face turned as red as it could. He nervously chuckles. Tho, it could barely be heard”. Thank you”. It was a bit of a struggle to get the words out due to his dry throat, but she heard them. She grinned at them and was about to say something else when she felt him wrap his arms around her, turn onto his side, and fell asleep. She could feel his breath on her neck and felt his chest rise and fall against her. She then knew he was going to be ok. And just like that, all the sleep deprivation came to her at once, and she instantly relaxed to the sound of his heartbeat. With every slow breath, he took. With one small yawn, she and drifted to sleep alongside him. After a few hours, the five friends came back and saw the two lovebird asleep together. The five boys all had quivering lips. They knew Fluttershy couldn't possibly move Discord in that position. And seeing his chest rise and fall as normal once aging, they knew their friend would be alive. A few years of joy erupted from their mouths, waking the two up from their nap. Fluttershy instantly turned red and hid behind her hair. It took Discord a moment to recognize anyone, including the mare he had in his arms. His head and whole body ached. “Discord, can um you let me up?” She asked him Discord was slow to comprehend her request but followed it. He then realized he was chained to the bed. As he examines the chains, memory of the story events came rushing back to him. , Including whom the guys were around him. He quickly sat up, a bit too fast, judging by the pain that coursed through his body. He began panting and looked as if he was going to lose consciousness from it. Fluttershy quickly grabbed a paper bag from the sink and handed it to him. “Calm down discord, please.” He took the bag and breathed in and out. His body looked silly as it rose and fell. After he got control of his breathing, again he spun to the dragon in the room. “Spike.” He uttered. His voice was low and raspy due to his dry throat. “Where's Cherry?” Those who were there explained the situation calmly to Discord. “Yeah, you gave us quite a scare there.” Spike finished his story. Discord leaned back on the bed as he thought about the events after he blacked out. So she's alive then. “Yeah, if it weren't for Chrysalis”, Sun Burst chimed in. “It wasn't her fault.” Discord said to all of their alarms. “I could see it on her face, she was putting her magic down. It was an accident Cherry got shot. And I went ballistic and blacked out.” “Yeah, it seemed like you lost your memory or something. Using your magic randomly. It wasn't till Twilight had the idea of reminding you of who you were to us that brought you back.” “Eeyup.” Big Mac nodded. Discord smiled at that. “Still, there was something else too.” He said under his breath. “What was?” Spike asked. “I think I. Well. I think perhaps I wasn't always the Lord of chaos. I think perhaps I. I had a mother. I saw her clear as day, as I see you now. A memory from over thousands of years ago. He shook his head slightly.” “Oh, what did she look like?” Fluttershy asked. “Was she a deacoonquis too?” Asked cheese. “That's just it. I think she was a, a Pegasus.” He shook his head. As they all gasped. “Anyway, it doesn't matter everyone is on a three-day trial, including me”. He said as he tried to stand up. “Discord no. Give yourself some time.” Fluttershy told him. As much as he didn't want to. He did as she suggested, and  lay back in the bed. “Only for today. I got to get to that courtroom and put an end to all of this.” “Well, help in any way we can.” Big Mac spoke. “Yes, that's right, if you need anything, just let us know.” Cheese told him. Son Burst nodded as Zephyr gave his sly grin as usual. “Welp, actually. If you could get me a copy of those documents and files, that be mighty helpful.” “I'm on it,” come on cheese. Son Burst and cheese sandwich said as they headed out. “I got to get back to my wife. So glad to see you alive.” Big Mac stated before he waved goodbye and left. “I'm gonna spread the word you're awake. Come on sis. It looked like you could use some sleep too. Zephyr stated.” “Yeah, ok. Discord, I'll be back as soon as I can. But I am gonna need something to eat. Do you uh want anything?” “Some ginseng tea would be great, thanks.” She nodded before she left. “Welp I should really go and,” “Wait Spike, can I talk to you for a sec?” “Sure what's up?” “Alone if you don't mind.” He said to the other two, who were heading out anyway. They have a little nod and the sibling is left together. As soon as the door was closed, spike looked back at Discord and asked, “What Is it?” “Spike, I need you to be my lawyer in all of this.” “WHAT! But why me?” “Because you're the only one I can trust right now.” “But.” “Spike, big Mac, has a wife and a family. I can't get him involved. Son Burst has his job. Cheese has his company name to think about. And I really rather not have Zephyr do it.” “Well, what about