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Episode 32: Part 3: Face up to yourself


Sci-Twi could still hardly believe this. Here she stood ready to take on the dueling monster she had created, and against her very own Lunalights.

She was so nervous, and yet so determined to stop her for good.

Karle only snickered, “So it’s the Creator against the Creation; amusing as this may be, I know you won’t win.”

“How would you know that?” insisted Sci-Twi “You forget: I gave you all the dueling skills you know from my own knowledge, and that same knowledge I’ll use to stop you for good.”

Then she stopped and thought silently, “Especially since I see your one fatal flaw, and I know how to get at it.”

She readied Applejack’s duel disk and her new deck. “Let’s do this!”

Karle stood ready herself.

Terra, Twilight, and Spike could only watch helplessly from the sidelines. Not one of them knew quite what to think of a duel like this.

“This is it…” murmured Terra “Either one of them has an equal chance of winning or losing.”

“I don’t see how it matters.” Spike fret, “After all, even if Karle loses, she won’t vanish because she doesn’t have a soul.”

Twilight said nothing, but she was very concerned for her human-counterpart. She did think softly, “She’s got to win this. She’s fighting for our friends, and there’s no greater cause.” Then she remembered other times, when the others were fighting for the same reasons and they didn’t fare so well.

“LET’S DUEL!” the ladies shouted.

Karle LP: 8000

Sci-Twi LP: 8000

They drew their cards.

“Tell you what?” teased Karle “I’ll show you some compassion and let you make the first move. It really doesn’t matter to me.”

Sci-Twi growled softly, remembering the time she met Gar, at the Math-A-Thon, and he said the same thing in their first duel.

“It really doesn’t matter to me; who goes first. You’re going to lose anyway.”

Trying to keep her emotions in check, Sci-Twi grabbed her card.

“This first move is for my friend, Rarity!” as she spoke, it was as if an image of Rarity’s spirit appeared behind her.


(Atk: 1400)

The monster appeared, and sung her soothing note, spewing out magical sparkles.

The trio on the side thought the same thing as they saw the monster. “Rarity…” Spike peeped softly, worrying about her and the others.

Swi-Twi then held out her hand. “Now I use Cannon’s special ability, which lets me change her from attack to defense-mode.”

(Def: 2000)

“I’ll place one card facedown, and end my turn.”

She then thought silently, and nervously. “I really hope I did right this time, because I have a feeling I know what’s coming.”

Karle laughed, “Is that the best you can do-- a simple defense and a facedown. It’s no wonder you needed to create me to duel your battles for you.

Now it’s my turn. I draw!”

She looked down at all six of her cards. “Ah, this shouldn’t take too long for me at all.”

Sci-Twi and the others didn’t like the sound of that.

I activate the Continuous spell GUARDED TREASURE, I now must discard five cards from my hand.”

“What?! Discard five cards like that?” snapped Terra.

“But that’ll leave her hand totally empty!” Twilight pointed out.

Sci-Twi and Spike only gawked with worry as Karle ditched her entire hand, and was shrouded in a golden glow from her spell card.

“It may seem like a large price, but it is quite beneficial if done correctly, because I draw two cards, and furthermore: as long as my spell remains in play, I get to draw two cards every turn instead of one.”

The others were still convinced that Karle just made a huge risk by reducing her hand by a vast amount.

“And now…!” Karle shouted, “From my hand, I play the trap DISGRACEFUL CHARITY!”

“Oh, no!” cried Sci-Twi. “That means you get all five cards you discarded back.”

“Hold on!” protested Terra “How could she play that trap.” Then it suddenly hit her, “Unless…!”

Karle snickered as she added all her cards back including one in particular monster. “…That’s what happens when MAKYURA THE DESTRUCTOR is sent to the graveyard.”

Sci-Twi growled. “I remember this strategy!” she grumbled, and she looked over at Gar who was unconscious-- remembering how he used such a move on her in the tournament.

“Ha!” scoffed Karle, “You really should have learned from his other duels and you would have failed to defeat him, but where you failed, I shall succeed.”

She grabbed her cards, thus replenishing her entire hand with six cards, as if nothing bad had happened.

“Now I shall activate the Field Spell FUSION GATE!”

The field around everyone warped into the static zone of green shockwaves.

Sci-Twi’s eyes widened, “I know what’s coming now!”

Karle’s eye gave a twinkle, “You presume correctly. With Makura’s power still in effect, I now play from my hand, the trap CHAIN MATERIAL!”

Everyone remembered this move, the very one Karle used against Pinkie Pie.

