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Episode 40: True Hate Part 2

Author's Note:

I really don't get why when I Copy/Paste the fic to be loaded, it never puts the STRIK-THRU

Ah, well. Not like it's used much anyway.


Vic finally woke up. He stretched and yawned and whispered to himself. “Nothing like a little power nap.

He was still feeling rather hungry, his stomach gave a loud growl. “Shh,” he said playfully to his gut.

The others were not disturbed, but they soon would be when Vic looked towards the door and noticed Raven was gone.

“Rae?” he called softly. When he couldn’t find her anywhere, he looked outside. “Raven?”

Cadance awoke first. “Vic? What’s going on?” she asked groggily.

Vic quickly woke everyone up. “Rae’s gone! he hollered.

Pinkie yawned. “Oh, she’s gone. That’s nice.” then she lay down again, only to bolt upright. “…Gone?! RAVEN’S GONE?!”

Everyone was confused, and livid.

“She just up and took off?” asked Rainbow.

“Didn’t anybody see her?” added Kori, but of course that was a silly question. Everyone else was sleeping, and Princess Twilight and Spike were safely tucked away in Sci-Twi’s pocket, and they saw nothing.

“Maybe she was taken by a bad guy.” suggested Spike.

Dick disagreed, “Then why are we all still here? Why didn’t we hear anything that would’ve woken us all?”

Spike felt silly.

“Well, where could she have gone then?” wondered Twilight.

Terra suddenly had a sick feeling that turned her blood cold. She didn’t know how, she didn’t know why, but she had the feeling “Gar…! She’s gone after Gar!”

Everyone turned her way.

“What?” Vic asked in disbelief. “What in the world are you talking about?”

“I know, it sounds crazy, but I can’t shake off this feeling.”

The others didn’t think she was feeling straight.

“Terra… don’t just assume wild theories.” said Dick. “I get that you’ve been through a lot, but that’s no reason to jump to a conclusion you can’t prove.”

Sci-Twi felt differently, “Maybe she’s right. You heard the way Raven was badmouthing Gar. She really sounded like she had it out for him, and what other reason would she want to run off for?”

Unable to deny this, the others all began to lean in on it.

“Raven… you wouldn’t?!” Dick muttered to himself. Such actions like this would only prove how monstrous and uncaring she truly was.

“Um… guys…” Pinkie called from the door “I think we have another problem.”

“What now?” asked Rainbow, but he and the others could see Sunset standing outside in the street.

“So that’s where you’ve been hiding. Did you have a nice rest?” she taunted. “You better, because it’s time to duel.”

“Ah, man! Not more of this!” groaned Vic.

Sunset snickered, “There’s nowhere to run this time. I’m going to seal you all in so you can’t make a break for it.”

She raised her arms to cast a forcefield to trap everyone in…

…Pinkie quickly raised her arm and shot a duel beam at Sunset’s duel disk.

“Huh?” said Sunset in surprise.

“Pinkie, what are you doing?” wailed Rainbow.

While was distracted by this sudden action, Pinkie quickly shouted at the others. “Go on! Get out of here while you can!! NOW!!”

Almost terrified by her sudden reaction, the group complied and took off before Sunset snapped back to her senses.

Pinkie took in a deep breath and then focussed on her opponent.

“Oh, well.” said Sunset “At least you’re still here, which means I get a duel anyway. Let’s get it on.”

Pinkie’s insides were going crazy, she was arguing with her inner self…

“Are you out of your mind?! You saw her in action-- you can’t duel her.”

“I must! It gave the others a chance to make a break for it so they don’t have to be trapped, and besides… running away from Sunset won’t help get through to her.”

She kept looking at Sunset’s evil, snickering face, still freaked out, but determined to get through to her friend.

The rest of the group had dashed a block away when they stopped to catch a breath.

“We can’t just leave Pinkie back there!” insisted Rainbow.

Sci-Twi really hated to say what she was about to. “But if we go back there, we’ll be in danger too.”

“She’s right.” agreed Dick “I don’t think Sunset will turn her into a card, and we needed that chance to get away. We’ve got to find Raven and stop her.”

“What if we’re already too late?” wondered Terra “What if Raven already found him, and they’re dueling now?”

