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Episode 65: All is... sort of well...


Sunset’s eyes slowly peeked open, and the first thing she could see was Spike’s face looking straight at her.

“She’s waking up.” he said behind him.

Sunset rubbed her eyes to find she was lying in a bed, in her old suite onboard the Prince Brothers’ airship.

All her friends surrounded her, including Princess Twilight.

“What happened?” she asked. Then she bolted upright, “…The Malefic World!”

Rainbow and Applejack held her down. “Easy there…” Applejack said. “It’s okay. We’re all home again.”

Sunset could see out the porthole near her bed. The ship was in flight, high in the air in the human world the humans all called home.

Her duel disk and her deck lay on the nightstand beside her bed. Everyone else had not only their souls and bodies restored, but all their decks were normal, and their duel disks were returned safely.

On a big TV monitor at the side of the room, the ship was in contact with the Titans, whom were all onboard their flying high-tech RV, which was outside and flying directly alongside the ship.

“Well, all right!” cheered Vic. “The whole gang’s together again.”

“I’m glad to see everyone is alright.” added Kori.

Even Raven was somewhat grateful, though she still had a sour sneer on her face and refused to let her feelings show.

Sunset felt herself all over, and remembered defeating Loki just as everything went completely chaotic.

“What happened?” she asked.

The door to her room opened, and in came Rubeus-- in his human form. He was also smiling thankfully and said, “You did just as I hoped you would. Well done, Sunset.”

Now it all made sense. The Malefic World was gone forever, and it’s evil would never again be a threat to any other world.

“I’m very glad to see that you all made it out safely too. Thanks to all of you, the darkness is no more, and I am finally free to live out my life the way I wish to-- as a good-hearted human.”

Then he looked a remorseful, “I realize you still may not forgive me for all the trouble I put you all through, but it was the only way.”

The others all agreed, it would take a long time to truly forgive him, but for now they agreed not to be hostile and give him some benefits.

“Hey, what about Jump City?” asked Rainbow.

The Titans wanted to know especially since it was still trapped in the Malefic World.

“Relax, everyone.” said Rubeus. “The remains of Jump City have been destroyed. The once great metropolis is no more.”

He held up a small laptop, which showed images of the now barren area where the crumpling city had once stood.

It was all just flat empty lands by the seaside, with no ruins, no leftover debris, or any indication that there ever was a city there.

“My goodness!!” cried Rarity “An entire city… gone… like that?”

“What happened to all the people?” Terra asked.

Rubeus held up his hand, “They, too, have been taken care of, or did you never once notice why none of the people from your city were present along with the buildings?”

Everyone did wonder why only the buildings of Jump City got sucked into the Malefic World with none of the people.

Rubeus had a lot of explaining to do regarding the circumstances of their return to the real world when the Malefic World collapsed.

“I had magically removed everyone from the cities remains-- transporting them all to other random cities across the country. Therefore, no one was present when all the buildings were plunged into darkness.”

He went on explaining that,

As soon a hr was free from the Prison Darkness, his own powers were restored, and with Loki’s power vanquished by Sunset, he was free to send everyone back to the human, back to a certain point…

…The point to right at the end of the last duel of the Friendship Cup Finals-- when Sunset had defeated Rainbow Dash.

“You mean, we’ve been sent back in time?” asked Cadance.

Rubeus nodded.

Shining Armor looked out the porthole, and the world seemed all right.

“So, if we traveled back in time…” he said while trying to make sense of all things, but it was Sci-Twi who figured it out. “…It means that to the people, nothing funny every happened, and it’s only been a few seconds after Sunset and Rainbow’s duel ended.

Therefore, by a shifting time flux, and proper coordination, triangulating the passages, we arrived at a period in which the current happenings are secretive illusions.”

Everyone gawked at her for such a long and nerdy explanation, forcing her to rephrase. “…It means that apart from all of us, nobody will remember any of these events ever happening, because to them it never happened in the first place.”

Pinkie scratched her head and rolled her eyes around. “That makes total sense.” she said with a forced grin.

Rainbow felt her head aching and she remarked, “Yeah, really does.”

Rubeus cleared his throat. “The point is, we have returned to exactly where we all were before the adventure happened, but using my powers, I managed to keep the fewest of exceptions.

