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Episode 47: Final Part: Don't fight it-- Use it!


Terra and Pinkie awoke, after falling through the trapdoor, and found themselves back in the same dungeon where everything began.

“Oh, no! Not here again!” grumbled Terra.

Feeling incredibly tired of being ambushed, tricked, and tossed around, Pinkie fruitlessly charged at the bars and began to pull on them with all her might, to the point where she exhausted herself.

“I CAN’T TAKE IT!!” she shouted. “Every time it seems we get closer to finding the others and regrouping, we get separated again.

It’s those crazy Prince Brothers! It must be!”

Terra didn’t seem to take much notice in her babbling. She kept staring at the lock of the cell, remembering how Gar picked his and how it helped him escape.

“Gar…!” she peeped softly.

After all this time, and after all she went through, she was still thinking about him and wondering where he had gotten to.

Then again, what did she have to expect by running into him again? More hostility, more bad-mouthing, and more refusal to forgive and forget.

“No! I won’t let it be like this!” she thought. “Somehow, I’ve got to get through to him. I’ve got to make him see…!”

“Terra…?” Pinkie called to her. “TERRA…!!”

She snapped out of her trance and saw Pinkie had already opened the cell-door. “Would you believe-- it was never locked.”

Both girls were confused but didn’t bother to question and booked it out of the, still, unguarded dungeon.

“Now what?” wondered Pinkie “We’re right back where we started!”

Terra examined the corridors, but after all the running around they did and all the familiar ways, as well as all the danger they had been in-- she just couldn’t remember the ways to go.

“I should’ve paid better attention.”

“I should have too.” admitted Pinkie.

Suddenly, their ears twitched. They could hear running footsteps coming from one of the halls.

Pinkie and Terra readied themselves for whatever was coming, but it turned out to be…





The two groups then wondered if maybe this was some kind of trick-- given all they had been through already.

The groups stood glaring each other down like cowgirls ready to draw, but not one of them could think of a way to prove they were the real deal.


Sapphire continued to glare Vic down with his aura still flaring and his eyes glowing.

Sapphire LP: 4500

Vic LP: 2800

Sapphire kept snickering at the single card he had drawn. “…I pass.”

“Huh?” said Vic.

Sapphire nodded. “You heard me. Go ahead and make your move… unless you’re scared.”

Vic couldn’t understand this as he thought, “He just draws one card and ends his turn like that? He’s got nothing else in play.

…He’s got to be up to something, or he wouldn’t be so full of himself.”

Suddenly, his vision began to get a little blurry. “What’s happening?” he wondered, and then he checked his wrist-com… his power-meter was now down to Twenty-Five Percent, nearing the “Danger” mark!

“Oh, no! That last turn really blew a lot of energy out of me. I’ve got to end this duel quick and then find some way to charge myself.”

With time running out, he quickly made his move.

“Now I draw…!”

Still not having any idea what to expect, he couldn’t miss his chance and immediately engaged his battle phase.

“Deskbot Jet… attack him directly and let’s bail out of this duel!”

The Jet readied its lasers, and with it’s attack so high, Sapphire was about to lose it all.

“Nice try!” Sapphire hollered, and he revealed the card he held. “I activate the ability of my SPEEDROID MENKO!

When you attack me directly, I can summon it out in attack-mode!”

(Atk: 100)

“…And doing that means all of your monsters automatically switch into defense-mode, which stops your attack!”

“ARGH!!” Vic growled, but all his monsters stood down.

(Def: 3500)

(Def: 500)

(Def: 1000) x2

Vic was careful not to break out in any fits, or it would drain his batteries more.

“I still have jet’s Special ability.

I can destroy your monster, and then I have to sacrifice Deskbot Double-O Seven from the Pendulum Zone!”

The two monsters were instantly incinerated in the Jet’s laser blasts.

Sapphire chuckled. “So what? You still can’t attack me, and now there’s one less Deskbot, so your Jet’s Attack and Defense go down by another 500 points.”

(Def: 3500) -----> (Def: 3000)

Vic remained cool and calm, and then ended his turn with one facedown.

Celestia shook her head. “Talk about a lucky break. Sapphire’s not willing to go down so easy.”

Sapphire drew his next card. “I play AURORA DRAW. Since I don’t have any other cards in my hand, I can draw more.”

