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Episode 30: Part 1: Four-Way Foul Play!


The trio stood, laughing and chuckling at the friends.

Bloods were boiling harder than ever.

Violet beat Rarity and sealed her away, just as Sapphire beat Celestia and would have turned her into a card had Luna not sacrificed herself.

While Khaos hadn’t defeated anyone, he was just as dangerous, just as wicked as the others.

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Khaos hissed.

His comrades snickered, but the friends were not impressed.

“Get out of our way!” demanded Rainbow. “We don’t have time to put up with you punks right now.”

“We’ll be the judges of that.” sneered Sapphire.

“Now, who’s first?” asked Violet. “We’re dying to try out our new stuff against all of you.”

Terra growled softly. She wanted to keep on moving and get to Gar before he really got in trouble. No matter how bad he treated her and the others, she still actually believed in him and was still determined to make things right for him.

Sci-Twi also wanted to escape and confront Karle, to get her deck and her duel disk back from the very psycho she created.

“Go.” Dick whispered to them both. “We’ll handle these punks. You find Gar.”

The girls were unsure, thinking it wouldn’t be wise to just run off and split up again, even with the city being a finite area; it was still huge and easy to get lost in.

Still, Terra wouldn’t stop thinking of Gar and worried if Karle caught him and dueled him; knowing she would never get tired or be truly defeated.

Not wanting to miss this chance they were being given, both she and Sci-Twi slipped off behind the group and ducked behind a building.

“Hey!” snapped Sapphire as he saw them.

“Let them go.” said Khaos. “I know exactly where they are going. We can deal with those two later.”

Cadance stepped behind Vic, and he offered to keep her safe, since him dueling was out of the question.

“There’s no use in running.” hissed Violet. “Either way, you’re all doomed.”

She and her two comrades then activated their duel beams and shot at Raven, Kori, and Dick.

Violet would face Raven…

Sapphire would face Kori, for that rematch he wanted…

And Dick would deal with Khaos.

“I thought for certain you’d try and run as well.” said Khaos “After all, you know nothing happens to us if we lose the duel.”

“That’s not what’s important.” sneered Dick. “You know something we want to know, and that’s where your bosses are.”

Sapphire snickered. “You know, if you really want to see them that badly, we’ll be glad to take you to them. Just surrender the duel, right here and now.”

The Titans looked crosser.

“Can we get on with this already?” asked Raven.

Violet sighed, “Some just have no sense of humour. Still, it’ll be just as nice to crush you in any case.”

The spectators could only, once again, stand idly on the sidelines.

“Fight time!” said Rainbow. “I sure wish I was dueling these creeps.”

“That makes two of us.” agreed Pinkie. “They deserve payback for all the trouble they’ve caused.”

“Easy, girls.” said Vic. “Try not to get too worked up. Remember, the darkness.”

The girls promised to try and keep it easy.

Suddenly, Cadance looked up, and caught a glimpse at someone else; someone shadowy disappearing around a tall rooftop overhead.

The duels were about to start anyway, and she turned her attention towards her friends.

Little did she or the others know Cadance had seen correctly, and there was someone peeking around the tall rooftop, spying on the duels.

Her eyes glowed red and she hissed very softly under her breath.

Terra and Sci-Twi had run several blocks away before they stopped, puffing, and panting.

“This… is useless!” Terra panted. “We’ll never get to the other side of town at this rate.”

Sci-Twi was forced to agree. “If only we had powers or magic, we could just fly there.”

Twilight really felt frustrated being trapped in her card, but then again her being free wouldn’t help anyway. Her magic would have been blocked by the shadows too.

“Isn’t there any way you can get across town faster?” she asked.

“I don’t see any.” said Spike. “All ways round there’s nothing but scraps, old sheets and wires…”

As Sci-Twi looked around and all the scraps and things, including old tools from a nearby, fallen mechanic’s garage-- her genius mind suddenly went wild. “That’s it!” she suddenly cried out.

“What? What’s it?” asked Terra, but Sci-Twi just passed her the two soul cards.