Her stomach began to ach with more worry, rather than hunger, but she was able to ignore it.

“Well, sorry to add worse to already bad,” said Vic “But where are we even supposed to look?”

“We could start with “Up.” suggested Kori and she pointed to up on the roofs of tall buildings. “We’ll be able to see more from up there.”

Nobody was that keen on such and idea, due to the buildings being in such poor shape.

“We don’t all have to go up, do we?” asked Cadance.

Soon, Dick and Vic were hoping along the rooftops, while the rest of the group stayed below in the streets.

“See anything?” Rainbow called up.

“No…” replied Dick, “But we’ll stay close. Raven must be here somewhere.”

Terra thought angrily, “Raven… you better not do anything to Gar, or so help me, I’ll break every psychological restraint I know and break every bone in your body!”


Both Gar and Raven were still shrouded in evil aura due to their intense anger towards each other.

Raven LP: 11,300

Gar LP: 8300

“Are you going to make a move or what?” snapped Raven. “I’d like to get rid of you sometime in the next few minutes.”

“It’s you who’s going to go down. Not me.” Gar insisted “I draw!” he had three cards in hand, but he took a moment and noted how confident Raven seemed, and thought, “She sure isn’t dueling the way she normally does. I’ll bet she’s up to something.”

He continued with his turn…

“It’s been two turns since I used Gold Sarcophagus, which means the card I banished comes back to me.”

He grabbed the lone card and held it up, “I activate MONSTER RECOVERY! Now I send Peten the Dark Clown and my entire hand back into the deck. Then I shuffle, and I draw five new cards.”

With his hand full once more, he looked down at one of the monster cards he had, which made him grin behind his covers. “Perfect! This monster will be the instrument to Raven’s ultimate downfall, but I better hedge her a long for a little longer.”

“Now I’ll summon one monster facedown in defense-mode, and I’ll place three cards facedown!”

“Three cards?!” growled Raven. “You played nearly every card in your hand.”

“Yes… very good.” taunted Gar, then he pointed to the middle of his coverings “Now guess what part of the face I’m pointing to.

…Just make your move!”

Raven growled, “Oh, I will, and it starts with using my PSY-Frame Overload trap, by banishing Psy-Framegear Epsilon in my hand, I banish your middle facedown card off the field!”

Her trap fired a magic beam and blasted Gar’s facedown off the field.

“A Breakthrough Skill? How lame!” taunted Raven.

Now it was officially her turn, “I draw!”

She glared at her card for a minute, and then balked at Gar, “It’s time!” Her insane determination made the aura around her pulsate hard and wide-- shaking some of the crumpling buildings behind her.

“Brace yourself Gar, this is going to hurt you a lot… like you deserve!”

She held the special card of hers up high and shouted, “I play the spell MIRACLE SYNCHRO FUSION!”

Gar cringed this time and exclaimed in extreme shock, “…What?!”

Raven snickered, “…You thought Synchro Summoning was all I was good at? Well, this spell lets me banish Multi-Threader and Omega from my graveyard, and then I can fuse them together to create a perfect, powerful creature that’ll help me get rid of you for good!”

Gar watched in outrage as the spirits of Raven’s monsters appeared and then merged.

Still, Raven would not chant any verse to her monster, but the aura around her flared stronger than ever.


The monster appeared, almost bearing a resemblance to Thought Ruler.

(Atk: 2900)

Gar glared at the monster, growling furiously, and the dark aura around him was flaring. “Fusion…!”

Raven couldn’t help but smirk. “I know all about how much you hate Fusion, because it makes you cry like a baby. So, what better way to wipe you out of existence than with the very kind of power despise most!”

Gar was more disturbed, but now his determination to stop Raven was greater than ever.

Raven snuffed, “And now I activate another spell… PSYCHIC PATH.

All I have to do is pay up 800 life points…”

Raven LP: 11,300 -----> 10,500

Raven was shocked, but she didn’t feel much, due to her score being so high, and the aura shrouding her.

“…And now I get to add two banished monsters back to my hand-- Epsilon, and Multi-Threader!