He really liked what he drew and laughed.

“Wow! How lucky can I be…?” he teased. “Actually, it’s more like the spirit of my fallen dragons guiding me to avenging their falls.”

“Will you just play already?!” bellowed Vic.

“Oh, I’ll play alright… I’ll play the spell SYSTEM DOWN!

Now by simply paying 1000 life points…”

Sapphire LP: 4500 -----> 3500

“…I can banish every single Machine-Type monster you have in play and in your graveyard!”

“WHAT?!” cried Vic, and at that very moment his field was struck by a wall of shocking energy, and every single monster on his field vanished into thin air, and all the monsters in his graveyard were caught in a shocking whirlwind, also vanishing from sight.

“No!! My bots!” Vic wailed.

Sapphire laughed wickedly and his aura was flaming high. “And that’s just the starters, because I have another spell, I’d like to play… MONSTER REBORN!”

Vic’s eyes widened. “No way!”

“Oh, yes, now I can summon any monster from the graveyard, or rather my own since I just got rid of all your monsters.

It’s time for vengeance!!!”

A bright wall of sparkling winds burst out from behind him.

“Oh, no! Don’t tell me…!” shuddered Vic.

Sapphire only glared at him with his glowing eyes. “He’s back, and he’s mad, and he’s looking to get even…


(Atk: 3000)

The dragon roared fiercely, and its eyes were glowing a bright blue, just like Sapphire’s eyes.

Sapphire pointed squarely at Vic, “Crystal Wing has 3000 attack points, and you have only 2800 life points left. So it’s a no-brainer what’s going to happen now.”

Vic cringed and growled.

“When you mess with my dragons, you pay a high price!” bellowed Sapphire. “Crystal Wing… attack and wipe this creep out!”

Vic looked up as the mighty dragon unleashed its fury at him.

He screamed and wailed as he was struck hard.

“YES!!” shouted Sapphire.

Celestia watched on through the brightness, with an actual sense of worry.

Back at the dungeon entrance, all four ladies felt their ears twitching to the sound of faint but familiar echoes.

“That sounds like Vic!” they all said at the same time.

At that very moment, they all gawked at one another realized they were all indeed the real-deal and not some Malefic trick.

Their smiles and joy began to light up, but Kori suddenly cut in. “Let’s move! We’ve got to get to him.”

The others agreed, and Pinkie cautioned, “And watch out, there could be more traps on the way.”

Sci-Twi calculated when and where the sound came from and lead the group down a hallway, and all four of them keep their eyes peeled for any new tricks.

On the way, stories were told.

“Cadance was turned into a card?” cried Terra!

“By Celestia…?” added Pinkie. “How could she do that?!”

Kori skid to a halt-- the others did too-- and recollected in a flashback. “…I was dueling Celestia, and she beat me, but Cadance sacrificed herself, and let the lightning take her instead of me.”

“Oh, Cadance!” Pinkie sniffled.

Terra felt sorry too, but that’s when she reminded everyone about Sunset.

“She wants to what?!” Sci-Twi asked in near-disbelief.

Sunset stood outside the castle, perfectly still and with her arms folded as the soft winds made her hair and overcoat flutter.

“She’s standing out there right now…” Terra explained, and then she checked the clock on her duel disk. “She’s going hold this Ultimate Challenge in thirty minutes.”

Kori couldn’t understand, “How does she intend to duel us all if we don’t even show up?”

“I’m sure she’ll find a way, what with Z-Arc’s power.” said Sci-Twi.

This only made it more important to find the remember members of their group and fast…

…Except, now they were all lost again.

In all these sudden revelations and stopping dead still, Sci-Twi had lost track of the direction she was following.

“Oh, great!” grumbled Pinkie. “Now what do we do…”

“We wait…” replied Sci-Twi.

The others were all confused.

Sci-Twi knew it would be dangerous to just run off and get even more lost, and also she was waiting for any other sound to help her reset her tracking.

“Come on, Vic… just give me a sound.”

The brightness of the attack faded out, and Sapphire felt very pleased with himself.

“It’s over!”

…But as the smoke from the attack faded out, he gasped as he could see Vic was still standing.

Vic LP: 2800

“Whoa! What gives! How come you didn’t lose any life points?!”