Jump City is no more…

The people are quite safe, they have all been given a chance to start over in a new place, and yet they will have little to no recollection of what happened at all. To them, everything just…” he snapped his fingers “…Happened just like that without question…

…And trust me when I say it is for the best.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a single card, with Loki’s picture on it. Everyone gawked in surprise.

“He was turned into a card!” cried Vic.

Raven snuffed, “Well, it’s time he knew what it felt like anyway.”

“I actually wondered what happened to him.” said Celestia.

Fluttershy swallowed hard and asked, “You’re not going to leave him trapped in that card forever, are you?”

“Oh, no... That would be too harsh.” replied Rubeus. He looked down sternly at the card, “But we are going to have a long and very serious talk about loyalty, and hopefully he can learn to appreciate the world as it is.

For now, he shall remain where he is, which brings me to my next point.” He paused and looked at everyone, including the Titans. “I would appreciate it graciously if you would keep all this to yourselves and never mention it to another living soul.

I just wish to live my life in peace, and the last I’m certain anyone wishes is for all this to start over again.”

This was something everyone immediately agreed to.

Sunset climbed out of bed and approached him. “I’m proud of you. You’re really taking a new step in life.”

“I second that.” agreed Twilight. “Sure… you did a lot of evil things, and it will be hard to view them in retrospect, but when I return to Equestria I will inform Princess Celestia of your intentions and actions, I’m sure she can be persuaded too.”

Rubeus nodded thankfully.

The Titans, however, didn’t know what to really think.

“So, that’s it.” said Vic. “No more Jump City. It’s gone.”

Kori felt a cold turn in her many stomachs. “Oh!” she groaned as she clutched herself tight.

Dick supported his wife and sat her down on the sofa.

“Why so grim?” asked Pinkie.

“Yeah, the city and your people are safe now.” added Applejack.

Dick spoke up, “But it was our home, and how it’s gone. It just doesn’t feel too right.”

The Equestrians were totally shocked.

“You guys said you were trying to save your city.” said Shining Armor “And now you’re saying what just happened isn’t good enough?”

“That’s not what we said at all.” grumbled Raven.

“…Sure, sounded like it to me.” Rainbow said with a souring glare on her face.

“Hey, cut us a break, will ya?” snapped Vic. He quickly calmed himself, not wanting to make it worse. “It was still our home, and now where are we supposed to go?”

That was still a huge problem. The Titans were still well-despised by a vast majority of the country’s populace for dooming Jump City in the first place, and endangering many other cities, countries, and lives beyond that-- including Canterlot City.

“We tried to restore our reputation.” said Kori. “We did our best to make things right again and fix up the city.”

Sci-Twi shook her head. “You were trying to accomplish the impossible. I did all the math; it would cost fortunes upon fortunes to fix the city. It would likely take two-hundred years at the least to that city right again.”

Rubeus agreed, “Your city was beyond hope, even for my power. What happened to it and the people is for the best. It is no longer a crumpling mess, and the people are no longer struggling through poverty.

Perhaps someday, people will return to the place where the city once stood and start anew, but as for reputations, that is something the people, and you, must workout for themselves, and no amount of magic can change it.”

The Titans tried their best to accept and understand, but it was hard for them, especially with their egos and pride still disillusioning them.

Sunset was extremely disappointed in them, so was Princess Twilight. She could see and admit that at this point the Titans were beyond hope of helping-- too self-centered and arrogant to help themselves.

Suddenly, Terra looked around, and she broke the silence asking, “Where’s Gar? I need to talk with him.”

Everyone looked all around the room.

“Where is Gar anyway?” Sunset wondered aloud, and that’s when he stepped in through the door angrily insisting, “My name is not Gar!”

Everyone gawked at him. His outfit was fully restored, including his sphere hood and his regular mask. Once again, his entire face was completely hidden, and the two electrodes under his mask were also restored rendering him impervious to detection, electronic equipment, and certain types of magic.

“Yep… he’s back alright.” grumbled Spike.

He had been standing out in the hallway listening to the drama going on, but that was hardly his concern.

“What do you want?” Sunset asked.

Gar gazed at her through his mask and stated, “You and I have a little unfinished business to take care of. The last round of the Friendship Cup Finals.”

Sunset was almost confused, but Rubeus confirmed, “Yes, the best course is to pick up where we left off. The final round of the dueling tournament will conclude this afternoon in Canterlot City, where we are bound.