Then, she dove into a massive pile of scraps and began to go crazy-- using the tools from the garage, she sniped and threaded wires together, broke layers of discarded cloth tarps, and in almost no time at all, she had produced a pair of functioning glider wings, one for herself, and one for Terra.

The other three were astounded and hardly knew what to say.

Soon, Terra and Sci-Twi had the wings strapped to their backs like knapsacks, and they were both standing atop a tall rooftop with a long drop to the street below.

“Uh… are you sure this will work?” Terra asked

“Of course I’m sure.” Sci-Twi insisted. “I was making things like this in grade school. It’ll work.”

Twilight and Spike were both nervous as Sci-Twi tucked them safely into her pocket.

“Okay, let’s do this.”

Terra gulped hard. Normally she was pretty confident in leaping down from high places… when she had her powers on hand, but were in not for the fact that she wanted to reach Gar quickly, she had no choice but to trust her friend.

The girls backed up to the every backside of the roof, and then they charged forward with all their speed, and leapt right off over the front edge.

Terra had shut her eyes tight after leaping, only to open them wide and realize she was soaring smoothly over the buildings.


Sci-Twi smirked proudly.

Twilight and Spike couldn’t see anything from within the pocket, but assumed it was working.

Despite there being no super strong updrafts, the sheets were so perfectly folded and placed well in their frames, that they helped the girls to soar on the very air itself, like parachuting, which allowed them to leap across vast distances from high up.

Once they settled back in the streets, it was up to the roof of another crumpling high rise, and off they’d go again.

“Vic would be impressed by these things.” Terra said.

Sci-Twi felt flattered, but for now they still had to find Gar and Karle.

While this and the trio of duels were going on, Gar glared Karle down through his coverings.

Both their duel disks were active, but Karle continued to act cheek. “There’s nowhere to run now.” she hissed. “Finally, after all this time, the ultimate revenge will be mine, and you will fall at the hands of my superior dueling.”

Gar clenched his fists, but he merely snuffed, and then stood ready to duel.

“What? No snarky banter?” Karle asked. “No “Oh, I’m so much better than you’ll ever be?”

Gar merely stepped forth, and spoke in a very deep and low tone. “…Just… duel…!”

Karle was astounded. She thought to herself, “What’s with him? Why is he acting so silent and confident? He knows even with his Exodia deck, I can’t be destroyed.”

Gar thought quietly. “If I duel her and win, the duel beam will be broken, and neither of us will be captured. That will give me a great chance to escape, and while am I at it… maybe I’ll be able to find a way to really beat her for good.

No single gamer is without a drawback or a weakness, but using it to your advantage can be tricky.”

They both drew their starting hands, and were ready to bout.


Karle LP: 8000

Gar LP: 8000

They both looked down at their hands, and Karle was especially pleased with what she had drawn.

“Everything is going just as I planned.” she thought. “The first thing I have to do is ensure that he cannot summon Exodia, and thanks to all the new cards I have obtained in my travels here; this duel is as good as mine.”

Since she resembled Sci-Twi’s anger, and resentment towards Gar, not to mention all the harsh memories, she had flashbacks of the two times she, or rather Sci-Twi had lost to this creep.

“You really are the saddest and weakest opponent I’ve ever had.”

She wasn’t going to lose to him; not this time, and with Sci-Twi no longer a part of her to hold her back, from here on it was all-out.

She grabbed her first card

“Firstly, I shall activate this spell; POLYMERIZATION!”

Gar growled at the sight of the card being played.


I Fusion Summon the ferocious feline… LUNALIGHT CAT DANCER!”

(Atk: 2400)

Gar glared furiously at the monster glaring him down. He growled very softly, “I hate Fusion!”

Karle snickered, “I know you do. You hate all forms of Extra Deck summoning, and what better way to defeat you for good than by the very monsters you despise most?

Speaking of which, I activate Black Sheep’s ability. Since it was used in a Fusion Summon, I can add Tiger back to my hand, and just in time to put it in my Pendulum Zone!”

