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Episode 51: Part 3: Overloading Darkness


Twilight and Spike were still within the shadows, but before them lay endless amounts of clear spheres, containing people inside of them, and even other Maleficans. All remained silent and still contained within. Nobody moved or made a single sound, they just remained where they were as if they were frozen in time.

“This is incredible!” Twilight exclaimed softly.

“Freaky” is more like it.” corrected Spike, and as they continued to explore, Spike deduced, “This must be where the Malefic World takes you when you lose your soul.”

Twilight agreed. “But why weren’t we sent here like this?”

Spike could only guess, “We were captured differently-- we didn’t lose our souls in duels.” Then he realized. “Scratch that. Still makes no sense.”

Suddenly, he and Twilight happened upon bubbles containing familiar faces-- that of their fallen friends.

“Rarity!” Spike cried as he pressed his paws up against the sphere. It felt cold and hard like a solid glass, but Rarity remained as dormant inside as anyone else was in their own.

Twilight knocked on Applejack’s sphere, and already deduced that, whatever the spheres were made of, couldn’t be broken so easily.

“It’s no good, Spike. I don’t see how to get them out. Even if we did get them out, we still have no way to escape this prison.”

Spike thought of only one way for sure. “The Prince Brothers have to be stopped; that’s the only way we’ll get out this.”

Back at the castle grounds, the sideliners dashed up to their fallen comrades.

They had not been turned into cards due to Z-Arc’s barrier staving off the Malefic Lightning.

“What fun would it be if I got rid of you all just like that.” he joked. “It’s much more fun to hold these duels with an audience watching anyway.”

The others took no notice and tended to their friends.

“Dick…! Dick… are you okay?” Kori asked with deep worry.

Her husband looked up at her. “Kori… we failed.” he said weakly.

“I’m so sorry.” Celestia added. “We just couldn’t do it.”

“Don’t be sorry.” said Rainbow. “You held in strong, and you showed us all Z-Arc’s moves. Now we know what we’re up against.”

“Ha!” scoffed Z-Arc “You understand nothing! My dragons and I are capable of much more than you think…

…Or perhaps you’d like to be my next victim in this challenge?”

Feeling her blood raging, Rainbow bolted upright with fury blazing in her eyes. “Bring it on!”

Z-Arc enjoyed the anger and negative emotions Rainbow was showing as he thought, “All this hatred only further fuels my dueling energy, and with each of these fools that I defeat, I only get stronger.”

“Wait, Rainbow…” hollered Terra “You can’t take Z-Arc on by yourself.”

“I’m open to welcome company.” said Rainbow.

Terra wasn’t so sure. Z-Arc’s monsters and other cards were all still in play-- just as he told the group they would be.

Z-Arc still liked the idea. “The more the merrier. It means I can defeat the rest of you a whole lot faster and be closer to my ultimate conquest.”

Feeling insulted by Z-Arc’s smug, Terra decided. “You want a piece of me, bring it on!”

Kori, Pinkie, and Sci-Twi helped Celestia and Dick on their feet and took them to the sides out of the way.

“You two, please be careful!” said Kori.

Rainbow gave a cocky smile, “By the time we’re done with him, it’s Z-Arc who will wish he was careful.”

Terra nodded in agreement.

Z-Arc snickered, “You pathetic twits. You’ve already seen how I devastated your friends, and the same is about to happen to you too.”

“Stop it!” thundered Terra. “Your mind tricks won’t work on us.”

“Oh…? Then why do I sense extreme doubt, especially in yourself? You lost a duel prior to my entrance and were nearly turned into a card because your dueling skills didn’t amount to much.”

Terra held herself strong, until Z-Arc hit it home, “…It’s no wonder your boyfriend rejected you!”

Terra’s eyes widened, and her heart skipped a beat at the reference to Gar.

“Don’t you talk about him that way!” she demanded.

Z-Arc grinned, “Did I strike up a nerve?”

Terra did all she could to hide the angry tears coming to her eyes.

