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Episode 52: Part 3: Crushed Confidence


“Say goodbye!!” bellowed Z-Arc as his attack soared in, and Rainbow braced herself for the impact!

KAPOW!! A massive explosion which destroyed Rise Falcon. The force was so strong that it blew Rainbow back hard and rocked the entire mountain peak, making the castle shake as well.

Rubeus felt the tremors and covered his eyes from the brightness coming from the magic views.

Even Twilight and Spike felt the darkness give a violent shift.

“Now what?!” cried Spike.

“That felt like a whole mountain just exploded.” said Twilight. She began to fear of what really happened, and if her friends were okay.

“No!! Rainbow!!” shouted Terra.

When the smoke had cleared, Rainbow was flat on her back, covered in dust.

Z-Arc was very pleased at the start, until…

“HA-HA…!!” Rainbow leapt up onto her feet, holding a card up high in the air, and she hadn’t lost a single life point!

Rainbow LP: 4000

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAT…?!!” Thundered Z-Arc. “This is impossible! You shouldn’t still be standing after my attack!”

Rainbow smirked and said, “Yeah? Well, I am still standing, and it was all thanks to my Raptor’s Ultimate Mace!

I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist attacking Rise Falcon, and I was hoping you would.

Since Rise Faclon was equipped with the mace, and your monster was stronger, I was able to add RANK-UP-MAGIC SKIP FORCE to my hand, and in addition to that, I took no damage from the battle!”

Z-Arc growled, and Terra could hardly believe what a quick move Rainbow made.

Pinkie fell over backwards panting heavily. “I can’t… take much… more of these close calls!!”

Sci-Twi gazed on at Rainbow. “She played that out cleverly. She played on Z-Arc’s ego and lust for a strong victory, and Z-Arc didn’t think twice before attacking.”

Rainbow flicked her thumb across her mouth, “Now, I activate my facedown, RANK-UP-MAGIC DOOM DOUBLE FORCE!

It lets me revive Rise Falcon from the graveyard, and then I get use it to summon one Xyz Monster that has double the rank as Rise Falcon has!”

Rise Falcon returned, and then it gave a big screech as it flew up high into the portal in the sky.

“GO, RANK-UP XYZ EVOLUTION!!” Rainbow shouted, and she called out as her monster approached…

“Soaring from high in the sonic breeze,
Comes a creature to win with ease!


The mighty bird spread out it’s huge wings and thrust out it’s powerful cannon guns as it let out a huge screech!

(Atk: 3000)

The sideliners all gazed in awe at the sight of the monster.

“I am supposed to be frightened?” asked Z-Arc.

“You bet you are!” sneered Rainbow “Especially considering Falcon’s special ability wipes out all spells and traps you have in play, and that includes your two Pendulum Cards!

…Go, Falcon!”

The creature cawed, and fired powerful blasts from its guns, wiping out Z-Arc’s cards!

“Alright!!” cheered Terra.

“Way to go!” cried Kori. “Z-Arc lost his pendulum cards! So, he’s now vulnerable to damage, and he can’t raise his life points anymore.”

The others were all relieved to see this as well, and Pinkie managed to get back up onto her feet with a huge grin on her face.

Z-Arc, however, instead of growling or wailing in outrage, was laughing wickedly!

“Um… did I miss a joke?” asked Rainbow.

Z-Arc then hollered, “You just never learn; getting rid of my cards isn’t as easy as you’d like to think.” That’s when he revealed he had a Supreme King Gate Zero in his hand.

“What the--?!” yelled Rainbow.

“No! How did he get that?” wondered Terra.

Then they both looked at Z-Arc’s field and saw Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm.

(Atk: 1800)

“You see…?” hissed Z-Arc. “While I couldn’t wipe you out, I still destroyed your monster, which enabled me to summon Darkwurm from my Extra Deck, and when he is summoned, I added Gate Zero from my deck to my hand.”

The opponents growled in frustration.

“Hey, don’t look so angry. It’s not my fault that you don’t pay attention very well to your surroundings. Maybe if you did, you’d all learn not to be so careless and fall into such obvious traps…

…But you love to learn your lessons the hard way, just like you Titans did when you destroyed your own city and ruined your lives!”

