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Episode 68: The Final Faceoff: Part 3


“This duel is over!!” Sunset declared as her dragon neared Gar’s monster.

Gar then let out a fearsome roar, and at the same time an electromagnetic field shrouded the entire rooftop.

“What’s going on?” cried Sunset, and then she gasped as she saw her dragon being enveloped in shockwaves and didn’t finish its attack.

“No! It can’t be…!” cried Sunset.

Gar laughed loudly and wickedly. “The only thing that ended is your pathetic little show!”

He held up a single card that made Sunset nearly faint in shock.

“That’s right…” hissed Gar. “I sent ELECTROMAGNETIC TURTLE to my graveyard when I used Hand Destruction.

Then, by banishing it from the graveyard, the battle phase ended, and your so-called “Dragon” was forced to stand down.”

Sunset was quivering in shock that she had been outsmarted yet again!

The Equestrians were equally as stunned as she was.

“No way!” cried Rainbow. “She had him! She had him beat, and he saved himself again!”

Pinkie was biting on her fingers so hard she couldn’t even feel them… not at first.

Twilight was just as astounded by Gar’s resistance and defensive tactics. “He really doesn’t want to lose this duel.” she thought “He’s really determined to prove to Sunset that friendship is worthless.”

Even though his face was covered and without her magic, she could feel the extreme levels of hate and darkness radiating from within him.

Gar laughed again. “You think you have me all figured out…” then his voice hardened to anger, “…You could not be more wrong! Now hurry up and finish your turn so I can get my money, leave here, and get as far away from you people as I can!”

Slowy, Sunset’s feature began to harden.

“Sunset?” said Fluttershy.

She looked very angry, enough to erupt like a volcano, but she closed her eyes and calmed herself. “I won’t succumb to my anger.” she thought. “No matter what it takes, I stand for friendship and faith, and I always will.”

“This duel is still on!”

Sunset LP: 4000

Gar LP: 7000

“I must admit, the way you kept blocking all my attacks and summonings was pretty clever. I can somewhat respect your playing skills.”

Gar felt more disgusted than thankful, being complimented by her.

“…But that doesn’t mean I’m out of it. I still have my other monsters. White Wing Magician, and Timebreaker Magician, which I tune together!”

Gar growled.

The monsters rose high, and Sunset called her chant.

“Brightest magician, wonderous and bright,
Lend me your power in this magical fight!


(Def: 1800)

“Oh, no! Not him!” groaned Gar.

“That’s right, and since he was Syncrho Summoned, he gets two magical Spell Counters, and then by using each one, he destroys two cards you control, like your dragon and your field spell!”

Gar gasped in extreme anger, “My precious seal…!”

With its effect negated, the spell could not defend itself, and both it and his dragon were destroyed.

“Ah, yeah!!” cried Shining Armor. “Way to play it to him!”

Cadance was confused, “Why didn’t she destroy Vanity’s Ruler?”

“Because it’s still protected by Hardened Armed Dragon.” explained Celestia. Then she looked concerned, “And when the turn ends, it’ll gain all its powers back, meaning Sunset won’t be able to special summon anymore on her next turn.”

Spike growled under Sci-Twi’s seat, but he was careful not to speak out.

Sunset realized this as well, but she was still not finished her turn yet.

“From my graveyard, I banish FUSION SUBSTITUTE. Now by returning Starving Venom Fusion Dragon to my Extra Deck, I get to draw one card.”

She placed her fingers over her deck, concentrating hard, and pulled her card out.

She gazed over at Gar…

“I’ll place both cards in my hand facedown and end my turn, which means Wings of Misdirection wears off, and your Vanity’s Ruler gains his abilities back.”

Vanity’s Ruler glowed brightly again with his magical sparkles.

“And Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon’s attack returns to normal too.”

(Atk: 4000) -----> (Atk: 3000)

The Titans were all sweating hard on the roof of the RV.

“That’s one of the strongest turns I’ve ever seen.” said Dick.

Kori agreed, “I’ve never seen so many cards played all at once. It’s as if Sunset and Gar are really pushing themselves to the very limits of their skills.”

Vic was more nervous about the computer upload. Part of him really was thinking of going down inside and canceling it, but one look at Raven’s angry face and knowing how much she wanted it, it made him unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, Raven could sense something-- or rather someone unfamiliar down inside the RV.

“You okay?” asked Vic.