But Epsilon will have to be banished again, so I can use PSY-Frame Overload, so I can blow another one of your facedown cards away.”

Another one of Gar’s cards was destroyed.

“A Mirror Force card?” taunted Raven “Someone’s getting a little desperate. Not that it matters, because Axon Kicker can’t be destroyed by card effects.” She paused “And worse, when it attacks a monster in defense-mode… you get hit with piercing damage!”

“I’m well-aware of all this!” growled Gar.

Raven’s features hardened, and she entered her Battle Phase, “Axon Kicker, kick his monster’s miserable can!”

Her monster complied, and fired a strong blast of energy at Gar’s monster, which flipped face-up revealing it to be, MYSTIC TOMATO…

(Atk: 2900) VS (Def: 1100)

The little veggie was crushed, and Gar took a heap of damage, and he growled as the shocks burned him.

Gar LP: 8300 -----> 6500

Raven was suddenly bathed in glowing light from her Axon Kicker.

“Since your monster was destroyed, I gain life points equal to it’s attack power. That’s 1400.”

Raven LP: 10,500 -----> 11, 900

She had so many life points, and the power was pulsating through her. She almost felt like she had her super-powers back.

“That may be…” called Gar “But when Mystic Tomato is destroyed, I am able to summon a Dark monster from my deck, and I choose to summon a second tomato.”

(Atk: 1400)

“Is that supposed to bother me?” Raven asked sarcastically. “Thought Ruler Archfiend, squash it!”

Her monster did as was told, and Gar’s second tomato was flattened…

(Atk: 2700) VS (Atk: 1400)

Gar was burned by more painful shocks…

Gar LP: 6500 -----> 5200

And Raven was bathed in more light, “Thought Ruler Archfiend boosts my score again by the attack points of the monster it just destroyed.

Raven LP: 11, 900 -----> 13,300

“So, thanks… for once!”

Gar shook off the pain from the shocks, and glared Raven’s nasty smirk.

Raven was really enjoying herself. “Oh, this feels so great!” she thought “Finally, I get to show him up for the loser he always has been, and with all the cards I have in play, there’s nothing he can do to stop me.

I only wish I could see the look on his face now.”

That’s what she hoped for, except for the fact that Gar was snickering at her, and then it turned into full-out spiteful laughing.

“Did I miss a joke?” Raven asked.

Gar stopped laughing and said, “…Do you know why no one really likes you, Raven?”

A long moment of silence followed…

“It’s because you have one of the worst kinds of attitudes. You’re always being so harsh, and mean to others, and you don’t even realize the hate you spread and the more harm you cause than help.

Look at you now. Here you are, attempting to crush me, to get rid of me, and for what, because you blame me for all the bad things and everything that’s wrong in your life.”

“Shut up!” snapped Raven.

“Oh, I admit, I cause plenty of pain myself these day, but I had a great teacher… someone who treated me more like dirt than a friend!” he definitely implied her.

“It will be a great pleasure to take you down and prove that it’s you who’s the true monster.”

He held out his arm, “Since you destroyed my tomato, I get to summon this… CHAOS NECROMANCER!”

(Atk: 0)

Raven raised an eyebrow in confusion. “A monster with zero attack points?”

Gar scoffed, “Look closer. Chaos Necromancer gains 300 attack points for every monster card in my graveyard.”

“Every monster?!” gasped Raven.

“Yes… and I currently have four.”

(Atk: 0) -----> (Atk: 1200)

Raven was still far from impressed. “It’s still hardly strong enough to be much of a threat.”

“…So, you say, but I have a trap to play.”

“You what?!”



Gar snickered, “For a price of 1000 life points…”

Gar LP: 5200 -----> 4200

He braced himself for the shocks that came at him.

“I can now draw one card for the difference in our scores, for every 2000 points of difference, which means I now draw four cards.”

He now had five cards in hand.

“Oh, no!” Raven groaned in thought. “This can’t be good. Now I’ve given him a chance to make one of his comebacks.

But it still doesn’t matter, both my monsters are still super strong.”

She looked down at Multi-Threader in her hand. “As long as I have this, and my life points super high, I can’t lose this at all.

Gar’s as good as beaten, as well as history!”