The Titans all cringed at such a reminder.

“And you foolish Equestrians…” sneered Z-Arc “You stupidly have your heads in the clouds believing that Friendship, Kindness, and Trust is the path to true power, when all it does is blind you to your surroundings!”

Now the Equestrians were feeling upset.

“Shut up!!” shouted Rainbow. “We wouldn’t expect you to know anything about Friendship and things, because you’ve spent so much time in the dark and gaining power to learn it!”

“Oh?” said Z-Arc. “Then why am I all strong and mighty?

I’ve successfully taken over your friend’s body, and she’s forever lost in the darkness!”

Everyone suddenly remembered about Sunset!

Z-Arc snickered, “She’s all hopeless, miserable, and defeated, which is exactly what you all will be soon.

Now, on with this battle!

I may not be able to destroy your Cannon Falcon, but your friend is still defenseless!

Go, Odd-Eyes! Attack Terra directly!”

Odd-Eyes gave out a roar and was ready to wipe out all of Terra’s life points.

(Atk: 2500)

Terra LP: 2450

“Fire!!” shouted Z-Arc, and the attack was launched.

“…I’ll stop you!” yelled Terra “I play the trap, CALL OF THE HAUNTED!”


“With this, I’ll resummon Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond to block your monster’s attack!”

(Atk: 3400)

Z-Arc was forced to cancel his attack. “You lucked out, this time!”

“Luck had nothing to do with it!” protested Terra. “It all worked out because I’m not willing to let you win and get the better of us.”

She looked over at Rainbow who nodded at her.

Terra then clutched her heart, “I’ve made lots of mistakes in the past, and I can’t stop regretting them, but at least I can work hard to try and make things right again!”

“Ha!” scoffed Z-Arc. “Just because you try to make up does not mean you will be forgiven. You were exiled from your hometown for your crimes, no one cares whether you and your friends live or perish, and what about Gar? Your precious boy toy still wants nothing to do with you!”

Terra stood strong and held herself steady to not let it get to her, but it was so hard knowing what Z-Arc said was seemingly true.

“Well now… Where was I?” hissed Z-Arc. “Ahh, yes…! I was about to show you both up by once again setting the Pendulum Scale with Gate Zero and Gate Infinity!”

The monsters reappeared in the light.

“Not again!” wailed Pinkie.

“Now he’s protected again!” added Kori.

“Oh, I’m more than protected,” insisted Z-Arc “I am unstoppable. Especially since I can use Infinity’s ability to absorb life points by the amount of Cannon Falcon’s attack power!”

Z-Arc LP: 9800 -----> 12, 800

Dick softly pounding the ground with his fist. “How can he just keep boosting his life points like that!”

“There has to be a way to stop him for good.” said Celestia.

Z-Arc chuckled. “If there is, just try it. In the meantime, I’ll lay four cards facedown, and end my turn!

So, go on… show me that I’m wrong. Try and strike me down with more falsehoods of friendship and stupidity!”

“We WILL show you!” shouted Rainbow. “Come on, Terra, you can do it! Get it in gear, girl!”

Terra was still struggling with the tipping balances of her woes and strengths, but she knew she couldn’t give up now, and reached for her deck.

“Now I draw…!”

She pulled out a single card, and she could only hope what she had in mind would help her.

“First, I’ll banish Gem-Knight Ruby from my graveyard to add Gem-Knight Fusion back to my hand.

Now I summon GEM-ARMADILLO!”

(Atk: 1700)

“When it’s summoned, I can add GEM-KNIGHT OBSIDIAN to my hand.

Just in time, because I activate GEM-KNIGHT FUSION, and I’ll use it to Fuse Obsidian and Armadillo, so I can fusion summon another GEM-KNIGHT ZIRCONIA!”

(Atk: 2900)

“And since I just sent Obsidian from my hand to the graveyard, his ability let’s me summon Sapphire from the graveyard.”

(Def: 2100)

“But he won’t be around for very long, because I’m going to banish Obsidian from the graveyard to, once again, add Gem-Knight Fusion to my hand, so I can activate it once again!