Flu…” “I put her through too much already. She's a mess. Her brother can watch over her. I need to free those who are reformed.” “Pinky's under arrest too.” “Rainbow Dash and Applejack's hands are tired. Twilight can't pull too many strings without looking biased. It has to be your spike. Spike, your  last chance.” Spike breathed in and out as he took in this information. He set a claw on his chin as he thought about it. “Alright, I'll do it but, we need a plan. We need to convince the other judges of their reformation. Some define proof you changed them.” “I could talk to Twilight and get us a hearing. But without that proof, we might do more bad than good.” “Then get the proof. Those papers that Son Burst is getting, be sure to look through every file. Anything that would convince the judges.” Spike nodded and left to go figure out a plan. Day 2 of the trial had Discord, now awake, join the party to give his statement before proceeding. “Discord please wisely state your plea and whether or whether not you should be imprisoned for the crimes you are accused of. Twilight said clearly and emotionless.” Wow, in the few years of being a leader, she really got the hard cold leader type down right. Discord thought as he got up. “I Discord plea not guilty, nor do any of my subordinates.” The crowd gasped at this, and Twilight couldn't hide her smile.” Ease explains.” She said, trying to sound emotionless but coming off cheerfully. “You accuse my subordinates to be high-type criminals. Which they are not. Not anymore. Tireak was a high-class criminal that ended up on the loose due to my dumb actions. Same for chrysalis and cozy glow. Crystal, Beast, and Dozey's only crimes were resisting arrest and getting into a street fight, with little to no injuries to anyone but themselves. A little community service is more attuned to their crime. And I know that since I was a cop. The same goes for all who worked under me. Crystal might be due for a year in jail. but is not trapped in stone for eternity. As for Cherry pie, you people are talking about putting to death a filly. Shame on you.” The crowd then mumbled as they heated his statements. “Order”. Twilight demanded as she slams a hammer down on the table. The crowded quiet down giving Twilight the chance to further the notion. “Mr discord. Cherry pie is not real. She is a clone of Pinky Pie who was left unnoticed for eleven years. Ranked up a great amount of debt, stole from a dragon's bank, escaped you our top cop, and was placed at a level 2 threat.” “The Pinky Pie clone, maybe. But is Pinky really responsible for this? The clone, unlike other clones lasted long enough to gain its own intelligence. Perhaps the clone should be imprisoned alone. However, the clone disappeared, leaving a young filly who doesn't even have her talent mark yet. Some time out by her parents and perhaps some community service fits that issue quite well.” “As for me. With granted. He nervously chuckled. Some mixed results, I did my job quite well. I reformed the big three and other crimes deemed unworthy of a 2ed chance. Saved one of the elements of harmony. Ended up getting myself shot by the way. And would like to sign some adoption papers for a little filly that just got way over her head in all of this.” Once aging the crowd rioted on mumbles only to be silenced by twilight at first, but then another voice spoke up. It was the queen of the kirin herself. “So Mr discord. You deny freeing your previous underlings and running off with them in order to create an army to take over Equestrian aging like you've done in the past.” “Absolutely.” Discord said without hesitation. “I'm all for 2ed chances Mr discord, but time and time aging you have made one too many mistakes and withheld information that could have stopped such events in the first place. Just recently, your Magic broke out and almost destroyed the world again. You deny that this was intentional.” comedically. He told her with a straight face. “That's the thing, Mr discord. You say your intentions are good. But your records are against you. Perhaps you are not reformed at all. How do we know the reformation program works at all?” At this, the crowd aging chapter amongst themselves before discord shouted at the Queen. “You've made some mistakes your self, yet you still stand ruling your homeland. Let us rule ours.” “True, I made my mistakes, but I haven't repeated them or made any others. Especially not ones that put my homeland and other countries at risk.” Discord rolled his eyes. “A power like yours needs to be distinguished. And those of the reformed program need to be put to honest testing before we set them free to destroy our world again.” The crowd then began rioting, yelling back and forth. Twilight tried to calm them down, but when nothing else was working she shouted at the top of her lungs. A true royal voice similar to that of Luna and Celeste came bellowing out of her mouth. ENOUGH,!!! When