The tiger took its place in the light and roared softly.

“Yes, that’s right my pretty. Now let’s use your Pendulum ability, which lets me summon Black Sheep out of the graveyard.”

(Atk: 100)

“Its effects may be negated, but I can still put it to good use. I play MISCHIEF OF THE TIME GODDESS!

You remember this; it skips one turn ahead to my battle phase, which means I can attack you right now!”

Gar growled softly.

“Now, Cat Danger, attack this creep directly!”

Her monster complied and jumped straight for Gar, and struck him hard!

He held out his arms, actually pushing back against the monster’s strike. He growled and groaned as he was shocked horribly while his life points took a huge hit too…

Gar LP: 8000 -----> 5600

“And that’s just for starters.” said Karle. “Go Black Sheep, attack!”

Her monster, being rather weak-class, simply leapt over to Gar, and gave him a small flick in his chest, but it still shocked him.

Gar LP: 5600 -----> 5500

Karle was laughing wickedly. “Oh, this is so cool!” she gloated. “And there’s more to come, because from my hand I play FLASH FUSION!”

“What? Another Fusion?!” wailed Gar.

“That’s right!” hollered Karle, “And with this card, I can take Cat Dancer and Black Sheep and make them into something just as familiar, and just as deadly!”

The two monsters began to combine together.

“I Fusion Summon, make way for LUNALIGHT PANTHER DANCER!”

(Atk: 2800)

Gar was quaking with rage, more so at the fusion monster itself than what was coming for him!

“Panther Dancer… Go get him!” shouted Karle.

Her monster jumped in, and slashed Gar hard, knocking him back a few feet. He still remained on his feet, but got shocked even harder.

Gar LP: 5500 -----> 2700

Gar didn’t feel too tired, but he was outraged. “Enjoy this while you can, because I assure you; it won’t last.

Especially considering your Panther Dancer is now destroyed with your turn ending.”

He was right; the monster just exploded, and Karle had absolutely nothing left to play, and she didn’t seem the least bit concerned.

“I know exactly what he’ll do now…” she thought. “Now he’ll summon Exodia and win the duel, and that’s when I’ll be ready.”

Gar was also thinking deeply, “I can’t let this artificial twerp get the best of me, but at least I have her where I want her, and I will stop her.”

Sci-Twi and Terra were near the very area, but still hadn’t found any signs of Gar or Karle.

They were both growing exhausted from flying across so many roofs.

“I could’ve sworn I saw them somewhere around here.” Terra panted

“That was a while back,” Spike pointed out. “They could be anyplace by now.”

“They couldn’t have gotten too far, it’s still a wide area.” suggested Twilight.

Sci-Twi agreed, and she looked around.

That’s when she saw a big burst of light a few blocks away. “Hey, over there…!”

Terra looked round and saw the light herself, and it got brighter and brighter than ever, followed by small rumbling.

Sci-Twi recognized the feeling anywhere. “…Exodia, the Forbidden One!”

She could never forget the experience—the light, the rumbling, the giant monster glaring at her, and then… it happened.

“Exodia… Obliterate!!”

At Gar’s command, his mighty beast unleashed its awesome fury, blasting everything on Karle’s field into dust, the force of the blast struck Karle, whom was struggling to stay tall and strong, yet was still blown back hard down onto her back.

The blast was so strong, that the wing-packs on Sci-Twi and Terra’s backs broke loose and fell to the street below.

“Oh, no!” cried Terra.

“Quick, down the stairs!” cried Sci-Twi.

The two girls made their way to the street below.

“Oh, I hope we’re not too late.” Terra whimpered to herself.

Exodia was still sparking a few leftover jolts from his power, but he slowly vanished, and Gar, though panting, was still not tired, while Karle was lost in a cloud of smoke created by the blast.

“I’m out of here before she recovers.” Gar said to himself, but he couldn’t seem to get away in time, as duel beam shot out from the smoke cloud and struck his disk again, engaging another duel.

“Ah!” he gasped.