“I’m fine.” she answered in a rude tone. “I’m just going to use the rest room.” and she melded herself through the roof.

Sci-Twi had been working stressfully and was sweating up a storm.

“…It’s at 80%!” cried Terra.

“I’m working! I’m working!” said Sci-Twi, and then suddenly, “I think I’ve got it.”

She put in the correct encryption codes which activated the abort options: “Would you like to abort?”

“You did it!” cried Terra. “Just click “Yes.”

Sci-Twi moved the mouse ready to click, when suddenly she was shrouded in dark aura preventing her from moving her body at all.

Terra turned round and saw Raven, glaring angrily at them both. “I thought I smelled something funny.”

“You!” Terra roared, but Raven suddenly cursed her in her aura as well.

“The uploads!” Terra growled.

“Are almost done…” Raven hissed.

“Why are you doing this?!” Sci-Twi asked.

“Why shouldn’t I? He deserves it after all.

Honestly why no one else ever bothered to do this before is beyond me. Now his career will be ruined, and he’ll be a washed-up little punk like he always has been.”

Sci-Twi was completely livid with Raven and how she was acting, and Terra, she never thought she would, but she finally growled at her, “…You’re a real monster!”

“Am I?” Raven scoffed, “Or am I doing something that everyone will thank me for!”

“All this does is show how heartless you are!” balked Sci-Twi. “It also shows that Gar’s right, that you only care about yourself no matter who you have to hurt!”

Raven denied this, “I’m hurting someone who deserves to be hurt so he can stop hurting others.”

“That doesn’t make it right or justify you!”

Raven ignored her, and she planned to hold them both until the upload was complete.

Terra was powerless to do anything, as there were no rocks or Earth for her to weld inside the RV.

Sci-Twi knew what she had to do. She concentrated hard, focusing that she was doing this for the good of people, and she was helping Terra for the better.

Her body began to glow with her magical aura which countered Raven’s grip and blasted her right into the wall, releasing the two girls.

The other Titans felt the impact on the roof.

“What’s going on?” snapped Kori.

“Let’s move!” shouted Dick.

The trio got up and leapt off the roof to rush in through the open door.

Raven and Sci-Twi were both flaring in their auras.

“You want a piece of me?!” Raven growled.

Sci-Twi growled angrily looking ready to strike while Terra hid behind the console.

Raven raised her arm to fire a shot, when the other Titans burst in, and Dick tackled her to the floor. “Stop this!”

“What’s going on in here?” Kori asked, but then she saw the computer and the upload. “What the--”

Vic excused himself past her quickly and reached to hit the “Yes” key to abort the upload and delete the files.

Right as his finger was about to press the key, the files already vanished, and a “Files Deleted” Window showed.


“No!” shouted Raven. She would have burst in a fit of rage had Dick not given her a small karate-chop, knocking her unconscious.

“All right, what’s going on here?” Dick demanded to know.

Meanwhile, it was Gar’s turn.

“Stand back, I draw!”

He now had three cards in hand.

“This should be familiar to you-- I play GRACEFUL CHARITY, so now I draw three cards and discard two.”

What he drew next made him go silent in a sinister way.

“Prepare yourself…!” he hissed.

A shiver went down Sunset’s back, but then she quickly held out her hand saying, “I will prepare, thanks to PENDULUM BACK.

Thanks to this trap, since I have a Scale 1 to 10 Pendulum Scale, I’m allowed to add Purple Poison Magician to my hand, along with Black Fang Magician that I discarded from Hand Destruction.”

Gar wasn’t the least bit impressed. “It matters not. What I’m about to unleash will assure my victory, and you’ll see just how much friendship is not worth fighting for!

I activate the spell HEAVY STORM!”

“AAAAAAHHH!!” cried Sunset.

“Say goodbye to all your spells and traps, including your Pendulum Cards!”

All three of Sunset’s remaining cards were destroyed, including her facedown Mirror Force card!

“No!” cried Pinkie. “Sunset worked so hard to get all those cards out!”

Gar then grabbed one of the two remaining cards in his hand and held it up high. “Now, from my graveyard, I banish Chaos Hunter, and another Vanity’s Ruler I recently discarded.”

The field began to quake forcing Sunset to keep steady on her feet.

The spectators and the news crew all fought to maintain balance as well.

That’s when a bright light burst from the ground by Gar and his monster began to appear.