Rainbow couldn’t believe Terra’s attitude. She thought, “After all this time, she still thinks about Gar, even after all the horrible ways he acted towards us all? She’s either super for him or super nuts!”

Terra wiped her eyes and readied herself. “Let’s just duel!”

“I’m all for that.” agreed Rainbow.

The two of them readied their duel disks and drew their cards, only then to be suddenly shocked and burned by energy shocks, and their life points were reduced by half.

Terra LP: 8000 -----> 4000

Rainbow LP: 8000 -----> 4000

“Hey, what gives!” snapped Rainbow.

“Weren’t you listening?” Z-Arc called. “I told you; this duel just keeps going from it’s previous ending, but whoever enters the duel after which starts out with half their life points.

You agreed to it.”

“Like you gave us much of a choice!” growled Rainbow. “Now I’m coming for--”

“Wait!” hollered Terra. “…I want first dibs.”

Judging from the blazing fury in her eyes, Rainbow didn’t dare question her and let her go.

“I’ll show this creep what happens when you insult my friends.” Terra thought.

“Now, I draw!

And the first card I’ll play is POT OF GREED so I can draw two more cards.”

Now she had a full hand of seven cards, which made her eyes shimmer with strong determination.

“Now I’ll play another spell, and it’s my best one… CHANGE OF HEART!”

“Ah!” cried Z-Arc.

“With this spell, I can control any one of your dragons that I choose, and I’ll take your Fusion monster. Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom, come to me!”

The dragon was brainwashed by the powerful rays of the card and flew over to join Terra’s side.

“Whoa! Wicked play!” exclaimed Rainbow.

Z-Arc didn’t look very pleased at all.

Terra then said, “And I’m far from finished, because now I play the spell GEM-KNIGHT FUSION!


As the two monsters appeared and merged, Terra chanted out…

“Furious gems of fires that burn,
Grant me the creature whose power I yearn!


Her monster appeared in a burst of flames, clutching its flaming sword.

(Def: 1950)

“And I’m just getting warmed up…” Terra declared. “Since I used Lazuli to Fusion Summon, I can use her ability to add Garnet back to my hand.

But that’s not all… Now, by banishing Lazuli from the graveyard, I can add Gem-Knight Fusion back to my hand as well.

Just in time for me to play it again. This time I’ll fuse my Garnet with GEM-KNIGHT SAPPHIRE!”

Once again, the monsters merged, and Terra called out a chant to her new monster.

“Sparkling as the waters majestic glow,
This super gem’s power will ebb and flow!


(Def: 2600)

This new monster’s armor shimmered like flowing waterfalls and carried with it a huge shield with a blade built into it.

The sideliners were incredibly astonished.

“Would you look at that?!” cried Pinkie.

“…Terra’s already got three Fusion monsters in play.” added Kori.

She overheard them, “Oh, I’m not done with Fusion yet, I still have this to play… BRILLIANT FUSION!

Now by sending select monsters from my deck to the graveyard, I get to call on another monster.

So, I’ll send GEM-KNIGHT CRYSTAL and GEM-KNIGHT ALEXANDRITE, along with another Lazuli to the graveyard to unlock a creature of great power and destruction!

Pretty as diamond, solid as stone,
I summon a warrior legend of its own!


(Def: 0)

While the monster’s attack had to be reduced to Zero, Rainbow was really impressed with Terra’s dueling. “Four Fusion monsters in just one turn?” she said to herself. “This is unreal!”

“And there’s more to come.” said Terra. “I just used another Lazuli, which means I add Crystal from the Graveyard to my hand.

But also, just like before, I banish that Lazuli in order to add Gem-Fusion Back to my hand.”

She paused a minute to think to herself. “So far, so good. Everything’s falling perfectly into place.

…If this all works, I just may be able to help us all, and I can show that I’m not such a weak duelist.”

She shut her eyes and took in a deep breath.