the crowd went silent, twilight did her calming technique before continuing. “Discord.” She said a bit too calmly for his liking. “Anything you would like to add?” “Yes. Only this. I am your ally. Not your enemy. He gave a slight bow of the head to Twilight.” She nodded, knowing what he meant by that. “Ok, well, we now have all the statements. And all the evidence. The judges and I shall take a recess for a few days to think of things before final judgment on all the accused. If any other details or proof comes forward in that time, do not hesitate to bring it to our attention. Till then, the accused shall go back to their cells.” Twilight picked up the hammer and banged the tables. “Meeting adjourned.” Discord turned his head to Spike, who was sitting behind him. “Well, that went well. “He told him. Spike just set his hand in his claw and he moaned. > Chapter 14 finale verdict > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day Spike walked into the prison with a Brief case on hand, a fedora and a lawyer's suit. He walked up to the front desk. “Name and state of business asked the griffin.” “I'm here for my client, uh, I'm his lawyer. Discords. You saw me yesterday.” “Just doing my job.” The griffin shrugged. And 2 royal guards, one from the Kirin empire and the other from canterlot came out and escorted him to the holding cell. “Thanks, guys,” Spike said, waving his hand and letting them leave. Discord was leaning up against the wall of the cell. It looked like he didn't get any sleep. Well. Spiked sighed. “With the full confession and plea of guilty now presented. We can only hope for a better verdict. The council is still conversing on what to do. Once they made a decision….” Spike paused. Discord chuckled at that. “Well well well, what can I say, it was a good run while it lasted.” “Discord, this is serious.” “Yep, it is.” Spike just lowered his head into his claw.” And what may I ask was it that you lied about?” Discord's eyebrow raised. “You have a pretty good tell. Ya know. Every time you lie. And I mean really lie, you tend to look out away. You did just that when writing your report. So what was it that you lied about?” Discord's smile turned into a cocky smirk. “Ok, truth or dare. Tell me why have you been avoiding rarity.” Spike immediately jumped back and scratched his arm. “I am not.” He said. “You got a pretty good tell, too. You scratch one of your arm scales every time you lie.” Discord shrugged.” Remember what you told me, spike, you can't lie in this game.” Spike rolled his head. “And how is this going to help you with the trial? I mean, whatever you lied about. Holding crucial information in like that. If you told whatever it is, it could save your life here.” “No, no, it won't. It won't change a darn thing.” “And neither will I tell you about rarity.” “So you're not gonna play then.” Discord grumbled, throwing a toothy grin. “Ugh. Why do you have to be so difficult?” Spike muttered furiously. “Hay, I gave you a chance to know. I just want to know some personal info before I tell you mine.” “Personal ugh you're crazy.” “Uh, hello, lord of Chaos. It's kinda in my description.” “Fine. Spike yelled out, flinging his claws in the air. He quickly crossed his arms. I get no time with rarity happy.” “Go on.” Discord said, his expression changing to one of amusement. “Rarity works really hard. And so do I. We tried the whole long distress relationship thing but. Spike rolled his eyes along with his head. I decided just to remain friends. Only I… I haven't really told her that yet. I did go out to lunch with her the other day. I was gonna say something but…” Spike said, scratching the back of his neck. “And let me guess. That's because you don't want to.” Spike only shook his head.” I don't want to break up with her at all.” The two friends stood in silence for a moment until Spike sighed.” And now she's moving. And I think it's great. She has her dream career.” Discord shrugged. “You do realize she's moving to Canterlot.” Spike's eyes widen. “Wha…” “Yeah, Spike. I overheard her and the girls the other day. She wants to move to Canterlot to start a real relationship with you. Yet you keep on avoiding her. He snickers. And for what because you think it is better for her career? Hahahaha. Shel gets more work in canterlot than ever and is right by you. Sounds like a win-win to me.” “But i. But I thought I was just. Dragging her down. I heard her say that.” “What's dragging her down is not having you around. She couldn't help it at the time, but that's why she wanted to tell you. She wanted to surprise you. And yet you keep disappearing on her. Ok, and what do tell your little thing?” Discord shrugged.” I didn't write Fluttershy falling asleep with me at the hospital. I want to keep that stuff private, if you don't mind”. “Did you kiss her?” “Nope.” “Why not.” “Why not dude, I just woke up from being dead. He chuckled. Besides, if I don't get