“Is that what I think it is?!” cried Rainbow.

“It couldn’t be!” whimpered Rarity.

“What? What is that?” asked Twilight.

With an evil snicker, Gar called out, “Behold… BLACK LUSTER SOLDIER – ENVOY OF THE BEGINNING!”

(Atk: 3000)

The bright and shining knight stood gleaming in the sunlight with his weapons and armor poised.

Rarity felt like she was staring at a handsome prince, while everyone else was astounded.

“I’ve heard of this monster, but I didn’t think I’d ever see it!” remarked Shining Armor.

“What do you mean?” asked Cadance.

Her husband explained, “Twily told me that this kind of card is so rare and powerful, just like The Seal of Orichalcos.

It’s so powerful and rare that they only award them to champion duelists in the biggest of tournaments.”

“It must be rare!” remarked Luna. “It was just summoned by banishing two monsters.”

Spike kept wondering where Sci-Twi was. “She’s missing out on all this!” he grumbled softly.

Sunset continued to gawk at the incredible monster, almost unable to believe it was here, and looking ready to bring her down.

“Stare into the face of defeat!” declared Gar, and he engaged his battle phase.

“Vanity’s Ruler, destroy Arcanite Magician!”

The two monsters clashed, and Sunset lost her Magician, leaving her with only Odd-Eyes.

“Now what?” wondered Fluttershy. “Odd-Eyes and the soldier have the same attack points.”

“I’m not so sure of that!” cried Applejack, and she pointed at the field.

(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 2500)

“My dragon just got weaker!” cried Sunset. Then she noticed a monster’s spirit clinging onto her Odd-Eyes.

Gar laughed, “Took you long enough to see ARCHFIEND OF GILFER.

When I discarded him to the graveyard, his ability activated. He attached himself to your dragon weaken its attack power by 500 points.”

Sunset growled.

Gar then called, “Black Luster Soldier… slay that dragon!”

His soldier leapt up high and came down hard with a swing of his mighty blade.

(Atk: 3000) VS (Atk: 2500)

The dragon exploded, and its shattered remains sped past Sunset.

Sunset LP: 4000 -----> 3500

She looked up from the attack, and saw the soldier was still standing right before.

“Oh, and about my soldier…” hissed Gar, “When he successfully destroys a monster in battle, he can attack once more… and he’s coming straight for you! Let’s see your friendship get you out of this!”

Sunset braced herself, and then felt the shockwaves of the attack slash her hard and knock her flat onto her back!

Sunset LP: 3500 -----> 500

“SUNSET!!” her friends all shouted.

She managed to get up, not feeling too sore, but she was in huge trouble now.

Pinkie began to panic like crazy. “She’s going to lose the duel! SHE’S GOING TO LOSE THE DUEL!!”

She kept on screaming and getting louder until applejack grabbed her and shook her vigorously going, “Will you settle down!” which Pinkie did. “Panicking ain’t going to do a thing you know?”

Really, she, just like the rest, couldn’t help but want to panic over Sunset’s situation.

This was the largest corner she had been backed into all duel long.

“This can’t be how it ends for me!” she thought softly.

The soldier and the ruler glared fiercely at Sunset with Gar standing between them with his arms folded.

“Look at you!” he scolded. “Even with your new cards. you’re predictable, and pathetic… always putting so much focus on friendship and faith that you lose sight of what happens around you.”

Sunset bolted upright onto her feet. “Look… I get it! You had a hard life, and you had to go through terrible things again, and again, and again, but why can’t you just show a little gratitude here and there?”

Gar protested, “And by “gratitude” you mean “Why can I not be more like you?”

I’ve told you enough times, that never worked for me before. Showing I care, trying to be kind to others-- it brought me nothing but pain, despair, and endless amounts of suffering!

Starting now will make no difference. It will not show that I have morals. It will not win me any points, and it certainly won’t change the way things are.

Why should it?”

Sunset felt stunned that he would say such things.

He then held up his duel disk motioning at his deck. “My Master Deck is more than just power. It’s very special, unlike any other I have… because it was built with cards that reflect me and how I got to be where I am.”

He referred to how monsters such as Vanity’s Ruler, Black Flame Dragon, Chaos Hunter-- all represented the forces of humanity using its powers to shun him, hurt him, and take advantage of him.

Heavy Storm would always come along and blow away all hopes he had for a better life.