Vic looked forth at him. “I’ll tell you why… because I activated DANGER DRAW!”

Sapphire’s eyes widened.

“When you attacked me directly and if your monster’s attack is higher than my life points… I draw one card, and if it’s a trap card, then your attack is canceled out…”

Sapphire growled furiously.

“…And what do you know?” Vic continued “I can also play the very trap that I just drew, so I activate… JAR OF GREED, so I get to draw one more card, and your turn’s done!”

Sapphire didn’t know how much more of this he could take. “Just plain luck!” he growled.

Vic merely mocked him, “When you mess with my bots, you pay a high price.”

Sapphire’s turn was over, but when Vic finally looked down at the card he had drawn…! “Ah, snap! Autonomous Action Unit?!” he groaned in thought. “This would let me summon a monster from his graveyard and use it against him…

…But the problem is: He hasn’t got any monsters stronger than Crystal Wing, and even if he did, Crystal Wing still has its abilities to use on me!”

He looked up at Crystal Wing and how it was snarling at him, looking ready to finish him off next turn.

Vic’s vision suddenly began to get blurry again. His meter had now reached Twenty Percent and was blinking red for “Danger!” He had to get out of this duel, and very fast if he was to survive to talk about it!

Sapphire then laughed at him. “There’s no use in pondering. You can see that I’ve got you right where I want you. It doesn’t matter what you summon or play. My Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon is ready to put you in your place once and for all.

So, make it snappy already! I have masters to serve and a plan to carry out.”

Vic suddenly looked up, and out a tiny window at all the rifts opening in the skies above, which only further concerned him, and made him more determined to beat Sapphire down!

“What am I going to do?” he thought “I don’t even have any monsters in my graveyard to use, thanks to him, and my Pendulum Zone is empty too.”

Celestia watched Vic pondering, and she felt herself beginning to sweat a little. “What’s happening to me?” she thought. “Why am I so concerned for him? He’s nothing but a mere light-dweller, yet he’s show incredible skill in this duel. Is he really about to lose it all now?!”

More memories, clearer than ever, of how she met the Titans, before learning of their heartless and greedy actions, and how they all were kind to her, especially Vic, for thinking she was pretty.

She clenched her fist, warding off the thoughts again. “That does it!” she grumbled to herself. “There’s only one way I know to stop all this, but I better wait and see!”

Vic stared down at his deck. “One draw…” he thought. “It’s now or never. This is what it all rides on! Come on, baby…!!”

He pulled out a card, gawked at it, and his lips curled into a cheeky smirk.

“Huh?” said Sapphire, and then he noticed Vic was snickering at him. “What are you laughing at? Cut it out already!”

“Why? Are you anxious to lose now?”

Sapphire blinked in confusion. “What can you possibly have that will make me lose this duel?”

“Just this…” Vic said, “I activate the spell AUTONOMOUS ACTION UNIT!”

“Ah!” exclaimed Sapphire.

“Oh!” Celestia gasped softly.

“To activate this card, I have to pay life points-- 1500 to be exact.” and he wailed and roared as he was painfully shocked, and his power-meter got hurt hard too.

Vic LP: 2800 -----> 1300

He barely managed to keep on his feet. “…I’m taking one for the team, because now Action Unit lets me summon a monster from your graveyard and equip to this card!”

“What?! My graveyard?!” wailed Sapphire, and his duel disk glowed brightly as a huge stream of light burst from it and over to Vic’s field.

“I’ll give you two guesses for which monster I’m taking, but you’ll only need one!”

That’s when it appeared, much to Sapphire’s horror, “…My Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!!”

(Atk: 2500)

Sapphire was quivering the angriest he had all duel long. “You… took… my Clear Wing?!!”

“Now they each have a dragon!” Celestia said to herself.

The two dragons roared at one another.

“Haw-Haw!” mocked Vic “How do you like that-- the way I took your monster from you? But then again, you took all my monsters away, so I guess the best way to take you down is to use your own dragon against you.”

Sapphire continued to quiver, and he angrily thought. “This is unacceptable! It’s bad enough he beat my dragon before, but now he dares to use it against me! I can’t let this happen! I won’t let Clear Wing be the subject of this punk!”

“It’s time!” Vic hollered “Let’s go Clear Wing… attack Crystal Wing!”