“I activate Lady Diamond’s special ability: By tributing Aquamarine, I get to call on a “Gem-Knight” from my Extra Deck, completely ignoring the requirements to summon it.”

Her monster vanished in a splashing wave of water, and the waves formed into the new monster she was calling.


(Atk: 2900)

Her master stood by his lady, and the two other monsters by their sides making a great Fusion force.

“That’s quite a posse you’ve got there.” commented Z-Arc. “Perhaps I underestimated your skills.”

“You bet you have!” snapped Terra “And I should mention something… since Aquamarine was just sent to the graveyard, I can target one card on your field and send it back to your hand.”

“What?!” snapped Z-Arc.

Of all the choices, Terra knew just the card to send away. “I choose to send the Wall of Revealing Light Away!

“No!” growled Z-Arc, but the majestic glow of the wall had ceased as the card returned to his hand.

“Great move!” cheered Rainbow.

“Well, so much for that.” said Kori “At least now she’ll be able to attack.”

Pinkie agreed, then pointed out, “But Z-Arc still has his dragons. How can she get them all?”

Sci-Twi gazed at Terra’s field, and, remembering the cards she was holding, she gasped in realization. “…I think I know what she’s doing.”

Terra gave a small smirk.

“I now activate the effect of your own Starving Venom Dragon; I’ll target my Citrine, so he’ll gain its special power. Now when it attacks, you won’t be allowed to activate any card effects until the battle is over.

But why stop there, when I can do so much more, by activating Gem-Knight Fusion a third time!”

“What? Again?!” bellowed Z-Arc.

“Yes, again! I fuse my Citrine with Lady Brilliant Diamond for one last Fusion calling.

As the mighty rock stands study and strong,
This creature unearths to right every wrong!


(Atk: 2950)

This big study monster had no effect, but it looked tough enough-- maybe to at least topple mountains, but Z-Arc’s dragons were a different matter as they growled and roared at it.

“What good can you possible get from playing that creature?” Z-Arc had to ask, but then he realized. “…Wait a minute!”

Terra smirked, “You guessed it…! Because now I get to use Master Diamond’s effect, I can banish Citrine from the graveyard so Master Diamond will also gain his special ability. So now when Master Diamond attacks, you’ll be powerless to use any cards against him!”

Z-Arc’s eyes widened, and Terra engaged her battle phase.

“Starving Venom, attack Clear Wing!”

(Atk: 2800) VS (Atk: 2500)

Z-Arc watched as the two dragons clashed, but he was unable to activate any cards as promised, and his Synchro Monster was vanquished.

“So, you struck down my dragon!” growled Z-Arc. “I still take no damage. Supreme King Gate Zero sees to that.”

“At least your dragon’s gone, and now I’m going for your other dragons! Master Diamond, attack Dark Rebellion!”

Her Master rushed forth with his shining sword at the ready and struck Dark Rebellion down.

(Atk: 2900) VS (Atk: 2500)

The dragon’s shattered remains flew past Z-Arc, but he still took no damage.

Celestia, though still weary, marveled at what she had seen. “That’s two of Z-Arc’s dragons down.”

“She’s really on fire now.” agreed Dick. “She’s even doing better than we did.”

“And it’s still not over yet.” hollered Terra. “Go Zirconia… attack Odd-Eyes!”

(Atk: 2950) VS (Atk: 2500)

Odd-Eyes got shot hard by the monster’s powerful ray cannon. He roared and wailed as he burned away to the Extra Deck, leaving Z-Arc furious, despite still not being damaged.

“That’s three dragons down!” cried Sci-Twi.

Terra ended her battle phase.

“Is that all?” Z-Arc rudely asked.

“Why no, it isn’t!” replied Terra. “I still have Gem-Knight Crystal in my hand, and I need to tribute two monsters in order to summon him.”

Z-Arc’s eyes widened.

“…So, I’ll tribute my Zirconia and your Starving Venom Dragon to bring him out, facedown in defense-mode!”

“She did it!” Rainbow exclaimed. “She got rid of all of Z-Arc’s dragons!”