All prizes are still to be awarded including the One-Million-dollar cash prize.”

A lot of the girls’ eyes lit up with dollar signs and making a “Cha-ching” sound!

“Don’t get your hopes up.” said Gar. “That prize is as good as mine.”

Then he turned to leave.

“Gar, wait…!” Terra begged, but he wouldn’t stop.

Rainbow then used her quick speed to zip in the way of the door blocking Gar from leaving.

“Get out of my way.” he hissed.

Rainbow refused, and she balked at him. “How can you still be such a creep, when we all saved your life?!”

“She has quite the point!” insisted Rarity. “If it wasn’t for all of us you wouldn’t be here now. For that matter, none of us would be here.”

Gar snuffed and he pointed at Sunset “She was the one who saved us all.”

Sunset felt almost shocked to hear him say that. It was as if he really did understand her efforts and struggles.

Gar then said something else that shocked everyone beyond words. “…Maybe I should be grateful.”

Sunset was completely speechless.

“…But I won’t!”

Moods soured again.

“But you just said--” was all Twilight could say before Gar cut her off. “I said I probably should be grateful, but that doesn’t mean I’m obligated to, especially seeing as nothing has changed between us.

I don’t like you people, and I am especially getting fed up with all this preaching of friendship and other so-called “positive” aspects you have on life.

Friendship had nothing to do with everything that happened, it was all just luck and twists of fate.”

The way he was talking, Terra felt every hard work he said piercing her already hurt heart, while all the other Titans were really growing annoyed.

Raven then got an idea, and she silently used her powers to give Vic a tiny little spark to his leg getting his attention and motioning for him to talk privately with her.

“Are you crazy?” Vic sneered softly so as not to be overheard.

“Do I look crazy?” sneered Raven, when really, by this point, she’d be certified. “I say we do it and teach him a lesson once and for all.”

Vic was so uneasy about all this. While he agreed, Gar was a jerk and could be taken down a peg or too, “… This ain’t the way to do it, and it won’t make us look any better. You already tried to take him down, and it flopped miserably.”

Raven was undeterred and assured him, “I can just as easily do it myself in my own way. At least with your help it’ll be done faster.”

The more Vic thought it over, the more tempting it was, which only made his conscience argue with him harder.

“What’s it going to be?” Raven asked.

Terra looked as if she was going to pass out from grief. “Gar, please…” she begged trying not to sound too tearful and desperate. “It doesn’t have to be this way.”

Gar ignored her.

Princess Twilight wanted to speak up, but she wasn’t sure of what to say, knowing how stubborn Gar was and how hopeless the Titans were.

Sunset felt the same way, and she decided, “I’ll see you on the dueling field.”

Gar nodded and then proceeded to leave again, but Rainbow was still blocking him.

“Let him go.” said Sunset.

Furious as she was, Rainbow stepped aside while still glaring at him with a look to fight, but she knew it wouldn’t be the right thing to try, nor would she succeed anyway.

Gar left and headed back to his suite while thinking, “These guys just don’t get it. Things are better this way, especially for me.

I cannot and I will not ever be tempted by friendship again, not after it cost me.

I gave people all the friendship I could spare, and it brought me nothing by pain, shame, misery, and humiliation, and now I finally have better control of things.

I’ll show these kids once and for all just how wrong they are.”

Upon entering his room, he found himself clenching his fist, as if he were struggling with his conscience of being so ungrateful, but he was quite to brush it off.

“What a jerk!” grumbled Shining Armor.

“I can’t believe he’s so… dark… and heartless.” agreed Cadance.

Suddenly, they all heard a loud thud, followed by Dick shouting, “Terra!”

She had fainted-- finally overwhelmed by her grief.

Kori found enough strength to help Dick lift her up and place her on one of the bunk beds.

“Oh, the poor dear.” cried Rarity. She still was able to find just a little sympathy for Terra--just… a little.

Fluttershy felt the same as she did, hurt to see such a broken-hearted woman, even if she did bring all grief on herself!

“Is she alright?” she asked.

Vic scanned her with his wrist-com. “She’s got a little fever. It’s not too serious.”

He quickly dampened a cloth with cool water and placed it over Terra’s forehead.

Dick was growing furious. His fists were clenched and shaking as he softy and furiously murmured Gar’s name under his breath.

