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Episode 44: Part 2: Darker Times


Violet laughed at Terra and Pinkie, “Look at you two. You’re unable to do hardly anything, and whatever you do come up with will avail you naught!

I only wish I could see how the rest of your crew was working out. They’re probably all suffering just as badly by now.”

Terra and Pinkie gasped, worrying for their friends just as much.

Their fears worsened when they heard a woman’s scream echoing throughout the castle!

“It’s Kori!” cried Terra.

Deep within another corridor, Dick skid to a standstill. “Kori!”

Rainbow heard it too. “Sounds like she’s in big trouble!”

Dick felt ready to kick himself for just running off from his wife like that. “I’ve got to go back for her!” but really, he and Rainbow had been chasing after Khaos so blindly they had no idea which way to run to go back at all.

Feeling there was no time to contemplate, Dick just took off down a corridor.

“Wait!” Rainbow called, and she took off after him.

Kori had dueled with all she could, but Celestia was just too much for her.

All of Kori’s best monsters were horribly destroyed, and all her life points were wiped out, leaving her trembling on the floor.

“Kori No…!” cried Sci-Twi.

“She lost!” wailed Cadance.

Celestia laughed with glee. “That was far too easy, but a win is a win.” She then glared at Kori and insisted, “Perhaps now you understand that I am not one of you! I live for darkness and for my Prince Loki only!” she paused and grumbled “…Even if he does overly-protect me like an overbearing parent!”

Kori let out a small grunt.

Suddenly, the hallways went dark as the Malefic Lightning began to creep forth… inside the castle!

“No!!” Kori cried.

“She’s going to get turn into a card!” added Sci-Twi.

“…I don’t think so!” Cadance yelled as she leapt in and shoved Kori out of the way and letting herself be struck!

Kori and Sci-Twi watched in horrors as Cadance screamed. “GET OUT OF HERE WHILE YOU CAN!! DON’T WORRY ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEE….!!”

“CADANCE…!!!” Sci-Twi shouted.

The light was so bright, everyone covered their eyes, and when it all faded, a single card lay on the floor with Cadance’s picture on it.

Tears formed in Sci-Twi’s eyes as she fell to her knees in devastation. “Cadance… No!!”

“She saved me.” Kori muttered softly.

Celestia snuffed as she picked the card up and looked at it. “Foolish twit!” she grumbled.

Suddenly, looking at Cadance brought on more memories. Cadance was like family to her, like a step-niece. She helped her study for college, gave her tips on how to become a good teacher, which paved the way for her to become the Dean of Crystal Prep Academy, and later, Principal.

“Ah! No! No…!!” she groaned. “Why are these images still haunting me!”

Kori saw her chance, and she quickly grabbed Sci-Twi’s arm, pulling her along as they ran down the hallway.

“Hey!” shouted Celestia. “Get back here! I’m not through dueling yet!”

Before she could take off for them, Sapphire jumped in from around another corner.

“Get out of my way!”

Sapphire scoffed, “No way! You’re coming with me! Prince Loki’s been worried sick about you, and you also have another soul card we can use.”

Celestia held up Cadance’s card and merely pitched it towards Sapphire who caught it.

“Last warning:” she threatened “Get out of my way, or I’ll force you out, and as your future queen that’s an order.”

Sapphire wouldn’t budge. He stood firmly with his Malefic aura glowing. “I defy you! I still don’t see you fit to even lead a band of scouts, let alone this entire realm.”

Furious, Celestia let her own aura shine forth, and rather than duel him, she unleashed a yellow, burning wave of energy.

Sapphire countered by firing a blue wave pushing against hers.

The two forces met mid-way and were seemingly equal, but Sapphire’s power slowly began to push against Celestia’s.

“Looks like you’re a little shaken up from that little fit you had.” he mocked “Some queen you are!”

Celestia poured on as much power as she could, but as the energy got closer, she realized she’d have to make a break for it while she had the chance.

She raised her other hand and shot the wall near Sapphire. The sudden outburst of dust and rocks made him cease, and he coughed and wheezed, despite not having a visible nose or mouth.