Terra was panting in disbelief. “…I did it! I guess I don’t know my own strengths.”

She breathed a sigh of slight relief.

“I’ll place one card facedown, and that ends my turn.

This means Master Diamond gets his own ability back, which means that for every “Gem” monster in my graveyard, Master Diamond gains another 100 attack points, and there happens to be six!”

(Atk: 2900) -----> (Atk: 3500)

“That was some turn.” said Pinkie.

“She played that out perfectly.” added Sci-Twi. “With all Z-Arc’s dragons gone, she’s set things up perfect for Rainbow.

They may have a chance.”

“Let’s hope they do.” said Dick.

Z-Arc was growling angrily, but he thought silently, “Celebrate now while you can. My dragons may be gone now, but they shall return! No one keeps me in the dark forever.”

Terra looked over at Rainbow. “It’s up to you now. Good luck.”

Rainbow nodded. “That was some awesome dueling. Now, leave Supreme King Z-Arc to me.

I draw!


(Atk: 1300)

“And when I successfully summon it, I can summon another feathered friend to join us. Here comes RAIDRAPTOR - SINGING LANIUS!”

(Atk: 100)

“But why stop at two? Since I have at least one “Raidraptor” in play, I’m allowed to summon RAIDRAPTOR – FUZZY LANIUS!”

(Def: 1500)

Her three feathered friends huddled together, cawing, and flapping about.

Rainbow was proud at the very sight of them all.

“Now I activate the spell RAPTOR – SANCTUARY. Since I have at least three “Raidraptors” in play, I can draw two more cards from my deck.

And now… I overlay all three of these Raptors in order to build the Overlay Network!

From the shadows comes a force so great,
It’ll crush everything at a fantastic rate!


(Atk: 100)

He large beast cawed and screeched with its sharp wings extending far.

Z-Arc was confused. “Only 100 attack points?” then he burst out laughing. “Come on! You call that threatening?”

Rainbow was grinning at him, “It’s more threatening than you know, especially when I use his special ability. By using one overlay unit, Rise Falcon gains the attack points of one special summoned monster on the opposing field.”

“Your monster can’t target me!” thundered Z-Arc “No card can target Supreme King Z-Arc!”

The great dragon roared thunderously.

“Yeah… um…I know all that.” said Rainbow. “…That’s why I’m not going after you.”


Rainbow then pointed over at Terra’s side of the field. “She’s got a monster I can use, and it counts as an opposing field. So, Rise Falcon is going to absorb Master Diamond’s attack strength!”


(Atk: 100) -----> (Atk: 3600)

The falcon had become so strong, it was now enveloped in blazing flames which brightened the entire area like a small sun.

Z-Arc moaned as he covered his eyes.

“You think you can save yourself by a few flames?” he barked. “Your monster is still no match for me.”

Rainbow wasn’t the least bit deterred. “Oh, I know… which is why I’m NOT finished.

See, since I just sent Fuzzy Lanius to the graveyard, I can add another Fuzzy Lanius from my deck to my hand.

And now, I’m going to give Rise Falcon a little boost, with the spell… RAPTOR’S ULTIMATE MACE!

Now his attack get’s a big 1000-point boost, so now it’s you who’s the weaker one, Z-Arc!”

“Ah!” cried Z-Arc.

(Atk: 3600) -----> (Atk: 4600)

Rise Flacon blazed brighter and stronger than before.

“Would you look at that!” cried Pinkie. “Rainbow’s monster is really going to roast Z-Arc alive!”

The other sideliners held onto every single hope they had.

“You’re going down, Z-Arc!” Rainbow hollered, and then she called. “Sunset, if you can hear me, we’re coming to get you.

Rise Falcon… attack Supreme King Z-Arc!”

Her flaming falcon screeched loudly and dove straight for the enemy.

“Sorry to clip your feathers…” sneered Z-Arc “…But I play the trap ATTACK GUIDANCE ARMOR!”

“What the--?”