The aura around her flared so hard, it upset one of the buildings behind her, making it crumple and breakup even more. It was liable to fall over any second!

Sunset glared Pinkie down, but Pinkie called up to her. “Sunset, I know you’re still in there. This isn’t the real you.”

Sunset sighed, “Oh, not this junk again.”

“Please… Don’t let Z-Arc’s evil control you like this. Remember how we all used to be besties of best friends.”

Sunset reacted to that. “…Best… Friends?”

With that, small, very faded memories began to spark inside her—all the good times she shared with her friends…

…But the power of Z-Arc easily overpowered them.

“Let’s just duel… Now!” she insisted.

Pinkie LP: 8000

Sunset LP: 8000

Pinkie hung her head down. Z-Arc’s evil was far worse than she thought.

“I’m not giving up!” she thought. “I won’t let this evil hold Sunset like this.”

Suddenly, she had an idea. “Maybe if I show her my signature dueltaning… that could spark something.”

With that, she held her head up high, threw out her arms, and pretended the spotlight was on her.

“Ladies and Gentlemen...! Duel-fans of all ages! Welcome to the show of a lifetime. It’s Sunset Shimmer versus her old pal, Pinkie Pie.

Will Sunset crack a smile at the end of this show? Only time will tell.”

Sunset raised her eyebrow in confusion, and yet deep down it all seemed too familiar to her.

“Let the magic begin…” Pinkie hollered as she drew her five cards.


The two monsters took their places in the light, and the pendulum began to swing between them.

“Witness, one and all! With this scale, I can summon as many monsters between levels 2 and 6… AND HERE THE COME!”

Two shots of light rained down from the sky, and her monsters appeared.




The cute little monsters tooted and trumpeted like the cute performers they were, while Sunset could only continue gawking at them awkwardly.

Pinkie felt it was working, but there much she could do other than place her last card facedown.

“That’s the end for the opening act, but hold onto your seats, because our guest performer now gets her shot at the stage.

Take it away, Sunset!”

Sunset clasped her head in her hand. She looked as if she were struggling with herself and Z-Arc’s evil, much to Pinkie’s hope…

But alas…

“…Your dueling is a disgrace!”

“Huh?” said Pinkie. “But… but you always loved my dueltaning. It always made you laugh and smile.”

“Maybe it did before, and what a fool I was to ever have enjoyed it!”

Pinkie felt as if two knives had jabbed her-- one in the gut, and one in the heart.

Sunset clenched her fist, “Dueling is all about power, crushing your foes, and being unstoppable, which I will show to you right now!”

She drew her cards, and a sixth.

“The first card I’ll play is the spell TRAP BOOSTER! By sending one card in my hand to the graveyard, I’m able to instantly play a trap from my hand.

I activate POWERFUL REBIRTH! It allows me to revive the monster I just sent to the graveyard…


(Atk: 800)

This monster seemed to resemble a ghostly robe with a Jack-o-lantern for a head.

“That’s a Tuner monster?” asked Pinkie “I didn’t see that card in your last duel.”

“Well, you’re seeing it now, and by the way, Powerful Rebirth also raises his attack and defense points by 100, and it gains one level.”

“It’s Level 4 now!”

“And there’s more coming than you know… because now I summon SUPREME KING DRAGON DARKWURM!”

(Atk: 1800)

Pinkie gasped. “That’s the monster from you duel with Kori and Dick!”

Sunset snickered, “I know! But here’s something you don’t know-- When Darkwurm is summoned, I am able to add SUPREME KING GATE INFINITY to my hand.

Pinkie began to sweat, and she thought nervously, “Is she planning to summon that Xyz monster she used last time?”

Her suspicions were proven wrong…!

“I now activate the spell HARMONIC SYNCHRO FUSION!”

Pinkie had never seen this card before. “Harmonic Sync-- What?!”

Sunset grinned wickedly, “I’ll explain… this special card takes both my monsters and splits them into clones of each other.”

Just like magic, the monsters did just so—hollowed, artificial shells of them appeared, giving sunset four monsters in play.

“…And now, the power of Harmonic Syncrho Fusion allows me to use these monster groups to Syncrho Summon, and Fusion Summon.”