Sapphire was shocked even more…

…Celestia too, “…But Clear Wing is weaker than Crystal Wing.”

Clear Wing still complied and soared straight into battle, while Vic thought, “Take the bait! Take it…!”

“I… won’t tolerate this!” shouted Sapphire. “Clear Wing is at least Level 5, and that means Crystal Wing can absorb it’s attack points!”

“I don’t think so, not this time!” shouted Vic. “I use Clear Wing’s ability. You know how it works; it is your own monster after all.”

Clear Wings eyes began to glow, “…Now he’s going to negate Crystal Wing and destroy him!”

“No!!” thundered Sapphire “…Crystal Wing uses his own ability to cancel Clear Wing’s, and it destroys him!”

Crystal Wing fired his own magic at Clear Wing, vaporizing him and sending him back to the graveyard in a big flash!

Vic covered his eyes from the brightness.

Sapphire didn’t laugh, but merely struggled with what he had just done. “Sorry about that Clear Wing, but it’s okay… now you’re safe and you can be misused anymore.”

Then he bellowed at Vic. “You have failed! You tried to use my dragon against me and look where it got you-- a whole lot of nothing… and that’s just what you are!”

Vic felt insulted.

“Yeah, you were nothing from the start, and soon you’ll be even more of nothing when I seal you in a card of your own!

Maybe that’ll teach you never to mess with me and my dragons again!”

Vic only scoffed. “…You think so?”


“…I got news for you: My turn ain’t over, and I’ve still got one card left to play.” He raised his hand up high, “Check it out, the Quick-Play spell, SYNCHRO CONTROL!”

Sapphire wailed in shock.

“…Thanks to this spell, since I don’t have any Syhchro monsters in play or the graveyard, I can pay 1000 life points…”

Vic LP: 1300 -----> 300

The surge of the drain made Vic feel woozy and wobbly, but to him it was well worth it.

“…And… now!” he said groggily “…Your monster… IS MINE!!”

Sapphire watched in horrors as his dragon glowed brightly and fluttered on over to the other side of the field. “…Crystal Wing!!”

“Amazing!” cried Celestia.

“No…! No, this can’t be happening!!” whimpered Sapphire.

“Oh, it be all right!” insisted Vic “Oh, and of course because you negated Clear Wing’s effect doesn’t that mean Crystal Wing got stronger?”

(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 5500)

“Nooooooooo!!!” shouted Sapphire.

Vic’s plan had worked perfectly. He knew Sapphire wouldn’t resist the bone-headed moves he had made-- taking his precious Clear Wing, and then try to turn the tables on him.

It all worked out, and it was time for the final strike!

“You are… GOING DOWN!!” Vic shouted. “Crystal Wing… Bring it home, boy, and wipe him out!”

“…N-N-Noooo!!” Sapphire looked up as his precious dragon charged up and strike him with his strongest fury.

Sapphire screamed and wailed as the brightness hit him like a crashing comet, wiping out all his life points.

“Ohhhhh!!” Celestia groaned as she covered her eyes from the brightness.

The scream was so loud and the explosion so massive, Sci-Twi heard the sound and felt the vibrations.

“That’s it!” she exclaimed, and immediately calculated the direction. “Let’s go, and don’t stop for anything!”

She dashed down the hall full speed. “Twilight! Wait up!” yelled Pinkie, and she and the Titan ladies dashed off behind.

The force of the blast sent Sapphire flying off like a rocket, right past Celestia, further and further along the seemingly endless halls and crashing into a stone wall hard, far away from pretty much anyone.

Since he was soulless, there was no lightning to strike him, but he sure felt sore as well as humiliated and outraged, but most of all, he felt weary.

“Not much of a victory pose, Sapphire.” came the voice of Khaos.

Sapphire wearily looked up and saw both he and Violet looking down upon him with obvious disdainful expressions in their eyes.

“Even I didn’t blow it this badly.” sneered Violet.

Sapphire slowly got up while grumbling, “He used my own monsters…!”

“Yeah, yeah, we all know the feeling.” said Violet as she pulled him up onto his feet.

Sapphire felt his weariness fading into rage. “Where is he? I’ll get him for this!”