A large armor-vest appeared and attached itself to Terra’s Master Diamond!

“What’s going on?” Terra asked.

Z-Arc glared at her an explained, “Any monster that is wearing this cursed armor will become the new target of the current attack.”

Terra and Rainbow gasped, and Rise Falcon braked to a halt in mid-flight, then it immediately changed direction and headed for Terra’s monster, much to her horror!

“Look out, Terra!” Kori shouted, but Terra could only brace herself for the big slam about to happen.

“No!!” Rainbow shouted, but even she was unable to stop her own monster!

(Atk: 4600) VS (Atk: 3500)

Master Diamond stood strong to take the hit, and he was easily wiped out, causing Terra to take damage and get burned for it.

Terra LP: 4000 -----> 2900

Rainbow was positively horrified at what had just happened.

Terra was still standing, but she was smoldering from such a flaming hit like that.

The sideliners looked on with horrified expressions of their own.

Z-Arc simply snuffed.

Rainbow stammered nervously, “Terra… I… I…!” she couldn’t find the words she was looking for.

Terra was in shock and horror, not at Rainbow but more at Z-Arc. “He had that trap all the time, and he never used it when I attacked him? He could have saved his dragons.”

Rainbow now just realized this as well, and judging from Z-Arc’s smug face, it was crystal clear. “…You set us up! You tricked us!! You let Terra destroy all your dragons on purpose!”

Z-Arc snickered wickedly. “I admit it, but you also have to admit it was your own cockiness and unstable emotions that made it easier to manipulate you both.”

Sci-Twi gasped, “Of course!”

Everyone gawked at her, wanting an explanation.

“Don’t you see? While Z-Arc could have used that trap during Terra’s turn, he saved it because he knew Rainbow would try and summon a stronger monster, and he’d have nothing left to defend himself with.

…He played on Terra and Rainbow’s emotions and let them think they were winning to distract them so they wouldn’t suspect a thing!”

Terra was starting to feel weak in the knees as she thought, “So, when I took Z-Arc’s dragons down, he was just letting me get away with it on purpose? It wasn’t my dueling skills that were really doing anything, but just me helping set us up?!”

Her confidence was all starting to wither away, and she remembered her last two duels against Gar and Violet, and how she just couldn’t win.

Their insults and their mocking her just echoed in her head, including Z-Arc’s.

“Soon, you’ll be exposed for the failure you are!”

“You’re just a lying, foolish, hypocrite, who will never amount to anything.”

“No wonder Gar shunned you. It’s clear that you are truly worthless!”

…Terra wailed as she fell to her knees clutching her head in shame, hate, fear, and misery!

“Terra!” called Rainbow, “Don’t listen to this creep!” but Terra looked as if she could hardly hear her. Her emotions were just so overwhelming!

Z-Arc only stretched out his arms as he glowed with darkness he had been absorbing from the negativity. “Oh, yes!” he exclaimed. “…Such darkness, such hate! It’s delicious, and every morsel of it makes me bigger and stronger than ever!”

He meant that literally, for while he spoke such evil words, Supreme King Z-Arc was expanding and growing, becoming larger than he was before. So large, that he back away to make room for himself.

“Terra, snap out of it!” Kori yelled at her.

“You can’t give in to the darkness!” added Sci-Twi. “Don’t let Z-Arc get to you like this!”

Dick saw Terra and how she was struggling so hard with herself. “Poor girl… she really got hit hard this time. It’s going to take a lot for her to snap out of it.”

Rainbow couldn’t control her anger and glared furiously at Z-Arc. “You’re going to pay for this!”

“Me… Pay?” teased Z-Arc. “Really, just keep being angry, it’s a nice little mint for me to feed on.”

Rainbow gave an angry grunt. “I’ll place two cards facedown for now, and that ends my turn. Rise Falcon’s attack points go back down again.”

(Atk: 4600) -----> (Atk: 1100)

She then thought, “I’m not letting this creep get away with all this! He’s got worse coming for him when my next turn comes!”