Pinkie had never heard of anything like this before. “Can you actually do that?”

“Observe…!” called Sunset “First I tune my Level 4 Hallohallo with my Level 4 Darkwurm!”

The two monsters rushed up into the air, and Sunset called out a chant…

“Winds of darkness, billowing along,
comes forth a beast so mighty and strong!


(Atk: 2500)

Pinkie gawked up at the roaring dragon and noted how familiar it seemed. “It… it looks just like Sapphire’s Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!”

“Wait! There’s more.” said Sunset “Now I’ll take the other monsters and conduct my Fusion Summon.”

“Ah!” cried Pinkie, and she watched as the two monsters combined, and Sunset chanted yet again…

“Poisonous fangs and venomous roar,
I summon a creature so vile and more!


(Atk: 2800)

The evil dragon spread out its wings, which dripped with slimy poison.

Pinkie was positively blown out of her mind! “I can’t believe this!” she panicked in thought, “She Synchro and Fusion Summoned at the same time.

As cool as I’d like this to be, I think I’m huge trouble!”

She was right, because just then… there was a blast of wind billowing on her side of the field, “What’s happening?!” she groaned while bracing herself.

Sunset laughed, “It’s Clear Wing’s special ability. Since he was successfully Synchro Summoned, every monster in your field is instantly destroyed!”

As promised, both Pinkie’s monsters were blown away, leaving her wide open.

“Uh, oh!” she groaned.

“Uh, oh” is right…” hissed Sunset. “I now use Scale 0 SUPREME KING GATE ZERO, and Scale 13 SUPREME KING GATE INFINITY to set the Pendulum Scale!”

“Oh, no! Not this again!”

“Yes, indeed, but don’t worry. You see, Supreme King Gate Infinity forbids me to Pendulum Summon if I control at least one monster.”

Now Pinkie was confused. “But then why set them in the scale?”

“I’ll let you worry about that when the time comes, and not before.

In the mean time, I’m activating Starving Venom’s special ability; by targeting my own Clear Wing Dragon, Starving Venom can absorb it’s special ability.”

Pinkie wasn’t sure she liked the sounds of that!

Sunset then engaged her battle phase.

“Starving Venom, attack her directly!”

The dragon roared, and opened is huge jaws unleashing a gross, and burning venomous gunk.

“Hold up!” called Pinkie “I activate the trap, PERFORMAPAL PINCH HELPER!

It activates when you declare a direct attack, and it lets me call one “Performapal” from my deck, but it won’t have its special effects.”

Her deck began to glow as a small beam of light shot out, and Pinkie even imagined a drumroll playing, with spotlights flashing and everything.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, making its way from my deck… give it up for PERFORMAPAL ODD-EYES MINITUARUS!”

(Def: 1000)

The strong bull grinned and took a bow, but Sunset was far from amused.

“No worries, I’ll just attack it! Go Starving!”

The dragon prepared to attack again.

“Not going to work,” Pinkie called “I use Performapal Gumgummuton’s Pendulum Ability, which protects my star performer from being destroyed.”

The monster let out a loud bleat and pulled a magical sheet of wool over Minitaurus.

“You think that will stop me!” roared Sunset “Well here’s a reality check for you-- Starving Venom absorbed Clear Wing’s special ability; therefore: when he attacks a monster, that creature is instantly destroyed.”

“What?!” exclaimed Pinkie. She watched as the attack broke through her protective shield and destroyed her newly summoned monster.

“And what it more,” called Sunset “You now take damage equal to that monster’s original attack points!”

Pinkie was blasted by the burning winds and shockwaves, making her wail in pain as she lost 1600 points!

Pinkie LP: 8000 -----> 6400

She couldn’t believe any of this.

“And now that you’re wide open,” said Sunset “Clear Wing, attack!”

The dragon complied and unleashed its sonic wind waves straight for Pinkie.

She quickly braced herself for the impact and shouted, “Thanks to Momoncarpet’s Pendulum Ability, I only take half the damage!”

Sunset only laughed, knowing would still get hurt anyway.

The attack crashed into her, and she wailed as she was burned.