Zirconia, merge with Sapphire!”

The monsters merged, and Terra called out her chant…

“I summon a creature of earthly waves,
That flushes out all in the path of it’s raves!


(Atk: 1950)

Her monster stood clutching its weapons, and its dark cape fluttering in the breeze.

“What is the point of this summoning?” Z-Arc asked.

“You really want to know…?” teased Terra. “Well, I’ll show you. I’m going to tribute him right now to use Lady Brilliant Diamond’s ability-- I can summon one “Gem-Knight” from my Extra Deck without worry about any requirements.

So, I now summon… GEM-KNIGHT PRISMAURA!”

(Atk: 2450)

Her monster had appeared, but Z-Arc’s field suddenly began to rumble.

“What’s happening?!” he demanded.

With a smug grin Terra explained, “It’s Amethyst’s special ability; when it’s sent to the graveyard, all your facedown spell and traps will be destroyed!”

Z-Arc gasped.

“How do you like those apples?!” Rainbow taunted.

A large, magical tidal wave of dark water was headed straight for Z-Arc’s field, ready to wash all three face-downs away—back to your hand!

The sideliners all watched with great anticipation…

…But suddenly, the wave faded off into nothing and never struck Z-Arc’s field.

“What happened?” wailed Pinkie. “Why weren’t those cards destroyed?”

Sci-Twi noticed a card that was activated. “Look there…!”

Z-Arc was laughing maniacally, “Nice try, but not good enough, thanks to my spell, CALLED BY THE GRAVE!

This allowed me to banish your Amethyst from the graveyard, thus negating its effect. So, my cards remain untouched.”

Rainbow growled. “Another cheap shot?!”

“And speaking of which…” Z-Arc called “Allow me to re-acquaint you with one of my cards--WALL OF REVEALING LIGHT!”

“No, not that again!” shouted Terra, but the field was already bathed in the magical sparkles like before.

Z-Arc then held out his arms offering up his energy. “I’ll pay up 5000 of life points…”

Z-Arc LP: 12, 800 -----> 7800

“…And now, neither of you shall be able to attack me with any monster that doesn’t exceed that very amount I just paid.”

Terra’s fist quivered. “I won’t let you-- not this time! I’ll take my Gem-Knight Fusion back by banishing Sapphire from the graveyard.

Now that I have it, I can discard it to activate Prismaura’s effect, which destroys your wall!”

The wall was destroyed in a sparkling flash, dispelling the light magic it had cast.

“Looks like you won’t be able to stop us from attacking you now.”

Z-Arc growled, but Rainbow was thinking, “Something’s not right here. That was way too easy. Z-Arc had the Wall all along, and he knew that we knew that.”

Then it dawned on her-- Z-Arc’s one-remaining facedown card! “It’s a setup!”

She was too late to warn Terra, who already engaged her battle phase.

“Lady Brilliant Diamond, attack Odd-Eyes!”

Her lady charged forth.

(Atk: 3400) VS (Atk: 2500)

With one swing from the Lady’s sword, Odd-Eyes was struck down easily, but Z-Arc took no damage as usual.

“And now I’ll get your Darkwurm!” thundered Terra. “Prismaura, attack!”

(Atk: 2450) VS (Atk: 1800)

Another successful attack and destroyed monster, but no success in damaging Z-Arc… who was now laughing.

“What’s so funny?” asked Terra.

Z-Arc glared at her, and his eyes gave an evil glow. “…Just at how pitifully pathetic you are. You may have gotten ride of my monster’s, so I’ll have to return the favor…

I activate the Continuous Trap, SUPREME FACEOFF!”

The sideliners gawked at the card in perplexed, just like the duelists.

“What does that do?” wondered Kori.

“Whatever it is, it can’t be good.” whimpered Pinkie.

Z-Arc snickered and explained, “As long as this card is in play, and I control a “Supreme King” monster, like me… I can make this battle a little more interesting, by having your monster attack again!”

“ATTACK AGAIN?!!” exclaimed the duelists.

Z-Arc then called out, “Now your Prismaura will attack again, and its attack is quite obvious!”