Then he looked up and saw Celestia had taken off. “Oh, brilliant!” he groaned, and he ran off to search for her.

Loki had witnessed everything in the magic view. “I can’t stand this much longer. I should really go down after Celestia myself.”

Rubeus placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “You are needed here. The hour of our triumph is at hand. Once we finish, we will deal with her.”

Loki didn’t know how much more of all this standing around he could take, and Rubeus… he secretly knew his brother couldn’t and wouldn’t take much more of it either.

Back in the Forest Chamber…

Violet glared Terra and Pinkie down.

Pinkie & Terra LP: 12,500

Violet LP: 3850

“So, are you going to admit defeat?”

Boiling with rage and turning red like a beet, “NEVER!!” Pinkie shouted. Her voice echoed through the trees, and by this point she was shrouded in Malefic Aura.

“Pinkie, stop!” cried Terra. “You’ve got to calm down! You can’t duel like this!”

“Just watch me!” Pinkie sneered, “I draw!”

“Just a moment…” called Violet. “Remember my Ivy Bind Castle? Now it’s going to deal you both damage for every monster you have out.

I see three monsters, and 800 points a piece means 2400 points of damage!!”

She laughed wickedly as the vines from her castle unleashed huge vines that struck the ground and sent powerful shockwaves at Terra and Pinkie, really hurting them as their points decreased.

Pinkie & Terra LP: 12,500 -----> 10,100

“You’ll pay for that!” growled Pinkie. The darkness was glowing brighter than ever.

“My Pendulum cards may have lost their effects, but I can still Pendulum Summon…!”

There was only one creature she could summon properly with the Rivalry of the Warlords still in play.


(Def: 1000)

“And now I’ll tribute both it, and my Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix, and set this monster in defense mode. That ends my turn.”

Her hand was empty Now it was back to Terra.

“Okay, this is it…” she thought as she readied her draw “Whatever I get just may decide how this duel goes.

She drew her card, making it the only one in her hand.

“Oh, Ivy Bind Castle…” Violet teased “Why don’t you deal these two more damage to their life points.”

With that, the girls were struck hard again and lost another 2400 points.

Pinkie & Terra LP: 10,100 -----> 7700

The girls still had plenty of points and strength to keep dueling.

“We can’t let her keep hitting us like this!” said Pinkie.

Terra agreed, and then she looked down at the card she had drawn. “Dust Tornado?!” she thought “Oh, if only I could play this, but Ivy Bind Castle negates all our cards and their effects.”

Still, she felt she could only try and play it safe and try to protect the rest of the life points. “I’ll switch Lapis Lazuli and Prismaura into defense-mode.”

(Def: 1000)

(Def: 1400)

“I’ll place one card facedown, and that’s all.” Though she couldn’t play her trap, something inside told her it was best to set it anyway.

Her insides were really going crazy now. It was beginning to look totally hopeless for her and Pinkie.

“If we don’t win this duel, we’ll both be turned into cards, and I’ll never be able to find Gar and the others.”

“How sad.” hissed Violet. “You two have been reduced to lowly, helpless worms, just waiting for the prowl.”

The opponents were not impressed.

Violet drew her card giving her three in hand.

“Play POT OF GREED, so I may draw two cards.”

She really liked what she had drawn!

“Now I activate the special ability of PREDAPLANT CORDYCEPS, which I sent to the graveyard last turn.

By banishing it, I can now summon two “Predaplant” monsters from my graveyard, so please welcome back if you will… PREDAPLANT FLYTRAP and PREDAPLANT SPINODIONAEA!”

(Atk: 400)

(Atk: 1800)

“She’s got four monsters in play!” cried Terra.

“Oh, much worse than that.” said Violet. “By summoning Spinodionaea, it places a Predator Counter on one of your monsters and drops its level to 1.”

Terra watched as her Lady Lapis Lazuli was poisoned before her eyes.

“And that’s just for starters… In order to keep my castle in play, I must tribute a “Predaplant.” Begone, Orphys Scorpio, your sacrifice will not be in vain.