Pinkie LP: 6400 -----> 5150

Pinkie coughed out a small smoke ring while Sunset relished in the suffering she was causing. “Yes! More, more!” she demanded. “More chaos, more destruction to fuel my power and greatness!”

Pinkie shook her head in frightful denial. “No! You can’t mean that!”

This only made her laugh even more. “Poor, miserable, creature. You have no idea how much fun it is to destroy your opponents and see them squirm as they foolishly try to stand up to you.”

“Fun… in destroying and hurting people?!” Pinkie had almost forgotten how to swallow, fearing that she would surely throw-up.

Her features suddenly hardened to anger, and she bolted up onto her feet, practically seething. Her eyes were flaring, and her teeth were gnashing.

“Yes,” Sunset hissed “Give in to you anger, your hate, your darkness! Let it feed on you and give you a lust for power!”

Pinkie continued to growl, and just when it seemed the Malefic aura would take her, she broke into a beautiful, hopeful smile.

“What?!” snapped Sunset “How can you smile at a time like this?”

Still grinning, Pinkie admitted, “Because it’s how you really have fun, and that’s something I helped everyone learn every day, including you.”

“Me?” asked Sunset, and that’s when more memories began trying to surface from deep inside her again.

Still, they were too blurry-- covered by the evil shadows of Z-Arc.

Sunset growled and roared as the evil maintain its hold of her. “Stop it!” she demanded. “Quit trying to cloud me with your lies and nonsense of fun and joy!

This is a duel in which pain and suffering rule!”

Pinkie continued to smile, “No it’s not… and I’m going to keep dueling, just because it’s fun.”

Sunset was very annoyed.


The rest of the group were still no closer to finding where Raven could have run off to.

“Anything yet?” Kori called up.

Dick and Vic were growing frustrated.

“This is like looking for a needle in a haystack.” complained Dick.

Suddenly, it hit Vic like a bolt of lightning. “Ah, man! How could I be so stupid! I can use my wrist-com to sense for Raven’s energy signal.”

“Now he remembers?” groaned Rainbow.

The others were so sure if it was a smart idea anyway.

“But Vic… your power cell!” Terra called up.

“Ah, no sweat.” remarked Vic. He checked his energy meter, which was still high. “I just need one small blip, and that’s all.”

He began to scout around.

While he did, Rainbow’s insides were going crazy with worry for Pinkie dueling Sunset and all.

She quickly turned on her heal and dashed off to get back to her friend.

“Rainbow!” called Cadance.

“Where are you going?” yelled Dick.

“I’m going to get Pinkie!” Rainbow called back, and she quickly disappeared around the corner.

She had gone so fast it was already too late to get her to stop.

“Crazy kid!” Vic grumbled, but suddenly his com blinked. “I got Raven’s signal, but it’s way weak. What the heck’s going on?”

Far away, Raven and Gar were still both shrouded in malefic aura, which was why Vic had a hard time tracking them.

“Brace yourself, Raven!” Gar called as he drew his next card.

He gawked at the very card he drew. “At last!” he thought, and he compared the card he drew with the one at the end of his hand. “These two cards are exactly what I need to stop Raven for good!”

“Are you going to move, or what?!” snarled Raven. She wasn’t kidding, she really wanted him to hurry so she could relish in causing him more suffering and pain, and then finally be rid of him for good.

“You move so slowly; it’s no wonder Terra dumped you!”

Something inside of Gar snapped at that.


“Why she’s still in love with you, I’ll never know. Frankly: I don’t want to, because love is not something you know or are even worthy of!”

Gar began to growl under his covers. Though he really had no interest in being with Terra again, it was still such an insult to have his past pains thrown at him like this.

“That’s what I thought!” sneered Raven. “I don’t know why anyone would ever love you, like you, or even welcome you into their lives… but we Titans made that mistake long ago, and I’m going to fix it by ridding our lives of your presence--” she had finally gone too far.

“Raven!” he barked at her. “…So help me, I’ll make you regret ever being born yet!”

Raven growled.

Both their auras flared, and the building behind Raven grew weaker and shakier still! It was going to come down! One more large shock was all it needed!

“HERE I COME…!!” Gar shouted!

To Be Continued…

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