Karle snickered, “Now, I am able to simple banish monster from my hand, field, deck, or graveyard any time I Fusion summon, and thanks to my Fusion Gate, there’s no limit to how many times I may do so!”

Swi-Twi sweated nervously and watched as Karle’s field began to go crazy.

“For my first Fusion… I banish LUNALIGHT BLUE CAT, and LUNALIGHT PURPLE BUTTERFLY from my deck…”

The spirits of the two monsters rose up, and then vanished into the darkness as their fused form emerged from the Extra Deck.


(Atk: 2400)

The mighty monster lady appeared, slashing her blades together, and then glared at Sci-Twi, who gawked up at the creature with a mixed expression of shame, fear, worry, and a little awkwardness-- having to face her own monster like this.

“What’s wrong?” teased Karle “I thought you’d be pleased to see your old friend.

Well, how about another comes to join us?

I activate my Fusion Gate again! I combine Cat Dancer with LUNALIGHT WHITE RABBIT in the deck.

I now Fusion summon, the wild and graceful, LUNALIGHT PANTHER DANCER!”

(Atk: 2800)

Yet another of Sci-Twi’s monsters glaring her down like an enemy, making her heart race nervously, and Karlee still was not through.

“I activate my Fusion Gate once more, merging the Panther Dancer with LUNALIGHT WOLF, and LUNALIGHT TIGER!”

The final monsters merged together, and this time Karle chanted the verse…

“Sharp as blades, and dark and deep,
I summon this beast to make you weep!


(Atk: 3500)

The biggest and strongest monster appeared, holding her shining sword up high.

“No! Leo Dancer!” Sci-Twi called!

Her monster just continued to glare at her.

The trio on the sidelines felt just as bad for Sci-Twi.

“That’s Twilight’s most powerful monster!” cried Terra.

Karle then grabbed a card from her hand, “But now I’ll make things even worse, by playing this trap from my hand, RETURN FROM THE DIFFERENT DIMENSION!

Now I can trade half of my life-points, and revive as many banished monsters as I need!”

Karle LP: 8000 -----> 4000

As her life points drained, the gem on Karle’s head began to pulse softly,

which Sci-Twi observed.

Then in magical glows, four monsters appeared on the field.


(Atk: 2400)

(Atk: 2800)

(Atk: 2000)

(Atk: 1200)

Karle’s field was packed to the brim.

Sci-Twi lowered her arms as she just looked up at, “…All my monsters!” to which Karle snuffed “They are no longer yours. You squandered their powers for far too long.”

Sci-Twi growled angrily.

“Now then…” hissed Karle “I can’t attack this turn since I used Chain Material, and at the end of this turn my monsters will vanish, but I can easily change that with MISCHIEF OF THE TIME GODDESS!”

“Oh, no!” cried Terra “Now it skips ahead to her next turn’s battle phase!”

“Which means she’s allowed to attack!” wailed Twilight.

“Worse than that,” Spike added “Thanks to Lunalight Wolf, if a “Lunalight” attacks a monster in defense-mode, then Twilight gets hit with piercing damage!”

“How sad for you.” sneered Karle. “Looks like you’re about to lose this duel, and I’m surprised you would! You’re so weak, and spineless, I’m surprised you lasted so long with me.”

The more she taunted her, the more Sci-Twi began to feel like she was facing Gar again, and how mean he always was to her.

“You’re the weakest player I’ve ever known.”

“If it were up to me, I’d ban you from ever touching a game again.”

“You’re weak, and pathetic!”

She clenched her fist hard and strongly.

“Say goodbye!” growled Karle. “Lunalight Leo Dancer, I order you to destroy Cannon the Melodious Diva!”

Her monster obeyed and she leapt up high into the air.

“LOOK OUT!!” the trio of friends called.

Leo Dancer came crashing down with her sword at the ready.

“I activate my facedown…” called Sci-Twi.

“What?” snapped Karle.

“Go… HAND DESTRUCTION! Now we’re both forced to discard two cards, and then we each draw two cards.”

Both duelists did as just so, and Sci-Twi really liked what she had done.

“What good does a move like that do you?” Karle asked.

KAPOW!! Leo Dancer struck, and destroyed Cannon, sending her screaming to the graveyard, and sending a wave of fiery energy at Sci-Twi.

“It does plenty, because I activate BUJINGI FOX’(s) effect from my graveyard! By banishing it, and sending one “Bujin” from my hand to the Graveyard, I don’t take any damage for the rest of this turn!”

Karle was mortified, and Sci-Twi wailed from the brightness of the fiery blazes. It all seemed to stop right before her, as if the spirit of Applejack was up and blocking it like a wall.

When the fires had ceased, Sci-Twi looked up at the spirit, which seemed to wink at her before vanishing, and all was well.