out of here, I'm stone or worse.” “That's not gonna happen. Not on my watch. I just need to find a quickfire way to end this whole mess.” “Welp times running out, Spike.” “I know just…” He sighed in frustration and began to leave. “Spike!” Discord shouted. Spike looked up.” Thank you.” Spiked nodded and left. Spike sat in his room, in the castle of friendship. He hadn't been there for a while. He sighed in defeat and frustration as he lay back on his bed. What on earth was he gonna do now? He turned over onto his side, thinking he could just get some rest. He then saw on the nightstand the board game Ogres and Oobliets. He sat up as he decided to open the box…he hadn't opened it since they all last played a year ago before Discord vanished. After that, they thought they'd never look at the same aging. Spike opened it, seeing the remnants of the game they played before. The dice are still on the 4 he got when he lost. And the magic spell card he was hoping to use to win the game. He picked it up, examining it. It was a snake spell. When cast, the user would be able to take control of the minds of the enemy forces and turn them against them. The Pinky Pie clones were supposed to turn on Shmairtys army, thus winning the game for the boys that night. If only he rolled the dice in their favor. Seemed so simple back then. If only he could use that spell now. But taking over their minds is not what he wanted. He just wanted them to change their minds. He chuckled at the thought. Nope, instead of battling Shmarity rainbow warrior and the crazy multiplying elf army of Pinky, he was battling the queen of the kirin army over the right to save his friend's life. He needed a sure, fireproof way of proving their reformation. But how. Just then Thorax, leader of the changelings walked in. “Oh ho, spike, there you are. I was hoping we could catch up. Haven't seen you in a long while.” “Or hay thorax. Sorry, I've been busy trying to help Discord.” “Oh, don't worry, you have my vote to free him.” “I know, but it's the Kirin queen and her convincing the others that I'm worried about.” “Well, yeah, she does kinda have a point. I mean, it's not like Discord is a changeling.” “Why would that be relevant?” “Oh because he was a changeling you could tell he truly was reformed by the look of him like with us.” “Spike's eyes then widen as he froze.” “Uh, spike, you ok. Thorax asked.” “Yeah, Thorax, you just gave an idea. He stood up and grabbed the dice from the board game.” “Oh, I did, umm. Happy to help. Uh, spike. What did I do?” “Don't worry about it, he said as he quickly put on his jacket. Just do a favor and get me a hearing with all the judges by the end of the day.” “Um sure but Spike I was…” “I know, I'm sorry we'll have to catch up another time,” he shouted back as he ran out the door. “Oh ok then.” Thorax shrugged. Spike then ran back to the prison. Name. The Griffin asked him. Spike. The reason why you're back. To see your client right. “Yes, but uh, actually I want to see Chrystal or Chrysalis instead.” The Griffin guard looked at him surprised, but shrugged and opened the door. Once aging everyone sat, the next day In court. They were all curious about what Spike had to offer. Especially Discord, who didn't understand a thing that was going on. As he was seated at the table, he turned around to spike. An expression of questions was on his face. Spike nervously smiled and gave him the thumbs up. Twilight banged the table with his hammer. “I bring this court to order.” She said, with her expression showing how tired she truly was due to all of this. “Now, before we make our final season, spike apparently has found new info that could change all of this. So spike, the floor is yours.” Spike stood up and walked forward. As he walked past Discord, Discord nervously smiled and whispered spike, what are you doing? “Welp, I'm a rolling the dice.” He said and tossed up the dice he had in his claw. Discord shook his head, trying not to show how nervous he truly was. But failed to do so as sweat began to drip from his brow. “People of Ponyvill. He began. And high court of the friendship alliance world, If there was definitive proof that one of Discord's reformers has truly changed, then it would be proof of his work right.” “Get on with it.” Said the kirin queen. “Your honor, I present to the court the former changeling queen turned criminal run away Chrysalis.” Chrysalis stood up and walked to the middle of the room. She still stood in a pony form that she always kept. “What point to this is there? We already have her statement. All our evidence against her shows she hasn't been reformed. And her personal plea with an explanation.” The crowd mumbled behind themselves “Yes, yes but. I have more than just that. Spike said as he placed a file full of papers on the table in front of twilight” “And what is this?” Twilight asked as she looked through the files “That twilight,” spike once aging threw