Karle laughed as the smoke cleared, and there she was standing tall, unhurt, and hardly even filthy from the attack.

“Leaving so soon? I wouldn’t hear of it. We’re just getting started.”

Gar had no choice but to duel again, but at least he went first this time, and he easily summoned Exodia and wiped Karle out again.

Of course, summoning Exodia and pouring on all that power drained him more of his energy, and Karle got up and zapped him into yet another duel.

“No!” groaned Gar.

“Yes!” laughed Karle. “I’ll just keep dueling you, and dueling you, until you’re too wiped out to continue, and you ultimately lose, and you’ll be sealed away.

Finally! Masquerade will be no more, and I’ll be the greatest duelist there ever was!”

Gar was totally frustrated. He really didn’t know what to say or do. He had never had such an opponent before-- that could never go down.

“I can’t give up!” he thought to himself. “Somehow, there’s got to be a way to get rid of her once and for all.

She’s artificial, so she must have a power source that keeps her going; but what?”

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of something giving a tiny shimmer in the middle of Karle’s forehead under her hair bangs.

“What was that?”

Karle was looking really pumped up for more action, and to finally achieve victory.

“Let’s duel!”

Meanwhile, far on the other side of the city, the three Titans were doing pretty well in their separate duels against The Trio.

“Performage Trapeze Magician, attack!” shouted Dick, and his proud magician swung in, striking Khaos’ Phantom Knights down, and Khaos was left with only 500 life points.

“Stellarknight Constellar Diamond… Darktellarknight Batlamyus… Wipe out those machines!” hollered Kori, and her two Xyz monsters blasted Sapphire’s strong forces into scraps, leaving him with only 800 life points left.

“Wench!” he growled. “Just you wait, I’ll bounce back!”

Raven had Violet’s Predaplant Chimerafflesia right in her sights before her Syncrho Monster.

“Though Ruler Archfiend, go!”

Her monster struck, destroying the opponent’s monster, reducing Violet to 2100 life points.
“I’ll get you for that!” thundered Violet.

“Yeah, whatever.” grumbled Raven. “The only one who’s getting anything is me. My Thought Ruler destroyed your monster, which means I gain 2500 life points.”

She now had 5000 life points after being at just 2500 before.

Kori had 6000 life points, and Dick had 5400. All three Titans were looking strong and good.

All their hands were empty, and they had no other cards in play either, while their opponents were totally empty in hand, and they each had only one facedown card.

“Boo-Yah…! They got this won.” Vic cheered as he slapped high-fives with Pinkie and Rainbow.

“Come on, Cadance, bring it in.” Rainbow said, but Cadance just left her hanging. She wasn’t nearly as optimistic as the others.

“What’s wrong?” asked Pinkie. “There’s no way the Titans can lose this.”

Cadance shook her head. “That’s what it was like when Celestia dueled, and she turned it around perfectly.

I may not be a duelist, but from what I’ve seen… anything is possible.”

The others were aware of this, but they still didn’t think it was likely to happen.

Violet flicked her robe and her long hair while glaring Raven down.

“What?” Raven snapped.

“I’ll show you what.”

Violet drew her card, and she really liked it, and then it was her Standby Phase.

“Since you destroyed Chimeraffleisa, her special ability allows me to add one special Fusion Card to my hand.”

Raven only snuffed. “Yeah… let me guess, “Polymerization.” It’s all you can actually take.”

Violet would have grinned sinisterly at her if she had a mouth. “…You’re half correct.”

She held up her card and showed it, “Behold, my newest card, “Ultra Polymerization…!”

Every one of the friends turned to face Violet.

“Ultra?” asked Pinkie. “I’ve heard of Super Polymerization, but… what’s Ultra.”

Sapphire snickered, “Wow! Are you guys for real? We told you, we’ve been upgraded. We have new cards that we’re anxious to show you.”

The dueling Titans winced softly.

Sapphire drew his next card. “Speaking of which, I’m about ready to show off some of mine, but first, I’ll activate my face-down, POT OF GREED, so now I get to draw two cards.”