“Whoa!!” exclaimed Terra. “She did it! She saved herself.”

“Ah, yeah!” cheered Spike, and he let out a cheerful howl.

Twilight was most pleased as she thought, “I knew it! The powers of friendship came through and saved her.”

Sci-Twi adjusted her glasses and sneered at Karle. “I knew you would pull those stunts on me. Remember: I used it all myself.” she paused, and lifted up her duel disk, motioning at the deck, “This time, I’m not dueling alone. My friends’ cards helped to build this, so it’s like they are here with me, and that’s how I’m going to beat you… with their help.”

Karle naturally scoffed. “I doubt that. Using other people’s cards is one thing, but being able to achieve victory is another.”

“She should know…” grumbled Spike, and the others agreed that Karle using Sci-Twi’s cards was rather hypocritical to say.

Karle huffed and grabbed a card in her hand. “You got lucky, but it is still my turn, and as I am still able to play traps from my hand, I activate this one; PENDULUM SWITCH!”

Sci-Twi gasped softly.

“Hey, that’s one of Sunset’s cards.” said Terra.

Karle then held out her arm, “Indeed it is, and with it, I shall take my Lunalight Tiger, and place it in my Pendulum Zone!”

The switch was made, and the tiger was now safely shielded in the light.

“Now I end with a facedown…

But realize, though you’ve bought yourself at least another turn, there is no way for you defeat me.”

“Yeah… Keep that!” Terra snapped. “If it wasn’t for her, you wouldn’t even be here!”

“That’s right!” agreed Spike. “I remember all the many endless days and nights Twilight spent programing all this. Even though you were created by accident, you can’t possibly deny that without her, you’d be nothing.”

Karle chuckled, “Wrong! I don’t need her to hold me back. I duel stronger and better than I ever this way. I am perfect without her.”

“You aren’t!” protested Sci-Twi, “And once I’m through with you, you’ll never harm anybody ever again!”

She wasn’t pretending to sound tough; she really meant it.

“It’s my draw!”

She now had three cards in hand.

“So far, I’m still standing…” she thought “But I need to get rid of all those Lunalights, and I just drew the very card I needed.”

“Now…” she hollered “I’ll place two cards facedown, and I’ll summon a monster, facedown, in defense-mode as well. That’s all.”

The trio on the sides were curious.

“What do you think she played?” wondered Twilight.

Terra was eying all the Lunalights on the other field. “I just hope it’s good. I mean, look at all those monsters. Each one is stronger than the next.”

Spike knew Sci-Twi knew her own Lunalights, and he thought “Knowing her, she’s cooking something up big.”

“It’s my draw…” snapped Karle. “Thanks to Guarded Treasure, I can draw two cards.”

She drew and then snickered at what she had. “Do you recognize this…?” she teasingly asked as she revealed the card she drew.

Sci-Twi gasped, “…No! Not that?!”

Karle grinned wickedly, “I activate LUNAR ECLIPSE!”

The second the card was played, the field was once again shrouded in dark fog, making it almost impossible to see anything clearly.

“Oh, not…! Not this again.” groaned Terra.

Twilight and Spike remembered and resented this darkness.

Sci-Twi growled. “It’s the card I played before. Now all the Lunalights are protected from my spell and trap cards until my next turn.”

“Right you are.” hissed Karle. “Too bad you couldn’t use it properly yourself when you played it, and you may have achieved victory.”

Sci-Twi felt insulted.

“Well then…” hissed Karle “I guess I’ll just have to show you the hard way, especially since I still have Lunalight Wolf, which allows all my monsters to deal you damage even with your defense.

Now, Cat Dancer, stretch your claws and attack!”

Cat Dancer complied, and leapt over to strike…

“And of course, you know very well, when Cat Dancer attacks the first time your monster isn’t destroyed and you take an automatic 100 points of damage, as well as the piercing damage you’ll receive as well.”

Cat Dancer moved in and pounced hard on the monster with a hard crash! The shockwaves struck Sci-Twi hard as she took her damage...

First she lost 100 points from Cat Dancer’s power, and then her piercing damage. Her monster had only 900 defense points, which meant a total of 1600 points of combined damage.

Sci-Twi LP: 8000 -----> 6400

Sci-Twi wailed as the shocks harmed her, but she shook it off, and her lips curled into a grin. “Now you’ve done it!”

“Huh?” said Karle, and she saw what monster she had attacked. “What? It’s CYBER JAR!”

Sci-Twi snickered, “And now that you flipped him up, you set off his effect. Now he’ll destroy monsters on the field, including himself.”