“No!!” Terra shouted, but her monster was out of control and charged straight at Supreme King Z-Arc!

And because it was weaker, it didn’t stand a chance.

(Atk: 2450) VS (Atk: 4000)

Supreme King Z-Arc counter-attacked, and the Gem-Knight was blown into ashes, and the burning waves hurt Terra hard.

Terra LP: 2450 -----> 900

She was knocked on her bottom from the force of the attack!

“Terra!” cried Rainbow. Then she thought angrily, “I knew it! Z-Arc led us straight into this plot! The Wall of Revealing Light was just bait!”

Z-Arc laughed, “That was far too easy, and what is more, since I destroyed a monster, I am, once again able to summon Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm from my deck!”

(Def: 1200)

“And, as you know, I now get to add a Supreme King Gate Infinity to my hand as well!”

Terra didn’t bother to try and get up. She continued to gawk up at the all-powered mad-being and his evil dragon, and how it outsmarted her and now had her completely cornered.

She had no choice but to end her turn.

“Terra…?” Rainbow called over to her, but Terra didn’t respond. She was completely overwhelmed by her fear and woe!

“Poor, Terra!” cried Pinkie.

“It’s no good,” added Sci-Twi “She’s completely lost her confidence. I don’t think she can help herself even if she wants to.”

While Terra just sat there struggling with her thoughts and emotions, Rainbow balked at Z-Arc, “You’re going to pay for this!”

Z-Arc chuckled, “That’s what they all said, and they were all proven to be sorely mistaken.”

“Well, I won’t be! I’ll take you down myself!

It’s my turn…!” she drew a card, giving her four in hand, and then she thought, “There’s only one monster I can play that can get us out of this fix, but first I need to get rid of Z-Arc’s last facedown. I’m not going to let him catch me by surprise!”


(Atk: 1100)

“And now--”

Before she could finish, Z-Arc cut in, “Just a moment. I have a little card to play as well… MAXX C to be precise.”

Rainbow gasped. “Not that!”

“Oh, no! Not Maxx C?!” cried Celestia.

Everyone remembered when Celestia used that card on Sunset. Now every time Rainbow would special summon monsters, Z-Arc would draw one additional card, and Rainbow was all about special summoning!

Rainbow stood where she was puzzled and nearly dazed, much to Z-Arc’s amusement.

“What are you going to do now? You can’t summon a bunch of your monsters without helping me gain more cards.

Of course, if you don’t do anything, it makes it easier for me to wipe you out next turn anyway.

Either way, you don’t have a chance.”

He burst out laughing manically, which only made Rainbow furious.

She stepped forth, “As I was saying: Since I control a “Raidraptor” I’m allowed to summon Fuzzy Lanius from my hand! Ha!”

(Def: 1500)

Her two birds flapped together, floating side-by-side.

“Hmm, interesting…” Z-Arc hissed as he drew a card, which now gave him two in hand.

“There’s nothing interesting about it.” protested Rainbow. “So, what if I’m about to make you draw a bunch of cards. With the strategy I have, you’ll see that it’s all for nothing!”

“I’d like to see that.”

“Oh, you will, because I now overlay Mimicry Lanius and Fuzzy Lanius in order to build the Overlay Network!”

He two monsters flapped up and soared through the portal forming the new monsters for Rainbow to chant to…

“Strong as wind blows, and gales that rise,
I summon this creature before your eyes!


(Def: 2000)

“And for every other Winged-Beast I have in play, Force Strix will gain 500 extra attack and defense-points!”

(Def: 2000) -----> (Def: 2500)

“Now I’m going to use his ability: By using an overlay unit, I get to add RAIDRAPTOR AVENGE VULTURE to my hand…

But that’s not all…! I can banish Mimicry Lanius from the graveyard… I can add another card with “Raidraptor” in its name from my deck to my hand, and what better than the equip spell… RAIDRAPTOR – EVASION!”

Right now, I have a different spell to play. RANK-UP-MAGIC SKIP FORCE!

Now I can use my Force Strix to Xyz Summon one “Raidraptor” that is two Ranks higher than it is.”