He liked what the two cards were that he drew.

“Sweetness! Now I activate SPEED RECOVERY so I can bring back an old friend of mine…

…My Synchro monster, HI-SPEEDROID KENDAMA!”

(Atk: 2200)

“Yeah, you may have gotten rid of it, but now he’s back and ready for action, especially when I summon this… my faithful SPEEDROID GUM-PRIZE!”

(Atk: 100)

“And now we’re all set. I tune my Level 1 Gum-Prize to my Level 6 Kendama!”

The two monsters leapt up high, and Kori had a feeling she knew what was coming, which was confirmed as Sapphire chanted…

“Clear as the wind and swift as lightning,
I call upon a beast that is most frightening!


The mighty beast came into full view with sparkling wings, and a nasty growl to boot.

(Atk: 2500)

Kori growled as she glared up at the mighty dragon.

“Not happy to see him?” asked Sapphire “Well he’s dying to get back at you for beating us the last time.”

Kori merely scoffed, “Just don’t forget, since I have Batlamyus in play, all the monsters in play become Dark types, and remember… Constellar Diamond still has one overlay unit, which I can use to negate any Dark monster’s effect that gets played…

Oh, and you also can’t send cards from your deck to the graveyard either, which means, you can’t use Gum-Prize’s ability.”

Sapphire scoffed. “You think that would bother me, but it doesn’t! I can easily compensate for the loss, with the help of SPEEDROID DEN-DEN DAIKO DUKE.

By banishing it, I can summon Gum-Prize back to the field, and just in time.”

(Atk: 100)

“Now I’m going to tune him along with my Level 7 clear wing!”

“What?!” cried Kori.

The other two duelists and the spectators were all shocked and worried.

“What’s he doing?” asked Pinkie.

“He’s Synchro summoning using his Clear Wing Dragon!” cried Vic.

The two monsters leapt up high forming the tuning rings and light orbs, and Sapphire recited a new chant for his newest emerging monster…

“On wings of wind and shining bright,
I call on this beast to win me this fight!


This new dragon was even larger than his other one. Its scales shimmered like stars, and its roar practically pierced the air.

(Atk: 3000)

“Three thousand attack points?!” cried Kori.

“That’s right.” replied Sapphire “I may not get to use Gum-Prize’s power again, but I don’t need it with what I have in store for you.”

“Kori, stay tough!” hollered Dick, but then Khaos called to him, “I suggest you worry more about yourself and what I have to show you.”

He had already drawn his card. “Firstly from y graveyard, I banish THE PHANTOM KNIGHT’S SWORD from my graveyard, and by doing so, I am permitted to call one “The Phantom Knights” monster back to the field…


(Atk: 1500)

“And then from my hand, I summon THE PHANTOM KNIGHTS’ OF FRAGILE ARMOR!”

(Atk: 1500)

Dick cringed angrily, “Two Level 4 monsters!”

He knew what was coming.

Khaos then called out, “I build the Overlay Network with these two creatures!”

His two monsters vanished into the portal, and he called out to his emerging monster…

“Cloaked in shadows and ready for the purge,
I call on the most dangerous of dragons to emerge.


(Atk: 2500)

The dragon growled at Dick, and Dick growled back at the mighty beast.

“Now, now…” teased Khaos “You should never show anger towards a dragon; especially when it uses its ability.

I use two overlay units, which causes your Magician to lose half of its attack strength, which are then transferred to my dragon’s attack power!”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 1250)

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 3750)

Dick was growing infuriated at how strong the dragon was compared to his magician. To him, it was like watching his father at the circus about to be cut down from the trapeze and fall to his doom again.

“But wait…!” said Khaos, “I’m not finished, yet, for just as Sapphire, I, too, have been granted a new creature I’d like you to meet.”

Dick blinked once.

“Behold my face-down; the quick-play spell, THE PHANTOM KNIGHTS’ RANK-UP LAUNCH!”

The duelists and spectators all gasped.