I think I’ll have some more fun now by using Flytrap’s ability to place a Predator Counter over Prismaura!”

Just as promised, the monster was poisoned, much to Terra’s horrors.

“Wait, there’s more! Observe as I activate the trap D. TRIBE! Now all the monsters I control will become Dragon-Types until the end of my turn.”

All three of her Predaplants were shrouded in fire, changing their plant-like bodies into scaley dragon-like forms.

“Dragon-Types?” said Pinkie “Wait a minute…! You mean you’re going to…?!”

Violet nodded, “If I’m to do what I need, I had to change their types, and now that I have… from my hand I activate POLYMERIZATION.”

Pinkie and Terra both cringed hard!

“I fuse Moray and Spinodionaea!”

The two creatures merged, and Violet chanted to her monster emerging…

“As the plant doth sprout, its venom shall drool,
This creature I summon shall roar and rule!


This dragon stretched its dripping claws, and gnashed its sharp pincers, letting out a huge roar!

(Atk: 2800)

“She finally summoned her big monster!” cried Terra.

“This can’t be happening!” wailed Pinkie.

“Oh, but it is.” hissed Violet “Especially since I’m going to activate Starving Venom’s special ability, now his attack power increased by the amount of one special summoned monster you have… like Prismaura.”

The dragon’s orbs glowed brightly and cast evil light upon Terra’s monster.

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 5250)

“Look at all those attack points!!” exclaimed Terra.

Pinkie could feel all her anger fading into sheer fear and worry, but then she snapped herself back to her sense. “It’s okay! All our monsters are in defense-mode, she can’t really get at all of them.”

Violet snickered, “Wrong again!” I discard PREDAPLANT SQIUD DROSERA from my hand to use its special ability.

Now my Flytrap is granted the power to attack every monster on the field with a Predator Counter on it.”

“Ah!” cried Terra. “But that means all my monsters will be wiped out automatically like before!”

“No! You can’t!!” yelled Pinkie.

Violet clenched her fist, “Just watch me… or rather watch him.

Go, Flytrap destroy those monsters!”

Her little monster leapt over to Terra’s huge monsters and destroyed them with ease leaving Terra wide open to the dragon!

She was shaking in extreme fear.

“Now that you’re wide open,” hissed Violet “Go Starving Venom! Attack her directly and weaken them both!”

“Look out!” Pinkie shouted.

Terra got struck hard and knocked off her feet in the blast.

“Terra!” cried Pinkie and then she wailed as she was shocked and burned from point loss.

Pinkie & Terra LP: 7700 -----> 2450

Terra lay flat on her back, panting heavily. Her vision was growing fuzzy in her weariness. She just barely managed to get back up onto her feet.

“Are you okay?” Pinkie asked, she was sounding less angry and more like her true self again.

Terra nodded, “Yeah, but one more hit like that, and we’re finished!”

Violet was very pleased with her actions. “I only wish I could do that to you again, but for now I’ll place a card facedown, and that ends my turn.

Now that my turn is complete, the effect of D. Tribe has worn off, so my Flytrap reverts to it’s normal Plant-Type status, and since I can only have one monster type in play, I’m afraid I’ll have to send him off.

You served me well.”

Her plant vanished.

“Did you see that?” asked Pinkie.

Terra nodded, “She doesn’t have anymore Predaplants in play. That means she won’t be able to feed her Ivy Bind Castle on her next turn.”

Violet sneakily thought, “That may be true, but until that happens, my castle will stay, and it still puts you both in an unbreakable predicament.”

Pinkie was thinking the same thing. “There’s only one way out of this.” she looked at her facedown monster.

Still, she had no other cards in her hand, and none cards in play that could work for her.

“Stay focussed now.” she thought “Not going to lose here! Can’t lose here!”

She looked down at her deck thinking angrily at it. “Don’t you dare let me down, you hear me?!”

She then reached down and pulled out a card.

Her eyes widened at it, and then she glared at Violet. “Time to put an end to you and your plants!”