“Enough!” snapped Khaos. “We have no time for this. We’ve been told to report to their majesties immediately-- all… of us!”

Sapphire growled, but he went along.

Dick and Rainbow were still locked in the misty dungeon. They had been struggling and trying to break free for a while, but they were still no closer to it.

“If only I could reach my utility belt!” grumbled Dick, but he knew his weapons and tools wouldn’t help too well against the solid manacles around his wrists and ankles.

Rainbow was still struggling. “There’s got to be a way out of these.”

She pulled hard, and without warning, all the manacles just flung open, and the duo fell onto the floor.

They were more surprised than hurt.

“What just happened?” asked Rainbow “Are they just letting us go?”

“I don’t know.” replied Dick. “They wouldn’t just let us go like that. Just like they wouldn’t have let us run loose in the castle so easily.”

They both felt glad to be free at least and decided it best to escape while they could, still fearing for the rest of the group and hoping they were all still okay.

Rainbow pointed far off to the end of the dungeon, “Look, there’s a doorway over there.”

Dick nodded, and while he felt suspicious that it was unguarded and wide open, “Let’s move, but watch out…! There may be more traps out there.”

He and Rainbow raced outside, but not one of them knew just where in the castle they were. They just hoped they could find the others before something else really big happened.

Vic was panting softly as he leaned with his hand up against the wall. That was one of the hardest duels he had ever fought.

“I can’t believe I really won that!” he thought wearily.

He saw something small on the floor… Cadance’s soul card.

He managed to pick it up, but he still felt pretty wiped out because his energy had now dropped below twenty, and his blurs were becoming more frequent and messier than ever. Soon his cell would drain completely, and he’d just collapse.

He was already beginning to regret dueling Sapphire, but that wasn’t his concern anymore.

“I’ve got to get a recharge… somehow.” he said to himself. “Maybe I can find something to make into a makeshift generator… or… something…”

He looked around, but all he could find were the carpets on the floor, surrounded by solid stone walls and the torches themselves-- not much to make anything from.

As he continued to walk softly along, he could see someone up ahead.

“Who’s that?” he wondered. His far-sight was still a bit blurry, but he soon made out who it was… when a duel beam was fired at his duel disk.

“What the--”

Celestia stepped forth snickering. “Now it’s my turn to duel.”

Vic was surprised to see her. “Celestia! What do you think you’re doing?!”

“The one thing that can save me, and that’s to take you down!”

Vic was most surprised. “How can taking me down save you?”

Celestia broke out yelling, “Because I’m sick and tired of all of you poisoning me and putting all these nonsensical thoughts in my mind! I can’t make them stop!”

Vic could already tell what she was getting at, and he thought to himself, “The evil brainwashing must be wearing off. She’s remembering who she really is.”

Right now, Celestia only seemed to be filled with fury and determination. “I’m tired of you light-dwellers and I’m sick of your tricks. The sooner I take you all down, the sooner you’ll all be out of my life, and I can concentrate what’s important.

So, get ready for the duel of your life! It’ll be your last one!”

Loki saw everything through the magic view. “That’s it! I don’t care if it does help us; I’m not letting her defy me anymore!”

He readied to leave and go after his so-called queen.

Before Rubeus could protest, Loki got in his face, “…Do not try and stop me!”

Then he left through the chamber doors.

Rubeus was not pleased. “His obsession has officially gone too far.” he grumbled to himself, then he seemed calmer. “…Just as I hoped he’d be.”

“Your highness…” Khaos spoke from behind as he stood with his comrades.

“Ah, good… you’re all here.”

“Well, that’s what you said, isn’t it?” Sapphire asked “Sorry, I didn’t get the memo.”
He stopped talking when Violet gave him a small nudge in the back.

“Where is Prince Loki?” she then asked.

Rubeus looked towards the main chamber entrance, “He is fine, I assure you.”

Khaos then cleared his throat, “Sire, are you aware of the situation at hand concerning Z-Arc?”

Rubeus nodded, “…If Z-Arc wishes a challenge, I welcome it.”

The Trio wasn’t the least bit concerned about what he had just said.

“Your highness, dare I ask…?” Violet said, but she didn’t say another word, for Rubeus gave her a strong look, and he nodded at the trio.

They bowed to him. “We exist only to serve the cause, my lord.” said Khaos.

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