“A Rank-Up card?!” cried Rainbow. “He actually has a Rank-Up card?”

“I can’t watch!” whimpered Pinkie, and she covered her eyes with her hands, but silently peeked through her fingers.

Khaos then explained, “This special spell enables me to target a Dark Xyz monster I have that has no overlay units left, and then it lets me Xyz Summon one Dark monster that is one rank higher, and then this card becomes an overlay unit itself!”

His dragon was shrouded in dark aura as it leapt up into the forming portal.

“Go Rank-Up Xyz Evolution!” shouted Khaos, and he called out to his new monster…

“Deep in the shadows, the dragon will soar,
To bring forth destruction, chaos, and more!


This new dragon was larger than his other. Its wings and claws were sharper, and it was coated in strong, bony-like armor.

(Atk: 3000)

Dick gawked up in fear at this new beast…

…As did Raven from where she stood.

“Hey!” called Violet. “Aren’t you anxious to see what nasty surprise I have for you?”

“To be honest… No!” snapped Raven.

“Well too bad, I’m doing it anyway, and it starts with this…. PREDAPLANT CORDYCEPS! By banishing it from my graveyard, I can summon two “Predaplants” from there to the field.”

Her field began to quiver softly as two plants sprouted up from the ground below.


(Def: 200)

(Def: 1500)

“For the rest of this turn, the only monsters I can play are Fusion Monsters, but that suits me just fine, especially because I get to use Darlingtonia’s special ability, which lets me add FUSION RECOVERY to my hand, and I activate it right away.

Now I can add Polymerization and PREDAPLANT SQUID DROSERA to my hand.”

Now she had four cards in hand, and Raven already knew three of them, but what was the third card?

“I don’t think I like this!” she grumbled softly.


(Atk: 2500)

Cadance was most confused by the move. “I thought she was only allowed to Fusion Summon for the rest of this turn?”

Vic shook his head, “No. She’s only allowed to summon Fusion Monsters. She doesn’t have to Fusion Summon them to get them in play.”

Pinkie and Rainbow dreaded to wonder what Violet would possibly do with that monster in play.

“Get ready, because here comes the big stuff!” hollered Violet “I activate POLYMERIZATION, fusing the Squid in my hand with my Darlingtonia on the field.”

The two monsters leapt up high in the air, and Violet called to them as they merged together…

“As the plant doth sprout, its venom shall drool,
This creature I summon shall roar and rule!


(Atk: 2800)

Her dragon drooled and growled at Raven, making her nearly gag in disgust.

“Yeah, I’d be pretty disgusted too if I were facing my dragon down, but even more so you’re about to become even worse, because now I activate the spell that I showed you…ULTRA POLYMERIZATION!”

Everyone gazed with strong anxiety to see how it worked.

“This card cannot be stopped when played!” Violet explained “Now I pay 2000 life points…”

Violet LP: 2100 -----> 100

“And I can then Fusion Summon using two monsters that I control! So now I fuse my Starving Venom with my Chimerafflesia.”

The two monsters rushed up into the air merging together as Violet chanted…

“With Plant’s Venom and Dragon’s might,
This creature shall devour all in its sight!


(Atk: 3300)

Raven gawked up in horrors at this new monster, and how it looked more wickedly like an insect rather than dragon. It’s drooling venom was just as nasty looking as ever, and she didn’t want to even begin to think of what it could do.

“Take a good look!” said Violet “We’ve all assembled newer, stronger, and better beasts than ever, and they’re all ready to clock you all out.”

Her two comrades snickered at the other Titans.

Pinkie was trembling hard. “They can’t lose! They just can’t!”

Vic didn’t know what to say or do himself.

“I hate it when I’m right.” Cadance muttered. “They totally turned this duel around!”

Rainbow was frustrated beyond words. “And the Titans were doing so well too!”

The three dueling Titans were starting to think it was going to become hopeless!

“Now then,” hissed Violet. “Let me show you another power of Ultra Polymerization; I can banish it out of the graveyard and I now get to summon the two monsters I used to summon my Greedy Venom Dragon!”