“Ha!” scoffed Violet “The only thing coming to an end is your ridiculous delusion, or have you forgotten that my castle still deals you both 800 points of damage?!”

The castle attacked, and both Terra and Pinkie wailed as the pain struck them hard, and they were left with a lower score.

Pinkie & Terra LP: 2450 -----> 1650

The girls managed to keep on their feet, and Pinkie’s fury reached an all time high.

“You are going down!!!”

“Whoa! She’s really fired up now!” thought Terra.

Pinkie grabbed the monster card on her duel disk, “I reveal my monster, PERFORMAPAL SKY MAGICIAN!”

The magical monster levitated himself in the air on a magical hoop, and he took a bow for everyone to see.

(Atk: 2500)

Terra and Violet were both confused, for while the magician was indeed a Performapal, “…That… That isn’t a Pendulum Monster.” Terra pointed out. “I thought you only had Pendulum Monsters in your deck.”

Pinkie gave her a hard and serious stare which made her tremble. “Desperate times call for desperate measures, and believe me, I’m going to get us out of this bind!”

Terra couldn’t believe how uncharacteristically she was acting…

…But suddenly… the magician was ensnared in vines and held tightly.

Violet laughed, “So much for your newest monster. Now he’s ensnared by my castle, and all his powers are worthless, just like you two are.”

Rather than fly off in a rage, Pinkie grinned wickedly, “…Not all of them.”


“What’s she talking about?” wondered Terra.

The answer came when Pinkie held the lone card in her hand up high. “I now tribute Sky Magician to the graveyard in order to set a monster facedown in defense-mode.

Before anyone could question why Pinkie would get rid of such a powerful monster for a small defense, a bright light burst out from Pinkie’s graveyard, making Violet groan and cover her eyes.

“What’s happening?” asked Terra, but she soon got her answer as the spirit of Sky Magician appeared.

Pinkie explained, “When Sky Magician leaves the field, his special ability activates; now I get to destroy one card on the field.”

“…My Ivy Bind Castle!!” wailed Violet, and she watched as the magician’s spirit fired a glowing blast at the card, vanquishing it, causing the castle to collapse and its binding vines shriveled away.”

“Our cards, they’re all free now!” Terra said with joy, and then she remembered her own card. “I activate DUST TORNADO!”

“You what?!” shouted Violet.

The winds began to pick up as a large twister appeared.

“This trap destroys one spell or trap you have, so say goodbye to Rivalry of the Warlords!”

At that moment, the twister blew the trap away, much to Violet’s rage. Now that it was gone, Terra and Pinkie weren’t restricted to what monsters they could play.

Terra looked over at Pinkie to give her a thumb up, but Pinkie glared at her wickedly, and the dark aura around her began to flare again. “See? It pays to switch up a bit-- not relying simply on Pendulum Cards, dropping the dueltaining, and focusing on much fun it will be to crush you for all the trouble you’ve caused us and our friends!”

Terra felt that by this point, Pinkie was totally lost.

Violet noted this too as she thought, “The darkness has completely consumed her. She really isn’t acting like the good pest she used to be.

All the energy she’s giving will serve their majesties well.”

Pinkie thrust her arm out, “I activate PENDULUM REBORN! It lets me revive PERFORMAPAL TRUMP GIRL from my Extra Deck.”

(Atk: 200)

“If you want a Fusion Fight, you got it, because Trump Girl’s ability let’s me Fusion Summon without a Fusion Spell.”

Trump Girl waved her little wand and cast magic on herself and the facedown monster.

“I now fuse Trump Girl with my PERFORMAPAL ODD-EYES SEER!”

“That’s another monster I’ve never seen her play.” thought Terra.

As the two monsters combined Pinkie called up to her emerging monster…

“Strong as steel, the dragon will soar,
With iron claws and a mighty roar!


(Atk: 3000)

Her mighty dragon stomped its huge feet, stretched out it’s shining claws and let out a big roar as it glared down Starving Venom.

“And now!” Pinkie “with Scale 4 Trump Witch and Scale 8 Odd-Eyes Unicorn… I Pendulum Summon a whole fleet of monsters!!”