Meanwhile, the darkness around the captives was swirling violently like a hurricane had just hit.

“What’s happening?” asked Spike.

“I don’t know!” replied Twilight. “Something really big must be going on in the Malefic World.”

This made them both worry for their friends outside and wonder what was going to happen to themselves as well as all the captives inside.

Rubeus’ energy reactor was going crazy! It was gathering up so much power, the light was growing too bright for him to be too near it.

“I’ve never seen such intense force!” he bellowed to himself. Despite the vast amounts of power and energy it was giving him, he couldn’t risk an overload, for fear of endangering himself, his castle, or his master plan.

…So, he shut the reactor down, and the brightness faded away to nothing, and all was quiet in the throne room.

He sighed in relief and looked through his magic views. The rifts in the sky were continuously expanding, but it was Z-Arc whom he was more concerned with.

“I knew Z-Arc had been gaining strength and power, but it seems I have clearly underestimated him.”

He had seen how well Z-Arc had been dueling, and all power he was extracting.

“Perhaps I have made a grave error in judgment.” Rubeus felt. “…If so… I may very well have doomed all worlds, including my own!”

“It’s my turn now!” hissed Z-Arc “I draw!”

He had a full hand of eight cards.

“The first card I will activate is the spell POT OF AVARICE, and with it I shall send my three Supreme Dragons back to the Extra Deck, one Darkwurm and Rainbow Kuriboh back to my Main Deck…

…Then I shall draw two more cards, giving me nine in total.”

He grinned wickedly at what he had drawn, which made Rainbow sweat, and Terra quiver.

“And now, I will once again use Supreme King Gate Infinity’s pendulum ability, I will boost my life points by the total attack power of Rise Falcon!

Z-Arc LP: 8700 -----> 9800

Pinkie felt like pulling her hair. “They just keep going up, and up! How will we ever get them down to Zero?!”

Sci-Twi observed Z-Arc’s field. “As long as he has Supreme King Z-Arc and those two gates in play, it’s not looking good for us.”

Z-Arc continued his move.

“I don’t like it when monsters try to hide from me. I prefer they were out in the open for me to strike, so I activate the spell STOP DEFENSE!”

“Oh, no!” cried Terra. “My Crystal’s been turned into Attack Mode!”

(Atk: 2450)

Z-Arc snuffed, “Now that that has been settled, I summon forth the Tuner monster HALLOHALLO!”

(Atk: 800)

“A Tuner?!” cried Terra.

Rainbow cringed angrily, fearing what was coming.

“And next I activate my trap, POWERFUL REBIRTH! This allows me to summon the Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm in my graveyard, but it shall gain 100 attack and defense points plus its level shall increase by 1, making it 5.

Return, my monster!”

(Atk: 1800) -----> (Atk: 1900)

“And now the stage is set for me to play my spell… HARMONIC SYNCHRO FUSION!

With this, I can take both my monsters and then summon one Synchro and one Fusion monster from my Extra Deck.”

The opponents gasped in total disbelief, as did the sideliners.

“Syncrho and Fusion at the same time?!” exclaimed Kori.

Even Sci-Twi could hardly believe this. “…That’s impossible!”

“No, it’s not!” cried Pinkie “He did the same thing with me. It’s going to happen!”

Z-Arc narrowed his eyes and declared, “First I shall tune Level 3 Hallohallo with Level 5 Darkwurm!”

As this was a proper Synchro Summong, Z-Arc chanted out as the process happened and the monster reformed itself.

“Winds of darkness, billowing along,
comes forth a beast so mighty and strong!


The mighty dragon had returned and was looking fiercer than ever now that it was properly Synchro Summoned, and it let out a huge roar.

(Atk: 2500)

“Oh, no! It’s back again!” cried Terra.

“And I’m not finished!” bellowed Z-Arc. “Now I use the spell’s second function for my next summoning!

Poisonous fangs and venomous roar,
I summon a creature so vile and more!