“Ah!” Raven gasped.

“That’s right… Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Chimerafflesia are back, however, their effects will be negated, and their attack powers will be zero.”

The two monsters returned to the field as promised, and both of them looked pale and gray without their effects.

(Atk: 0) x2

“I don’t get it.” said Raven “Why would you bring those two back like that?”

Violet laughed, “I’ll show you, by activating this last card in my hand… DE-FUSION!”

Raven’s eyes widened.

“Now I can send Starving Venom back to my Extra Deck, but he won’t be gone for very long, because I still have my Sundew and its ability to fuse itself with my Chimerafflesia!”

Everyone watched the skies, some with horror, the rest with glee as the dragon reappeared, fully energized, and ready to attack!

(Atk: 2800)

“Her dragon’s back!” cried Pinkie.

“And it’s got all its powers back too!” added Rainbow.

“No joke.” said Violet “Now his attack will increase by the attack power of your Thought Ruler!”

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 5500)

Raven was sweating nervous bullets!

“And now,” shouted Violet “Witness Greedy Venom’s special ability; I can target your Thought Ruler and reduce its attack points all the way to zero!”

“A’rgh!!” Raven groaned as her monster stood totally powerless.

“No!” wailed Raven. “This can’t be happening!”

“Raven!” cried Kori.

“Oh, this is going to feel too awesome.” hissed Sapphire

“Agreed.” said Khaos, and he turned back to face Dick. “Allow me to demonstrate the power of my Requiem Dragon.

Since it was summoned using Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, by using one Overlay Unit, the attack of your monster is reduced all the way to nothing!”

“What?!” cried Dick and he watched as his prized magician lost the last of its attack power.

“And what is more…” hissed Khaos “My dragon will now gain attack points equal to your monster’s original attack power.”

Dick gasped, “But Trapeze Magician’s original attack is 2500!”

(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 5500)

Dick stepped back hard.

“No, Dick!!” cried Kori.

“Yeah, it looks like he’s had it.” said Sapphire, and then he turned back to face Kori “…Oh, but don’t worry; you can lose with him.


(Atk: 1800)

“He’s one of my newer bad buys, and he’s got one heck of a special ability; it lets me send one Machine monster in my hand to the graveyard, and then one monster on the field goes Bye-Bye, like your own Batlymus!”

His little machine began to glow, and prepared to fire a strong beam at Kori’s monster.

“No, you don’t!” thundered Kori. “I still have Constellar Diamond’s ability. Your monster is still treated as a Dark type, so I can use its last overlay unit to negate that monster’s effect and destroy it.”

Her monster charged up, ready to intercept the effects waves…

Sapphire only laughed, “Yeah, not this time. I set you up so I can use Crystal Wing’s ability.”

“What?!” cried Kori.

“That’s right. Whenever a monster uses its effect, Crystal Wing can negate the effect and destroy that monster!”

Kori gasped hard, and watched as the might dragon flapped its huge wings, creating billowing winds that stopped the effect.

“But that means, both my monsters will be destroyed now!” cried Kori, and in two big explosions, both her monsters were gone leaving her wide open.

“Oh, and I should mention…” taunted Sapphire “Whenever Crystal Wing destroys your monster, it gains attack point equal to the amount of points that monster had.”

(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 5700)

This was it! This was really it. The Titans were totally powerless to defend themselves, and not one of them was packing enough life points to survive.

“They’re going to lose! THEY’RE GOING TO LOSE!!” screamed Pinkie.

“They can’t!” cried Vic “They mustn’t lose, or…!”

He didn’t have to go on, for the same sickening feeling struck through everyone.

Dick, Kori, and Raven were trembling like crazy while their evil opponents were snickering wickedly.

“Get ready…!” hissed Violet.

“Get set!” chuckled Sapphire.

“…To lose your souls, forever!” laughed Khaos.

From up on the rooftops, that shadowy stranger had seen the duels from the beginning, her two eyes glowed red as she growled softly.

To Be Continued…!

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