Three shots of light flew out from her Extra Deck, and her monsters appeared.




Now she had an entire army of monsters looking ready for battle.

“But wait, I’m not done yet!” hollered Pinkie “I still have Trump Witch’s Pendulum Ability. She lets me Fusion Summon without a Fusion Spell!”

Trump Witch cast her playful magic on the field as Pinkie commanded, “I now Fuse Odd-Eyes Seer and Ignition Eagle…”

She then chanted…

“Watch and wonder, this monster I cast,
Its mega power will give you a blast!


(Atk: 4000)

Her monster growled while holding his huge canon up high.

Pinkie laughed wickedly and horribly uncharacteristically. “It’s over for you, Violet! There’s no way you can stop me now!”

Violet seemed more annoyed than concerned, but Terra was concerned about the way Pinkie was acting.

“I activate Gatlinghoul’s special ability! Since he was successfully Fusion Summoned, you take 200 points of damage for every card that’s in play.”

“You Dare?!” shouted Violet.

Pinkie snuffed and motioned all around the field. “There are currently seven cards in play, which means you lose 1400 life points instantly!”

Gatlinghoul fired many mini shots from his cannon straight at Violet. She wailed and roared painfully from being struck hard.

Violet LP: 3850 -----> 2450

Pinkie then held out her arm furiously, “And now, I’ll use Gatlinghoul’s other ability. Since he was summoned with a Pendulum Monster, I can target one monster you control and destroy it, and you take damage equal to its total attack point!”

Violet looked up at her helpless dragon.

“Ohhh…!” Terra gazed in astonishment “If this works, then Violet will take 2800 points of damage. She’ll lose the duel!”

Just as Pinkie was about activate Gatlinghoul’s effect… Violet shouted, “We’ll see who loses! I activate DE-FUSION!”

“Ah!” cried Pinkie.

“Sorry, but I’m afraid your Ghatlinghoul goes bye-bye-- back to the Extra Deck!”

“Oh, no!” Pinkie cried as her best monster vanished. “I didn’t get to use his power!”

She looked at Violet who was gawking at her as if to give her a teasing expression, which really fired Pinkie up.

“THAT’S IT!! I’m taking you down one way or another. I may have lost Gatlinghoul, but I can still beat you with the rest of my monsters!”

“No, you won’t!” hissed Violet. “I activate the trap RIDICULING WORLD!”

Pinkie’s monsters were suddenly shrouded in a strange dark fog, and their attack points suddenly increased.

(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 3100)

(Atk: 2000) -----> (Atk: 2100)

Violet explained. “Ridiculing World grants each of your monsters 100 extra attack points, but of course it does come with a catch…” she paused, and then finally said “…Any of those monsters with attack power greater than their original amounts aren’t allowed to attack this turn!”

Pinkie and Terra gasped.

Pinkie looked up at her monsters unable to believe any of this. She yelled and exclaimed in outrage in her mind, “After everything I’ve gone through to summon these strong creatures, now they can’t even attack?!!”

The darkness around her began to cease as she quivered with shock and absolute devastation before finally falling to her knees.

Terra felt horrified for Pinkie. “Poor girl.” she thought “We were so close to winning this! But… really… she brought this on herself for losing her focus and letting darkness consume her.”

Pinkie looked down at her quivering hands still unable to believe this was happening!

While all that happened…

Kori and Sci-Twi had stopped in the middle of a large hallway after escaping from Celestia.

“Are you okay?” Kori asked.

Sci-Twi shook her head, “…Cadance! She’s--” she could hardly bring herself to finish her sentence, but she was too out of breath to burst into tears.

Kori felt no different than she did-- the way Cadance jumped in and spared her from being turned into a card.

She clenched her fist angrily. “We’ll get her back, even if it means we have to…” she stopped.

Sci-Twi gawked at her. “Have to… what?”

Kori didn’t answer, and she didn’t have to. Sci-Twi could read her like a textbook. “…You’re not seriously considering we beat Celestia, are you?”