Force Strix flew up high and vanished into the portal with a bright burst of light.


Screeching strong from a burning path,
I summon a creature of fearsome wrath!


(Atk: 2000)

The mighty bird spread out its wings and gave a mighty battle cry like a fierce bird of war!

Rainbow’s eyes blazed with fire as she felt her confidence as a skilled gamer and athlete flaring up around her like magical aura.

“…If you think I’m finished, you’ve got another thing coming. I now activate RANK-UP-MAGIC ASTRAL FORCE!

With this, I can use Satelite Canon Falcon to summon another Raidraptor that’s also two ranks higher!


“Blazing winds and hurricanes roar,
This mighty creature will stop you and more!


(Atk: 3500)

Her large monster gleamed in the shadows and didn’t even let out a caw.

Z-arc glared up at the glowing falcon furiously while the sideliners were gazing in awe.

“I can’t believe Rainbow did all that.” said Kori. “And I call myself an Xyz user?!”

Dick agreed with his wife. “It’s incredible.”

“…But is it enough to beat Z-Arc?” wondered Celestia. “I mean look at his hand.”

Thanks to Maxx C and Rainbow’s multi-summons, Z-Arc had drawn four cards, giving him a full hand of five!

“With what I have planned, he can have a million cards and it won’t do him any good.” thought Rainbow.

She then looked over at Terra, who was still so lost in her distraught and misery that she didn’t even look up to see Rainbow’s entire move.

She heard it all, but she was convinced that it would not hold up against Z-Arc after everything that had happened.

This made Rainbow even more determined to take Z-Arc down and snap Terra out of her funk.

“It’s go-time!” Rainbow declared. “I activate Ultimate Falcon’s ability!”

…While she continued to declare, Z-Arc made a move for his duel disk…!

“…By using one overlay unit, the attack points of all your monsters is reduced by 1000 for the rest of this turn, and that includes Supreme King Z-Arc!”

Z-Arc and Starving Venom both growled and wailed in anger as his monsters were shrouded in glowing aura cast on them by the falcon.

(Atk: 4000) -----> (Atk: 3000)

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 1800)

“I don’t believe it!” cried Pinkie. “She actually made Z-Arc weaker!”

The others were all astounded too.

“And now that he’s weaker, it’s the perfect time to attack him!” added Celestia.

Rainbow smirked “And that’s just what I plan to do, especially since thanks to Ultimate Falcon-- Z-Arc isn’t allowed to activate any other card effects for the rest of the turn.”

Z-Arc growled softly.

“But then again,” Rainbow continued “I still have Revolution Falcon. Since it was summoned using an Xyz Monster, in addition to its own effect, it gains this power: It can target one monster and destroy it, and you take damage equal to half its attack power!

Your Darkwurm is history!”

The falcon let out a massive screech towards the dragon.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but that will not work!” hissed Z-Arc. “My Supreme Faceoff trap has another hidden specialty.

Once per turn, any of my “Supreme King” monsters cannot be destroyed in battle or by the effects of cards. So, my Darkwurm stays put!”

Rainbow growled as she watched the falcon’s power fade away, and the dragon just growled at it.

“What? But I thought Ultimate Falcon stopped Z-Arc from playing card effects for the rest of the turn?” asked Pinkie.

Sci-Twi shook her head. “It stops Z-Arc from activating effects, but that effect by Supreme Faceoff is a continuous one. It can’t be blocked.”

“Super!” grumbled Celestia. “But at least it was only once each turn. This gives Rainbow the opening she need.”

Rainbow’s anger suddenly changed into a smug grin. “She’s right. You’re wide open for my attack now Z-Arc. There’s no escape for you this time!”

“Try me!” hissed Z-Arc.

Rainbow and Z-Arc both glared at each other with narrowing eyes.

The sideliners were all numb with anxiety, but Terra still told herself that it wasn’t going to work!

Rainbow entered her battle phase.

“Revolution Falcon, attack Supreme King Z-Arc!”

The Falcon cawed, flared up and began to charge towards the huge dragon!

“And by the way…” Rainbow called “When Revolution Falcon attacks you, it drops all your attack points to zero!”