Traps like “Ghost of a Grudge” were reminders of how the memories and experiences would never stop haunting him, no matter how hard he tried.

“And then… there’s “Change of Heart!” he growled. “The one card of all cards that really reflects me and the most-painful experience of my life…”

He referred to his problems with Terra!

“I use these cards because I’ve changed all that now. I’ve turned the tables, and it is I who uses these cards on the people the same way they did on me!

And these cards are exactly what I will use to put you, and others I cannot stand in your proper place, and prove to you that I don’t need friendship or good faith to keep on my feet!

Now make your move so I can end you… once and for all!!”

Sunset didn’t know what to feel-- sympathetic, disgusted, outraged?

Her friends could not be more upset with Gar, and yet a little bit for him as well, Especially Twilight.

“I’ve never known someone to despise friendship with such a vengeance.” she thought. “I can’t blame him of course-- I’d probably feel the same way he does if I lived the way he did and if I was treated just the same.

She still didn’t make her move, and instead she called him out. “So, people helping you means nothing?”

Gar remained silent.

“…Saving your life meant nothing to you as well because you feel insulted that friendship helped.”

She had to be careful what more she would say, remembering her promise to Rubeus not to reveal the Malefic Adventure.

“Deep down I know you’re not as heartless as you let on, but you’re too caught up in your own bitterness to realize or do anything about it.”

Gar was really getting angry under his mask. No matter how much he hated it, he would always have to face the fact that Sunset did save his life, even if he didn’t ask or want her to.

“For the last time: Make… your… move!”

Even the referee was losing patience and cautioned Sunset, “If you do not take your turn, you will be disqualified.”

Sunset clenched her empty fist.

“What can Sunset hope to do to pull anything off?” asked Rarity.

“You’ve got a point, Rarity.” agreed Applejack. “Only 500 life points left. She can’t special summon, and the two monsters in her hand won’t exactly help her unless she does something really big.”

Fluttershy was so scared she had nearly forgotten how to breathe. “One draw… One card… that’s all she has!”

Sunset looked down at her deck feeling the same way.

Slowly, she placed her fingers on her card while thinking hard. “I stand for Friendship, and I stand for faith. Please… let this draw help me.”

She pulled it out quickly and slowly turned it over to see what it was. “This just may do!”

A song began to play in the background as she felt newfound hope and power coursing through her. “She’s Got the Power!”

“First thing’s first. I’ll use Scale 1 PURPLE POISON MAGICIAN and Scale 8 BLACKFANG MAGICIAN to set the Pendulum Scale.”

The two magicians went up into the light.

“What good will that do you?” asked Gar. “You know you can’t summon monsters.”

Sunset grined and said, “I can’t right now… so I’ll have to change that.”


“From my graveyard, I banish BREAKTHROUGH SKILL!”


“By banishing this trap, your Vanity’s Ruler loses all his abilities for this turn!”

The ruler was shrouded by energy waves, turning him pale and making him seem weaker.

The Equestrians were overjoyed.

“Without Vanity’s Ruler working…” exclaimed Pinkie.

“…That means Sunset can Pendulum Summon now!” added Rarity.

“Yee-Haw! Give it him, girl!”

“Yay.” Fluttershy squeaked.

The magic pendulum was already swinging, and Sunset called out, “Thanks to this scale, I’m allowed to summon as many monsters between Levels 2 and 7 as I need.

As the pendulum swings from forth to back
My monsters come forth… to launch an attack!

…Behold my monsters!”

Three shots of light spouted out from the Extra Deck, and her monsters appeared.



“And let’s give a warm welcome to… ODD-EYES REBELLION DRAGON!”

(Atk: 3000)

Her three monsters stood together, all in a perfect formation which awed the crowds.

“My monsters also are like a reflection of me.” Sunset boasted. “They represent how far I’ve come, how much I’ve changed, and they also serve me as reminder of how things were and how I use them for better.

Like Black Fang Magician! I’ll use his Pendulum Ability to destroy himself, but he also cuts the attack power of your soldier in half!”

(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 1500)

“Why you little brat!” growled Gar.

“You think you’re angry now?” teased Sunset, and she held up her last card, “Well you’ll be really mad when I play MONSTER REBORN!”

“Oh, no!” cried Gar.

“Oh, yes! Now I can bring back any monster in the graveyard, and I choose to revive Arcanite Magician!”