the dice up in the air and caught it as he continued, looking more confident than he actually was. “Is a folder showing all the good reformed people thanks to Discord aka lucky chains music corporation.” “A total of nearly a hundred people have been either reformed or helped by lucky chains or corporations. Proof of all his good deeds.” “We already ready have this in the evidence files.” The queen of the kirin mutters. “Yeah, yes, but this is proof of his good deeds. However, as you claim.” Spike pointed at the Queen,” it is not enough to prove Discord's innocence.” The queen nodded as she looked confused. “Well, I'm here to show you proof of the true change Discord aka lucky chains has made.” Spike then threw the dice high in the air. “Please don't be four again” .he mutters as he waved a claw at Chrysalis. Chrysalis spoke up. “I know what my original statement was. But please listen to me. I for so long had the support of my kingdom. I for so long wanted my people's happiness, and then it was all taken away from me. I grew bitter and never thought i would ever find true loyalty. True love and friendship aging. But then I found them. I became a dancer and then a singer. I found creatures I could trust and began trusting aging. With the thought of that being taken away from once again, I did everything I could to prevent that. She whined with tears building in her eyes. I only wanted to keep my friends safe. When Fluttershy found out about Discord, I knew it was a risk to our safety, and I took it to spawn myself to get rid of it. Not to protect friends but because of my greed. I didn't want my friends to leave me, as the changelings did. But I have changed and I have proof.” Suddenly, a ring of green fire spread around the pony. The dice that Spike threw hit the ground as her transformation came to an end. Chrysalis turned into a tall form of the changelings. Her eyes sparkled green. Her horn glowed. She had blood-red tips at the end of her hooves and horn. Then a light green and blue shimmer across her sparkling crystal-like big body. She spread her wings, which were twice as large as a normal changeling. They were a foggy white with a rainbowish sheam to them. She truly looked like she was the queen of the reformed changelings. The crowd gasped and ah he'd at her appearance. Even the queen of the kirin stood there standing staring at the beauty of the former changeling queen. “Wow. Well, I wasn't expecting that.” Discord chuckled. After marveling at chrysalis for a few minutes, twilight called the room back to order. Alright, well with that revelation, I think it's time to decide their fates. Chrysalis discord and I, Cherry Pie, gulped at that. Every leader had in front of them a small slip of paper with the options of what to do with them. The courtroom turned silent. The only sound that could be heard is the judges writing their verdicts on the papers. After they were written, they set down their quilts. “Alright, are we all ready for the final verdict, then?” Asked the queen of the kirin. Twilight nodded with no confidence. All the accused rise. The villains stood up. But not one said another word. It was so quiet and the tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I stood in chains, unsure of what my date was going to be. A mix of feelings was inside me. Discord was alive. I didn't end up killing him after all, I was so happy. But so frightened of what my date would be that I couldn't even look at Discord right now. Twilight slowly blinked and then began to speak, aging.It was clear and emotionless. Yet you could see on her face how much it hurt her to even speak. “Ok. There are 5 choices here. 1 to free the accused of high charges, and only charge them with the smaller charges which will result in community service. Getting rid of the clone. 2same as the first, but give the clone adoption papers to be signed. 3 to send to maximum prison, but not trapped in stone for a few years. Clone was set free and treated as a kid. 4 to free Pinkys and her clone, but send Discord and then three to Stone. All others will be given community service. 5 to send all to Stone. And get rid of the clone” “All for one…” None of the rulers raised a hand. “All for two…” Still, no one raised a hand or a hoof. “All for three.” Twilight raised her hoof, but was saddened when no one else did. “Four. Nothing.” “Five…” “.nothing” Twilight looked around. “Umm, did you not vote?” She asked. “Six.” The kirin queen said and raised her hoof. All the Rulers raised their arms. “Huh but.” Twilight said sputtering. “You've been so tired you forgot we put the sixth option on the back of the page.” Thorax told her. “But what's six”? She yelled and flipped the paper. On it was a shock. The crowd was still quiet as Twilight looked at the paper. “Well, what does it say?” Discord shouted. Twilight eyes teared up as she smiled. “All the accused,” she began. “Shall be free of all charges as