Raven could sense his anger, and it only made her more than convinced ever to put her plan into action.

Vic looked at her, and he was starting to feel the same way, and not a soul knew what they were up to.

With Terra resting, and not much to do but wait until landing, the titans logged offline to tend to her while the Equestrians partook in the lunch Rubeus had prepared in the banquet hall.

Pinkie scarfed like crazy, and so did Applejack, and Rainbow.

“Really, what atrocious manners!” scolded Luna.

“Give it a break.” Rainbow protested with her mouth full. “We’ve hardly had any food for a long time and we’re starving!”

Pinkie gave a small belch, and then Applejack gave an even bigger one.

Suddenly, it was Celestia who gave the biggest belch of all from the scarfing she had done. “Excuse me.”

Luna shrugged and joined in the food.

Sunset sat by herself at a table in the corner hardly touching her food.

Twilight and Sci-Twi sat with her.

“Are you okay?” asked Sci-Twi.

Sunset only nodded.

“You know, you don’t really have to do this.” said Twilight. “You don’t have to face Gar in the tournament. You’ve done all you need to do.

You saved me, you saved the world, and you stopped the Malefic World for good.”

Sunset wouldn’t back down. “I know I don’t have to, but I just want to. It’s not really to get back at Gar…” she paused and realized. “Okay, maybe it is. I just have something to prove to him now.”

The two Twilight’s sighed, and Princess Twilight informed her, “Sunset, I know I don’t need to say this but… we can’t change him.

Gar has made it clear that he doesn’t believe in friendship, and further pressuring him only makes it worse.”

Sunset was aware, but she still intended to duel, especially with her deck still having all the new cards she had, including the three extra dragons-- just another one of Rubeus’ little loopholes in the time change.

“It’s not that I’m trying to change him.” said Sunset. “I’m trying to stand up to him. I want to show him that he can’t intimidate me, and that friendship is worth fighting for.”

She paused and gave Twilight a strong look, “…Just like you taught me that.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile sheepishly.

Sci-Twi chuckled, and she said to Sunset, “Whatever you decide, we’re all with you all the way.”

Sunset smiled, and she looked back down at her deck again.

Before long, the airship had landed in Canterlot City, atop Rubeus’ High-Rise headquarters.

Down below, crowds of people were cheering excitedly, and the news crews were covering the story live.

“This is Tracey Flash coming to you live from downtown Canterlot City, where we are about to witness the exciting conclusion of the Friendship Cup Duel Monsters Tournament.”

The shot changed, showing images of the two duelists.

“Sunset Shimmer, a resident student of Canterlot high will duke it out with the master pro-gamer, Masquerade.

Only one duelist will walk away with that One-Million Dollar cash prize and be celebrated as a world-champion duelist.

Most of our fans, however, seem skeptical about who to root for, seeing as Masquerade has a rather unfathomable reputation, but there’s always a first.

Sunset Shimmer must be an exceptional duelist to have made it this far, but can she steal the crown and overthrow her opponent, only time will tell.

For now, let’s head on up to the roof where my colleague, Press Release, is interviewing the brains behind the whole brew-ha, Rubeus Prince.”

The scene changed, and Rubeus was on camera with Press Release.

“Mr. Prince…” the reporter asked, “Can we ask what your thoughts are on this big event you’ve hosted?”

Rubeus politely answered, while keeping his secret, “There is no doubt in my mind, hosting the dueling tournament was a great idea. The publicity alone has given my company great attention and our donations have increased immensely.

I look very forward to seeing these final two duelists give it all they’ve got, as a test of their character as well as dueling skills.”

Press then asked, “But what about your brother, Loki? We have not seen or heard from him. Is everything alright?”

Rubeus remained calm, thankful that his time warp helped everyone forget the adventure, and he simply lied, “My brother was called away. There was some big and important business that required immediate attention.

He shall return… eventually… but I can assure you, that were he here, he would probably learn something from all this as well.”

He softly clutched his brother’s soul card in his pocket. Thankfully, nobody knew about it.

“Ah, here come the two duelists now.”

Sunset and Gar had already exited the airship and were walking along towards the center of the roof where the duel would take place.

The TV cameras were broadcasting live feed all over the world. All the big cities across the globe can watch on large public screens, on their computers, and cellphones.