(Atk: 2800)

The dragon roared and spread its venom-dripping claws.

“You have GOT to be kidding me?!” shouted Rainbow.

The sideliners were complete shocked.

“A double summoning?!” cried Dick. “I’ve never seen anything like it!”

Sci-Twi felt like a scientist having just stumbled upon a huge discovery. “It’s incredible! Just… absolutely… incre--” she couldn’t finish, she was all choked up!

Z-Arc was laughing with wicked glee. “I have even worse news for you… Since Clear Wing was successfully Synchro Summon, all face-up monsters you both control will be annihilated!”

The opponents gasped in horror, as the dragon charged up and gave a huge flap of its wings, sending out a massive gust of wind bound for the opposing fields!

Rainbow quickly reached for her duel disks and hit something just as the winds struck!

Rainbow and Terra barely stood their grounds as the winds blew past them, and even reached the sideliners.

“What a blow!” groaned Pinkie.

Z-Arc was grinning wickedly at what he had done, but as he observed his opponents’ fields. “What’s this…? Your monsters are still standing?! How?”

Even Terra was confused, but Rainbow then revealed, “I’ll tell you why, it’s all thanks to my trap card, XYZ-BLOCK.”

Z-Arc’s eyes widened, and Tera blinked once.

Rainbow explained, “When you activated your Clear Wing’s effect, this trap let Rise Falcon use one of it’s overlay unit, so your effect is negated, and your monster now gets blown to bits!”

“Argh!!” Z-Arc grunted as his Synchro Dragon glowed in burning lights was vanquished.

“Wow!” cried Terra. “Talk about a close call!”

Rainbow looked over at her and gave her a thumb up. “Now, get up, and let’s finish this creep off.”

Finding some of her confidence returning, Terra stood tall and strong, but Z-Arc was far from impressed.

“So, you managed to avoid my dragon’s wrath, big deal!

Have you not learned anything yet? Beat one of my strategies and I have others, like my Starving Venom’s special ability.

It now can copy the effect of any monster in play or in my graveyard, so I’ll just have him absorb my own powers.

The fusion dragon glowed brightly as it absorbed the power of Supreme King Z-Arc.

“This isn’t good!” said Rainbow.

Z-Arc turned and eyed at Terra and her Crystal, which made her shiver nervously.

“…Starving Venom, attack!”

Terra gasped as the huge, hulking dragon powered-up and fired it’s massive blast straight at her Crystal.

“Terra!!” Rainbow shouted.

KAPOW!! The Blast struck hard…

(Atk: 2800) VS (Atk: 2450)

Crystal was wiped out, and Terra was burned with damage which made her scream in pain!

Terra LP: 2900 -----> 2450

She was shaking in her knees trying to maintain her stance.

“Terra!” Dick shouted weakly.

“Oh, my!” peeped Celestia.

“Are you okay?” Rainbow asked, but it was Z-Arc who answered “…Of course she’s not okay. She’s as weak as a helpless pup like she always was.”

Terra cringed with emotional stress at that blow.

“And if you think I’m finished, you are quite mistaken!” sneered Z-Arc. “Starving Venom absorbed my powers, and since it successfully destroyed a monster, I summon one of my dragons from my Extra Deck.

…Return now, Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes!”

(Atk: 2500)

“Not him again!” wailed Rainbow.

Z-Arc snickered, “Oh, yes. Now that he has returned, when my Pendulum monsters attack other monsters, you’ll receive double the damage, and who better to attack your monster than myselkf!

Go, Supreme King Z-Arc!”

The dragon roared and prepared to attack!

Kori panicked, “Rainbow’s life points will be all gone if this attack hits!”

The other sideliners cringed in fear, except for Sci-Twi...

“Rainbow…!!” Terra screamed as the attack got closer and closer!!

To Be Continued…

Author's Note:

Harmonic Synchro Fusion has officially been made into a real card (And a very sweet one too)

But at least it was still used in the anime, so I can still use it without violating my card boundary that I set up.

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