(Def: 1800)

Gar was confused and he asked, “Why in the world would you want to summon him?”

Sunset snickered, “You’re a master gamer, aren’t you? Then the answer should be obvious enough.

After all, since I Pendulum Summoned Timebreaker, I’m allowed to treat him as a Tuner Monster, for something extra special!”

Gar’s eyes bulged behind his mask, and all the spectators gazed with anxiety.

“Now!” shouted Sunset. “Level 3 Timebreaker Magician Tunes with Level 7 Arcanite Magician!

Power so strong, glowing bright,
I summon a monster of awesome might!


(Atk: 3300)


Gar could not believe his eyes, remembering this monster all too well.

The crowds went wild with cheers, but none as high as Sunset’s friends.

“Ah, yeah! That’s the way to summon!” shouted Rainbow.

“That’s her best Sycnrho Monster ever!” cried Fluttershy.

Spike howled happily as Twilight gazed in wonder at the creature.

Sunset clenched both her fists, feeling strong amounts of energy flowing through her.

“When Nivana is summoned, I can add Monster Reborn back to my hand, and I’ll play it right away so I can invite one final friend to join me in taking you down.

My best friend of all my cards—the one… the only… ODD-EYES PENDULUM DRAGON!”

(Atk: 2500)

Her great beast roared proudly as is stood right next to her. Sunset would have stroked him lovingly… were it not the fact he was just a hologram.

“Odd-Eyes, thanks for being here.” Sunset thought. “You and I have been through a lot together, and I’m glad to have you with me now to stand for everything we fight for.”

The dragon’s big eyes shimmered at her, as if he could feel her thoughts.

“This is impossible!” Gar growled in thought while quivering angrily. “How could she have managed to do all this!

Friendship had nothing to do with it…

…It was all just plain dumb luck again! That’s what it is!”

The Equestrians were all cheering for Sunset, chanting her name over and over.

Even those in the crowds below were chanting her name.

“It’s time!” shouted sunset, and she engaged her battle phase.

“Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, destroy Black Luster Soldier!”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 1500)

The soldier raised his shield up high, but it was no match against the dragon’s fiery wrath—he was destroyed!

“And thanks to Odd-Eyes’ ability, you now take double the damage!”

Gar roared as the bright flames sped past him.

Gar LP: 7000 -----> 5000

“WOO-HOO!!” Shining Armor shouted while backflipping, and nearly leaping off the edge of the building had his wife not caught him.

“Try to control yourself!”

Sunset then aimed at Vanity’s Ruler. “You’re next! Nirvana High Paladin, go get him!

And while you’re at it, I’ll have Purple Poison Magician give you a 1200 attack points boost!”

(Atk: 3300) -----> (Atk: 4500)

“No!!” shouted Gar as he saw the huge knight come down hard on his ruler; slicing him clean down the middle!

(Atk: 4500) VS (Atk: 2500)

The ruler was finally vanquished, and the burning waves sped past Gar again, forcing him to hold onto his mask tightly.

Gar LP: 5000 -----> 3000

“Nirvana High isn’t finished yet!” shouted Sunset “When he successfully destroys a monster, then your life points are automatically halved!”

The monsters cast a huge light beam that slammed into Gar, knocking him off his feet and down hard on his back.

Gar LP: 3000 -----> 1500

His mask stayed on tightly, but he furiously pounded the ground with his fist and then got back up onto his feet.

People in the crowd were going crazy!

“I can’t believe it!”

“She’s going to do!”

“This is really it!”

The Equestrians were so excited they felt they were going to explode.

“Only 1500 life points left!” Rarity cried.

“And Sunset still has Rebellion Dragon.” added Fluttershy.

“With 3000 points, she’s got it won!” exclaimed Applejack.

“Ah, yeah! Finish him off, Sunset!” Rainbow hollered while Pinkie leapt about and shaking pompons that dumped confetti everywhere.

Sunset glared at Gar with more pride and dignity than fury. “Perhaps now you’ll understand and have more respect for friendship.

Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon, attack his life points and end this duel!”

“ARGH!!!” Gar yelled as he saw the dragon power up and ready to strike him.

Sunset shouted at him, “By the Forces of Fusion… Syncrho… Xyz… and Pendulum… and by the might of Friendship and Faith… YOU LOSE!!”

To Be Continued…

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