Z-Arc glowed again, and he roared and wailed, and all his attack points were drained to Zero!

“Whoooooo-hooooo!” Pinkie cried for joy! “Z-Arc has no attack points anymore!”

“This is it!” murmured Kori.

“Come on…!” Dick grumbled anxiously.

The two monsters collided, and………………….

………. Nothing!

“He’s… still standing?!” wailed Rainbow.

“What’s going on?” wondered Kori. “Rainbow was attacking Z-Arc, not his life points!”

“How did Z-Arc even do this?” asked Dick. “I thought he couldn’t play any card effects this turn?”

Sic-Twi then gasped, “Unless…!”

Z-Arc confirmed this, “…Unless I played a card before Ultimate Falcon’s effect carried out.”


“You were so certain that both your feathered freaks there would do me in, but what you didn’t count on was my using a trap in chaining to your Falcon’s effect.

…And thanks to WABOKU, my monsters cannot be beaten in battle, even if you have all the falcons in the world!”

WHAMM!! Something inside of Rainbow struck her as hard as Terra felt, and Z-Arc continued to balk, “When will you wake up and realize there is nothing you can throw at me that am I not prepared for?

I can never be beaten!”

Rainbow cringed so hard that she burned up inside. “No! I can’t… believe that…! There must be a way!”

Every so shakily, she managed to place one card facedown leaving only one left in her hand, and her turn was over.

Ultimate Falcon then glowed brightly, casting more light onto Z-Arc’s monsters. Starving Venom lost another 1000 attack points.

(Atk: 1800) ------> (Atk: 800)

“I knew it!” Terra muttered to herself, and she barely managed to look up at Z-Arc. “He really is unstoppable!”

Rainbow was shaking with a mix of anger and shock. “I was close! So very close!” she thought.

The sideliners were all in upset for the duelists. Nobody said a thing… they just kept gawking at the duelists feeling sorry and worried for them.

Z-Arc only huffed. “Now it’s my turn. I draw!”

He had six cards in hand.

“I activate the spell BOOK OF MOON, and I’ll use it to flip myself facedown to defense-mode!”

With that, Z-Arc and his entire dragon faded away as the card flipped facedown.

“What would Z-Arc do that to himself for?” wondered Dick, but then he realized as did the others.

Z-Arc did just so. He flipped himself faceup again and sighed almost heavenly.

(Atk: 4000)

“It feels great to have my strength back, but I’m still not satisfied. Let’s see how I can make things even worse for you both.

I’ll start by boosting my life points with Supreme King Gate Infinity absorbing Lady Brilliant Diamond’s attack strength.”

Z-Arc LP: 7800 -----> 11,200

“This is nuts!” cried Pinkie.

“How many life points can he possibly have?!” groaned Kori.

“Ha!” scoffed Z-Arc “My life points aren’t the main concern. It’s theirs!” he pointed at Rainbow and Terra.


(Atk: 1800)

“Oh, no!” cried Rainbow.

“Oh, yes…” hissed Z-Arc. “I have two level four Dark Pendulum Monsters, which I now overlay, to once again Xyz Summon my faithful SUPREME KING DRAGON DARK REBELLION!”

(Atk: 2500)

“No! He got his Xyz Dragon back again!” cried Pinkie.

The other sideliners were all cringing with worry.

“And there’s more!” hissed Z-Arc. “My Starving Venom may be weak, but he still has his own ability, which lets him absorb the specialty of my Clear Wing dragon in the graveyard.”

The evil beast absorbed the power and began to glow with Clear Wing’s aura.

“But why just copy it, when we can have the real thing join us, with the help of MONSTER REBORN! Return my Synchro Dragon!”

(Atk: 2500)

With nearly all the dragons now being in play again, Rainbow’s arm felt heavy as she let it flop down in defeat. “I don’t believe it…” she murmured softly. “I just can’t believe this!”

There was nothing-- absolutely nothing she or Terra could do to stop Z-Arc now.

“I’ll place two cards facedown, and now… Say “farewell!” You two have had it!” bellowed Z-Arc. Starving Venom, attack Revolution Falcon!”