Cyber Jar began to engage it’s vortex to destroy all monsters it could, which confused Karle a great deal. “What is she thinking?” she thought “Panther Dancer and Leo Dancer won’t be destroyed, and she knows this.

Nevertheless, I cannot allow this. She’ll use Cyber Jar’s other effect to gain cards, and summon more monsters to defend herself. I cannot allow it.”

“I’ll stop you!” she thundered “I play the trap, BREAKTHROUGH SKILL!”

Sci-Twi grunted.

Karle smirked, “Sorry, but I’m afraid this trap puts an end to your plan by negating your monster’s effect for this turn.”

The vortex stopped, and the jar lay dormant.

“No!” cried Terra. “That was her best shot at making a comeback on those monsters.”

“And now Karle’s going to attacked again!” wailed Twilight.

Spike, however, noticed Sci-Twi didn’t seem too upset, and she wasn’t at all.

“Panther Dancer, it is now your turn! Get in there and strike that useless tin can!”

The monster dashed ahead with her claws at the ready.

The gem on Karle’s head was pulsating much faster now.

“Oh, and you remember…” Karle called “Panther Dancer also doesn’t destroy your monster at first, but you’ll still take damage anyway.

That’s what you get when your plan fails you!”

The attack was about to connect when Sci-Twi said “…Who said my plan was ruined?”


“I thought you’d try and stop Cyber Jar, and I was hoping you would. Now I activate the trap ILLUSION DESTRUCTION! Thanks to this trap, I can turn Cyber Jar face down again!”

Just like magic, the jar flipped back over, just as Panther dancer struck it hard.

(Atk: 2800) VS (Def: 900)

This caused Sci-Twi to suffer more damage and pain from the shocks…

Sci-Twi LP: 6400 -----> 4500

She dropped down on one knee, but she was still fine. “And now, since Cyber Jar was flipped down before the attack stuck, his effect activates once again, which destroys himself and a few of your monsters as well, Like Cat Dancer and Wolf!”

The jar began to suck in again.

“I won’t allow this!” shouted Karle, I the power of Pendulum switch, which will send my Wolf from the field into my Pendulum Zone.”

The Wolf retreated to safety.

“And there’s more, from my hand, I play the Quick-Play Spell, MYSTIK WOK! Sorry, but my Cat Dancer will now be tribute to the graveyard, and then it’s attack points are added to my life points.”

Karle LP: 4000 -----> 8400

Karle laughed as she felt really energized, and the gem on her head was glowing brighter than ever.

“I can’t believe it!” growled Spike. “How could she pull off such a stunt like that!”

The girls were upset too.

As for Cyber Jar, the only monster it could now destroy was itself, so it shattered to nothing.

“Oh, well…” remarked Sci-Twi. “Its other ability still kicks in. We both grab the top five cards from our deck, and summon all level 4 or below monsters we can.”

“I know that!” growled Karle. “It makes no real difference to me.”

“Are you sure?” Sci-Twi teased as she revealed her card “I’ll summon some of Fluttershy’s monsters.


“And the Tuner Monster: SUNNY PIXIE.”

She summoned them all facedown.

The remaining cards she had were “Spy Hero,” and two of Rarity’s cards, “Mozarta the Melodious Maestra.” And “Elegy the Melodius Dive” Both their levels were too high for either of them to be summoned.

“Ha!” scoffed Karle “Those monsters are nothing compared to what I have.


(Atk: 1000)

(Atk: 1600)

Her remaining three cards were all traps.

“Lunalight Dance”

“Lunalight Reincarnation Dance”

And “Fusion Guard”

Karle’s field was brimming full, while Sci-Twi seemed only half as much, and none of her monsters had a chance against the Lunalights.

“I suppose I should thank you.” hissed Karle. “Since you allowed me to special summon blue Cat, Leo Dancer’s attack is now doubled!”

(Atk: 3500) -----> (Atk: 7000)

The trio all shuddered in fear.

“And you know… when Leo Dancer attacks, not only will she destroy all your special summoned monsters, but she’ll get to attack again, and you’ll be wide open to ultimate doom!”

“Wrong again!” snapped Sci-Twi, and as she shouted, the field was suddenly bathed in electrical shockwaves, all over the monsters.

“What’s happening?!” cried Karle.

Sci-Twi held up a card, “This is what happened-- ELECTROMAGNETIC TURTLE. I sent him to the graveyard when I plated Hand Destruction, and by banishing him, the battle phase ends!”

Karle was furious, and the trio didn’t know how much more of this could take. They all sighed in huge relief.

“I’ll place two cards facedown, and that ends my turn.” Karle declared. She played her dance card, and her Fusion Guard.