The rest of the Equestrians were given permission by Rubeus to watch the duel from the sidelines on the roof-- the best seats in the house, and much better than sitting amongst the vast crowds in the streets below.

The Titans had parked their RV in the massive parking lot below-- also with Rubeus’ authority-- and they could see the duel happening on the big screen across the street.

Terra was still unconscious, but her fever had gone down, and her vital signs were normal. She just needed sleep after such a heartbreaking shock.

The Titans had gone out onto the roof to watch the duel.

“This is it.” said Dick. “The absolute final duel.”

Kori was excited and stressed to be watching it, and Dick held his wife’s hand. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope Gar loses.”

Her husband agreed, “If Sunset wins, maybe we can persuade her to let us have some of the million dollars, then we can all try and make a new life for ourselves.”

He also thought nastily, “Plus, it’ll neat to see Gar fall and lose everything he has for a change.”

Raven gave Vic a small look motioning for them to head inside and put their little plan into action.

“I’m going to go check on Terra.” said Vic, excusing himself.

“I need to use the bathroom.” said Raven.

Dick and Kori were fa too preoccupied to even question them as they headed inside.

Once at the computers, Vic began to type up files loaded with information which he intended to unleash to the internet.

Little did they know that Terra was slowly starting to awaken. Her eyes creeped open, and while her vision was still blurry, she thought she could make out Vic and Raven’s shapes, but she was still too weak and tired to make a sound or really get up, so she fell asleep again.

Once the files were ready, all that was left was to hit “Upload.”

Part of Vic still felt a bit horrible doing this, and he struggled to press the button. “I still don’t think is too right.”

Raven just walked right up to the board and hit the button herself. “This is justice. The whole world will thank us for it, and Gar won’t have much else to go or do anymore.”

The upload started at 1%, and ever so slowly began to upload.

“Why is it taking so long?” Raven asked.

Vic checked the connections and systems and concluded, “Everyone’s using the net across the world to watch the duel, that and these files are huge, and we’re sending them to all kinds of internet sites, it’ll take a while, even for my systems. We’ll just have to let it roll on its own.”

Raven struggled to control her impatience. “Fine, as long as it works.”

With nothing left to do, they headed back up onto the roof while the download barely reached 5% and slowly climbed.

Meanwhile, Sunset and Gar approached each other, and were required to give a saluting bow to each other.

“And now…” the referee announced, “Sunset Shimmer… Masquerade… cut and shuffle your opponent’s decks.”

Gar reached into his coat and pulled out a golden deck pack.

The crowds below gasped!

“That’s his Ultimate Deck!”

“He only takes that out for special occasions.”

“He must think this girl’s really tough.”

Sunset almost felt frightened to be shuffling these cards, not knowing what they were.

“Do you think she’s okay?” asked Fluttershy.

“Of course, she isn’t.” replied Rarity “Why if I were facing him, I would… I would…” she couldn’t find the words to finish.

Applejack wasn’t convinced. “Sunset can do this. She’s been through so much; she may even win this on her first move.”

The others were not as enthusiastic as she was.

“Um, Applejack…” Shining Armor said, “I hate to sound discouraging, but you do know who she’s facing.”

Cadance agreed, “Gar is so tough, he just never loses.”

“What?” snapped Rainbow. “…Sure he’s lost before. Remember that duel we had for the semi-finals?”

Sci-Twi, remembering it all, shook her head. “Rainbow, he lost that match on purpose. It doesn’t count.”

Rainbow felt silly, and then she tried another excuse. “What about when he dueled Z-Arc. It was a Draw, so he technically didn’t win that duel either.”

Celestia disagreed, “While a Draw is technically not a win, it isn’t quite a loss either. I’m afraid that doesn’t work either.”

Rainbow could only sulk in embarrassment.

“Ah, come on!” said Pinkie. “Why are we all droopy for. This is just an ordinary duel. There’s nothing much on the line.

So, let’s relax, enjoy the show, and have fun. WHOO!!”

The crowds below were cheering and all enjoying themselves as well.

The Equestrians knew Pinkie was right, and they promised to try.

The two duelists finished shuffling and passed the decks back to each other.

“Let’s get this over with.” said Gar, and he turned to head to the far side of the dueling ring.

Sunset said nothing as she walked over to her spot on the other side, but she did think to herself, “Stay focused. Remember what you’re dueling for—to show that Friendship is still worth fighting for.”

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