The weak, but glowing Fusion Dragon soared up and bound straight at Rainbow’s monster, which forced Rainbow’s hand.

“Uh… I-I-I play RAIDRAPTOR -EVASION!” she said fearfully. “Now I… just send an overlay unit from Revolution Falcon back to my hand and negate your dragon’s attack!”

Starving Venom stopped, but Z-Arc only chuckled. “What a shame, your trap stopped one attack, but it won’t stop another.”

He paused and turned his attention towards Terra “I’ll destroy you first!”

Terra looked up, exposing her shameful and fearful eyes. She still couldn’t speak or even get up to run-- not that she had anywhere to run to.

“Dark Rebellion, attack, and use your special ability to steal all of Lady Brilliant Diamond’s attack points!”

One overlay unit vanished, and the power change succeeded…

(Atk: 3400) -----> (Atk: 0)

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 5900)

Kori began to rush towards the duel zone.

“Kori!!” Dick called, but he was too weak to run after his wife.

Pinkie then rushed over too.

“Not you too!” called Celestia.

“Attack now!” shouted Z-Arc, and his super powerful dragon blasted Terra’s weak Lady to bits, wiping out all of Terra’s life points in a massive explosion that sent her flying off backwards, right into Kori’s arms with a crash.

“Terra!!” shouted Rainbow.

“That’s one down.” hissed Z-Arc. “Now it’s your turn to fall, and I think I’ll go ahead and use Dark Rebellion’s special ability.

You remember… During the battle, I can send him back to my Extra Deck…”

The dragon vanished before it could finish its attack.

“…And now I get to summon two face-up “Supreme King Dragon” monsters from my Extra Deck.

So now I’ll bring back one of my Darkwurms…”

(Atk: 1800)

“And also, my ever-faithful SUPREME KING DRAGON ODD-EYES!”

(Atk: 2500)

His mighty Pendulum Dragon let out a hard and furious roar, and Z-Arc laughed loudly. “Now that my Odd-Eyes has returned, my Pendulum Monsters can deal you all double the damage when they attack your monsters!”

Rainbow finally gave in to the same crushing emotions that Terra had felt.

“… It really is over.”

The sideliners were all silent, no longer worrying since it was official, but feeling crushed just the same.

“Clear Wing, attack Revolution Falcon!”

The dragon unleashed its fury at Rainbow’s still-weakened monster, but not that attack points mattered…!

Thanks to Clear Wing’s specialty, the Falcon was instantly incinerated, and the burning waves blasted 2000 points away from Rainbow, making her wail and growl in agony!

Rainbow LP: 4000 -----> 2000

“Now it’s my turn…” hissed Z-Arc “Supreme King Z-Arc, destroy Ultimate Falcon!”

(Atk: 4000) -----> (Atk: 3500)

Rainbow was pushed back hard again…!

Rainbow LP: 2000 -----> 1000

“And now, Supreme King Odd-Eyes, finish her off!!”

Rainbow looked up just as the dragon unleashed its attack right for her, and she would have been slammed hard had Pinkie Pie not leapt in and pulled her out of the way-- just like when Rainbow did for her!

KAPOW!! There was a big explosion. The force sent the girls back hard, and Rainbow still lost the last of her life points.

“Pinkie!” called Kori “Are you alright?”

Pinkie didn’t answer at first, but she was fine despite the crash, and she helped Rainbow up onto her feet.

Rainbow was nearly speechless at her friend, but still upset over the loss to really say anything.

Then she remembered, “Terra!” and she dashed over to Kori.

“Hey, wait up!” Pinkie called.

Terra lay in Kori’s arms, still horribly upset over this failure.

“We couldn’t beat him.” she sobbed. “There was just nothing we could do.”

She sounded like a woman who wanted nothing more than for her life to be ended. She really felt weak, worthless, and given all that happened to her now and prior to all these events, it was pretty much justified.

Kori didn’t know what to say to her, neither did Pinkie, or especially Rainbow.

She turned to look up at the evil beast, who was laughing at everyone.

“Well now… who’s going to be next?” Z-Arc asked. “I’m still very hungry for more victims!”

To Be Continued…

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