reformed citizens. So long as they agree to help others do the same.” The crowd gasped. “Haha and here I thought we were friends twilight, you voted to send me to prison”. He chuckled as the crowd all cheated. Twilight jumped across the table and let Discord catches her. Soon he found himself in the biggest group hug he could ever have. After that, my adoption papers were brought to Discord IMMEDIATELY!!! Who sign them and hugged me. “Ok, we still need to process these villains and their freedom. How about tomorrow, we bring her to your residence?” Said the blue-haired police officer. “No problem, see you tomorrow, kid.” Discord said and patted my head. Discord then went to Fluttershy. The very second he opened the door, she ran up to him, knocking him over. “Oh, discord, I'm so glad you're safe,” she cried. “It's alright, my dear, it's alright.” He patted her head. After clearing her eyes of tears, he offered her some tea. “My treat.” She nodded as she got up off of him. The two friends made tea and sat on the couch together. But they stayed otherwise very quiet. They only had a smile and blush on their faces as they dranked their tea. It was, to their surprise, Fluttershy who spoke up first. “So um discord.” Discord turned to her with a grin.” I know flutters.” “Then do you want to?” Discord sighed happily. “Fluttershy I know I may have said some things in the heat of the moment, but I got a whole new mystery in my head to deal with.” “I uh I”. “Fluttershy you're always gonna be very important to me. And yes, I would like to go out with you. But right now I have too many things to deal with.” Fluttershy nodded in understanding. “Let's just hold on that kiss of life for a bit, ok. I promised I won't make you wait too long.” Ok. Discord nodded. “Well, For now, he yawned. Why don't we just get some shut-eye,” He stretched his arms? “No problem. Where would you like to sleep? The couch or the bed?” She said with a giggle. Discord chuckled at that. For his answer, he already headed upstairs. Fluttershy just followed. > Chapter 15 are we done yet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So this is it. After the crazy events, I put up to. I was more than certain I killed Discord. Luckily, it seems he might be immortal after all. After the trial, some processing had to be done for the new villains. Not only that, but some laws had to be changed. For one thing, tracking down old villains is like, a good idea, bad consequences. For another, the idea that no one can be reformed and given a second chance is utterly stupid. So everyone can now go through the process of being reformed. Yeah, many will make mistakes. And those who do can try aging. I mean, just look at me a Discord for examples. So here I am. In the back of a police wagon. Heading to my freedom party. As my mom Pinky likes to call it. With a blank flank and a good smile. Let's see how things are going on their end. "Quickly, quickly, she's gonna be here any minute!" Yelled Pinky jumping up and down and putting up decorations. "Yeah, Pinky I know," Discord said mid-yawn. He was still bandaged up a bit but looked like himself. He snapped his fingers and most of the celebration decorations were already up, including the ones rainbow dash was holding in her hoofs. "Sweet Celestial I missed having you around." She told him. "Hay, chaos magic, not as easy as you think." He told her back with a smile. "Oh, I'm just so excited". Fluterhshy beamed a smile. She hasn't been happier in a long time. "Hay, what do you think her cutie mark is gonna be anyway?" Pinky asked. "Don't know but look at her." Discord snapped his fingers and turned into a duplicate of her. "She's obviously gonna have something to do with potions. Right." He snapped his fingers, making a potion bottle on his flank. Rainbow heard a cart pull up outside. "Ah, guys, she's here. " "WHAT!" Pinky shouted excitedly, she then grabbed Discord in his cherry form and Fluttershy's hoof, pulling them outside and into the light. Rainbow Dash followed as she shook her head with a smile. So here we are in the begging. It was a warm spring morning. Not a dark cloud to be seen in the sky. It was very early in the morning as the sun started rising. As the doors were opened, I walked out. A soft, warm breeze filled the air, and I watched as it blew past her pink mane. She was the first thing I saw when I got out. A familiar blue Pegasus with a rainbow main placed a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. As Pinky Pie held in her arms a small pony of the same color as her, and me. It would seem with the morning sun it is a happy day, yet not one pony didn't have a tear in their eye. Not even the guards who were escorting me in black chains. As I moved, you could hear them jingle around like a wind chime. Fluttershy could no longer hold back the tears, and they quickly ran down as she buried her face in her hoofs. As she cried tears of joy. The little pink