“What choice do we have? We’ve tried to snap her out of it, and it isn’t working, now Cadance is gone too because we underestimate Celestia’s skills and power, and it’s not the first time either.”

Much as Sci-Twi couldn’t argue with that, and yet she protested “But… we can’t just defeat her. Then we’ll lose her too. Our best chance to save her is finding the Prince Brothers and stopping them.”

Kori agreed, “But the next time we run into Celestia, I’m not showing her any mercy!” Sci-Twi gave her a disappointed glare. “I know how you feel about this…” said Kori “But like I said… what choice do we have, and it may just be best than leaving her to remain controlled by evil creeps.”

Before Sci-Twi could speak, a small flash of light shined down before her from a very tiny window high up.

The ladies looked up and could see the light was coming from another rift opening in the skies outside as another world was about to be pulled into the darkness of the Malefic World.

“Let’s go.” said Sci-Twi and she began to dash down the halls with Kori following her.

“I sure wish I knew where we were going.” Kori grumbled.

She was the only one…!

Dick and Rainbow had run up several hallways, but it only felt like they were going around in circles. Rainbow was starting to grow tired. “Dick...!” she panted “We’re not… getting anywhere… like… this!”

Dick didn’t care, he was desperate to find Kori, hoping she was alright.

Suddenly, he saw something far up ahead-- Sci-Twi and Kori passing by, down the end of the hall.

“There!” he cried, and then he ran forth called “…Kori!!”

Suddenly, a trapdoor opened in the floor, and he fell through it. Then Rainbow, unable to stop herself in time, fell in too.

She would have kept falling had Dick not grabbed her jacket collar stopping her.

As Dick fell into the hole, he had quickly pulled out his grappling line and launched it into the creases between the stones of the pit wall.

“Hang on, Rainbow!” he called to her.

Rainbow looked down but could see nothing but a large black drop into nothingness.

Suddenly, she and Dick began to jiggle-- the hook was slowly coming loose!

Finally, it popped out and the duo were sent screaming, plunging into the darkness, and then found themselves sliding along a long tunnel like a wacky slide!

They landed with huge thuds in a small, closed space with torches lining the walls, with a very long ascension upward.

Before either one of them could say anything, they were suddenly and swiftly thrown upward, in a magical pull, sending them up, and up and up, and they finally blacked out from all the rushing!

As for Sapphire he continued to rush down the halls for Celestia. “Just you wait for me to catch you!!” he shouted.

He turned round a bend and WHAMM!!! He crashed right into Vic who was just coming round the other side.

“Dang!” Vic groaned as he rubbed his head, but then he and Sapphire took one look at each other and exclaimed “…YOU!!”

Then they each bolted upright, glaring each other down like cowboys ready to draw.

“I was wondering when I’d catch up to you!” sneered Vic. “Now, I mean it-- you take me to your masters, now!”

“Ha!” scoffed Sapphire, and he gave his robe a huge flick; a small card fell out and onto the floor.

Vic gasped at the sight of it. “Cadance…?!” He nearly fell into complete and total shock. “What did you do to her?!”

Sapphire scoffed, “Don’t look at me, Celestia’s the one who did it.”

“Celestia? She’s here?”

Sapphire then raised his duel disk. “I’ll deal with her, right after I settle a few things with you.”

Vic checked his wrist com, his power-meter was now nearing the halfway point. If he were duel now, it would drop immensely and really put himself in danger.

“What’s the matter? Too scared?” Sapphire mocked. That was the final straw which made Vic get out his duel disk and ready himself.

“I’ll show you who’s scared! I’ve been itching to get back and you punks for a while now.”


Little did they know that Celestia was spying at them from a little further up the hall, hiding behind a column.

“One chump versus another? This ought to be fun to watch.”

To Be Continued…

Author's Note:

According to Yugioh wikis, Odd-Eyes Seer came out in Japan in 2016... it could be an error, but... I hope it isn't, cuz like I said...

No using cards that came OUTSIDE the day of the airing of the last ep of Arc V

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