“One moment…” Sci-Twi called. “I still have a trap to play myself. Activate BUBBLE CRASH!”

“Ah!” cried Karle.

The trio gazed with wonder while Sci-Twi explained with a cheeky grin. “Since you have more than five cards in play, this trap forces you to send some of your cards to the graveyard until the ones you have in play amount to exactly five.”

Karle cringed.

“Karle has eleven cards in play.” said Terra. “That means she’ll have to send six of them to her graveyard.”

“It’s worse than that,” added Spike. “Since Pendulum Monsters can’t go to the graveyard, she can’t select Tiger or Wolf. She’ll have to choose other cards.”

Twilight gazed in awe as Karle furiously sent her cards away-- Fusion Gate, her two set traps, and her Pendulum Switch, Blue Cat and Purple Butterfly.

This left her with only Panther Dancer, Leo Dancer, her two Pendulum Monsters, and Guarded Treasure.

Sci-Twi then called to Karle, “You thought this deck was full of only my friends’ cards, well it mostly is, but I’ve added a few cards we found along the way to change things up a bit, and they’ve done wonders to put you in your place.”

“My place?!” snapped Karle. “Oh, please. You don’t have a chance against me and you know it. You may have been lucky so far, but luck only lasts so long and gets you so far.

This duel is as good as mine, and you’re as good as gone like the friends whose cards you use.”

Meanwhile, the rest of the group was still trying desperately to get as far away from Sunset and her evil rage, but it was no good… she was catching up fast… blowing down crumpling buildings and blasting through walls calling. “You can’t avoid me forever! It makes my thirst for dueling all the harder.


Pinkie shuddered in fear. “She’s getting closer!”

“Gee, you think?” grumbled Raven.

There was no way for the group to outrun her, and Rainbow also realized. “If we keep running from Sunset, we’ll never be able to try and help her.”

While all the others did agree with her, none were too keen on the idea of actually challenging Sunset… except for Dick.

“Maybe we should.”

Everyone gawked at him with wide eyes.

“Um… you’re not serious are you?” asked Vic.

“Dick, we can’t!” cried Kori.

Her husband disagreed, “We have to.

Don’t any of you see? This could be our chance to find the Prince Brothers. We already agree that they’ve done this to her. So maybe by confronting Sunset, we can force the brothers to reveal where they are.”

There was no arguing it, and even Cadance looked rearing to have Sunset confronted. “The sooner those creeps are revealed, the sooner we can make them pay for what they did to all our friends.”

The rifts in the skies slowly continued to widen.

“…Well, if it means stopping their plans and getting us home,” said Rainbow. “I guess we better do it.”

A loud explosion was heard, which made the streets rumble, as another large building was blasted down, and Sunset was seen standing up high on another roof, glaring down at the gang, snickering wickedly. “There you are! There’s no running from me now.”

She held up her left arm, with her duel disk armed. “Who’s going first?”

Dick fiercely stepped forth. “…I am.”

Kori felt a chill run down her spine.

Dick looked back at his wife, and gave her a brave nod.

Kori still couldn’t hold herself back. “No!” she insisted as she rushed to his side with her own duel disk ready. “I won’t let you do this alone.”

“Kori…!” Dick tried to protest, but his wife was already in the duel, and she held his hand and looked deeply at him.

Dick couldn’t help but warm up to her, and agree to tag with her.

“Two against one?” teased Sunset. Then she laughed. “No problem.”

The rest of the gang backed far away from the, now, vacant area as the couple were surrounded by rubble and destruction, and Sunset still stood on the roof.

“You two have no idea what you’re in for.” Sunset mocked.

Kori called up to her, “Sunset, listen to us. You’re not being yourself. We want to help you.”

Sunset scoffed, “The only one needing help is going to you two, and the rest of you.”

Dick shook his head, “It’s no good. Whatever evil is controlling her must be really deep.”

“Who said I’m being controlled?” sneered Sunset. “Maybe I just like the way I am now--stronger, more powerful than I was before, and with no way I can possibly lose to anyone… Ever!

In fact: I love the way I am now. Who needs friendship?”

Everyone felt struck and shocked at what she just said.

“She’s kidding!” cried Pinkie “She has to be! Sunset would never think that way.”

“Well… she kind of did… once.” Rainbow pointed out.

From where she stood, Raven could see in Sunset’s evil eyes. “I’ve never seen darkness like this before.” she said to herself. “Whatever did this to her is really strong.”

“Now, on with the duel…!” Sunset ordered. “Duel well now, for I can assure you, it will be nothing like anything you’ve ever seen!”

To Be Continued…

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