duplicate of me jumped down and ran over. In a flash, it transformed into a bandaged but cheerful draconiquis. The hero cop. Hero to all those he reformed. Including me. So where were the others at? Twilight and Thorax were welcoming Chrysalis back to the changeling empire. She no longer wanted to rule but plan to serve as royal adviser, and help those of her people who may have felt the same way as she did, few as they may be, be reformed. She learned the value of others. And just how much she needed it. She learned to no longer be greedy, but generous. And help others. Including the change links. The Kirin queen, why hesitant? Was very happy to have her son back as he hugged her. Now they had a second chance. The queen learned she couldn't control everything. And Blaze. He learned he needed to be honest with her. If he was honest from the start, none of his problems would have ever of happened. Tireak learned the value of friendship the most, I think. And how being loyal wasn't as bad as he once thought. Now given a second chance at freedom, he wanted nothing more but to go to his father and make amends. So he traveled back to his homeland. Cozy glow… your guess as to what happened to her is as good as mine. She up and left. Where shed go, I have no idea. But she always knew her lesson and didn't really change. She knew friendship was power. And it was a powerful magic. Only now I think she knows how to truly use it. And I would hope she befriends as many as she can. As for me. I got my laughter back. I know, isn't that strange, me being a Pinky Pie clone? But now I realize I'm not just a clone. And I know the real value of a memory. A good memory. One that makes you laugh makes you cry and all the good feels, And the value of a smile. I do like making people happy, after all. And Discord was kind enough to show us all of that. Relationships. Friends loved one's parents and more. At times, yeah, they can feel like they're holding you back. But truly they are there to hold you up, and pull ya out of dark places. As long as you have them, you'll never be alone. And that's what I've learned as Discord walked over to me with a key to undo my handcuffs. The first thing I did with my hoofs free, I set my hooves around the locket I had worn for so long. I walked over to Fluttershy and handed it back. Knowing it was her true present. She took it, eyes watery, and opened it, looking at the photo of her and Discord. It's actually yours, you know, I said with a smile. She looked at me and then at the locket. She then took the chain in both hands. I thought she was gonna put it around herself, but o my amazement, she stuck it around me instead. "Something to remember us by. You're always gonna be one of us now. Discord from the very begging wasn't going to let you be thrown in stone prison for no reason. He needed someone to reform, and I think he did an excellent job." Discord blushed a bit. "Just doing what you taught me, professor shy." I couldn't believe it, and I knew I was gonna cherish that butterfly locket forever. I jumped and hugged her as the others congratulated me. Soon my flank glowed. They all gasped as the mark showed up. It was a pair of handcuffs, the chain in the form of the word lucky. Discord chuckled and snapped his fingers, appearing on the new artwork as he leaned against it. Looking just like the cover of this here story. Yep, fourth wall break right there. "Haha, congrats Cherry, you're chained just like me." I smiled. "You and I know they're not really chains at all. They're just friendships, but yeah, I guess you're right about that discord." Discord snapped his fingers and once aging appeared by everyone. "Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but. I think it's time for a party." They all laughed and whole heartily agreed. So that's the end of my tail. Yes, I said tail. Not tale. The story started with a question from you. Who am I? And what on earth did I do to get myself in this mess? Why in all of reality, was I arrested, and in chains, and what does Fluttershy have to do with any of this? Well, now you know all about my lucky chains. So I leave with another question, huh? What about you? What about your... LUCKY CHAINS? "WAIT… " What Pinkey? "You clearly labeled this a romance." "Yeah so?" "Well, where is the big kiss at the end?" "Huh?" "You know Discord and Fluttershy." "Oh well, you know, that romance tag was more of a warning than an actual story element." "Well, I'm not happy. And for that matter, you're ending it here, when we don't know who Azzazle was. Or that weird vision we all got of discords Mom, question mark." "Well, there's room for a sequel, I suppose. Stories are never actually over, ya know. I just wanted to tell mine. Someone else can be the narrator for the next one." "Oh, can it be me…" 'Mom your already writing Wild West… by the way don't you got to finish that?" "Oh darn, that's right buy." "Yep, don't, ask."